July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 30, 2020

World News

Merkel warns economic consequences of Covid pandemic could last years

RT – German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters on Monday that she fears the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic will reverberate for years to come. 

Merkel praised improved coordination between EU member states during the pandemic, but called on nations to recognize the critical importance of EU instruments in repairing the financial damage it has caused, as the bloc “will have to deal with the economic consequences of Covid-19 for several years.”  

The remarks follow the German parliament’s decision to extend lockdown measures in the country over concerns that the health system could be overwhelmed by coronavirus cases. Defending the proposal, Merkel affirmed that the federal government would need to spend billions of euros to mitigate the economic consequences.  

Merkel has previously warned that the economic situation is being underestimated by the EU, fearing that the bloc could sink into the deepest recession since the Second World War. Some states expect to see their economies contract by up to 10 percent this year.  

Covid vaccine: Moderna seeks approval in US and Europe

BBC – Moderna is filing for US and European emergency regulatory approval of its coronavirus vaccine so that it can be recommended for widespread use.

Regulators will look at trial data for the mRNA vaccine and decide if it is safe and effective enough to recommend for roll out.

Clinical studies show the jab is more than 94% effective at protecting people from becoming ill with Covid-19.

Pfizer, which has a similar jab, has already filed for the same US approval.

UK regulators are also reviewing data on the Pfizer vaccine, as well as another type of Covid vaccine from AstraZenca and Oxford University for emergency approval.

Moderna says it hopes to gain UK approval soon, now that it has trial data from 30,000 volunteers – including high risk groups like the elderly – that suggests it works.

Iran says Israel killed military nuclear scientist remotely

AP – A top Iranian security official on Monday accused Israel of using “electronic devices” to remotely kill a scientist who founded the Islamic Republic’s military nuclear program in the 2000s.

Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of the country’s Supreme National Security Council, made the comment at the funeral for Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, where Iran’s defense minister separately vowed to continue the man’s work “with more speed and more power.”

Israel, long suspected of killing Iranian nuclear scientists over the last decade, has repeatedly declined to comment on the attack.

Fakhrizadeh headed Iran’s so-called AMAD program, which Israel and the West have alleged was a military operation looking at the feasibility of building a nuclear weapon. The International Atomic Energy Agency says that “structured program” ended in 2003. U.S. intelligence agencies concurred with that assessment in a 2007 report.

Israel insists Iran still maintains the ambition of developing nuclear weapons, pointing to Tehran’s ballistic missile program and research into other technologies. Iran long has maintained that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

Almost 700,000 driven into poverty by Covid crisis in UK, study finds

Guardian – Almost 700,000 people in the UK, including 120,000 children, have been plunged into poverty as a result of the Covid economic crisis, according to a thinktank analysis.

The Legatum Institute also said an additional 700,000 people had been prevented from falling below the breadline by the chancellor’s temporary £20-a-week boost to universal credit, introduced in April to help claimants cope with the extra costs of the pandemic.

Overall, the pandemic has pushed the total number of people in the UK living in poverty to more than 15 million – 23% of the population – according to the institute, which uses poverty measures developed by the independent Social Metrics Commission.

The Conservative peer Philippa Stroud, the institute’s chief executive, said the findings showed a “clear need for a comprehensive anti-poverty strategy to be placed at the heart of the UK’s Covid recovery response”.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Many Cases Coming From Shopping At Large Retailers

EL PASO, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) – The mayor of a Texas city hit hard by a recent spike in coronavirus cases says the blame can be pointed at “COVID fatigue” and that many cases are coming from shopping at large retailers.

Mayor Dee Margo joined CBS’ “Face the Nation on Sunday to discuss the spike and why his city is getting crushed.

El Paso made headlines earlier this month after it hired mobile morgues and paid inmates to carry the bodies of those who died from the virus. The Texas National Guard was also deployed to help the city with morgues.

“I think people just… the consensus is people just had COVID fatigue and they let down, as Dr. [Deborah] Birx said, you got to wear the mask and you’ve got to maintain the distancing and you’ve got to avoid crowds,” Margo told “Face the Nation.”

The mayor also mentioned what contact tracers have been finding in regards to how residents are catching the virus.

“We did a deep dive in our contact tracing for the week of November the 10th through the 16th and found that 55% of the positives were coming from shopping at large retailers, what we’d term as the big box stores,” Margo said. “And those are considered essential under CISA guidelines under homeland security. And we don’t really have- I don’t have any control over any limitations there.”

He said the city asked retailers like Walmart for “voluntary limitations” regarding occupancy.

Margo also talked about the city’s hospitalization levels. Nearly a month ago, the El Paso area had reached capacity at hospitals, according to county officials.

“Right now in the hospital — the latest numbers I have on our hospitalization is we are at 79% of our hospitalization capacity, which gives us 21% excess of which we didn’t have- we haven’t had in some time,” Margo said.

MSM heralds Biden’s female-led communications team as major breakthrough… despite Trump already having one in place

RT – Mainstream media outlets are falling over themselves to pay tribute to Joe Biden for appointing an all-female communications team. The coverage conveniently forgets that Donald Trump already has a female-led team in place.

Many of the big beasts on the US media landscape gushed about Biden’s “history-making” appointments after the Democrat’s transition team announced the selections on Sunday night.

“It is the first time all of the top aides tasked with speaking on behalf of an administration and shaping its message will be female,” the Washington Post reported. NPR said it was “the first time in history” such roles had been filled by women, while a raft of high-profile reporters and commentators from other outlets, including CNN and PBS, eagerly parroted the same claim. 

Americans are choosing death over deprivation

The Week – This past week, millions of Americans joined together in total defiance of all public health advice for another round of infecting and killing their loved ones, while ensuring that the nation’s medical professionals will face several more months of risky, grueling, emotionally draining labor trying to keep a country full of heedless jerks and credulous conspiracy-mongers alive.

Many doctors, nurses, and hospital staff are increasingly hopeless and disillusioned. Gone are the 7’oclock cheers and “Thank you essential workers” signs in every window. That fleeting solidarity has been replaced by a cold, selfish indifference to the staggering and seemingly pointless sacrifices these heroic workers continue to make on our behalf. And many of them are wondering how much longer they can keep it up.

Never has this been more clear than it was over the long Thanksgiving weekend. While many Americans did the sensible — if heart-wrenching — thing and stayed home or limited their gatherings to small, pre-existing “pods,” more than a million people traveled through airports the day before Thanksgiving. In one poll, 40 percent of respondents told researchers they were planning on attending a large, in-person gathering. All of this while a record 90,000 people were already hospitalized with COVID-19, and public health professionals begged people to stay home so as not to exacerbate the problem.

US investigators warn of COVID-19 vaccine fraud

USA Today –  As experimental coronavirus vaccines inch toward approval in the United States, Homeland Security investigators are warning pandemic-weary Americans of fraudulent COVID-19 treatments and preventions sold online.

Gingrich: ‘You Have Crooked Politicians Running Crooked Elections’

Breitbart – Sunday on New York WABC 770 AM radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called into question the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election.

With allegations of voter fraud and changes of voting law amid the coronavirus pandemic, Gingrich said “crooked politicians” in states like Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Nevada were “brazen” in “running crooked elections.

Not only do you have crooked politicians running crooked elections, but you have crooked or corrupt internet companies deliberately censoring and biasing,” Gingrich told host John Catsimatidis. “You have 92% or 93% of the news media deliberately censoring or biasing. So, you are faced with the greatest challenge to the American people’s ability to govern themselves. I think that we’ve seen since 1824 when John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay stole the presidency from Andrew Jackson. I think it’s literally that bad. And it’s that bad at every level.”

Economy & Business

Almost one-third of small businesses in New Jersey have have closed

A third of small businesses in New Jersey have closed down in 2020, according to a report from The Star-Ledger newspaper.

“It’s really bad… And without federal dollars coming into New Jersey, the Main Street stores and other establishments are not gonna make it through the winter.” said Eileen Kean, the state director of the National Federation of Independent Business.

Harvard-based data project TrackTheRecovery.org estimated that 31 percent of businesses have closed down so far as of Nov. 9. This number is just above the national average estimated by the website. The New Jersey Business & Industry Association reported similar numbers, estimating 28 percent of businesses had closed down by October.

The newspaper notes that despite the holiday shopping season, business leaders are still concerned that the trend could get worse as stimulus talks stall on Capitol Hill.

New Jersey, like most of the U.S., is currently experiencing a surge of new cases. Over 329,000 cases and nearly 17,000 deaths have been reported. On Nov. 21, New Jersey recorded 4,669 cases, the most it has ever reported in a single day.

Bitcoin Price Hits All-Time High of $19,786, Topping 2017 Record

WSJ – Bitcoin surged Monday to set its first fresh record in nearly three years, driven by a wave of new investors lured by the potential for big profits.

The digital currency rose as high as $19,786.24, up 8.4% on the day. That topped the previous intraday record of $19,783.21 set Dec. 18, 2017, according to CoinDesk. Bitcoin has nearly tripled in 2020 and is up 97% since early September. Most recently, it traded at $19,283.

The surge has come amid a wider rally across markets. The Federal Reserve and other central banks have injected trillions worth of liquidity into the capital markets, and a number of companies working on coronavirus vaccines are providing hope that the global pandemic will soon be brought under control.

With safe assets like government bonds yielding close to zero, investors have been more willing to place bets on risky assets in hopes of reaping big gains, and bitcoin is among the riskiest assets in the capital markets.

“You have the weakened dollar, enormous growth of central bank balance sheets and questions about whether it will or won’t cause inflation,” said Société Générale forex strategist Kit Juckes. “It’s another beneficiary of the collapse in real yields.”

Trading volume for bitcoin has surged in the past few months, to $50 billion a day from around $18 billion a day in September, according to data from research site Coingecko. Other cryptocurrencies have benefited from the interest as well. Ether is up 370% this year. XRP is up more than 234%.

Despite federal ban, renters still being evicted amid virus

BOSTON (AP) — A nationwide eviction ban was supposed to protect tenants like Tawanda Mormon, who was forced out of her two-bedroom apartment last month in Cleveland.

The 46-year-old, who was hospitalized in August for the coronavirus and can’t work due to mental health issues, said she fell behind on her $500-a-month rent because she needed the money to pay for food. When she was evicted in October, Mormon said she was unaware of President Donald Trump’s directive, implemented in September by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that broadly prevents evictions through the end of 2020.

“It was difficult. I had to leave all my stuff,” said Mormon, who has been staying with friends and relatives since her eviction. “I don’t have no furniture, no nothing.”

With most state and local eviction bans expired, the nationwide directive was seen as the best hope to prevent more than 23 million renters from being evicted amid a stalemate in Congress over tens of billions of dollars in rental assistance. It was also billed as a way to fight the coronavirus, with studies showing evictions can spread the virus and lead to an increase in infections.

The CDC order has averted a wave of evictions, housing advocates said, but tenants are increasingly falling through the cracks.

Some judges in North Carolina and Missouri refused to accept the directive, tenant advocates said. The order has been applied inconsistently, and some tenants, who had no legal representation, knew nothing about it. Landlords in several states also unsuccessfully sued to scrap the order, arguing it was causing them financial hardship and infringing on their property rights.

“Right now, we are seeing variations in the way courts are applying the CDC order, and we are also seeing a lack of knowledge among tenants and property owners,” said Emily Benfer, a law professor at Wake Forest University and the chair of the American Bar Association’s COVID-19 task force committee on evictions. “Advocates are working overtime to inform tenants of their rights under the CDC order and, in many places, evictions are going forward.”

Energy & Environment

Renewable energy targets can undermine sustainable intentions

Science Daily – Renewable energy targets (RETs) may be too blunt a tool for ensuring a sustainable future, according to University of Queensland-led research.

PhD candidate Scott Spillias, from UQ’s School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, said that, while RETs are a go-to for policymakers, more nuanced approaches were more effective at actually achieving holistic, sustainable outcomes.

“Many jurisdictions around the world including the European Union, Australia, India and several states in the USA have set specific quantitative targets for renewable energy development,” Mr Spillias said.

“While it’s encouraging to see action being taken to move us away from fossil fuels, unless there’s rigorous analysis and stakeholder engagement that goes into their formulation, these targets could exacerbate many sustainability issues we face.

“For example, California is currently suffering extensive rolling energy blackouts that some attribute to an overzealous pursuit of state-wide targets for renewables.

“They’ve done this without solving the associated problem of what to do when energy demands are high and there is no sun or wind, and affordable battery storage is not yet a reality.

“Setting a target — a quantitative threshold to be attained, such as 80 per cent wind energy — rather than an objective — a qualitative direction in which to go, such as working to maximise wind energy — can blind us to trade-offs when evaluating different policy actions.

“They can also create psychological incentives to act quickly to implement them, causing decision-makers to lose sight of the more fundamental objectives that motivated the target in the first place.

“Europe’s Renewable Energy Directive, for example, instead of reducing carbon emissions and protecting the environment, threatens to increase net carbon emissions and deforestation.”

The researchers believe that setting such targets are a simple, easy policy instrument, but lack the nuance of more considered mechanisms for energy development.

“Targets may or may not be appropriate tools to use for renewable energy development,” Mr Spillias said.

“We argue that, instead, a rigorous decision-making process should be undertaken to evaluate the trade-offs between different sustainability objectives with respect to a variety of possible targets and/or other policy instruments.

“For example, the Sustainable Development Goals have an energy-related objective, but it refers to clean energy not renewable energy.

“Renewable energy is likely going to be the best way to generate clean energy in the future, but importantly it should be recognised as merely the means to achieving that objective, rather than the ends in of itself.

“The energy-related goals and targets we set for ourselves in the years ahead will guide the course of renewable energy development and will flow through to every sector of our society.

“If, for whatever reason, we make mistakes in setting those goals, no matter how well-intentioned they might be, there will be real and enduring consequences for biodiversity, communities, and economies.”

Science & Technology

American Newspaper Ads Warn Public about Global 5G and WiFi

Activist Post – Cities worldwide as well as entire countries have banned, delayed, and stopped 5G installation due to health and safety risks. American opposition to 5G continues to increase for a variety of reasons in addition to biological and environmental risks. Federal agencies and reliable experts have warned that this technology also threatens jobs, national security, public safety, and weather forecasting accuracy (see 1, 2). Regardless, in August, Trump reintroduced his proposal to have a nationalized 5G plan. The Department of Defense (DoD) wants to own and operate it with Google. Legislators and organizations have voiced opposition to this particular scenario as well.

Recently, a group of organizations and individuals also pitched in to buy newspaper ads to publicize 5G and WiFi risks.

AI solves 50-year-old science problem in ‘stunning advance’ that could dramatically change how we fight diseases

Independent – A 50-year-old science problem has been solved and could allow for dramatic changes in the fight against diseases, researchers say.

For years, scientists have been struggling with the problem of “protein folding” – mapping the three-dimensional shapes of the proteins that are responsible for diseases from cancer to Covid-19.

Google’s Deepmind claims to have created an artificially intelligent program called “AlphaFold” that is able to solve those problems in a matter of days.

If it works, the solution has come “decades” before it was expected, according to experts, and could have transformative effects in the way diseases are treated.

There are 200 million known proteins at present but only a fraction have actually been unfolded to fully understand what they do and how they work. Even those that have been successfully understood often rely on expensive and time-intensive techniques, with scientists spending years unfailing each structure and relying on equipment that can cost many millions of dollars.

DeepMind worked on the AI project with the 14th Community Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP14), a group of scientists who have been looking into the matter since 1994.

“Proteins are extremely complicated molecules, and their precise three-dimensional structure is key to the many roles they perform, for example the insulin that regulates sugar levels in our blood and the antibodies that help us fight infections,” Dr John Moult, chair of CASP14, said.

“Even tiny rearrangements of these vital molecules can have catastrophic effects on our health, so one of the most efficient ways to understand disease and find new treatments is to study the proteins involved.

“There are tens of thousands of human proteins and many billions in other species, including bacteria and viruses, but working out the shape of just one requires expensive equipment and can take years.”

Catch a lunar eclipse during the full beaver moon this weekend

CNN – Take a break from online holiday shopping to enjoy the full moon and a penumbral lunar eclipse.

Both events will be visible early Monday morning.

Lunar eclipses can only occur during a full moon, but a penumbral lunar eclipse is different from a total lunar eclipse.

A penumbral eclipse occurs when the moon moves into Earth’s penumbra, or outer shadow. This causes the moon to look darker than normal.

During a total lunar eclipse, the change is more dramatic because the entire moon appears to be a deep red color.

The full moon during the penumbral lunar eclipse is shown here, as seen from Kathmandu on January 11.

This is the last penumbral eclipse of the year and will be visible to those in North and South America, Australia and parts of Asia. Check Time and Date to see when it will occur in your area.

About 85% of the moon will turn a shade darker during the peak or middle phase of the eclipse. While this type of shading effect of the moon is visible, your best chance to see it may be through a telescope, according to NASA.


Homeopathy Healed The Spanish Flu Pandemic in 1918

Dr. Leonard Coldwell – Governments around the world are targeting websites and people who contradict or question the narrative of the Warp Speed deployment of the untested, experimental COVID19 vaccine. Widespread censorship is affecting freedom of expression on social media as well as the suppression of natural healing options. And there are many solutions that work against serious flus that do not involve a one-size-fits-all drug.

One solution? Homeopathy. Read about The Homeopathic Solution here. Homeopathy was successfully used during the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918.

Interestingly enough, the death rate of Spanish-flu patients treated with allopathic medicine was almost 30%, while the death rate for those treated homeopathically was 1.05%. Gelsemium was the remedy most commonly used; and yet the FDA, if it had its way, would remove this remedy without any hesitation or remorse whatsoever. – Scott Tips, president National Health Federation

Homeopathy Healed The Spanish Flu

Today most people know little about an inexpensive and safe natural homeopathic healing option to flu. During the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, most survivors knew, well, that homeopathy was the medicine of choice.

Dean W. A. Pearson of Philadelphia collected 26,795 cases of influenza treated by homoeopathic physicians with a mortality of 1.05%.

Meanwhile, the average mortality from conventional treatments was 30%. 6,602 cases with 55 deaths, which is less than 1%. In an article from the 1921 Journal of the American Institute Of Homeopathy, thirty physicians in Connecticut responded to his request for data.

See: The Lost Book of Remedies

Individual homeopathic doctors reported the following:

In the transport service I had 81 cases on the way over. All recovered and were landed. Every man received homoeopathic treatment. One ship lost 31 on the way. – H. A Roberts, MD, Derby, Connecticut

In a plant of almost 8,000 workers we had only one death. The patients were not drugged to death. Gelsemium was practically the only remedy used. We used no aspirin and no vaccines. – Frank Wieland, MD, Chicago

I did not lose a single case of influenza ; my death rate in the pneumonia was 2.1%. The salicylates, including aspirin and quinine, were almost the sole standbys of the old school and it was a common thing to hear them speaking of losing 60% of their pneumonias. – Dudley A. Williams, MD, Providence, Rhode Island

Fifteen hundred cases were reported at the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the District of Columbia with but fifteen deaths. Recoveries in the National Homoeopathic Hospital were 100% – E. F. Sappington, MD, Philadelphia.

I have treated 1,000 cases of influenza. I have the records to show my work. I have no losses. Please give all credit to homoeopathy and none to the Scotch-Irish-American! T. A. McCaan, MD, Dayton, Ohio.

One physician in a Pittsburg hospital asked a nurse if she knew anything better than what he was doing, because he was losing many cases. “Yes, Doctor, stop aspirin and go down to a homeopathic pharmacy, and get homeopathic remedies.” The Doctor replied: “But that is homeopathy.” “I know it, but the homeopathic doctors for whom I have nursed have not lost a single case.”

Homeopathy isn’t alternative medicine. It’s medicine that works. – Roger Barr, homeopath

Homeopathy Is Not Allopathy

Just a century ago, there were 22 homeopathic medical schools, 100 homeopathic hospitals, and over 1,000 homeopathic pharmacies. Boston University, Stanford University, and New York Medical College all taught homeopathy. The evidence remains in a large database of published scientific studies.

Today, because the homeopathic industry has grown, the U.S. FDA is on the attack. Scott Tips, general counsel and president of The National Health Federation, calls the response by the FDA Patricide.

Yet, in the UK, and around the world, homeopathy is used by millions of people for everyday ailments, as well as to prevent disease. In April of 2020, one report claimed that “UK’s Prince Charles was cured of Covid-19 through ayurveda and homeopathy treatment from a Bengaluru-based holistic resort.”

Yet even after more than 1800 studies showing the myriad benefits of homeopathy, conventional scientists refuse to admit that it works.  Perhaps that is because Homeopathy is not Allopathy. Homeopathy aligns with nature which supports the transfer of Life Force, whereas Allopathy alters nature, for patents, which interferes with the transfer of Life Force. Processed food works in the same way.

Despite the evidence, the conflict comes down to a difference of opinion. While people do have differences of opinion, those who own the narrative control the outcome.

Cyber War Against Free Speech

UK intelligence agencies are funding a cyber war against Independent Media, while the U.S. military is funding a CIA-backed firm to develop an A.I. algorithm “aimed specifically at new websites promoting “suspected” disinformation related to the Covid-19 crisis and the US military–led Covid-19 vaccination effort known as Operation Warp Speed.”

It appears that whoever controls the ideological landscape, controls the world. Whomever controls the narrative controls the outcome. This control device is also called Social Engineering with disclosure in the writings of Edward Bernays and his 1932 book Propaganda:

If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

People claim that the deaths of the Spanish Flu were due to noncompliance with masks.  They will say the same thing as the second wave is deployed under COVID19. Knowing that medical journals published ample evidence that surgical masks are useless in preventing the spread of disease, what is your choice going to be going forward?  Trust government officials who attempt to practice medicine without a license?

Or trust yourself?

In reading accounts of the epidemic it seems many deaths were caused by a virulent pneumonia that was especially devastating to those who depressed their system with analgesics, the most common being aspirin. Raymond Seidel told me he decided to become a homeopathic doctor when he was 10 year old delivery boy for a local homeopath. He said, “I saw that the people who were taking aspirin were dying, and about half of those who were drinking a lot of whiskey were dying, and those receiving homeopathic remedies were living. – Dr Ray Seidel, homeopath

Doctors Are Retiring Due to COVID-19: How to Find a New Physician (healthline.com)

Healthline – It is so hard to stop doing something I love, and even harder to say good-bye to all of you.”

‪That’s the opening line of a letter that Dr. James T. Hay wrote to his Southern California patients earlier this year.

‪Forty-two years ago, Hay opened the North Coast Family Medical Group in Encinitas, California. He’s been active in a number of professional organizations, including being a past president of the California Medical Association.

‪In his letter, Hay wrote that he had a few health challenges but was well now. He said it made him realize that “our good health is everything but is not guaranteed.”

He announced that the other doctors in his practice would stay on, but he would retire at the end of June.

‪”The COVID-19 crisis made this all even more apparent, knowing of course that every day is precious, and thus led to this more abrupt departure than I had planned,” Hay wrote.

Doctors leaving the profession

‪‪Hay is not alone.

The stresses of the pandemic are causing some doctors to retire early. Others are closing their practices or consolidating them with large medical groups because of financial pressures.

‪A recent survey by the California Medical Association (CMA) found that 87 percent of doctors are worried about their financial health. Overall, their revenues are down by a third. A quarter of the respondents said their revenue is down by 50 percent.

‪Meanwhile, their costs are up some 14 percent because of having to acquire personal protective equipment, new disinfection protocols, and telehealth technology to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

‪CMA officials say they’re worried about those trends and are considering asking state and federal policymakers to intervene.

‪Other physicians are facing similar dilemmas.

A study conducted in July by the nonprofit Physicians Foundation also found doctors leaving their practices because of the pandemic.

‪Of the more than 3,500 doctors surveyed, 8 percent said they had already closed their offices. Nearly half have a reduced staff, and 72 percent had reduced income.

In addition to money pressures, others were retiring because their health, age, or medical conditions put them at risk.

‪“It’s had a pretty profound impact on both doctors and their practices. It created financial, emotional, and practical stresses,” said Dr. Russell Libby, a board member of the Physicians Foundation and a primary care pediatric practitioner in Virginia.

‪“Almost all of them have had to change or reduce their hours. Many patients are too afraid to come back,” Libby told Healthline.

‪Many of the doctors surveyed said they were hopeful they could stay open.

They point to the federal Paycheck Protection Program that’s helping keep them afloat for now.

‪“Then you have a whole cadre of docs who are in that age group that would be very high risk. With chronic medical conditions, they could catch COVID-19 and have very complicated and unfortunate outcomes,” Libby said.

‪”When you look at the age of physicians, probably 40 percent of them will be 65 or older in the next 19 years,” he added.

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