June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 15, 2021

Thousands protest as Italy’s Covid pass becomes mandatory for workers

A mandate for all workers in Italy to show a government-issued Covid-19 pass came into force on Friday, triggering protests at key ports and fears of disruption.

Anyone who is on a payroll — in the public or private sector — must have a ‘green pass’ with a QR code as proof of either full vaccination, recent recovery from infection or a negative test within the previous 48 hours.

Employees who go to work without the pass risk a fine of up to 1,500 euros ($1,730) and suspension without pay. Employers could also face fines if they allow staff to work without it.

The largest demonstrations were at the major northeastern port of Trieste, where labor groups had threatened to block operations and around 6,000 protesters, some chanting and carrying flares, gathered outside the gates.

South Africa to begin jabbing 12- to 17-year-olds with Pfizer Covid vaccine in bid to ramp up inoculation rate before exams

South Africa’s health minister has announced that the country will start giving Covid vaccines to 12- to 17-year-olds from next week, using the Pfizer jab, as part of a plan to boost inoculation before exams start.

Corporate Media Largely Silent as Millions Protest Vaccine Mandates Worldwide

When protests in the United States happen that help the establishment in some way, whether by stoking divide or pushing an establishment agenda, corporate media is all over them, bombarding us with news of packed streets. However, when massive crowds take to the streets to have their anti-establishment voices heard, it’s crickets on FOXSNBCNN.

Paradigm Shift: Aussie Cop Quits, Refuses to Enforce COVID Tyranny, Says ‘Majority’ of Cops Feel the Same

A female officer with Victoria Police, who served for 16 years, has resigned in protest against the use of police to enforce Covid-19 rules, saying in an interview that a “great majority” of her colleagues shared her sentiments.

Acting Senior Sergeant Krystle Mitchell has appeared on The Discernible Interviews channel on YouTube on Friday, wearing her dark-blue uniform and revealing that she had been “troubled” by how police resources have been applied during the pandemic by state authorities.

Victoria Police has been tasked with making sure that people in one of Australia’s most populous states abide by the lockdown restrictions, and with curbing illegal protests against the health rules and vaccination mandates, which often turn violent, resulting in numerous arrests and accusations of police brutality. Melbourne, Victoria’s capital city, holds the world record for longest lockdown.

Navy Announces Plans To Expel Those Refusing Covid Vaccine, Revoke Benefits

At the end of August the Pentagon initially announced a mandate for military personnel across all armed service branches, ordering them to “immediately begin” Covid vaccination. A memo issued by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at the time directed the Secretaries of the Military Departments to “immediately begin full vaccination of all members of the Armed Forces under DoD authority on active duty or in the Ready Reserve, including the National Guard, who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19.”

UK: Lab Produced an Estimated 43,000 Incorrect Covid Test Results

British health officials said Friday that an estimated 43,000 people may have been wrongly told they don’t have the coronavirus because of problems at a private laboratory.

The UK Health Security Agency said a lab in Wolverhampton, central England, has been suspended from processing test swabs after reports of false negatives. The faulty results were among tests processed at the Immensa Health Clinic Lab between early September and this week.

White House says fully vaccinated foreign visitors can start entering US on Nov. 8

Foreign visitors who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 will be able to travel to the United States starting on November 8, the White House said Friday.

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