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Today’s News: November 17, 2021

Alex Jones guilty in all four Sandy Hook defamation cases

Independent – Alex Jones has been found guilty by default in all four defamation cases brought by the families of victims of the Sandy Hook school shooting tragedy.

A judge in Connecticut issued rulings in a fourth defamation lawsuit brought against the Infowars conspiracy theorist on Tuesday after he failed to produce evidence to support false claims the 2012 mass shooting was a hoax.

The ruling means all four lawsuits brought by the families of 10 Sandy Hook victims in Texas and Connecticut have won defamation cases against Jones.

Conservative-Majority Court Chosen to Decide on Biden’s Private Employer Vaccine Mandate

Epoch Times – An appeals court dominated by Republican-nominated judges was chosen at random Tuesday to deal with the flurry of lawsuits against the Biden administration’s private business COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit was the winner of a lottery that was triggered by multiple appeals courts receiving challenges to the mandate, which was promulgated at the behest of President Joe Biden and would affect every business with 100 or more workers if it’s allowed to take effect. Thirty-four petitions for review, or suits, were filed against the mandate. At least one petition was filed in every single court of appeals in the nation. Federal law says that challenges to a rule in multiple appeals courts shall lead to a lottery, from which one court is picked. That court then handles the cases, which are consolidated. 

Doctors and Nurses Speak on the Consequences of Rejecting Mandatory Vaccination

Epoch Times – Health care workers who cannot take a COVID-19 vaccine due to medical, religious, or ethical objections are being fired from hospitals that mandated the shots for their staff members. Various states and hospitals have mandated the vaccine, as well as the Biden-Harris administration, which issued an emergency regulation that requires all health care workers that work in facilities that provide Medicare & Medicaid services to become fully vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines by Jan. 4. The administration’s mandate does not allow for a testing opt-out or recognize natural immunity as a valid alternative form of protection for these front-line workers, many of which became infected during the height of the pandemic. Dr. Martin Kulldorff, senior scientific director of the Brownstone Institute and co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, previously told The Epoch Times that this approach does not agree with established scientific knowledge or make sense from a medical perspective. 

FBI Whistleblower Claims DOJ Used Counterterrorism Tools Against Parents: Republicans

Epoch Times – An unnamed whistleblower disclosed documents suggesting that the FBI is using its counterterrorism resources to investigate parents or individuals who threaten school board members, teachers, or other staff, according to a letter sent by the House Judiciary GOP dated Tuesday. The GOP letter included copies of the documents allegedly sourced from the FBI whistleblower that included an email sent by Carlton L. Peeples, who serves in the bureau’s Inspection Division, saying that the Counterterrorism and Criminal Division “created a threat tag, EDUOFFICIALS, to track instances of related threats.” “We ask that your offices apply the threat tag to investigations and assessments of threats specifically directed against school board administrators, board members, teachers, and staff,” the email reads. The email was signed by Counterterrorism Division Assistant Director Timothy Langan and then-Criminal Division assistant director Calvin Shivers. 

Teen Sues New Hampshire School Over Punishment for ‘Only Two Genders’ Comment

Epoch Times – A New Hampshire student is suing his high school for violating his right to free speech and religious beliefs after being disciplined for stating there are only two genders. The freshman and football player for the school, identified as “M.P.” in the lawsuit, received a one-game suspension for violating the school district’s transgender student policy. The student made the comments on a school bus and then later in a text exchange with another student off school grounds. The student’s attorney, Ian Huyett of the Manchester-based Cornerstone Policy Research, said his client is seeking permanent relief from the school policy under protections for free speech and religious belief in the state constitution. Huyett said the student is a practicing Catholic and has the constitutional right to hold the belief that there are only two genders. 

Herd Immunity Against COVID-19 ‘May Not Be Possible’: CDC

Epoch Times – Herd immunity against the virus that causes COVID-19 may be impossible to reach, a federal health official said in little-noticed remarks earlier this month. “We would discourage a strict goal of a threshold where we think if we reach that, that community transmission will then cease,” Dr. Jefferson Jones, a medical officer on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 Epidemiology Task Force told a panel of the agency’s vaccine advisers. “I think thinking that we will be able to achieve some kind of threshold where there’ll be no more transmission of infections may not be possible,” Jones said. Herd immunity, or community immunity, refers to a situation where a certain percentage of a population has immunity against an infectious disease. Immunity can come from vaccination or prior illness. 

Rep. Jackie Speier Becomes the Latest House Democrat to Retire

Epoch Times – Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) announced she will not seek reelection in 2022, adding to the list of Democrats who are not seeking reelection. In a video posted on Twitter Tuesday, Speier confirmed that “today, I am announcing that I will not be a candidate for reelection to Congress in 2022” and conceded that it is “time for me to come home, time for me to be more than a weekend wife, mother, and friend.” Having represented California’s 14th District—which includes much of the San Francisco Peninsula—since 2008, Speier currently sits on the powerful House Intelligence Committee and the Committee on Armed Services. Notably, she was involved in the first impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump starting in late 2019. In the late 1970s, Speier, when she was working as a congressional aide, was shot five times when former Rep. Leo Ryan (D-Calif.) was assassinated in Jonestown, Guyana, 

Florida’s Social Media Bill Is Unconstitutional

CATO Institute – In May of this year, Florida enacted a law imposing severe restrictions on the editorial freedom of large social media platforms. The law requires such platforms to display any and all posts by registered political candidates and “journalistic enterprises,” even if such posts violate the platforms’ rules of conduct. The law also allows platforms to be sued under a claim that they have not treated posts “consistently,” exposing them to liability of up to $100,000 per post.

NetChoice, a trade association of online businesses, brought a First Amendment suit in federal court against Florida, arguing that the law infringes on private platforms’ right to exercise editorial discretion over the content they host. The district court ruled in favor of NetChoice and preliminarily enjoined the law. Florida appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, and Cato has now filed an amicus brief supporting NetChoice.

In the brief, we argue that although social media may be a relatively new medium, long‐​established First Amendment principles apply to this case. Platforms have a First Amendment right to select and organize the content they host, just as newspapers and book publishers have a right to select the editorials and manuscripts they print. And platforms likewise have a right to decline to host content, a right that Florida has infringed in multiple ways.

Your Driver’s License Will Become a Vaccine Passport

Mercola – U.S. states are increasingly rolling out digitized versions of driver’s licenses that “go way beyond what a driver’s license is about”.

An international standard for mobile drivers’ licenses and mobile IDs was approved for publication August 18, 2021, clearing the way for global use.

Mobile IDs will act as a digital identity that will ultimately tie in to retail, health care, law enforcement and travel sectors.

Ultimately, the IDs will also act as vaccine passports, making it easy to display whether you’ve gotten a COVID-19 injection — and any other future injections that come about — in order to go about your daily life.

Some have speculated that the introduction of digital IDs and vaccine passports in the U.S. is laying the infrastructure for a social credit system like the one being used in China.

Vaccination Status Is Temporary, Boosters for Life Required

Mercola – Major health organizations across the world have changed several definitions of medical terms, including the definitions for “vaccine,” “herd immunity” and “pandemic,” which in turn have a significant impact on everyday life. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now considering changing the definition of “fully vaccinated”.

Israel and Australia have already pushed back the goal post. Citizens must get a booster at six months after their second jab or lose all “passport freedoms.” Australian premier Daniel Andrews has actually stated that, going forward, life for the vaccinated will “be about the maintenance of your vaccination status”.

Updating the definition of “fully vaccinated” will also have the side effect of skewing mortality statistics, giving government another round of ammunition for false claims. We’ve been repeatedly told that we’re now in a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and this lie will gain new traction once fully vaccinated people are dropped into the unvaccinated category, six months after their last dose.

The National Basketball Association is urging players who got a single-dose Janssen shot as recently as two months ago to get a Pfizer or Moderna booster, or face game-day testing starting December 1, 2021. Players who completed a two-dose regimen are being told to get a booster at the six-month mark.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is already talking about expanding its COVID-19 vaccine rule, so that small businesses with fewer than 100 employees may also be required to force the jab on their employees or face stiff fines. The public comment period closes December 6, 2021

Rep. Jim Jordan: Email Shows FBI Using ‘Counterterrorism Tools’ Against ‘Concerned Parents’

Daily Signal – The top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee is asking Attorney General Merrick Garland about his October testimony to that same committee, citing a document unearthed by a whistleblower that shows the FBI started using a specific tag to track threats related to schools.

“We are now in receipt of a protected disclosure from a [Justice] Department whistleblower showing that the FBI’s counterterrorism division is compiling and categorizing threat assessments related to parents, including a document directing FBI personnel to use a specific ‘threat tag’ to track potential investigations,” writes Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, in a Nov. 16 letter to Garland.

“This disclosure provides specific evidence that federal law enforcement operationalized counterterrorism tools at the behest of a left-wing special-interest group against concerned parents,” Jordan adds, referring to the National School Boards Association.

In a Sept. 29 letter to President Joe Biden, the association, which has now apologized for the language in the letter, wrote, “America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat,” and requested “federal law enforcement and other assistance to deal with the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation.”

FDA to Decide on Pfizer Booster Shots Without Hearing From Expert Panel That Rejected Earlier Bid

Epoch Times – U.S. drug regulators will decide whether to greenlight booster doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for all Americans 16 or older without convening its expert vaccine advisory panel, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed to The Epoch Times on Wednesday. FDA’s acting head and other top Biden administration officials said earlier this year that booster doses should be given to all because of waning vaccine efficacy against the virus that causes COVID-19. But the advisory panel recommended boosters only for certain groups, arguing the data did not support widespread second and third doses. That panel, though, won’t get a chance to weigh in as regulators consider Pfizer’s Nov. 9 request. “The FDA does not plan to hold a meeting of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) on Pfizer’s request to amend their emergency use authorization to include the use of a single booster dose for all individuals 

RFK Jr.: COVID shot deadlier than ‘all vaccines combined’

Activist Post – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson Nov. 15, 2021 (Screen capture)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., known for his activism against vaccines of all kinds, drew sharp rebukes from critics when he claimed in an interview with Tucker Carlson that the COVID-19 vaccines are deadlier than all vaccines combined over the past 30 years.

Kennedy, in a segment of a Fox Nation interview that Carlson aired on his nightly Fox News program Monday, cited data from the Centers for Disease Control’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, known as VAERS.

“There have been 17,000 deaths reported to VAERS from the COVID vaccines,” said Kennedy, the son of the former attorney general and New York senator and the nephew of President John F. Kennedy.

“And that’s more, in the last eight months, than all vaccines – the billions and billions of vaccines – combined over the past 30 years. This vaccine appears to be killing more people than all vaccines combined.”

Health and Human Services points out that a VAERS report is not documentation that a link has been established between a vaccine and an adverse event. However, HHS also notes that VAERS is a “passive” system of reporting, and it “receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events.”

Many health care workers have disclosed they are instructed by their superiors not to report to VAERS any harm caused by COVID vaccines.

Mexican President Threatens U.S. Congressmen to Support Amnesty for 11 Million Migrants

Breitbart – Mexico’s President issued a veiled threat to Republican congressmen who oppose an immigration deal to grant citizenship to 11 million migrants who illegally entered the U.S. Politicians who oppose the forthcoming plan will be singled out and denounced during daily press briefings, he said.

Hawley: Advocates of Critical Race Theory Live in an Alternate Universe, Alternate America

Breitbart – Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) touted his legislation that would protect parental rights and parents’ abilities to attend school board meetings as radical subjects like Critical Race Theory are being introduced into the curriculum.

New Home Construction Slows And Falls Short of Expectations Amid Shortages and Bidenflation

Breitbart – Homebuilders started construction on fewer new homes in October, defying expectations that rising real estate prices would amp up construction.

Housing starts, which measure the start of construction of a new home, fell to a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 1.52 million last month, Census Bureau data showed Wednesday. September’s starts were revised down 1.53 million from the preliminary estimate of 1.55 million.

The October starts were 0.7 percent lower than September and only 0.4 percent above the year ago level.

Single-family starts, where the housing market has been the hottest, were even more sluggish. The rate fell to 1.039 million, a 3.9 percent contraction from the 1.081 million in September.

Builders may be slowing construction because of shortages of materials and labor. Although the extreme rise in lumber prices seen this spring and summer has retreated, prices of many building materials remain high and firms across the economy say hiring workers is difficult.

In a sign that builders remain optimistic about the housing market, permit applications for new construction jumped four percent to an annual rate of 1.65 million and single family permits rose 2.7 percent to 1.069 million. An index of homebuilder sentiment published Tuesday showed an unexpected improvement in confidence in October.

Minnesota Woman Fights for Freedom of Her Husband and Three Sons After Being Raided Over Jan. 6 Protest

Gateway Pundit – The political witch hunt against January 6 protesters has led to a Minnesota woman fighting for the freedom of her husband and three sons.

Speaking to the Gateway Pundit, Rosemarie Westbury described the nightmare her family has been enduring since they traveled to DC to stand up for what they believed in.

Rosemarie’s husband Robert Westbury, 62, their sons Isaac Westbury, 19, Jonah Westbury, 26, and Aaron James, 35, have all since been arrested in no-knock raids. She was also present in DC that day, but did not enter the building and has not been charged.

“We really felt a strong pull, I suppose we were there for President Donald Trump — but it was more than that. I felt the call of God to bring us there. When we went there, it wasn’t for any purpose but to stand for what is right, what is good, what is holy, and what is true. That’s why we were there,” she told the Gateway Pundit. “We were there to stand against what we still believe was a debacle in November 2020. We were there to voice our First Amendment right to stand and say ‘no.’”

The mother also described meeting Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes and believing that there was something “off” about a man that was standing with him. She described him wearing a mask and having his ears covered — and said that she thought at the time that he seemed like he was not there for the right reasons.

“He seemed out of place. The thought went into my mind, ‘I don’t think he’s with us.’ Was he an FBI agent? I don’t know, but he seemed like he was doing everything in his power to not be recognized,” she explained.

Initially, the FBI reached out to the Westburys in February to “talk and ask Jonah Westbury some questions regarding January 6th.” 

The Westburys have said that they knew of the ongoing political battle over the protest, so they decided to obtain an attorney to speak on their behalf to the FBI. Once they hired an attorney, the FBI stopped reaching out and went “radio silent.” They also refused to accept calls or messages from the family or their legal team.

On April 10, the FBI executed a no-knock raid on Jonah, who was renting an apartment attached to the family home — but with it’s own separate entrance. The agents entered the home at 6:30 a.m. using a battering ram to break through the door “and began to clear the house in a close quarter combat style,” according to his mother.

The agents did not only enter the apartment, however. They went room by room throughout the main house, kicking in each door and sticking rifles in the faces of the family as they laid in bed in terror. They did this despite knowing from their conversation in February that he lived in his own separate rental unit on the property.

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