July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 24, 2021

8-Year-Old Boy Dies From Injuries in Waukesha Attack

Epoch Times – An 8-year-old victim of the Waukesha Christmas Parade attack succumbed to his injuries and died on Tuesday, his family confirmed. Jackson Sparks was among dozens of victims struck by a car that plowed through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, on Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021. The boy and his 12-year-old brother, Tucker, were both seriously injured and were taken to the ICU at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, according to Alyssa Albro, the niece of Aaron and Sheri Sparks, the victims’ parents. Jackson underwent brain surgery late Nov. 21, but he later died from his injuries late Tuesday, Albro announced on a GoFundMe page, which is seeking support for medical expenses. Meanwhile, Tucker sustained road rash and a fractured skull, but “is miraculously recovering” and will be discharged home. “Please know that they appreciate your continued prayers and tremendous outpouring of support for their family,” Albro said on the GoFundMe page.

Top Australian Official: We’re Transferring COVID-19 Patients to Quarantine Camps

Epoch Times –  Australian authorities are removing COVID-19-positive patients and residents in the Northern Territory to a quarantine camp in Howard Springs, after nine cases were identified in the community of Binjari, according to a local official. Hard lockdowns were implemented in Binjari and nearby Rockhole on Nov. 20, according to Northern Territory’s chief minister. “Residents of Binjari and Rockhole no longer have the five reasons to leave their homes,” Chief Minister Michael Gunner said in a Facebook post dated Nov. 20. Australia’s five allowable reasons for people to leave their homes include going to work or school, buying food or supplies, exercising, caregiving, or getting vaccinated. Officials have “identified five additional close contacts in Borroloola that had not previously been known to us. … They have all tested negative, and they are being transferred to Howard Springs,” he said.

Israel Begins Giving COVID Shots to Children Age 5 to 11

Epoch Times –  srael on Tuesday began administering the coronavirus vaccine to children age 5 to 11. The country recently emerged from a fourth COVID wave and daily infections have been relatively low for the last few weeks. But Health Ministry statistics show that a large share of the new infections have been in children and teenagers. Children age 5 to 11 make up nearly half of active cases. Officials hope the new inoculation campaign will help bring down the numbers and perhaps stave off a new wave. Israeli media reported low demand for the shots on the first day they were available to this age group. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett accompanied his son David, 9, on Tuesday to get his jab in a bid to encourage parents to have their children vaccinated. Bennett held his son’s hand as he received the shot. 

Technocracy Ahead: Digital ID Is Set To Control Your Life

Technocracy News – India’s Aadhaar database contains the digital identifications of more than 1 billion residents, making it the largest biometric digital ID system ever constructed. Similar systems are now being pushed toward implementation in the West, starting with digital vaccine passports.

Aadhaar is a de facto social credit system. While sold to the public as the key access point to government services, it also tracks users’ geolocation, employment and purchasing habits. Glitches in the system have led to an untold number of deaths among the poorest, as they were denied food rations.

The budding dictatorship of today relies heavily on weaponized medicine and the control of information. Vaccine passports are an entry into digital IDs, which allow those who control the system to control virtually all aspects of your life, while simultaneously making a profit from selling your biometric data.

A leading figure in this medical dictatorship scheme is Bill Gates, who wields a dominating influence over Big Tech, global health policy, agriculture and food policy (including biopiracy and fake food), weather modification and other climate technologies, surveillance, education and media.

The U.S. vaccine passport effort revolves around a public-private partnership called the Vaccine Credential Initiative (VCI). A military-intelligence think tank called MITRE, which specializes in covert surveillance and data collection on citizens, has a central role in this partnership

Retail Violence in Victoria at ‘Peak Levels’ After Access to Non-Essential Shopping tied to Vaccination Status

Epoch Times – According to the Australian Retailers Association (ARA), retail workers have experienced an increase in verbal and physical assault just days after the Victorian state government made it mandatory that only those fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can access non-essential retail premises, according to the Australian Retailers Association (ARA). ARA CEO Paul Zahra said that the organisation had received reports of one worker who was beaten up, another worker who was scolded by coffee, and one who had a shopping trolley thrown at them. “Our members have reported thousands of incidences of customer aggression including many acts of significant violence towards retail staff,” Zahra said in an open letter to state Premier Daniel Andrews on Nov. 23. “The reports of customer aggression are coming from a broad range of retailers—from department stores to hardware stores, along with small businesses and even charity shops, many of which have had to put security guards.

Brazen Shoplifting and Traumatized Staff Impacting Company Profits: Best Buy CEO

Epoch Times – Best Buy CEO Corie Barry said Tuesday that theft is a growing problem in the company’s stores, and the aggressive behavior displayed by shoplifters is “traumatizing” staff members, which has led to retention issues in the otherwise tight labor market. Barry told Wall Street analysts on a conference call to discuss earnings that criminals often carry in weapons like guns or crowbars and threaten employees and customers. Consumer electronics have reported an increase in organized crime, according to the CEO. The company has begun locking up products and hiring more security when possible. The safety of individuals will be prioritized over products, said the CEO. Locking up creates a delay in the customer experience as an employee is required to open up an enclosure each time for the customer. “This is traumatizing for our associates and is unacceptable,” Barry said on the call. 

Amazon Employees Plan Worldwide Global Black Friday Protests, Release Set of Demands for Company

Epoch Times –  Amazon employees worldwide will be holding a strike against the company on Black Friday, Nov. 26, one of the busiest shopping days of the year, to demand fair pair for workers, among other things. Make Amazon Pay, a coalition that represents over 200 million workers and activists across the planet, is organizing Friday’s protest and has released a set of demands that employees are placing on both the company and the governments of the countries it operates in around the globe. The strikes are set to take place at factories, warehouses, and outside corporate offices across the world, including sites in California,  Germany, Ireland, France, and Spain. In a statement, the coalition noted that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is “the world’s richest person”—although Bloomberg’s billionaire’s index currently places him at number two behind Tesla’s Elon Musk—and that the tech giant became a “trillion-dollar corporation” during the COVID-19 pandemic while its warehouse employees “risked their lives as essential workers.

Jury Finds Pharmacy Chains Responsible in Opioid Crisis

Infowars – A jury in the state of Ohio decided on Tuesday that pharmacies owned by the chains Walmart, Walgreens and CVS hold responsibility for the flooding of two counties with opioids.

The three retail giants were found guilty of illegally creating an “oversupply” of opioid drugs in the Ohio counties of Lake and Trumbull by filling out high numbers of prescriptions.

The case could set a precedent for local authorities to take on drug distributors — not just manufacturers and prosecute them for their role in the addiction crisis that has cost the lives of over 500,000 people in the country in the past 20 years.

A federal judge will rule on the penalties to be paid by the companies in the spring.

Social and Emotional Indoctrination in Schools

Epoch TImes – Commentary Social and emotional learning is the latest trend at your child’s school. SEL sounds beneficial, but that’s a disguise. In truth, it indoctrinates kids with extremist ideas many parents don’t condone. On Nov. 22, the Hartford Courant reported that West Hartford, Connecticut, elementary school parents are in an uproar. They’re complaining that teachers are putting words such as “nonbinary” on the chalkboard and telling kids, including kindergarteners, they can live life as a gender different from what they were assigned at birth. Parents were told by school authorities that they can’t opt their children out. Most Americans think parents should have the final say on what children are taught. From Treasure Valley, Idaho, to Greenwich, Connecticut, school board candidates made SEL an issue in elections earlier this month. 

Fauci says changing definition of fully vaxxed to include boosters on table

The Hill – Top infectious diseases expert Anthony Fauci said changing the definition of what qualifies a person as fully vaccinated to include a booster shot is “on the table.”

“Right now, officially, fully vaccinated equals two shots of the mRNA and one shot of the J&J, but without a doubt that could change,” Fauci said in an interview for the upcoming Reuters Next conference, Reuters reported

“That’s on the table for discussion,” he added. 

Hundreds of Google Employees Sign Manifesto Against Forced Injections – Report

Infowars – At least 600 Google employees signed a manifesto asking their employer to retract the compulsory COVID-19 vaccination mandate ahead of workers returning to offices, media reported.

The signed manifesto urges company bosses to create a new vaccine mandate, “inclusive of all Googlers,” CNBC reported. The manifesto also asks employees to “oppose the [vaccination] mandate as a matter of principle” and stresses that the policy must not change their decision if they already chose not to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Google, however, stood by its policy in response to the outcry.

“As we’ve stated to all our employees and the author of this document, our vaccination requirements are one of the most important ways we can keep our workforce safe and keep our services running. We firmly stand behind our vaccination policy,” a Google spokesperson said as quoted by CNBC.

Google’s employees are to return to in-person working for three days a week starting on 10 January.

The WHO Is an Institution of Corruption

Mercola – Fundamental corruption at the World Health Organization (WHO) contributed to manufacturing a “test pandemic”.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former head of health at the Council of Europe, explains that a pandemic used to be associated with widespread severe illness and death, but by changing the definition, removing the severity and high mortality criteria, WHO can now make a pandemic whenever it wants.

COVID-19 was a “test” pandemic, not a virus pandemic, because PCR tests may give a positive result when it detects fragments of coronaviruses that have been around for 20 years, a fragment of virus too small to make you ill or a fragment of COVID-19 that was there weeks ago.

The mass COVID-19 shot campaign is riddled with conflicts of interest at a fundamental level, and these conflicts are putting people’s lives at risk by putting vaccine production ahead of disease prevention.

As Wodarg noted, if you want to earn money producing vaccines, you need new markets in which to use them, and new diseases so you can sell your vaccine

The Magical Thinking and Dangers of Masks

Mercola – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lied about masks’ effectiveness when CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky tweeted, “Masks can help reduce your chance of #COVID19 infection by more than 80%”.

Walensky didn’t give a reference for her claim, but a large study from researchers at Yale, Stanford and the University of California Berkeley found much less impressive results from masks.

Wearing a face mask carries inherent risks, including the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, oxygen deprivation, psychological effects and more.

Experts argue that while doing little to protect your health, and instead harming it, face mask mandates “fashion the citizenry as slaves” and act as symbols of enslavement.

Despite a wealth of science showing masks don’t work, magical thinking — the belief that you can influence outcomes by doing something that has no causal connection to them — in their favor persists

No, Thanksgiving Dinner Will Not Cost You 14 Percent More!

Human Progress – Today, the U.S. Farm Bureau released its much-anticipated Thanksgiving dinner cost estimate for 2021. According to the Bureau, “the average cost of this year’s classic Thanksgiving feast for 10 [people] will be $53.31 or less than $6.00 per person.  This is a $6.41 or 14 percent increase from last year’s average of $46.90.”

That much is certainly true.

However, the dire picture painted by the Bureau improves somewhat once we account for the wage increases over the course of last year. To wit, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis estimates that the average blue-collar hourly wage in October 2021 was $26.26. That means that the average American will spend 2.03 hours (121.8 minutes) working to pay for the 2021 Thanksgiving dinner. 

In October 2020, the average blue-collar hourly wage was $24.83, and Thanksgiving dinner cost $46.90. So, the average U.S. worker had to work 1.88 hours (112.8 minutes) to pay for the feast. That means that over the course of last year, the cost of Thanksgiving dinner rose by 9 minutes of work or 7.39 percent.

Take-away no. 1:

Once we account for the blue-collar wage increase, the rise in the cost of Thanksgiving dinner halves from around 14 percent to around 7 percent.

To be clear, that’s not the direction in which the American standard of living should be moving. Who is to blame? Part of the increased cost of Thanksgiving dinner in 2021 must surely be blamed on COVID-19 and the shock to the U.S. economy caused by the pandemic.

However, the U.S. decision-makers are not blameless. They should be more keenly aware of the additional costs imposed on the American consumer by loose fiscal and monetary policies, unnecessary regulations, trade tariffs, restrictions on energy production, and other ways in which the supply side of the U.S. economy is prevented from meeting U.S. demand.

Take-away no. 2:

Thanksgiving dinner in 2021 will be cheaper than what it was in 2019. The feast cost 2.08 hours (124.8 minutes) of work in 2019. That means that the average American worker will work 3 minutes less in 2021 than he or she did in 2019 to pay for the meal (see the table below).

Also, do not forget the long-term trend. The U.S. Farm Bureau started collecting the Thanksgiving dinner cost data in 1986. That year, the feast cost $28.74 (in 1986 dollars), while the average blue-collar hourly wage was $8.92 (in 1986 dollars). That means that the time-price of Thanksgiving dinner in 1986 was 3.22 hours or 193.2 minutes.

Take-away no. 3:

On average, the American worker will work 71.4 minutes less to pay for Thanksgiving dinner in 2021 than he or she did in 1986 (193.2 minutes – 121.8 minutes = 71.4 minutes).

It has been a difficult year for most people, and our analysis is not meant to belittle the hardship that Americans have endured since the start of the pandemic. But doom and gloom are not our friends either.

Take-away no. 4:

To wit, the time price of Thanksgiving dinner in 2021 will be 7 percent higher than it was in 2020. It will be 2.4 percent lower than it was in 2019. Finally, it will be 37 percent lower than it was in 1986.

Moreover, don’t forget the country as a whole. In 1986, the U.S. population was 240 million. That means that Americans worked 77.29 million hours to pay for Thanksgiving dinners in 1986. In 2021, the U.S. population was 333 million. That means that Americans worked 67.6 million hours to pay for Thanksgiving dinners in 2021.

Take-away no. 5:

Collectively, therefore, Americans worked 12.5 percent fewer hours to pay for their Thanksgiving dinners in 2021 than they did in 1986.

Also, note that the population of the United States increased by 38.8 percent between 1986 and 2021, while the time price of a Thanksgiving meal fell by 37 percent over the same period.

Take-away no. 6:

That means that for every 1 percent increase in the U.S. population, the time price of Thanksgiving dinner declined by 0.954 percent (–37 percent ÷ 38.8 percent = –0.954).

The average American can now buy 1.586 times as many Thanksgiving dinners as he or she could in 1986 (193.2 minutes ÷ 121.8 minutes = 1.586). The meal grew more abundant at a compound annual rate of 1.33 percent between 1986 and 2021. At that rate, Thanksgiving dinner abundance doubles every 52.6 years.  

Take-away no. 7:

Between 1986 and 2021, the abundance of a Thanksgiving meal rose by 58.6 percent, while the U.S. population rose by 38.8 percent. Therefore, Thanksgiving meal abundance increased at a faster pace than population increased – a situation that we call Superabundance.

Ghislaine Maxwell is fighting to prevent jurors from seeing a copy of Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘little black book’ at her criminal trial

Insider – Ghislaine Maxwell doesn’t want Jeffrey Epstein’s “little black book” shown at her criminal trial.

  • Her lawyers said the book, which lists people said to be linked to Epstein, could’ve been altered.
  • Prosecutors say they plan to bring a witness who can testify about the book’s authenticity.

Ghislaine Maxwell doesn’t want jurors to see a copy of the “little black book” Jeffrey Epstein kept in his mansion that lists contact information for rich and powerful people.

In partially redacted court filings from the past several weeks, federal prosecutors and attorneys for Maxwell have duked it out over whether a copy of the book — referenced in the filings as “Exhibit 52” — can be entered into evidence so that portions of it may be shown to jurors at the British socialite’s sex-trafficking trial, which is scheduled to begin with opening statements on Monday.

“Ms. Maxwell requests that the government be precluded from discussing the book at trial prior to a proper evidentiary foundation being established,” Maxwell’s lawyers wrote in a court filing.

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