July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 04, 2021

Fauci: ‘Too Soon to Tell’ if We Can Get Together for Christmas

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head and chief White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” “it is just too soon to tell” if Christmas gatherings will be advised in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

Fauci on Vax Mandates: “There Comes a Time When You Have to Give Up What You Consider Your Individual Right of Making Your Own Decision” (VIDEO)

The mask is totally off.

Dr. Fauci on Friday delivered a virtual lecture to Canadians at McGill University titled “Covid-19: Lessons Learned and Remaining Challenges.”

Fauci, an unelected bureaucrat, had a message to Canadians who oppose authoritarian vaxx mandates: You have no right to make your own decision about what goes into your body.

“I think what people have to appreciate is that indeed you do have personal liberties for yourself, and you should be in control of them,” Fauci said before telling people they have to take the jab for the greater good of society.

Oh How Surprising: Big Pharma Company Says It New Pill Works On All The COVID Variants

The developer of a new COVID-19 pill, Merck, says their drug is effective against all of the COVID-19 variants.  What a surprise that a company poised to make billions of dollars if they can convince people to take their product says it works.

The antiviral drug molnupiravir, is likely to be effective against known variants of the coronavirus, including the dominant, highly transmissible Delta, the company said on Wednesday, according to a report by Reuters. Since molnupiravir does not target the spike protein of the virus – the target of all current COVID-19 vaccines – which defines the differences between the variants, the drug should be equally effective as the virus continues to evolve, said Jay Grobler, head of infectious disease and vaccines at Merck.

If that’s the case, why not cut out the use of the “vaccines”? Oh, was that a question we shouldn’t be asking, overlords?

Roughly 126,000 gallons of post-production crude spilled off the coast of Southern California, creating a ‘potential ecological disaster,’ officials say

A spill of about 3,000 barrels of oil — or roughly 126,000 gallons of post-production crude — off the coast of Southern California is a “potential ecological disaster,” Huntington Beach Mayor Kim Carr said Saturday.

Establishment Now Advocating Lockdowns — Not to Save You From Covid, But From Climate Change

After laying out the blueprint for economically devastating lockdowns during the pandemic, the establishment is now pushing for climate change lockdowns.

Alex Jones Just Lost 2 Sandy Hook Cases

A judge issued default judgments — a rarity in the legal world — against Jones and Infowars after the conspiracy theorist failed to produce discovery records.

Infowars host Alex Jones has lost two of several lawsuits filed against him by relatives of Sandy Hook victims after he routinely failed to comply with requests to produce documents related to his involvement in spreading lies about the deadly shooting.

Judge Maya Guerra Gamble on Monday issued her ruling for default judgments against Jones in two different cases, which means he and the conspiracy-theory-spewing outlet Infowars have been found liable for all damages and a jury will now be convened to determine how much he will owe the plaintiffs. The new rulings became public Thursday.

Breaking: Lights at Bagram Airbase Turned On – Chinese Military Planes Reportedly Seen Landing at Abandoned US Airbase in Afghanistan For the first time since Joe Biden and General Milley withdrew all US forces from Bagram Air Base and left the Taliban with billions in US military weapons, the lights at Bagram were turned on last night.

Local witnessed several military planes, reportedly from China, landing and taking off from the base last night.

Fired Healthcare Workers in New York Protest Vaccine Mandates by Burning Their Hospital Scrubs (VIDEO)

Fired healthcare workers held an anti-vaccine mandate outside of Staten Island University Hospital on Saturday.

“We the people are pissed off!” one protester shouted.

“We will not comply!” others shouted.

The Postpandemic World Is One of Widespread Dependence on Government

The state strives for power, and what grants power is fear and dependence. The state is making people dependent on it, both as means for control and as an outcome of many policies intended to provide relief.

Forced Vaccinations Get Worse – Louisiana Health System Now Requires Spouses of Employees to Get Vaccinated, or Pay a Non-Compliance Penalty for Vaxx Violations Every Pay Period

This is just getting beyond ridiculous now.   Ochsner Health [Website Here] is a healthcare provider/system that delivers healthcare services to the people of Louisiana, Mississippi and the Gulf South.  Ochsner Health is now requiring the spouses or domestic partners of all employees be vaccinated, or the employee will pay a $100 per pay period penalty.  (Source Link)

People either love or hate candy corn, a classic Halloween treat made with – bug secretions

Candy corn. Just the name makes some people salivate and others sick to their stomaches.

That sweet, waxy texture isn’t for everyone though. And investigating how the candy is made might give some pause – confectioner’s glaze on the treat contains a bug secretion.

No More Immigration: PM Says Britain Is in Period of Adjustment

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Sunday he would not return to “uncontrolled immigration” to solve fuel, gas and Christmas food crises, suggesting such strains were part of a period of post-Brexit adjustment.

Trump Calls for ’18 Pulitzer Prizes to Be Stripped for Being Fake News

Writing an open letter to the Pulitzer Prizes, former President Donald Trump called out the “shoddy, dubious, and manifestly false reporting” by The New York Times and The Washington Post that won the award in 2018.

Even The Liberal Mainstream Media Is Warning Of A “System Collapse” Due To The Failure Of Global Supply Chains

If CNN starts sounding like The Economic Collapse Blog, what does that mean?  Unfortunately, the truth about what is in our immediate future is becoming apparent to everyone.  Global supply chains are in a state of complete and utter chaos, and this is driving up prices and causing widespread shortages all over the country.  Over the past couple of weeks, I have written five articles with either “shortage” or “shortages” in the title, and some have accused me of being a little alarmist.  If that is the case, then CNN is being alarmist too, because one of their top stories today openly warned of a “global transport system collapse”

In an open letter Wednesday to heads of state attending the United Nations General Assembly, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and other industry groups warned of a “global transport system collapse” if governments do not restore freedom of movement to transport workers and give them priority to receive vaccines recognized by the World Health Organization.

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