July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 20, 2022


‘Fart tax my a**e’: Farmers hit the streets across New Zealand to protest Jacinda Ardern’s ‘burp and fart’ animal tax aimed at tackling climate change

Farmers quit their fields and hit the streets of New Zealand’s cities today in countrywide protests against plans to tax greenhouse emissions from farm animals.

Convoys of tractors, 4x4s and farmyard vehicles disrupted traffic in Wellington, Auckland and other major hubs, as protestors demanded the centre-left government ditch plans for an animal ‘burp and fart’ tax.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern touted a ‘world first’ levy on emissions of methane and nitrous oxide produced by the nation’s six million cows and 26 million sheep as a step to tackling climate change.

Liz Truss Resigns, at Just 45 Days the Shortest-Lived UK Prime Minister Eve

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss has announced she is resigning, having spent just 45 days in post and likely to hand over power after just 52 days.

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss has resigned after just 45 days in post

The last days of her reign have the hallmarks of her having failed to fight off a counter-revolution, or coup, by the globalist, europhile establishment of her party who deeply objected to her pro-border control, low-tax policies

Her resignation follows the removal of her interior minister and finance minister, both among the most obviously pro-markets, and ‘small-c’ conservative individuals to hold those posts in a generation. Their politics clearly did not align with the pro-globalist, fiscally-orthodox faction taking back control of the party and the government at this moment

A one-week leadership election will follow, which Westminster insiders believe Boris Johnson’s right-hand-man Rishi Sunak is almost certain to win

Surging Energy Costs Force Manufacturers to Shed Jobs, Abandon Europe

Surging energy costs driven by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are not just hitting domestic consumers across Europe. Small to medium manufacturers are also feeling the financial pinch with many looking to relocate to ensure their future, a report Tuesday sets out.

According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), fashion industry manufacturers that supply brands such as Gucci and H&M are amongst those to have watched their business models unravel amid the surge in natural-gas and electricity prices following Russia’s decision to strangle the flow of gas to the continent.

Empty Shelves in German Supermarkets as Inflation Leaves Products Unprofitable

Supermarkets are being left with empty shelves throughout Germany, as spiralling inflation renders the sale of a wide variety of products unprofitable.

Products ranging from Kellogg’s cornflakes to Coca Cola have disappeared from supermarkets throughout Germany, with many shops being left with empty shelves as products become simply unprofitable to sell due to differentials in inflation.

It comes as overall inflation hit 10 per cent in the country in September, with EU-wide inflation for the month falling just short of 11 per cent as a result of the ongoing energy crisis, which has in turn hiked the cost of food and other essential goods.

Exclusive — Eva Vlaardingerbroek: ‘Climate Transition’ Is Globalist Pretext to ‘Starve’ and ‘Freeze’ Europe

Dutch commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek said on Tuesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow that left-wing globalist interests use what they they say is the threat of “climate change” as a pretext to “freeze” and “starve” people.

“[Globalists] are the ones that say we need to transition into renewable energy and all these things, and just starve to death and be hungry, basically, and freeze to death in our homes, because energy prices are skyrocketing,” Vlaardingerbroek stated. “But they themselves never have to deal with any of the consequences of the policies that they’re pushing, and that’s just what is so incredibly sinister — but also evil — about this.”

Justin Trudeau: Ukraine War ‘Absolutely Accelerating’ End of Fossil Fuels

Far-left Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told the audience at a climate change event on Tuesday that he believed the escalation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine was “accelerating” the “energy transition” away from fossil fuels and towards a zero-carbon electric grid.

Trudeau asserted that Europe’s heavy reliance on Russian oil and natural gas clearly endangered the continent and positions countries like Canada, with its own abundant natural resources, to usurp the dominance that tyrannies like Russia and China have taken in both fossil fuels and industries such as rare-earth metals, used for many of the products necessary for a “green” economy.

Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2014, a year before Trudeau became prime minister, and colonized its Crimean peninsula. The world reacted to the first eight years of war in Ukraine with marked apathy before this February, when Russian leader Vladimir Putin announced a “special operation” to “liberate” the entire country from “Nazism.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish, has vehemently denied that he and his government, once derided as “pro-Russian,” was “Nazi” and regularly urges the world to fund and arm Kyiv.

Mother of 12-Year-Old Girl Pimped Out To Over 200 Men in Greece Remanded in Custody

The mother of a 12-year-old girl who was sexually abused by a 53-year-old who allegedly helped over 200 other men abuse the child, has been remanded into custody after a court refused to believe she was not involved.

An Athens court remanded the mother of a 12-year-old girl alleged to have been sexually abused by over 200 men this week after the mother was initially arrested in the case last Wednesday.

UK Regulators Force Facebook to Sell Part of Its Business

Britain’s antitrust regulator, the Competition and Markets Authority, has successfully forced Facebook (now known as Meta) to sell a part of its business, as global scrutiny of alleged anticompetitive practices in the tech industry continues.

Facebook has been forced to sell Giphy, an online database of animated GIFs widely used by social networks, marking the first time the company has been forced to sell part of its business.

Israel Refuses to Give Ukraine Weapons, but Will Help Build Missile Warning System

Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Wednesday said Israel would not provide weapons to Ukraine, but would help the war torn country build a civilian warning system against aerial threats.

His comments come a day after Ukraine said it would formally ask Israel to supply it with air defense systems like the Iron Dome.

Ukrainians told to ‘charge everything’ as power grid hit by Russia

Ukraine’s national energy company has urged citizens to “charge everything” by 07:00 (04:00 GMT) Thursday because of expected power cuts caused by Russian missile strikes.

Energy plants were hit by Russian missiles again on Wednesday – part of a wave of such strikes since 10 October.

Outages of up to four hours at a time will affect the whole country on Thursday, grid operator Ukrenergo said.

It comes as Russia declares martial law in areas of Ukraine it has annexed.


Charlie Crist Loses Campaign Manager Less than 3 Weeks Out from Election 

Florida Democrat gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist’s campaign manager has left the campaign trail less than three weeks away from the election.

Austin Durrer will be replaced by Sydney Throop, who previously ran Crist’s congressional campaigns and guides daily operations for his gubernatorial campaign. Durrer left the high-stakes campaign “to focus on a family matter,” according to Crist spokeswoman Samantha Ramirez.

Durrer’s departure comes amid falling poll numbers for Crist. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), who has maintained a polling advantage over Crist, has extended his lead to double-digits, according to a recent Sachs Media Group poll.

IRS Releases Inflation Adjustments for 2023 Taxes: Here’s What It Means for You

As the cost of living has soared for Americans battling against chronic inflation, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may be bringing some welcome relief.

The federal agency announced on Oct. 18 a string of new annual inflation adjustments that will impact the 2023 tax year, potentially bringing a boost to your paycheck, particularly if your salary hasn’t kept up with the increasing cost of living.

Tax rates are typically adjusted for inflation annually by the IRS, so this is nothing new; but with red-hot inflation currently at a 40-year high in the United States, this year’s changes are likely to feel more significant for millions of Americans.

The adjustments will impact individual income tax brackets, deductions, and credits for next year, potentially bringing relief to taxpayers who may now fall into lower tax brackets.

Government Watchdog Investigates ‘Conflicts of Interest’ in Lawsuit Against Labor Department

A government watchdog group has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Labor over its alleged refusal to release documents that could potentially show “conflicts of interest” issues among the department’s senior officials.

Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT) filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Oct. 10. According to its complaint (pdf), the group filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Labor Department on Jan. 25, seeking documents related to political appointees receiving waivers to ethics laws and regulations.

“The release of these documents is in the public interest because they will help the public understand which high-level Department officials have potential conflicts of interest, how the Department is addressing those conflicts, and whether officials are following the rules,” the complaint explains.

As of Oct. 10, the group wrote in the court document that the Labor Department had not made a determination concerning its FOIA request—well over the statutory period for federal agencies to make a decision.

INTERACTIVE MAP: https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/ 

(Play with this map while listening to Duck and Cover and the NYC PSA Nuke Spot!

Pick the city closest to you, the size of the megaton warhead and whether the burst is air or ground and hit the detonate button.  You can also see the estimated casualties

from the blast as well as the blast radius and the potential risks of danger.)

Damage Zones after a Nuclear Detonation: Idealized Maps

(Now you can see, by this government’s own admission, how much they care about your safety … versus its own!)

Emergency Petition Asks Supreme Court to Block Biden’s Student Loan Program

A group of Wisconsin taxpayers filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court on Oct. 19 to put an end to the student loan forgiveness plan announced by President Joe Biden in August.

The emergency request was filed with Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who handles emergencies from Wisconsin and has the option to act on her own or refer the petition to the nine-justice court. Taxpayers argued that the court should scrap Biden’s program because it unlawfully encroaches on Congress’ spending power.

“The assault on our separation of powers—and upon the principle that the spending power is vested solely in Congress—is extraordinary, and perhaps unprecedented,” the Brown County Taxpayers Association wrote in court papers (pdf). “We are witnessing a gargantuan increase in the national debt accomplished by a complete disregard for limitations on the constitutional spending authority.”

Biden’s proposal would forgive up to $10,000 in federal student loans for those making less than $125,000 a year for individuals or $250,000 for married couples or heads of households, and up to $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients who meet the income threshold. The White House could reportedly start processing requests for loan forgiveness as soon as this weekend.

For Every Dead Body Found, 5 to 10 More Out There: Texas Sheriff on Illegal Alien Deaths

In Texas, 70 miles north of the U.S.–Mexico border, a rural sheriff’s office spends more than 85 percent of its time on border-related issues.

Often it’s to search for illegal immigrants who have called 911 and are lost, dehydrated, or injured as they walk on private ranchland in an attempt to skirt the nearby highway checkpoint that Border Patrol operates.

Other times it’s to find a dead body.

So far this year, 79 bodies have been recovered within Brooks County’s 944-square miles, Sheriff Benny Martinez told The Epoch Times’ The Nation Speaks.

Last year, the sheriff’s office recovered 119 bodies, which was a record high. In 2020, 34 bodies were recovered. 

Martinez estimates that for every body they find, another 5 to 10 are never recovered.

“I’ve spoken to a lot of mothers over the telephone, or they’ve been here in my office, crying for their loved ones that have been lost for 10, 15 years,” Martinez, a Democrat, said.

“Our terrain is real sandy. We’re about 100 foot above sea level. So once that sand starts going over that body, and that body starts getting torn apart by the feral hog, by the coyote … the only time it’s recovered is when they’re moving cattle and they turn the soil over… [and] a skull would pop up, or something. Body parts would pop up. That’s how we’re going to find out that something laid there for a while. I mean, what is compassionate about that?”

VIDEO: North Carolina High Schools Cancel Volleyball Games Against One School After Transgender Player Injures Girl

High schools in Cherokee County, North Carolina, have canceled volleyball matches against one school after a transgender athlete (a boy living as a girl) injured another girl at a recent game.

The injury occurred last month when a Highlands High volleyball player made a spike and smashed a Hiwassee Dam High player in the forehead, causing severe head injuries.

Judge: Trump allegedly engaged in ‘conspiracy to defraud’ US, knew fraud claim was wrong

U.S. District Judge David Carter ordered the transfer of four emails from Trump attorney John Eastman to the House Jan. 6 committee.

A California federal judge has found evidence that former President Donald Trump allegedly engaged in “a conspiracy to defraud the United States,” ordering the transfer of four emails from Trump attorney John Eastman to the House committee investigating the Capitol attacks.

In an 18-page order Wednesday, U.S. District Judge David Carter said the emails were used to press false claims of voter fraud in Georgia even though “President Trump knew that the specific numbers of voter fraud were wrong” and that Trump “continued to tout those numbers, both in court and to the public.”

“The Court finds that these emails are sufficiently related to and in furtherance of a conspiracy to defraud the United States,” the judge concluded as part of a continuing review of Eastman’s communications and the lawyer’s efforts to resist disclosure to the House committee.

DOJ says it needs more money for the Jan. 6 probe. The next spending bill may be its last chance.

The Justice Department says extra funding is “critically needed” to sustain its investigation into Jan. 6, but the message hasn’t broken through with some on the Hill.


McMorris Rodgers: China’s ‘Accumulating More Oil’ While Biden Drains the SPR

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow,” Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) stated that while President Joe Biden has drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to its lowest level in nearly 40 years, “China is accumulating more oil.”

Rodgers said, “It is just outrageous what President Biden is doing right now with the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. It’s now at the lowest level since 1984. And meanwhile, China is accumulating more oil. They now have the largest petroleum reserve. It makes no sense. And we are anxious for Election Day. We are anxious for the Republicans to win the majority in the House so that we can unleash American energy, so that we can send a strong signal that we want more oil and natural gas production in the United States of America. We want to build more refineries. We want to export LNG to our allies around the world. But we also want to send a strong signal to the investment community that they need to be funding, they need to be investing in American oil and natural gas. It’s so critical to our national security, to our economy. The foundation of our economy is energy. And I cannot overstate how important it is for us to unleash American energy, invest in energy infrastructure, more pipelines, hydropower, nuclear, clean coal. We have abundant energy resources in the United States. It’s foundational to our way of life, our leadership, and the Republicans are ready to advance that agenda.”

Missouri Yanks $500 Million In Pension Funds From Blackrock

Missouri State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick today announced that the Missouri State Employees’ Retirement System (MOSERS) has sold all public equities managed by BlackRock, Inc., pulling approximately $500 million in pension funds from the investment manager.

At the MOSERS Board of Trustees meeting in June, the board directed staff to require BlackRock to abstain from voting proxies on behalf of the plan, due to concerns with their public statements and record of prioritizing ESG initiatives over shareholder return. BlackRock refused the Board’s demand to abstain from voting the plan’s proxies. As a result, MOSERS proceeded with, and has now completed, the sale of all of its equity holdings with BlackRock. The funds are now primarily managed through contracts held by NISA, a St. Louis-based investment manager.

“This is the right thing to do for Missouri state employees who rely on the assets managed by MOSERS for their retirement. Fiduciary duty must remain the top priority for investment managers—a duty some of them have abdicated in favor of forcing a left wing social and political agenda that has failed to succeed legislatively, on publicly traded companies,” Treasurer Fitzpatrick said.  “MOSERS has an obligation to manage its assets in a way that prioritizes providing maximum possible returns for retirees and taxpayers. We should not allow asset managers such as BlackRock, who have demonstrated that they will prioritize advancing a woke political agenda above the financial interests of their customers, to continue speaking on behalf of the state of Missouri. It is past time that all investors recognize the massive fiduciary breach that is taking place before our eyes, and do something about it. As Treasurer and as a member of the MOSERS Board, I will continue fighting for Missourians to stop their tax dollars from being weaponized against them.”

19 Attorneys General Announce Investigation into Six Wall Street Firms over ESG Investing

Nineteen Republican attorneys general announced an investigation into six Wall Street firms regarding their involvement with the United Nations Net-Zero Banking Alliance.

The nineteen attorneys general served Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo with civil investigative demands, which reportedly act as a subpoena, asking for documents relating to the companies’ involvement with the United Nations (UN) Net-Zero Banking Alliance.

Following BlackRock Divestment, GOP State Treasurers Set Sights on AT&T

State Treasurer of Nebraska John Murante (R), joined by the Republican State Treasurers of Louisiana, South Carolina, West Virginia and Wyoming, has delivered a warning shot to AT&T, sending a letter to the telecom giant demanding answers regarding its blacklisting of the One America News (OAN) network.

The move comes amid a rapid escalation in the willingness of Republican state treasurers to flex their financial muscles against corporations that gave fallen to political partisanship.

Homebuilder Confidence Falls for Record 10th Straight Month

Home construction companies continue to be stuck in a deep rut, as confidence in the market falls once again this month.

Rising mortgage rates and building material shortages have made new housing less affordable for most of the year, pushing away first-time buyers.

The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) reported on Oct. 19 that its monthly Wells Fargo Housing Market Index fell eight points, to 38 this month for the tenth month in a row. This is the longest stretch of declining confidence on record.

“This situation is unhealthy and unsustainable,” said NAHB Chairman Jerry Konter in a press statement.

“Policymakers must address this worsening housing affordability crisis.”

Homebuilder sentiment on the index was strong, at 90 only a year ago. A reading above 50 indicates a healthy home-building market. Economists were expecting a softer decline, to 44, this month, after it hit 46 in September.

With the exception of the early part of the pandemic in 2020, when the country was on lockdown, rates now are at their lowest level since August 2012.

Breitbart Business Digest: Bidenflation Set to Steal Christmas—Again

It looks like Bidenflation is preparing to steal Christmas again this year.

A combination of a worsening economic outlook and rising prices will curb holiday shopping this year, according to the annual holiday retail survey from Deloitte.

Holiday shopping is expected to be flat compared with last year, the survey showed. The average household plans on spending $1,455 on holiday shopping this year. Yet prices are up 8.2 percent over the past 12-months. As a result, inflation adjusted spending will be down.

Poll: 93% of Voters Concerned About Soaring Inflation, Poor Economy 20 Days Before Midterms

Ninety-three percent of registered voters are concerned about soaring inflation and the poor economy with the midterm election just 20 days away, a Wednesday Politico/Morning Consult poll found.

Ninety-three percent say they are either “very concerned” (71 percent) or “somewhat concerned” (22 percent) about inflation brought on by the Democrats’ massive spending and the war on American energy.


Electric Disaster: Four People Killed in Fiery Tesla Crash

Four people were killed Tuesday in Martin County, Florida due to a two-vehicle crash involving a minivan and a Tesla. The Tesla caught on fire following the collision. One bystander described trying to rescue a teen from the Tesla, saying: “I was face to face. I tried to crawl up underneath the car to try and do something there but the fact it was exploding people were yelling, ‘the car is going to explode, the car is going to explode.’ I couldn’t physically reach the kid that was in there.”

Florida Highway Patrol spokeswoman Indiana Miranda said the car crash occurred when the front of a Tesla sedan collided with the right front of a Chrysler minivan in an intersection, causing the electric vehicle to flip over and catch fire, according to a report by WPTV.

Tesla ‘Autopilot’ Safety Questioned After Three Fatal Crashes with Motorcycles in 2 Months

The safety of Tesla’s “Autopilot” is being questioned after it was involved in a third fatal motorcycle crash that made a disturbing trend in accidents clear. The three fatal crashes occurred in a 51-day span, and all involve a Tesla driver striking a motorcycle in the early morning hours with Autopilot active, according to a report by CNN.

While Tesla’s Autopilot system is meant to keep the vehicle in its lane, drivers are nonetheless instructed to keep their hands on the steering wheel at all times. But research shows that drivers using Autopilot look away from the road more often, and that many of them believe their cars drive themselves.

Granholm: We Want to ‘Accelerate the Transition to Clean Energy,’ EVs Will Help Consumers ‘If’ They’re Able to Get One ‘Eventually’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Katy Tur Reports,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said that the Biden administration wants “to accelerate the transition to clean energy, so that we’re not held hostage to these global ups and downs and volatility associated with the fossil fuel sector.” And that increasing U.S. electric vehicle production “will reduce the demand for fossil fuels and certainly will alleviate people’s pocketbooks if they’re able to be able to get into one of those electric vehicles eventually.”

Granholm said, “We want to make sure that we increase production right now, which is part of what was announced today on oil and gas, but we also want to accelerate the transition to clean energy, so that we’re not held hostage to these global ups and downs and volatility associated with the fossil fuel sector.”

Mysterious GPS Disruptions Spread Across Texas; FAA Issues Warning to Pilots

The Federal Aviation Administration this week warned pilots about mysterious disruptions to GPS signals in Texas as a runway at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport was shut down.

The FAA told Bloomberg that it’s investigating possible jamming of the global positioning system (GPS) that aircraft use to guide them to runways and during their flights. The FAA also confirmed that the Dallas airport runway was shut down temporarily.

So far, according to the FAA, it has found “no evidence of intentional interference.” However, the agency didn’t appear to say what might be the cause. The FAA didn’t respond by press time to a request for comment.

American Airlines told Bloomberg that the GPS problem wasn’t affecting its business, and Southwest Airlines said it wasn’t experiencing any disruptions.

Flight tracking website ADS-B appeared to have been the first to report GPS interference around Dallas on Oct. 17.

“Significant GPS interference being reported by pilots in the Dallas area. Aircraft being rerouted onto non-RNAV arrivals,” it wrote.


Report: TikTok ‘Security’ Deal with U.S. Government Likely to Let User Data Leak to China

Users of the China-owned social media platform TikTok would still risk having personal data exposed to hacking and espionage by China — even if the U.S. government sets up a security agreement designed to prevent the platform from being banned, former national security officials and other experts say.

Meanwhile, the Justice Department is reviewing an agreement that would keep TikTok — which has been described as “a data collection service that is thinly veiled as a social network” — accessible to U.S. users.

Restoring Financial Privacy

79% of Americans believe that it is unreasonable for your bank to share your financial records and bank transactions with the federal government.


And an even bigger majority (83%) think that the government should have to obtain a warrant to be able to access your financial records.


Antibiotics Linked to Fatal Heart Condition

Fluoroquinolones, long associated with Achilles tendonitis and rupture, have been demonstrated to increase your risk of aortic dissection (a tear in the wall of the major artery, allowing blood to flow between the layers) or aortic rupture, which can lead to death

Even though “black-box” warnings are now attached to them, fluoroquinolones are still often prescribed for upper respiratory infections or urinary tract infections

Antibiotic use can trigger a permanent change in your gut microbiome, which accounts for nearly 80% of your immune system function, so it is important to use antibiotics only when absolutely necessary

You may reduce your risk of bacterial and viral infections by supporting your immune system through simple lifestyle measures, such as quality sleep, fermented foods, regular exercise and optimizing your vitamin D level

Antidepressants Rarely Outperform Sugar Pills

The serotonin hypothesis posits that low serotonin levels in your brain are responsible for symptoms of depression. However, there’s little to no evidence for this. A number of studies have debunked the serotonin hypothesis, which is the basis upon which drug makers market SSRI antidepressants like Prozac, Lexapro and Zoloft

According to recent research, “The main areas of serotonin research provide no consistent evidence of there being an association between serotonin and depression, and no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations”

The primary effect of SSRIs is to superimpose an abnormal drug state over your symptoms, much like recreational drugs and alcohol would. The small benefits seen in some drug trials are due to emotional numbing

This numbing effect comes at a steep price, as it also prevents you from experiencing emotional highs and does little to counteract the loss of energy, interest and motivation that are so characteristic of depression

Researchers at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently published the most comprehensive analysis of antidepressant clinical trial data submitted to the FDA, including unpublished trials. The evidence showed antidepressants outperformed placebo in only 15% of patients, and almost exclusively in those with the most severe depression

→ Power Mall Product Recommendation: Lithium Balance (200 CT) – The trace mineral organic lithium, paired with organic orotate, creates a safe potential mood stabilizer and possible healthy alternative to anti-depressants, which many professionals have used naturally for many years. Lithium Balance is 100% natural and completely safe to use. It does not lower your energy level and has no harmful side effects.

Colonoscopies Fail to Reduce Colorectal-Related Deaths

A landmark study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found the “benefits” of colonoscopies are not as great as they’re made out to be

After 10 years, those who were invited to get colonoscopies had an 18% lower risk of colorectal cancer than the unscreened group

There was no statistically significant reduction in the risk of death from colorectal cancer in the group invited to screening compared to those who were not screened

Colonoscopy may, in practice, reduce colorectal cancer risk similarly to other less expensive, and less invasive, screenings, including fecal testing

Colonoscopies can cause serious adverse events, including death, bleeding after removal of a precancerous polyp and perforation

→ Ending soon: Get FREE shipping when you purchase a Colon Cleanse set from The Power Mall (1 bottle of OxyPowder & 1 bottle of LateroFlora) no code necessary, discount will apply in cart.


Bill Gates Approves Of European Energy Crisis To Drive Faster Adoption Of Alternative Energy

While people in Europe face the prospect of not being able to afford to heat their homes this winter, and experiencing freezing dark blackouts, Bill Gates declared that “in the long run” the energy crisis is a “good” thing.

Touting his Breakthrough Energy Ventures climate-technology (carbon tax) investment company, Gates told CNBC “People did get a little optimistic about how quickly the transition could be done.”

“Without the Russian natural gas being available in Europe… it’s a setback,” Gates continued.

“We need to find non Russian hydrocarbon sources to substitute for those so there’s coal plants running and variety of things, because, you know, keeping, you know, people warm, keeping those economies in decent shape is a priority,” Gates asserted.

He continued, “Now, on the other hand, it’s good for the long run, because people won’t want to be dependent on Russian natural gas so they’ll move to these new approaches more rapidly.”

→  Watch on Twitter

OPEC+ Oil Cut Came at ‘Worst Possible Moment’: US Official

The recent move by OPEC+ to decrease oil output came at the “worst possible moment” and will have “wide-ranging” impacts, according to a U.S. official.

On Oct. 5, OPEC+, an alliance of oil-producing nations led by Saudi Arabia and Russia, reduced their oil output target for November by 2 million barrels per day. During her visit to the Middle East, Barbara Leaf, assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs, said to reporters that the OPEC+ oil cuts come as the world is only emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic and is also dealing with the consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine, according to Bloomberg.

Despite the decision by the oil cartel, and subsequent criticism leveled against Saudi Arabia, Leaf insisted that the Middle East nation remains a strong ally of Washington.

The Biden administration would take a “methodical” approach to deal with Riyadh, she said. “Nobody has suggested an escalation … I will undoubtedly go to Saudi Arabia at some point, just not on this visit.”

OPEC+ members have publicly stated that the decision to reduce output was a unanimous one. However, Washington has accused Saudi Arabia of engineering the output reduction for political reasons, and pointed out that the organization’s decision would end up boosting Russia’s foreign earnings.

Last week, U.S. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that “more than one” member from OPEC had felt coerced by Saudi Arabia into casting the vote in support of the oil cut, according to Reuters. The OPEC+ decision would blunt the sanctions imposed on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, he added.


How Safe is it, Really, to Eat Food Grown in an Urban Garden?

To figure out whether it’s safe to grow food in an urban environment, we have to get pretty deep into what possible dangers there are, whether those dangers are at a high-enough level to affect people negatively, and whether there are any fixes that can counteract those dangers.

Urban farming does present some difficulties not seen in more rural environments; the greater concentrations of people and pollution can have an adverse effect on soil. The most common contaminants in soil are lead, other heavy metals like arsenic and copper, and a group of baddies known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs. These come from a wide variety of places, including paint, fuel emissions, treatments on wood, coal ash, sewage, and pesticides.

Different urban environments have different levels of all of these. Older cities, even those in the US which aren’t nearly as old as those in the rest of the world, tend to have higher levels of heavy metals, because use of products including those chemicals was much more common a few decades ago. But other than that, contamination doesn’t seem to vary all that much: one recent study found that even New York City, one of the country’s oldest major cities and its most dense, has levels of PAH contamination basically the same as any other city.


Ivermectin Key for Early COVID-19 Treatment: Dr. Paul Marik

Ivermectin is a key drug for early COVID-19 treatment, Dr. Paul Marik says.

Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug, has shown efficacy against COVID-19 in some studies as a prophylactic and treatment.

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), which Marik helped start, features ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in its early treatment protocol.

“Ivermectin is a remarkable drug,” Marik told EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” during a recent conference.

“It’s antiviral, so it works against a whole host of RNA viruses. This is indisputable. It is anti-inflammatory. We know that there are multiple studies showing that ivermectin is a very powerful anti-inflammatory drug. We know that what it does is it stimulates a process called autophagy, which is very important in the process of healing. And it’s one of the main mechanisms that we use to help patients get rid of spike protein. And ivermectin, believe it or not, stimulates autophagy. The other thing it does, which is important, is it changes [and] improves the microbiome,” Marik added.

Top NIH Official Was Unaware of Boston Lab’s New COVID Research With ‘Eighty Percent’ Kill Rate in Mice

A National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases official said the agency will further evaluate a controversial Boston University-commissioned preprint study that developed a COVID-19 hybrid that killed “80 percent” of lab mice, saying the team involved didn’t clear the work with the federal agency.

Speaking to STAT News, Emily Erbelding, the head of NIAID’s division of microbiology and infectious diseases, suggested that Boston University (BU) researchers didn’t properly disclose what their study would entail and didn’t say they would carry out that specific work. The grant proposal, Erbelding stated, also didn’t make it clear that scientists would possibly be enhancing a COVID-19 strain in reports that were handed to NIAID, the agency headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

This week, BU’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories drew condemnation and controversy when it published (pdf) the non-peer-reviewed paper showing researchers took the spike protein for the COVID-19 Omicron strain and grafted it to the original Wuhan COVID-19 strain. They found that when tested on lab mice, the newly created strain is more lethal than the original Omicron variant—killing 80 percent of mice—although Erbelding noted that the original Wuhan strain killed 100 percent of those mice.

“I think we’re going to have conversations over upcoming days,” Erbelding told STAT on Oct. 18, suggesting the BU team didn’t inform NIAID about what they were planning to do. “We wish that they would have, yes.”

How to Treat the COVID Infection at the Source

McCullough Protocol©: Nasal-Oral Viricidal Washes and Gargles

Everyone is familiar with nasal and oral swab testing for COVID-19.  It should be obvious the virus is replicating in the nose, and with Omicron, the speed of replication has become much greater than the prior strains of the virus.  Thus, there is a wonderful opportunity to reduce viral replication, in fact, kill viruses with agents directly applied in the nasal cavity and the back of the throat.

Use of directly applied therapy is far more effective than swallowing pills or capsules or receiving an intravenous infusion.  The nasal mucosa is a barrier for entry and if functioning well, allows little penetration of virions into systemic circulation where for example a monoclonal antibody could work.  Thus, the McCullough Protocol© starting in 2021, featured the upfront use of nasal washes and oral gargles using viricidal agents.[2]

Many have asked which solutions, mixtures, and frequencies should be used?

One should be reassured that is far more important to use some form of nasal and oral topical therapy as opposed to letting the infection take its course and ultimately invade the lungs and the internal organs.

Depression, Stress, Anxiety on the Rise Since COVID-19 Pandemic: What Can We Do?

Mental health is an essential part of our well-being that affects how we think, feel, and act. People with impaired mental health have difficulties handling stress, making choices, and relating to others. 

The number of people with mental disorders has increased in the past two decades, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. By the end of 2020, more than four in 10 U.S. adults (42.8 percent) have anxiety or depressive disorder symptoms, while before the onset of the pandemic in 2019, this number was 10.8 percent. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among children under age eighteen in the United States has increased to 10.8 percent, and almost 22 percent of adolescents aged 16 to 17 have had at least one major depressive episode.

→ Power Mall Product Recommendation: Lithium Balance (200 CT) – The trace mineral organic lithium, paired with organic orotate, creates a safe potential mood stabilizer and possible healthy alternative to anti-depressants, which many professionals have used naturally for many years. Lithium Balance is 100% natural and completely safe to use. It does not lower your energy level and has no harmful side effects.

6 Main Factors Increase Risk of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury

Why do some people report adverse events after COVID-19 vaccinations while some do not? This question is central to the controversy of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events.

Doctors have identified several factors that contribute to an increased risk of spike protein-induced disease, specifically, post COVID-19 vaccine injury.

Dr. Paul Marik, Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance(FLCCC) co-founder, said at an FLCCC conference on Oct. 15 that long COVID and injury from the COVID-19 vaccines share many overlaps in their symptoms and mechanisms.

Both diseases are systemic, affecting multiple organs, and tissues and are both driven by a high load of spike protein accumulated in these organs and tissues. These spike proteins trigger inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and autoimmunity.

However, not everyone will experience these symptoms.

Whether a person will suffer from vaccine injuries is dependent on both permanent factors and temporal factors impacted by actions and choices.


Therapist: Forcing Children to Declare and Use Pronouns Risks Psychological Harm

A “disturbing trend” in schools across the country risks psychological harm to children by forcing them to identify their gender, declare their preferred pronouns, and refer to others with confusing pronouns that don’t seem to agree with reality, a California child therapist told The Epoch Times.

Pronoun discussions can usher in a more serious form of confusion, known as delirium, warned Teva Johnstone, who practices in southern California. It’s especially risky for young children, she added.

It’s the practice of asking children to refer to a male as “she,” a female as “he,”or one individual as “they” that damages kids, she said. And forcing children to use pronouns that don’t agree with the gender they observe causes “a risk of psychological harm.”

That’s because most children learn early that pronouns are supposed to represent the observed sex of that person, said Johnstone, who specializes in counseling young patients with psychological disassociation.

She helps children suffering from a “mind-body disconnect,” mostly found in those with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).


Healthy Pets: A Dog Owners Manual on How To Treat For Radiation Sickness

Lately there has been a lot of noise in the news and amongst worried dog owners about the issue of radiation sickness in healthy pets; how it affects dogs and what can be done to treat an animal which has been exposed to higher than doses of radiation.

This might seem like a strange condition to be worried about in this day and age, but it is the recent and tragic earthquake in Japan that has gotten many pet owners worried about their dogs health condition.

As you well know that during the large earthquake one of Japans major nuclear energy plants were damaged causing leakages of radioactive chemicals into the air and sea water.

Environmentalists are now worried that because Japan was also hit by a number of other after shocks which caused small tsunamis, some of the contaminants could realistically be swiftly carried over the North Pacific Ocean to Americas west coast cities.

Since the event in Japan veterinary services in places like California have reported higher patient turnovers for radiation sickness check ups, a sudden interest in purchasing buying their pets insurance and advice on what pet medication is needed to protect their dogs from radiation exposure.


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If a nuclear bomb is dropped on your city, here’s what you should (and shouldn’t) do to increase your chance of staying alive

As Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine, concerns about nuclear safety have returned vividly to the fore.

President Vladimir Putin has hinted that he could deploy nuclear weapons in dire circumstances and the US has also alluded that an attack would not go unmatched.  

Experts tend to agree that a nuclear attack is not impossible but remains unlikely. There would be enormous downsides for Russia.

Since their invention, nuclear weapons have only been used twice in war, both times by the US. Since then, such a move is widely considered a red line that world leaders would not dare cross as it might trigger cataclysmic and civilization-ending escalation.

Still, with nine countries sharing about 12,700 nuclear warheads, the risk of nuclear war is always present.

Nuclear weapons are the deadliest weapons ever invented and have gotten a lot stronger since they were used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945

In the unlikely event of a nuclear impact, those closest to the bomb face near-certain death. For those further away, there are simple tips and tricks to increase the chance of survival.

Here are 13 do’s and don’ts in case of a nuclear attack. 

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