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The Power Hour

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Today's News: November 25, 2019

World News

Pro-democracy candidates surge, pro-Beijing candidates suffer amid record turnout in Hong Kong elections
USA Today – Pro-democracy candidates in Hong Kong won big gains in district council elections Sunday following months of tumultuous, pro-democracy protests that have swept across the semi-autonomous Chinese territory.
The Electoral Affairs Commission said a record-smashing 71.2% of the electorate, or more than 2.9 million residents, took part in voting for 452 seats in 18 district councils. Four years ago, the same elections drew a then-record 47% turnout.
With returns in for over half the seats, pro-democracy candidates already had won 278 seats, more than double their total four years ago. Pro-establishment candidates had won 42. In 2015, pro-democracy candidates won 126 seats while pro-establishment candidates claimed almost 300.
Pro-democracy activist Tommy Cheung and student activist Lester Shum were among the early winners. Cheung describing the results as a “tsunami”; Shum urged the government to meet protester demands quickly.
“We can be happy tonight and take a rest tomorrow,” Shum told the South China Morning Post. “But the day after we will need to keep up our fight for the future of Hong Kong.”
Canada launches major class-action lawsuit against Monsanto’s Roundup & owner Bayer
RT – A Canadian law firm has filed a $500 million class-action lawsuit against Monsanto and its owner Bayer. It says they’ve been acting with reckless disregard for the safety of Canadians by selling weed killer Roundup.
According to the firm Diamond & Diamond, there are currently more than 60 individuals named as plaintiffs, but it says that thousands may have been affected.
The plaintiffs involved in this class-action lawsuit are looking not only for financial compensation, but also for “behavior modification” so that the same thing doesn’t happen again in the future with other products in Canada.
“If there’s not these lawsuits that force companies like Monsanto to write these big cheques, they have no incentive to change the way they do business,” Darryl Singer, the head of commercial and civil litigation at Diamond & Diamond, told CBC News.
He explained the plaintiffs have been diagnosed with different forms of cancer, including brain and lung cancer. Some of the clients are acting on behalf of an estate.
“These are not minor injuries,” Singer said, adding that some of the plaintiffs “are not likely to see the end of this lawsuit because they will pass away before that.”
Bayer Canada said it will “vigorously defend” its products. “While we have great sympathy for the plaintiffs, glyphosate-based herbicides are not the cause of their illnesses,” the company said in a statement.
Doctors Call For Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange to Get ‘Urgent’ Treatment in UK Hospital
Breitbart – More than 60 doctors have written to British authorities asserting that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange urgently needs medical treatment at a university hospital.
The doctors said in a letter published Monday that Assange suffers from psychological problems including depression as well as dental issues and a serious shoulder ailment.
Assange is in Belmarsh Prison on the outskirts of London in advance of an extradition hearing set for February. He is sought by the U.S. on espionage charges relating to his WikiLeaks work.
The letter was sent to Home Secretary Priti Patel.
Dr. Lissa Johnson of Australia said an independent medical assessment is needed to determine if Assange is “medically fit” to face legal proceedings.
The letter was distributed by WikiLeaks.
Qatar and Kuwait Vow to Join US-Led Maritime Coalition, US Official Says
Sputnik – The US has been pushing for creation of a naval coalition to safeguard the Strait of Hormuz, calling on its allies to join in following a series of attacks on vessels in the region earlier this year that were blamed by Washington on Iran.
Treasures worth ‘up to billion euros’ stolen from museum
The Guardian – Thieves in the German city of Dresden have broken into one of Europe’s largest collections of art treasures, making off with three sets of 18th-century jewellery of “immeasurable worth” in what German media has described as the biggest such theft since the second world war.
The dramatic heist took place at dawn on Monday, after a fire broke out at an electrical distribution point nearby, deactivating the museum’s alarm and plunging the area into darkness.
Despite the power cut, a surveillance camera filmed two men breaking into the Grüne Gewölbe (Green Vault) at Dresden’s Royal Palace.
Volker Lange, the head of Dresden police, said the thieves smashed a window and cut through a fence before approaching and breaking open a display cabinet in the Grüne Gewölbe’s Jewel Room in “a targeted manner”.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

U.S. Resumes Operations Against ISIS in Northern Syria
NYT – After a lull of several weeks, American troops and Syrian Kurdish fighters are once again conducting large-scale counterterrorism missions.
Barr Ends All Conspiracy Theories Forever By Saying Epstein Died Via A Series Of Coincidences
Medium – In an interview with Associated Press, US Attorney General William Barr put all conspiracy theories to rest once and for all by assuring the world that alleged sex trafficker and alleged billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s death was simply the result of a very, very, very long series of unfortunate coincidences.
“I can understand people who immediately, whose minds went to sort of the worst-case scenario because it was a perfect storm of screw-ups,” Barr told AP on Thursday.
This perfect storm of unlucky oopsies include Epstein being taken off suicide watch not long after a previous suicide attempt and shortly before his successful suicide, suggestions that the first attempt may have actually been an assault via attempted strangulation inflicted by someone else, two security guards simultaneously falling asleep on the job when they were supposed to be checking on Epstein, one of those guards not even being an actual security guard, security footage of two cameras outside Epstein’s cell being unusable due to a mysterious technical glitch, at least eight Bureau of Prisons officials knowing Epstein wasn’t meant to be left alone in his cell and leaving him alone in his cell anyway, Epstein’s cellmate being transferred out of their shared space the day before Epstein’s death, Epstein signing a will two days before his death, unexplained injuries on Epstein’s wrists and shoulder reported by his family after the autopsy, and a forensic expert who examined Epstein’s body claiming that his injuries were more consistent with homicide than suicide.
Why The Planned Parenthood Whistleblower Case Will Likely Hit The Supreme Court
The country’s largest abortion provider sued undercover journalists after the 2015 release of a series of investigative videos that exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in fetal parts.
The Federalist -On Friday, a jury awarded Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and multiple Planned Parenthood affiliates, damages set to exceed $2.3 million in their civil case against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt and several of their associates. The country’s largest cohort of abortion providers sued Daleiden and his colleagues after the 2015 release of a series of investigative videos that exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in fetal parts.
The jury found the defendants liable on an array of state law theories, including trespass, breach of contract and of non-disclosure agreements, and fraud, as well as state and federal laws prohibiting the unconsented recordings of third parties. The California-based jury also found that Daleiden and the other defendants had violated the federal Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) law—a federal statute that triples any damage award. The defendants were also hit with punitive damages exceeding $800,000.
Daleiden’s lead attorney, Peter Breen, of the public policy legal firm Thomas More Society, promised an appeal. “We intend to seek vindication for David on appeal,” Breen said in a press release. “This lawsuit is payback for David Daleiden exposing Planned Parenthood’s dirty business of buying and selling fetal parts and organs,” Breen added, noting, “We intend to seek vindication for David on appeal. His investigation into criminal activity by America’s largest abortion provider utilized standard investigative journalism techniques, those applied regularly by news outlets across the country.”
Breen has several solid grounds for appeal, and initially will likely challenge presiding judge William Orrick III’s refusal to recuse from the case. While appellate courts are hesitant to second-guess a trial court’s decision on whether recusal is required, in this case the facts strongly suggest recusal was required.
Navy secretary forced out by Pentagon chief over handling of Navy SEAL’s war crimes case
Washington Post – Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper asked for the resignation of Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer on Sunday after losing confidence in him over his handling of the case of a Navy SEAL accused of war crimes in Iraq, the Pentagon said.
Spencer’s ouster was another dramatic turn in the story of Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher, a Navy SEAL who was accused of committing war crimes during a 2017 deployment. Gallagher was acquitted of murder but convicted in July of posing with the corpse of an Islamic State prisoner.
President Trump weighed in on the decision on Twitter, accusing the Navy of mishandling the Gallagher case and mentioning cost overruns in unspecified contracts.
“Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer’s services have been terminated by Secretary of Defense Mark Esper,” Trump wrote. “I thank Richard for his service & commitment.”
Rather than criticizing how the Navy pursued the case, however, Esper said that Spencer privately proposed to White House officials that he would ensure that Gallagher retired as a Navy SEAL, with his Trident insignia, if they did not interfere with a review board convened to determine his fitness to stay in the elite force.
Spencer’s proposal to the White House — which he did not share with Esper during several conversations about the matter — contradicted his own public position on the case, chief Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement.
Esper said in the statement that he was “deeply troubled by this conduct.”
“Unfortunately, as a result I have determined that Secretary Spencer no longer has my confidence to continue in his position,” Esper said. “I wish Richard well.”
A senior defense official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said the Pentagon verified with several sources that Spencer made the private offer to the White House.
Exclusive: Former FBI lawyer under investigation after allegedly altering document in 2016 Russia probe
CNN – A former FBI lawyer is under criminal investigation after allegedly altering a document related to 2016 surveillance of a Trump campaign adviser, several people briefed on the matter told CNN.
Yet the situation did not sway an independent Justice Department watchdog from finding the surveillance was valid, sources said.
Still, the possibility of a substantive change to an investigative document is likely to fuel accusations from President Donald Trump and his allies that the FBI committed wrongdoing in its investigation of connections between Russian election meddling and the Trump campaign.
The findings are expected to be part of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s review of the FBI’s effort to obtain warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act on Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide. Horowitz will release the report next month.
Horowitz turned over evidence on the allegedly altered document to John Durham, the federal prosecutor appointed early this year by Attorney General William Barr to conduct a broad investigation of intelligence gathered for the Russia probe by the CIA and other agencies, including the FBI. The altered document is also at least one focus of Durham’s criminal probe.
It’s unknown how significant a role the altered document played in the FBI’s investigation of Page. The alterations were significant enough to have shifted the document’s meaning and came up during a part of Horowitz’s FISA review where details were classified, according to the sources. It did not change Horowitz’s finding that the FISA application had a legal basis, The Washington Post first reported.
California Parents Flood School Board Meeting – Demand Parental Rights Sanctuary Regarding Vaccines and Sex Education
Health Impact News – This week the Murrieta Unified School District in Southern California saw hundreds of parents turn out for a school board meeting to protest the loss of parental rights when it comes to the issue of mandatory vaccines and the sexualization in sex education of their children without parental approval.
They brought a proposal to make their community a “sanctuary city for parental rights,” claiming that if illegal immigration can be protected by a sanctuary status, then so can parental rights.
Reporter Michelle Mears was present, and published a report at the California Globe.
Hundreds of residents in a Southern California community swarmed a school board meeting Thursday night to speak out about the loss of parental rights in schools. Anxious parents, many with children in tow, students, pastors and doctors demanded the Murrieta Unified School District become the first sanctuary city for parental rights in California.
For two hours people waited to speak out on the action item titled, “To consider Proposal by Community Member to Become a Sanctuary School District.” Those in favor of the sanctuary status understood the trustees could not change the laws set by the state. However, their argument is, if illegal immigration can be protected by a sanctuary status then so can parental rights.
One of the highlights of the night was a reading of an affidavit by a nurse known on Facebook as “Sandra RN.” Police attempted to block her efforts and remove her from the room, but when she stood up for her rights as she was being filmed, police backed down and allowed her to speak.

Economy & Business

OK Boomer, Who’s Going to Buy Your 21 Million Homes?
WSJ – Baby boomers are getting ready to sell one quarter of America’s homes over the next two decades. The problem is many of these properties are in places where younger people no longer want to live.
Jim Grant: The Fed Has Done over $3 Trillion of Repos in Just Two Months
The Sounding Line – Grant’s Interest Rate Observer founder and editor, Jim Grant, recently spoke with CNBC’s Rick Santelli about the radical transformation in monetary policy that has occurred in the last two months, which very few people seem to fully appreciate. Namely, the Fed has embarked on one of the most aggressive monetary policy re-accommodation regimes in history. Point-in-fact, Mr. Grant notes that the Fed has done upwards of $3 trillion in repos in barely two months. While it is important to note that most repos expire after just one day and must be redone everyday to maintain the same level of liquidity, $3 trillion, nonetheless, represents a historic liquidity injection. As we noted here, the Fed’s balance sheet is growing at the fastest pace since the depths of the Financial Crisis.
Some excerpts from Jim Grant and Rick Santelli:
Jim Grant:
“As of now, Rick, from the start of the operation in the middle of September to just about yesterday, we have, on a gross basis mind you – just adding up all the dollars spent day-by-day, we have spent upwards of $3 trillion (on repos), which is a lot of money, even when you say it fast.”
Rick Santelli:
“…Is this a defacto nationalization of the repo market that was once the venue of all the different large institutions and primary dealers that seem to have just exited the space?”
Jim Grant:
“The federal funds market in which banks would transact on the basis of price signals to buy and sell bank reserves… is kind of a ghost town and the Fed Fund rate is for show only. What has superseded it is the repo rate which is the collateralized rate. You charge that for lending against Mr. Mnuchin’s stock of bonds and bills (treasury debt). The repo market is completely dominated by the Federal Reserve. It is the property of the US federal government and we are dealing with administered rates with huge amounts of money, and I think it is worrisome.”
Rick Santelli:
“…This all happened in a very nonchalant way. There didn’t seem to be any protest, any big stories. Granted, even I thought ‘Well, it is just going to provide some liquidity.’ But now it is most likely going to be a permanent operation…  I’ve been around a while, like you have. What happened to using the discount window? …It seems as though we’ve moved from lender of last resort, helping banks in the form of our central bank, to the market maker of last resort, the market lender of last resort. They’re the last resort for everything.”
Jim Grant:
“What we have done is to swap price discovery… for the administration of prices and interest rates, especially of money market interest rates. What Chairman Powell will not say is that in the last three months the Fed’s earning assets, its bonds and bills, have grown at an annualized rate of 23%. Way back in September, before the eruption in the repo market, that was shrinking at a rate of about 9%. So very quietly the Fed has done an about-face and whatever he says with respect to the funds rate, the Fed is very very accomodative and the rate of injection of high powered money is very fast…”
Rick Santelli:
“….We went from open outcry to just crying in open that the markets aren’t going to ever be like they were and market participants in aggregate, and all of their decision making, now boils down to a group of several men.”
Delayed U.S. Corn Harvest Has Resulted In Chaos For Trade Routes
Activist Post – Corn usually is harvested in the Midwest, before it is sent south to be exported, according to Bloomberg. But because farmers in the east, hurt by a springtime deluge, are holding back on supplies in hope of higher prices, the commodity’s price has been pushed higher than the futures market in east – while it remains lower than the futures market in the west. It’s a phenomenon known as “basis arbitrage”.
The result? Corn is now starting to be shipped “over Chicago”: from the west, to supply corn processors, ethanol plants or animal-feed makers in the east.
Dan Basse, president of consulting firm AgResource said:
Corn from the west going to east? It should happen at some point but it’s not the way the U.S. market is set up to transport. If basis is strong enough, we will get that pull into Ohio.
The spread on the arbitrage isn’t yet large enough to move large amounts of grain, but “it doesn’t take much” for that to change, according to Pat Bowe, chief executive officer at U.S. crop handler Andersons Inc.
Bowe said:
There’s still a lot of corn out there, that’s a thing that’s amazing and people forget. The problem has been that with the low flat price, the farmer has been reluctant to sell so there’s a lot of on-farm storage and farmers have corn tucked away, they just don’t want to sell at $3.50 a bushel.
A $28 billion government bailout has helped growers with their falling income due to the ongoing trade war, but getting farmers to sell crops remains difficult. Corn prices have been under pressure after crops survived a record spring rain better than expected. Large corn bases for the season have also hurt export earnings, as “outstanding sales for U.S. corn exports so far in the 2019-2020 season are trailing the year earlier pace by 32%, government data show.”
But Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. expects farmer selling to ramp up next year as growers make space for their next crop, according to Chief Financial Officer Ray Young. Pacific Ethanol Inc. CEO Neil Koehler echoed those sentiments.
Young concluded:
At some juncture, corn will get commercialized. There will be a break in the basis here and that will benefit the originators like us.
Uber loses London licence after TfL finds drivers faked identity
The Guardian – Uber has been stripped of its London licence after authorities found that more than 14,000 trips were taken with drivers who had faked their identity on the firm’s app.
Transport for London announced the decision not to renew the ride-hailing company’s licence at the end of a two-month probationary extension granted in September. Uber was told then it needed to address issues with checks on drivers, insurance and safety, but has failed to satisfy the capital’s transport authorities.
TfL said on Monday it had identified a “pattern of failures” by Uber, including several breaches that placed passengers and their safety at risk.
In a statement, TfL said: “Despite addressing some of these issues, TfL does not have confidence that similar issues will not reoccur in the future, which has led it to conclude that the company is not fit and proper at this time.”
The decision will not see Uber cars disappear from London immediately, as the firm has said it would appeal and could continue to operate pending the outcome, provided it launched official proceedings within 21 days.

Energy & Environment

Rain, snow forecast to pound much of U.S. as millions travel for Thanksgiving
The American Automobile Association said that more than 49 million people plan on driving to their holiday destinations — the most since 2005.
NBC – A series of storms are forecast to pound much of the United States this week, delivering an extended bout of rain, ice and snow just as millions of drivers are expected to hit the roads for Thanksgiving.
The winter weather had already begun Sunday in the North and the Northeast, with heavy snow and slick conditions reported from Ohio and Pennsylvania to Massachusetts and Vermont.
In Columbus, Ohio, a single-car crash accident turned into a multiple vehicle wreck after a car slid across an icy interstate bridge and crashed into a responding police cruiser, NBC affiliate WCMH reported.
In Pennsylvania, the National Weather Service issued a severe weather alert for the Philadelphia region as a quick-moving storm unloaded a burst of heavy snow, NBC Philadelphia reported.
The agency pleaded with drivers on the New Jersey Turnpike and surrounding interstates to slow down, according to the station.
The American Automobile Association expected the country’s highways to remain clogged throughout the week: more than 49 million people plan on driving to their holiday destination, the association said — the most since 2005 and a nearly 3 percent increase over last year.
The worst gridlock is anticipated Wednesday in large metropolitan regions such as Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York and Houston, the association said.
The traffic slowdowns will come as another band of storms blanket a broad swath of the country, the weather service said.
Latest Keystone Pipeline Oil Spill is Nearly 10 Times Worse Than Initially Thought
Waking Times – A crude oil spill from the Keystone Pipeline in North Dakota nearly a month ago was roughly 10 times larger than first reported, officials now say.
On October 29, the Calgary, Alberta-based TC Energy—corporation previously known as TransCanada—shut down operations of the pipeline after the major multinational corporation discovered that it was leaking large amounts of oil into the surrounding wetlands.
Initial reports from the company and North Dakota’s Department of Environmental Quality suggested that the leak, which spilled roughly 383,000 gallons of oil into the region, impacted about 2,500 square yards of land.
However, state environmental scientist Bill Suess now says that the leak impacted 23,232 square yards of land, or 4.8 acres—nearly 10 times the original estimate, reports CNN. The new estimate takes into account both the surface and subsurface impacts of the leak. The original estimate had only been based on visual observations of the spill.
A TC Energy spokesperson said:
“During our initial response to the incident, we immediately sectioned off a larger area (approximately 25,000 square yards) around the visibly impacted section to secure the area, provide for wildlife deterrent and air monitoring purposes.”
Following approval from the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, the pipeline was returned to service on November 9. However, the cause of the spill has yet to be determined.
At the time of the leak, Indigenous Environmental Network frontline community organizer Joye Braun told CNN:
“This is exactly the kind of spill we are worried about when it comes to Keystone XL being built. It has never been if a pipeline breaks but rather when.”
In a statement at the time, Greenpeace USA senior research specialist Tim Donaghy also noted that the spill confirmed precisely what environmentalists had been warning authorities about.
“I wish I could say I was shocked, but a major spill from the Keystone pipeline is exactly what multiple experts predicted would happen.
In fact, this is the fourth significant spill from the Keystone pipeline in less than ten years of operation. History has shown us time and again that there is no safe way to transport fossil fuels, and pipelines are no exception.”
The Department of Environmental Quality claims that an estimated 8,037 barrels of oil has been recovered from the 9,120 spilled.

Science & Technology

Killer Robots Geared to ‘Wipe Out Swathes of Human Population’ Warns Expert
Sputnik – Dozens of countries have been echoing calls to negotiate a treaty to retain “meaningful human control over the use of force”, including 30 states that want to ban fully autonomous weapons, also known as lethal autonomous weapons systems.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) advocacy director Mary Wareham believes the use of autonomous weaponry has emerged as “one of the most pressing threats to humanity” in the world today, as she berated leading nations for failing to take adequate measures to tackle the problem.
The expert has issued a warning that killer robots would potentially be able to “wipe out swathes of the human population with unaccountable attacks.”
Outlining the risks of AI in the battlefield, the advocacy director of HRW arms division wrote in an open letter published by HRW:
“Major military powers are racing to embrace weapons that select and fire on targets without meaningful human control. This is raising the spectre of immoral, unaccountable, largely uncontrollable weapon systems – killer robots. It is also driving fears of widespread proliferation and arms races leading to global and regional instability.”
Singapore invokes ‘fake news’ law for first time over FACEBOOK post
Reuters – Singapore political figure Brad Bowyer on Monday corrected a Facebook post questioning the independence of state investment firms following a government request, in the first use of the country’s new “fake news” law.
Bowyer used “false and misleading” statements alleging the government influenced decisions made by state investors Temasek Holdings and GIC, according to a statement on the official government fact-checking website.
Bowyer said he had placed a correction notice with a link to the government statement above his Facebook post following a request to do so under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA).
“I have no problem in following that request as I feel it is fair to have both points of view and clarifications and corrections of fact when necessary,” Bowyer said in a statement on Facebook.
“In general, I caution all those who comment on our domestic politics and social issues to do so with due care and attention especially if you speak from any place of influence.”
Bowyer, a naturalised Singaporean born in Britain, has been a member of the ruling party and opposition parties but has never stood for elected office.
A spokesman for the newly-created POFMA office said the correction requested by the minister for finance was the first case under the new law, which came into effect in October.
Rights groups have raised concerns the fake news law will be used to stifle free speech and chill dissent in the city state, where the ruling party has comfortably won every election since independence in 1965.
Singapore says it is particularly vulnerable to fake news because of its position as a global financial hub, its mixed ethnic and religious population and widespread internet access. (Reporting by Fathin Ungku and John Geddie; Writing by Joe Brock; Editing by Himani Sarkar and Lincoln Feast.)


Mental health medicine: De-stress with a dose of nature each week, researchers suggest
NaturalNews – Stress may be a normal part of every day life, but if it’s starting to affect your health, it’s time to step back and take a break. Living in the big city can be very stressful. A drastic change in scenery may be in order to get your mind and body feeling rejuvenated to deal with stress once again. A study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology suggests going out and experiencing nature for 20 to 30 minutes each week to unwind and de-stress.
In the study, researchers from the University of Michigan recruited 36 city-dwelling adults aged 22 to 68. Throughout the study period, the participants took a “nature pill.” This means that they will spend time in any outdoor location that they felt provided enough elements to allow a true interaction with nature.
The participants couldn’t do aerobic exercise during their nature experience because of the essential requirements of the study and testing involved. They also avoided the internet, phone calls, social media, and conversations or reading of any kind. They did this at least three times a week for at least 10 minutes, for a period of eight weeks.
The participants also gave saliva samples before and after each nature experience. The samples were used to measure and compare each participants’ levels of cortisol and alpha-amylase – both biological markers of stress.
The results showed that both levels of cortisol and alpha-amylase declined significantly in response to nature experience. In addition, the researchers found that a 20- to 30-minute period provides the most efficient stress-reducing benefits. The researchers concluded that spending at least 20 minutes outdoors can have a significant impact in reducing stress levels. (Related: The science of happiness: Researchers suggest taking your next coffee break outside.)
2,000 Untested Chemicals Discovered In Packaged Foods
NaturalBlaze –
The Facts: 2,000 unregulated chemicals are currently being used in many conventional packaged foods across the U.S.
Reflect On: Do you know what you are putting into your body? If you can’t pronounce an ingredient, chances are you shouldn’t be consuming it. Can you limit the amount of processed foods you are consuming or at least avoid cancer-causing chemicals?
A recent report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) shows that thousands of untested chemicals, approximately 2,000, can be found in a huge variety of conventional processed and packaged foods, which are available for purchase in US supermarkets. You may be surprised to know that these chemicals are legal, based off current chemical regulation laws, or lack thereof in the United States.
Out of the thousands of chemical additives that were discovered, several are known or suspected carcinogens, like synthetic sodium nitrite, which is found in many varieties of processed meats. The World Health Organization considers these probably carcinogenic. Another chemical, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) is listed by the state of California as a cancer-causing chemical can be found in many items, such as a frozen pepperoni pizza.
Many other alarming chemicals are found in the packaging of the foods themselves, such as polypropylene, sulfuric acid and bisphenol A.
Why Vegetable Oils Are Carcinogenic
Mercola – Replacing dangerous vegetable oils such as corn oil, soybean oil and canola oil with healthy fats such as lard, butter or coconut oil is a simple way to boost your health and reduce your risk of chronic disease, including cancer.
Vegetable oils are a concentrated source of omega-6 linoleic acid, which has led to a severe imbalance between the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in most people’s diets. This imbalance appears to be why vegetable oils promote cancer.
Consumption of saturated animal fats such as butter, lard and beef tallow fell by 27% between 1970 and 2014, while consumption of vegetable oils rose by 87%.
Historically, mankind consumed omega-3 and omega-6 at a ratio of 1-to-1. Today, most get 25 times more omega-6 than omega-3, and this imbalance has been linked to heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases, inflammatory conditions and cancer, especially neuroblastoma, breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer.
Your body metabolizes omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs into eicosanoids (hormone-like substances), and as a general rule, omega-3 eicosanoids are anti-inflammatory while omega-6 eicosanoids have proinflammatory effects. Part of the benefits of omega-3 fats is that they block the proinflammatory effects of omega-6 eicosanoids
Your Heart Depends on Selenium, CoQ10 and Vitamin K2
Mercola – While 48% of adult Americans suffer with some form of cardiovascular disease, optimal levels of vitamin K2 MK-7 may reduce your risk for heart attack and stroke.
Vitamin K2 also facilitates the movement of calcium from the blood vessels into the bone, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.
In one study the combination of selenium and CoQ10 had a positive effect on mortality over a 12-year period and longer.
While the closely related CoQ10 and ubiquinol support mitochondrial and heart health, those over 30 have a difficult time absorbing and using CoQ10, but do better with the reduced ubiquinol in supplement form
Vaccine Warning: Vaccines can cause PERMANENT brain injury during brain development years
NaturalNews – Americans are  scared to death of infectious diseases (almost literally). Most people in this country believe that human babies are born with very weak immune systems, and that most humans would die as children without getting the entire CDC-recommended schedule of “childhood” vaccines. They would be dead wrong. In this case, there is no safety in numbers, and what’s worse than “the herd” of fully-vaccinated “sheeple” spreading the very diseases they’re vaccinated against (it’s called shedding), is the fact that today’s immunizations are far too many, too close together, and all loaded with heavy metals, genetically modified viral strains, and neurotoxic ingredients.
An infant’s brain is vulnerable, but it’s mostly vulnerable to the vaccine chemical cocktails injected into their muscle tissue, that end up crossing the blood-brain barrier and inflicting damage to the central nervous system and brain. There’s very much to cover here in very little time, so let’s get right to it.
Vaccine Warning: Aluminum-triggered activation of the immune-system during the early years of brain development can result in permanent brain injury
Cytokines (immune-system signals) control human brain development, and disrupting these natural signals using chemicals and heavy metal toxins is not natural, and has proven to cause permanent brain injury. Why? Aluminum stimulates and triggers in the brain what’s known to the science and infectious disease industry as interleukin-6 (IL-6). The problem arises when the aluminum also stimulates the activation of Th2, which impairs brain development, according to research run on animals. Therefore, despite the parroted myths perpetuated by the pro-vaccine and “Allopathetic” sick-care machine, there most certainly IS a connection between aluminum adjuvant toxicity and immune activation.
So when the pediatrician assures you all vaccines are “safe and effective,” he/she is flat out lying, and they all know that the vaccine insert (that nobody ever reads or shows to patients) warns otherwise too. Most of today’s vaccines contain mind-blowing ingredients (literally) that you would never feed to your child or put on your infant’s skin, much less have injected, if you only knew.
More Polio Cases Now Caused by Vaccine Than by Wild Virus
Newsmax – Four African countries have reported new cases of polio linked to the oral vaccine, as global health numbers show there are now more children being paralyzed by viruses originating in vaccines than in the wild.
In a report late last week, the World Health Organization and partners noted nine new polio cases caused by the vaccine in Nigeria, Congo, Central African Republic and Angola. Seven countries elsewhere in Africa have similar outbreaks.
In a report late last week, the World Health Organization and partners noted nine new polio cases caused by the vaccine in Nigeria, Congo, Central African Republic and Angola. Seven countries elsewhere in Africa have similar outbreaks.
In rare cases, the live virus in oral polio vaccine can mutate into a form capable of sparking new outbreaks.
Donors last week pledged $2.6 billion to combat polio as part of an eradication initiative. In recent years, problems with the vaccine have plagued the program and numerous eradication deadlines have been missed.

Pet News

Powerhouse Plants That Can Prevent and Heal Disease in Pets
Mercola – The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which found in the roots and bulbs of the plant.
A growing body of evidence points to the benefits of turmeric in supporting healthy organ function in both humans and animals./
The M.D. Anderson Cancer Center has concluded curcumin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer properties.
Studies show that curcumin may have a very significant potential effect against a variety of malignant diseases, diabetes, allergies, arthritis, and other chronic conditions.
Another powerhouse plant with anti-inflammatory properties that is safe for dogs and cats is moringa

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