July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: October 01, 2020

World News

Quebec gives police legal tools to enter homes quickly to stop gatherings during COVID-19

Quebec premier clarified the province’s new COVID-19 measures in red zones
CBC – Quebec Premier François Legault says police in the province’s red zones — regions where COVID-19 cases are surging — will be issuing $1,000 fines to those who violate newly strengthened public health rules.
With fees, those fines will top $1,500 and can be issued for gathering in private residences or protesting without a face covering. 
Speaking during a late-afternoon news conference on Wednesday just hours before the new rules went into effect, Legault said the negligence of a few has led to the crackdown.
“Lives are at stake. We want to keep our children in schools,” Legault said. “We also want to protect our health network”

WATCH: Tory MP urges mandatory Covid-19 vaccine & certificate for travel

RIPT – A British Conservative MP has said Covid-19 vaccines should be mandatory when rolled-out in the UK and an accompanying certificate could be issued that would allow international travel.
Speaking yesterday in the British Parliament, Tobias Ellwood, MP for Bournemouth East, urged Prime Minister Boris Johnson to use the British Armed Forces in overseeing the roll-out of a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination.
“Mass vaccine roll out is an enormous responsibility and we need to get it right,” Ellwood said, informing parliamentarians that a vaccine could be six months away.
Vaccination certificates “will probably have to be internationally recognized in order to allow travel, international travel”, according to Ellwood.
Ellwood expressed his hope that Boris Johnson would give the job of vaccination roll-outs to a Ministry of Defence task force that could ship the vaccines across the country and set up regional distribution hubs as well as develop a “national database to track progress and issue the vaccination certificates.”

Tokyo Stock Exchange halts trading for entire day due to major glitch ‘not related to hacking’

RT – Japan’s Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) has shut down all trading for a full day due to a systemwide technical error. Though the exchange says the glitch is unrelated to hacking, it has yet to say when trading will resume.
The TSE said it would halt trading for all of Thursday as it works to resolve the system failure, which was detected some two hours before markets were set to open, adding that it “sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience caused to investors.”
A spokesperson for the exchange’s operator, the Japan Exchange Group, says the error was not caused by a hack, but offered few other details, declining to provide a restart time.

France announces ‘gradual’ ban on wild animals in circuses

BBC – France has said it will gradually ban the use of wild animals in travelling circuses as part of sweeping new animal welfare measures.
On Tuesday, Ecology Minister Barbara Pompili said, “Our attitude to wild animals has changed.”
She also announced a ban on farming minks for fur and on keeping dolphins and orcas in captivity in marine parks.
The move was hailed as “an historic victory” by leading animal rights groups.
“It is time to open a new era in our relationship with these [wild] animals,” Ms Pompili said during a press conference.
“It is time that our ancestral fascination with these wild beings no longer means they end up in captivity.”
The minister did not outline a precise timetable for the changes but said they would be implemented “in the years to come”.

Australian Politician Calls for Criminal Trials of Health Bureaucrats who Banned Hydroxychloroquine as COVID Cure

Health Impact News – Craig Kelly MP, a member of the Australian House of Representatives, has claimed that Health Bureaucrats have “engaged in crimes against humanity and they should be taken to the criminal court in the Hague,” for their ban on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which has been shown to cure COVID patients by thousands of doctors in the U.S. and around the world.
Sky News Australia has published an interview with the MP.
Liberal MP Craig Kelly says the ban placed on COVID-19 treatment hydroxychloroquine by Australian bureaucrats violates the Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors and is based on a study since proven false.
Mr Kelly said health bureaucrats interfered in the doctor-patient relationship by prohibiting the use of hydroxychloroquine even if the doctor thought the treatment would save the patient’s life.
Health bureaucrats have “violated the very first principle of the hypocritic oath” which is to ‘do no harm’,” he said.
Mr Kelly told Sky News technically bureaucrats should only ban the use of hydroxychloroquine if the evidence shows beyond all reasonable doubt that firstly, hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work and secondly, that it is dangerous.
“Recent studies show that proposition is no longer sustainable … and they must lift their bans otherwise they are engaged in crimes against humanity and they should be taken to the criminal court in the Hague,” he said.
“They are withholding medical treatment from Australians that the evidence shows can save their lives.”

U.S. News, Politics & Government

‘How to move to Canada’: Americans rush to Google after unwatchable debate

The Guardian – Following a debate derailed by interruptions, people speaking over each other, and insults hurled back and forth, Google reported a peak number of searches for “How to apply for Canadian citizenship” in the US.
Some people seemed in such a hurry to get out they couldn’t even get the name right: searches for “How to move to Canda” also spiked alongside the correct “How to move to Canada”.
Searches initially peaked about an hour into the debate, at about 10.30pm, according to the search engine. But it looks like the news unsettled people into the night – there has since been a second wave of searches on how to get Canadian citizenship – with most of the searches happening in the early hours of this morning.
The search was most popular in Massachusetts, followed by Washington and Michigan.

Melinda Gates Slams Social Media for Spreading ‘Disinfo’

Mimic News – In a September 2020 interview with Axios on HBO, Melinda Gates said “It may be time for a reckoning” with social media’s role in spreading disinformation. According to Axios
“Bill and Melinda Gates … [have] seen firsthand the impact of disinformation, as they’ve become targets of conspiracy theories amplified and spread via social media … [Melinda] Gates … said society may need to start holding social media companies to account for their role in helping such disinformation spread.”
It’s ironic, to say the least, considering the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds and influences mainstream media companies, which in turn write whatever the Gates desire, be it truthful or not, without disclosing their conflict of interest.
Through its grants to the Leo Burnett Company, an ad agency owned by Publicis, the Gates Foundation is also financially linked to NewsGuard and HealthGuard, as both of these “fact-checking” sites are funded by Publicis. As such, Gates already has the power to pull strings and censor content they don’t like.
Gates Foundation Funds Scientific Disinformation
The Gates Foundation also has a history of funding disreputable and flawed to the point of being fraudulent science. What they call “disinformation” and “conspiracy theories” are to a large extent merely information exposing the Gates Foundation’s own disinformation campaigns.
Case in point: The Gates Foundation funds the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis to the tune of millions of dollars per year. The MRC Centre is the leading body advising world governments and the World Health Organization about infectious disease outbreaks.
Neil Ferguson, a professor of mathematical biology at Imperial College London and co-founder of the MRC Centre, has produced a string of pandemic predictions that have turned out to be spectacularly incorrect

Vast Military Operation To Deliver 300 Million Doses Of COVID Vaccine

Technocracy News – Likened to the Manhattan Project by President Trump, Operation Warp Speed is the first ever project to blanket U.S. soil with military operations that specifically targets civilians. However, COVID-19’s fizzle is hardly comparable to building nuclear bombs to conquer Japan.
There is ample civilian capacity already in place to deliver vaccines, if that is the goal. Amazon alone could deliver anything to anywhere in 24 hours, and it already knows every single address in America. The military doesn’t have a clue by comparison. So, why is the military involved at all? There is no acceptable answer. None.
But, it is not just military “involvement” at stake here. It is military dominance and its generals are clearly in charge, under the direction of Defense Secretary Mark Esper and his commander-in-chief, President Trump. Furthermore, the stated delivery goal is 300,000,000 doses of vaccine, representing 91.4% of our entire population. With at least 40% of the population already shying away from any COVID-19 vaccination, the only way this many vaccines will ever be used is to mandate them under the threat of force. ⁃ TN Editor

Gov. Newsom approves task force on ‘slavery reparations’ as taxpayers wonder how ‘broke’ California will foot the bill

RT – California’s Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom has approved the creation of a task force to examine paying reparations to the descendants of slaves, the first such proposal ever passed by a state government.
Newsom signed AB 3121 into law on Wednesday, creating a nine-member task force to study possible reparations for black Americans. While the governor lamented that the legislation hadn’t been passed “decades ago,” he hailed the bill for establishing a “paradigm that we hope will be resonant all across the United States.”
“This is not just about California, this is about making an impact, and a dent, across the rest of the country,” Newsom said moments after signing the bill.

Memory sticks used to program voting machines STOLEN in Philadelphia, but city says election is just fine

RT – Authorities in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania admitted that a laptop and several memory sticks used to program voting machines were stolen from a warehouse, but insisted that the integrity of the election is not in question.
Election officials scrambled to investigate the theft from an East Falls warehouse and make sure the machines would not be compromised on election day, after city authorities confirmed the theft to the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper. They initially refused to do so, according to the Inquirer, until the paper told them it intended to run the story based on anonymous sources briefed on the incident.
“This matter should not deter Philadelphians from voting, nor from having confidence in the security of this election,” Mayor Jim Kenney, a Democrat, said in a statement.

US federal judge refuses to lift restrictions on religious events in Colorado as critics shred hypocrisy in allowing protests

RT – A federal judge has rejected a request to repeal statewide restrictions on religious gatherings in Colorado, insisting the coronavirus still poses too great a risk to residents. The move was scorched by civil liberties advocates.
US District Judge Christine Arguello ruled this week that allowing such gatherings would “present a high risk of harm to the state of Colorado as well as the public in general,” declining to overturn a 175-person limit on religious events imposed by Governor Jared Polis.
“Numerous courts have considered, and persuasively rejected, nearly identical arguments,” Arguello wrote in her decision, referring to the case brought by plaintiff Liberty Counsel, a religious freedoms organization.
The state has the responsibility to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 virus, which is made more difficult when case numbers increase. The relief Plaintiff requests has the potential to increase case numbers significantly.

Hot Mic Moment: Lawmakers Admit Masks Are All “Political Theatre”

SHFT Plan – In a hot mic moment, Pennsylvania lawmakers admitted that the masking ritual is all political theatre. The huge scam is being pushed on us from all sides, and it is beyond time to wake up to what is going on.
Pennsylvania State Representative Wendy Ullman and Governor Tom Wolf were caught joking off-camera about taking their masks off just before they spoke at a press conference touting the need to defend Obamacare during COVID-19. Politics is smoke in mirrors and a distraction at this point. Nothing more. The goal is the New World Order, and it’s being rolled out as I type this.
The admission that masks are nothing more than “political theatre,” took place yesterday. Just as Ullman was preparing to speak behind the podium on Tuesday at a press conference north of Philadelphia, Wolf can be heard off-camera to her left, saying: “So Wendy, I’m gonna take, I’m gonna take my mask off when I speak.”Ullman walked toward Wolf, off-camera, and said: “I will as well, just, I’m waiting so that we can do a little political theater.” Wolf replies, “OK,” and the two Democrats share a laugh. Ullman then walks back toward the podium and finishes her sentence, saying, “so that it’s on camera.”

Economy & Business

Global Food Shortages Are Becoming Very Real, And U.S. Grocery Store Chains Are Preparing For Worst Case Scenarios

Activist Post – The head of the UN World Food Program repeatedly warned us that we would soon be facing “famines of biblical proportions”, and his predictions are now starting to become a reality.  We have already seen food riots in some parts of Africa, and it isn’t too much of a surprise that certain portions of Asia are really hurting right now.  But I have to admit that I was kind of shocked when I came across an article about the “hunger crisis” that has erupted in Latin America.
According to Bloomberg, “a resurgence of poverty is bringing a vicious wave of hunger in a region that was supposed to have mostly eradicated that kind of malnutrition decades ago”.  We are being told that food shortages are becoming acute from Mexico City all the way down to the southern tip of South America, and those that are the poorest are being hit the hardest.
Let me ask you a question.
What would you do if you didn’t have any food to feed your family?
Fortunately, for the vast majority of my readers that is just a hypothetical question.  But for many families in Latin America, the unthinkable is now actually happening
He couldn’t feed his family. Matilde Alonso knew it was true but couldn’t believe it. The pandemic had just hit Guatemala in full force and Alonso, a 34-year-old construction worker, was suddenly jobless.
He sat up all alone till late that night, his mind racing, and fought back tears. He had six mouths to feed, no income and no hope of receiving anything beyond the most meager of crisis-support checks — some $130 — from the cash-strapped government.
I once had a friend that is a hardcore prepper tell me that his worst nightmare would be for his daughter to tell him that she was hungry and he didn’t have anything to give her.
Many of us can’t even imagine being in Matilde Alonso’s shoes.  Sadly, this is going to be happening to even more families soon, because the UN World Food Program is projecting that the number of people facing “severe food insecurity” in Latin American and Caribbean nations will rise by a whopping 270 percent in the months ahead.
Thankfully, for the moment the United States is in far better shape.  But there have been serious shortages of certain items throughout this pandemic, and many grocery stores have had a very difficult time trying to keep their shelves full.
For example, during my most recent trip to my local grocery store I noticed more empty shelves than I had ever seen before, and that greatly alarmed me.
And now we are being told that grocery stores all over the country are attempting to stockpile goods in an attempt “to avoid shortages during a second wave of coronavirus”
Grocery stores across the United States are stocking up on products to avoid shortages during a second wave of coronavirus.
Household products — including paper towels and Clorox wipes — have been difficult to find at times during the pandemic, and if grocery stores aren’t stocked up and prepared for second wave this winter, runs on products and shortages could happen again.
When even CNN starts admitting that more shortages are coming, that is a sign that it is very late in the game.
And The Wall Street Journal is reporting that some chains are actually putting together “pandemic pallets” in anticipation of more shortages
According to the Wall Street Journal, Associated Food Stores has recently started building “pandemic pallets” to ensure cleaning and sanitizing products are readily available in its warehouses to prepare for high demand through the end of the year.
“We will never again operate our business as unprepared for something like this,” Darin Peirce, vice president of retail operations for the cooperative of more than 400 stores told the outlet. If grocery stores sense something is coming and are preparing for another “wave” of this scamdemic, it may be something worth taking note of.
Most of these grocery chains believe that another wave of COVID-19 is the worst case scenario that they could possibly be facing.  Sadly, that isn’t even close to the truth.

Energy & Environment

Explosive Gas Pipeline in the Mediterranean

Global Research – In the Eastern Mediterranean, where large natural gas offshore fields have been discovered, a bitter dispute is underway for the definition of exclusive economic zones, up to 200 miles from the coast, where each of the coastal countries has the rights to the field exploitation. The countries directly involved are Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine (whose Gaza gas fields are in the hands of Israel), Egypt and Libya. The confrontation between Greece and Turkey, both members of NATO, is particularly tense. The stakes are not just economic. The real game being played in the Eastern Mediterranean is geopolitical and geostrategic, and involves the major world powers. The EastMed pipeline, bringing much of the gas from this area to the EU, fits into this framework.
Its realization was decided among Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Greek Prime Minister Tsipras and Cypriot President Anastasiades, at the summit held in Jerusalem on March 20, 2019. Netanyahu stressed that “the pipeline will extend from Israel to Europe through Cyprus and Greece” and Israel will thus become an “energy power” (which will control the energy corridor to Europe), while Tsipras stressed that “cooperation between Israel, Greece and Cyprus has become strategic having reached their sixth summit.” This is confirmed by the military pact signed by the Tsipras government with Israel five years ago (il manifesto, 28 July 2015).
The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attended the Jerusalem summit (its acts were published by the US Embassy in Cyprus), underlining that the EastMed project launched by Israel, Greece and Cyprus, “fundamental partners of the US for security,” is “incredibly timely” as “Russia, China and Iran are trying to set foot in the East and the West.”
The US strategy is declared: to reduce and finally block Russian gas exports to Europe, replacing them with gas supplied or otherwise controlled by the US. In 2014 it blocked the SouthStream pipeline through the Black Sea, which would have brought Russian gas to Italy at competitive prices, and is attempting to do the same with TurkStream which, via the Black Sea, carries Russian gas to the European part of Turkey to get it to the EU. 
At the same time, the US is trying to block the New Silk Road, the network of infrastructures designed to connect China to the Mediterranean and  Europe. In the Middle East, by the war the US blocked the energy corridor which would have transported Iranian gas through Iraq and Syria, under a 2011 agreement, to the Mediterranean and into Europe.
This strategy is joined by Italy, where (in Puglia) EastMed will arrive to  bring gas to other European countries.

Science & Technology

Amazon Announces Mail Surveillance And Palm Scanner For Point Of Sale

Activist Post  – Amazon has announced a new product for its Ring subsidiary company, a mail surveillance system. They also went a step beyond and released a new palm scanner point-of-sale system.
Amazon announced its rollout of Amazon One devices that use a customer’s palm prints for identification and payment at physical retail stores. The devices are presently available for use in Seattle locations for Amazon Go stores, and the company wants to expand it to any retailer willing to partner with the mega-giant.
According to an announcement by Dilip Kumar, the vice president of Amazon’s physical retail business, the Amazon One device creates even less payment friction in the company’s cashier-less retail stores. Instead of being identified by an account on their mobile phones, customers can simply walk into the store, scan their palm, shop for products, and the purchases will be automatically charged to a credit card.
A spokesperson for Amazon told Recode it has “no plans to use transaction information from third party locations for Amazon advertising or other purposes.”
However, Amazon says it wants to use the tech to spread to third-party partners, and payments aren’t the only function it has in mind for the system. Other use-cases discussed include a customer entering a location like a stadium, badging into work, and loyalty cards. It brings to mind a dystopian view of society.
If the Amazon One hand scanner wasn’t enough, Amazon Ring just announced that it will be releasing a new in-home drone and mail monitoring system using a sensor. Activist Post reported last week on the in-home drone, noting how the autonomous drone “Always Home Cam” zooms around inside your home to give you a perspective of any room you want when you’re not home. The drone can also be commanded to fly on-demand or programmed to fly when a disturbance is detected by its linked Ring Alarm system. Once it’s done flying, the Always Home Cam returns to its dock to charge its battery like a good robot.
The latter mail system is equally as privacy-invasive as a camera that flies around your home. The $30 Mailbox Sensor is similar to the Ring Motion Sensor accessory for Ring lighting products. The new Mailbox Sensor is a little sensor that relies on Amazon’s Sidewalk technology to extend the range of your Wi-Fi network, reports CNET.


Boston lab suspends coronavirus testing after hundreds of false positives

NaturalNews – A laboratory in Boston has suspended Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) testing after an investigation found nearly 400 false-positive testing results.
In early August, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MPDH) opened an investigation after it became away of an unusually high positive rate of COVID-19 tests at Orig3n, a biotech company that counts dozens of nursing homes as clients.
Further investigation found that there were at least 383 false-positive results from Orig3n’s lab. These results later came back as negative upon re-testing.
Two-Shot Vaccine Requirement Will Lead To Vaccine Chaos
Technocracy News – Oh, they didn’t tell you? The new soon-to-arrive vaccines requires that you receive TWO SHOTS, not just one, and they must be from the same vaccine maker, taken 60 days apart. With multiple vaccine makers, tracking who got what and when will be a logistical nightmare.
Of course, technocrats will save the day with more technology to track everyone, everywhere. This will require a national health database capable of storing 100% of your medical records from cradle to grave, plus a personal ID/marking system to guarantee that you are really you when you show up for medical help. Total surveillance and micro-management of the human herd is Technocracy’s holy grail.
This is must-read article to better understand the scope of the coming vaccine chaos. ⁃ TN Editor

Animal News 

These ‘Dirty Dozen’ Substances Can Seriously Harm Your Pet

Mercola Pet – Over the years, I’ve written several articles here at Mercola Healthy Pets about the dangers to animals of toxic compounds in the environment, in particular those that interfere with the function of the endocrine system. The glands of the endocrine system include the hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, adrenal, thymus, pancreas, testicles and ovaries.
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can inhibit hormone processes in not only your pet’s body, but yours as well. They can mimic or block hormones, interfere with hormone production and alter the body’s sensitivity to hormones. They can also increase or decrease the body’s production of certain hormones, act as hormones themselves, turn one type of hormone into another type, bind with hormones, and disrupt hormone signaling.1
Since hormones act as messengers that transmit information to cells and maintain homeostasis in the body, it’s easy to imagine the havoc and damage EDCs have the potential to create — especially when you consider that hormones regulate everything from metabolic functions to reproduction.
In 2013, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) published a list of the “dirty dozen” endocrine disruptors, which are the worst-of-the-worst in this category. They are:2

  1. BPA
  2. Dioxins
  3. Atrazine
  4. Phthalates
  5. Perchlorate
  6. Fire retardants
  7. Lead
  8. Arsenic
  9. Mercury
  10. Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)
  11. Organophosphate pesticides
  12. Glycol ethers

Good News

Largest US Retailers Reject GMO Salmon as Court Pressure Builds

Sustainable Pulse -Walmart, Costco, Albertsons, Kroger, Ahold, Aldi, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, H-E-B, Hy-Vee, Sprouts, Giant Eagle, Meijer and Target have affirmed their commitment to not sell genetically engineered AquAdvantage® salmon ahead of AquaBounty Technologies planned first-ever harvest and commercial sales in the U.S., planned for this fall.
The news comes following the court hearing, in which a federal judge in California looked poised to rule in favor of environmental groups afraid of GMO salmon’s potential to blunt wild salmon populations, thus blocking the FDA’s approval of the fish.
Friends of the Earth released an updated list Tuesday of 80 grocery retailers, seafood companies, food service companies and restaurants with more than 18,000 locations nationwide that have stated that they will not sell genetically engineered salmon, demonstrating a widespread market rejection of the first commercial offerings of the first genetically engineered animal approved for human consumption in the U.S.
“Genetically engineered salmon pose unacceptable risks to wild salmon and broader ecosystems. People across the country have made it clear that they don’t want to eat genetically engineered salmon, and food retailers are clearly listening,” said Dana Perls, food and technology program manager at Friends of the Earth. “We thank these forward-thinking retailers for their leadership.”
A growing body of science suggests that GE salmon may pose serious environmental risks including potentially irreversible damage to wild salmon populations. More research is needed on the potential health risks of this novel food.
The GE salmon was first approved for sale in the U.S. in 2015. In the wake of controversy over the U.S. approval, the U.S. instituted an import ban on GE salmon until labeling standards were established.
In 2019, the FDA lifted the ban on importation of GE salmon and eggs into the U.S. Consumers will not have a clear way to distinguish whether they’re buying GE salmon because of the lack of clear labeling requirements of GE foods under the USDA’s National Bioengineered Food Disclosure standard. Under this regulation, GE salmon would likely be labeled using a QR code instead of clear, on-package labeling. Companies are also allowed to use the term “bioengineered,” which may cause confusion among consumers.
AquaBounty Technologies’ AquAdvantage® salmon is genetically engineered with the DNA of an eel-like ocean pout to grow faster. Research has raised a range of potential ecological and socioeconomic threats associated with GE salmon, supporting the need for thorough risk assessment and strong regulation prior to commercialization.
The FDA’s decision on this genetically engineered salmon application could set a precedent for other genetically engineered fish and animals. At least 35 other species of genetically engineered fish — as well as chickens, pigs and cows engineered to fit in factory farming systems — are currently under development.  A full list of stores that have made commitments to not sell genetically engineered seafood and salmon is available here.

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