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Today's News: November 30, 2018

World News
Tijuana’s Health Department Reports that 2,267 Migrants at Border Are Being Treated for Disease and Lice
Edward Griffin – Tijuana’s Health Department reports that out of 6,000 migrants currently residing in the city, over a third of them (2,267) are being treated for health-related issues.  About 60% of the migrants treated have respiratory illnesses, with three confirmed cases of tuberculosis, four cases of HIV/AIDS and four separate cases of chickenpox, in addition to at least 101 cases of lice and multiple skin infections.  Officials worry that Hepatitis could break out in the unsanitary conditions.
Hundreds of migrants have accepted free flights home rather than continue to stay in the filth-strewn sports complex that has become their temporary home.  The sports venue can accommodate only 1,000 people. Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum said Tuesday that the city has enough money to assist the migrants only for a few more days, with the city saying it’s spending around $30,000 a day.
Meanwhile reports declare that 10,000 new migrants from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras are on their way to the US border.
Mexico starts moving some migrants to new shelter
Fox – Authorities the Mexican city of Tijuana said Friday they have begun moving Central American migrants from an overcrowded shelter on the border to an events hall further away.
MS-13 Member Who Traveled With Caravan Busted…
National Review – U.S. Border Patrol agents have arrested a member of the infamous Salvadoran MS-13 gang who admitted to authorities that he traveled with a caravan of Central American migrants who were hoping to qualify for asylum in America.
Agents arrested Jose Villalobos-Jobel, 29, shortly after 6 p.m. on Saturday east of the Calexico Port of Entry on the U.S. side of the border, Customs and Border Protection said in a statement Wednesday.
During questioning at the El Centro station, the Honduran citizen confessed that he is an active member of MS-13 and had intended to enter the country illegally after traveling to the U.S. with the caravan of thousands of other migrants. He is in custody pending his deportation back to Honduras.
President Trump has made MS-13 a priority in his crackdown on illegal immigration and said last month that the latest caravan, estimated to consist of as many as 7,000 people, contained MS-13 members.
NR’s afternoon roundup of the day’s best commentary & must-read analysis.
“You’re going to find MS-13, you’re going to find Middle Eastern, you’re going to find everything,” he said of the caravan travelers.
US, UK Pledge Support to Ukraine in Wake of Russia’s Naval Attack
The Daily Signal – Ukraine got a valuable boost Thursday from its Western allies when ambassadors from the U.S. and Britain both condemned Russia’s seizure of three Ukrainian navy vessels and pledged their countries would do more to build up Ukraine’s naval forces.
“We call on Russia to de-escalate the tension that Russia has created,” U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch said in a speech before a packed hall at the International Maritime Security Conference here in Ukraine’s capital.
Gene-editing babies a violation of Chinese law, says official
Telegraph – A Chinese government official has declared the research of scientist He Jiankui, who said he created the world’s first gene-edited babies, a violation of Chinese law, and called for all related work to be halted.
“The genetically edited infant incident reported by media blatantly violated China’s relevant laws and regulations,” Xu Nanping, a vice-minister for science and technology, told Chinese state broadcaster CCTV Thursday evening. “It has also violated the ethical bottom line that the academic community adheres to. It is shocking and unacceptable.”
Earlier this week, national and local authorities said investigations had been launched into Mr He’s work and conduct after videos and interviews from him and his lab were published on Youtube, and by two prominent Western media outlets.
The shocking claims have yet to be independently verified by experts and published in a journal, though if true, would represent a monumental leap in biomedical research.
EU will extend Russia sanctions in December: Tusk
Reuters – The European Union will extend its existing economic sanctions on Russia next month, a top official with the bloc said on Friday after Moscow’s action against Ukraine’s navy in the Sea of Azov. European Council President Donald Tusk will chair a summit of EU leaders on Dec. 13-14, which is due to roll over for another year the bloc’s measures against Russia’s defense, energy and banking sectors, punishment for Moscow’s role in the turmoil in Ukraine
Trump cancels G20 meeting with Putin over Russia-Ukraine crisis
The Independent – Donald Trump has cancelled his scheduled meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit over the recent naval confrontation between Moscow and Ukraine. Trump administration officials have blamed the clash – in which Russian border guards fired on three Ukrainian ships and seized a number of crew – squarely at the feet of the Kremlin. Russian officials said earlier on Thursday that the meeting had been confirmed by the White House despite the clash in the Sea of Azov off the Crimean Peninsula on Sunday..
US Dropped More Bombs on Afghanistan in 2018 Than Ever in Recorded History
Sputnik – The US is dropping more bombs on Afghanistan in 2018 than it has in any other year on record, new Air Force data shows.
United States Air Forces Central Command has been publishing munitions data regularly since 2006, but comprehensive records are only available on their website dating back to 2009. Second to 2018, 2011 saw the most bombs dropped, according to the available data.
Sputnik News first reported in June that the US military was outpacing every other year on record in terms of bombs dropped on the country in 2018. With data from October now available, that distinction remains.
By this time in 2011, at the height of then-President Barack Obama’s troop surge, the US had dropped 4,453 bombs on Afghanistan. Between January 2018 and the end of October 2018, that number stands at 5,982.
That’s an increase of more than one third.
Trump Backs New Bill to Boost Sanctions, Pressure on Assad – White House
Sputnik – The Trump administration strongly supports new legislation to increase financial pressure on the Syrian government of President Bashar Assad, the White House said in a statement on Friday.
“[T]he bill provides additional tools designed to deny the Assad regime and its proxies access to the international financial system and to block the financial and other support that fuels the murder of innocent Syrians,” the statement said.
The White House explained the new bill would also facilitate the continued use of economic sanctions and visa restrictions to hold accountable members of the Assad government.
“The Administration strongly supports the passage of H.R. 1677, the ‘Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act of 2018.’ The bill would add to a robust set of tools at the administration’s disposal… hold Syrian officials accountable for the slaughter of civilians and other atrocities,” it said.
The bill would facilitate the continued use of economic sanctions and visa restrictions to hold accountable members of the Syrian government, the White House statement added. The move comes after US Special Representative for Syria Engagement James Jeffrey pledged in September that the United States would maintain its presence in Syria until Daesh* is defeated and a peaceful settlement is achieved.
US Promises Air Defence ‘Meeting Turkey’s Needs’ If it Drops S-400 – Reports
Sputnik – Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Russia and Turkey should agree to use national currencies instead of the US dollar to pay for the $2.5 billion S-400 air defence system contract.
The US has offered to provide Turkey with a powerful air defence which would meet ‘all of Turkey’s requirements if it were to stop its purchase of the S-400,’ Anadolu Agency has reported, summarizing a Pentagon report to Congress.
Highlighting Turkey’s “unique geostrategic position” between Europe, Russia and the Middle East, as well as its powerful military, which can be used in NATO operations abroad, the Pentagon nevertheless warned that it would “reassess Turkey’s continued participation as one of eight partner nations” in the F-35 stealth fighter program “should they continue with their purchase of the S-400.”
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Trump Organization offered Putin $50M penthouse in Trump Tower Moscow in 2016
Washington Examiner – President Trump’s company had been in talks with a representative of Russian President Vladimir Putin during the 2016 campaign about giving him a $50 million penthouse unit in Trump Tower Moscow for free, according to a report published Thursday evening.
Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen had discussed the proposal with Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov, two federal law enforcement officials with knowledge of the potential deal told BuzzFeed.
The proposal was made during the Trump Organization’s negotiations to build a luxurious 100-story development in Moscow, a real-estate project Trump had tried to make happen for three decades.
Sixteen FBI Agents Raided the Home of a Whistleblower Against the FBI in the Clinton Foundation Uranium One Scandal
Edward Griffin – Sixteen FBI agents raided the home of Dennis Nathan Cain, a whistleblower who worked for an FBI contractor and came across Clinton Foundation and Uranium One documents that he gave to Inspector General Horowitz and both the House and Senate Intel Committees.  Cain is a protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection, but the FBI wanted to know what information was contained in the documents, and raided his house anyway. The documents reveal federal officials, including then-FBI Director Robert Mueller, failed to investigate criminal misconduct by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and Rosatam, the Russian nuclear firm that purchased 20% of the US’s Uranium.  Nine shareholders in Uranium One gave more than $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation in the run-up to State Department approval of the Uranium One deal. Stephanie Gallagher, a federal magistrate, first nominated by Barack Obama, approved of the FBI raid of Cain’s home despite his designation as a protected whistleblower.
St. Louis indictments seen as glimpse of police mindset
Fox – The indictment of four St. Louis police officers provides a troubling glimpse into the mindset of officers who were eager to rough up protesters during a tumultuous period in 2017, civil rights leaders said Friday.
The federal indictment announced Thursday accuses officers Dustin Boone, Randy Hays and Christopher Myers of attacking an undercover colleague during a 2017 protest, not knowing he was an officer, and trying to obstruct the investigation. Officer Bailey Colletta was accused of lying to a federal grand jury.
Shocking: U.S. Dept of Education Offers Positive View on Homeschooling
The New American – During the final year of the Obama administration, U.S Secretary of Education John King took a nasty swipe at homeschoolers in what more than a few analysts viewed as the potential start of an attempted crackdown on educational liberty. By contrast, this month, the U.S. Department of Education used its official blog to highlight a successful Christian homeschooling family that thinks everyone should know their options.
Indiana Solicitor General: Cars Can Be Seized if Driver Exceeds Speed Limit
The New American – In oral examination, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer got the Indiana solictor general to admit that he believes it is constitutional for the police to seize someone’s car for driving five miles per hour over the speed limit.
Yep. Civil asset forfeiture has become such a boon for state law enforcement that its proponents are admitting to the U.S. Supreme Court that the application of the policy is nearly without limits.
On November 28, the case of Timbs v. Indiana was taken up by the U.S. Supreme Court, and the outcome of the case could have far-reaching implications for the practice of seizing the property of those suspected of criminal activity.
As is the case with the law of many states in the union, Indiana authorities may seize a suspect’s property, regardless of the ultimate outcome of the case against the accused. In the case being considered by the Supreme Court, a man’s property was seized and his life was shattered by Indiana law enforcement’s use of civil asset forfeiture against him.
After pleading guilty to one of the drug charges, Timbs began the process of securing the return of his car. He had no idea how long a process that would be and how widespread such abuses are in the rest of the country.
But Timbs was caught transporting drugs, one might say. That’s illegal. Where’s the harm in taking his Land Rover? First of all, Timbs had not yet been convicted of a crime. The Land Rover is his property, purchased legally, and not even with drug money. But that’s not the worst of this situation coming out of Indiana. As mentioned above, and as part of the court transcript below shows, Justice Stephen Breyer got Indiana Solicitor General Thomas Fisher to admit before the Supreme Court that he believes the state could have seized Timbs’s vehicle even all he was doing was driving five miles per hour over the speed limit.
Federal judge in New York rules against Trump in sanctuary cities case
The Hill – A federal judge on Friday ruled against the Trump administration’s move to withhold grant funding from law enforcement agencies of so-called sanctuary cities, saying it was illegal and unconstitutional.
Judge Edgardo Ramos, of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, said the government “did not have lawful authority” to make states alert federal agents when an undocumented immigrant is going to be released from state or local custody and allow federal agents to question immigrants in custody about their legal status in order for states and cities to receive funding.
In his ruling, Ramos blocked the government from enforcing those conditions on New York, New York City and the six states that also challenged the requirements: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Virginia and Washington.
Landlord Tells Harvard Student to Move Out Over Legally Owned Guns
Washington Free Beacon – A Massachusetts landlord told a Harvard University graduate student that he wanted her to move out of her apartment because her legally owned firearms made some of her roommates uncomfortable.
“Since it’s clear that Leyla wants to keep her firearms, it would be best for all parties if she finds another place to live,” Dave Lewis, president of Avid Management, said in an email to the household obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The request that the student, Leyla Pirnie, move out came after her roommates searched her room while she was not home and found her firearms. That prompted one of the roommates to email Lewis requesting he verify that Pirnie was in compliance with applicable firearms laws.
“We discussed with Leyla that all of us are uncomfortable with having firearms in the house, and that their presence causes anxiety and deprives us of the quiet enjoyment of the premise to which we are entitled,” the roommate wrote to Lewis.
Pirnie said she feels her roommates violated her privacy and now they and her landlord are trying to violate her rights.
Veteran News
VA vows to fix GI benefits after 50-year-old computer system caused payment glitch
Fox – Vets who are getting smaller GI Bill benefit payments than they are due because of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ 50-year-old computer system will be made whole, VA officials said.
The announcement represents a sudden reversal by the government agency
At a hearing Thursday on Capitol Hill, VA undersecretary Paul Lawrence said the agency has no plans to retroactively pay shortchanged GI Bill recipients, according to Stars & Stripes.
He acknowledged that only after the question had been asked repeatedly by multiple House lawmakers, the paper reported.
Later in the afternoon however, VA Secretary Robert Wilkie issued a statement reversing course.
“To clear up any confusion, I want to make clear that each and every post-9/11 GI Bill beneficiary will be made 100 percent whole – retroactively if need be – for their housing benefits for this academic year based on Forever GI Bill rates, not on post-9/11 GI Bill rates, Wilkie said.
A House Veterans Affairs Committee spokeswoman said the lawmakers were pleased with Wilkie’s announced, NBC News reported.
Family Faces $3k in Fines Per Day for Christmas Light Display Raising Money for Vets
The Western Journal – Christmas light viewings are an American pastime. Families load up in cars and drive through neighborhoods every December, appreciating the time, effort and money holiday-minded homeowners put into decorating.
But for residents on one street in Old Bridge, New Jersey, the twinkling decorations are quickly becoming a hot-button issue.
Tom Apruzzi, the man behind the apparent controversy, has set up his epic display every Christmas season for 15 years, according to NJ.com. This year’s display boasts a whopping 70,000 lights.
Apruzzi’s impressive Christmas display can bring in 1,000 people a night, but it’s not to turn a profit. Donations are collected, but the funds given to charities. His previous light shows have raised tens of thousands of dollars for veterans and cancer-stricken children.
Despite the cheerful atmosphere and massive charitable giving, not everyone is happy with Apruzzi’s annual hobby. His car and home have even been vandalized.
And now, city officials are demanding the Christmas light artist pay a $3,000 fine every day he runs the display for the public, reports CBS News.
“They want me to pay for the police, they also want me to pay for shuttle service from a private parking lot and bus people in that they want me to pay for,” Apruzzi explained.
Old Bridge Mayor Owen Henry is standing his ground on the fine, citing concerned neighbors who have had to deal with huge crowds stomping through their peaceful neighborhood.
It also brings up policing and first-responder concerns. Firefighters, ambulance crews and police cars could have a difficult time accessing the area if families and their vehicles clog the street.
Although previous years saw smaller crowds that could easily be handled by auxiliary police officers, the number of visitors has swelled beyond the limitations of the street itself. Some nights, there are so many cars that they line both sides of the street, forcing viewers to walk in the middle of the road.
If the fine isn’t paid, the city government may have no choice but to shut down the display. This could effectively end the yearly tradition unless Apruzzi forks over thousands of dollars.
Economy & Business
U.S., Canada, Mexico Sign Trade Deal After Last-Minute Brinkmanship
Reuters – The United States, Canada and Mexico signed a North American trade pact on Friday, and President Donald Trump brushed aside difficulties he may have in getting the deal through U.S. Congress, where opposition Democrats will control one of its two chambers.
The leaders of the three countries agreed on a deal in principle to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement that governs more than a trillion dollars of mutual trade after a year and a half of acrimonious negotiations concluded with a late-night bargain just an hour before a deadline on Sept. 30.
U.S. lawmakers seal Farm Bill agreement in principle   
Town Hall – U.S. lawmakers have struck a deal in principle on the Farm Bill, the top agriculture lawmakers and senators said on Thursday, capping months of bitter partisan debate over the legislation to fund $867 billion in food and agriculture programs.
DOW surges 618 points after Fed Chair signals rates near neutral
CNBC – Stocks ripped higher on Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said interest rates are close to neutral, a change in tone from remarks the central bank chief made nearly two months ago.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 617.70 points, or 2.5 percent, to 25,366.43, posting its biggest one-day gain since March 26. The 30-stock index also notched its second-best day of the year and is up more than 1,000 points for the week.
The S&P 500 jumped 2.3 percent to 2,743.82 as traders took the comments to mean fewer rate hikes were coming in 2019 that could derail the bull market. The Nasdaq Composite advanced 2.95 percent to close at 7,291.59 and post its best day since Oct. 25. The Dow and S&P are now positive for November after Wednesday’s comeback.
“Interest rates are still low by historical standards, and they remain just below the broad range of estimates of the level that would be neutral for the economy — that is, neither speeding up nor slowing down growth,” Powell said in a speech at the Economic Club of New York on Wednesday.
Fed likely to raise rates in December but concerns mounting: minutes
AFP –     US central bankers believe another interest rate hike is due “fairly soon,” boosting widespread expectations the Federal Reserve will raise lending costs next month, according to meeting minutes released Thursday.
But policymakers may be divided over what to do after that, with some worried that raising rates after December could “unduly slow” the American economy, just as signs of vulnerability are beginning to gather, the minutes showed.
The minutes from the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee’s November 7-8 meeting showed a rising level of uncertainty in the central bank about the near future.
The Fed members’ comments initially appeared to comfort investors. Major Wall Street indices turned positive shortly after the announcement but that rally soon fizzled, with stocks ending in the red.
Stocks had also rallied Wednesday after Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said interest rates were already close to estimates of “neutral” — the rate which neither accelerates not restrains economic activity — meaning they might not have to rise much higher.
But policymakers also say they may soon begin to give the public fewer clues about their plans, striking language from future statements about “further gradual increases” and instead keeping a close eye on developments in the economy.
Volkswagen planning new North America factory for electric vehicles
Reuters – Volkswagen is deciding where to locate a new factory in North America to build electric vehicles for the U.S. market, the German automaker’s new head for the Americas said on Wednesday. Scott Keogh, the newly appointed CEO of Volkswagen Group of America, said a new plant was needed to build a vehicle yet to be revealed under the Volkswagen brand, priced between $30,000-$40,000, that is due in 2020. “We are 100 percent deep in the process of ‘We will need an electric car plant in North America,’ and we’re holding those conversations now,” Keogh told journalists at the Los Angeles auto show.
Energy & Environment
Large Alaska earthquake jolts residents, shakes buildings
Fox – A tsunami warning was issued for a portion of Alaska after a 7.0 earthquake rocked the state on Friday.
The warning was in effect for Cook Inlet and the Southern Kenai Peninsula in Alaska.
“For other US and Canadian Pacific coasts in North America, the level of tsunami danger is being evaluated,” a post on tsunami.gov stated.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake Friday morning was centered about 7 miles north of Alaska’s largest city.
An Associated Press reporter working in downtown Anchorage saw cracks in a 2-story building after the quake. It was unclear whether there were injuries.
People went back inside buildings after the earthquake but a smaller aftershock a short time later sent them running back into the streets again.
Science & Technology
After mocking “chemtrails” for over a decade, global elites suddenly announce geoengineering plan to “dim the sun” with aerial spraying
NaturalNews – Back in 2008, a news publication called Phoenix Times News published a story mocking people who believe in so-called “chemtrails,” calling the concept of geoengineering a “strong competitor for dumbest conspiracy theory ever.” There’s simply no such thing as chemical aerosols that are blasted from airplanes, and that remain suspended in the atmosphere, we were all continually told – with a constant emphasis on the alleged “ridiculousness” of such a notion.
Well, all of that mockery came to a screeching halt just a few short days ago, as mainstream media outlets the world over suddenly showed eagerness to report on how chemtrails are now apparently real, and that we supposedly need them now in order to combat the ever-impending threat of “global warming.”
It’s true: The very same “elites” that back in the day not only denied chemtrails but turned into a laughingstock anyone who believed in them now insist that chemtrails are totally real. And going a step further, these same elites also now claim that chemtrails are the weapon we’ve been overlooking all along to win the War on Climate Change.
These “stratospheric aerosol injections,” as they’re now calling what they previously claimed didn’t exist, can reportedly now be used to blanket the skies in swaths of chemicals, effectively blocking out the sun’s rays and “cooling” the planet. It’s as simple as that, according to self-proclaimed scientists from the Ivy League institutions Harvard University and Yale University, who wrote all about this newfangled climate change weapon in a paper recently published in the journal Environmental Research Letters.
‘Alien artifacts’ may be lurking in solar system, Harvard astronomers claim…
Metro – vidence which proves the existence of extraterrestrial life could be hidden near Earth waiting to be discovered. Top astronomers have called for an urgent study of ‘interstellar objects’ which arrive here from deep space, suggesting some of them could be mysterious alien ‘artefacts’. Last year, the world was stunned when a bizarre cigar-shaped space rock called ‘Oumuamua sped through our solar system, changing direction as it travelled. Although scientists said it was probably a comet and blamed its trajectory on a natural process, we have been unable to unequivocally prove that it wasn’t an alien spacecraft or some other piece of extraterrestrial technology.
Now Harvard University’s Abraham Loeb, one of the astronomers who suggested ‘Oumuamua was alien in origin, and his colleague Amir Siraj have published a paper which suggests evidence which proves the existence of other lifeforms could be lurking right under our species’ nose. The paper claims there could be ‘tens’ of interstellar visitors like ‘Oumuamua floating through the solar system. ‘Observing or visiting such objects could allow searching for signs of extraterrestrial life locally, without the need to send interstellar probes,’ the pair wrote. ‘Exploration of trapped interstellar objects could potentially help reveal the prospects of life in other star systems as well as extraterrestrial artefacts,’ they added.
Google Employees Demand Halt to Censored Search Engine for China
The New American – Hundreds of Google employees are publicly calling on their employer to cancel a project that would bring another censored search engine to China and likely abet the communist government’s human-rights abuses.
The plan, known as Project Dragonfly, would bring Google’s search engine and other products in China into compliance with Beijing’s repressive Cybersecurity Law. An August open letter from a variety of human-rights organizations summarizes the project’s most worrisome features:
According to confidential Google documents obtained by The Intercept, the new search app being developed under Project Dragonfly would comply with China’s draconian rules by automatically identifying and filtering websites blocked in China, and “blacklisting sensitive queries.” Offering services through mobile phone apps, including Google’s existing Chinese apps, raises additional concerns because apps enable access to extraordinarily sensitive data. Given the Cybersecurity Law’s data localization and other requirements, it is likely that the company would be enlisted in surveillance abuses and their users’ data would be much more vulnerable to government access.
Around the same time as that letter was published, more than 1,400 Google employees signed an internal petition against Dragonfly, and one employee resigned in protest. Nevertheless, the company has proceeded with the project and refused to comment on it, prompting concerned employees to issue an open letter Tuesday “demanding that Google cancel Project Dragonfly” and “that leadership commit to transparency, clear communication, and real accountability.”
The letter, which was initially signed by nine employees and has since been endorsed by more than 500 more, “is a bold step for employees of a company that prizes internal transparency but considers leaking information to be not ‘Googley,’” observed the U.K. Guardian. In fact, part of the company’s official reasoning for not commenting on the project has been that news reports were based on leaks.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading
Tutorial: Cloth produce bags are easy to make and use
Tree Hugger – The solution to one of your plastic problems is in your linen closet.
Check out Anne-Marie Bonneau’s tutorial on how to make your own cloth produce and bulk food bags. Bonneau, who’s known as the Zero Waste Chef and has no end of delightful tricks up her sleeves for reducing waste in the kitchen, makes it sound easy. She uses a 23″ x 17.5″ template and cuts as many bags as she can out of a freshly washed sheet. She finishes the edge by serging (or you could hem it), pins and sews the edges, and leaves them with open tops.
RoundUp Glyphosate Weed Killer May Produce a Bacteria-Killing Antibiotic Effect in the Human Gut
Edward Griffin – Farmers in the US, UK and Canada are spraying herbicides to desiccate crops which kills the plants and uniformly dries them out, making them easier to cut and harvest. Glyphosate, also known as RoundUp, is the most common desiccant. In 1974, global use of glyphosate was 3,200 tons per year. It is expected to reach 1 million tons per year by 2020. A 2015 study by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency found glyphosate in 30% of 3,200 food products.  Similar studies have found glyphosate exceeding maximum residue limits (or MRLs) in Cheerios, beer, and wine.
Evidence shows that glyphosate is very toxic, and court documents suggest Monsanto covered up the harmful health effects of the poison on humans, especially links to cancer.  Desiccants kill more than plants. Herbicides like glyphosate also kill bacteria, and can act like “antibiotics.”  Human gut bacteria are sensitive to antibiotics, which is why we should avoid eating herbicides. When microbes are disturbed, diseases like obesity, Alzheimer’s, or celiac disease can result.
Neither the EPA nor Health Canada consider herbicides as antibiotics. This means that their safety assessments do not consider effects on human gut microbes.  Plus, there is other stuff in herbicides, including petroleum byproducts, neurotoxins, and endocrine disruptors, that are dangerous for both animals and microbes.  Choose organic instead.
California Man Accepts $78 Million Award in RoundUp Glyphosate Weed Killer Lawsuit
Edward Griffin – Dewayne Johnson, who has been diagnosed with a case of terminal non-Hodgkin lymphoma, has agreed to accept a $78 million settlement after a judge slashed the jury’s original award of $289 million.  The poison-producing company says it plans to appeal, and claims that Johnson developed cancer before using Roundup. Lawyers for Johnson claim that Monsanto was aware of the medical risks posed by its glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup, but covered it up through a campaign of misinformation and attacks on studies that proclaimed the dangers.  Johnson’s case was the first to directly connect Roundup with deadly cancer. Bayer, which acquired Roundup earlier this year, faces about 8,000 more lawsuits.
New study demonstrates how intermittent fasting impacts health at a cellular level; diet fights off aging, promotes longevity
NaturalNews – Intermittent fasting has steadily gained global attention over the years, thanks to a vast number of studies demonstrating its beneficial effects on the body’s overall health. Now, a new study carried out by researchers at the Harvard University adds to the growing number of evidence regarding the diet scheme’s efficacy. To reach this conclusion, the researchers examined the effects of intermittent fasting on nematodes as part of their study.
The scientists observed that animal mitochondria exhibits better homeostasis — a process where two states of mitochondria are alternating properly — when they intermittently fasted. The researchers also noted that intermittent fasting helped the nematodes attain increased coordination between mitochondrial activities and peroxisomes, cell parts that contain antioxidant properties and promote longevity. The research team concluded that their findings, which demonstrate how intermittent fasting impacts health at a cellular level, holds potential in identifying treatments that can improve life expectancy and vitality.
A previous study by Newcastle University researchers confirmed that mitochondrial health plays a central role in the aging process. According to the researchers, mitochondria metabolize carbohydrates and fatty acids to provide cells with energy. The scientists observed that the absence of aged mitochondria appeared to have made the cells look younger. (Related: Intermittent Fasting : Why Compressing Your Eating Schedule Sheds Stubborn Weight.)
A single dose of cannabis extract can alleviate brain abnormalities in people suffering from psychosis
NaturalNews – A purified form of cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, shows potential for reducing psychosis in patients displaying schizophrenia-like mental illnesses, according to a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry. These results provide first evidence on how cannabidiol can directly influence the brain to reduce psychotic symptoms.
The King’s College London team was curious to see how CBD changed brain function after it was recently licensed in the U.S. to treat rare childhood epilepsy. Their clinical trial demonstrated that cannabidiol does indeed have antipsychotic properties.
“Our results have started unraveling the brain mechanisms of a new drug that works in a completely different way to traditional anti-psychotics,” enthused lead author of the study, Dr. Sagnik Bhattacharyya, from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN).
Thirty-three young adults who were not diagnosed with psychosis but who were exhibiting distressing symptoms, along with 19 healthy controls, were included in the study. A single dose of CBD was given to 16 participants while the remaining 17 received a placebo.
Each participant performed a memory task while being studied in an MRI scanner. Results showed that activity in three areas in the brain believed to be involved in psychosis was significantly reduced in patients who received the CBD. These results suggest that use of cannabidiol is useful to help re-adjust brain activities to normal levels.
Interestingly, previous research from King’s College London showed that CBD works in opposition to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound in cannabis that makes people “high.” This altered state has been strongly linked to the development of psychosis. THC has been theorized to mimic some of the effects of psychosis, whereas CBD has broad neurological and behavioral effects.
Compelling study confirms the therapeutic effects of curcumin in removing fluoride from our bodies
NaturalNews – According to the latest statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 66.3 percent of the United States population is currently being subjected to fluoride poisoning via public water supplies. But research published in Pharmacognosy Magazine has identified yet another natural solution.
According to researchers from India’s Mohanlal Sukhadia University, curcumin, one of the primary active constituents in the turmeric spice, offers powerful benefits in terms of protecting the human brain against fluoride poisoning.
In their paper entitled, “Curcumin attenuates neurotoxicity induced by fluoride: An in vivo evidence,” the team compared the brains of mice given non-fluoridated water to the brains of other mice given fluoridated water (120 parts per million), fluoridated water plus curcumin (120 ppm/30 milligrams per kilogram of body weight), or just curcumin (30 mg/kg body weight).
The researchers looked specifically at fluoride-induced toxicity on the mice’s brains, including the chemical’s impact on lipid peroxidation, or rancidity, in brain tissue. They also evaluated markers of malondialdehyde, or MDA, a well-known marker of oxidative stress and oxidative damage, in the brains of mice from each test group.
What they discovered is that fluoride greatly increased MDA levels in the fluoride group of mice, while MDA levels remained low in the non-fluoride control group. Mice given fluoride plus curcumin, however, saw noticeably reduced levels of MDA compared to the fluoride-only group, suggesting that curcumin exhibits pronounced neuroprotective benefits against fluoride and its associated neurotoxicity.
Buyers, beware – These foods from China have all been proven to be contaminated
NaturalNews – If you opened up your refrigerator or pantry right now, would you be able to identify where everything inside of them originated? If you’re like many people, there’s a good chance the answer to this question is no – and you could end up paying a very steep price for this ignorance.
Unfortunately, a lot of food sold throughout the world comes from China, where the standards leave a lot to be desired. In fact, the founder of a company called Inscatech that uncovers fraud and malpractice in the food industry, Mitchell Weinberg, said that while they uncover this type of fraud around 70 percent of the time overall, it’s close to 100 percent in China. Do you really want to eat anything that comes from the same country where baby formula was laced with melamine and rat meat was sold as lamb?
Here is a look at some of the foods that you should be particularly wary of if they come from China.

  • Fish
  • Rice
  • Garlic
  • Apple juice
  • Green peas
  • Mushrooms

Read CleanFoodWatch.com for daily coverage of food contamination.
Teen Obesity Tied to Increased Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
Newsmax – Teen obesity has been linked with many health problems later in life, and a large Israeli study suggests increased risk for deadly pancreatic cancer is one of them.
Researchers followed nearly 2 million men and women for more than 20 years. Compared to participants with normal weight as teens, men who were obese as adolescents had more than three times the risk of pancreatic cancer in adulthood, and obese teen girls had more than four times the risk.
While obesity has long been considered a risk factor for pancreatic cancer, the strength of this association and the underlying causes for the connection are less clear. The current study doesn’t prove obesity causes these tumors, or that weight early in life impacts the development of cancer decades later, but it does add to the lengthy list of potential health benefits of avoiding excess weight during childhood and adolescence, said Dr. Chanan Meydan of the Mayanei HaYeshua Medical Center in Bnei Brak, Israel.
“Manufactured Crisis” Film Exposes Motives Behind Mass HPV Vaccinations and Deadly Side Effects
Health Impact News – A substantial new documentary film released online to audiences in the UK and across Europe this week, questions claims made by UK, Danish and Spanish health authorities that widespread administering of the HPV vaccine is both safe and a guaranteed means of preventing cervical cancer.
It comes at a time when – flying in the face of independent science – UK and European medical experts are proposing to extend the vaccine’s use from teenage girls, adding teenage boys and children below the age of puberty (1).
Manufactured Crisis: What they’re not telling you about the HPV Vaccine‘ exposes cases of severe, life-changing adverse reactions experienced by girls and young women following doses of the commercial HPV vaccines Gardasil or Cervarix – cases from which the public has previously been shielded.
Recorded adverse reactions include severe disability, paralysis and even death.
Throughout Manufactured Crisis, victims and their families tell their own, often heartrending, stories.
The 60-minute film also features respected physicians and scientists who challenge claims over the HPV vaccine’s value. They say it will be at least another decade or two before we know whether HPV vaccines are able to reduce the number of cancer cases, including common forms of cervical cancer, and – if so – at what cost.
They also question the assertion, made by so many health authorities, that the balance of risks vs benefits weighs strongly in favour of vaccinating entire adolescent populations.
In fact, say the scientists, the case for mass vaccination is not clear-cut. And these decisions have been made without even considering alternate, proven approaches to prevention, notably screening and sex education (2, 3).
Manufactured Crisis is an Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) production – made in collaboration with Sanevax, the UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters(AHVID), the Danish Association of HPV Vaccine Victims and the Spanish Association of people affected by HPV vaccine (AAVP).

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