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The Power Hour

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Today's News: October 12, 2020

World News

Latest twist in Assange saga like a Bond plot

SMH – London: In the end, the most sensational evidence Team Assange presented during Julian Assange’s four-week extradition hearing landed on its penultimate day.
The bombshell testimony from Witness One and Witness Two, whose names are being kept secret in accordance with a Spanish ruling because a court case involving their dramatic evidence is under way, could have been the plot of a James Bond film.
Except it was merely the latest twist in the saga surrounding the white-haired man from Townsville who has constantly surprised his critics and supporters.
The Spanish witnesses claim to have been part of a plot to bug the Australian WikiLeaks founder’s living quarters in the Ecuadorean embassy in London as part of their security work contract. The 49-year-old spent nearly seven years in the embassy avoiding extradition.
Then it was to avoid rape charges in Sweden; today he is fighting the extradition request he has always feared – from the United States government.
“They want to bury him alive and for him to never be able to speak again or work again or see his children,” Stella Moris, Assange’s fiancee and mother of their two sons told this masthead a fortnight ago.
Assange’s defence has been multi-pronged, calling psychiatrists who have told Judge Vanessa Baraitser that if she extradites him he is “very likely” to attempt suicide – a claim rejected by experts appearing for the prosecution.
The other pillar is the claim that the United States extradition request constitutes political persecution from President Donald Trump.
This is where Wednesday’s sensational testimony came into play – the anonymous Spanish witnesses claim their employer, David Morales, agreed to bug Assange on behalf of the CIA.
Jennifer Robinson, the Australian human rights lawyer who has represented Assange since WikiLeaks rocked the US government by publishing its cache of military and diplomatic cables, herself gave evidence claiming a Trump associate offered a pardon to Assange. In return, Assange was to reveal the source of the Democratic National Convention emails that WikiLeaks published in 2016, to the benefit of Trump’s campaign. He refused.
At the heart of the case made at the Old Bailey courtroom in London is the long-debated question: is Assange a journalist?

Health Passports for Ireland, Who’s Next?

Mercola – On August 28, 2020, Ireland began a national trial of their new Health Passport Ireland initiative. “Protecting Society and Economy,” their website reads, Ireland’s health passports are actually nothing more than a way to track and display results of COVID-19 testing — and facilitate increased COVID-19 testing for businesses and the public, plus display COVID-19 vaccination status, when one becomes available.
At this time, Ireland’s health passports are being launched on a trial basis within a range of industries, including health care (hospitals and nursing homes), child care, education, agriculture, entertainment and others. It’s plausible that they could soon be required to gain entry into schools, hospitals, offices, airports and more.
It’s being touted as a measure that increases freedom — “Using the rapid real-time scanning technology, we can now enjoy freer travel with increased protection from COVID-19,” Health Passport Ireland states4 — but one day, when you head out the door, you may not be able to simply walk into a shop, restaurant or even a doctor’s office or your place of work like you used to, unless you can prove you don’t have COVID-19 and have been vaccinated via your “green” health passport app.

England sets 3-tier lockdown system amid tipping point.

Sky News – Boris Johnson has confirmed a new three-tier system of coronavirus restrictions is going to be introduced in England.
The country will be divided into three Local COVID Alert Levels – “medium”, “high” and “very high” – depending on local infection rates.
The prime minister warned the “stark reality” of a second wave of coronavirus infections had seen the number of cases quadruple in the last three weeks, with more people now in hospital with the disease than had been before the UK entered its national lockdown in March.
However, Mr Johnson told MPs he did not believe it would be the “right course” to put the country back into national lockdown due to the impact of shutting schools on children’s education and the harm to the economy of closing a vast swathe of businesses.
He also dismissed suggestions that the public’s patience for restrictions had now been “exhausted” and the government should “let the virus rip” across the country and “let nature take her course”.

U.S. News, Politics & Government


Forced vaccinations now can be legally stopped-no quality control for 32 years
Wide ramifications for Australia
Cairins News – Forced vaccinations now can be legally stopped-no quality control for 32 years
Wide ramifications for Australia
This means that the US Department of Health and Human Services and all vaccine makers have been lying to the American people for over 30 years about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines; this may
ultimately mean that continuing the existence — at least in their current form — of five US “healthcare” agencies are now in doubt: the CDC, the FDA, the IOM, the NIH and the “Health” part of DHHS itself;
this may also threaten the existence of state medical boards and exclusive medical guilds like the AMA:
o This means that vaccine makers have been fraudulently exempt from what all other pharmaceutical drug makers have been forced to do concerning biannual recertification for quality and effectiveness — meaning that that their vaccines have never been tested for quality and have had no proven safety or effectiveness for over 30 years;
This case can now be legally cited by all parents fraudulently mandated by any government/organizational regulation/requirements that they must vaccinate their children for school or any other activity to stop
the forced vaccination of their children;
This case can now be legally cited by all employees being mandated by their employers to be vaccinated in order to retain their jobs;
This case can now be legally cited by all those who seek compensation for vaccine injury, making it likely that the pharmacidical vaccine industry can in the near future be legally bankrupted out of existence, like Bayer-Monsanto after the landmark legal victory won by the dying landscaper in San Francisco several weeks ago, as well as their stock value plummeting precipitously;
 The future of allopathic medicine in its current form is now in doubt, as well as that of the global pharmacidical cartel, since almost all of the drugs allopathic practitioners prescribe come from pharmacidical corporations which have also committed vaccine fraud and injury;
The existence of the deep-state corporate mainstream news media will now also be further endangered, since 70% of their income stream comes from the global pharmacidical cartel, which in America has been
responsible for 750,000-1 million human sacrifices per year for at least the past half century;
Autism rates will now likely plummet, freeing the American people from another deep state-engineered debility, and providing further evidence of mass vaccination-caused autism;
All government officials who have passed laws legalizing vaccine fraud at the state, national, or international level, or otherwise aided and abetted this vaccine fraud can now be charged with vaccine fraud, criminal malfeasance and in some cases, war crimes under the Nuremberg Code.

New York issues $15,000 fines to Orthodox Jewish institutions over COVID violations

Fox – Five Orthodox Jewish institutions in New York City were fined $15,000 for alleged violations of the health code amid the coronavirus pandemic for having more than 10 people inside their religious facilities, according to reports.
The religious spaces in Borough Park, the site of protests last week, weren’t shut down because police don’t have the authority.
New restrictions temporarily limit the size of religious gatherings in the COVID-19 hot spots. The restrictions limit attendance at all houses of worship to 25% capacity, or a maximum of 10 people.
Six coronavirus clusters have cropped up in Brooklyn and Queens, as well as Broome, Orange and Rockland counties. The state has closed schools and nonessential businesses in those areas and limited gatherings.

MI Gov. Whitmer: No ‘Artificial Deadlines’ for Announcing Election Results

Breitbart – Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) declared her state would not be held to any “artificial deadlines” with regards to announcing the results of her state’s November 3 election outcomes.

Video: These Sheriffs Are the Difference Between Freedom and Tyranny

Mercola – Richard Mack, a retired sheriff and current president of Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers (CSPOA),1 is hard at work, educating sheriffs around the country to get them up to speed on the Constitutional rights of U.S. citizens.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, I was essentially clueless as to the importance of your local county sheriffs. I had no idea how crucial they are. Today, I view them as some of the most important elected officials we all have the opportunity to vote for. (Three states — Alaska, Hawaii and Connecticut — do not have sheriffs, so their laws are enforced by other officers such as marshals or deputy sheriffs.2)
In this interview, Mack details the action steps you can take to make sure your sheriff is safeguarding your Constitutional rights and protecting your civil liberties against unlawful government overreach.
Chinese espionage operations in the U.S. are “off the scale,” warns analyst
NaturalNews — China’s global espionage operations have ramped up over the past decade and are now “off the scale.” This is according to Nicholas Eftimiades, a former senior U.S. intelligence official, who has been analyzing Beijing’s espionage activities for about three decades.
Eftimiades noted that China has been involved in more than 600 espionage cases over the past decade. These cases included theft of trade secrets, illegal export of key technologies for national security, cyberhacking and traditional spying.
More disturbingly, western governments have mostly been ignoring these for years. Talking to The Epoch Times, he said that the U.S. and other Western countries ignored his warnings about Chinese espionage when he first wrote about the subject in his 1994 book titled “Chinese Intelligence Operations.”
It was only during the current administration of President Donald Trump that the country started to understand the threat from China. Given that America’s response against Chinese espionage had been “lacking” for the past decade, intelligence and enforcement agencies have had to catch up.
The intelligence analyst said there was almost no way of finding out the full extent of Beijing’s spy efforts and noted that it could range from tens of thousands of cases up to hundreds of thousands.
Eftimiades explained that China has adopted a “whole-of-society” approach to obtaining foreign intellectual property (IP) through state agencies, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and individual researchers. A substantial chunk of the foreign IP theft focused on aviation, information technology, energy and new materials – key sectors mentioned in the Chinese government’s “Made in China 2025” industrial policy.

Portland protesters topple Roosevelt, Lincoln statues in ‘Day of Rage’…

Oregon Live – A group of protesters toppled statues of former presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln and shattered the entrance to the Oregon Historical Society in Portland’s South Park Blocks late Sunday before moving into other areas of downtown, smashing storefronts and engaging in other acts of destruction.
Police declared the event a riot and ordered people rampaging through the city’s streets to disperse but did not directly intervene until nearly an hour after the first statue fell. The crowd scattered when police cruisers flooded the area, and officers in tactical gear appeared to make several arrests.
Protest organizers had promoted the event on social media as an “Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage.” Monday is the federally observed holiday of Columbus Day, but many states and cities now recognize the day instead as Indigenous Peoples Day over concerns that Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas helped launch centuries of violence against indigenous populations.
The organizers had signaled their aggressive stance for the night, calling for “direct action” and demanding that the video live-streamers and photographers who had become staples of such events stay away.
People in the crowd were repeatedly admonished not to film. Passersby who happened upon the group were ordered by demonstrators to stop filming or delete photographs, including an apartment resident who had lasers shined at his eyes and a liquid thrown in his face as he appeared to shoot video of the scene from his terrace.
The group, about 200 strong, marched through downtown Portland, at one point occupying all four lanes of West Burnside Street. Most dressed head-to-toe in black. Many wore body armor, carried shields or wielded night sticks and other weapons.
As the crowd reached the South Park Blocks, some threw chains on ropes on the Roosevelt statue, a bronze sculpture officially titled “Theodore Roosevelt, Rough Rider,” as others took a blowtorch to its base and splattered it with red paint.
They began to pull until the statue rocked from side to side before falling down at 8:51 p.m. The crowd erupted in cheers as dance music played on a large portable speaker.

Nearly 50,000 Ohio voters received incorrect absentee ballots

NaturalNews – A total of 49,669 voters in Franklin County, Ohio were mailed incorrect absentee ballots, according to the county’s own board of elections. In a statement, the board pledged to contact all affected voters and mail them replacement ballots. In addition, they will provide information postcards of the incident and give them alternative means of voting, including early in-person voting.
The corrected ballots have already been printed, and the U.S. Postal Service is set to mail them by Oct. 12. The board also made clear that stringent tracking measures are in place for each resident to only cast one vote.
The mishap was caused by a malfunction in the scanning devices for the ballots. According to the board, an employee changed the setting on one of the scanners, causing it to stop working. In response, the election board asked law enforcement not to intervene, as the incident was unintentional. However, the board is still investigating the company that sold them the scanners.
President Donald Trump, who has been skeptical of absentee and mail-in voting since the very beginning of his campaign, has already spoken about the incident. In a tweet posted on Friday, he said: “Breaking news: 50,000 Ohio voters getting wrong absentee ballots. Out of control. A rigged election!”

Robert Royal: The Attacks on Christopher Columbus Expose the Crisis Within Western Civilization

Breitbart – In normal times, debates about a figure like Christopher Columbus would just be a part of the usual work of historians and others seeking to understand some portion of the human past. But these are not normal times. And it is clear that the violent attitude of many recent protesters towards the explorer who opened up the New World to the Old World has much less to do with anything in the historical record than with a crisis – no other term will do – within our Western civilization.
The historical record, which is extensive and easy to consult, would go far towards tamping down the anti-Columbus hysteria – for anyone really interested in knowing the truth. That, however, doesn’t seem to be a large cohort these days. Instead, many of our fellow citizens have since early school days been indoctrinated these into the belief that Columbus was a “genocidal maniac” and (what else) “worse than Hitler.”
Parents often complain when kids come home mouthing these phrases. And where’s the evidence? Which peoples suffered “genocide” at his hands? None. Hitler killed at least 40 million people. Did Columbus have weapons of mass destruction at his disposal that would have enabled him to kill on a grand scale? He did not and, as a serious Christian, he wouldn’t have used them even if he did.
And he knew it. He wrote to Ferdinand and Isabella, saying, “I shall never be able to administer just punishments, unless fifty or sixty men are sent here from Castile with each fleet, and I send there the same number from among the last and the insubordinate, as I do with this present fleet — such would be the greatest and best punishment and least burdensome to the conscience that I can think of.”
The mention of “conscience” here shows his sensitivity to some of the moral questions he faced. Contrary to the view that he is the source of later mistreatment of Native Americans, he tried to get help in restraining that very abuse. At one point, he complained to the Spanish monarchs about the way that Spaniards were exploiting natives for gain, and taking indigenous concubines. He asked them to send Christian missionaries to the Spaniards: “it would be of great advantage to have some devout friars here, rather to reform the faith in us Christians than to give it to the Indians.”
The Dominican priest Bartolomé de las Casas, the famous “defender of the Indians,” knew Columbus and spoke of the “sweetness” of his temperament and, despite serious missteps in difficult and often unprecedented circumstances, his “good intentions.”
Whatever later Europeans may have done towards indigenous populations, it’s simply unjust to put Columbus and many other figures into the same large group of ruthless exploiters. Simple fairness demands that we draw distinctions between imperfect people – as we all are – with basically noble and good intentions and those of evil disposition who exist in every age among all peoples.
Of course, that is precisely a distinction that the recent protesters do not make. And we have to ask why? Without overgeneralizing, the only plausible answer seems to be that we have many fellow citizens who have never been properly taught about their culture, are deeply alienated from their own civilization in the Americas, and therefore believe that the only moral thing to do is to reject it from its very origins, with Columbus.
We’ve seen something similar in the way that the New York Times’ “1619 Project” has sought to claim that the arrival of the first black African slaves in North America in 1619 is the real beginning of the nation. After serious criticisms from distinguished historians of various political orientations, the Times has had to quietly deny its original claims, and continues to alter them as more and more of the project looks to be ill conceived.
But there’s a larger and deeper question even than the clear historical facts about Columbus, Europeans, slavery, and our current turmoil. Slavery, for example, is universally present in human history. Even today when slavery is, in theory, no longer legal, scholars estimate that there are 40 million slaves of various kinds in the world, the largest percentage in Africa.
Columbus and the Europeans did not bring slavery, racism, inequality, exploitation, imperialism, or torture to the New World. They all already existed here. The peoples of the New World were human beings, like the people in the Old World, with the very same all-too-human traits we associate with human nature.
What Europeans did bring was Christianity, the only religion that took seriously the notion that all human beings have been made in the image and likeness of God – however much Christians in the New World may have failed to live up to that truth.
Fr. Las Casas and several theologians convinced the Spanish monarchs that it was immoral to enslave or mistreatment indigenous peoples and encouraged them to pass laws – usually ineffective – against the practice. They even helped persuade Pope Paul III to write in a 1537 encyclical that Indians “may and should, freely and legitimately, enjoy their liberty and the possession of their property; nor should they be in any way enslaved; should the contrary happen it shall be null and of no effect.”
Later, it was Christians – mostly British Methodists – who stopped the slave trade and agitated for abolition.
Modern people heirs to that tradition usually fail to realize that the very principles that they use to criticize the misbehavior of European colonists stem from Biblical notions developed mostly in Europe. But there were evil practices to be dealt with among native populations as well. For example, there was human sacrifice in the Caribbean – and even cannibalism – when Columbus arrived there.
When Spaniards reached the mainland, they were horrified at the vast numbers of human beings who had their hearts cut out and their bodies thrown down the steps of the temples in Tenochtitlán — the core of today’s Mexico City. That city appeared to the earliest Spanish explorers, some of whom had sailed to the most opulent Mediterranean cities, as far richer in buildings, population, foodstuffs, and various cultural achievements than any city in Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Yet despite all that, like the Toltec, Olmec, Incan, and other large empires, it was also built by conquest over neighboring peoples and dependent on human sacrifice to gods whose theology required human blood to maintain the equilibrium of the world.
The Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes has remarked on the epochal shift in native cultures in his country owing to Christian influence:
One can only imagine the astonishment of the hundreds and thousands of Indians who asked for baptism as they came to realize that they were being asked to adore a god who sacrificed himself for men instead of asking men to sacrifice themselves to gods, as the Aztec religion demanded.
Europeans committed many sins and outrages against native peoples, towards enslaved Africans, and towards one another in the centuries that have followed. But that does not mean that “Western Civ has got to go.” What kind of person dismisses a whole civilization? Only someone who can take civilization, Western in origin, for granted, and who is in crisis because he or she doesn’t realize how rare is a civilization that admits of self-criticism.
Rather, it’s now our task not to commit cultural suicide out of alienation and a misplaced perfectionism, but to live up to the promises of the West’s central beliefs. That process began on these shores in 1492 and has had many great and unprecedented successes amidst the failures. Not least, hope for a future of expanding freedom and justice, an American future that has astonished the world and holds out even greater things to come

Economy & Business

States that “overpaid” covid unemployment benefits now demanding restitution

NaturalNews – Multiple states are claiming that they “accidentally” overpaid workers who were unemployed and stuck at home during the worst of the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) plandemic, and now they want all that money returned.
Though said funds have long been spent by most of the cash-strapped individuals who received them, state governments are demanding that excess unemployment aid they erroneously distributed somehow be paid back, or else.
In some cases, states are having to cut current benefits to unemployment recipients in order to make up for the losses. In others, those who received overpayments are simply being told that they need to come up with the missing cash as soon as possible.
Strangely, many of those who were overpaid had no idea that the amounts printed on the checks were wrong. Because it took quite a while for many of them to even start receiving their benefits, the assumption was that the extra dollar amounts were back payments to make up for the government’s failure to get the checks out more promptly.
In one case reported by The Wall Street Journal, a woman named Autumn Stull, who owns a maternity and children’s consignment store in Golden, Colo., was told that she owed the state of Colorado nearly $9,000 in overpayments that she received from the state while her business was closed.
Stull had taken advantage of the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program, which in Colorado allows for self-employed individuals to collect aid. Several weeks after reopening her business in May, Stull received a notice about the overpayments and was horrified.
“Your heart skips a beat. Your stomach sinks. Your eyes get teary,” she recalls about her reaction upon receiving the notice. “The money is gone. I used it. We’ve been through enough.”

Six poultry industry executives indicted for price-fixing

NaturalNews – he $65 billion poultry sector is taking a major hit after six current and former company executives found themselves indicted by the Department of Justice (DoJ) on price-fixing charges.
According to the allegations, top executives at Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., Claxton Poultry Farms, Tyson Foods Inc., Perdue Farms Inc., Koch Foods Inc., and George’s Inc. colluded between 2012 and 2019 – a period longer than initially suspected by the DoJ – to price-fix and bid-rig contracts for chicken nuggets, breast fillets and wings sold to both restaurant chains and grocery stores throughout the United States.
Among those charged is Bill Lovette, the former CEO of Pilgrim’s Pride, who retired in March 2019. Jayson Penn, another former Pilgrim’s CEO who exited the company last month, is also facing charges.
According to the DoJ, which is also probing the drug industry for price-fixing, Pilgrim’s and Claxton exchanged prices and other confidential details during the bidding process on chicken supply deals for a number of major restaurant chains. Tyson, the nation’s largest chicken company by sales, also participated in the scheme.
Other executives included in the sweep are Timothy Mulrenin, a Perdue sales executive who previously worked at Tyson; William Kantola, a sales executive at Koch; Jimmie Little, a former Pilgrim’s sales director; Gary Brian Roberts, a Case Farms employee who previously worked at Tyson; and Rickie Blake, a former director and manager at George’s.
Tyson, which had previously disclosed to the DoJ that some of its employees were involved in the scheme under the agency’s federal corporate leniency program, is thus far the only company that appears to be cooperating with the investigation.
“Executives who choose collusion over competition will be held to account for schemes that cheat consumers and corrupt our competitive markets,” stated Makan Delrahim, the DoJ’s top antitrust official, about the investigation.

Science & Technology

Media watchdog urges FCC to review law protecting Big Tech companies from being sued over censorship

NaturalNews – The Media Research Center (MRC), a conservative media watchdog group, is calling on concerned Americans to send their comments to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) over a controversial law regarding freedom of speech in online spaces.
The MRC, thorough the Free Speech Alliance, will compile the comments in an effort to urge the FCC to review how Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is currently interpreted and applied. To note, this section provides immunity to websites over third-party content that they host. Social media companies like Facebook and Twitter, for instance, cannot be held liable for posts or videos uploaded to their website.
While tech experts credit Section 230 for helping the internet thrive, it also enables these companies to take down content without fear of legal action. The section also allows Big Tech to easily get rid of conservative content, without any repercussions.
In a statement posted on the MRC website, head Brent Bozell stressed the importance of fighting Big Tech companies like Twitter, Google and Facebook:
“It is critical for the survival of the conservative movement that we unite in defense of our right to express ourselves online without threat of being censored by the social media giants. Protecting our freedom of speech is something that should not only be important to conservatives, but to all Americans. Facebook, Twitter and Google/YouTube own the most widely used online platforms for speech in the world. Facebook, Twitter and Google/YouTube have full control over what we say, hear, write and read. It is immensely important that these platforms remain neutral. How can any movement or ideology survive when the means to share its ideas is stripped away?”
The MRC’s move is the latest in a string of responses designed to prompt the FCC to look into claims that social media companies are discriminating and censoring conservative voices. Last May, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that would allow the FCC to establish regulations that clarify the “good faith” effort by companies, as stated in Section 230. (Related: The Big Tech Ministry of Hysteria is so totalitarian, not even the President of the United States is allowed to offer dignified hope during a pandemic.)


The Best Exercise for Seniors is High-Intensity Interval Training, Study Says

Good News Network – A twice-a-week routine of high-intensity interval training shows a marked effect on fitness and overall wellbeing in people over 70, according to a new study.
Regular cardio sessions centered around short bursts of intense workouts, broken up by brief rest periods, can help us stay healthier for longer, according to researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
When the 5 year study began in 2012, researchers called it Generation 100, and randomly divided healthy participants into three different training groups.
One group was assigned to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) using the 4X4 method twice a week—doing 4 minutes of 85-95% maximum heart rate aerobic exercise and 4 minutes of 60% maximum heart rate for 4 rounds. Group two was instructed to train at a steady, moderate intensity for 50 minutes. The participants could choose whether they wanted to train on their own or participate in group training with instructors.
The third group, the control group, was advised to exercise according to the Norwegian health authorities’ recommendations. This group was not offered organized training under the auspices of Generation 100, but was called in for regular health checks and fitness assessments.
“First of all, I have to say that exercise in general seems to be good for the health of the elderly. And our study results show that on top of that, training regularly at high intensity has an extra positive effect,” says Dorthe Stensvold, a professor in the university’s Cardiac Exercise Research Group.
“Both physical and mental quality of life were better in the high-intensity group after five years than in the other two groups. High-intensity interval training also had the greatest positive effect on fitness,” according to Stensvold.

Brain Damage From Masks CANNOT BE REVERSED

Health and Money News- The following is a transcript of the highlights (by Henna Maria) from Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson’s recent extremely pressing video message, that was translated on-air from German into English by Claudia Stauber. Video at the end of the transcript.
Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity. This is what she has to say about masks and their effects on our brains:
“The rebreathing of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen depravation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus, that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive. The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of the reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system.
However, when you have chronic oxygen depravation, all of those symptoms disappear, because you get used to it. But your efficiency will remain impaired and the undersupply of oxygen in your brain continues to progress.
We know that neurodegenerative diseases take years to decades to develop. If today you forget your phone number, the breakdown in your brain would have already started 20 or 30 years ago.
While you’re thinking, that you have gotten used to wearing your mask and rebreathing your own exhaled air, the degenerative processes in your brain are getting amplified as your oxygen deprivation continues.
The second problem is that the nerve cells in your brain are unable to divide themselves normally. So in case our governments will generously allow as to get rid of the masks and go back to breathing oxygen freely again in a few months, the lost nerve cells will no longer be regenerated. What is gone is gone.
[..]I do not wear a mask, I need my brain to think. I want to have a clear head when I deal with my patients, and not be in a carbon dioxide induced anaesthesia.
[..]There is no unfounded medical exemption from face masks because oxygen deprivation is dangerous for every single brain. It must be the free decision of every human being whether they want to wear a mask that is absolutely ineffective to protect themselves from a virus.
For children and adolescents, masks are an absolute no-no. Children and adolescents have an extremely active and adaptive immune system and they need a constant interaction with the microbiome of the Earth. Their brain is also incredibly active, as it is has so much to learn. The child’s brain, or the youth’s brain is thirsting for oxygen. The more metabolically active the organ is, the more oxygen it requires.  In children and adolescents every organ is metabolically active.

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