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The Power Hour

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Today's News: October 03, 2019

World News

U.N. Security Council will likely meet over North Korea’s missile launch: diplomats
Reuters – The U.N. Security Council will likely meet behind closed doors on Friday over North Korea, diplomats said, after Pyongyang said it had successfully test-fired a new submarine-launched ballistic missile ahead of fresh nuclear talks with Washington.
The council discussion was requested by Germany with the support of Britain and France, diplomats said.
The launch on Wednesday was the most provocative by North Korea since it resumed dialogue with the United States in 2018. U.N. Security Council resolutions that ban Pyongyang from using ballistic missile technology.
Hong Kong set to enact emergency laws as it struggles to contain violence
Reuters – Hong Kong’s government is expected to discuss sweeping emergency laws on Friday that would include banning face masks at protests, two sources told Reuters, as the Chinese-ruled territory grapples with an escalating cycle of violence.
‘Ten Dead and Over 200 Injured’ as Police Fire on Iraqi Protesters
UNZ – Security forces opened fire on protesters in central Baghdad on Tuesday evening, with some witnesses saying more than 10 people had been killed and some 286 wounded.
Riot police used live rounds as well as stun grenades and rubber bullets to stop demonstrators from crossing a bridge over the Tigris River to the Green Zone from Tahrir Square, where they had been protesting against unemployment, government corruption, and lack of electricity and water. Many ministers, senior officials and government are located in the Green Zone.
EU parliament: Boris Johnson Brexit plan not remotely acceptable
The Guardian – The European parliament has told Boris Johnson that his proposals for the Irish border do not “even remotely” amount to an acceptable deal for the EU, in comments echoed by Ireland’s prime minister.
The committee of MEPs representing the parliament’s views on Brexit said the prime minister’s proposals could not form the basis for an agreement, describing them as a “last-minute” effort. The European parliament will have a veto on any withdrawal agreement.
“Safeguarding peace and stability on the island of Ireland, protection of citizens and EU’s legal order has to be the main focus of any deal,” it said in a statement. “The UK proposals do not match even remotely what was agreed as a sufficient compromise in the backstop.”
Ireland’s prime minister, Leo Varadkar, also accused Johnson of contradicting his own proposals during an appearance by the British prime minister in the Commons, in which he sought to convince MPs there would be no return of a hard Irish border.
Four Dead Stabbing Attack at Paris Police Headquarters
Newsmax – A police administrative worker went on a knife rampage inside the force’s headquarters on Thursday, killing four people before being shot dead by an officer, police officials said.
There was no official word on the motive for the attack, which took place in the heart of the French capital near to Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral.
At Least 16 Miners Injured as Quake Hits Coal Mine in Poland
Sputnik – Three of the injured are reported to remain in serious condition, according to privately-owned Radio Zet.
Sixteen miners were injured when a quake hit the Bielszowice coal mine in southern Poland on Thursday, Reuters has reported, citing the country’s commercial broadcaster Radio Zet.
A spokesman for the mine owner PGG was not immediately available for comment, Reuters added.
Israel Swears in New Parliament amid Political Deadlock
Newsmax – Israel is swearing in its newly elected parliament.
The ceremony on Thursday comes after the second inconclusive election of the year and with no new government on the horizon.
‘No precedent in human experience’: Study finds nuclear war between India and Pakistan could leave 125 million dead
RT – A nuclear war between India and Pakistan could kill up to 125 million people in just a few days – surpassing the death count of the entire Second World War – and kick off a worldwide environmental meltdown, a new study found.
Published in the peer-reviewed Science Advances on Wednesday, the study forecasted a colossal death toll in the event of such a conflict, which it said could send global temperatures plummeting to levels comparable to the last Ice Age.
US Reportedly Warns Allies of Sanctions as India Defends Its ‘Sovereign Right’ to Buy Russian S-400s
Sputnik – New Delhi (Sputnik): Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said this week he was “reasonably convinced” that the United States would understand New Delhi’s decision to purchase advanced defence equipment, including the S-400 missile defence system, from Russia.
The US State Department has warned its “allies and partners” that they will face sanctions if they choose to go ahead with the acquisition of Russian military equipment, the Indian English daily The Hindu reported.
“We urge all of our allies and partners to forgo transactions with Russia that risk triggering sanctions under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA),” a State Department spokesman told The Hindu.
The comment was made shortly after Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said that New Delhi has always maintained that sourcing of its military equipment was very much a “sovereign right” and expressed hope that Washington would understand the country’s decision to buy Russian S-400 missile defence systems.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Renewed interest in Joe Biden’s official trip to China in 2013 with son Hunter
Fox – Then-Vice President Joe Biden’s 2013 official trip to China with his son, Hunter, is coming under fresh scrutiny, as President Trump and Republicans question Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings while his father served in the Obama administration.
Biden, his son Hunter, and his granddaughter Finnegan, flew on Air Force Two for the official trip to Beijing in December 2013. While it’s typical for the families of the president and vice president to travel with them, questions have been raised about whether Hunter Biden used the government trip to further his business interests.
“What wasn’t known then was that as he accompanied his father to China, Hunter Biden was forming a Chinese private equity fund that associates said at the time was planning to raise big money, including from China,” journalist Josh Lederman, who was one of four reporters on the trip, wrote in a story for NBC News on Wednesday.
Trump urges Ukraine, China to investigate Bidens
The Hill – President Trump on Thursday encouraged Ukraine and China to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son amid growing concerns over how Trump has used his position to pressure foreign governments to look into his political rivals.
“I would think that if they were honest about it they’d start a major investigation into the Bidens,” Trump told reporters at the White House when asked what he wanted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to do about the Bidens following the July 25 call between the two leaders.
The call triggered an intelligence community whistleblower complaint and is at the heart of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into the president.
Trump on Thursday doubled down on unsubstantiated allegations that Biden and his son, Hunter, engaged in corrupt behavior, also urging a probe by China.
“China should start an investigation into the Bidens,” Trump told reporters before departing for an executive order signing in Florida.
The president, whose administration is currently negotiating with China to resolve a trade dispute, said he had not explicitly asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to open an investigation, but that it’s “certainly something we can start thinking about.”
Trump’s comments are likely to further fuel Democratic calls for impeachment. House Democrats launched an impeachment inquiry last week, and they have zeroed in on Trump soliciting a foreign leader to look into a domestic political rival as the basis for allegations that he abused his office.
Bombshell in the making: Did Adam Schiff pull a Jussie Smollett and FABRICATE the existence of the whistleblower?
NaturalNews – Earlier today, President Trump declared that he believes Rep. Adam Schiff wrote the so-called “whistleblower” complaint (see video below). But the official whistleblower complaint story is unraveling by the hour as new facts emerge, pointing to a far more shocking likelihood: That Adam Schiff may have fabricated the existence of the whistleblower himself, in effect projecting his own complaint onto a fictional persona that he is now going to question in a private, closed-door congressional session where he will essentially be questioning himself.
This scenario isn’t proven yet, but it’s looking more and more like Adam Schiff may have pulled a Jussie Smollett. Instead of tying a noose around his own neck and faking a hate crime, he may have fabricated an entire “whistleblower” persona and written the whistleblower complaint himself in a psychotic, desperate effort to try to destroy Trump before AG William Barr drops the mother of all bombshells about the Democrats’ involvement in a vast criminal conspiracy to try to overthrow the President of the United States of America.
Schiff knows that if Trump isn’t stopped, a long list of left-wing traitors will likely be prosecuted and jailed. That list may include Adam Schiff himself, who has been linked to Ukrainian arms dealers, and Joe Biden’s son who is now known to have received $3.4 million in “criminally obtained” laundered money, transferred to his business accounts as part of Joe Biden’s shakedown of international oligarchs and mafia organizations. Don’t forget, either, that Barack Obama laundered billions of dollars internationally in order to fund Iran’s nuclear weapons program, a clear act of criminal treason against the United States.
Ex-Ukraine prosecutor said he was told to back off probe of Biden-linked firm, files show
Fox – The fired prosecutor at the center of the Ukraine controversy said during a private interview with President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani earlier this year that he was told to back off an investigation involving a natural gas firm that was linked to Joe Biden’s son, according to details of that interview that were handed over to Congress by the State Department’s inspector general Wednesday.
Fox News obtained a copy of Giuliani’s notes from his January 2019 interview with fired Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin in which he claimed that his “investigations stopped out of fear of the United States.”
“Mr. Shokin attempted to continue the investigations but on or around June or July of 2015, the U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing,” the notes from the interview stated. The notes also claimed Shokin was told Biden had held up U.S. aid to Ukraine over the investigation.
U.S. diplomat at center of Trump-Ukraine affair testifies to lawmakers
Reuters – A longtime U.S. diplomat who served as President Donald Trump’s special envoy for Ukraine appeared before congressional committee staff on Thursday as part of a Democratic-led impeachment probe of the Republican president.
Kurt Volker resigned as special representative for Ukraine negotiations on Friday, a day after the public release of a whistleblower complaint that described him as trying to “contain the damage” from efforts by Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani to press Ukraine to investigate Democrats.
As the diplomat arrived on Capitol Hill, Giuliani shared on Twitter a series of text messages he had received from Volker discussing contacts with Andrey Yermak, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.
1.4 million more Americans than last year have concealed carry permits, report says
Fox   -Even as the topic of gun control continues to remain a focus in the Democratic 2020 presidential primary, more Americans than ever are believed to have obtained concealed carry permits.
In a report released this week, the Crime Prevention Research Center says there are now nearly 19 million Americans with permits to carry a concealed handgun – an increase of 1.4 million, or about 8 percent – from around this time last year.
The nonprofit, which describes itself as a “research and education organization dedicated to conducting academic quality research on the relationship between laws regulating the ownership or use of guns, crime and public safety,” said the new figure was estimated by reviewing state records.
No Matter Who Wins in 2020, There Will Be Blood
American Thinker – The machinations of an illiberal left, on display in its ever-increasing violence accompanied by the ululations of a propagandist media in contravention of an imaginary “white supremacist” right, have riven the nation into diametrically opposed camps.
The right will never accept socialism, while the left will accept nothing less.
Trump Wins
Those on the left will not allow a Trump victory, even should he win the popular vote and the Electoral College.  They are used to getting what they want and like spoiled brats, have learned that tantrums work.
Should Donald Trump prevail in his bid for a second term, the left will go insane, deploying every “insurance policy” weapon at their disposal to negate four more years of the Orange Man.  What Obama, Comey, and Brennan et al. did to Trump in his first term will seem mild in comparison to what the left is planning should he win.
Antifa, the military arm of the Democratic Party, has not spent the last three years practicing and organizing merely to sit on the sidelines.  They have used the interregnum to mobilize and learn tactics, while probing to find what government will allow, media will trumpet, and the public will endure.
Trump Loses
The right will never believe the Democrats didn’t cheat their way to victory; in addition to understanding that a Democratic President will undemocratically implement policies by executive order that are inimical to their interests and desires.
Many on the right are weary of leaders who prioritize good press over good policy, and who prefer losing gracefully over winning ugly.  They believe they did build that and that they have not yet made enough money and are fed up with being portrayed as ignorant and evil just because of political disagreements.  Eight years of Obama and three years of watching his slow-motion coup have made them angry.
Tone-deaf to this silent majority and emboldened by victory, the new president will borrow Barry’s “pen and phone” and start issuing executive orders throwing open our borders, banning fossil fuels, and of course, implementing “common sense” gun control.  Buoyed by media, the new president will start with universal background checks and a gun registry.
Eventually, the president will overreach, signing an order for gun confiscation, euphemistically called, “mandatory buybacks.”  Antifa and their ilk will flood the streets in support of seizing these “weapons of war.” Media will declare, “It’s the will of the people.”

Economy & Business

Countries resisting US pressure to ban Huawei’s 5G equipment
RT – The US has been trying to convince its allies and the rest of the world to ditch Huawei’s 5G technology over an alleged national security threat. However, not everyone is convinced the Chinese tech firm poses a risk.
While restricting American companies from doing business with the world’s largest telecommunications equipment vendor, the US has also been trying to convince other countries that Huawei’s equipment could be used by Beijing for spying, an allegation that the firm and the Chinese government deny.
Optimism about economy slides
CNBC – Americans’ attitudes toward the economy took a sharp turn downward in the third quarter, according to the CNBC All-America Economic Survey, with just 23% believing the economy will improve in the next year, the lowest level of optimism in three years.
The good news: Views on the current state of the economy (compared with the outlook) slid only modestly, with 48% of the public rating the economy as excellent or good, down from 51% in May, and 49% rating the economy as fair or poor, up just a point.
But with only 23% expecting economy to improve and 32% believing it will get worse, the poll marks the first time in the Trump presidency that economic pessimism outstrips optimism.
Whisky, wine and cheese prices going up
CNN – Americans will soon pay more for Scotch and Irish whiskies, Parmesan cheese and French wine after the Trump administration said it would impose tariffs on $7.5 billion worth of European goods.
The United States had also threatened to target pasta and leather handbags in a long-running dispute with the European Union over aircraft subsidies. Those have been spared, however.
Still, the move could trigger a damaging escalation in transatlantic trade tensions at a time when economies have been hurt by the fallout from the US-China trade war.
European Commission spokesperson Daniel Rosario said Thursday that the European Union regretted the US decision, adding that the bloc would respond with similar measures.
Financial Services Industry Slowly Abandons Britain Ahead of Brexit
Global Research – The EU is London’s biggest customer when it comes to financial services with exports worth £26 billion in profits. As the EU and Britain failed to agree a deal, the industry’s hopes of largely unfettered access to the bloc, banks began moving around a trillion pounds of assets from London to new EU hubs, while trading worth around €240bn a day in eurozone government bonds has moved to Milan and Amsterdam.
The EU’s markets watchdog has ruled that under a no-deal Brexit, euro shares must be traded inside the bloc, a signal that Brussels may want to deepen its own capital markets union by being tougher in granting equivalence (whereby the EU deems Britain’s financial markets rules to be aligned closely enough to its own).  The result – three UK-based pan-European platforms in London, Aquis, Turquoise and Cboe have already opened hubs in Amsterdam and Paris for EU customers to trade shares listed on other exchanges.
A report by a London based think tank that focuses on capital markets has published the most comprehensive analysis yet of the impact of Brexit on the banking and finance industry in London. It has determined that more than 250 firms in banking and finance have moved or are moving business, staff, assets or legal entities away from the UK to the EU – and these numbers are likely to increase significantly in the near future. In total, it also agrees that approximately £1 trillion of assets have already been relocated – with more expected.

Energy & Environment

Scottish government extends ban on fracking
The Guardian – The Scottish government has extended its ban on fracking after ministers confirmed it would not grant permission for any onshore drilling projects.
Paul Wheelhouse, the environment minister, said his devolved government would also refuse to issue licences for onshore unconventional oil and gas projects, including fracking, shale gas or coalbed methane projects.
But Wheelhouse rejected calls from climate campaigners and Scottish Labour for fracking to be specifically outlawed by legislation in Scotland. He said the government’s regulatory powers under its planning and licensing systems were strong enough.
Promising the government could consider legislation if it was needed in future, Wheelhouse said fracking was incompatible with the Scottish parliament’s new target of cutting climate emissions to net zero by 2045, which was passed by MSPs last week.

Science & Technology

EU: Facebook Can Be Forced to Take Down Certain Material
Newsmax – The European Union’s highest court says that Facebook can be ordered by an individual member state to remove or block access to material which was previously declared unlawful and says that it can have a worldwide impact.
The European Court of Justice ruling on Thursday is seen as a defeat for Facebook as it could increase their responsibility for what is appearing on the internet.
Russia considering imposing digital tax on Google & Facebook
RT – Global tech giants like Google, Facebook and Apple should bring revenue to the countries where they are doing business, the Russian Finance Ministry has announced.
The ministry proposes amending Russia’s tax legislation to make leading multinational tech companies pay taxes to those countries where their users reside. The measure would allow the avoidance of budget losses and would make tax distribution more fair, the ministry said in a recently published document on taxation policies for 2021-2022 as cited by RBC business outlet.
The first fossil skeleton of an ancient Phoebodus shark has been found
Daily Mail – The fossilised skeleton of an ancient shark — Phoebodus saidselachus — has been unearthed for the first time in the Anti-Atlas mountains of Morocco.
Previous specimens of Phoebodus had only been known from the occasional tooth and dorsal fin spines, because their soft, cartilage skeletons are rarely preserved.
Researchers report that the shark — which lived around 370 million years ago when the region was a shallow sea — had an eel-like body, a flat head and a long jaw.
Based on its similarity to the modern frilled shark, researchers believe it consumed small prey by grasping them in its jaw before swallowing them whole.
FaceFirst and Amazon Want To Influence Facial Recognition Laws; Motorola Joins The Push For A Surveillance State
Activist Post – FaceFirst is another company with something to lose if facial recognition regulation bans the technology. They have now entered the lobbying ring to attempt to influence laws for the Orwellian biometric technology.
For those who don’t remember or have been living under a rock, FaceFirst is the company that wants to work with retailers to implement facial recognition inside hundreds and soon thousands of stores. FaceFirst wants to build a database of shoplifters, as Activist Post reported.
So another company that has skin in the game with facial recognition technology to succeed gets to decide laws that will affect the rest of us?
The concept of the technology now being used is customers walk through a store entrance, the video camera captures repetitious images of each shopper and chooses the clearest one to then store in its database. The software then analyzes that image and compares it to a database of “bad customers” that the retailer has compiled; if there is a match, the software sends an alert to store employees that a “high risk” customer has entered the door.
The problem with this is not only the blatantly obvious of stores wanting to use biometric surveillance within their establishments that would give them a database on their customers. It’s that it is up to the retailer themselves to decide whether anyone apprehended for shoplifting can later opt out of their database. Although, the software automatically purges visitor data that does not match information in a store’s criminal database every 14 days, the company’s minimum recommendation for auto-purging data.
This is extremely worrying and would enable a “pre-crime” policed environment in establishment stores, giving them the power to not only keep track of customers but store a digital profile on them without their consent. Again, this is the same company that wants to write laws on facial recognition use.
Last week, Activist Post reported Amazon’s own attempts to influence legislation on an industry they have a stake in with Bezos stating at a recent conference that the company was “working with law makers.”
Earlier this year, legislators called for putting a “time out” on facial recognition technology until regulations are in place. So far, Congress has held two oversight hearings on the topic and there are at least four bills in the works to limit the technology.
On top of that, some cities in the U.S. have outright banned the biometric technology like San Francisco, Somerville, Massachusetts, and Oakland, California, as Activist Post reported.
The rapid growth of this technology has triggered a much-needed debate to slow down the roll out. Activists, politicians, academics and even police forces all over the world are expressing serious concerns over the impact facial recognition could have on our society.
If that’s not enough, phone maker Motorola is also throwing its weight behind new surveillance products, essentially selling out humanity to aid the police state, NBC reported.


Big Pharma gets seasonal flu shot strains wrong AGAIN – how is this considered “evidence-based medicine?”
NaturalNews – It’s “flu season” again, which means you’re likely to encounter life-sized grim reapers holding vaccine syringes at your local CVS pharmacy, as well as actual flu shots that, as always, don’t actually work.
According to reports, the latest batch of flu shots for the 2019-2020 flu season contain viral strains that don’t even match the ones that health “experts” anticipate will circulate – meaning tens of millions of people are going to be jabbed with chemical cocktails that will do absolutely nothing to protect them from influenza.
Two of the four viral strains that were chosen for this current flu season – A/H3N2 and B/Victoria – “could be off the mark,” writes Matthew Herper for StatNews.com, who added that making an accurate prediction about which strains will circulate is “never an easy business.”
Described by influenza epidemiologist Dr. Danuta Skowronski as a “mismatch” based on which strains previously circulated in the Southern Hemisphere during its winter season, the use of these two viral strains in the flu shots now being administered in the Northern Hemisphere means that Americans will receive minimal protection, at best, against the flu strains that end up circulating here.
“I think the vaccine strain selections by the WHO committee are obviously important for the Southern Hemisphere but they’re also signals to us because they’re basing their decisions on what they see currently predominating on the global level,” Skowronski, who works for the British Columbia Center for Disease Control in Vancouver, is quoted as saying.
FDA Warns Again About Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities That May Put Medical Devices and Hospital Networks at Risk for Remote Attack
Activist Post – Experts have determined that anything wirelessly connected has the potential of being hacked – including medical devices and implants.  In 2007, Former Vice President Dick Cheney had the wireless connection disabled on his pacemaker because he was afraid someone would try to murder him by hacking into it.
This possibility has been reported by many experts over the years and in 2017, the FDA recalled almost ½ million pacemakers due to hacking fears.  This is why it makes NO sense that the FDA continues to approve the use wireless medical devices and implants anyway.  But they have, and may continue to do so despite new risks they reported in July and again yesterday.
According to The FDA, they are an agency that protects public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of many products including ones that give off electronic radiation.
Yet they continue to approve these potentially hackable devices that emit electronic and wireless radiation which is also harmful to people?
Mosquito-borne EEE virus kills Michigan resident; fatality marks 4th in state, officials say
Fox – A fourth Michigan resident has died from what is considered to be one of the most dangerous mosquito-borne viruses in the nation: Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) virus.
The death of the Calhoun County resident was confirmed by officials of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services in a news release. No other details were provided.
6 Foods That Fight Diabetes
Newsmax – The Centers for Disease Control reports that 100 million U.S. adults have diabetes or prediabetes. Because diabetes leads to other serious complications such as cardiovascular disease, inflammation, kidney disease, and neurological issues, it’s important to consider diet in dealing with this epidemic.
Here are six top foods for those suffering from diabetes or who wish to stave off the dreaded disease:

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar. ACV is an ancient tonic known for its diverse health benefits. According to the American Diabetes Association, ACV can “significantly improve insulin response” in those with insulin resistant or type 2 diabetes. Use it in your salad dressing or as a tonic taken 30 minutes before breakfast.
  2. Avocados. Loaded with healthy, monounsaturated fat, this tropical fruit not only helps lower cholesterol levels but also helps stabilize blood sugar, according to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Top your salad or sandwich with tasty avocado slices or whirl in a smoothie.
  3. Wild salmon. The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon, especially pollutant-free salmon, helped prevent type 2 diabetes in Swedish adults, according to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition in August 2019. Note that the study authors emphasized that the fish should be free of contaminants to be effective, so select your source of salmon carefully before purchasing. Try it grilled, baked, or quickly pan-fried topped with a squeeze of lemon.
  4. Ginseng. This natural remedy has been popular for centuries, and recent studies show that it may be an effective tool in controlling blood sugar levels. A study conducted on red Korean ginseng showed that subjects with type 2 diabetes taking two grams daily for a 12-week period improved glucose and insulin regulation. Try it chopped, raw or slightly cooked, or enjoy as a tea.
  5. Walnuts. These tasty nuts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help stabilize blood sugar. A government study conducted at the NIH showed that folks who ate walnuts on a regular basis had a much lower incidence and risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Eat them raw or roasted as a perfect on-the-go snack.
  6. Cinnamon. A study published in Diabetes Care, a journal of the American Diabetes Association, showed that subjects with type 2 diabetes who ate cinnamon daily showed improved triglyceride levels as well reduced serum glucose, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol. Since the risk of developing cardiovascular disease is double or more in those suffering from type 2 diabetes, this is a significant result. There are many ways of enjoying this sweet spice in your daily diet. Sprinkle cinnamon on Greek yogurt, on breakfast oats, or in a smoothie. Chai tea is a delicious, healthy beverage that marries well with this spice.

10 Health Benefits of Walking
Newsmax – The next time you go for a checkup, your doctor may give you a prescription for walking. “It’s the closest thing we have to a wonder drug,” says Dr. Thomas Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Done correctly, walking has a myriad of powerful health benefits — from weight loss to reducing cardiovascular and dementia risks — and its simplicity lends itself to all ages and all walks of life.
Here are some well researched benefits of walking:

  1. It counteracts the actions of weight-promoting genes. Harvard researchers studied obesity-promoting genes in 12,000 obese people and found that in those who walked briskly every day, the effects of these genes were slashed in half.
  2. It lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), walking at a lively pace for 150 minutes a week improves blood pressure and lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  3. It increases longevity. The AHA estimates that for every hour of brisk walking, life expectancy for some people may increase by two hours.
  4. It beats osteoporosis. According to American Bone Health, weight bearing activity is critical for bone health. It’s called “osteogenic loading” and helps bone cells assimilate more calcium and other minerals to increase bone density. Walking with a wide stride helps load your bones to prevent osteoporosis.
  5. It eases anxiety and depression. A large Australian study showed that moderate-intensity exercise such as walking improved the quality of life for middle-aged women. One in 10 U.S. adults suffers from depression, according to the CDC, and women are 70% more likely to be depressed at some point in their lives than men.
  6. It reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. An American Cancer Society study found that women who walked seven or more hours weekly had a 14% lower risk of developing breast cancer than those who walked three hours or fewer.
  7. It curbs your cravings for sweets. Studies from the University of Exeter revealed that a 15-minute walk can reduce cravings for chocolate and even reduce the amount of chocolate consumed in stressful situations.
  8. It eases joint pain. The Arthritis Foundation says that walking actually supports your joints by infusing them with oxygen and other nutrients. “If you don’t walk, joints are deprived of life-giving fluid, which can speed deterioration,” says the Foundation.
  9. It boosts brain function in those with dementia. While some studies have shown that walking helps boost creative and cognitive thinking by getting “creative juices flowing,” a blockbuster study by researchers at the University of British Columbia in Canada showed that people with dementia who walked for one hour, three times a week, not only had lower blood pressure but their brains showed improvement on cognitive tests. Researchers concluded that the walkers had more efficient brains and better thinking skills than the control group.
  10. It boosts the immune system. According to Harvard Health, a study of over 1,000 men and women found that those who walked at least 20 minutes a day, five days a week, took 43% fewer sick days than those who exercised once a week or less.

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