June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: November 19, 2019

World News

‘We’re desperate to buy anything’: Bolivians go hungry as protests snarl cities
Reuters – Bolivians are starting to feel the pinch of weeks-long turmoil roiling the South American country, with fuel shortages mounting and grocery stores short of basic goods as supporters of unseated leader Evo Morales blockade key transport routes.
In the highland seat of government La Paz, roads have grown quiet as people preserve gasoline, with long queues for food staples. People lined up with gas canisters next to the blocked Senkata fuel plant in nearby El Alto on Tuesday.
“Unfortunately this has been going on for 3-4 weeks, so people are desperate to buy everything they find,” said Ema Lopez, 81, a retiree in La Paz. The country has been in turmoil since a disputed Oct. 20 election.
Daniel Castro, a 63-year-old worker in the city, blamed Morales, who resigned earlier this month amid rising pressure over vote-rigging allegations after an international audit found serious irregularities in the leftist leader’s poll win.
Sweden drops Assange rape investigation after nearly 10 years
Reuters – A Swedish prosecutor dropped a rape investigation against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, ending the near decade-old case that had sent the anti-secrecy campaigner into hiding in London’s Ecuadorian embassy to avoid extradition.
Although the prosecutor’s decision can be appealed, it probably closes the case, which was launched in 2010. The accuser’s lawyer said she was studying whether to appeal it.
AP – A small band of anti-government protesters, their numbers diminished by surrenders and failed escape attempts, remained holed up at a Hong Kong university early Wednesday as they braced for the endgame in a police siege of the campus.
Police were waiting them out after 10 days of some of the most intense protests the city has seen in more than five months of often-violent unrest gripping the semi-autonomous Chinese city. Since the siege began Sunday, more than 1,000 people were arrested and hundreds of injured treated at hospitals, authorities said.
The government has stood firm, rejecting most of the protesters’ demands. The demonstrators shut down major roads and trains during rush hour every day last week as they turned several university campuses into fortresses and blocked a major road tunnel, which remained closed Tuesday.
Hong Kong campus holdouts desperately seek escape routes
Reuters – Anti-government protesters holed up in a Hong Kong university searched for escape routes on Tuesday after more than two days of clashes with police, dramatic breakouts by rope and motorcycle and more than 1,000 arrests in 24 hours.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

EXCLUSIVE – President Trump makes unscheduled stop at military hospital to undergo battery of tests for possible deliberate poisoning of food with “time delayed” chemical agent; food tester gravely ill – White House connected source
Exclusive Natural News report via Alex Jones at InfoWars.com) – The President’s unscheduled stop at the Walter Reed military hospital on Saturday involved a battery of tests to determine whether the President was exposed to a chemical agent that is suspected of being introduced into his food, says a White House connected source who shared detailed with Alex Jones of InfoWars.com.
“Medical staff at Walter Reed did not get a staff-wide notice about a presidential visit to the medical center in Bethesda, Maryland, ahead of Trump’s arrival, according to that source,” reports Fox59.com. “Typically, Walter Reed’s medical staff would get a general notice about a “VIP” visit to the medical center ahead of a presidential visit, notifying them of certain closures at the facility. That did not happen this time, indicating the visit was a non-routine visit and scheduled last minute.”
This action was initiated by the sudden onset of symptoms experienced by the President’s food tester, who was reported stricken with such severe symptoms that urgent medical tests were conducted on that that person while the President was diverted to Walter Reed for a priority medical examination involving a battery of chemical tests.
“The President’s motorcade drove to the medical center unannounced, with reporters under direction not to report his movement until they arrived Saturday at Walter Reed.,” reports Fox59. “A separate source familiar with the situation described Trump’s visit as ‘abnormal,’ but added that Trump, 73, appeared to be in good health late Friday.”
Fox59 confirms that Trump needed tests which were not available at the White House clinic facility, saying, “Several experts familiar with White House medical procedures said that Trump can get routine labwork done at the White House’s on-site clinic, indicating Trump needed tests that can’t be done there.”
According to the White House connected source who spoke directly with Alex Jones, chemical testing confirmed the presence of a molecular byproduct of a potential toxin, although it is important to note that molecular byproducts can come from many different sources and it’s not always possible to determine the molecular structure of the original molecule from which the byproduct was derived.
The President is reportedly fine and did not experience the same symptoms that are reported to have overcome the food tester.
We currently do not know the condition of the food tester. No additional details have been made public about which tests were conducted on the President and what chemical byproduct was found.
AP -One top national security aide who listened to President Donald Trump’s July call with Ukraine’s president called it “improper.” Another said it was “unusual.” The two testified Tuesday at House impeachment hearings as the inquiry reached deeper into the White House.
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, an Army officer at the National Security Council, and Jennifer Williams, his counterpart at Vice President Mike Pence’s office, said they had concerns as Trump spoke on July 25 with the newly elected Ukrainian president about political investigations into Democrat Joe Biden.
“What I heard was inappropriate,” Vindman told lawmakers.
The two led off a pivotal week featuring testimony from nine witnesses in all as the House’s impeachment inquiry accelerates. Democrats say Trump’s pressure on Ukraine to investigate Democrat Joe Biden as he withheld U.S. military aid that Ukraine needed to resist Russian aggression may be grounds for removing the 45th president.
Trump says he did no such thing in his call with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and the Democrats just want him gone.
Vindman, a 20-year military officer arrived at Capitol Hill in military blue with a chest full of service medals, and said he reported his concerns “out of a sense of duty.”
He did so, he said, “because they had significant national security implications for our country.”
Williams, a career State Department official who has worked for three presidential administrations and counts former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice a “personal hero,” said the phone call was the first time she had heard anyone specifically seeking investigations from Ukraine.
“The reference to Biden sounded political to me,” she said. Williams said the call was “unusual because the specific reference to Joe Biden and his son Hunter “struck me as political in nature.”
Vindman Confirms: Ukrainians Felt No ‘Pressure’ to Investigate
Breitbart – Democrats accidentally undermined their own case against President Donald Trump on Tuesday morning when one of their star witnesses, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, confirmed Ukraine felt no pressure from the administration.
The House Intelligence Committee’s counsel, Daniel Goldman, tried to establish that President Trump had pressured Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden solely, or primarily, for the potential political benefit.
However, his questioning of Vindman did not quite go as planned:
Goldman: Col. Vindman, you’ve said in your deposition that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the political benefits of the president’s demands. For those of us who are not rocket scientists, can you explain what you meant by that?
Vindman: So my understanding is that it was — the connection to investigating to a political opponent was inappropriate and improper. I mads that connection as soon as the president brought up the Biden investigation.
Goldman: Col. Vindman, you testified that the president, President Trump’s request for a favor from President Zelensky would be considered as a demand to President Zelensky. After his call, did you ever hear from any Ukrainians, either in the United States or Ukraine about any pressure that they felt to do these investigations that President Trump demanded?
Vindman: Not that I can recall.
Goldman: Did you have any discussions with officials at the embassy here, the Ukrainian embassy here in Washington, DC?
Vindman: Yes, I did.
Goldman: Did you discuss at all the demand for investigations with them?
Goldman: I did not.
Vindman went on to say that he became aware, in the August “timeframe,” that Ukrainian officials became aware of a hold on U.S. aid. Multiple other witnesses have testified that the Ukrainians were not aware until Aug. 28, when Politico published an article stating that aid had been stalled.
Criminal Charges Expected this Week Against Epstein Guards
Breitbart – Two correctional officers responsible for guarding Jeffrey Epstein the night before he took his own life are expected to face criminal charges this week for falsifying prison records, two people familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.
The federal charges could come as soon as Tuesday and are the first in connection with Epstein’s death. The wealthy financier died at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York while awaiting trial on charges of sexually abusing teenage girls.
The officers on Epstein’s unit at the federal jail in New York City are suspected of failing to check on him every half-hour, as required, and of fabricating log entries to claim they had. Federal prosecutors offered the guards a plea bargain, but the AP reported Friday that the officers declined the deal.
The expected charges will be filed by federal prosecutors in Manhattan, who have been investigating Epstein’s Aug. 10 death. The people familiar with the matter insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case publicly.
Both guards were working overtime because of staffing shortages when Epstein was found. The officers have been placed on administrative leave while the FBI and the Justice Department’s inspector general investigate the circumstances surrounding Epstein’s death.
DOJ Details Peter Strzok’s Security Violations, Releases More Texts
Newsmax – Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok committed a multitude of security violations during his time at the bureau related to communications with his mistress and the mishandling of classified information, according to records released by the Department of Justice.
The documents made public Monday include several text messages between Strzok, who worked on the FBI’s Hillary Clinton and Russia investigations before being fired in August 2018, and other pieces of evidence that are part of an internal investigation of his conduct.
According to the documents, which are part of a case labeled “Strzok vs. Barr/DOJ,” Strzok’s wife got ahold of his personal cell phone and discovered evidence of the affair he was having with FBI lawyer Lisa Page. Strzok and Page discussed the development using a chat app on their FBI phones, which Strzok said they used to communicate in order to keep the affair from their spouses.
Among the violations flagged in the DOJ report were:

  • Strzok’s use of personal laptops and phones to conduct and discuss official FBI business.
  • Strzok’s “unprofessional conduct” regarding the anti-Trump messages he exchanged with Page, which the DOJ report calls “excessive.” The messages, according to the report, “took less than a minute for you to transmit … [but] the long-term negative impact on the FBI cannot be overstated. Your vituperative text messages will be the subject of damning public discourse for days, months, and even years to come, and the FBI will be [the] recipient of the expressed outrage.”
  • Strzok’s mishandling of the FBI’s discovery of thousands of emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, some of which were messages between Hillary Clinton and Weiner’s wife Huma Abedin.

Indiana teachers protest over wages, ask legislators not to ‘shortchange’ education
Reuters – Teachers in Indiana gathered outside the State Capitol building on Tuesday in protest of low salaries and evaluation policies, forcing half the state’s school districts to cancel classes for the day.
Hundreds of protesters, many of them wearing red sweaters and hats, held signs that read, “I can’t stay for the day, I have to go to my second job,” and “Don’t shortchange on education,” as they stood on the steps of the building in the capital Indianapolis on a frigid morning.
IRS whistleblower case advances as Senate staff probe whether political appointee meddled with audit of Trump or Pence
The Hour – Two Senators are probing a whistleblower’s allegations that at least one political appointee at the Treasury Department may have tried to interfere with the audit of President Donald Trump or Vice President Mike Pence, according to two people with knowledge of the matter, a sign that lawmakers are moving to investigate the complaint lodged by a senior staffer at the Internal Revenue Service.
Staff for Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Wyden, D-Ore., the chair and ranking Democrat on the Senate finance committee, met with the IRS whistleblower earlier this month, those people said. Follow-up interviews are being scheduled to further explore the whistleblower’s allegations.
It could not be learned to what extent the senators view the whistleblower as a credible source. Trump administration officials have previously downplayed the complaint’s significance and suggested it is politically motivated.
The whistleblower, a career IRS official, initially filed a complaint in July, reporting that he was told at least one Treasury political appointee attempted to improperly interfere with the annual audit of the president’s or vice president’s tax returns. In recent weeks, the whistleblower filed additional documentation related to the original complaint, which was given to congressional officials in July, the two people said. These people spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the complaint, which pertains to a confidential IRS audit that cannot be disclosed under federal law.
The contents of the additional information provided by the whistleblower were not known.
The IRS whistleblower complaint was first disclosed in an August court filing by Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. It raises the prospect that Trump administration officials at Treasury tried to improperly interfere with the IRS audit process. That process is supposed to be walled off from political interference.
Neal made the disclosure in court filings as part of his battle with the Trump administration over the president’s tax returns, which the Treasury Department has refused to furnish. At the time, Neal said the whistleblower complaint raises “serious and urgent concerns” about the integrity of the IRS audit process. A person close to Neal, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the office’s position on the complaint is unchanged and its investigation is ongoing.
Republican Bevin concedes Kentucky governor’s race
The Hill -Matt Bevin, the Republican Kentucky governor backed by U.S. President Donald Trump, conceded defeat on Tuesday in a tight race against Democrat Andy Beshear.

Economy & Business

Shares push to 22-month high as trade hopes endure
Reuters – World shares touched their highest in nearly two years on Tuesday on predictions of future growth and bets the United States and China can end their damaging trade war.
“Farmageddon”: Trump Announces More Emergency Bailouts As U.S. Farm Debt Soars To $416 Billion
Michael Snyder – President Trump just announced yet another round of emergency bailouts for U.S. farmers.  This emergency aid will be greatly welcomed by countless struggling farmers, but a few thousand dollars won’t be nearly enough to save most of the farms that are on the verge of failing.  Coming into 2019, farm debt was already at a record high and farm bankruptcies were already rising. But then crazy weather patterns made planting season a complete and utter mess, and more crazy weather patterns have turned harvest season into a major disaster.  On top of everything else, the Trump administration’s trade dispute with China has greatly reduced U.S. agricultural exports and hurt prices.  This has been an absolutely nightmarish year for U.S. farmers, and a series of government bailouts hasn’t done much to ease the pain.
Realizing that more emergency intervention was necessary, President Trump just announced that another round of bailouts is on the way
U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday welcomed a “cash” payout to American farmers before the Thanksgiving Day holiday that he attributed to China tariffs, but that money actually is part of a U.S. government aid package.
“Our great Farmers will recieve (sic) another major round of ‘cash,’ compliments of China Tariffs, prior to Thanksgiving,” he wrote on Twitter.
According to Fox Business, the Trump administration is telling us that the U.S. Department of Agriculture “issued the payments on Friday, and they will begin the week before Thanksgiving”.
So many farming families will receive an unexpected blessing just in time for the holidays.
But all of these bailouts have not kept farm bankruptcies from shooting up rapidly.  In fact, the American Farm Bureau says that U.S. farm bankruptcies are up a whopping 24 percent over the last 12 months…
Nationwide U.S. farm bankruptcies in September surged 24% to their highest level since 2011 amid strains from President Trump’s trade war with China and a year of wild weather.
In the 12 months through September, there were 580 Chapter 12 farm bankruptcy filings, the most since 2011, the American Farm Bureau Federation reported.
Farming is a very tough business.  It takes an immense amount of capital, and one bad year of really bad weather can ruin everything.
And the weather in 2019 has been absolutely abysmal.
In essence, what we have been witnessing is something of a “perfect storm” for farmers.  For so many of them, 2019 was a “make or break year”, because unsustainable debt levels had already pushed them to the brink of insolvency.
New Arizona Development Bans Residents From Bringing Cars
WSJ – A $140 million Arizona development is banning residents from bringing their own cars on site in favor of scooters, bikes and ride-sharing, testing demand for a new type of walkable neighborhood.
The 1,000-person rental community, which broke ground this month in Tempe, won’t allow residents to park cars on-site or in the surrounding area as a term of their lease. The founders say it will be the first of its kind in the U.S.
The scale will be modest, with mostly three-story buildings. In place of parking spaces, the development known as Culdesac Tempe will feature significantly more retail and open spaces than a typical one of its size. It will include a market hall for food vendors, coffee shop, plazas, communal fire pits and a building that residents can rent to host events.
The site is next to a light rail that connects residents to a grocery store, Arizona State University, downtown Phoenix and the airport. There will also be designated spots for ride-sharing and an on-site car-sharing service for residents traveling to other neighborhoods.
Changing tastes and new technologies have fueled demand in recent years for neighborhoods downtown or in inner-ring suburbs where residents can walk to amenities. Concerns about the environmental and health impact of automobiles and worsening congestion have taken the sheen off driving for more people. Millennials in particular are choosing travel and other experiences over the costs of car ownership.
“Transportation has changed a lot over the last decade and real estate hasn’t kept up,” said Ryan Johnson, co-founder and chief executive of the new developer, Culdesac. “Now there’s the chance for us to build the first post-car development.”

Science & Technology

DARPA Seeks “Militarized Microbes” So They Can Spread Genetically Modified Bacteria
SHFT Plan -The Pentagon’s DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) wants to be able to spread genetically modified bacteria as “explosives sensors.” The United States government could very well be looking into ways to militarize microbes.
The Pentagon has teamed up with Raytheon for this project, which seems like it should come straight out of a dystopian science fiction story. The government wants to develop a system capable of delivering genetically modified bacteria underground, according to a report by RT.
Initiated by DARPA, the same agency that led programs to create telekinetic super soldiers and weaponized robotic insects, the project seeks to “program two bacterial strains to monitor ground surfaces for explosive materials,” defense contractor Raytheon said in a joint press release with the Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
So the genetically modified bacteria are for your own good!
The first of the two strains, known as a “bio-sensor,” will “detect the presence or absence of explosives buried underground,” while the second will produce a “glowing light” in the event such materials are found. Remotely operated cameras or drones would then be sent to survey the area to find the glowing germs, and ultimately the buried explosives. –RT
“We already know that some bacteria can be programmed to be very good at detecting explosives, but it’s harder underground,” said Raytheon researcher Allison Taggart. “We’re investigating how to transport the reporting bacteria to the required depth underground.”
Though the Pentagon claims it only plans to use the system for “defensive” purposes only, some may find the idea of militarized microbes off-putting while conjuring apocalyptic scenarios of a runaway genetically engineered superbug.
DARPA has undertaken some projects that should raise the alarm in many.  However, it almost seems as though we’ve reached a point where the masses don’t care what’s being done to them, in their name, and with the money stolen from them. And these are just a few of the things we know DARPA is working on.
“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.” ― William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower
Genetically engineered babies ‘within two years’ as scientists make breakthrough
Daily Star – Genetically engineered designer babies could be just two years away and spark a revolution in editing human embryos, scientists have said.
Researchers have predicted the “ethically sound” creation of the so-called designer babies by 2022.
It is expected to spark a revolution in a new wave of genetic medication of humans.
Kevin Smith, from Abertay University in Dundee, has published analysis that found the risks of gene editing are now low enough to warrant its use with human embryos.
He argued a morally justifiable attempt could be less than two years away.
And he predicted such research could kick-start a revolution in producing genetically-modified (GM) people.
Dr Smith said: “The human germline is by no means perfect, with evolution having furnished us with rather minimal protection from diseases that tend to strike in our later years, including cardiovascular disease, cancer and dementia.
“GM techniques offer the prospect of protecting future people against these and other common disorders.
“This has previously been achieved to an extent in GM experiments on animals.
“If several common disorders could be avoided or delayed by genetically modifying humans, the average disease-free lifespan could be substantially extended.”
The academic, who is programme leader for Abertay’s biomedical science courses, said research in this area would offer hope to parents at risk of transmitting serious genetic disease to their future children.
He warned an ethical approach must be at the heart of any advances if public trust is to be won.
Dr Smith added: “Society is largely opposed to genetically modifying humans and the negative publicity generated by the ethically problematic first-ever production of GM babies in China last year was strongly criticised by most geneticists and ethicists, further hardening attitudes against the creation of so-called ‘designer babies’.
“However, by delaying an ethically sound move towards a world where we can reduce genetic disease, we are failing those who suffer through disease and debilitating conditions.
“If such negative attitudes to biomedical innovation had prevailed in the 1970s, the development and use of IVF – a massively beneficial medical technology – would have been severely delayed, and indeed might never have come to fruition.”
The paper is published in the medical ethics journal Bioethics.
BOSTON DYNAMICS robot dog ready for real work
Fast Company – For years, people have joked that Boston Dynamics is more a maker of viral videos than of robots. The company has dazzled (and sometimes creeped out) the internet with clips of its robotic dog Spot walking, climbing stairs, jumping, dancing, and gyrating—but not doing any real work.
In September, though, the company (which was previously part of Alphabet’s X research arm) started leasing Spots to companies that want to put it to work, at least in pilot projects. (It reportedly plans to build 1,000 Spots for customers by mid-2020.) The first to debut a full application using Spot is a German-American firm called HoloBuilder. It’s equipped the robot to regularly walk large construction sites, collecting 360-degree images, a la Google Street View, so engineers can track the progress of work.
Spot got its first assignment, fittingly, in the Silicon Valley area—surveying construction of the new Harvey Milk Terminal 1 at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). HoloBuilder and construction firm Hensel Phelps ran multi-week pilot tests in the spring and fall in which Spot briefly took over the painstaking site surveying job that human field engineers normally do with handheld 360-degree cameras and HoloBuilder’s Reality Capture Platform software. “[It’s] about freeing their time up to do something that is less repetitive,” says HoloBuilder’s CMO Christian Claus.The company announced the SFO project and plans for future tests of the system, called SpotWalk, today at the Autodesk University conference in Las Vegas. While HoloBuilder is the furthest along, it isn’t the only company that aims to employ Spot in the building industry, and Boston Dynamics sees construction surveying as one of the key markets for Spot.


Melatonin Has Anti-Inflammatory and Metabolic Effects
Mercola – Melatonin is responsible for your sleep/wake cycle and it plays an important role in fighting inflammation and weight gain.
It affects your immune system, gut health, pain level, blood pressure and recovery from stroke and traumatic brain injury.
You can naturally boost your melatonin levels by getting at least 15 minutes of sun exposure in the morning, among other ways.
Melatonin has a safe track record with few adverse reactions, but its long-term effects are unknown; supplementation may not be safe for those taking certain medications or dealing with specific health conditions.
>> Power Mall Product of Interest: REMSleep – all-natural sleep aid formula.
REMSleep contains ingredients that research has shown to help improve and enhance better sleep. If you are one of the many millions of people who have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or having unrestful sleep throughout the night, REMSleep could be the solution you’ve been searching for. Many people have taken sleep aids that only contain some of the natural ingredients of REMSleep. Now, you can have the best of all sleep aids found in REMSleep.
Controlled Trial Study Shows Healthy Foods Reduce Depression
Mercola – Accumulating evidence is highlighting the strong link between what you eat and how you feel, both mentally and physically.
Researchers from Macquarie University, Australia, studied 76 students between the ages of 17 and 35 who followed a poor diet and had moderate to high levels of depression symptoms.
One group of participants was asked to improve their diets by cutting back on refined carbohydrates, sugar, processed meats and soft drinks, while eating more vegetables, fruits, dairy products, nuts, seeds, healthy fats and anti-inflammatory spices such as turmeric and cinnamon.
After only three weeks of healthier eating, those in the healthy diet group had significant improvements in mood and their depression scores even went into the normal range.
Anxiety scores also reduced significantly, while the control group, which didn’t change their diet, experienced no changes in depressive symptoms or anxiety
Supreme Court rules gun maker may be held responsible for death of children in mass shooting, even though VACCINE makers have zero liability
NaturalNews – In response to liberal anti-gun hysteria, the United States Supreme Court has decided to allow a lawsuit filed by the alleged victims of the Sandy Hook massacre to move forward in suing Remington Arms Co., the manufacturer of the firearms supposedly used by Adam Lanza to commit mass murder.
Rejecting arguments made by Remington that the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005 effectively shields the company from liability in the event that its products are misused, the Supreme Court has declined to comment on the matter, which means that the case has been given the green light to proceed.
Unlike the vaccine industry, which is fully protected against all liability involving injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, Remington could soon face legal repercussions simply for selling firearms to the American public.
Because Lanza is said to have donned multiple Bushmaster XM-15 rifles, a popular AR-15-style rifle manufactured by Remington, during his shooting spree, Remington could have to compensate those who were injured during the melee, as well as the remaining family members of those who were reported dead.
According to these victims and survivors, Lanza chose this particular model of rifle because of “its military and assaultive qualities, in particular, its efficiency in inflicting mass casualties.” They claim that Remington had previously “marketed” the XM-15 rifle “in association with the military,” which makes the company guilty of a crime.
The Connecticut Supreme Court had put the case on hold pending the Supreme Court’s review, which had the potential to see the case thrown out. But because of the Supreme Court’s refusal to get involved, it will no move forward, which has 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden celebrating.
“There’s a straight line from those brave Newtown parents, to the activism of the Parkland students, to the millions of others who’ve said ‘enough’ in the long years between and since those tragedies. They’re using every tool of democracy: in the streets, at the polls, and today, in the courts,” Biden is quoted as saying.
How many 2020 presidential contenders are also willing to take up the charge in repealing the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NVCIA)?
If elected president, Biden has promised to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005 in its entirety, as well as “take other critical steps that we know cut down on gun violence.” In Biden’s opinion, this includes “banning and buying back assault weapons, expanding background checks, and closing key sales loopholes, just to start.”
However, Biden has yet to comment about repealing the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NVCIA), which completely exempts the vaccine industry from facing any legal scrutiny over its products, which have maimed and killed millions of innocent children over the years.
In case you’re unfamiliar with it, the NVCIA allows vaccine manufacturers to sell highly dangerous products completely risk-free, placing all of the burden on taxpayers to foot the bill in rare cases where a kangaroo “vaccine court” decides to award the family of injured and dead children at least some compensation for their losses.
Neither Biden nor any of the other Democratic contenders have brought up the NVCIA even once, at this point – and to be fair, neither has President Trump. But in light of this latest move by the Supreme Court against Remington, it only seems fair that the vaccine industry also be held accountable for its role in harming and killing children with vaccine “medicine.”
So, politicians: Who’s it going to be? Which one of you will be the first to take a stand in defense of the children who are having their lives destroyed by Big Vaccine?
New York State Sues Juul Over Marketing Vape Products to Kids
Newsmax – Juul Labs Inc. is being sued by New York for allegedly trampling state marketing laws by targeting teenagers in advertisements for e-cigarettes and misleading statements about nicotine content in vaping products, among other things, the state’s top law enforcement officer said.
The lawsuit, announced Tuesday by New York Attorney General Letitia James, comes one day after California filed a similar complaint against Juul. The allegations by the Democratic-led states add to earlier legal challenges by schools, parents and others accusing the embattled company of wrongdoing.
“By glamorizing vaping, while at the same time downplaying the nicotine found in vaping products, Juul is putting countless New Yorkers at risk,” James said in a statement.
Perhaps the most serious claim in New York’s case — marketing e-cigarettes to teens — alleges Juul caused “large numbers of New York youth to become addicted to nicotine,” the attorney general’s office said in a statement.

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