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Today's News: November 20, 2018

Top Headlines
Federal judge blocking asylum restrictions ‘absurd’ & will be appealed – DOJ
RT – The Trump administration is pushing back on the decision by a federal judge in California to block asylum restrictions put in place to deal with caravans of migrants that have arrived on the US-Mexican border.
“It is absurd that a set of advocacy groups can be found to have standing to sue to stop the entire federal government from acting so that illegal aliens can receive a government benefit to which they are not entitled,” the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said in a joint statement on Tuesday, hours after a federal judge in San Francisco issued a month-long injunction against the policy, saying it violated federal law.
Responding to lawsuits by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and several immigrant advocacy groups, US District Judge Jon Tigar placed a restraining order on the policy that would have automatically denied asylum to migrants who entered the US illegally.
The president “may not rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden,” Tigar wrote, adding that limiting asylum seekers to ports of entry “irreconcilably conflicts” with the existing legislation.
Thousands of migrants set out in “caravans” from Honduras and El Salvador in October, accumulating additional members as they passed through Guatemala and Mexico. The first of the caravans reached Tijuana last week, as migrants hope to cross into California and seek both US asylum and protection of the state’s “sanctuary” laws.
In response to the caravans, President Donald Trump has ordered the deployment of over 5,000 US Army troops along the border and hardened the asylum policies – something the DOJ and DHS argue he has every constitutional right to do.
“We look forward to continuing to defend the Executive Branch’s legitimate and well-reasoned exercise of its authority to address the crisis at our southern border,” both departments said on Tuesday.
Government lawyers argued that the US Supreme Court has already ruled in favor of Trump’s authority to limit or deny entry to any foreigners, and that the administration had every right to restrict asylum applications.
“Our asylum system is broken, and it is being abused by tens of thousands of meritless claims every year,” said DHS spokeswoman Katie Waldman, adding that asylum was a “discretionary benefit” given by the executive branch only when legal conditions are met.
Tigar’s injunction can be appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and is set to expire on December 19.
UK Plans For Martial Law If Brexit Deal With EU Fails
Activist Post – The British army has secret martial law plans to put troops on the streets to help with potential chaos if a Brexit deal with the EU fails to materialize, Dailymail.co.uk reported.
Plans also include services for Britain’s citizens such as the delivery and stockpiling of medicines to hospitals across the country, according to The Times.
The original Brexit referendum was held on June 23rd, 2016 to decide whether the UK should leave or remain in the European Union. The leave vote won by 51.9% to 48.1%, solidifying a deal to leave the European Union; but Britain’s leadership has been sluggish in carrying out the vote of its people.
Finally, UK Prime Minister Theresa May invoked Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, on 29 March 2017. This gives the two sides two years to agree to the terms of the split. The UK is scheduled to leave the EU at 11pm UK time on Friday, March 29th 2019, with or without a deal.
The two parties have since been trying to negotiate a deal to leave. Last Wednesday a draft Brexit withdrawal agreement with Brussels was approved and backed by May’s cabinet.
However, this is far from over as the deal still requires approval from MPs and, finally, the 27 other EU member states before anything is final.
An emergency EU summit is due to be held on November, 25th where EU leaders are expected to give their approval or disapproval for the deal.
May herself has said that if MPs don’t unite behind the agreement, “nobody can know for sure the consequences that will follow” and it would mean taking “a path of deep and grave uncertainty.”
Dems To Probe Ivanka Trump’s Personal Email Use After Ignoring Clinton’s Felonies
Infowars – House Democrats are planning to investigate Ivanka Trump’s use of a personal email despite ignoring Hillary Clinton committing multiple felonies by mishandling classified information in her personal email in 2016.
Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, at the behest of Clinton, are planning to look into Trump’s use of personal email to conduct government business while she was transitioning into her position within the Trump administration.
Interestingly, former Clinton spokesman Phillip Reines first directed Dems to investigate Trump, and they obeyed.
“While transitioning into government, after she was given an official account but until the White House provided her the same guidance they had given others who started before she did, Ms. Trump sometimes used her personal account, almost always for logistics and scheduling concerning her family,” a spokesman for Ivanka’s lawyer said in a statement Monday.
Though Trump’s use of personal email for government business violated protocol, the scope of the violation pales in comparison to Clinton’s own felony crimes.
Unlike Clinton, none of Trump’s emails contained classified information, all the emails were archived, and she didn’t attempt to delete any of them.
Clinton however, did in fact exchange classified emails on an unusually vulnerable private server meant to avoid FOIA oversight, none of them were archived, she deleted over 30,000 of them, and destroyed materials with a hammer and BleachBit technology despite being under subpoena.
Former FBI Director James Comey ultimately concluded in 2016 that Clinton committed multiple felonies, but said “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring forward a criminal case against her, in an effort to ensure she got the Democrat presidential nomination.
“Democrats would be wise not to bring back the Hillary comparison,” the Washington Examiner‘s Tiana Lowe wrote Tuesday.
Gunman in Chicago hospital shooting had prior complaint
Fox – man who fatally shot his ex-fiancee outside a Chicago hospital before killing two people inside the building was the subject of a protection order request filed four years ago by another woman, yet he had legally purchased several guns in recent years, police said Tuesday.
The gunman, Juan Lopez, who also died following the shooting Monday at Mercy Hospital, had been engaged to Dr. Tamara O’Neal before he repeatedly shot the emergency room doctor near a hospital parking lot, Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. Investigators said he continued shooting O’Neil after she fell to the ground and, after running into the hospital, killed a police officer and a pharmacy worker.
Guglielmi said another woman complained in 2014 that Lopez was incessantly texting her and refused to stop. He said the woman called police and sought an order of protection from a judge, but it’s unclear whether she was granted such an order. Lopez was not criminally charged.
Guglielmi also said Lopez had a permit to possess a concealed firearm, but it’s unclear if officials knew about the 2014 complaint when the permit was granted. He said Lopez had legally purchased four guns in the last five years and worked for the Chicago Housing Authority.
Tijuana arrests 34 Central America migrants on minor charges
Fox – Officials in the Mexican border city of Tijuana said they have arrested 34 members of the caravan of Central American migrants for minor offenses and turned them over for deportation.
A Tijuana city statement late Monday said the 34 — apparently all men — were arrested for drug possession, public intoxication, disturbing the peace and resisting police, and added they would be deported to their home countries. The main caravan has between 4,000 and 6,000 participants, so those arrested represent less than 1 percent of the total.
Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum has made a point of saying the city is not comfortable with the caravan that began arriving last week, and he compared the Central American group unfavorably with about 3,000 Haitians who ended up in this city bordering San Diego on a failed bid to reach the United States last year.
World News
Passengers are forced to chip in to pay for REPAIRS to their Boeing 787 before it takes off from Beijing to Poland
Daily Mail – Passengers on board a flight from Beijing to Poland were asked to fund the repairs on a fault so that the plane could take off.
There were around 250 passengers on the LOT Polish Airlines flight when the Boeing 787 Dreamliner suffered a hydraulic pump fault, according to local media.
They were asked to foot the bill after the mechanic who had been employed to fix the pump demanded that he would only take cash as payment.
The leak was first noticed by crew members during after after-flight checks when it landed at Beijing Capital International Airport on November 11.
Pakistan summons US envoy over Trump’s comments
Al Jazeera – Foreign ministry lodges strong protest following US president’s claim Pakistan ‘doesn’t do a damn thing’ for Washington.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
White House reporters expect to ignore press conference rule
The Hill – The president of the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) said Monday that the group “fully expect[s]” White House reporters to continue asking follow-up questions at presidential news conferences.
Earlier Monday, the White House announced new rules for reporters at news conferences that include limiting the ability of reporters to ask follow-up questions.
“The White House Correspondents’ Association had no role in crafting any procedures for future press conferences. For as long as there have been White House press conferences, White House reporters have asked follow-up questions,” WCHA President Olivier Knox wrote in a statement.
“We fully expect this tradition will continue. We will continue to make the case that a free and independent news media plays a vital role in the health of our republic,” Knox continued.
Kansas City Promises to Stop Pouring Bleach on Food for the Homeless After Outcry. But Will They Find Other Ways to Destroy It?
Activist Post – Kansas City, Missouri Health Department made a national splash when their staff literally poured bleach on food intended for homeless people earlier this month. A coalition of friends called Free Hot Soup (FHS) Kansas City had formed picnic-style food gatherings to provide hot meals for homeless people, and all went according to plan until officials trashed the food and doused it in bleach to render it inedible.
The Washington Post reported:
“It looked ugly Sunday,” the Star reported last week. “Home-cooked chili, stacks of foil-wrapped sandwiches, vats of soup and other food prepared by volunteers with Free Hot Soup Kansas City were dumped in bags and soaked in bleach to make sure no one went back to try to recover it.”
–“Everybody was ready to stand up for themselves,” Nellie McCool, a volunteer with Free Hot Soup Kansas City, told the Star. “We’re prepared to face the law.”
Free Hot Soup has even stripped the gathering point addresses from its group listings perhaps to keep local government from ambushing them again.
Surprisingly, all ends of the political spectrum were unified in an outcry against this affront on rights and helping others.
Does it really make safety sense to bleach food that might accidentally go back into someone’s mouth? Bleach, by the way, should never go into the ground for the same reasons it shouldn’t be ingested.
KCTV5 reported:
The Kansas City, Missouri Health Department has said that it will no longer use bleach in situations similar to the one that happened recently with a group called Free Hot Soup.
The Health Department tweeted on Saturday, “Given recent events regarding ‘Free Hot Soup,’ the Health Department has reviewed its food inspection practices. Please read our Updated FAQ to learn more.”
The KCHD released a PDF in response to the resident backlash of footage showing bleach poured on food for homeless people.
In response to the question, “Why did the Health Department pour bleach on food for the homeless?” KCHD wrote:
While the use of bleach may be alarming, it is a common practice used by public health departments throughout the country when responding to direct threats to public health from potentially contaminated food. The inspector at one location was told food would be re-served after being placed in trash bags, therefore the inspector had to use bleach to ensure the food in question would not be served
In response to residents’ concerns, The Health Department has reviewed its food disposal practices during inspections. In the future, inspectors will no longer use bleach in these types of situations.
“I am glad the use of bleach has been discontinued. Hopefully, there will be no more need for our union’s members to be called to watch the destruction of food meant for those that have nothing,” Tweeted Brad Lemon, president of the Kansas City, Missouri Fraternal Order of Police.
The PDF goes on to paint the health department as the defenders of the homeless while nearly suggesting that there was some harm intended toward homeless people by the people who were feeding them. One line, in particular, stands out. It’s in reference to homeless people eating discarded food anyway:
Individuals experiencing homelessness also often lack access to medical care, a nearby bathroom, a bed to rest in, or a change of clothes – all things that individuals experiencing food poisoning would hope to have.
But I guess bleach poisoning is okay? Starvation is preferable?
The health department was demanding permits for the passing out of food.
FHS Kansas City responded to the health department by pointing out that first, they are not a charitable organization and that the health department didn’t even get the group right. FHS says they are a picnic gathering of friends from Facebook. They make the point that the government doesn’t go around bleaching meals at family reunions, company picnics, and the like.  So why should it destroy food at this gathering?
‘Free Hot Soup’ is not a charitable group. It is a reference to a handful of closed Facebook communities. Your permits and oversight are not applicable. Everyone in attendance at our picnics are individuals engaging with our personal friends, and you infringed on our freedom of association and freedom of expression by requiring a permit for our activities with them.
Read the rest of the FHS response HERE.
128 Chicago school workers out after background check review
Fox – A review of Chicago Public Schools’ background checks prompted by a newspaper investigation has resulted in nearly 130 school district employees being terminated, recommended for dismissal or simply resigning amid scrutiny.
Among the 128 workers were nine teachers, 35 people classified as classroom aides and an unspecified number of people the district lists as substitute or hourly workers, the Chicago Tribune reported.
Another 124 employees remain barred from work because they haven’t submitted fresh fingerprints for an updated background check.
The district’s review, and additional measures to protect students, came after the newspaper reported in June that ineffective background checks sometimes exposed students to educators with criminal convictions and arrests for sex crimes against children.
The vast majority of the district’s more than 68,000 school employees, vendors and volunteers have been cleared for duty, the district said.
Updated statistics show that district officials have also moved to part ways with hundreds of workers, vendors and volunteers, even as they continue reviewing newly obtained information on hundreds of other adults to determine if they should be allowed into schools.
The Tribune reported that 27 coaches, plus a group of 350 vendors and volunteers, still can’t work in district schools after their background checks uncovered information that prompted a closer district review of their personal history.
Citing state privacy laws, the district declined to identify the pulled workers and volunteers, the schools where they were assigned and the nature of background check information that led to their removal or dismissal.
Economy & Business
Watch Live: Big Tech Stocks Tank Amid Censorship Backlash
Infowars – Tuesday, November 20th: Border & Stock Market Chaos – Mexican locals and Honduran migrants continue to clash on America’s southern border, forcing police to maintain 24-hour protection of caravan members. And Big Tech stocks tank as companies ramp up censorship efforts.
Today’s holiday rebroadcast includes never before seen Alex Jones footage and highlights with UK journalist Katie Hopkins discussing the Islamic invasion of Western Europe. Also, media analyst Mark Dice breaks down liberal lunacy and fake news. Furthermore, Paul Joseph Watson provides his expertise on the migration crisis in Europe and America. Happy Thanksgiving week from Infowars!
Dow Plunges 600 Points, Erases 2018 Gains
Newsmax – Stocks are skidding Tuesday as weak results from retailers and mounting losses for big technology companies push the market back into the red for the year. The Dow was down more than 600 points entering the last hour of trade.
Energy companies are slumping because of a 7 percent plunge in the price of oil. Crude is on track for its biggest loss in three years. Industrial companies are also dropping as the downward momentum in stocks builds after steep losses Monday.
The S&P 500 index lost 58 points, or 2.1 percent, to 2,632 as of 3:05 p.m. Eastern time. The benchmark index has fallen 9.5 percent from its record high two months ago. The Dow Jones Industrial Average sank 630 points, or 2.5 percent, to 24,387. The Nasdaq was down 26 points at 6871.
Investors lately have been quick to bail out of companies that show rising costs are eating into profits, and that was the case with retailers Tuesday. Target plunged after reporting earnings that missed Wall Street’s estimates due to higher expenses. Ross Stores, TJX and Kohl’s also fell on disappointing forecasts.
Energy & Environment
California Fire Survivors Brace for Debris-Filled Mudslides
Wired – California continues to take stock of its unprecedented conflagrations—between the Camp Fire in the north, which on its own is the deadliest and most destructive fire in California history, and the Woolsey Fire in the south, 82 lives have been lost so far, with hundreds more still missing.
As firefighters keep battling the blazes, a new menace is emerging: debris flows. The rains are coming to California, as soon as Tuesday night, and the fires have primed the soil for another disaster that can claim yet more lives.
Science & Technology
Lab-Grown Kidney Organoids Sprout Brain and Muscle Cells
Activist Post – Lab-grown organs have been observed suddenly sprouting cells belonging to brains and muscles, leaving scientists bewildered, Dailymail.co.uk reported.
The miniature kidneys, made using test tubes and beakers in a laboratory, failed to behave the way they were expected to according to scientists.
Instead of growing into different kinds of kidney cells, they formed into brain and muscle cells.
The miniature kidneys (kidney organoids) initially come from human stem cells and could eventually be used to treat people with kidney diseases.
This could accelerate our progress in making organoids better models for human kidney disease and drug discovery, and the same technique could be applied to targeting rogue cells in other organoids.
Dr. Humphreys added that between “10% to 20% of cells in the mini-kidneys failed to develop further into kidneys cells – instead becoming brains and muscle cells.”
New Studies Reveal Neurological Damage from Fluoridated Water – Dangers Hid from the Public
Health Impact News – New studies published this year revealed neurological damage as well as skeletal and tooth issues among those who consume fluoridated water. They’re added to several previous studies that have made those same connections.
The studies reveal even expectant mothers who drink fluoridated water adversely affect their newborns’ nervous systems. Fluorides go through the placenta with ease. Feeding newborns with formulas containing fluoride or mixed in fluoridated water exacerbate the damage.
Yet there are many who support water fluoridation despite the evidence, especially within the dental profession.
While focusing on extremely minor decreases in tooth decay, they ignore the significant increase in fluorosis, both dental and skeletal, both worse than tooth decay, occurring in regions that fluoridate their water.
The Study Review Refutes Much of the Pro-Fluoridated “Science” that Prevails
The critical review Blood is thicker than water: Flaws in National Toxicology Program Study was published online in August, 2018, by the journal Medical Hypothesis.
This review demonstrates that organizational bias has compromised the integrity of fluoride research from the beginning and persists today by citing 10 major flaws in a recent National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) effort at justifying water fluoridation by refuting all evidence of neurotoxic events discovered by studies independently conceived and carried out.
The NTP study’s conclusion that the overall body of evidence does not prove a link of lower IQ and neurological damage from fluoridated water was fully endorsed by the CDC, making its study the official stamp of approval that the “science for fluoridating water is in.”
The authors point out that abundant research since the 1990s shows low dose systematic fluoride exposure adversely affects cognitive and behavioral development. Interestingly, individual neurological issues correlate with individual cases of fluorosis.
Initially, the promotional efforts for fluoridating water supplies claimed it would lower youth cavity rates without creating significant levels of fluorosis.
It hasn’t turned out that way. The review authors state currently over half of American teens are afflicted with dental fluorosis.
Dental fluorosis occurs from excess fluoride coming into contact with teeth during tooth enamel formation, a process that generally takes place during the first eight years of life.
It’s commonly considered a cosmetic problem.
But fluorosis erodes the enamel, which is supposed to protect teeth from damage and decay.
Tooth enamel is the hardest substance on the body. If lost or sufficiently compromised, external sources easily affect the newly exposed sensitive part of your teeth to cause decay, leading to infection, pain, tooth loss, and maybe gum disease. (Source)
Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce risk of premature birth
Natural Health News – A new review has found that increasing the intake of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids during pregnancy reduces the risk of premature births.
Premature birth is the leading cause of death for children under 5 years old worldwide, accounting for close to one million deaths annually. Premature babies are at higher risk of a range of long-term conditions including visual impairment, developmental delay and learning difficulties.
The analysis from the Cochrane Review – which exists to provide high quality systematic review for healthcare professionals – updates previous papers by this group.
“We know premature birth is a critical global health issue, with an estimated 15 million babies born too early each year,” explains Associate Professor Philippa Middleton from Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth and the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI). “While the length of most pregnancies is between 38 and 42 weeks, premature babies are those born before the 37-week mark — and the earlier a baby is born, the greater the risk of death or poor health.”
Important for pregnant women
Associate Professor Middleton and a team of Cochrane researchers have been looking closely at long-chain omega-3 fats and their role in reducing the risk of premature births — particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) found in fatty fish and fish oil supplements. They looked at 70 randomised trials and found that for pregnant women, increasing the daily intake of long-chain omega-3s:

  • lowers the risk of having a premature baby (less than 37 weeks) by 11% (from 134 per 1000 to 119 per 1000 births)
  • lowers the risk of having an early premature baby (less than 34 weeks) by 42% (from 46 per 1000 to 27 per 1000 births)
  • reduces the risk of having a small baby (less than 2500g) by 10%

“There are not many options for preventing premature birth, so these new findings are very important for pregnant women, babies and the health professionals who care for them,” Associate Professor Middleton says. “We don’t yet fully understand the causes of premature labour, so predicting and preventing early birth has always been a challenge. This is one of the reasons omega-3 supplementation in pregnancy is of such great interest to researchers around the world.”
BOMBSHELL: USDA turns a blind eye to meat supply contaminated with banned pharmaceutical drugs
NaturalNews – Sanderson Farms, the third largest poultry producer in the nation, advertises that their chicken is “natural” and “antibiotic-free.” Like many large meat producers, Sanderson Farms gets away with these false claims without receiving any enforceable scientific scrutiny from meat inspectors working for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Now, independent food safety organizations are challenging these “natural” and “antibiotic-free” claims in court.
According to a lawsuit, a team of independent scientists from the Consumers Union have analyzed USDA tests conducted on thousands of random meat samples from poultry, pork, and beef farms across the country. The findings, published by Consumer Reports, are shocking. Out of nearly 6,000 samples of meat, 2.6 percent contained chloramphenicol, an antibiotic that causes anemia in humans. For every 10,000 people exposed to chloramphenicol, one will suffer a life threatening condition called aplastic anemia. The levels of chloramphenicol exceeded safety limits set by the Consumer Union’s team of scientists.
Another drug detected is ketamine. This veterinary anesthetic is used illegally in livestock and elicits hallucinogenic effects. It’s also an illegal party drug, but families everywhere are unknowingly getting small doses at the dinner table. Finally, 1.6 percent of the samples included phenylbutazone, an anti-inflammatory drug that is too risky at any level for human health. Phenylbutazone is a known carcinogen that also causes aplastic anemia. Low level dietary consumption of these drugs raises one’s risk of cancer, causes antibiotic resistance, weakened immunity, and genetic harm to developing fetuses.
Vitamin D Better than Flu Shots for Respiratory Infections
Health Impact News – New research shows vitamin D helps prevent infection. Will the crony medical establishment listen? Action Alert!
Flu season is upon us again. To prevent the flu, we’re told that the best remedy is to get a flu shot—a shot which is consistently ineffective, and, incredibly, still contains mercury in many cases.
We at ANH-USA have been beating the drum about vitamin D and its well-documented anti-viral capabilities for years, and there is new evidence demonstrating vitamin D’s role in preventing respiratory infections.
When faced with the choice of a cheap, safe, and effective natural immune defense against the flu, or an expensive, dangerous, and ineffective vaccine that makes drug companies billions of dollars—which will our crony health officials choose?
The study, which pooled data from 25 studies that included more than 10,000 participants, found that vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of respiratory infections (cold and flu) by 10 percent overall—and there are reasons to think this figure greatly understates the degree of protection. The protective effect of the sunshine vitamin was even more dramatic in those who were deficient.
For the deficient, which about 40% of Americans are, the risk of infection was reduced by half with vitamin D supplementation. This builds upon earlier findings from a 2010 Japanese study which found that vitamin D supplementation was as effective as the vaccine at preventing colds and flu.
Predictably, the media tries to diminish these findings, with one article stating that “not everyone is convinced that this study should lead us to the supplement aisle.”
We’re then told that the Institute of Medicine (IOM) has determined that adults need only 600 IU of vitamin D—an amount that most Americans do not get from sun exposure or their diet alone.
The IOM also said that a vitamin D blood level of 20 ng/mL was adequate—recall that this was President Trump’s blood serum level for vitamin D, which the White House doctor found perfectly fine.
This is nonsense. The Vitamin D Council, for example, recommends 5,000 IU of vitamin D per day to achieve at least 40 ng/mL; other integrative doctors we respect advise that the D serum level needs to be around 70 in order to avoid viral infection. Other calculations have shown that IOM recommendations are only about one-tenth of what is needed to cut the incidence of diseases related to vitamin D deficiency.
What this means is that most Americans are not getting the vitamin D they need, in part because health authorities at the IOM and elsewhere in the government are mistaken when telling Americans how much to take.
That we do not get enough vitamin D in our diet or through sun exposure to meet a paltry 600 IU means that the number of Americans who are deficient must be staggering. It is a crime that health authorities are not telling people to take vitamin D supplements.
The good news is that this study shows that those who are deficient in vitamin D—likely most Americans, given how wrong the IOM is about how much vitamin D we really need—can reduce their risk of cold or flu by 50 percent.
That is more effective than the flu vaccine usually is, and without the list of possible side effects such as: fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, muscle pains, fainting, nausea, and more. Some flu vaccines contain mercury, a potent neurotoxin, that has been shown to cause neurological damage similar to that seen in autistic patients.

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