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Today’s News: November 17, 2022


Poland, NATO Say Blast on Polish Territory Likely Caused by Ukrainian Air Defense Not Russian Missile

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in separate remarks on Wednesday that the deadly blast on Polish territory near its border with Ukraine was most likely caused by a Ukrainian air defense missile rather than one fired by Russian forces.

Duda said that there’s “no indication that this was an intentional attack on Poland,” according to a statement on Twitter by his office.

He added that the missile that landed near the Polish town of Przewodow, killing two and stoking fears that the Russia-Ukraine conflict could escalate and pull NATO into the war, was most likely a Russian-made S-300.

Missiles of this type are used by Ukraine as part of its air defense system, which was active amid a barrage of Russian missile strikes in western Ukraine.

“We have no evidence at this time that this missile was fired by Russian forces,” Duda continued, adding that “there are many indications that the missile came from [Ukraine’s] air defense, which unfortunately fell on Polish territory.”

White House: Ukrainian Missile Landed in Poland, Russia Ultimately at Fault

The White House on Wednesday blamed Russia after officials confirmed a Ukrainian missile landed and exploded in Poland, triggering a flurry of discussions and emergency meetings on Tuesday.

“We have seen nothing that contradicts President [Andrezj] Duda’s preliminary assessment that this explosion was most likely the result of a Ukrainian air defense missile that unfortunately landed in Poland,” National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a statement.

“That said, whatever the final conclusions may be, it is clear that the party ultimately responsible for this tragic incident is Russia, which launched a barrage of missiles on Ukraine specifically intended to target civilian infrastructure. Ukraine had—and has—every right to defend itself,” Watson added.

NATO officials and the Polish government confirmed that the missile was of Ukrainian origin and wasn’t a Russian attack. Anonymously sourced reports on Tuesday indicated that the missile was fired by Russia before it landed in a Polish border village, killing two people.

Moscow: Ukraine and ‘Russophobic’ Poland Tried to Provoke ‘Direct Clash Between Russia and NATO’

Russia has accused Ukraine and “Poland’s Russophobic government” of trying to provoke a “direct clash between Russia and NATO” over what was likely an accidental Ukrainian missile strike on Polish territory.

Russia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, complained at a UN Security Council meeting of “the attempts of Ukraine and Poland to provoke a direct clash between Russia and NATO” after two Poles were killed by a blast in the Polish border town of Przewodów.

Globalism Enshrined: UK ‘Conservatives’ Impose Highest Tax Burden Since World War II, Double Down on WEF Climate Agenda

Britain’s finance minister said that Britons must “face into the storm” as he announced a swath of new taxes and spending cuts, supposedly to shore up the nation’s finances while somehow still stimulating growth, as the country faces the prospect of the longest recession in recorded history.

Jeremy Hunt, the self-styled “Scrooge” Chancellor of the Exchequer, addressed the House of Commons on Thursday morning to announce the plans for his autumn budget, in which he put forward the largest package of tax hikes and spending cuts in over a decade to fill the so-called “black hole” of £55 billion in public finances created in large part during the series of government coronavirus lockdowns, which he personally championed — indeed, he lobbied for harsher measures along the lines of Communist China.


Tom Brady, Larry David, other celebrities named in FTX suit

A host of Hollywood and sports celebrities including Larry David and Tom Brady were named as defendants in a class-action lawsuit against cryptocurrency exchange FTX, arguing that their celebrity status made them culpable for promoting the firm’s failed business model. FTX has been in the public eye for more than a week, after the third-largest cryptocurrency exchange ended up with billions of dollars worth of losses and had to seek bankruptcy protection on Friday. The Bahamas-based company and its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, are under investigation by state and federal authorities for allegedly investing depositors funds in ventures without their approval. Lawmakers also announced plans to investigate the failure of FTX, with the House Financial Services Committee saying it plans to hold a hearing on FTX in December.

>> View Garrison-V-ftx-sdcf-miami.pdf

INFOGRAPHIC: Arizona Vote Counting Timeline—Hobbs Vs. Lake

Senate Republicans Reelect Mitch McConnell as Leader, Reject Scott’s Bid

Senate Republicans on Nov. 16 reelected Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) as the top GOP senator, rejecting a challenge from Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.).

McConnell easily swatted back the challenge from Scott in the first-ever attempt to oust him after 15 years as GOP leader.

The vote was 37–10, senators said, with one senator voting present. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) missed the vote.

“I’m not going anywhere,” McConnell, 80, said after the vote.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) was one of the 10 who voted for Scott and against McConnell.

“Why do I think he won? Because the conference didn’t want to change course,” Hawley said.


12 Senate Republicans Vote With Democrats for Far-Left ‘Respect for Marriage Act’

Twelve Senate Republicans voted with Democrats on Wednesday for the far-left “Respect for Marriage Act,” which is reportedly designed to provide federal protections for same-sex and interracial marriages.

Lawmakers voted for the measure 62-37 after a bipartisan group of senators made changes to the bill to include a clause about religious liberty. With the amendment agreed upon, the bill will go back to the House before going to President Joe Biden. The White House has expressed support for the measure.

Republicans Take Control of House of Representatives

The GOP has won 218 seats needed to gain control of the House of Representatives after winning key races in the midterm elections.

Republicans held onto a number of swing districts and notched surprising victories in others, flipping seats in states like Arizona, New York, and Oregon.

“Republicans have officially flipped the People’s House! Americans are ready for a new direction, and House Republicans are ready to deliver,” Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the House minority leader, said in a statement.

Senate Votes to End COVID Emergency; Biden Says He’ll Veto If House Passes

The Senate voted on Nov. 15 to terminate the COVID-19 national emergency that was first declared during the Trump administration and has been extended repeatedly during the Biden administration.

The Senate passed a measure in a 62–36 bipartisan vote to end the emergency, which was initially declared on March 13, 2020.

Thirteen Democrats sided with Republicans to approve the resolution, while all the “no” votes were from Democrats. Sens. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) and Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) didn’t vote.

“It has now been more than two and a half years since this first-issued proclamation declaring the national emergency concerning declaration and been extended twice by President Biden since the initial declaration, most recently February of this year,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), who sponsored the resolution, said on the Senate floor.

“It is with this national emergency declaration, in tandem with other additional powers currently invoked by the president, which this administration is manipulating to super size government powers. And now it’s obvious they need these powers to continue their spending spree to enact their radical partisan agenda and grow government dependency through further expansion of our welfare state.”

Pennsylvania House Votes to Impeach Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner

Pennsylvania House members debated passionately on Nov. 16 before voting to impeach Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, saying he violated his oath of office by enforcing policies that have been a direct cause of rising crime in Philadelphia.

The next step is for the state Senate to conduct a trial, in which a two-thirds vote is required to remove Krasner.

Krasner—a Democrat whose campaign was funded in part by billionaire George Soros—was accused of declining to prosecute many drug, theft, and prostitution cases and implementing bail policies that soon put violent offenders back on the street, often to offend again. Statistics show that gun crimes and homicides are up. Meanwhile, between Jan. 1, 2021, and Oct. 16, 2022, 992 people died by homicide in Philadelphia, according to a report about crime in the city.

Democrats’ Mail-In Voting Strategy Outmaneuvered Republicans in Every Pennsylvania County

The Democrat strategy of using mail-in ballots to vote played a pivotal role in last week’s election results. Pennsylvania Republicans are talking amongst themselves about how to react in the next election. Republicans have two views: get rid of mail-in voting—which seems unlikely with more elected Democrats in power—or learn how Democrats got an avalanche of mail-in votes and employ the same strategy.

The Epoch Times asked the Pennsylvania GOP to discuss the 2022 results and its strategy regarding mail-in ballots in future elections, but it chose not to participate in this story. Pennsylvania Democrats were also asked to comment on their mail-in strategy but did not respond.

In stump speeches and on social media, Pennsylvania Democrats actively encouraged voters to vote by mail in the days before the election. Often supporters would tweet at a candidate that they just mailed in their ballot.

Gingrich on Trump’s 2024 Bid: Trump Will ‘Do Very, Very Well’ If He Focuses on FutureFormer House Speaker Newt Gingrich says that former President Donald Trump would have a good shot in his third presidential bid if he puts his focus on the future rather than the past.

The former president, after months of hinting at a 2024 run, formally announced his bid on Nov. 15 in a prime-time speech at his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida, outlining a vision for “America’s comeback” that includes stronger foreign policy, lower taxes, fewer regulations, and supply chain independence.

Gingrich, a contributor to The Epoch Times, thought that the tone and the substance of the speech were “very positive” and “moved him in the right direction.”

“If he is a candidate focused on the future, and he’s a candidate focused on big solutions, and he’s a candidate focused on bringing us together, he will do very, very well,” Gingrich told The Epoch Times.

On the other hand, arguing over the 2020 election outcome and “being divisive” would be counterproductive to Trump’s campaign, Gingrich said.

Pence on Trump 2024: ‘It’s Time for New Leadership’

Former Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday during a CNN town hall event that it is time for new leadership when asked about former President Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential run.

Pence said, “Let me just say that it was a great honor for me to be part of the Trump/ Pence administration. In four short years, we reviled the economy, unleashed American energy, appointed conservatives to our courts at every level. But in the end, our administration did not end well. And I write about that in my book. But, as I’ve traveled across the country over the last year and a half, one thing I’ve heard over and over again, whether it’s at the grocery store in Indiana or traveling around the country, is people want us to get back to the policies of the Trump/Pence administration.”

He continued, “They want to see America strong and prosperous in advancing the policies that we advance that left America more secure. And 7 million American jobs created. But the other thing that I’ve heard consistently is that the American people are looking for new leadership, leadership that will unite our country around our highest ideals, leadership that will reflect the civility and respect that most Americans have for one another.”

DeSantis Declines to Address 2024 Speculation: ‘Chill Out’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was again asked about a possible rivalry between himself and President Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential race.

“We just finished this election, people just need to chill out a little bit,” DeSantis said at a news conference Wednesday in response to questions about Trump’s announcement on Tuesday. “We have this Georgia runoff coming, it’s very important for Republicans to win that Georgia runoff. I mean, I know around the country, Florida was kind of the biggest bright spot, it was not so bright in other parts of the country.”

Trump, in his speech, did not mention DeSantis or any other possible Republican primary challengers. Namely, he mentioned President Joe Biden’s policies and what he described as failures.

Ivanka Trump Says She Doesn’t ‘Plan to Be Involved in Politics’

Ivanka Trump, the daughter of former President Donald Trump, has said she won’t “be involved in politics,” shortly after her father on Tuesday night announced his campaign to run again for president in 2024.

“I love my father very much. This time around, I am choosing to prioritize my young children and the private life we are creating as a family. I do not plan to be involved in politics,” Ivanka Trump told Fox News.

“While I will always love and support my father, going forward, I will do so outside the political arena. I am grateful to have had the honor of serving the American people and will always be proud of many of our administration’s accomplishments.”

Hobbs’s Lead Over Lake Narrows in Arizona Gubernatorial Race

Republican Kari Lake has narrowed Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs’s lead in the state’s race for governor in a Nov. 15 update.

Hobbs’s lead of 19,382 narrowed to 17,249, according to unofficial results from the office of Hobbs, a Democrat, based on new reports from Maricopa County and other jurisdictions. Hobbs gained nearly 9,700 votes in the new tranche, while Lake gained 11,829.

Hobbs now has 1.276 million votes, while Lake now has 1.259 million. The margin between the candidates is about 0.6 percent, close to recount territory.

Under a new Arizona law, a recount is triggered if the margin is at or below 0.5 percent when all the votes are counted.

Some 27,545 uncounted ballots remain, according to the office of Hobbs, who is Arizona’s top election official. That estimate may not be reliable, however—the estimate was 28,033 before the latest count, but more than 20,000 votes were reported.

According to the estimate, 11 Arizona counties have ballots that need counting. Maricopa County, with 12,277, has the most uncounted ballots.

Cruz Criticizes McConnell for ‘Abandoning’ Blake Masters in Arizona Senate Race

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Republicans missed a “generational opportunity” to retake Congress in the midterm elections, and criticized Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for placing personal politics above the party’s best interests.

“We had an extraordinary opportunity. We had a generational opportunity. This should have been a fundamental landslide election,” Cruz said on his podcast “Verdict with Ted Cruz” on Nov. 14.

Cruz added: “We should have won the House and the Senate. We should have a 30, 40, 50-vote majority in the House. We should have 53, 54, 55 Republicans in the Senate.”

Republicans lost control of the Senate after suffering losses in Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. The GOP is still expected to gain control of the House, though with only a slim majority.

After several races were called Monday night, Republicans are one seat away from the 218-seat majority needed to take control of the House. There are 13 uncalled races left.

Cruz criticized McConnell for the failure of the Republicans to win Arizona’s Senate race with GOP candidate Blake Masters.

“Mitch McConnell pulled the money out of Arizona. We could have won Arizona. We nearly won Arizona. And abandoning Blake Masters was indefensible,” Cruz said.

Vaccine-Related Bills Reach Record High in US

More vaccine-related legislation has been filed in state legislatures across the U.S. in 2022 than in any other year

During the 2022 legislative session, NVIC analyzed, tracked and issued positions on an unprecedented 875 vaccine-related bills in 44 states and the District of Columbia

This was the highest number of bills monitored in the history of NVIC’s state-based legislative advocacy program, which was established in 2010; it’s close to four times the number of vaccine-related bills proposed in a single year in state legislatures

The 2022 legislative session featured 475 bills worthy of NVIC’s support; another 214 bills were marked as a bill to “watch;” these may have been well-intentioned but contained problems that could be fixed with amendments

No state legislatures passed bills with COVID-19 mandates or mandating any type of vaccine; 25 states passed some form of protective language that prohibits COVID-19 vaccine passports or COVID-19 vaccine mandates in some capacity

Now more than ever, it is critical that people continue to be involved in the legislative process at all levels of city, county, state and federal government


Thanksgiving Dinner Will Cost 20 Percent More This Year as Inflation Bites

Families can expect to pay 20 percent more to host a Thanksgiving dinner this year as food inflation continues to climb, the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) stated in a new report.

According to the group’s 37th annual survey, the average cost of a Thanksgiving feast for 10 will be $64.05, or about $6.50 per person. This is up 20 percent, or $10.74, from last year.

The price for a 16-pound turkey surged 21 percent year-over-year to $28.96, driven by a wide range of factors, including the bird flu, diesel prices, labor shortages, and the cost of animal feed.

Housing News Report – November 2022  (CLICK TO VIEW … From ATTOM DATA)


New York Federal Reserve To Test Digital Dollar With Big Banks

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and major banks will launch a three-month test of a digital dollar in hopes of studying its feasibility.

The initiative was announced by the regional Federal Reserve bank and nearly a dozen financial institutions on Tuesday. A news release referred to the experiment as a “proof-of-concept project” in which the banks will work with the Fed’s New York Innovation Center to simulate digital money representing the deposits of their own customers and settle them through simulated Fed reserves on a distributed ledger.

“The [project] will also test the feasibility of a programmable digital money design that is potentially extensible to other digital assets, as well as the viability of the proposed system within existing laws and regulations,” according to the news release.

The news comes as cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have exploded to prominence in the mainstream financial world. While the flagship cryptocurrency bitcoin peaked a year ago and has since been in precipitous decline, the technology behind such tokens has attracted interest from not only private financial institutions but also central banks across the globe.


Mass Exodus Of Doctors And Nurses May Lead To Total Collapse Of The U.S. Medical System

I’m a practicing ER nurse of 25 years. The amount of blood clots, strokes, cardiac events like myocarditis/pericarditis, Bell’s Palsy, shingles, etc. that I’ve seen since the vaccine rollout is more than I’ve ever seen in the previous 23.5 years combined.

I don’t know how anyone can’t be frightened by what we are seeing. When I try to discuss this with my coworkers, they turn their heads and look downcast, but will rarely speak.

I think it’s because like me, they feel betrayed for following the narrative, but unlike me they won’t open their eyes and speak out (they’re afraid for their careers and also are scared to death that their bodies are ticking time bombs). It’s easier to ignore than to acknowledge. – Susan Pace, Medscape

1 in 5 Young Adults Dies From Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Deaths attributed to excessive alcohol consumption in the U.S. are trending upward. Between 2015 and 2019, 1 in 5 deaths (20.3%) in the 20- to 49-year age group was related to excessive alcohol intake. The percentage of men dying from excess alcohol consumption (15%) was higher than that of women (9.4%), but both are on the rise

Common types of alcohol-related deaths include alcohol poisoning, motor vehicle accidents, suicides, falls and alcohol-related liver disease or pancreas failure

Other data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest the rate of deaths directly attributed to alcohol rose by more than 25% in 2020, the first year of the pandemic, when many were self-isolating and working from home. The trend continued into 2021, by then up 34% from prepandemic levels

Researchers have established a clear link between isolation, loneliness and alcohol abuse and addiction so, clearly, health officials did not have public health in mind when they declared liquor stores to be an “essential business” during the pandemic, while churches, gyms and even parks and beaches were shut down

Two alcoholic drinks per day or less for men and one drink or less for women is considered “moderate” consumption. Binge drinking is defined as having five or more alcoholic drinks on a single occasion for men, or four or more for women. A “drink” is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor

Daily Aspirin — Healthy or Harmful? Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked

Prophylactic aspirin use in adults over the age of 70 is potentially harmful, primarily due to the increased risk of bleeding in this age group. Long-term low-dose aspirin therapy nearly doubles your risk for gastrointestinal bleeding

In adults younger than 40, there is insufficient evidence to judge the risk-benefit ratio of routine aspirin for the primary prevention of heart disease

While daily aspirin is still recommended for people with heart disease to lower the risk of another heart attack or stroke, previous studies have cast doubt on the effectiveness of this approach as well

You may be able to achieve the same kind of cardiovascular protection by donating blood. The bleeding caused by aspirin may be part of why it lowers your risk of heart attack and stroke, as bleeding will lower your iron level. People taking seven aspirins per week have been shown to have 25% lower mean serum ferritin than nonusers

Other aspirin alternatives include nattokinase and lumbrokinase, both of which are potent thrombolytics, comparable to aspirin without the serious side effects. They break down blood clots and reduce the risk of serious clotting by dissolving excess fibrin, improving circulation and decreasing blood viscosity

Nurse Fired for Opposing ‘Implicit Bias’ Training Now Fighting Divisive Ideology in Health Care

Laura Morgan has complied with annual training requirements in the medical field for years, from privacy protocols and compliance regulations to ethics guidelines. But when one session asked her to acknowledge her “racial, unconscious bias,” she had to dissent.

“The whole premise is that I must look at patients through a racial instead of a clinical lens,” Morgan told The Epoch Times.

Her implicit bias training at Baylor Scott & White Health in Texas asked her to challenge a bias that she and all others who attended were assumed to have within them.

“We do not think about ourselves as being racist or ageist or biased against others,” said one of the slides in the presentation (pdf). “But what about the biases we are not aware of?”


Don’t forget to register for the Long Covid Reset event: 



Beyond Censorship: Destroying Dissenters Through Cyberwarfare

Estimates suggest China has stolen between $200 billion and $600 billion in trade secrets and intellectual property every year for the last two decades. The end game of all this cyber espionage is to rule the world

The globalist cabal that seeks to “reset” the world intends to replicate the Chinese surveillance and control system worldwide, but whether they’ll actually allow the Chinese to rule their New World Order is up for debate

Cyberattacks and hacking have become a primary business, but cyberwarfare is also being used on the national level to destroy dissenters of the NWO. Right now, they’re primarily censoring inconvenient truths about all things relating to COVID, but in the future, they will silence discussion on any topic that threatens undemocratic rule by globalists

When hackers destroyed my website and email servers, they clearly had no intenti


6-Year-Old Got an Abortion in 1972—But 50 Years Later Calls Overturning of Roe ‘A Gift’ From God

She was only 16, pregnant, and scared.

It was 1972. That teen was Christie Ballor.

Now 67, Ballor still lives in Alliance, Ohio, where she was born. She recalled her road to recovery from having an abortion at a young age—and now witnessing Roe’s historic overturning a full 50 years later.

Her parents didn’t know better. Lacking guidance, Ballor conceived out of wedlock with her then boyfriend and, fear-driven, she visited a Canton Planned Parenthood where she was told her unborn baby was just a “lump of cells,” like a “tumor.”

She now agonizes over how foolish she was.

“I look back and I think, ‘How could I believe something like that?’” she told the newspaper. “This was not something that was sometimes said; it’s been said over and over and over. They stopped saying it publicly so much because there’s so much science that they have to refute, but one-on-one? Oh yeah.”

Tossing in the words “and no one will ever know” feigned the escape she (like other scared young women) was looking for.


Will You Survive the ‘Tripledemic’?

According to mainstream media, hospitalizations for respiratory infections are on the rise and “experts” warn of a potential “tripledemic” this winter, as COVID, seasonal influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are all in circulation

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports a 1% increase in new admissions of patients with confirmed COVID-19. Maine — which has one of the nation’s highest COVID jab rates — has the most COVID hospitalizations. RSV cases are also unseasonably high

“Health experts” are now calling for voluntary indoor masking again, even though all the evidence garnered over the past three years confirms that face masks cannot prevent viral infection and spread

The first-ever RSV vaccines are now in the pipeline, directed at pregnant women, newborns and seniors. Some of them are based on mRNA technology

No vaccine for RSV has ever been successfully developed before, because the vaccines had a persistent tendency to cause worse disease, a phenomenon known as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)


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The 77 chapters—each beginning with a list of major policy recommendations—offer issue‐​by‐​issue blueprints for promoting individual liberty, free markets, and peace. Providing both in‐​depth analysis and concrete recommendations, Cato’s Handbook is an invaluable resource for policymakers and anyone else interested in securing liberty and limiting government.

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