June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 18, 2021

BREAKING: Colin Powell Has Passed Away

Redstate – This morning, news has broken that former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell has passed away. Powell, was 84 and, per CNN, died due to complications from COVID-19. Powell had previously been diagnosed with multiple myeloma.

The ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Craze Gets Serious as Threats of Retribution Loom

Redstate – If you’ve been paying attention to politics for the last month, then you’ve no doubt heard of the “let’s go Brandon” meme that’s been making the rounds. The background involves a NASCAR event and a reporter who either can’t hear or was trying to smooth things over for the cameras as the crowd behind her chanted a certain obscene phrase about Joe Biden.

And thus, “let’s go Brandon” was born as a more kid-friendly way to express one’s displeasure with the president and his mix of incompetence and malice that has led to so many crushing failures for the nation over the last year. There’s even an iTunes song because the absurdity of our current political moment is what it is.

Apparently, though, some phone calls got made because the Canadian government is now promising retribution against any of its employees that use the phrase, not just in public, but even in correspondence between private parties. They will be monitoring for violations.

Video: Fauci Says ‘People Who Don’t Like Me Are Conspiracy Theorists, Deny Reality’

Infowars – In an incredibly telling declaration Sunday, Anthony Fauci announced that anyone who doesn’t like him or what he says is ‘denying reality’ and spreading ‘conspiracy theories’.

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace told Fauci that he has become “a polarizing figure,” and that “critics accuse you of sending mixed messages.”

Wallace continued, “There’s allegations that you helped fund dangerous research at the Wuhan lab,” before asking “why do you think you’ve become so controversial? And honestly, do you think there’s anything you have done that has contributed to that?”

Fauci replied “I can’t think of anything, but I’m sure some people will.”

He continued, “I have always stood for making science, data, and evidence be what we guide ourselves by. And I think people who feel differently, who have conspiracy theories, who deny reality, looking them straight in the eye, those are people that don’t particularly care for me.”

“That’s understandable,” Fauci further proclaimed, adding “Because what I do — and I try very hard — is to be guided by the truth.”

“And sometimes, the truth becomes inconvenient for some people. So they react against me. That just is what it is. There’s not much I can do about that,” Fauci added.

Boeing workers stage protest near Seattle over U.S. vaccine mandate

Reuters – Waving signs like “coercion is not consent,” and “stop the mandate,” some 200 Boeing Co employees and others staged a protest on Friday over the planemaker’s COVID-19 vaccine requirement for U.S. workers.

Boeing said on Tuesday it will require its 125,000 U.S. employees to be vaccinated by Dec. 8 under an executive order issued by President Joe Biden for federal contractors.

As the pandemic has continued to rage, Biden announced the requirement in September because a large swath of Americans have resisted vaccination even though the shots are free, widely available and declared safe by regulators.

“It’s my choice and it’s my body,” one avionics engineer said, his voice nearly drowned out by anti-Biden chants and trucks honking to show support along the busy street outside Boeing’s factory in Everett, north of Seattle.

This Doctor Opposes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate. Now His State Won’t Let Him Practice Medicine.

The Daily Signal – Dr. Stephen Skoly is a well-known oral and maxillofacial surgeon in Rhode Island. He has been called to testify before lawmakers and serves as chairman of the Rhode Island Center for Freedom and Prosperity.

But recently, Skoly made news for another reason: He opposes his state’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Because of his principled stand, he no longer is allowed to see patients or practice medicine.

President Biden caught not wearing mask at swanky DC restaurant, violating city’s mask mandate

The Blaze – President Joe Biden was caught on video not wearing a mask while walking inside of a swanky restaurant in Washington, D.C. – violating the city’s face mask mandate.

The president and first lady dined at the Michelin-starred Fiola Mare restaurant on Saturday night. The extravagant restaurant’s cuisine is “inspired by Italy’s coastlines and the bounty of its most pristine seafood.” The restaurant sells an ounce of Royal Oscietra caviar for $250.

Photos and videos show Biden not wearing a mask while walking through the restaurant.

Word ‘spooky’ banned as ‘racial slur’ by National Theatre Scotland ahead of Halloween… although no one complained about it

RT – The National Theatre of Scotland has banned the word “spooky” from its shows, after noting that the term, often associated with Halloween performances, had racist connotations linked to its use during the Second World War.

A source at the Scottish theatre told the Daily Record that no one has complained about the term “spooky” but they were concerned the word could become problematic in the future. 

“There’s been a lot of training and meetings since the [Black Lives Matter] movement and how [National Theatre Scotland] should change,” the source added.

Staff said that the word had been flagged as a racist slur bandied about during the Second World War. American servicemen used “spooky” to refer to black pilots and the word has been controversial in the US as a result.

The word, synonymous with Halloween, was last used by National Theatre Scotland in 2016 for Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol at the Old Kirk in Kirkcaldy. It was used to describe a “spooky location.”

The theatre has said it will “always interrogate language choices” for “historically oppressive connotations.” 

40% Of California State Workers Are Unvaccinated Despite Newsom’s Order 

ZeroHedge – This might come as a surprise, but 40% of California state employees are unvaccinated despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s directive to mandate the jab or be subjected to regular testing. 

Newsom issued this new directive in July following a surge in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. At the time, he said, “We are now dealing with a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and it’s going to take renewed efforts to protect Californians from the dangerous Delta variant.” 

Still months later, less than two-thirds of state workers, or 62%, were vaccinated, according to The Sacramento Bee. The figure is much lower than the state’s overall rate of 72%. 

Victoria Covid update: more than 40 police stood down for refusing coronavirus vaccine

The Guardian – More than 40 Victoria police staff have been stood down and face losing their jobs after refusing to have the Covid vaccine.

Victoria police on Monday confirmed 34 police officers and nine protective services officers had not complied with the vaccination order by the state’s chief health officer and by a specific chief commissioner instruction.

Exemptions from having the mandatory vaccine only apply if an employee is unable to be vaccinated due to a medical issue, the force said.

Those refusing the jab have been referred to Professional Standards Command for failing to abide by an instruction of the chief commissioner and face subsequent disciplinary action, which may result in their sacking.

They have been stood down and directed to take accrued leave.

Judge Temporarily Bars US Lab From Placing Unvaccinated Workers on Unpaid Leave

News & Observer – A federal judge has extended a ban on United Airlines putting employees on unpaid leave for seeking a medical or religious exemption from the airline’s requirement to get vaccinated against COVID-19. U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman in Fort Worth, Texas, granted a restraining order Tuesday in favor of employees who are suing the airline over the mandate. Lawyers for the employees and the airline agreed last month that United wouldn’t put the workers on unpaid leave, but the judge wrote that the agreement will expire before he can rule on the merits of the matter. That would leave “hundreds of workers” at risk of being put on indefinite unpaid leave or forced to get a vaccination that violates their religious beliefs or medical restrictions.

The restraining order expires Oct. 26. The suing employees are seeking to turn the case into a class-action lawsuit. United says about 2,000 of its 67,000 U.S. employees asked for exemptions from vaccination.

How Zinc Can Boost Your Immune Health

Mercola – Zinc’s roles have come under closer scrutiny as researchers look for therapeutics for COVID-19

Zinc is essential for the normal development and function of your immune system, as it protects against susceptibility to pathogens, mediates natural killer cells, activates T-lymphocytes, regulates macrophages, and is central to DNA replication. You have at least 300 enzymes that require zinc to function normally. Evidence shows zinc helps protect the body from COVID-19 by impairing viral replication in the cell, supporting ciliary growth and function in the respiratory system, and improving the respiratory epithelial barrier. Colds Are Coronaviruses The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has identified several common human coronaviruses that are responsible for upper respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Although a cold is usually a minor condition, it is also responsible for most doctor’s office visits every year.

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