June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 20, 2021

Not Woke Enough: ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Novelist Margaret Atwood Blasted for Sharing Article Questioning Transgender Agenda

Breitbart – Author Margaret Atwood is a hero of the woke left, which has long adored her novel “The Handmaid’s Tale” and the feminist Hulu series adapted from it. But with one tweet, the novelist has now become the target of hate from the same woke fan base after she shared an article that questioned the increasing prevalence of terms like “person with a vagina” and “person who menstruates” in place of “woman.”

White House unveils plan to roll out Covid-19 vaccines for children ages 5 to 11

CNN – he White House on Wednesday unveiled its plans to roll out Covid-19 vaccines for children ages 5 to 11, pending US Food and Drug Administration authorization.

The Biden administration has secured enough vaccine supply to vaccinate the 28 million children ages 5 to 11 who would become eligible for vaccination if the vaccine is authorized for that age group and will help equip more than 25,000 pediatric and primary care offices, hundreds of community health centers and rural health clinics as well as tens of thousands of pharmacies to administer the shots, according to the White House.

Outrage & Investigation as Teachers Reportedly Taping Masks to the Faces of Children

Free Thought Project – Colorado Springs, CO — If ever there was a reason to start homeschooling your children, this is it. In what is being described as an act of child abuse, teachers in Colorado Springs are accused of forcing children to tape their cloth masks to their faces so they can’t remove them. After a child sent a text message to her mother to report the procedure, an investigation is now underway.

The alleged act began gaining exposure last week when a sixth grade student named Rylee at Chinook Trail Middle School, sent her mother a text from school claiming the teacher made her tape her mask to her face. Rylee’s mother, Stephanie says she immediately drove to the school to confront them over this process.

Stephanie’s fears were reportedly confirmed when she learned other students were also forced to tape their masks to their faces.

“It’s developing some sort of mentality in our children where that kind of restraint over your face [is normal],” Stephanie said. “Your face is you, that is how people know you, they are just doubling down on hiding you and not letting you breathe, and it just conformity to the extreme.”

Tori Skeldum, another parent whose child was also forced to tape their mask, backed up Stephanie’s claims and said it happens to any student whose mask may slip down.

“[My daughter] said the teachers were wearing the masking tape around their wrists like bracelets and whenever someone’s mask would fall down they would tape them,” Skeldum said. “It’s sad that our world is coming to this and teachers would think it is ok.”

U.S. House committee backs contempt charge against Trump aide Bannon

Reuters – A U.S. congressional committee probing the deadly Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol voted unanimously on Tuesday in favor of contempt-of-Congress charges against Steve Bannon, a longtime aide to former President Donald Trump.

The seven Democratic and two Republican members of the House of Representatives Select Committee approved a report recommending the criminal charge by a 9-0 vote, calling it “shocking” that Bannon refused to comply with subpoenas seeking documents and testimony.

Approval of the report paved the way for the entire House to vote on whether to recommend contempt charges. That vote is set for Thursday, when the full, Democratic-controlled chamber is expected to approve the report.

U.S. surgeons successfully test pig kidney transplant in human patient

Reuters – For the first time, a pig kidney has been transplanted into a human without triggering immediate rejection by the recipient’s immune system, a potentially major advance that could eventually help alleviate a dire shortage of human organs for transplant.

The procedure done at NYU Langone Health in New York City involved use of a pig whose genes had been altered so that its tissues no longer contained a molecule known to trigger almost immediate rejection.

The recipient was a brain-dead patient with signs of kidney dysfunction whose family consented to the experiment before she was due to be taken off of life support, researchers told Reuters.

For three days, the new kidney was attached to her blood vessels and maintained outside her body, giving researchers access to it.

Facebook is planning to rebrand the company with a new name

The Verge – Facebook is planning to change its company name next week to reflect its focus on building the metaverse, according to a source with direct knowledge of the matter.

The coming name change, which CEO Mark Zuckerberg plans to talk about at the company’s annual Connect conference on October 28th, but could unveil sooner, is meant to signal the tech giant’s ambition to be known for more than social media and all the ills that entail. The rebrand would likely position the blue Facebook app as one of many products under a parent company overseeing groups like Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, and more. A spokesperson for Facebook declined to comment for this story.

Facebook already has more than 10,000 employees building consumer hardware like AR glasses that Zuckerberg believes will eventually be as ubiquitous as smartphones. In July, he told The Verge that, over the next several years, “we will effectively transition from people seeing us as primarily being a social media company to being a metaverse company.”

New York City to Require COVID-19 Vaccinations for All Public Employees

Newsmax – New York City will require that all of its municipal workforce get vaccinated against COVID-19, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

Mayor Bill de Blasio plans to announce an order on Wednesday, the report said, adding that city workers need to get their first shot by Oct. 29 or potentially lose their jobs.

Get The Shots Into More Arms: FDA Says You Can Mix and Match Boosters

SHFTPlan – The Food and Drug Administration has said it’s ok to mix and match the difference booster shots for the COVID-19 scamdemic. But remember, it’s also an important part of their agenda to get people to take the first shots too.

The FDA says it’s perfectly fine for Americans to “mix and match” their COVID shots. Meaning a person can receive a different Covid-19 vaccine as a booster than the one they initially received, a move that could “reduce the appeal of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and provide flexibility to doctors and other vaccinations.” 

This massive psychological operation is an attempt to get more shots into more humans. It’s yet another attempt at pushing this shot on everyone. The easier the rulers make it for everyone to take these things, the more the gullible will participate. However, there is also an attempt to discredit the Johnson and Johnson “one-shot” vaccine too.  The rulers seem to need people to inject the mRNA.

Microchip shortage: Why US is poised to take rare action

CS Monitor – The computer chip shortage, which has disrupted supplies of everything from automobiles to wheelchair accessories, is pushing Congress to take big steps in helping America’s high-tech industry.

Congress has already passed legislation to encourage semiconductor firms to build chip fabrication facilities, or fabs, in the United States. It has not yet authorized the funding. Not for the first time, the nation is poised to dramatically pump up funding for scientific research and, more controversially, help high-tech companies to meet an international challenge.

The 7 Best Herbs for Women’s Health

Dr. Edward Group – Herbs are widely used by people all over the world, mostly by those seeking alternatives or adjuncts to traditional pharmaceuticals. While no one herb will solve every health issue, the research shows that specific chemicals within certain herbs have the power to affect biological function. Herbs for women’s health have been researched extensively over the past few decades, with many showing promise for improving libido, supporting energy levels, and elevating mood.

The Top 7 Herbs for Women’s Health

Many scientists believe that specific chemicals isolated from plant materials and then extracted provide the most benefit to human health. Still, the whole herb, when used in conjunction with other herbs that provide similar chemical constituents and/or health benefits, is equally as effective. Here are some of the top herbs, extracted or otherwise, that have shown benefit to female health.

  1. Muira puama
  2. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an ancient Indian herb that is said to support female reproduction and libido. The herb has been used for centuries to combat stress in women and men alike. Ashwagandha specifically targets the endocrine system and encourages hormonal balance. One study with over 50 menopausal women looked into the effects of supplementing with ashwagandha and found a significant decline in symptoms such as anxiety, hot flashes, and mood. [3] Ashwagandha has been used to support good mood for centuries, and research is beginning to find that the plant may play a powerful role in combating mental and emotional stress. [4] This makes ashwagandha a potent tool against mood swings.


  1. Tribulus terrestris
  2. Maca

Maca root is a popular herbal tool commonly used by men to support healthy hormone levels; however, women also report great benefits balancing hormonal levels with maca. While studying the root for its potential weight loss benefits, researchers observed that women enjoyed a significant reduction in common menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, and depressed mood.  Another similar study found beneficial effects of maca supplementation on menopause symptoms.  Supporting healthy libido in women is also a benefit of using maca. One important study found that supplementation with maca was effective for combating sexual dysfunction in women, particulary after taking SSRI, a commonly-prescribed antidepressant. Throughout the study, women enjoyed improvement in sexual satisfaction with three grams of maca per day. 

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  1. Avena Sativa
  2. Catuaba
  3. Suma

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