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Today’s News: November 19, 2021

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Biden to ‘briefly transfer power’ to VP Harris

RT – President Joe Biden is set to undergo a medical procedure requiring anesthesia on Friday, and the presidential powers will be temporarily transferred to Vice President Kamala Harris, the White House said in a statement.

As part of a routine physical check, Biden will undergo a colonoscopy, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said.

In line with the relevant process set by the US Constitution, “President Biden will transfer power to the vice president for a brief period of time when he is under anesthesia,” her statement said.

House Passes Behemoth Build Back Better Act

Breitbart – The House passed the $1.7 trillion Build Back Better Act early on Friday morning, sending the bill to the Senate where it faces an uncertain future.

The House passed H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act, which is the Democrats’ reconciliation infrastructure bill.

The bill passed 220-213, with overwhelming Democrat support, and strong Republican opposition to the bill.

Only one Democrat, Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME), a swing district Democrat, voted against the bill.

The legislation serves as the marquee legislation for President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda. Biden pinned his legislative majority on passing dual infrastructure bills, the Build Back Better Act, and the $1.2 trillion so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill, otherwise known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

The Build Back Better Act would massively expand social welfare programs and fund major climate change programs.

The legislation would add $750 billion to the to the deficit over five years.

NIH director wants consequences for vaccine conspiracy theorists

RT – National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins thinks that people who spread misinformation about Covid-19 online and Dr. Anthony Fauci should be identified and “brought to justice.”

“Conspiracies are winning here. Truth is losing. That’s a really serious indictment of the way in which our society seems to be traveling,” Collins, who will soon step down from his post at the head of the NIH, told the Washington Post on Friday. 

Describing an onslaught of angry messages faced by White House coronavirus adviser and former NIH physician Dr. Anthony Fauci, Collins said the government needs to push back more forcefully against “misinformation,” and suggested that those responsible for spreading such information should be identified and “brought to justice.”

Austrian Police, Army Reportedly Refusing to Enforce ‘Health Dictatorship’, Will March in Protest Against It

Free Thought Project – Austria has been jettison to the forefront of the media this week as they devolve into what’s become a police state wrapped in a humanitarian crisis. Their society is being split in two — citizens are being segregated and discriminated against based on weather or not they have undergone a medical treatment. The vaccinated are allowed to have their rights while the unvaccinated are confined to their homes, only allowed out with the permission of the ruling class.

Beginning on Monday, Austria placed millions of citizens not fully vaccinated in lockdown. One third of the entire population is now confined to their homes and can only leave in special cases.

Predictably, the lockdowns of the vaccinated have not curbed the increase in cases and Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg is now mulling a countrywide lockdown — of everyone.

Naturally, it will not be Schallenberg and the rest of his ministers in the executive cabinet who will enforce these lockdowns and mandates. It will be the enforcement class — police and military — otherwise known as order followers.

Only unquestioning order followers will feel resolute in shaking down citizens, demanding to see their papers, and arresting them for non-compliance. Only unquestioning order followers can sleep at night after a long day of enforcing such tyrannical decrees.

After all, it is not the evil people who crafted plans for such despotism and suffering throughout history who actually carried it out. It is their unquestioning order followers — “just doing my job.”

Thankfully for the Austrian people, however, as the French newspaper Infodujour reports, not all of their law enforcement is made up of unquestioning order followers and many in the police and military are refusing to follow these orders.

Tennessee Governor Recruiting Law Enforcement Officers Who Want to Leave States with “restrictive mandates”

Activist Post – Last month, Florida governor Ron DeSantis offered vaccine resistant police officers $5000 to transfer to Florida.  Now Tennessee governor Bill Lee is actively recruiting law enforcement professionals for his state as well.

From News 5 Nashville:

Gov. Bill Lee works to recruit for Tennessee Highway Patrol

Gov. Bill Lee’s Office announced it is seeking to relocate officers leaving states with “restrictive mandates.”

Gov. Bill Lee is working to recruit officers for the Tennessee Highway Patrol leaving states with “restrictive mandates.”

He said there are qualified workers wanting to work in a state that does not get involved in personal health decisions.

“Our force is one of the most professional in the country, and we won’t get between you and your doctor. We believe you’d be a great fit for our state and will help cover your moving expenses,” Governor Lee said.

The recruitment is happening at a time where he said they have ramped up efforts to get more state troopers on the road.

While COVID-19 mandates were not outright mentioned in the release, it is easy to draw that conclusion.

This announcement is on the heels of the governor putting the special session’s omnibus bill into law. It changes how the state responds to COVID-19, tackling things like mask and vaccine mandates.

“In Tennessee, you’ll be given our full support and respect, and I’ll work to make sure your freedoms are protected. We stand with our law enforcement, and we’ll stand with you, too. If you’re looking for America at its best, come to Tennessee,” Gov. Lee said.

The governor also touted low cost of living and no income tax as perks of the state.

US FDA approves Pfizer, Moderna vaccine boosters for all adults

Al Jazeera – United States regulators have approved COVID-19 booster shots for all adults, leaving just one regulatory hurdle before extra jab can be administered across the country.

Pfizer and Moderna announced on Friday that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had made the approval, which expands previous a previous approval for elderly adults and those at high risk.

Wisconsin Parents Sue School District for Allowing Daughter to ‘Socially Transition’ Without Their Consent

Breitbart – Wisconsin parents removed their 12-year-old daughter from the Kettle Moraine School District (KMSD) after the school began a “social transition” so she could “present[] to others as the opposite sex,” according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday on behalf of the parents by the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) and Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

The lawsuit, which involves two sets of parents suing the school district, specifically challenges KMSD’s policy that “allows minor students to change their name and gender pronouns at school without parental consent,” according to a press release from ADF.

One of the couples says they were forced to withdraw their daughter from the district because teachers and administrators planned to use “a male name and male pronouns to address their daughter at school without their consent and over their objections.”

According to a letter from WILL and ADF to KMSD school board President Gary Vose and Superintendent Stephen Plum, the plaintiffs’ daughter “began to experience rapid onset gender dysphoria, along with significant anxiety and depression” in mid-December.

The other couple joined the lawsuit to make sure their children do not become subject to a “social transition.”

“This action seeks to vindicate one of the most fundamental constitutional rights every parent holds dear: the right to raise their children,” the filing begins.

The 12-year-old was removed from KMSD briefly to attend a mental health center to process her gender dysphoria in January, but was ultimately encouraged to accept that “she was really a transgender boy and encou

CVS will close 900 stores. That’s great news for Dollar General

CNN – CVS is heading in the wrong direction: Traditional pharmacies are on the decline, and America’s largest drug store chain plans to close about one in 10 of its outdated locations. One company is particularly primed to take advantage — and it’s not Walgreens or Rite Aid.

Dollar General (DG) has rapidly expanded in the United States over the past decade, in large part by undercutting independent and chain drug stores and snatching away some of their shoppers. The discount giant is particularly well-positioned to capitalize on CVS’ planned closings.

CVS’ announcement comes at a timely moment for Dollar General — exactly as Dollar General tries to “establish itself as a health destination.”

Dollar General is launching a health care initiative for the first time, offering customers in what the company calls “health care deserts” in rural America a variety of health services in stores and expanded over-the-counter products. The company sees this market as a major growth area.

Just Days After Bill Gates Warns of Smallpox Attack, Multiple Vials Labeled Smallpox Found in Merck Lab

Free Thought Project – During a sit-down interview earlier this month with the chair of the Health Select Committee, Jeremy Hunt, for the think tank Policy Exchange, Bill Gates made an ominous prediction. He said governments need to chuck up a billion dollars a year, to pay for a Pandemic Task Force at the World Health Organization level, to carry out “germ games” to prepare for an ostensibly inevitable bioterrorism attack — particularly smallpox.

“You say, OK, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports? You know, how would the world respond to that?” Gates asked.

“There’s naturally-caused epidemics and bioterrorism-caused epidemics that could even be way worse than what we experienced today and yet, the advances in medical science should give us tools that, you know, we could do dramatically better.”

As Gates asked for tens of billions in funding, he told Hunt that he hopes his next book will be titled, ‘We ARE ready for the next pandemic’.

There is nothing at all wrong with preparing for potential bio terror attacks. As we learned with COVID-19, ill prepared governments can and will wreak horrifying havoc on the economy, freedom, and health.

While it is unclear what Gates’ plans are for these “germ games,” so long as they don’t involve billions of dollars flowing into “gain of function” research to make viruses spread easier and become deadlier, being prepared is not a bad idea.

But now it’s time to put on your tinfoil hat.

On Tuesday, just days after Bill Gates warned of a potential smallpox bioterrorist attack, the Centers for Disease Control announced that several vials labeled “smallpox” were found at a vaccine research facility in Pennsylvania and no one knows how they got there.

The vials were found in a freezer inside the facility belonging to Merck. According to Yahoo News, the discovery of the vials prompted a lockdown of the facility, which has since been lifted. The FBI and CDC launched investigations, which remain ongoing.

There were reportedly a total of 15 questionable vials, according to the unclassified “For Official Use Only” alert, a copy of which was obtained by Yahoo News. Five of the vials were labeled as “smallpox” and 10 were labeled as “vaccinia.” The vials were secured immediately.

“The laboratory worker who discovered the vials was wearing gloves and a face mask. We will provide further details as they are available,” the CDC said, adding that there is “no indication that anyone has been exposed to the small number of frozen vials.”

“The frozen vials labeled ‘Smallpox’ were incidentally discovered by a laboratory worker while cleaning out a freezer in a facility that conducts vaccine research in Pennsylvania. CDC, its Administration partners, and law enforcement are investigating the matter and the vials’ contents appear intact,” the CDC said.

According to Yahoo News, smallpox, which is also known scientifically as variola virus, is so deadly that only two labs worldwide are authorized to store samples of it. One is in Russia and the other is at a CDC site in Atlanta.

Unlike COVID-19 and its exceedingly low fatality rate, ordinary smallpox had an overall fatality rate of about 30%, and the malignant and hemorrhagic forms were usually fatal.

Before it was eradicated, it spread easily throughout the population infecting around 15 million people annually, killing a third of them.

As the majority of Americans are no longer vaccinated against small pox, the potential for an outbreak would be catastrophic.

Strange coincidence, indeed.

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