July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: October 12, 2018

World News
Crossing the Brexit red line: Ministers threaten to quit after May’s war cabinet flop – reports
RT – Brexit red lines are being drawn as Theresa May faces a cabinet backlash just as an EU-UK trade deal nears. Leader of the House of Commons, Andrea Leadsom, is the latest member to reportedly threaten to quit in protest.
Chemtrails, contrails or just aliens? UFO stuns onlookers across China, Inner Mongolia (VIDEOS)
RT – A mysterious UFO was captured on film by stunned onlookers across China on Thursday evening, in what appears to be the result of some high-altitude aircraft activity.
Residents of Beijing, Shanxi province and Inner Mongolia posted their reported ‘sightings’ of the unusual flight pattern on Chinese social media on October 11.
Photos and videos of the captivating spiral effect left in the wake of the unknown craft have been shared far and wide across Weibo, a popular social media platform in China.
Chinese media were quick to dismiss the mesmerising images as nothing more than trails left by high-altitude aircraft, as was the case in previous cases across the globe.
Chemtrails, contrails or clandestine spacecraft testing, no one can say for sure – but the visuals are nice at least.
Fearful of swine fever, France plans fence on Belgian border
Reuters – France will start putting up fencing along part of its border with Belgium this weekend to prevent wild boars spreading African swine fever, a virulent livestock disease that could disrupt Europe’s large pig industry.
France has been on alert for African swine fever since Belgium detected the virus last month among wild boars a few kilometers from the French border.
Belgium decided to slaughter several thousand pigs in its contaminated zone to prevent the virus reaching farm herds, but it is already facing embargos on its pork exports from countries like South Korea and China, which is also grappling with an outbreak of the disease.
French authorities have banned hunting and other activities in a border zone and the prefecture in the Meurthe-et-Moselle region will start installing fencing on Saturday, a prefecture official and a hunting association said on Friday.
Turkey Frees American Pastor Andrew Brunson
Newsmax – A Turkish court convicted an American pastor at the center of a Turkish-American diplomatic dispute of terror charges Friday, but released him from house arrest and allowed him to leave Turkey.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
WikiLeaks Publishes Alleged ‘Highly Confidential’ Amazon Document
Newsweek – histle-blowing platform WikiLeaks said today that it had obtained and published a “highly confidential” document pilfered from technology company Amazon.
Naming the release “Amazon Atlas,” the anti-secrecy organization claimed the document, dated late 2015, provided unprecedented insight into the locations of Amazon’s data centers and highlighted the company’s ongoing relationship with the U.S. intelligence community.
“Until now, this cloud infrastructure controlled by Amazon was largely hidden, with only the general geographic regions of the data centers publicized,” WikiLeaks said in a release.
The alleged Amazon document itself—with the head “Data Center Locations”—comes with the top-line notice: “Warning: This information is not public and is classed as Highly Confidential!”
In its post on Thursday, Wikileaks wrote that “the document…lists the addresses and some operational details of over 100 data centers spread across fifteen cities in nine countries.”
The website posted a link claiming to show a map of where Amazon’s data centers are located.
It added: “Amazon is notoriously secretive about the precise locations of its data centers. While a few are publicly tied to Amazon this is the exception rather than the norm. More often, Amazon operates out of data centers owned by other companies with little indication that Amazon itself is based there too or runs its own data centers under less-identifiable subsidiaries.”
List of CIA DEEP STATE spooks running for political office
If you are in a district that any of these CIA DEEP STATE spooks are is running in, please vote for the other candidate.
CIA wants to infiltrate Congress from inside now because their blackmail is no longer working. Once a CIA spook, always a CIA spook.
Elissa Slotkin Abigail Spanberger Jesse Colvin Jeffrey Beals Patrick Ryan Jonathan Ebel Shelly Chaucey Omar Siddiqui Dan McCready Daniel Helmer Alison Friedman Richard Ojeda Josh Butner Dan Feehan Andy Kim Maura Sullivan Jason Crow Matthew Morgan Tom Malinowski Lauren Baer Pam Keith Nancy Soderbert Edward Meier Sara Jacobs Douglas Applegate Talley Sergent Aaron Sheinberg Jessica Morse Regina Bateson Matt Reel Mary Jennings Hegar Elaine Luria Mikie Sherrill Chrissy Houlahan Amy McGrath
This three part article details the background of each of these candidates, very informative! Vote against these Deep State plants. They are already raking in lots of dark money for their campaigns. The tentacles are trying to dig in with this plot to infiltrate Congress.
Social Media Censorship Intensifies   
Activist Post – Both the Free Thought Project and The Anti-Media lost their social media accounts in a coordinated attack today by Facebook and Twitter.
Facebook alone removed 559 pages and 251 accounts.
After 5 years of building fans Facebook has officially unpublished our page (3.1 million fans) so we can’t post on it anymore. This is truly an outrage and we are devastated. We will do everything we can to recover our page and fight back.
“The Press For Truth FaceBook Page with 350k followers has just been memory holed form the internet! 350k followers gone in the blink of an eye as we are right before our eyes witnessing the results of what happens when these big tech companies appoint themselves as the gatekeepers of political thought and opinion,” a headline story at Press For Truth reports today.
The midterm election is being used as an excuse to purge social media accounts and thus reduce traffic to websites on the target list.
First it was alt-right figures like Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich who had their accounts pulled for behavior that is an everyday occurrence by others on social media.
Then Alex Jones was taken down. This was a landmark event that served notice on other websites diverging from the establishment narrative and spreading dangerous “alternative facts.”
Now the effort has moved on the the next level of targets, those with moderate to high social media traffic and successful websites with growing viewership. Not millions like Jones, but a couple hundred thousand all the way down to tens of thousands.
Numbers are way down for sites banished from the corporate social media kingdom. Traffic is drying up and thus support.
Censorship crackdown? Top 10 alt-media pages newly banned by Facebook & Twitter
RT – Sites dealing with government transparency, pages dedicated to police brutality and alternative media – take a closer look at the top ten accounts with millions of followers that were recently suspended by Twitter and Facebook.
PAGE:  The Free Thought Project

  • ABOUT: The widely known website which calls itself “a hub for free thinking conversations” focuses on government transparency. Founded in 2013 by Jason Bassler and Matt Agorist, the site claims to “shed light” on “corrupt entities” across our planet. Its reports have covered the Monsanto row, police brutality and shootings in the US, as well as an insight into how the American government gets personal information about any citizen.

PAGE:  The Anti-Media

  • ABOUT: Initially launched on Facebook by blogger and entrepreneur Nick Bernabe, the Anti-Media is now an independent news aggregator with a hefty amount of followers. The group, which poses as “non-partisan” and “anti-establishment,” publishes loads of “mainstream” stories, including ones dealing with the UN report about a number of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, the Tesla crisis, and Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

PAGE: Police the Police

  • NUMBER OF LIKES: 1.9mn
  • ABOUT: A page dedicated to exposing US police brutality. The name of the group is apparently inspired by heated discussions following the recent string of deadly shootings by police officers across the country. People on social media, critics and analysts wonder who will regulate police where there is evidence of misconduct.

PAGE: Filming Cops

  • NUMBER OF LIKES: 1.5mn
  • ABOUT: Started in 2010, the blogging service’s moto is “Declare War on Police Brutality.” It has been documenting police abuse ever since. It insists that it is not demonizing officers, but is trying to report on “state-monopolized police brutality,” which it says is ignored by mainstream media.

PAGE: Nation In Distress

  • NUMBER OF LIKES: 3.2mn
  • ABOUT: The group’s page on Facebook and information about it is blocked. It allegedly posted images and memes praising Donald Trump and attacking Democrats. The page also reportedly claimed to be the first online publication to have endorsed Trump.

PAGE: Cop Block

  • NUMBER OF LIKES: 1.7mn
  • ABOUT: A police accountability project launched by libertarian Pete Eyre and blogger Ademo Freeman in 2010. The group’s activists insist that police badges don’t grant extra rights and attempt to draw attention to police brutality across the US.

PAGE: Policing the Police

  • ABOUT: Another Police accountability page which was active only on Facebook

PAGE: Cop Logic

  • ABOUT: The project claims to be highlighting and documenting “the absurd and unpredictable antics of cops” across the globe.

PAGE: Press for Truth

  • ABOUT: An independent media outlet which claims to produce content rarely covered by mainstream media. Notably, a day before being banned, it released a story by the project’s investigative journalist, Dan Dicks, who compared Google Hub and Facebook Portal to George Orwell’s 1984 dystopia.

PAGE: Rachel Blevins

  • ABOUT: RT America correspondent Rachel Blevins (un)surprisingly found herself among those dragged under in the ‘inauthentic behavior’ purge. She says that Facebook took down her page and marked it as “spam” because of posts that were allegedly “misleading users.”

Leaked Document: Google’s “THE GOOD CENSOR” Reveals A Plan To Silence Political Opponents   
Activist Post – Activist Post Editor’s Note: Please also see our article from yesterday on this topic, “Leaked Google Document Advises to ‘Police Tone Instead of Content’ in the ‘Shift Towards Censorship.’”
In the video below, Press for Truth’s Dan Dicks covers additional key details from this 85-page leaked document. In the wake of ongoing purges instituted across all big tech media platforms, it’s more important than ever to share information while the means is available.
Readers should be investigating alternative networks that promote free speech such as Steemit and Minds for social media, as well as visiting websites directly and subscribing to their email list; these are essential ways to ensure that the marketplace of ideas continues to thrive as the “moderators in chief” (page 70 from the document) seek to turn healthy debate into heinous thought crimes.
Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhjELpjeCOY
Military Working on Mind-Control for Drones
The National Interest – The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has tested an implant that allows an operator to simultaneously control, with their mere thoughts, up to three unmanned aerial vehicles.
The technology could one day lead to a direct interface between human beings and UAVs.
County Commissioner Wants Ammo Background Checks
Off The Grid News – A county commissioner wants you to undergo a mental health evaluation to purchase ammunition. In particular, Reggie Davis’s “bullet bill” will require ammo background checks and psychiatric exams for anybody purchasing cartridges.
Police will conduct both the ammo background checks and mental-health evaluations, The Hill reports. As a result, you will need police approval to buy a box of cartridges.
Sheriff Will Conduct Ammo Background Checks
Specifically, Davis wants the Wayne County (Michigan) Sheriff’s Office to conduct mental health evaluations. Davis intends to use ammo background checks and mental health evaluations for gun control.
“It’s not the gun that’s doing the killing, it’s the bullets,” Davis says. “We have no laws that restrict the purchasing of ammunition for the majority of handguns.”
The bullet bill will make ammo more expensive and harder to get, The Detroit Free Press charges. Davis apparently wrote the bill with the purpose of keeping ammunition out of citizens’ hands.
Conversely, Davis’s bullet bill will raise money for “Second Amendment education,” The Detroit Free Press claims. That money will apparently come from a tax on ammunition.
The bullet bill is an ordinance that Davis introduced to the Wayne County Commission for the purpose of gun control on September 18. Davis is the Wayne County Commissioner for District Six.
Ultimately, Davis’s ammo background checks could affect well over 600,000 people. To clarify, Wayne County contains Detroit and many of its suburbs. Currently, the Census Bureau estimates Detroit’s population at 672,795.
Army Expelled 500 Immigrant Recruits in 1 Year
Newsmax – Over the course of 12 months, the U.S. Army discharged more than 500 immigrant enlistees who were recruited across the globe for their language or medical skills and promised a fast track to citizenship in exchange for their service, The Associated Press has found.
The decade-old Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest recruiting program was put on hold in 2016 amid concerns that immigrant recruits were not being screened sufficiently. The Army began booting out those enlistees last year without explanation .
The AP has interviewed more than a dozen recruits from countries such as Brazil, Pakistan, Iran, China and Mongolia who all said they were devastated by their unexpected discharges or canceled contracts.
Until now, it’s been unclear how many were discharged and for what reason because the Army has refused to discuss specific cases. But the Army’s own list, submitted to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia last month, says 502 service members who enlisted under MAVNI were discharged between July 2017 and July 2018.
Economy & Business
Sears to Shut 150 Stores, Struggle to Keep Others Open in Bankruptcy
Newsmax – ears Holdings Corp. is planning to close up to 150 of its department and discount stores and keep at least another 300 open as part of a plan to restructure under U.S. bankruptcy protection, people familiar with the matter said Friday.
Beijing: China’s Trade Surplus With US Widens to Record $34.13 Billion
Newsmax – China’s trade surplus with the United States widened to a record $34.1 billion in September as exports to the American market rose by 13 percent over a year earlier despite a worsening tariff war.
Exports to the United States rose to $46.7 billion, down from August’s 13.4 percent growth, customs data showed Friday. Imports of American goods increased 9 percent to $12.6 billion, down from 11.1 percent.
Chinese exports to the United States have at least temporarily defied forecasts they would weaken after being hit by punitive tariffs of up to 25 percent in a fight over American complaints about Beijing’s technology policy.
Exports continued to defy U.S. tariffs last month but imports struggled in the face of cooling domestic demand,” said Julian Evans-Pritchard of Capital Economics in a report. “We expect both to soften in the coming quarters.”
Solar Powered Narco-Tunnel into California Features Rail System, Say Police
Breitbart – The investigation of a recently discovered yet incomplete narco-tunnel into California revealed structural features such as a rail system and ventilation powered by solar energy.
The tunnel was originally discovered by the Mexican military in coordination with the Baja California Norte State Preventive Police (PEP) on September 20 in the rural farming community of Ejido Jacume, located on the outskirts of Tecate. Security forces received an anonymous tip about the location. Authorities found the remote property with a residential structure containing a tunnel. The property sits approximately 221 feet south of the U.S.-Mexico Border.
One day after the tunnel was discovered, the scene was taken over by the Office of the Attorney General of Mexico (Procurador General de la Republica, or PGR). The PGR was issued a search warrant and they authorized the U.S. Border Patrol’s Western Corridor Tunnel Interdiction Group (WCTIG) to enter the structure from the Mexican side for the purpose of mapping and determining if an exit existed within the United States.
Energy & Environment
Sliding Mount Etna poised to trigger catastrophic Mediterranean tsunami, experts warn
RT – Europe’s largest active volcano, Mount Etna, looms large over the island of Sicily but new research indicates that it may pose a threat to the entire coastal population of the Mediterranean.
Hurricane Michael: Death toll rises to 11 in wake of Hurricane Michael’s rampage
ABC – At least 11 people are reported dead in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael, according to ABC News, but authorities fear that the number could increase as search and rescue efforts continue.
Nearly 1.2 million people are without power as the storm triggered flash flooding in the Florida Panhandle and the Carolinas.
Science & Technology
Walmart Has An Incredibly Creepy Cart Patent To Monitor Your Biometric Data   
Activist Post –  Walmart has a totally creepy idea to monitor your biometric data, pulse, and location from the sensors on a shopping cart handle, Motherboard reported.
Walmart recently applied for a patent that details biometric shopping handles that can track a customer’s heart rate, palm temperature, grip, and how fast the cart is being pushed.
The patent titled “System And Method For A Biometric Feedback Cart Handle” published August 23rd, details a cart with sensors in it that would then send data to a server. That server would then notify store employees to check on individual customers.
The company has yet to clarify the use-cases of such a patented cart besides creepy privacy-invasive technology. However, it can be assumed that some of these cart features would be for customer safety and anti-theft measures.
More specifically, imagine there is a shoplifter and the person’s description is partially known but associates seem to have lost them in the store. If the shoplifter was using this cart with biometric data and location data employees would be able to quickly locate the perpetrator.
Other features of the cart include a pulse oximeter, and a weight-triggered assisted push innovation to allow the cart to move somewhat with automation.
That doesn’t mean that this high-tech cart is a good idea. The problem is that all customer data would be retained without any form of regulation denoting what Walmart can and can’t do with the data.
This news comes as hundreds of retail stores — and soon thousands — are investigating using biometric facial recognition software FaceFirst to build a database of shoplifters to aid in the fight against theft, Activist Post reported.
However, facial recognition technology currently has a lot of problems. Activist Post recently reported how Amazon’s own facial “Rekognition” software erroneously and hilariously identified 28 members of Congress as people who have been arrested for crimes.
Activist Post previously reported on another test of facial recognition technology in Britain which resulted in 35 false matches and 1 erroneous arrest. So the technology is demonstrated to be far from foolproof.
The fact that hundreds of retail stores want facial recognition technology is a scary thought. But now Walmart wanting our biometric data is an even scarier prospect.
Facebook says hackers accessed data of 29 million users
RT – Facebook has admitted that hackers accessed the data of 29 million users on the social network by using people’s friends lists to steal access tokens.
$400,000 flying-car on sale next year
NBC – The car-plane hybrid goes on sale in 2019, but experts say air taxis might steal its thunder.
It might not the most elegant-looking thing on the road or in the sky, but an automobile-airplane hybrid that’s being called the world’s first practical flying car is almost ready to spread its wings.
The two-passenger Transition will go on sale in the U.S. next year at an estimated price of $400,000, according to Terrafugia, the Woburn, Massachusetts-based firm that makes it.
The Transition has four wheels, folding wings and a rear-mounted “pusher” propeller. Powered by a four-cylinder hybrid-electric engine, it can fly 100 miles an hour at altitudes of up to 9,000 feet, with a flying range of 400 miles. There are controls for both flying and driving: for the roads, conventional brake and accelerator pedals and a steering wheel; for flying, the usual yoke and rudder pedals.
The vehicle converts from driving to flying mode in less than a minute, according to Terrafugia. But don’t expect it to get you out of a traffic jam. Though it’s the first vehicle certified to drive on U.S. roads and fly in U.S. skies, it can take off and land only at airfields — and you’ll need a pilot’s license.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading
Lawyer: Missouri Farmer Was Leader of Organic Fraud Scheme
Newsmax – A defense lawyer says three Nebraska farmers charged in an organic grain fraud scheme were working under a Missouri businessman who marketed ordinary corn and soybeans as organic.
Tom Brennan, James Brennan and Michael Potter are expected to appear Friday afternoon in federal court in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to plead guilty to wire fraud.
Prosecutors say each received $2.5 million from 2010 to 2017 from sales of corn and soybeans falsely marketed as certified organic.
Activated Charcoal: A Go-To Remedy
Better Nutrition – Activated charcoal is a popular natural remedy for gas, bloating, detoxification, and hangover prevention, but it can also save a life as a first-aid treatment for poisoning. Although it certainly doesn’t replace emergency medical treatment, taking activated charcoal while waiting for an ambulance can significantly reduce harm from accidentally ingested poison.
“It’s one of those things everybody should have at home and hope you never have to use,” says Chad Larson, NMD, DC, a naturopathic doctor in private practice in Solana Beach, Calif. Mild food poisoning, for example, may not need medical attention, and activated charcoal can help you get over it more quickly and comfortably. But most situations where activated charcoal supplements can help are much less dramatic.
Because activated charcoal binds with nutrients, take it at least an hour before or after any other supplements. Drink at least 8-10 ounces of water with each dose, and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water is essential to eliminate toxins, and constipation can be a symptom if you don’t drink enough.
Power Mall Products of Interest:

UK Government Sets ‘Calorie Cap’
Breitbart – Restaurants and supermarkets have been told to shrink pizzas or remove toppings under “drastic” new government plans to calorie cap thousands of foods sold in the UK.
Draft guidelines unveiled by Public Health England (PHE) would see recommended calorie limits set for regularly consumed items including sandwiches, cooking sauces, pies, soups, and processed meats, the Daily Telegraph reports.
While the limits would not be mandatory under current plans, which are part of a package aimed at reducing childhood obesity, the government has warned it would likely legislate if businesses failed to fall into line, with public health minister Steve Brine declaring the state was “willing to do whatever it takes to keep children healthy and well in this country”.
The Good Sugar that Might Help You Lose Weight
Care2- When we think of the health impact of a sugary diet, we’re most likely to consider health issues like diabetes, heart disease and of course weight gain and obesity. The last thing we’d ever consider is that there is a type of sugar that can actually help with weight loss, but that’s the result of a new study.
According to research published in the medical journal Cell Reports, a type of natural sugar called mannose may actually help people lose weight. Few people have even heard of mannose and fewer still are reaping its weight loss benefits, but the natural sugar has been found to improve metabolism and gut microbiome health, and even prevent diet-related obesity.
As part of the study, researchers divided animals into groups, eating either a normal or high fat diet, with or without mannose. By the end of the study they found that those that ate mannose as part of their diet were leaner, had less fat in their livers and were fitter than the animals that did not ingest mannose as part of their diet. They also found that those that ate the mannose had an intestinal microbial composition that more closely resembled lean animals than the animals that did not ingest mannose. When the animals stopped eating mannose they regained weight and their gut bacteria returned to pre-mannose conditions.
What is Mannose?
Sometimes called d-mannose, mannose is a simple sugar primarily found in fruit like apples, oranges and peaches. It is also found in some berries like cranberries and blueberries. It also goes by the names d-manosa, carubinose and seminose, but they are all the same forms of sugar.
Early studies demonstrate that the sugar may also be helpful for the treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs) by preventing bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder. It also appears to increase some of the beneficial bacteria in the intestines, suggesting it may have promise for gut health, but more research is needed in this area.
Astragalus: Boosting Your Immune System the Natural Way
Mercola – Astragalus, or Astragalus membranaceus, is an herb that has been utilized in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for centuries prior to its introduction to the Western world. The astragalus plant originated in China and is native to the northern provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan.
In China, the herb is called different names, including Huang Qi and Hwanqqi, depending on the region where it is normally harvested. It’s also called the “yellow leader,” a direct translation of its Chinese names. The herb earned this title because of the distinct yellow color of its root, the most important part of the plant.
With all of the benefits and uses astragalus can provide, it’s not really surprising as to why this herb is treasured in traditional medicine.
According to the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center at Penn State, astragalus is an adaptogen that has the ability to help the body deal with physical, emotional or mental stress. It is also famous for aiding the body in lowering the risk for infections and other diseases.
Various studies have shown that the astragalus plant contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial,antimicrobial and antiviral properties.Here are other astragalus root benefits you should know about:

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