July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 03, 2022


US Ignorant of Chinese Intelligence Threat: China Expert

US Ignorant of Chinese Intelligence Threat: China Expert

The United States has paid little heed to the growing Chinese intelligence threat, according to economist, China expert, and author Clyde Prestowitz.

“One of the things that bothers me in the U.S.–China relationship is the ignorance of the U.S. side on the … limits to which the Chinese will go to obtain intelligence,” Prestowitz told EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program on Sept. 20.

He further pointed to the recent report on a Chinese entity’s purchase of farmland near a U.S. Air Force base in North Dakota.

“The Chinese have been buying up land near American bases. That land is not being bought in order to grow wheat. They’re watching the bases,” he noted.

Meanwhile, the Chinese regime puts enormous resources into intelligence efforts, according to Prestowitz, who served as counselor to the secretary of commerce during the Reagan administration and currently heads the Economic Strategy Institute.

“There was a figure, a number thrown out last week, that China spends more money on domestic security than it does on its army, navy, and military security. Well, all of that effort that’s being made on domestic security is gathering intelligence,” he said.

“China has gathered up millions, maybe billions of categories of classified information. So they know your name. They have your social security number.”

Stampede at Indonesia Soccer Match Leaves at Least 125 Dead, Police Say

At least 125 people were killed and more than 100 others were injured when a riot broke out at a soccer match in Indonesia and led to a crowd stampede, police said on Oct. 2.

After the game between home team Arema FC and its rival, Persebaya Surabaya, in East Java province on Oct. 1, multiple people among the crowd stormed the field, and fights broke out between the teams’ supporters. Riot police then fired tear gas, which triggered a panic, resulting in the stampede, East Java police chief Nico Afinta told reporters.

More than 300 people were rushed to nearby hospitals with injuries but many died in transit or while being treated, Afinta said.

The death toll was revised to 125 from 174, after authorities found some of the victims had been counted twice, National Police chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo said. More than 100 were in hospitals, including 11 in critical condition.

Video footage from local news channels showed people rushing onto the field as well as images of body bags.

On social media, footage of the stampede showed people running onto the field before scattering quickly as baton-wielding police chased them. The footage also showed smoke appearing suddenly, which also prompted people to flee.

German Govt Warns Gas May Run Out over the Winter Months

German Federal Economy Minister Robert Habeck expressed concern over the looming energy crisis this winter, telling German media that the situation was extremely tense and there is a possibility that Germany may run out of gas.

Habeck spoke on Friday, appealing to Germans to reduce their consumption of natural gas ahead of this winter a day after the German government launched a new price break programme to help Germans with the rising costs of energy.

The new price break policy will cover 80 per cent of regular consumption in a bid to try and get Germans to use less gas and make the scenario of shortages less likely.

“For the upper 20 per cent of normal consumption, you will certainly have to pay the full bill,” Habeck told broadcaster Deutschlandfunk Radio, Reuters reports.

Unofficial Chinese Police Stations in Canada Likely Number More Than 3, Says Report Co-Author

The Chinese regime has likely established more unofficial overseas police stations in Canada than the three in Toronto identified in a report by a human rights NGO, a co-author of the report says.

Spain-based Safeguard Defenders published a report in September warning of the regime’s “long-arm policing” around the world through what’s been dubbed the “110 overseas police stations”—an operation named after the police emergency phone number, 110, in China.

The report, titled “110 Overseas: Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild,” identified 54 Chinese overseas police stations in 30 countries, including 3 in Toronto. The stations are all under the jurisdiction of two local-level police services in China—the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, and the Qingtian County police in Zhejiang Province, the report said.

Peter Dahlin, founder and director of Safeguard Defender and co-author of the report, says that following the release of his organization’s findings, security police or related government agencies from North America and Europe have approached his organization asking “to sit down and have a briefing discussion” on the Chinese operations overseas.

“So they are certainly aware of it, at least in some countries,” Dahlin told The Epoch Times.


Florida Deaths Rise to 47 Amid Struggle to Recover from Ian

Rescuers evacuated stunned survivors on a large barrier island cut off by Hurricane Ian and Florida’s death toll climbed sharply, as hundreds of thousands of people were still sweltering without power days after the monster storm rampaged from the state’s southwestern coast up to the Carolinas.

Florida, with nearly four dozen reported dead, was hit hardest by the Category 4 hurricane, one of the strongest to make landfall in the United States. Flooded roadways and washed-out bridges to barrier islands left many people isolated amid limited cellphone service and a lack of basic amenities such as water, electricity and the internet.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Saturday that multibillionaire businessman Elon Musk was providing some 120 Starlink satellites to “help bridge some of the communication issues.” Starlink, a satellite-based internet system created by Musk’s SpaceX, will provide high-speed connectivity.

Florida utilities were working to restore power. As of Sunday morning, nearly 850,000 homes and businesses were still without electricity, down from a peak of 2.67 million.

At least 54 people were confirmed dead: 47 in Florida, four in North Carolina and three in Cuba. The weakened storm had drifted north on Sunday and was expected to dump rain on parts of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and southern Pennsylvania, according to the National Hurricane Center, which has warned of the potential for flash flooding.

Ron DeSantis Warns Would-Be Looters: ‘We’re a Second Amendment State’

On Friday Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) warned would-be looters that they would be risking their lives by trying to enter the homes of Ian victims, saying, “We’re a Second Amendment state.”

FOX News quoted DeSantis saying, “I can tell you in the state of Florida, you never know what may be lurking behind somebody’s home. And I would not want to chance that if I were you — given that we’re a Second Amendment state.”

During a press conference in Fort Myers, DeSantis said, “We are a law and order state, and this is a law and order community. So do not think that you’re going to take advantage of people who’ve suffered misery.”

Trump ‘Wants His Old Job Back,’ Might Announce White House Run Within Weeks: Kellyanne Conway

Kellyanne Conway, who managed former President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, told CBS News on Friday that Trump has his sights set on the White House in 2024 and that, within weeks, he might officially throw his hat in the ring.

Conway was asked whether Trump plans to announce he’s running for president before Thanksgiving.

“Well, he would like to,” Conway replied, according to CBS News.

Conway, who also served as Trump’s adviser after he defeated failed presidential contender Hillary Clinton, said that the former president is “as active as anybody” in the midterm elections.

Trump has resumed his signature rallies, seeking to build support for a Republican red wave and denouncing Democrat policies that he says are driving America to ruin.

“Our country is going to hell,” Trump said at a Sept. 3 rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. “Above all, this election is a referendum on the corruption and extremism of Joe Biden and the radical Democratic Party.”

It’s a message he’s expressed repeatedly, telling rallygoers at a more recent event in Wilmington, North Carolina, that “if you want the decline and fall of America, then you should vote for the crazy, radical left Democrats,” adding that putting Republicans back in charge would “save the American dream.”

Conway said in the CBS interview that, once the midterms are done, Trump will “assess the timing of his announcement.”

“I will tell you why he wants to run for president—Donald Trump wants his old job back,” Conway said.

Pressed on the specific timing of a possible Trump announcement, Conway said, “I think before the end of this year.”

Trump Warns More Illegal Immigrants Will Cross Into US If Democrats Control Congress After November Midterms

Former President Donald Trump rallied his Michigan supporters on Saturday, telling them that the border crisis would worsen if Democrats continue to control both chambers of Congress after the midterm elections.

“The choice in this election is simple. If you want the decline and fall of America, then vote for the radical left Democrats,” Trump said in a speech. “If you want to stop the destruction of our country and save the American dream, you must vote Republican.”

“If the radical Democrats keep their grip on the House and the Senate, the situation will only get worse. They’ll flood the country with tens of millions more illegal aliens,” Trump added. “They want to ram through mass amnesty and give illegal aliens welfare, free health care, and the right to vote.”

Trump made the remarks during a rally in Warren, Michigan, on Oct. 1, stumping for the state’s GOP candidates, including gubernatorial nominee Tudor Dixon, secretary of state nominee Kristina Karamo, and attorney general nominee Matthew DePerno.

In August, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) reported that nearly 4.9 million illegal immigrants, including some 900,000 “gotaways,” have crossed the U.S. borders since President Joe Biden took office.

On Sept. 30, the FAIR released a statement, calling for the quick passage of four Republican bills that it believes can “attack different aspects” of the border crisis. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) introduced one of the bills, the Ending Catch and Release Act (H.R.8951), and Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) introduced a bill (H.R.8952) that would give the Homeland Security Secretary the authority to shut down the U.S. border.

National Archives Alleges Trump Administration Records Are Partly Missing

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has alleged that some records from the White House when former President Donald Trump was in office are still missing.

In a letter to Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), the chairwoman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, Acting Archivist Debra Steidel Wall wrote: “While there is no easy way to establish absolute accountability, we do know that we do not have custody of everything we should.”

NARA doesn’t have records of official business conducted by some White House staff members who were using “non-official electronic messaging accounts,” Wall wrote in the Sept. 30 letter (pdf).

While the records “were not copied or forwarded into their official electronic messaging accounts, as required by section 2209 of the [Presidential Records Act],” NARA has been able to obtain the records from “a number of former officials,” and “will continue to pursue the return of similar types of Presidential records from former officials,” she added.

The Presidential Records Act stipulates that each administration must properly preserve all presidential records and transfer a complete set of records to NARA when the administration ends.

Wall told Maloney in the letter that if needed, NARA would consult with the Department of Justice on whether to “initiate an action for the recovery of records unlawfully removed.” She noted that in August 2022, the DOJ filed a lawsuit against former Trump adviser Peter Navarro to recover official email records from Navarro’s personal email account.

Texas Church Introduces Children to Drag Bingo and a ‘Transparent Closet’

The transgender ideology was first pushed on children through schools, frequently without the knowledge or consent of parents. Now, a church in Texas has opened a Transparent Closet, where children are encouraged to embrace the transgender lifestyle—also without the knowledge or consent of their parents.

The Growing Transgender Movement

Schools, once considered by parents to be a safe place for their children, have become indoctrination centers where children are encouraged, brainwashed, and even forced into adopting the transgender ideology, frequently without the knowledge or consent of the parents. Parents warned others that their children may be in danger of being indoctrinated into the transgender ideology. In Florida, one mother was horrified when her 13-year-old daughter inadvertently revealed that school officials wanted to know which bathroom she preferred to use “as a result of her requested name change.” More shocking was her discovery of a plan devised during a private meeting between her daughter and school officials—without her knowledge or consent—that their daughter would be comfortable rooming with boys on overnight school trips.

According to the Leon County School District’s transgender gender nonconforming student support plan—filled out during a private meeting and obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times—a Part A “checklist” was used to record the child’s new non-binary status, “preferred name,” and “preferred pronouns.” The child also indicated that, while her parents were aware of her choice to identify as “non-binary,” they were not supportive and would not use her preferred name or pronouns at home.

After months of similar secret meetings with a school counselor at Paterson Elementary School in Fleming Island, Florida, a 12-year-old girl attempted suicide on school property—twice.

There is an explosion in the number of children who identify as transgender in the United States. In an effort to fight back, some parents have even filed lawsuits. Experts in both the United States and the United Kingdom have warned that the surge in the number of children seeking to change their gender is directly related to peer pressure on social media. According to one report, parents have been warned that “transgender influencers” from the LGBT community are patrolling social media and actively recruiting young, vulnerable children to join their movement, promising a place to belong. These influencers “prey on the vulnerability of children” while actively trying to “replace the loving influence of parents in children’s lives and hearts with their own ‘welcoming and accepting’ rainbow community.”

Arizona Judge Stands By Pro-Life Ruling

An Arizona judge on Friday rejected a bid by abortion advocates to freeze her earlier order that allowed enforcement of a Civil-War-era law that made it a crime to provide an abortion unless the mother’s life is in danger.

Pima County Superior Court Judge Kellie Johnson on Sept. 30 declined to put on hold her Sept. 22 ruling that lifted a 1973 injunction and, by allowing the pre-statehood law to take effect, imposed a near-total abortion ban.

Johnson said in her ruling (pdf) that pro-abortion groups led by Planned Parenthood and its Arizona affiliate—who had urged the judge to reverse her decision—were unlikely to succeed on appeal. The judge also said that Planned Parenthood was unable to prove that denying the organization’s request would cause irreparable harm.

Her ruling means Arizona’s abortion providers won’t be able to resume performing the procedures except if the mother’s life is in danger.

Judge Rejects Steele Dossier Source’s Request to Dismiss Charges of Lying to FBI

An attempt by Igor Danchenko to get charges of lying to the FBI dismissed failed Sept. 29, meaning he will likely go on trial in October.

U.S. District Judge Anthony Trenga, a George W. Bush appointee, declined to throw out any of the five charges filed against Danchenko after hearing arguments from special counsel John Durham’s team and lawyers representing Danchenko, a key source for the anti-Donald Trump dossier compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of Democrats.

Danchenko’s position was based on arguments that the supposed false statements he told FBI agents during interviews were “literally true.”

Danchenko told agents that he did not talk with Charles Dolan, a longtime Clinton family associate, about any allegations contained in the dossier, both parties agree. Durham’s team says that was false because Danchenko sources at least one of the allegations he conveyed to Steele from Danchenko. But Danchenko says that the Russian national accurately spoke, because talking does not include emails.

“It was a bad question,” Danchenko’s lawyer, Stuart Sears, told Trenga, referring to how the FBI never followed up to specifically ask about other forms of communication. “That’s the special counsel’s problem. Not Mr. Danchenko’s. … He is not required to guess what the question actually means.”

Durham, appointed in 2019 by then-Attorney General William Barr to look for government misconduct in the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation into Trump, said that Danchenko’s statements, if examined in context rather than in isolation, will show that he knowingly lied. He said Danchenko himself used the word “speaking” to refer written words posted on social media accounts.

Trenga said that the defense’s theory “can be a very persuasive, strong argument to a jury,” but that ultimately the government met its burden to overcome a motion to dismiss.

Nurse Sues Tavistock NHS Trust over ‘Racist’ Anti-Whiteness CRT Training

A white Christian nurse is suing the Tavistock and Portman National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust for “forcing” her to submit to “racist” anti-white training.

The Tavistock Trust, notorious for its child trans clinic — due to be shut down by the authorities due to safeguarding concerns — is also a keen promoter of Critical Race Theory (CRT), but mental health nurse Amy Gallagher objected to its 2020 seminar ‘Whiteness – A problem for our time’, in which “whiteness”, “white fragility”, “white ignorance”, and “white privilege” were lambasted.

Female Volleyball Players in Vermont Banned From Own Locker Room After Transgender Complaint

A number of girls playing for a high school volleyball team in Vermont have been barred from using their own locker room after filing a complaint to school officials about a transgender teammate, according to a report.

Blake Allen, who, along with some of her fellow teammates, now has to get changed in a single-stall bathroom, told WCAX-TV that the dispute started after the transgender player at Randolph Union High School made an “inappropriate comment” to some of the girls while they were changing in the locker room.

The report doesn’t detail the comment. The transgender athlete also hasn’t been publicly identified.

Allen noted that she’s not the only girl who has raised these concerns. Some parents have also approached school officials to inform them how uncomfortable it makes them feel that a biological male is changing with their daughter.

“There are biological boys that go into the girl’s bathroom, but never a locker room,” Allen said.

The girls and parents who’ve raised the issue want the school to relocate the transgender athlete, but officials have instead advised the group of girls to find another room to change.


Supply Chain Issues Could Slow Fix of Florida Electric Grid

The Associated Press

Crews are beginning to repair — and in some cases, rebuild — Florida’s power grid after the state was pummeled by Hurricane Ian.

Florida Power & Light says it stockpiled enough poles, generators and wire to do the work. But power-industry officials warn that kinks in the nation’s supply chain could slow the recovery if Ian causes more damage as it spins up the Atlantic coast, or when another natural disaster strikes somewhere else in the U.S.

Eric Silagy, CEO of Florida Power & Light, said that Friday evening 850,000 of the utility’s customers who lost power in the storm remained without power, but 1.2 million had power restored during the day.

Ian crossed Florida’s Gulf Coast on Wednesday as one of the strongest storms to ever hit the U.S.

Silagy said earlier this week that the company had set aside enough generators in the months before Ian to complete repairs.

Nationally, however, there is a shortage of distribution transformers that take electricity from high-voltage lines and reduce it to levels that can be used in homes and businesses, industry officials said.

“It’s a critical component to the electrical grid that has been in scarce supply for a number of months now,” said Joy Ditto, president and CEO of the American Public Power Association. “We started to recognize it as a national concern in late winter, early spring, and the situation is getting worse.”

It used to take about three months for a transformer to show up after being ordered, but now it is taking more than a year, Ditto said. She said that is limiting the ability of companies to stockpile the boxes, and as a result, they are increasingly swapping boxes with utilities facing a shortage.


Major Scientific Publisher Retracts More Than 500 Papers

One of the world’s largest open-access journal publishers is retracting more than 500 papers, based on the discovery of unethical actions.

London-based Hindawi, which publishes more than 200 peer-reviewed journals across multiple disciplines, stated that its research team identified in June “irregularities” in the peer review process in some of the journals.

“All Hindawi journals employ a series of substantial integrity checks before articles are accepted for publication. Following thorough investigation, we identified that these irregularities in the peer review process were the result of suspicious and unethical activities. Since identifying this unethical activity and breach of our processes, we began proactively adding further checks and improving our processes and continue to do so,” Liz Ferguson, a senior vice president for John Wiley & Sons, Hindawi’s U.S.-based parent company, said in a Sept. 28 statement.

As a result of the investigation, 511 papers will be retracted.

The papers have all been published since August 2020.

Sixteen journals published the papers that are being retracted.

Some of the authors and editors who contributed to the articles may have been “unwitting participants” in the unethical scheme, according to Ferguson. She said the scheme involved “manipulation of the peer review process and the infrastructure that supports it.”

Richard Bennett, vice president of researcher and publishing services for Hindawi, told the Retraction Watch blog that the review uncovered “coordinated peer review rings,” which featured reviewers and editors coordinating to get papers through peer review.


The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime

Whitney Webb’s book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” provides the framework to understand not just the role and function of Epstein, but also, more broadly, the mess we’re now finding ourselves in

Around the time of World War II, the intelligence community in the United States formalized its cooperation with organized crime syndicates in what was known as Operation Underworld, and the web of corruption grew from there

Sexual blackmail was used by organized crime before U.S. intelligence even existed. As criminal factions and intelligence agencies developed a symbiotic relationship, blackmail became a tool to achieve their individual ends

While it may appear as though organized crime is being combated, this is rarely ever the case. Stories of cracking down on organized crime are cover stories to hide what’s really happening, which is the consolidation of organized crime territory

The incentive behind all this criminal activity is not merely the hoarding of money to live in the lap of luxury. It’s about power and control over others. The good news is we can pull the plug on their plans


Study: Vitamin Supplements May Help Treat Cystic Fibrosis

More than 160,000 people around the world have cystic fibrosis, and supplementing with vitamins C and E could help reduce the damaging inflammation in their lungs, according to new research.

“Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that is associated with increased inflammation, and like many inflammatory diseases, it comes with a large amount of oxidative stress,” said Maret Traber, a professor at Oregon State College of Public Health and Human Sciences.

This new study looked at whether supplementing with high-dose vitamin C would help patients better absorb vitamin E.

→ Power Mall Products of Recommendation: 

Listeria Outbreak Tied to Numerous Brands of Soft Cheeses

U.S. health officials have warned that numerous brands of brie and camembert cheese may contain Listeria, a potentially dangerous bacteria.Old Europe Cheese Inc. has recalled more than 20 brands of cheese from retail and wholesale stores nationwide and in Mexico after six people in six states were infected with a specific strain of Listeria.Stores that sold the potentially contaminated cheese include Albertsons, Giant Foods, Lidl, Stop & Shop and Whole Foods, the company said.


Toyota President: California’s Ban on Gas-powered Cars ‘Difficult’ by 2035 Deadline

Toyota Motor Corporation President Akio Toyoda told reporters Thursday that California’s ban on the sale of new gas-powered vehicles in 2035 will be “difficult” to achieve, given present battery technology and constraints facing the state’s electricity grid.

As Fox News reported, Toyoda was reacting to the new mandate imposed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and the powerful California Air Resources Board (CARB), which will require almost all new car sales to involve electric vehicles in just 12 years.

Fox News noted:

The president of Toyota Motor Corporation said this week that adhering to California’s plan to ban gas emission vehicles will be “difficult” to achieve, and battery powered cars will take longer to phase in than the “mainstream media” believes.

“Realistically speaking, it seems rather difficult to really achieve them,” Toyota Motor Corporation President Akio Toyoda told reporters through a translator on Thursday discussing California’s new mandates.

Toyoda outlined challenges to EV adoption, including impacts on the electrical grid and lack of easy access to electricity by about one billion people around the world.

As Breitbart News has reported, Gov. Newsom announced his ban on the sale of new gas-powered vehicles in 2035 just a few weeks after the state suffered rolling blackouts during a heat wave in 2020. And last month, the state urged owners of electric vehicles not to charge their cars during afternoon and evening hours due to constraints on electricity supply — just days after CARB cleared the new electric vehicle mandate.

The state’s electricity grid would need to expand power by about 30% to switch California to an all-electric fleet — and would need to do so while eliminating nuclear power and reducing fossil fuels to 10% of energy supply.

Toyota was one of the pioneers in “green” vehicles, introducing the hybrid Prius to great market success a decade and-a-half ago.

Plug-In Fiasco: Video Shows Electric Hummer Needs *4 Days* to Fully Charge with Wall Outlet

A YouTuber recently demonstrated that buyers of GMC’s new electric Hummer better clear their calendars if the truck is running low on battery charge. The video he produced demonstrated that when the $80,000+ electric vehicle (EV) is plugged in to a regular house outlet, it will take over four days to fully charge. A special 240-volt charger still takes a full day to charge the vehicle.

A YouTuber with an electric GMC Hummer — an EV starting at $86,645 — plugged in his EV at home and found out that it would take, at best, one day to charge — as long as he has special charging equipment installed.

Without the equipment, completing a charge can take four days.

“The new GMC Hummer EV truck is the quickest charging vehicle on the market right now, but what if you’re not at a fast charger, and just at home? How fast does it charge?” the man asked at the beginning of the video

→ Watch: This Is How Long It Takes To Charge Up The New 2023 GMC Hummer EV If You Charge It At Home!


Why Additional Engineered Pandemics Are To Be Expected

Early on in the COVID pandemic, Francis Boyle, Ph.D., was sure it was the result of a lab leak. He believes monkeypox is another lab creation, as it now suddenly has 30 mutations from the wild monkeypox found in Africa

President Biden recently signed the Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure American Bioeconomy, and this order basically promises we’ll see additional manmade pandemics

Section 12, paragraph VII in Biden’s executive order states that the purpose of the order is to “develop and work and promote and implement … dual-use research of concern, and research involving potentially pandemic and other high-consequence pathogens”

That means they intend to perform gain-of-function research on deadly pathogens, any one of which could be released to create a global pandemic when a scare event is necessary to trick populations into choosing a false sense of safety over freedom. Boyle believes there’s no doubt there will be additional pandemics, because they’re intentionally creating them

Boyle believes monkeypox was engineered and released in an effort to scare governments and populations into accepting the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty, which would make the WHO the sole decision-maker in pandemic situations

The COVID Rabbit Hole: An Inside Look at the Virus’ Origin

In early 2020, a Scripps Research virologist discovered a paper describing gain-of-function techniques that looked like a how-to manual for building the Wuhan coronavirus in a laboratory.

Evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 being the result of a lab leak, and that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Harvard researchers, China, the mainstream media, the World Health Organization and tech companies all worked together to cover it up. U.S. Right to Know has published a detailed timeline of the cover-up

In mid-January 2020, then-director of the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield voiced concerns that the pandemic may have been the result of a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China. He called Fauci, Wellcome Trust director Jeremy Farrar, and World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, urging each of them to “take the lab leak hypothesis with extreme seriousness.” To this day, he believes the lab leak theory is the most credible

In his memoir, “Spike,” Farrar noted that emails were circulating among credible scientists “suggesting the virus looked almost engineered to infect human cells.” The topic so concerned him, he acquired a burner phone and instructed his contacts to use different phones and email accounts when discussing the matter

January 29, 2020, Scripps Research virologist Kristian Andersen discovered a research paper describing gain-of-function techniques used on coronaviruses at the WIV that could have given rise to SARS-CoV-2. According to Andersen, the study looked like a how-to manual for building the Wuhan coronavirus

Andersen and several other researchers who initially suspected a lab leak rapidly changed their minds, coincidentally mere days after the Chinese real estate company Evergrande made a large donation to Harvard Medical School

Widowers Allege COVID-19 Treatment Protocols Led to Their Wives’ Deaths

Between the induced labor and the COVID-19 treatment protocols that ultimately ended in her death on Dec. 1, 2021, 33-year-old Christy Cresto was only allowed by hospital staff to hold her baby for 10 minutes before he was taken to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

When she was admitted into a hospital in Pennsylvania on Oct. 9, 2021, she was 36 weeks pregnant and due Nov. 16; however, staff performed an ultrasound and decided she was at 38 weeks, with the baby at 9 pounds and 8 ounces.

“This would become the first of many lies from the hospital staff,” Matthew Cresto told The Epoch Times. “It became apparent to me that they purposely overestimated because he was born 6 pounds 5 ounces.”

Lie number two, Cresto said, was the assurance that they wouldn’t take the baby away from Christy since she contracted COVID while pregnant.

According to a January 2021 study in the Journal of American Medical Association, a baby in the womb of a mother who contracts COVID acquires natural immunity from the mother.

The study states in its abstract, “Maternally derived antibodies are a key element in neonatal immunity.”

With the assurance of the hospital that the baby wouldn’t be separated from them, they agreed to induce labor so that Christy could proceed with COVID treatment, Cresto said.

After he was born, they laid the baby in a bassinet, where Cresto said he stayed for two hours before a pediatrician entered to give him a newborn exam.

Lie number three, Cresto said, was hospital staff saying Christy could breastfeed if she wore a mask. But the baby never returned for feedings; instead, nurses brought Christy a breast pump, and she was given one dose of remdesivir, with discussion around putting her on a ventilator already having begun.

According to medical records, Cresto said, subsequent doses of remdesivir were marked “not appropriate at this time.”

Cresto continuously asked about the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance treatment protocols that included ivermectin, he said, to which staff responded by stating that they don’t work.

He asked about monoclonal antibody treatment, to which staff responded by telling him they didn’t have it.

What he later found, he said, was that—similar to others’ stories—the hospital did have monoclonal antibody treatment, but it wasn’t offered to the unvaccinated.

In many of these testimonies, some report that they were prohibited from visiting their loved ones, and others report they were permitted visits.

Cresto’s case was an exception, because after he protested he was allowed to stay.

Despite being told that he couldn’t see his son for 14 days, staff told him two days later that he was ready to be discharged from the NICU and that Cresto could take him home, he said.

“This, even though two days prior they said I couldn’t see him because I was exposed to my wife,” Cresto said. “There was absolutely no consistency in policies.”

Before Christy’s mother picked him up, Cresto was able to hold his son, he said.

“It’s important to point out here that I was able to go and hold him after leaving Christy’s ICU room,” Cresto said, where Christy had at that point been taken off high-flow oxygen and put on a BiPAP machine, which he called the “last step before the ventilator.”

At one point, Cresto received a photo from Christy he said she took of the call button in her room that was out of reach.

As described in a September lawsuit filed against three California hospitals for their use of remdesivir on patients allegedly without informed consent, call buttons are typically placed beyond the reach of patients who are going through these protocols.

Famous Pro-Vaccine Doctor Suspects Pfizer Booster Shot Sent His Cancer Into Overdrive

After realizing his COVID-19 booster shot may have sent his cancer into overdrive, Michel Goldman, M.D., Ph.D., professor of immunology and pharmacotherapy at the Université libre de Bruxelles in Belgium, said going public with the information was the “right thing to do.”

This article was originally published by The Defender – Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website

Michel Goldman, M.D., Ph.D., professor of immunology and pharmacotherapy at the Université libre de Bruxelles in Belgium, suspects his third dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine may have sent his cancer into overdrive.

Goldman, 67, is one of Europe’s best-known champions of medical research and a lifelong promoter of vaccines.

But he told The Atlantic he wants discussion of the COVID-19 vaccine to be transparent — so he went public about his suspicion that the Pfizer booster shot he received on Sept. 22, 2021, may have induced rapid progression of his angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL), a type of lymphoma he’d been diagnosed with before he got the booster shot.

After his diagnosis, Goldman said he rushed to get the booster shot, believing he would need it more than most people because once he started chemotherapy, his immune system would be compromised.

But after receiving the shot, Goldman’s follow-up CT scan showed something unexpected: Within only a few days, his cancer had grown so fast that cancerous points were lighting up all over his scan.

“It looked like someone had set off fireworks inside Michel’s body,” The Atlantic reported.

Goldman and his brother, Serge Goldman, a fellow scientist and head of nuclear medicine at the teaching hospital of the Université libre de Bruxelles, suspected Goldman’s COVID-19 booster shot may have triggered the rapid proliferation of cancerous growth in his body.

The initial CT scan had been “a bit disturbing,” Serge Goldman told The Atlantic, because it showed an asymmetrical cluster of cancerous nodes around Goldman’s left armpit, where Michel’s first two doses of vaccine had been delivered.

The CT scan done after Michel’s third dose showed the cancer’s asymmetry had flipped and was clustered by his right armpit, where he received the third shot.

The brothers knew it could be a mere coincidence, but they thought it was important to investigate the possibility that the vaccine might be behind the clustering — because it could mean other people with certain forms of cancer might be at risk of a COVID-19 vaccine causing their cancer to progress more rapidly.

So on Nov. 25, 2021, the brothers — who had written prior papers together — and other colleagues published a case report in which they described Michel Goldman’s experience and urged the scientific community to study the phenomenon to see if it occurred in patients diagnosed with AITL.

“Since nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccines strongly activate T follicular helper cells, it is important to explore the possible impact of approved SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines on neoplasms affecting this cell type,” the authors wrote.

The brothers said the case study “suggests that vaccination with the [Pfizer-BioNTech] BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine might induce rapid progression of AITL.”

They noted, however, that it would be “premature” to extrapolate the findings from Michel Goldman’s case to other patients with the same kind of cancer and that “dedicated studies are needed.”

EXCLUSIVE: FDA Withholding Autopsy Results on People Who Died After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is refusing to release the results of autopsies conducted on people who died after getting COVID-19 vaccines.

The FDA says it is barred from releasing medical files, but a drug safety advocate says that it could release the autopsies with personal information redacted.

The refusal was issued to The Epoch Times, which submitted a Freedom of Information Act for all autopsy reports obtained by the FDA concerning any deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System following COVID-19 vaccination.

Reports are lodged with the system when a person experiences an adverse event, or a health issue, after receiving a vaccine. The FDA and other agencies are tasked with investigating the reports. Authorities request and review medical records to vet the reports, including autopsies.

The FDA declined to release any reports, even redacted copies.

The FDA cited federal law, which enables agencies to withhold information if the agency “reasonably foresees that disclosure would harm an interest protected by an exemption,” with the exemption being “personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”

Federal regulations also bar the release of “personnel, medical and similar files the disclosure of which constitutes a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”

The Epoch Times has appealed the denial, in addition to the recent denial of results of data analysis of VAERS reports.

Pennsylvania Counties Can Help Voters Fix Issues With Mail-In Ballots: Judge

Pennsylvania counties can help voters “cure” mail-in ballots to fix defects, a judge in the state has ruled, rejecting an attempt to block counties from doing so in the upcoming midterm election.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) and other parties, which filed a petition over the matter on Sept. 1, “have not proven that there is a clear violation of the Election Code or the law interpreting the Election Code,” Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Judge Ellen Ceisler ruled on Sept. 29.

The petition pointed to a Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling in 2020 that found that the state election code enables voters to vote by mail but “does not provide for the ‘notice and opportunity to cure’ procedure” that was sought by Democrats.

The task of setting rules on fixing ballots “is one best suited for the Legislature,” according to Ceisler.

“The Legislature has addressed the issue of when Boards may provide notice and an opportunity to cure a noncompliant mail-in or absentee ballot,” Republicans stated in the petition. “The Election Code currently provides a cure procedure in only a limited circumstance: ‘for those absentee ballots or mail-in ballots for which proof of identification has not been received or could not be verified.’ And even in that circumstance, the voter may cure only the lack of proof of identification and not any other defect.”

That means that the county boards that have been issuing procedures to cure ballots are in violation of the ruling, the Republicans stated.

But Ceisler, a Democrat, said the Republicans haven’t proven that they’re likely to succeed or that the counties are violating the election code or the law interpreting the code.

“A review of relevant and recent case law indicates that notice and opportunity to cure procedures implemented by County Boards have generally been accepted in order to fulfill the longstanding and overriding policy in this Commonwealth to protect the elective franchise. The courts have held that any doubt about whether the Election Code authorizes County Boards to implement notice and cure procedures must be resolved in favor of preventing the inadvertent forfeiture of electors’ right to vote,” Ceisler wrote.

She also said Section 302 of the code lets county boards implement curing procedures at their discretion “to ensure that the electoral franchise is protected.”

Blocking the procedures already in place “would clearly cause greater injury than refusing the injunction,” the judge wrote, since voting in the midterm election is underway.

Republicans have appealed the decision to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

“Voters in Pittsburgh should have the same election rules as voters in Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania’s Constitution is clear that voting laws should be set by the legislature, not unelected bureaucrats,” Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel said in a statement to the Philadelphia Inquirer. “Allowing some counties to operate differently than others undermines the rule of law. Republicans will continue fighting to ensure that Pennsylvania’s voters are treated equally regardless of where they live.”


Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey Private Text Messages Expose Reasoning Behind Twitter Takeover

In the weeks leading up to Elon Musk’s announcement to purchase Twitter, the billionaire CEO was bombarded with text messages from business leaders, media personalities, and celebrities, a new court filing revealed (pdf).

The text messages provide insight into the many private conversations involving Musk and other prominent individuals during his quest to purchase the social media giant. From seeking advice on what to do to improve the website to potentially obtaining financial assistance for his takeover bid, the exchanges showcase the excitement and frenzy leading up to where Musk and Twitter are today.

Mercola Website Shutdown — Why You May Be Next

Suppression and harassment of those who dissent against COVID tyranny has created an awakening. We simply can’t pick and choose approved speech.

  • September 23, 2022, the Mercola website was cyberattacked and taken offline. The attack also destroyed our email servers and all our email accounts were lost including my primary email
  • Over the past two years, we’ve been censored and deplatformed by several social media companies at the request of the federal government. Banks have also shut down our accounts and canceled our credit cards, and PayPal has shut down the accounts of our business partners
  • Since August 2021, our reach has been primarily restricted to subscribers of our newsletter, and with this cyberattack, they tried to eliminate even this limited reach
  • Our website will temporarily operate through Substack, which will host our content for the first 48 hours free of charge. It is imperative that you sign up for a free subscription to my Substack to receive our daily newsletter
  • If you are a newsletter subscriber and you receive our newsletter through Gmail please use this as an opportunity to catalyze switching your primary email to ProtonMail.

New Legislation Proposes the Ban of Shock Collars in New York

This week, New York State Representative Linda Rosenthal introduced legislation that would ban the sale of shock collars for dogs in New York. If the bill is passed, it would mean a $500 fine for anyone caught selling the controversial punishment device which, as Rosenthal says, “can result in burns to the skin and cause stress and anxiety to dogs, resulting in aggression or other behaviors.”

As Rosenthal notes in her memorandum: “Many countries, including Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and Germany have already implemented bans on shock collars.” This bill would make New York the first state in the country to adopt a similar ban. Between this proposal and the recent ban of puppy mills, New Yorkers might be witnessing a sea change in the legal protection of animal rights. 


A fishy story; cheaters caught: 

WATCH: Fishermen Caught Cheating During Tournament as Crowd Gets Ugly

A pair of fishermen were stripped of their $5,000 tournament win after judges in Ohio discovered that they had put lead weights inside their catch also faced the wrath of a furious crowd on Friday, according to a video of the scene.

Chase Cominsky from Pennsylvania and Jake Runyon from Ohio initially won the Lake Erie Walleye Trail Championship in Cleveland, Ohio’s Gordon Park on Sept. 30. They were awarded a $5,000 prize for their big win.


Kamala Harris Promises Equity in Hurricane Recovery Resources: ‘Not Everybody Starts Out at the Same Place’

Vice President Kamala Harris promised that she and President Joe Biden would focus on principles of equity and environmental justice as they worked to rebuild communities after recent hurricanes.

“It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues not of their own making,” she said.

The Vice President spoke at a Democratic National Committee Women’s Leadership Forum with actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who kicked off the discussion by talking about the devastation caused by hurricanes in Florida and Puerto Rico and climate change.

“We have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality but we also need to fight for equity understanding that not everybody starts out at the same place,” she said.

Harris said she would focus on principles of environmental justice.

“If we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take into account those disparities and do that work,” she said.

She celebrated the Biden-Harris administration’s $370 billion in climate spending for tackling climate change.

“The crisis is real, and the clock is ticking, and the urgency in which we must act is without any question,” she said.

Harris said she and Biden would not only provide immediate aid, but help rebuild communities “in a way that they can be resilient, not to mention adapt to these extreme weather conditions that are part of the future.”

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