June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 21, 2021

President Donald Trump announces social media site

Al Jazeera – President Donald Trump has announced the launch of his own social media platform, nine months after being expelled from all major sites for his role in allegedly inciting violence at the US Capitol following his election defeat last year.

In a statement on Wednesday, Trump said the launch of Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) and its “TRUTH Social” app is meant to remedy his suspensions from sites such as Facebook and Twitter in the wake of the January 6 storming of the Capitol by his supporters as legislators met to certify the victory of the Republican’s Democratic rival, incumbent President Joe Biden.

Eric Clapton Sponsoring a Group of Musicians to Spread Vaccine Skepticism?

Activist Post – Vaccine side effects, injuries, deaths have been reported for decades.  They continue to be reported about the COVID jabs as well, including by music legend Eric Clapton who has been very vocal about his traumatic experience.  A few months ago, Clapton also announced that he refused to perform at venues that require proof of COVID vaccination.  Now he’s reportedly funding musicians to get the word out about vaccine risks, which Rolling Stone magazine interprets as not only “spouting vaccine nonsense — he’s bankrolling it.”

‘We Refuse to Become the Vax Police for Any Govt!’; In-N-Out Boldly Disobeys Jab Mandate

Free Thought Project – The city of San Francisco, despite having a population close to a million people, has experienced one of the lowest fatality rates for COVID-19 in the country. During the entire 20-month span, only 644 people have died from COVID-19 in the county. To put that into perspective, nearly twice as man people have overdosed during that same time period.

Despite the complete lack of a threat posed by COVID-19 in the area, San Francisco implemented a vaccine mandate for indoor businesses. The mandate requires that business owners act as vaccine police for the state and check everyone’s papers before allowing them inside.

This highly disturbing and Orwellian practice is spreading like a plague across the country as people watch their freedoms burn one by one in the name of fighting the pandemic.

The good news is that many people aren’t willing to go along with the government and they are stepping up in inspiring acts of resistance. One of those folks is In-N-Out Chief Legal & Business Officer Arnie Wensinger, who is openly defying the mandate, telling government that his company will not be the vaccine police.

“We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government,” Wensinger said this week.

As a result of In-N-Out’s defiance, the San Francisco Department of Public Health shut them down last week, “because In-N-Out Burger Associates (employees) were not preventing the entry of customers who were not carrying proper vaccination documentation.”

South Korea launches first homegrown space rocket Nuri

BBC – South Korea has launched its first homegrown rocket, stepping up the country’s ambitions in space.

The Korean Satellite Launch Vehicle II, known as Nuri, took off from Goheung, about 500km (310 miles) south of Seoul.

President Moon Jae-in said the vehicle completed its full flight sequence but failed in its goal of putting a dummy satellite in orbit.

Such launches are essential for a space programme but could potentially also have military applications.

South Korea is locked in an arms race with North Korea, with both recently test-firing new weapons. The North put a satellite in orbit in 2012.

Mayor Eric Garcetti to Unvaccinated L.A. City Workers: Get Vaccinated or ‘Lose Your Job’

Breitbart – Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti on Wednesday threatened to fire any city employee who refuses to take the coronavirus vaccine by December 18, saying they “should be prepared to lose their job.”

“The city’s employee vaccine mandate is critical to protecting the health and safety of our workforce and the Angelenos we serve,” Garcetti said on Wednesday.

“Employees must be vaccinated by December 18, and we are putting a rigorous testing program into place in the meantime. Let me be clear: Any employee who refuses to be vaccinated by this date should be prepared to lose their job.”

Los Angeles’ initial vaccination deadline for city employees was Wednesday. However, under a pending city council proposal, workers will have until December 18 to show proof of vaccination. Under the new proposal, unvaccinated workers will have to submit to coronavirus tests twice a week, and $65 will be deducted from each paycheck to cover the testing costs until the deadline. In addition, employees would have to get tested by the city or a vendor selected by the city during their free time. Third-party tests would not be allowed under the proposal. The plan will go before the L.A. City Council next week.

Anthony Fauci and NIH Take Heat over Funding of Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab: ‘Will There Be Consequences?’

Breitbart – Dr. Anthony Fauci and National Institutes of Health (NIH) drew heat Thursday over a document that reveals gain-of-function research was funded at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Communist China.

Fauci had previously denied funding gain-of-function before the Senate in May. The NIH “has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Fauci claimed.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) tweeted, “‘I told you so’ doesn’t even begin to cover it here,” referring to his belief that Fauci lied to the Senate about the funding of gain-of-function research.

If you don’t know where your onions came from, throw them away to prevent salmonella, CDC says

CNN – A salmonella outbreak that has sickened more than 600 people in 37 states has been linked to various types of imported onions, federal health officials said Wednesday.

“Throw away any unlabeled onions at home. Do not eat, sell, or serve red, white, or yellow onions imported from Mexico and distributed U.S.-wide by ProSource Inc,” the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned in a tweet.

Watchdog sues North Carolina town over scholarship intended for Black students

Fox – The city of Asheville, North Carolina, is facing a new lawsuit alleging that it violated the state and U.S. constitutions by designating a scholarship program for Black students.

Announced on Wednesday, the civil rights lawsuit was filed by the conservative Judicial Watch (JW) and WNC Citizens for Equality Inc. The latter claims that at least three of its members who said they would apply for the city’s scholarship if not for their race.

The city voted in April to donate nearly $1 million to two nonprofits – Asheville City Schools Foundation (ACSF) and CoThinkk – as part of a settlement for a class action lawsuit involving utility bills. According to the city, those two organizations were chosen for their efforts in advancing racial equity.

On its website, ACSF describes two scholarships – each of which appear to be limited to Black individuals. 

“We thank the city for entrusting us with this generous donation which will be used for the creation of two scholarships,” it reads. 

“One will be established as a scholarship fund for a cohort of Black educators and staff of Asheville City Schools who are pursuing their next level of education and/or certification and another scholarship will be awarded in perpetuity to Black high school students within Asheville City Schools, with special consideration given for students pursuing a career in education.”

JW’s lawsuit reflected a broader, nationwide battle over efforts to achieve “equity,” which many say has been used to justify overt racism.

“It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of race and setting up a ‘blacks only’ scholarship is wildly unconstitutional,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a press release Wednesday. “This civil rights lawsuit seeks to ensure that no student in Asheville is denied educational scholarship opportunities on account of race.”

UK Dog owners face JAIL and £20,000 fine if they put pets on vegetarian diet

Daily Mail – Dog owners could be jailed and slapped with a £20,000 if they put their pets on a vegetarian diet, charities warn.

People could be breaking the Animal Welfare Act 2006 if they try to stop their animal eating meat, the Blue Cross said.

The legislation says pets must be given a ‘suitable diet’ which paves the way for prosecution if experts deem meatless meals inapt.

Celebrities have jumped on the bandwagon of feeding their animals vegetarian or vegan food in recent years.

F1 driver Lewis Hamilton frequently boasts on social media his bulldog Roscoe is on a plant-based diet.

The shift comes as more humans sway towards a meat-free lifestyle because they think it will save the planet.

But the Blue Cross, an animal welfare charity, highlighted how the Animal Welfare Act 2006 could see owners prosecuted if they do not feed their pets correctly.

It shows people have a legal duty to provide welfare needs, with section nine saying domestic animals have the right to ‘eat a suitable diet’.

The advice accompanying this does not include any reference to vegan or vegetarian food.

But it does they should ‘meet all of your dog’s nutritional needs’ whether that be wet food, raw food or kibble.

President of the British Veterinary Association Daniella Dos Santos said last year: ‘In the UK, under the Animal Welfare Act the owner has the obligation to feed the animal an appropriate diet. 

‘If your personal belief system means you don’t want to eat any animal protein, that’s fine, but that diet is not designed to meet the welfare standards of your pet.’

She continued: ‘It is theoretically possible to feed a dog a vegetarian diet, but it’s much easier to get it wrong than to get it right.’

She added: ‘You would have to do it under the supervision of a veterinary-trained nutritionist.’

Southwest Airlines backs down from vaccine mandate after massive protests

NaturalNews – Hundreds of employees with Southwest Airlines are pushing back against the federal government’s unlawful vaccine mandate, and the company is beginning to accommodate their employees, instead of firing them. Southwest Airlines is considered a federal contractor. The Biden administration believes all federal contractors are now property of the federal government. In this delusion of power, the Biden administration requires all federal contractors to give up their medical privacy and body autonomy and submit to selective vaccine mandates.

Dozens of pilots, flight attendants and other employees came together to protest the human rights abuses carried out by their employer, which have been enforced by the federal government and the threat of extortion. Employees were set to be terminated by December 8. However, over two hundred employees gathered outside the company’s Dallas headquarters on October 18 to publicly oppose the unlawful vaccine mandate.

Biden continues to deny that supply shortages are occurring in the US

NaturalNews – President Joe Biden continues to deny the fact that the supply chain crisis that he is unable to resolve has created shortages in all kinds of goods in America.

Supply chain experts do not doubt that the situation the U.S. is in is only one part of a global supply chain crisis. While elected officials like Biden will not be able to do much about the issue overseas, there is plenty it can and should be doing to alleviate the situation in the country.

Biden has insisted on multiple occasions that his administration is working hard to deal with the situation. But there is no indication that the supply chain crisis, which is causing rapid inflation and unprecedented goods shortages, is going to end any time soon.

According to recent reports, there is currently a severe shortage of chicken, coffee, diaper and toilet paper. There are also shortages of other goods in groceries, such as Ben & Jerry flavors, carbonated drinks, fish sticks, frozen meals, Heinz ketchup packets, McCormick gourmet spices, etc.

If the situation doesn’t get resolved immediately, more grocery store items may also be in short supply in the coming months. These include beef and pork products, certain fruits and vegetables, pasta, bread, canned food, pet food, bottled water, beer and other alcoholic beverages.

This is not the first time that Biden has denied the existence of supply shortages. Back in May 2020, when Biden was still a candidate for president, he claimed that America doesn’t have a food shortage problem but “a leadership problem.”

“It’s not a food shortage, it’s a lack of leadership,” he said at the time. “I mean, we have the best agricultural system in the world. It’s the leadership that’s – we can’t afford to let people go wondering where they’re going to get their next meal. And so right now, hunger today isn’t about scarcity, it’s about massive failures in leadership.”

“Now that Biden is the one in leadership, does he still believe that it’s unconscionable for Americans to wonder where they’ll get their next meal?” writes Spencer Brown, managing editor for conservative media outlet Townhall. “Does he still think America’s agricultural system should mean America ought to be immune to food shortages?”

“The next time you find an empty aisle in your grocery store or try to order your favorite fast-food meal that’s suddenly unavailable, blame America’s ‘leadership problem,’ and the man in charge,” he adds. “After all, that’s what the president told us to do.” (Related: Hashtag #EmptyShelvesJoe goes viral as Americans rage over broken sup

Parts shortage hitting farmers hard as supply chain crisis expected to persist well into 2022

NaturalNews – The supply chain crisis is currently hitting America’s agriculture industry hard as parts shortages and other problems affecting farmers are expected to persist well into 2022.

CNH Industrial, one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural equipment, recently announced that it is idling production in Europe due to the semiconductor shortage that has plagued the world since early 2020.

Furthermore, the amount of fertilizer being shipped into the United States is significantly less than what many farmers expected, and many are now concerned there won’t be enough in time for planting next spring.

Many other issues connected to the supply chain crisis are making America’s agricultural workers concerned, including the massive congestion at the ports and the labor shortage affecting the trucking and delivery industries. (Related: Farmers hit hard as supply chain crisis causes massive shortage in machinery and parts.)

Many farmers all over the country are now desperate, as local dealerships run short on necessary parts for their farm equipment.

Gordon Stands, the owner of Stands Farms in Butler County, Kansas, points out that the shortage has lasted at least the past six months and has only gotten worse. Essential pieces are difficult to find and prices for those that can be purchased immediately have gone up.

“They’re really concerned about the input cost rising and even being able to get what you need to put a crop in,” says Stands, who spent the last week searching for another turbo engine.

Stands explains that the shortage is impacting more than just individual parts.

“I’ve heard in several of the dealerships have allocations on combines on sprayers,” he says. “So, if you wanted one and you were a cash buyer just wanting to go purchase one, there’s a pretty good chance you wouldn’t even be able to get one to order for another year.”

Stands says that the situation has made many farmers like himself desperate, and they are now looking for used equipment instead. “It’s really difficult to find right now getting used equipment. It’s selling at a premium.”

To get his hands on the turbo engine he needed, he has to travel more than 350 miles north to South Dakota. “We normally wouldn’t go that far, but that’s where it was. So, that’s where we went.”

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