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Today's News: October 05, 2020

World News
Fauci wants to expand and empower the corrupt WHO that abused its power to protect communist China’s bioweapons program
NaturalNews – Anyone who’s paid any attention at all to the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) knows two things: China is culpable for it, and the World Health Organization is responsible for helping Beijing cover it up.
So — why is Dr. Anthony Fauci, our country’s top immunologist and literally the guy who’s been principally responsible for advising President Trump’s coronavirus response so keen to ‘rebuild’ the WHO?
That’s a great question and perhaps Dr. Fauci should be asked about it.
In a recent article for a prominent medical journal, Fauci wrote that combating COVID-19 requires “rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence,” which means, apparently, giving more U.S. tax dollars to an organization that lied to us.
“Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as well as other radical changes that may take decades to achieve: rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence, from cities to homes to workplaces, to water and sewer systems, to recreational and gatherings venues,” Fauci — along with National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases scientific senior adviser David Morens — wrote in the Sept. 3 issue of Cell.
“In such a transformation we will need to prioritize changes in those human behaviors that constitute risks for the emergence of infectious diseases,” Fauci and Morens noted further. 
“Chief among them are reducing crowding at home, work, and in public places as well as minimizing environmental perturbations such as deforestation, intense urbanization, and intensive animal farming,” they said. “Equally important are ending global poverty, improving sanitation and hygiene, and reducing unsafe exposure to animals, so that humans and potential human pathogens have limited opportunities for contact.”
Now for the ‘good’ part: They both noted that “global biosafety cooperation” ought to be improved “by strengthening the United Nations and its agencies, particularly the World Health Organization” (among other measures).
‘Strengthening?’ What does that mean, exactly? And how would ‘strengthening’ the WHO keep its top officials from being dishonest and covering for China?
DNA surveillance fears raised as Beijing intervenes in Hong Kong’s coronavirus efforts
NaturalNews – Beijing’s move to directly intervene in Hong Kong’s management of its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has led to fears that the former is trying to exert more control over the territory under the guise of support.
Last week, Chinese authorities announced plans to send a 60-person team into the former British colony to assist in conducting widespread COVID-19 testing through nucleic acid tests.
The move marks the first time that mainland health officials have assisted Hong Kong in its fight to control the disease. However, it comes amid growing distrust of Beijing’s presence in the semi-autonomous territory.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
McConnell Plan for Vote Threatened by Outbreak
MSN –  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s drive to confirm Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett by Election Day is now in peril from a coronavirus outbreak among Republicans in Washington.
Three GOP senators have tested positive for the coronavirus in the past few days and at least eight others are known to have had direct exposure. Several are in self isolation. The infected senators also attended a Senate Republican lunch last week and committee meetings, raising the risk of even wider contagion.
Schumer: Graham must require testing for senators, staff before Supreme Court hearings
The Hill – Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on Monday that Senate Republicans should require testing for senators and staff if they will not delay a Supreme Court hearing scheduled to start next week, amid an outbreak of coronavirus cases. 
“Instead of engaging in continuously more absurd and dangerous behavior, Chairman Graham should halt this already illegitimate nomination process, and if he refuses, he must put into place a thorough testing procedure that is in accordance with CDC best practices before hearings can take place,” Schumer said in a statement. 
Schumer added that holding the hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination without implementing testing would be “intentionally reckless.” He also floated that it would raise questions that Republicans “may not want to know the results, because it could delay this already illegitimate process.” 
BREAKING: White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Tests Positive For Coronavirus
Mediaite – White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany announced in a statement Monday that she has tested positive for the coronavirus.
She said she tested positive Monday morning and is experiencing no symptoms of the disease.
“After testing negative consistently, including every day since Thursday, I tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday morning while experiencing no symptoms,” McEnany said. “No reporters, producers, or members of the press are listed as close contacts by the White House Medical Unit.”
Despite Big Budgets, Police Are Catching Very Few Real Criminals
Infowars – In Tuesday’s debate, former vice president Joe Biden declared he was opposed to the “defund the police” movement.
In a general election, this is not a terribly bold statement on Biden’s part. According to numerous polls, the public has little enthusiasm for sizable cuts to police agencies.
Most people, it seems, recognize that some sort of security or law enforcement agency plays a valuable role in most communities.
This doesn’t mean, of course, that this crime-fighting agency need necessarily be a monopolistic organization, or a government agency. Unfortunately, however, it is nowadays generally accepted as a given that law enforcement is a job for a government bureaucracy funded by taxes and with no legal competitors.
But whatever one may think are the advantages of a government-controlled police agency, we always encounter a big problem with government monopolies: they offer lower-quality services at a higher price than would be the case with private firms.
It should not be shocking, then, that in a new and lengthy article forthcoming from the Alabama Law Review, the author found that police agencies have a very poor record in solving crimes and bringing criminals to justice.
Video: Crimes Against Humanity: CDC Admits Covid19 Test Does Not Exist
Trump supporters hold ‘Get well soon Mr. President’ prayer rally outside Walter Reed Medical Center
Americans prayed and marched Saturday to show their support for President Donald Trump.
WND – Trump had been taken to Walter Reed National Medical Center on Friday after he and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus.
As a result, the Bethesda, Maryland, hospital was deluged with Trump supporters who came to show their support.
China sentences Christian bookseller to 7 years, destroys nearly 13,000 texts
WND – Christian persecution in China continues to worsen.
Sources recently confirmed to the nonprofit International Christian Concern that a Chinese Christian online bookstore owner, Chen Yu, was charged with “illegal business operations” on Sept. 27.
He was sentenced to seven years in prison and a fine of 200,000 renminbi ($29,450).
Chen was previously detained on Sept. 1, 2019, for selling unapproved religious publications imported from the U.S., Taiwan and other countries, according to ICC.
Chinese police launched an investigation to trace where the illegal religious publications had gone. Those publications were then confiscated.
“The sentence for Mr. Chen Yu shows how the Chinese government is increasingly frightened by all things religious. From religious symbols, Chinese couplets, to Christian books, anything that features religious elements is no longer tolerated by the Chinese Communist Party,” Goh said.
Anonymous Million Mask March 2020
Activist Post – Anonymous is readying for its coveted Million Mask March. Each year Anons with all sorts of differing views, ideas, and goals come together in unity to march in the street and peacefully show resistance and alert the governments of the world to our presence.
The fifth of November like Christmas only happens once a year. The date is quickly approaching for activists and hacktivists who associate themselves with the decentralized leaderless Anonymous collective. Anons are beginning to organize for rallies across the world. So grab a sign, print out your paper Guy Fawkes mask, (provided for convenience in this article), and get ready to remember the fifth of November.
This year, activists from all over the world plan to partake in the march highlighting human rights abuses, the rise of the surveillance state, the dangers of losing our internet, and the combined loss of our ever-decreasing freedom of speech and press.
November 5th is also seen as a day to remember those within the collective who have been incarcerated and charged with the “Computer Fraud and Abuse Act” for their actions like Jeremy Hammond, or passed on like Aaron Swartz or the brother Tayyeb Shehadah, who was shot for protesting in Palestine by an Israeli sniper (mask seen below).
Mellon Foundation announces $250M grant to reimagine US monuments
The Hill – The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation announced on Wednesday it will be dedicating a $250 million grant to be spent over the next five years to “transform the way our country’s histories are told in public spaces.”
The new endeavor, titled the “Monuments Project,” will seek to bring more context to preexisting monuments, relocate others and fund the creation of new ones depicting people from diverse communities.
“Monuments, memorials, and other commemorative spaces convey both individual narratives and national values,” said Elizabeth Alexander, president of the Mellon Foundation, in a statement. “They shape the histories of who we are and influence ongoing discussion about which people in our society are considered worth celebrating and remembering.” 
This announcement comes as many local governments have begun to rethink their own monuments and the troubled history of some of those portrayed. After the Black Lives Matter movement was renewed this year, several monuments were removed and acknowledged as having racist connotations. 
The Mellon Foundation noted that a $4 million grant to Monument Lab in Philadelphia will be the first awarded as part of the project.
NY hospital system says it will start asking patients about guns
NaturalNews – Emergency room patients at three Long Island hospitals will soon be asked whether or not they own a firearm, and your tax dollars are going to help pay to collect the information provided.  Northwell Health says the effort is part of a new screening program that is supposedly going to analyze the risks of gun ownership in patients, and the program’s being funded by a $1.4-million grant from the National Institutes of Health.
High Court Rejects Appeal by Clerk Who Withheld Gay-Marriage Licenses
Newsmax – The U.S. Supreme Court let two gay couples press a lawsuit against Kim Davis, the former Kentucky county clerk who refused to abide by the 2015 high court ruling that legalized same-sex weddings nationwide.
The justices rejected an appeal from Davis, who drew national attention by halting all marriage licenses in Rowan County after the Supreme Court’s landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision. Davis, who spent five days in jail later in 2015 after defying a court order against her, said putting her name on same-sex marriage licenses would have violated her deeply-held religious beliefs.
Two of the dissenters in the Obergefell case, Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, said in a four-page opinion Monday that the 2015 ruling was threatening religious liberty.
“This petition provides a stark reminder of the consequences of Obergefell,” Thomas wrote for the pair. “By choosing to privilege a novel constitutional right over the religious liberty interests explicitly protected in the First Amendment, and by doing so undemocratically, the court has created a problem that only it can fix.”
Economy & Business
Wall Street Rises on Stimulus Hopes, Hints of Trump Return
Newsmax – Wall Street jumped on Monday as hopes of more fiscal stimulus helped the three main indexes recover from a sharp fall in the previous session, while investors awaited updates on the severity of President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 symptoms.
Doctors at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center are treating Trump with a steroid that is normally used only in the most severe cases. Still, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said Trump’s medical team will weigh whether he can leave the hospital later in the day.
Energy & Environment
Delta forecast to make historic landfall
Accuweather – Newly-formed Tropical Storm Delta is gaining strength in the Caribbean, and forecasters are warning that the storm could strike the central Gulf coast of the United States as a powerful hurricane prior to the end of this week.
Interests throughout the Gulf of Mexico and especially along the U.S. central Gulf Coast are urged to take the threat seriously and closely monitor the storm’s progress. The budding storm could gain enough strength to become a Category 2 or major hurricane — Category 3 or greater — prior to landfall in the U.S.
Science & Technology
Scientists discover 24 ‘superhabitable’ planets that might be BETTER for life than Earth
RT – It turns out that Earth might not be so special after all, as scientists have identified a plethora of planets outside our solar system with conditions that make them more suitable for life than our home.
A study published in the journal Astrobiology identified two dozen planets with conditions which may be more suitable for life than those on Earth, including worlds that are older, larger, slightly warmer and possibly wetter.
Some of the “superhabitable” other worlds also orbit stars that are friendlier to life than our sun, because they change more slowly and have longer lifespans. 

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