July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 22, 2021

Fauci Responds to Changing Definition of ‘Fully Vaccinated’

Epoch Times – The definition of “fully vaccinated” could be changed by federal health officials to include COVID-19 booster doses if their data supports it, said White House pandemic advisor Anthony Fauci on Sunday. While speaking to ABC’s “This Week,” Fauci said that medical officials are still considering the necessity of the booster shot and he personally would not change the definition for what constitutes “fully vaccinated.” “We’re going to take a look right now at what the durability is of the booster,” Fauci said. “We’re going to follow people who get boosted.” He added: “People should not be put off by the fact that as time goes by and we learn more and more about the protection that we might modify the guidelines. That’s what we’ve been saying all along.” Fauci added that his agency will “just follow and let the data guide [our] policy, and let the data guide [our] recommendations.”

Misinformation About Kyle Rittenhouse Case Floods Social Media, TV Networks

Epoch Times – Kyle Rittenhouse shot three black men. Kyle Rittenhouse traveled across state lines with a gun. Kyle Rittenhouse had an AK-47. These are three examples of false information being spread about Rittenhouse, whose trial ended last week with his acquittal. Prominent influencers, including lawmakers and reporters, are sources of some of the misinformation—possibly disinformation—leaving experts troubled. On CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday, reporter Mark Strassman falsely said Rittenhouse “drove in from Illinois armed for battle.” On CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” on Friday, Harvard University professor Cornell William Brooks falsely said Rittenhouse was carrying an AK-47. The Independent falsely reported late last week that Rittenhouse shot three black men.

Fascist Twitter Suspends Journalist for Saying Truth That Kyle Rittenhouse Did Nothing Wrong — After His Acquittal

The Federalist – Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong. So said a jury of his peers after weeks of witness testimony, a careful review of the video evidence, and Rittenhouse’s own dramatic appearance on the stand.

Twitter, however, reached a different verdict. In the exuberant hours after Rittenhouse’s acquittal, I tweeted the phrase “Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong” to my 10,000 followers. The tweet went viral, generating hundreds of retweets and thousands of likes. Included was a photo of my suspension, from a few days earlier, for saying the exact same phrase. I felt vindicated.

witter, however, got the last laugh. On Sunday morning, I woke up to another suspension for insisting that Rittenhouse was in the right. The first had been for 12 hours. This one is for seven days.

The cry of social media censorship feels tedious. It is obvious that Big Tech hates conservatives and will do everything in its power to quash dissent against the Biden regime. Of course. After all, the whole country watched the big tech monopolies deplatform the sitting president of the United States back in January.

Conservatives shouldn’t just shrug their shoulders in the face of overwhelming corporate opposition. Woke Tech shouldn’t win by default. Instead, right-wing resistance should grow clearer and more focused.

Curtailing the monopoly power of social media companies on public discourse should be the official stance of the Republican Party. Twitter, Facebook, and Google should be turned into public utilities, their excess assets sold off, and their c-suites charged with felonies for conspiring to violate the Sherman Anti-trust Act.

Biden’s Communications Director Quits, Marking 2nd White House Resignation in a Week

Epoch Times – Emma Riley, White House communications chief of staff, became the second person in the Biden–Harris team to hand in a resignation in a week, when she announced that she’s leaving her post for a job in the Labor Department. “It was an honor and privilege to serve POTUS and the American people at the White House,” Riley wrote on Twitter on Nov. 19, adding that she’ll be working with Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, for whom she worked as an associate press secretary when Walsh was mayor of Boston. Riley’s announcement came the day after the departure of Ashley Etienne, communication director for Vice President Kamala Harris. A White House official said in a statement that Etienne was a “valued member” of the team who would be leaving in December to “pursue other opportunities.” 

Leaked helicopter footage from police shows close-ups of sunbathers, infrared look inside buildings

ABA Journal – Leaked footage from police helicopters shows surveillance of people in Dallas and Atlanta who apparently have no idea that they are on camera.

The footage, stored in an unsecured cloud infrastructure, was leaked by an anonymous source to a WikiLeaks-like group called Distributed Denial of Secrets, said group co-founder Emma Best.

Courthouse News Service, Wired and D Magazine have coverage.

Wired reviewed some of the footage, which is mostly from Dallas. Wired reports that some of the video shows what might be expected: crowd surveillance over stadium parking lots or officers pulling over a car.

“But other scenes in the footage have a more aimless, roving quality,” Wired said.

Courthouse News Service has more specifics.

“Large sections of the video shows random surveillance of Dallas neighborhoods, with highly detailed and zoomed-in images of people in their front yards, standing by their cars and sunbathing,” the news service reports. “The subjects appear to have no indication they are under surveillance.”

Best tweeted that some of the videos use infrared technology “to look at people inside buildings with thinner walls. The video provides no justifying context.”

A Dallas Police Department spokesperson confirmed to Wired that some of the video is from the department’s helicopter. The Atlanta Police Department said video did not come from its jurisdiction, while the Georgia State Patrol did not respond to Wired’s request for comment.

Best told Wired that much of the footage has a 2019 time stamp. Police departments should make retention limits a priority, she said.

Wired also spoke with Evan Greer, deputy director of the digital rights group Fight for the Future, about the surveillance.

“I haven’t heard specifically about helicopters being used in this way,” Greer told Wired. “It’s totally unsurprising, but it is alarming. At least in an urban setting, you think of police helicopters showing up when there’s something specific going on, but anecdotally you also hear about them being used for intimidation purposes, like flying really low over neighborhoods where residents are predominantly people of color.”

Will You Be Jailed for Protesting Vaccine Mandates?

Mercola – The Online Safety Bill, currently under consideration in the U.K., would stifle freedom of speech about any topic deemed “harmful.” The Times reported government sources used the example of “antivaxxers,” or those opposed to the new genetic therapy injection.

The new law sets the stage for greater public control in the future. Currently the government doesn’t want you to express your opinion about the shot, but that could soon extend to skyrocketing food, oil and gasoline prices.

These tyrannical regulations have been justified by what the government has called an ongoing emergency, which is not supported by the data released by another government agency, the CDC.

Your personal liberty is worth fighting for because once it is gone it will be exponentially more difficult to get back. It is vital to stand your ground and fight peacefully for freedom.

Kyle Rittenhouse trial exposes Big Tech’s ‘censor until proven innocent’ approach

Parler News – A Wisconsin jury finding Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense, when he shot three people at a BLM protest in Kenosha last year, makes more apparent the dangerous powers of Big Tech. Within days of the August 2020 shootings, Facebook labeled Rittenhouse a mass murderer, telling Breitbart: “We’ve designated the shooting in Kenosha a mass murder and are removing posts in support of the shooter.” It also blocked search results on “Kyle Rittenhouse.”

In September 2020, Twitter suspended the account of Rittenhouse’s attorney for attempting to raise funds for the teenager’s defense. GoFundMe cited its policies against supporting those charged with violent crimes when thwarting efforts to pay for Rittenhouse’s legal fees, despite plenty of similar fundraisers remaining live. Only after the verdict of innocence was reached would GoFundMe allow campaigns to help pay for the teen’s legal fees and living expenses. 

During Rittenhouse’s trial, Facebook again blocked search results on his name, leaving users to converse about it only on their profiles or in their subscribed feeds. And YouTube suspended live streams about the trial hosted by independent legal analysts.  

In America, alleged criminals are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The court of Big Tech social media, however, is anything but impartial. And their actions regarding this particular case should concern us all. 

Dan Gainor, VP of the Media Research Center, said Big Tech’s attempts to stifle discussions about Rittenhouse proves how much control it has in societal and political issues. “It’s dangerous that they have this much power over what can be discussed in a public forum,” he said. “They could prevent free elections in every free country in the world if they wanted to.”

Global Organization Attempts to End Free Speech Worldwide

Mercola – The International Grand Committee on Disinformation (IGCD) consists of “an international array of legislators, policy advisers, and other experts” who work together “to forge international alliances that bring shared, effective strategies into the battle against online disinformation”.

The founders of the IGCD are four members of the British and Canadian Parliaments, including British MP Damian Collins, who is also on the board of the Centers for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). The CCDH fabricates reports that are then used to strip people of their freedom of speech rights.

Logistics for the IGCD are provided by the Reset Initiative (a not-so-subtle reminder that censorship is a requirement for The Great Reset), which is part of The Omidyar Group of philanthropies.

Omidyar funds Whistleblower Aid, the legal counsel for the fake Facebook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen, who has testified before U.S., French, British and European Union lawmakers, calling for more censorship.

CCDH chairman Simon Clark also has ties to Arabella Advisors, the most powerful dark money lobbying group in the U.S.

This Day in History: NOVEMBER 22, 1963: DEATH OF THE PRESIDENT

Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas.

By the fall of 1963, President John F. Kennedy and his political advisers were preparing for the next presidential campaign. Although he had not formally announced his candidacy, it was clear that President Kennedy was going to run and he seemed confident about his chances for re-election.

At the end of September, the president traveled west, speaking in nine different states in less than a week. The trip was meant to put a spotlight on natural resources and conservation efforts. But JFK also used it to sound out themes—such as education, national security, and world peace—for his run in 1964.

Virginia School Boards Association Quits National Association, Cites ‘Persistent Pattern of Dysfunction’

Epoch Times – The Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) voted on Nov. 18 to end its membership with the National School Boards Association (NSBA), citing a “persistent pattern of dysfunction” within the organization. Janet Turney-Giles and Gina Patterson, president and executive director of the VSBA, said in a memo to all school board members that the decision to end the membership, effective June 30, 2022, was “made in response to a persistent pattern of dysfunction within the NSBA organization and among those charged with its governance.” “The VSBA board of directors no longer has faith in NSBA’s ability to effectively represent the interests of our state association and its members,” the two said in the memo. “For several years, VSBA and many other state associations have repeatedly asked for corrective actions with governance and finances and received little to no action from NSBA that meets VSBA expectations.” 

California Nordstrom Ransacked by 80 Looters in Ski Masks With Crowbars: Witnesses

Epoch Times – A Nordstrom in Northern California was ransacked by dozens of apparent looters clad in ski masks while armed with crowbars, according to witnesses and video footage. “We probably saw 50 to 80 people in ski masks crowbars a bunch of weapons,” local PF Chang’s manager Brett Barrette told KGO-TV, referring to Saturday night’s incident in Walnut Creek, located in the San Francisco Bay Area. “They were looting the Nordstrom’s right here. And I thought they were going to start beating cars. I had to start locking doors lock the front door lock the back door.” Describing the looters as a “mob of people,” Barrette told CBS San Francisco that “police were flying in. It was like a scene out of a movie. It was insane.” 

SUV driver in parade crash may have been fleeing a crime

Miami Herald – Investigators are looking into whether the SUV driver who plowed through a Christmas parade in suburban Milwaukee, killing at least five people and injuring more than 40, was fleeing a crime, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press. The joyous scene of marching bands and children dancing in Santa hats and waving pompoms turned deadly in an instant on Sunday, giving way to screams and scenes of crumpled bodies as the SUV sped through barricades and struck dancers, musicians and others. Members of a “Dancing Grannies” club were among those killed. One person was taken into custody after a Waukesha police officer opened fire to try to stop the vehicle, authorities said.

Border Crossings Are at an All-Time High — The Biden-Harris Regime’s Homeland “Security” Department Is Prioritizing ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’

Washington Free Beacon – As patrol agents are overwhelmed with an all-time high number of crossings at the southern border, the Department of Homeland Security is prioritizing “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) in the 2022 fiscal year, according to documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

In a November report that outlined initiatives for agencies such as Customs and Border Protection, DHS listed compliance with federal regulations as first among six “priorities.” The second was “diversity, equity, and inclusion”—above “customer experience” and “cybersecurity.” The department sent the report to staff members following a town hall-like meeting, during which agency heads emphasized to staff the importance of DEI efforts.

That ranking concerned at least one senior DHS official, who criticized leadership for focusing on left-wing political initiatives while the southern border “remains a shit show.”

“DEI is the new buzzword at DHS, and it’s a top focus at all component agencies,” the official said. “Too many officials are spending resources to impress Biden administration officials and political appointees with new initiatives and programs.”

As DHS rolls out these priorities, Border Patrol agents are processing an all-time high number of migrants attempting to enter the country. Fentanyl seizures by immigration authorities have also spiked over the last year, contributing to the more than 100,000 American deaths due to opioid overdoses in the last year. On top of that, DHS is facing a potential staffing crisis amid vaccine mandates for federal employees.

Despite those crises, President Joe Biden has advanced DEI programming. In June, he signed an executive order establishing “a government-wide initiative to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in all parts of the federal workforce” that “expands [DEI] training throughout” the government.

A recording of a private question-and-answer session with DHS leadership this month, which was obtained by the Free Beacon, highlights how DEI initiatives are central to day-to-day work by the agency. When asked by an anonymous staff member about supply chain issues, for example, DHS chief information officer Eric Hysen—who worked as the director of the Justice and Opportunity Initiative at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and on the Biden transition team—spoke about his concern for “minority businesses” when working with tech contractors.

“One of the things that has been critical for me and [our chief procurement officer] as we think about these elements,” Hysen said, “is that we don’t want to impose supply chain requirements that limit our ability to move quickly, to move at the speed of mission, but also that don’t impact our ability to access and work with small and minority owned businesses, which are a critical part of our vendor base.”

California High School Unveils Plan For ‘All-Gender’ Locker Room

Daily Wire – Long Beach Unified School District has approved several revitalization projects, including a new aquatic center and ‘all-gender’ locker room that will break ground this summer at Wilson High School in Long Beach, CA. Funding for the project comes largely through the Measure E bond program.

Long Beach has long been a welcoming city for the LGBTQ community, allowing students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with the gender they identify with. As well, students may also participate in sports teams and competitions with the gender they identify regardless of the gender listed on their school records. But, local Long Beach parents have voiced concerns since becoming aware of plans for the all-gender locker room.

An email from the school’s Assistant Principal, Guillermo Jimenez went out this week announcing a virtual community meeting that will discuss details on the locker room’s safety and privacy features. The email reads:

Parents and guardians are invited to join a virtual community meeting onTuesday, November 30 at 6 p.m. to learn more about the new aquatic center and inclusive locker room coming to Wilson High School fall 2023. Construction will begin next summer.

The Long Beach Unified School District’s inclusive facilities are spaces that serve students with disabilities, students of all gender identities and expressions, and students who desire privacy for any number of reasons. Wilson’s new aquatic center will feature an inclusive, all-gender locker room.

LBUSD’s Facilities staff will share information on the new aquatic center, including details on the locker room’s safety and privacy features. To join the meeting on November 30, please visit the District’s YouTube channel at LBSchools.net/YouTube or click here.

Parents will have an opportunity to ask questions during the meeting. If you’d like to submit questions in advance of the meeting, please email schoolbonds@lbschools.net.

Thank you for your participation and support.


Guillermo Jimenez

Assistant Principal, Wilson High School

According to an article in the Wilson school paper ‘The Loudspeaker,’ by Editor-in-Chief Samantha Brandts, in November of 2020, LBUSD’s Measure E Liaison, Shawn Abbate, met with a Wilson High School student focus group to discuss the new inclusive locker room prototypes. While discussing the reason for these new spaces, the instructor stated it was created as “a safe space for people who might be otherwise uncomfortable.” She also stated, “We’re looking at what are some of the problems that we have with current single-gender spaces.”

Crypto fans’ gambit to buy Constitution blows up in their face — they owe $1 million in transaction fees

Raw Story – On Monday, Axios reported that over 17,000 cryptocurrency enthusiasts who unsuccessfully pooled their money to buy a rare and valuable copy of the U.S. Constitution have won a consolation prize. Specifically, a cumulative $1 million in transaction fees.

“The ConstitutionDAO group used Ethereum to build its war chest, and contributors paid ‘gas fees’ — essentially, network transaction costs — that observers estimated to run about $50 per transaction,” reported Scott Rosenberg. “That didn’t mean much to big-ticket participants, but took a big bite out of smaller contributors. The median contribution size was a little over $200, according to the ConstitutionDAO site. Participants in the bid collectively spent nearly $1 million on the gas fees, according to one estimate.”

According to the report, cryptocurrency supporters defend the whole affair, noting that credit card companies also charge fees of up to 5 percent for large transactions.

Ultimately, ConstitutionDAO raised $47 million for their bid, but were outcompeted by hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin.

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