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Today's News: October 15, 2018

World News
Putin ordered nuclear exercise with launches of multiple missiles
The Barents Observer – A video posted by Russia’s defense ministry Thursday evening shows how the crew on board the Northern Fleet’s Delta-IV ballistic missile submarine “Tula” prepared for the launch of a missile.
Tula” has Gadzhiyevo on the Kola Peninsula as homebase and can be armed with 16 Sineva missiles carrying nuclear warheads.
Saudi-Turkish team to see consulate where writer vanished
AP – Turkish and Saudi investigators on Monday were to begin conducting what Turkish officials called a joint “inspection” of the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, where Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi went missing nearly two weeks ago.
A team arrived by unmarked police cars at the consulate and said nothing to journalists waiting outside as they entered the building. Police then pushed back journalists from the front of the consulate, where they’ve been stationed for days, setting up a new cordon keeping them away.
International concern continues to grow over the writer’s Oct. 2 disappearance. American lawmakers have threatened tough punitive action against the Saudis, and Germany, France and Britain have jointly called for a “credible investigation” into Khashoggi’s disappearance.
Mounir al-Motassadek: Germany releases 9/11 accomplice
BBC – Germany will on Monday deport an accomplice of the 11 September 2001 terror attacks on the United States, Moroccan native Mounir al-Motassadek.
Motassadek has spent almost 15 years in prison for his part in the deaths of passengers aboard the highjacked aeroplanes used in the attacks.
He has served almost his entire sentence, and is being sent to Morocco.
He has always denied being involved in the 9/11 plot, but admitted to being friends with those who did.
German authorities are transporting him under heavy guard.
World Renowned Scientists Have Their Lab Shut Down After Troublesome Vaccine Discovery
On April 17, 2018 By Arjun Walia
In the 90’s, Dr. Antonietta Gatti discovered the relationship between micro- and nano-particles as well as a great number of pathologies: cardiovascular diseases, many forms of cancer, multiple neurological diseases, and autoimmune diseases. She’s taken part in many international research projects, including the pathologies induced by depleted uranium, waste incineration, food polluted with inorganic particles, and more.
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Currently, she is the coordinator of the Italian Institute of Technology’s Project of Nanoecotoxicology, called INESE.
She is also a selected expert of the FAO/WHO for the safety in nanotechnological food, and a Member of the NANOTOX Cluster of the European Commission and the author of a book titled “Nanopathology: the health impact of nanoparticles,” and on the Editorial Board of Journal of Biomaterials Applications and a member of the CPCM of the Italian Ministry of Defense.
Furthermore, her and her husband Dr. Stefano Montanari founded a laboratory called Nano-diagnostics for the evaluation of the pathological tissues of patients, it’s presently at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Recently, the Italian police raided their home, the police took all  digital assets that were owned by the the two nanopathologists, including laptops, computers, and flash-drives, basically years of work and research.
James Grundvig via the World Mercury Project describes what happened quite well:
“Because Gatti and Montanari had taken their research of nanodust and nanoparticles, from in-vivo (performed in a living organism) and in-vitro (performed in a test tube) to what unseen contamination might reside in vaccines in 2016, they came under the microscope of the United States, European, and Italian authorities. They had touched the third rail of medicine. They had crossed the no-go zone with the purported crime being scientific research and discovery. By finding nano-contamination in random vaccines, Gatti and Montanari revealed, for the first time, what no one knew: Vaccines had more than aluminum salts adjuvants, Polysorbate-80, and other inorganic chemicals in them, they also harbored stainless steel, tungsten, copper, and other metals and rare elements that don’t belong in shots given to fetuses, pregnant women, newborns, babies and toddlers developing their lungs, immune and nervous systems.”
The scientists published their work in January of 2017, titled, New Quality‐Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro‐ and Nanocontamination. If science wasn’t plagued by corruption, an investigation should have started, healthcare agencies would have become involved and vaccine safety policies would have come under intense scrutiny, but that never happened.
Below is a recent interview with the two, done by Surêté Vaccins, the quick description of the video reads,
“Two italian researchers have found nanoparticles are polluting almost all vaccines. The small size of these particles allow them to enter our cells and have a permanent inflammatory effect. Mrs Gatti was about to testify in parliament enquiry on vaccine damages of italian military courses but both researches have been raided by police and all their material has been taken away.”
Revolution Unraveled: ‘Assad Files’ Now an Achilles’ Heel for War Crimes Narrative
21stCenturyWire – The “Assad Files” story: ‘A secretive team of war crimes investigators smuggled hundreds of thousands of documents out of Syria … to build a case against Assad.’  Upon closer examination though, this impressive trove of ‘evidence’ appears to vindicate, rather than condemn the Syrian government.
As the Syrian government slowly regains its territory and sets to rebuilding from seven years of brutal conflict,  we still lack an accurate picture of how the fighting began. We’ve been told of peaceful protests in 2011 that were ruthlessly crushed, forcing violent resistance instead. But it turns out this wasn’t totally true.
And now we have one more clear confirmation that picture was sanitized, distorting public perception to accept the continued targeting of Syria’s government. At the nexus the mainstream media and western-backed “war crimes” investigators, someone with some reality in front of them apparently chose to delete the important half of it, before promoting the rest nearly upside-down, as an important breakthrough in proving that other picture.
It’s claimed this piece of evidence is the “linchpin” of an incredibly strong case to be used in an eventual court trials against any Syrian officials deemed complicit. Maybe they plan on showing the judge the same select quotes they shared with the court public opinion in their long-running pre-trial. But if so, they had better hope that judge hasn’t read this article.
Managing a Crisis of … Just Protesters?
Just four months into the supposed protest-crushing, at the start of August, 2011, the increasingly isolated Syrian government decided a new plan was needed. To this end, they created a new “Central Crisis Management Cell” (CCMC). The first meeting of the CCMC was held in Damascus on August 5th, outlining a plan of action “to speed up putting an end to the crisis.”
A leaked record of this was later received by the Committee for International Justice and Accountability (CIJA), as part of their massive trove of documents commonly called, “The Assad Files.”  The CIJA (funded by Western governments) and their allies allege these documents prove systematic crimes, perhaps more clearly than anything ‘since the Nuremberg trials.’
But still with some claimed 750,000 pages of leaked or seized top secret papers, and several years to dig through them, with numerous shared examples and select quotes meant to convince the public, the allegations remain far from proven. For example, torture is mentioned at least twice, as something that has happened in some facilities. The system is only seen stepping in to order that it be stopped. That’s actually counter-evidence for the systematic torture so widely alleged, but they don’t seem to have anything better just yet. Here is some addition background analysis on The Assad Files:
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Bear spray, bloody brawls at Patriot Prayer ‘law and order’ march in Portland
Oregon Live – Warning: This post contains graphic content
A demonstration billed as a march for “law and order” in the streets of Portland descended into chaos as rival political factions broke into bloody brawls downtown Saturday night.
Members of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer and their black-clad adversaries, known as antifa, used bear spray, bare fists and batons to thrash each other outside Kelly’s Olympian, a popular bar on Southwest Washington Street.
The melee, which lasted more than a minute, ended when riot cops rushed in and fired pepper balls at the street fighters.
Trump set to force drugmakers to post prices in ads
Politico – The Trump administration will require drug companies to post their list prices in consumer ads under a proposal to be announced next week — a prominent part of its drug price agenda, according to four individuals with knowledge of the plan.
The move — which follows months of battles between the administration, congressional leaders and the pharmaceutical industry — is one of many proposals in President Donald Trump’s blueprint to lower drug prices. But experts caution that the impact may be relatively insignificant and it could even confuse patients, considering the complexities of drug pricing.
Sen. Candidate Sending Unsuspecting Hurricane Donors to Dem Fundraising Site
Western Journal – f you’ve ever looked at the tragic aftermath of a natural disaster and wondered “how can this benefit me?” then you’re in good company with Democratic politicians.
Bill Nelson, a Democratic senator from Florida who’s campaigning for reelection, is trying to pass off collecting personal information for the left as a relief effort for Hurricane Michael.
He posted a link on Twitter earlier this week, calling it a way to donate money to help with the devastation from the hurricane.
But what he didn’t mention in the tweet is that the link leads to a fundraising site for Democrats.
“The devastation from #HurricaneMichael is widespread across the Panhandle and Big Bend in Florida,” he tweeted on Wednesday. “Anything you can give to these nonprofit organizations will help people with needed relief.”
Instead of the link he added going straight to “nonprofit organizations,” it goes to ActBlue, a crowdfunding tool for Democrats which only serves leftist candidates and causes.
The site states that it is “a nonprofit, building fundraising technology for the left” that provides “the infrastructure for campaigns and organizations to fundraise online.”
ActBlue says that it powers “Democratic candidates, committees, parties, organizations, and c4s around the country,” and boasts that “Democratic campaigns get more donations through ActBlue than any other platform.”
Warren releases results of DNA test
Daily Caller – Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts released the results of a DNA test showing evidence that she may have Native-American ancestry dating back several generations.
Warren shared the results of her DNA test with the Boston Globe which was conducted by a Stanford researcher. “The results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor,” the researcher said in a summary of Warren’s ancestry findings, adding that the ancestor was likely in her genealogy “in the range of 6-10 generations ago.”
Warren’s results show that she possibly ranges from 1/32nd Native American to 1/512th Native American. The results could temper attacks from President Donald Trump in the upcoming 2020 presidential elections, where Warren is seen as a likely candidate.
The Boston Globe later clarified “due to a math error, a story about Elizabeth Warren misstated the ancestry percentage of a potential 10th generation relative. It should be 1/1,024.”
>> Related: Obama Campaign Manager Vents Frustration Over Warren’s DNA Test: ‘Why Can’t Dems Ever Stay Focused?’
Republicans have apparently already conceded defeat in the House and are starting the blame game
The Week – “Republicans have begun to concede defeat in the evolving fight to preserve the House majority,” The Associated Press reports. “And as they initiate a painful and strategic triage, the early Republican-on-Republican blame game has begun as well.”
Republican incumbents being abandoned by the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) complain that national House Republicans are not living up to their promise to spend $62 million, as outlined in a September memo declaring that “the cavalry is coming.” The NRCC, which is taking out what AP describes as a “sizable loan,” says it has to “hone in on what are the races we can actually win,” as House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) fundraising chief Spencer Zwick phrased it. And Ryan’s allied super PAC, the Congressional Leadership Fund, grouses it has had to step in to boost weak fundraising by GOP incumbents. The CLF notes it’s the only GOP group spending any money in 14 out of the 30 races ranked as toss-ups.
Overall, according to filings submitted Friday, Democratic candidates have outspent their GOP rivals $116 million to $66 million in almost 80 competitive House districts since July, AP reports. The CLF has spent another $93 million in the same period, thanks largely to the deep pockets of GOP mega-donor Sheldon Adelson. “This is going to be a devastating election for Republicans across the ballot,” says GOP strategist Terry Sullivan. “Republican donors are smart folks,” he added. “They’re not going to give money to a losing cause.”
The good news for Republicans, says Nate Silver at FiveThirtyEight, is that “Democratic prospects in the Senate are increasingly dire, having fallen to about 1 in 5. Indeed, it’s been hard to find any good news for Democrats in Senate polling lately. In the House, by contrast … Democrats’ chance of taking the House has ticked back upward to about 4 in 5.”
Georgia Dem gubernatorial nominee says ‘blue wave’ will include undocumented immigrants
Fox – A “blue wave” in the midterm elections will be fueled in part by undocumented immigrants, Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams said at a campaign rally last week.
“But the thing of it is, the blue wave is African-American. It’s white, it’s Latino, it’s Asian Pacific Islander. It is disabled. It is differently abled. It is LGBTQ. It is law enforcement. It is veterans,” Abrams said to cheers. “It is made up of those who are told they are not worthy of being here … those who are documented and undocumented.”
Abrams, running for governor in Georgia, made the comments at a rally on Tuesday with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., according to the Washington Free Beacon. The remarks quickly made headlines, as they appeared to suggest illegal immigrant participation at the polls — though Abrams may have simply been saying their interests would be represented.
GOP nominee Brian Kemp told Fox News on Monday that Abrams “wants illegals to vote in Georgia.”
New York Times: Trump Impeachment Is on the Ballot
The New American – It’s official: Peter Baker, the chief White House correspondent for the New York Times, the mouthpiece for the liberal establishment, has written that, if the Democrat Party takes the House in the midterms just three weeks away, it will move to impeach the president in the next Congress: “While Democrats are largely ducking the topic on the campaign trail, few in Washington doubt that impeachment will be on the table if they win the House on Nov. 6.”
And, warns Baker, such impeachment proceedings are likely to make the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings look like a Sunday School class disagreeing over which Scriptures to study:
If that happens, anyone who thought the battle over Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation was ugly and divisive should buckle up, because history suggests it would provide only a small taste of what lies ahead. The impeachment drives against Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton tore at the nation’s fabric, but an effort to remove Mr. Trump could lead to an even more incendiary conflict, thanks to the advent of social media and Mr. Trump’s brand of blowtorch politics.
Montana Summit Brings in Officials and Activists for Liberty
The New American – A historic conference brought together activist leaders, public officials, ranchers, business owners, concerned citizens, and lawmakers from at least three Northwestern states to discuss land rights, federal overreach, forest management, the Deep State, and many of the problems facing the American West. The “This West is Our West” event on Saturday featured high-profile speakers such as Ammon Bundy of Bundy Ranch fame, as well as Representative Matt Shea, who leads the Washington House GOP Caucus. But while fringe far-left extremists and a handful of unethical reporters tried to stir up controversy with smears and fake news, organizers and attendees said the event was a great success. The optimism was overwhelming.
The final speech of the conference was given by Ammon Bundy (shown), who was involved in the historic showdown against the disgraced U.S. Bureau of Land Management at his father’s ranch and has been frequently demonized by the media. First, Bundy thanked wife, who cared for the couple’s six children while Bundy was locked up — much of the time in solitary confinement — on bogus charges that have since all been thrown out. Then, he showed a video featuring various news clips about the ordeal in which people from around the country showed up at the Bundy Ranch to help protect the family from heavily armed, militarized bureaucrats trying to seize the Bundy’s cattle.
Economy & Business
US budget deficit expands to $779 billion in fiscal 2018 as spending surges
NBC – The federal budget deficit rose 17 percent in fiscal 2018, according to the Trump administration.
Spending jumped, and revenue only increased slightly following the GOP tax cuts.
The Trump administration has pushed for dramatic budget cuts at several agencies and supported massive increases in military spending.
Energy & Environment
Extremely rare bee colony without hive found clinging to fence
Charlotte’s Observer – A man doing yard maintenance at a church in Chesterfield County, Virginia, stumbled on something experts are calling both rare and strange: An entire honey bee colony clinging to a chainlink fence without a hive.
Video of the bees was posted on Facebook by Virginia Wildlife Management & Control and it has since been viewed 16,000 times.
The discovery is an “extremely rare” example of Italian honey bees living unprotected out in the open, said the agency, which specializes in the removal of pests.
“I’ve never seen anything like it and I’ve been in this business 39 years,” said Richard Perry, of Virginia Wildlife Management & Control. “To be completely honest, I have no answer for what caused it, since we’ve never encountered it before.”
The colony was found by a man doing maintenance at Victory Tabernacle Church of God in Midlothian, south of Richmond, Perry said. “He looked up and saw them, and almost had a heart attack,” Perry told the Charlotte Observer.
Science & Technology
A Google linked exec and a former US politician have dropped out of a Saudi project after journalist’s disappearance
Business Insider – A senior executive who works for Google’s parent company and a former US secretary of energy have dropped out of a Saudi Arabia tech and business advisory board following international outcry over the disappearance and alleged murder of a dissident Saudi journalist.
On Tuesday, the Saudi news outlet Argaam reported that Neom — a $500 billion megacity project being built by the country — had formed a new advisory board.
Members mentioned in the announcement included famed tech industry investor Marc Andreessen; Dan Doctoroff, CEO of Google parent company Alphabet’s urban planning unit Sidewalk Labs; Travis Kalanick, ex-CEO of Uber; former European Commission vice president Neelie Kroes; ex-Dow Chemical Company CEO Andrew Liveris, and Silicon Valley investor Sam Altman.
But following inquiries from journalists, members have started distancing themselves from the project.
Facebook Knocks Out 800; Google To Be a “Good Censor”
The New American – The Big Tech companies that virtually control online American commerce and the distribution of news and information took another step toward ending free speech and the free exchange of ideas as the cornerstone of their platforms.
Last week, Facebook, the leftist social-media giant, wiped more than 800 accounts with millions of followers. But even more frightening than Facebook’s attempt to censor the users who have come to rely on its reach — including hard-left social-justice warriors — was the publication of a document from Google, “The Good Censor,” that essentially said the days of free speech on the Internet must come to an end.
Both moves mean that the Big Tech platforms are moving away from being neutral platforms for users to express themselves or sell their products, to being editors and publishers who choose what to publish as a newspaper or television network would.
And that might diminish the legal protections the platforms enjoy as “neutral” bulletin boards.
Facebook’s Blue Pencillers
Facebook’s zealous enforcers nailed more than 800 users, it said, because they pushed spam and drove viewers to advertising sites. CNN reported that the social-media behemoth zeroed 559 pages and 251 accounts.
“Facebook demonstrated its increased willingness to wade into the thorny territory of policing domestic political activity,” the Washington Post observed. “Some of the accounts had been in existence for years, had amassed millions of followers, and professed support for conservative or liberal ideas, such as one page that billed itself as ‘the first publication to endorse President Donald J. Trump.’”
Human 2.0 Is Almost Here: The Transhumanism Agenda Just Went Mainstream
Activist Post – As we wrote about in 2013, “Medical Nanobots Will Connect Brain to Cloud Computing,” the emergence of DNA nanobots and nanocomputing has been paving the way to reverse engineer the human brain. As Transhumanist Ray Kurzweil detailed at the time, Human Body 2.0 would accelerate toward becoming a full-fledged reality sometime around 2020:
In the coming decades, a radical upgrading of our body’s physical and mental systems, already underway, will use nanobots to augment and ultimately replace our organs. We already know how to prevent most degenerative disease through nutrition and supplementation; this will be a bridge to the emerging biotechnology revolution, which in turn will be a bridge to the nanotechnology revolution. By 2030, reverse-engineering of the human brain will have been completed and nonbiological intelligence will merge with our biological brains.
Melissa and Aaron Dykes have also been at the forefront of warning about the arrival of Transhumanism (or “augmented humanity” if you prefer). A new Forbes article covers the concept of Human Body 2.0 now that we are on the precipice of its arrival. However, instead of a warning about the technology itself, they ask the (rhetorical) question: “Will you evolve with the times?” Melissa details exactly what this “evolution” is intended to look like, as well as looking back at the various steps taken to get us into the predicament in which we find ourselves.
Why is Transhumanism entering the mainstream right now?
Dementia may begin in the womb, new study suggests
The Telegraph – Dementia may begin in the womb when spelling mistakes in DNA store up problems for the future, a study by Cambridge University suggests.
Researchers already knew that inherited mutations in some specific genes make people far more likely to develop neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
But a new study suggests that those same genes can go haywire even when people do not inherit risky variants from their parents.
In tissue samples of the brains of 54 people, 40 of whom had varying forms of dementia, scientists discovered that half had spontaneous flaws in their DNA, which may have contributed to their illness.
The scientists believe the genetic defects occurred before the people were even born, while they were embryos growing in the womb. And they fear that the same mutations may be carried by a huge number of the population, which is why dementia is so prevalent.
“These spelling errors arise in our DNA as cells divide, and could explain why so many people develop diseases such as dementia when the individual has no family history,” said lead author Professor Patrick Chinnery
“These mutations likely form when our brain develops before birth – in other words, they are sat there waiting to cause problems when we are older.”
“Our discovery may also explain why no two cases of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s are the same. Errors in the DNA in different patterns of brain cells may manifest as subtly different symptoms.”
As Alzheimer’s Drugs Continue to Fail, Researchers Search for Reasons Why Coconut Oil Cures Alzheimer’s
Health Impact News – A group of New York City’s Mt. Sinai Medical School researchers set out to analyze why and how coconut oil affects Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) patients favorably. They acknowledged some efficacy from coconut oil, and they wanted to know more.
Since most drug trials to develop an Alzheimer’s drug have failed miserably, the motivation to study coconut oil in order to understand how it positively affects AD was probably motivated by a desire to patent a new drug that could work similar to coconut oil, a natural food that cannot be patented.
Their research was based on earlier animal studies of virgin coconut oil’s effect on mouse models of coconut oil as well as other in vitro (lab culture) studies. The researchers also acknowledged the existence of many anecdotal testimonies of AD (Alzheimer’s disease) patients, such as this one.
The Mt. Sinai report was published in the journal Science Direct, Brain Research with the title: Coconut oil decreases expression of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and secretion of amyloid peptides through inhibition of ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1).
Excerpts from the study abstract:
In humans, mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene has been implicated in increased plaque formation, which can block the communication between nerve cells, decrease dendritic formation [branch like extensions of neurons] and increase cell death, and promote neuroinflammation.
Our data suggest that ADP-Ribosylation Factor 1 (ARF1) may contribute to the effects of coconut oil on APP expression and secretion of Aβ [Amyloid beta].
These results suggest that coconut oil decreases intracellular ARF1 expression, thereby resulting in an inhibition of APP and amyloid β secretion. This study reveals a novel mechanism for intracellular APP processing in neuronal cells. (Access complete study)
Though beyond the scope of this study, the authors also mention the unique quality of coconut oil’s medium-chain fatty acids, which are easily metabolized by the liver and converted into ketones that provide energy to brain neurons. The researchers suggest this should be studied separately as well.
This study may be the most comprehensive understanding of coconut oil’s success with Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
Garlic Is a Great Blood Thinner
Mercola – Studies indicate that people who eat as little as a quarter-teaspoon of garlic powder per day appear to have less aortic stiffness, which is good for anyone wanting to avoid cardiovascular problems such as stroke.
One expert notes that the “antiplatelet aggregation” activity of garlic, as well as onions to a lesser degree, goes by the wayside when it’s cooked, but there are ways to change that outcome.
Raw garlic appears to be around 13 times more potent as a blood thinner than raw onions or cooked garlic; crushing it and waiting 10 minutes before cooking it activates the enzyme that releases the antiplatelet compounds.
High concentrations of sulfur and allicin compounds also impart benefits related to heart health, as well as fight harmful bacteria, inflammation, intestinal infections, yeast infections and diseases associated with carcinogens
Endocarditis + 5 Natural Ways to Manage Endocarditis Symptoms
Dr. Axe – Each year in the U.S. about 34,000 patients are admitted to the hospital for infective endocarditis. While endocarditis, a condition that affects the inner lining of the heart, is not very common, there are many risk factors that can increase your chance of dealing with this condition. For example, having gum disease, various bacterial or viral infections, a weakened immune system or an autoimmune disorder, a pacemaker, or taking medications like antidepressants and diuretics can all increase susceptibility.
Depending on the underlying cause of the condition, sometimes heart inflammation develops slowly and is mostly asymptomatic (chronic endocarditis), while other times it happens suddenly and become life-threatening quickly (acute endocarditis). (1)
Can you recover from endocarditis? Most of the time, yes. However, in some cases, endocarditis will become severe enough to trigger heart failure, a stroke or to become life-threatening.
While antibiotics and sometimes surgery are the main treatments used to manage endocarditis, other natural remedies can help reduce your risk for complications or reoccurring episodes, too — such as practicing good oral/dental hygiene, eating a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and limiting drug use and toxin exposure.
Key Points About Endocarditis

  • Endocarditis is inflammation of the endocardium, which is the inner lining of the heart’s valves and chambers.
  • Causes of endocarditis include: having bacterial or viral infections, a history of heart disease, kidney failure, autoimmune diseases that damage the heart, or reactions from surgery, injury, or certain medications.
  • In some cases, endocarditis can lead to complications like blood clots, irregular heartbeats and heart failure.
  • Symptoms of endocarditis vary considerably and can include: fever, chest pain, trouble breathing, edema/fluid retention, joint pain, abdominal pain, and others.

6 Natural Ways to Help Manage Pericarditis Symptoms & Recovery:

  1. Prioritizing Oral/Dental Hygiene
  2. Avoiding Heavy Alcohol Consumption & Drug Use
  3. Managing Fever, Aches and Pains
  4. Eating an Anti-inflammatory Diet
  5. Following Up With Your Doctor for Routine Care


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