July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 23, 2023

VIDEO OF RUSSIA’S NEWS AVANGARD ICBM … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buhr2RN19SY

This missile is undetectable to U.S. radar warning systems. In other words, you will have no advance warning and the video clearly shows how the newest nuclear weapons in the Russian arsenal are capable of completely vaporizing a metropolitan area like New York City (the U.S. financial center) or Washington, D.C. (the U.S. political center) in a matter of seconds!  No one would have time to hide in Mount Weather! 

Israel Fears ‘3-Front War’ as Tensions Mount in West Bank

Palestinian anger explodes in West Bank as Israeli warplanes continue to pound Gaza Strip in response to Hamas’s deadly cross-border raid.

As Israel gears up to invade the besieged Gaza Strip, military officials have voiced fears of a possible “third front” opening up in the next-door West Bank.

Speaking to Reuters on Oct. 20, Jonathan Conricus, an army spokesman, said Gaza-based terrorist group Hamas sought to “engulf” Israel in a “two- or three-front war.”

“The threat is elevated,” the spokesman said.

Biden Pays, Rockets Fly: Administration Sent $1 Billion In Palestinian Aid After Trump’s Freeze

U.S. Mideast peace negotiators felt that freezing aid to Palestinians was disrespectful. But as soon as Biden opened the spigot, Hamas launched thousands of rockets from Gaza at Israel.

TOPLINE: Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com found that the Biden Administration spent more than $1 billion from U.S. taxpayers on “aid” to Palestinians. It proposes sending another $260 million in its FY2024 budget request, but that funding is not yet approved by Congress.

Here’s how the Biden Administration allotted U.S. taxpayer Palestinian-aid through the United Nations: $318.4 million (2021), $363.9 million (2022), and $371 million (2023).

Biden’s spending binge is a sharp reversal from President Donald Trump’s August 2018 freeze. Biden started pouring taxpayer dollars into Gaza and the West Bank in April 2021.

China Creates ‘Global A.I. Governance Initiative’ to Control World’s Tech

China on Wednesday launched its “Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative” at the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) forum in Beijing.

Although Chinese state media touted the A.I. initiative as an “open, inclusive, and fair approach” to A.I. development, the presence of international villains such as Russian leader Vladimir Putin and the Taliban at the BRI forum hinted at the true and much darker purpose of the Chinese Communist Party’s plans.

China Ramped up Harassment of the U.S. Military After Joe Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

China’s military dramatically increased its harassment of U.S. aircraft in the Asia-Pacific region after the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal, a newly released Pentagon report indicates.

The yearly report on China’s military said that between the fall of 2021 and the fall of 2023, the United States tracked more than 180 instances of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) coercive and risky air intercepts against U.S. aircraft in the region, which amounted to “more in the past two years than in the previous decade.”

Joe Biden Demands Billions to Fly, Bus More Migrants into U.S. Communities

President Joe Biden’s deputies are asking Congress for $14 billion extra to help bus illegal migrants up to the U.S. border and onward into hotels in many cities and towns around the nation.

The request is being touted as “border security” even though very few funds would be used to exclude economic migrants. For example, Biden’s deputies have ushered more than 300,000 economic migrants through the U.S. border in September alone. The 2023 inflow has added up to roughly 2.5 million, not counting legal migrants and temporary workers.

Antimicrobial Resistance Responsible for Over Half a Million Deaths in the Americas: Study

Bacterial antimicrobial resistance falls into the WHO’s top 10 threats to humanity. A study reveals how much this deadly problem affects the Americas.

Over half a million deaths spanning 35 countries were tied to bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR), according to what researchers are calling the most comprehensive AMR burden analysis assessing this particular part of the world. This number has global health officials on edge, considering the growing problem is listed as one of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) top 10 public health threats facing humanity.

The large study, recently published in The Lancet Regional Health–Americas, drew from multiple international sources that provided data from all 35 countries of the WHO Region of the Americas for 23 bacterial pathogens and 88 pathogen-drug combinations.

New Zealand is a Crime Scene: In one clinic, in one day 30 people were covid injected and all 30 have died

Former TV presenter Liz Gunn published a video update yesterday describing an instance of one clinic in New Zealand where 30 people received a covid injection and all 30 of them have died, within the same time frame.

Talk about a national security risk … 

White House Says It Deleted Uncensored Photo of Special Forces Personnel in Israel

Photo removed an hour later after it had garnered over 6,000 likes on the official White House Instagram page.

The White House said Thursday that it had deleted a revealing photo of what appeared to be U.S. special operation force members meeting with President Joe Biden, who was on a high-profile visit to Israel on Oct. 18.

Self-proclaimed intelligence analyst Sam Shoemate shared a screenshot of the photo—which he had censored—on X, saying that the White House posted it on Instagram without blurring out the faces of Delta Force operators.

The now-deleted photo was captioned with: “In Israel, President Biden met with first responders to thank them for their bravery and the work they’re doing in response to the Hamas terrorist attacks.”

Mr. Shoemate said the photo was removed an hour later after it had garnered over 6,000 likes. “This is a massive failure on the Biden admin,” he stated on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Oct. 19.

The U.S. Department of Defense generally blurs off the faces of special operations forces troops in photos and videos due to the sensitive nature of their operations.

The White House later apologized for the error and said that it had deleted the photo from its social media account.

Is this why the sailors got a steak and lobster dinner?  

Pentagon Chief Concerned About Threats to US Troops in Middle East

Top officials expressed concern about an escalation of the Israel–Hamas conflict across the broader Middle East.

Top U.S. officials see the prospect of a significant escalation in attacks on U.S. troops in the Middle East and of Iran seeking to widen the Israel–Hamas war, the top U.S. diplomat and defense officials said on Oct. 22.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Oct. 22 that the United States doesn’t want to see the conflict spread and that recent U.S. deployments to the region were designed to prevent that from occurring.

Mr. Blinken told NBC News that he hopes more hostages will be freed by Hamas, a State Department-designated terrorist group that attacked Israel on Oct. 7 and killed about 1,400 people, including numerous civilians. Israel has responded with air strikes targeting the Gaza Strip, where Hamas rules.

“We’re concerned about potential escalation. In fact, what we’re seeing … is the prospect of a significant escalation of attacks on our troops and our people throughout the region,” Mr. Austin told ABC’s “This Week” show. “If any group or any country is looking to widen this conflict … our advice is: don’t.”

Is the U.S., Inc. (not America) preparing for WW3?

Defense Secretary Issues Prepare-to-Deploy Orders for U.S. Troops to the Middle East

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin placed additional U.S. troops on prepare-to-deploy orders to the Middle East Sunday after speaking with President Joe Biden.

“I have placed an additional number of forces on prepare to deploy orders as part of prudent contingency planning, to increase their readiness and ability to quickly respond as required,” he said in a statement.

The number of forces put on prepare-to-deploy orders was not specified, but the Pentagon has previously confirmed the number was roughly 2,000. Some troops would come from the U.S. and some from within Europe or other areas of operation.

Austin said he has also activated the deployment of a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery as well as additional Patriot battalions to locations throughout the region to increase protection for U.S. forces.

Federal Agency Conducts Explosion at Nevada Nuclear Test Site

The National Nuclear Security Administration team conducted a “subsurface chemical explosion” on Wednesday.

Federal officials this week tested an explosion at the Nevada National Security Site that was led by the National Nuclear Security Administration, according to a statement.

The National Nuclear Security Administration team conducted a “subsurface chemical explosion” on Wednesday, said the Department of Energy in a press release. It said that the reason for the test was to improve how military officials can detect low-yield nuclear blasts.

“These experiments advance our efforts to develop new technology in support of U.S. nuclear nonproliferation goals,” Corey Hinderstein, an agency deputy administrator, said in the release. “They will help reduce global nuclear threats by improving the detection of underground nuclear explosive tests.”

Wednesday’s “experiment” was carried out in the “P tunnel in Area 12” of the test site and used “chemical high-explosives and radiotracers,” the Department of Energy said. It did not elaborate.

“The experiment will help validate new predictive explosion models and detection algorithms,” the release said. “Measurements were collected using accelerometers, seismometers, infrasound sensors, electromagnetic sensors, chemical and radiotracer samplers, and meteorological sensors.”

WATCH: Thousands of Anti-Israel Protesters Clash with Cops on Streets of NYC

Thousands of anti-Israel protesters sparked mayhem across Brooklyn streets Saturday night, clashing with NYPD officers after being repeatedly told to disperse.

The New York Post reports the “Flood Brooklyn for Palestine” demonstration quickly dissolved into chaos at sunset, with protesters shutting down traffic through Bay Ridge, screaming at NYPD officers and lighting small fires in the middle of the roadways.

NYPD officers pushed back protesters and ordered them out of the roadway.

The rally continued into the night with tensions eventually flaring between officers and demonstrators. Police say more than a dozen people were taken into custody, ABC 7 detailed.

Various reports said police were subsequently filmed trying to usher protesters out of a intersection where they had shut down traffic, during which an unspecified number of pro-Palestinians were taken into custody.

Somebody woke up!

Black Lives Matter Leader Stands Behind J6 Prisoners, Endorses Trump

‘This is what the government does to those who express independent thought and want to stand up for what they believe,’ said Mark Fisher.

The founder of a Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization is voicing his support of Jan. 6 prisoners and not shying away from endorsing former President Donald Trump as “the best candidate we have.”

Mark Fisher—who stepped down from his leadership position at BLM Rhode Island, which he co-founded, and is now founder and executive director of the Maryland-based BLM Incorporated—has stood in solidarity with leaders of the Proud Boys and led vigils of prayer for the people he believes to be political prisoners.

“They’re lambs led to slaughter to be sacrificed as an example for all who might want to dissent in the future,” Mr. Fisher told The Epoch Times. “This is what the government does to those who express independent thought and want to stand up for what they believe.”

What he sees in the vindictive treatment of the J6 prisoners are similarities to how black people have been treated, he said, and his aspiration in establishing that connection is to find common ground.

“One of the things I highlight when I speak to them is that they have a whole new understanding now of what black people have been going through with the over-policing, the police brutality, and the unfair treatment in the two-tiered justice system and how oppressive and overreaching it is,” Mr. Fisher said.

The courts in Trump’s cases are seriously trying to silence him …

Trump Fined $5,000 for Violating Gag Order, Judge Warns of ‘Imprisonment’

President Trump had deleted a Truth Social post about the judge’s clerk, but it was still up on a campaign website

New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron had issued a gag order on both parties in a case New York Attorney General Letitia James brought against former President Donald Trump, prohibiting any statements that attack his court staff. On Oct. 20, he admonished the Trump legal team for what he called a “blatant violation” of the gag order.

The same day, the judge issued an order fining President Trump $5,000.

“Donald Trump has received ample warning from this Court as to the possible repercussions of violating the gag order. He specifically acknowledged that he understood and would abide by it. Accordingly, issuing yet another warning is no longer appropriate; this Court is way beyond the ‘warning’ stage,” he wrote.

Judge Stays Trump Gag Order in Federal Election Case

Judge Tanya Chutkan approved an administrative stay, or pause, on her gag order.

Attorneys for former President Donald Trump filed a motion on Friday to temporarily lift the gag order imposed on him in the federal criminal case while he seeks a ruling from an appeals court. Hours later, Judge Tanya Chutkan approved an administrative stay, or pause, on her gag order while President Trump makes his appeal.

The government has until Oct. 25 to file any response, and President Trump would have three days to file a response to any opposition.

“No Court in American history has imposed a gag order on a criminal defendant who is campaigning for public office—least of all, on the leading candidate for President of the United States,” the motion reads, describing the Oct. 17 gag order as “the first of its kind.”

If Judge Chutkan does not approve lifting the gag order, President Trump is requesting a ruling by Oct. 24, after which he will seek an emergency stay, or pause, of that gag order from the appellate court.

“Such expedited consideration is highly warranted in a case raising First Amendment questions of enormous consequence,” the new filing reads.

Isn’t it amazing that none of the guilty pleas included charges of RICO conspiracy?

Trump Attorney Unfazed by Guilty Pleas, Says Lawyer’s Deal Was Result of ‘Pressure’

Mr. Sadow said Ms. Powell’s testimony could only be favorable in President Trump’s case if she indeed testifies truthfully.

Steve Sadow, lead counsel for former President Donald Trump, said the guilty pleas in the Fulton County racketeering case against the former president and several others could only be “favorable” to his defense.

On Aug. 14, 18 defendants were indicted alongside President Trump for allegedly violating Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act plus 40 other counts. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis claimed their efforts to challenge the 2020 election results “constituted a criminal organization.”

Bail bondsman Scott Hall was the first to accept a plea bargain. Then in the days before defendants Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro were to go to trial, they both accepted plea bargains as well.

Censorship cannot be a part of free speech … 

Supreme Court Says Biden Admin Can Contact Big Tech Amid Censorship Allegations

Two lower courts slapped an injunction on the administration, finding there was a ‘coordinated campaign’ to censor disfavored viewpoints online.

The Supreme Court on Friday lifted restrictions on the Biden administration’s communication with social media companies while a lawsuit alleging that a slew of high-level federal officials strong-armed social media companies to censor free speech is ongoing.

The ruling pauses a preliminary injunction issued in response to what two lower courts found to be a “coordinated campaign” by senior Biden administration officials to censor disfavored views expressed on social networking platforms.

The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana originally issued the preliminary injunction on July 4, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit later upheld its ruling unanimously on Oct. 3.

Was it a hate crime?  Authorities now say it wasn’t!

President of a Detroit synagogue found stabbed outside her home

Michigan police are investigating a possible motive to the death of Samantha Woll as friends showed an outpouring of support

The president of a synagogue in Detroit was found stabbed outside her home Saturday morning, according to local newspaper reports.

Samantha Woll, 40, had led the Isaac Agree Downtown synagogue since 2022. The Detroit Free Press reported that she had also worked for Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin as well as the re-election campaign of the Michigan attorney general, Dana Nessel. Slotkin and Nessel are Democrats, and the latter quickly issued a statement lamenting Woll’s killing.

“I am shocked, saddened and horrified to learn of Sam’s brutal murder,” Nessel said in a statement. “Sam was as kind a person as I’ve ever known. She was driven by her sincere love of her community, state and country. Sam truly used her faith and activism to create a better place for everyone.”

Politicians will say anything to push peoples’ hot buttons … and still no speaker!

These 9 candidates have joined the House speaker race after Jim Jordan dropped out

The candidates, who include Majority Whip Tom Emmer and GOP Conference Vice Chair Mike Johnson, are set to make their cases before the Republican Conference on Monday.

House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik said Sunday that nine candidates have joined the race for speaker after Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, dropped his bid last week.

Stefanik, R-N.Y., noted on X that the deadline to announce speaker bids was noon ET Sunday.

The GOP candidate forum is set for 6:30 p.m. ET Monday. Then, an internal conference vote will occur 9 a.m. Tuesday. Speaker Pro Tem Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., has said his intention is to move to a floor vote “as soon as Tuesday.”

… and remember Aesop’s Fable about the wolf and the crane?

Aesop’s Fables: Expect No Reward for Serving the Wicked

A Wolf had been feasting too greedily, and a bone had stuck crosswise in his throat. He could get it neither up nor down, and of course he could not eat a thing. Naturally that was an awful state of affairs for a greedy Wolf.

So away he hurried to the Crane. He was sure that she, with her long neck and bill, would easily be able to reach the bone and pull it out.

“I will reward you very handsomely,” said the Wolf, “if you pull that bone out for me.”

The Crane, as you can imagine, was very uneasy about putting her head in a Wolf’s throat. But she was grasping in nature, so she did what the Wolf asked her to do.

When the Wolf felt that the bone was gone, he started to walk away.

“But what about my reward!” called the Crane anxiously.

“What!” snarled the Wolf, whirling around. “Haven’t you got it? Isn’t it enough that I let you take your head out of my mouth without snapping it off?”

Expect no reward for serving the wicked.

Exclusive: D.C. Residents Fear Crime Surge Turning Area into U.S. War Zone

Many Washington, DC, residents cannot walk their dog, enjoy a local park, or pick up groceries without fear of being stabbed, robbed, or gunned down in the District, a 68 square mile area that local residents described as a “war zone” to Breitbart News.

Just this week, five homicides occurred in 35 hours in three separate highly trafficked areas of the city: Benning neighborhood in Southeast, Capitol Hill in Northeast, and Brightwood in Northwest. One of them entailed a former Democrat staffer for a District council member. Another shocking incident occurred Monday when four men jumped out of a car in the well-to-do Wharf neighborhood with guns drawn to rob restaurantgoers, Metropolitan Police Department footage showed.


Another political stunt … a real joke!

Liz Cheney Says She’s Not Ruling Out 2024 Presidential Run

Former Wyoming congresswoman Liz Cheney drew headlines on Sunday with the comment.

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), a Republican who helped lead the U.S. House panel that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the Capitol, said in an interview broadcast on Oct. 22 that she isn’t ruling out a 2024 presidential bid.

During CNN’s “State of the Union,” host Jake Tapper told Ms. Cheney that it was likely that former President Donald Trump would be the GOP nominee, to which she ultimately responded that “he cannot be the next president.” She then criticized the former president, who leads in current polls by about 40 percentage points on average.

Later, Mr. Tapper asked her, “You’re not ruling out a presidential run?”

“No, I’m not,” said Ms. Cheney, the elder daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney; She didn’t elaborate.

It’s likely that she would garner little support among Republican voters, as other anti-Trump GOP presidential candidates—such as former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson—have failed to gain significant traction in the polls.

Previously, she told news outlets that she wouldn’t run for president if she thought it would help President Trump win the 2024 race, including by initiating an independent presidential bid that might take votes from President Joe Biden.

Two Border Patrol Agents Critically Injured in Arizona Immigration Checkpoint Crash

Two Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents sustained critical injuries when a driver of a white pickup truck crashed into an Arizona interior immigration checkpoint. The two agents were transported to a local hospital and then flown to a Phoenix hospital for more extensive treatment.

Arizona Department of Public Safety troopers are investigating a crash that occurred on Saturday evening at the Border Patrol immigration checkpoint on Interstate 8 between Yuma and Welton, Arizona. Officials report that a 66-year-old man with three passengers sped through the checkpoint and crashed into two agents. Multiple injuries, including the two critical injuries to the agents, were reported, according to the Arizona Daily Independent.

Police are describing the cause of the crash as a “reckless driver.”


IRS Targeting Wealthy Citizens in New Compliance Initiatives

The tax agency is, among other issues, going after individuals having over $1 million in annual income and more than $250,000 in recognized tax debts.

The Internal Revenue Service announced four new initiatives on Friday aimed at ensuring that high-income, high-wealth individuals and large corporations pay the taxes that are “owed” to the agency.

One initiative targets American subsidiaries of foreign companies that distribute goods in the United States, but “do not pay their fair share of tax on the profit they earn” from their U.S. operations, the agency said in an Oct. 20 press release. The IRS is increasing its compliance efforts on such firms. “These foreign companies report losses or exceedingly low margins year after year through the improper use of transfer pricing to avoid reporting an appropriate amount of U.S. profits.”

Transfer price refers to the price charged for goods and services exchanged between multiple divisions of the same company. Firms make use of this tactic to reduce the tax burden of the parent firm.

FTC Considers Investigating Microsoft over Massive Email Breach by Chinese Hackers

The FTC is contemplating an investigation into Microsoft’s adherence to cybersecurity commitments following the massive email hack the revealed troubling vulnerabilities in the tech giant’s defense mechanisms. Hackers were able to access sensitive information in corporate and government email system thanks to Microsoft’s security failures.

The Messenger reports that Microsoft finds itself facing scrutiny from the FTC following the massive cybersecurity leak it suffered this year. A breach that occurred in May, suspected to be the work of Chinese government hackers, exposed the email accounts of Microsoft customers. This breach, however, was only recently brought to light by Microsoft, raising questions about the company’s transparency and cybersecurity robustness.

‘Funflation’: Most Americans Cutting Back on Amusement Parks, Live Entertainment as Prices Soar Under Biden

Bidenomics is ruining the affordable cost of fun in America.

Nearly 60 percent of Americans are cutting back on spending on live entertainment — including amusement parks, rock concerts, and the performing arts — as prices continue to soar through the roof, according to a new survey of 1,000 individuals conducted by the Wall Street Journal and Credit Karma.

Many Americans are being forced to eliminate fun from their budgets altogether.

Roughly 26 percent of the survey’s respondents said they don’t spend any money at all on live entertainment, up from 16 percent before the pandemic.

One analyst dubbed the phenomenon “funflation” — the latest sign that American households are being crushed by President Joe Biden’s economic policies.

Moderna Shaves Off $7 Billion in Value After Pfizer Warning

The pandemic officially ended months ago, allowing a weary public to get back to normal living. That was great news for large swaths of the economy.

But not all of it. Moderna Inc., which shot to fame when it became one the first companies to bring the world Covid-19 vaccines, has been searching for its next big thing ever since. Investors have bailed in droves as waning demand for shots and treatments for the virus drove an eight-day losing streak in the stock.

You Got Elon’d: Tesla Owners Shocked by $20,000 Repair Bill After Company Blames Battery Damage on Rain

A Tesla-owning couple in Edinburgh, Scotland, were left speechless when they received a colossal repair bill of $20,698 from Elon Musk’s car company to fix their EV’s battery. Tesla blamed “rainwater ingress” for turning the electric car into an pile of junk.

Ediburgh Live reports that Johnny Bacigalupo and Rob Hussey, Tesla owners in Edinburgh, Scotland, received a jaw-dropping £17,374 (approximately $20,698) bill for repairing their Tesla. After finding the EV dead and having it towed to Tesla for service, the owners received the massive bill to replace the battery, which Musk’s company was “damaged due to water ingress.” They were informed that the battery damage caused by water was not covered under Tesla’s 8-year warranty, adding to their woes.


There’s formaldehyde in pressed particle board too! So, is the FDA going to ban your home?  It’s in embalming fluid too (hmmm, to make sure you’re really dead)?

FDA Could Ban Formaldehyde in Hair-Straightening Products Over Cancer-Causing Chemicals

It may trigger a large-scale recall of some popular hair straighteners.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has suggested a ban on the inclusion of formaldehyde in chemical hair straightening products—also known as hair relaxers—a treatment frequently sought by African Americans with frizzier hair textures.

The proposed ban is scheduled to take effect in April 2024, according to Forbes.

Formaldehyde is a colorless, combustible compound produced industrially and used in a wide range of products, such as cosmetics, garment making, plastic production, disinfectants, and tobacco smoke, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A potent allergen and a carcinogen, formaldehyde is highly toxic to humans.

Can Choline Help With Our Pain Epidemic?

In a study with mice, the pain relief provided by this nutrient rivaled that of opioids but without the negative effects. Yet it’s extremely difficult to get enough of it from food unless you eat this one item just about every day—which is why an estimated 90 percent of the U.S. population is deficient.

Boosting choline, a precursor for acetylcholine, may be an important part of pain relief, but an estimated 90 percent of the U.S. population is deficient.

Researchers from the University of Chicago revealed that targeting an acetylcholine receptor led to pain-relieving effects in mice, even in animals that were tolerant to opioids.

The pathway did not activate the brain’s reward system, so there’s little chance of addiction, and there was no tolerance built up or withdrawal symptoms when the treatment stopped.

Choline plays a significant role in human health, from neurotransmitter synthesis to cell structures, and may be involved in the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), atherosclerosis, and neurological disorders.

Krill oil and eggs, particularly the yolks, are excellent choline sources.


California 1st to Ban Common Additives in Sweets Linked to Cancer, Behavioral Issues

The ban, which will go into effect in 2027, leads the U.S. in prohibiting ingredients allowed by the FDA but banned elsewhere.

California is moving to ban four food additives commonly found in fruit juices, candy, cookies, and other sweets, in a first for the United States.

As of Jan. 1, 2027, violators could face fines of up to $10,000 as part of a landmark law signed this month to purge brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben, and Red Dye No. 3 from the state’s food supply because of health concerns.

Why These 4 Additives Raised Red Flags

Brominated Vegetable Oil

Brominated vegetable oil is used in soda and other beverages to keep the citrus flavoring intact, according to the Mayo Clinic. In the short term, bromine can irritate the skin and the moist lining of the nose, mouth, lungs, and stomach.

Potassium Bromate

Potassium bromate is a substance added to dough to improve its strength, leading to increased volume and a better texture in baked goods. The Environmental Working Group (EWG), an activist organization that co-sponsored the legislation, estimates that about 190 products such as packaged breads and frozen foods contain the chemical additive


Propylparaben is a preservative that’s designed to prolong the freshness of packaged food by preventing the growth of mold and bacteria. It’s frequently used in items such as corn tortillas, baked desserts, and cake icing. 

Red Dye No. 3

Red Dye No. 3 is a synthetic red food coloring solely used to make foods such as candy, baked goods, and sodas look more appealing to consumers. 

FDA Hasn’t Reviewed the 4 Chemicals in Decades

California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signing of Assembly Bill 418, titled the California Food Safety Act, represents a “huge step forward” in protecting residents from dangerous chemicals in foods, Jesse Gabriel, chair of the state Assembly Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection, said in a statement.

The Potential Effect of Microplastics on Major Organs, Including the Brain: What Science Says

Early research shows reason for concern, finding microplastics can cause inflammation and oxidative stress in mice and accumulate in animal organs.

That delicious slice of pizza that you’re eating may come with an invisible side of plastic. Every day, microplastics—tiny plastic fragments that are smaller than a grain of rice—are making their way into our food supply, our water, and, subsequently, our bodies.

Early research shows reason for concern, finding microplastics can cause inflammation and oxidative stress in mice and accumulate in animal organs.

You’re Likely Ingesting Microplastics Every Day, Studies Warn

Larger plastics such as shopping bags and water bottles degrade into microplastics over time. Elements such as sunlight and water break down plastics that evade waste management, reducing them to microscopic size. Everyday products such as cosmetics, synthetic fabrics, and single-use plastic bags also shed plastic particles. These tiny plastic fragments travel through water, air, and the food chain until they ultimately enter our bodies.

Plastic production has climbed exponentially to more than 460 million metric tons in 2019. It’s estimated that people ingest about 5 grams of plastic per week, an amount equal to the weight of a credit card, according to a 2019 analysis published by the World Wildlife Federation, an independent conservation organization.

Who’s funding these studies? Seriously?

New Study Reveals Link Between Living Alone and Cancer

There has been a marked increase in the number of people living alone in the United States, and an uptick in the number of cancer patients.

Americans who live alone may face a higher risk of dying from cancer, with men, non-Hispanic white adults, and people with higher education levels more susceptible to such risks, according to a recent study.

The Oct. 19 study, published in the American Cancer Society (ACS) journal, analyzed health data from close to half a million American adults between 1998 and 2019, examining the link between cancer mortality and living alone. It found that adults living alone had a 1.32 times higher risk of cancer death compared to adults living in the company of others. Males were at higher risk compared to females.

While socially isolated men had a 1.38 times higher risk of cancer death compared to other men, females living an isolated life had a 1.30 times higher risk. Middle-aged adults (ages 45-64) who lived alone had a 1.43 times higher risk.

The study found racial differences in cancer mortality risk and living alone. The association was stronger among non-Hispanic White adults than non-Hispanic Black adults and did not exist in other racial/ethnic groups. The association persisted among individuals with higher education levels than those with lower education.

The research theorized that stronger social support among people belonging to racial/ethnic minorities and individuals of lower socioeconomic status may have alleviated the association between living alone and cancer death risk in such groups.


The Westminster Declaration: ‘Censorship-Industrial Complex’ Is Creating A ‘Crisis Of Humanity Itself’

In March 1783, George Washington gave an address, “If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” This only tells that there are always those who want to muzzle everyone else. Today, the most prominent anti-free speech cabal is led by Technocrats, and demonstrably so. These are the pied pipers, ne, the Sirens of Crete who lured sailors to their death with irresistible music.

In Greek mythology, the music of the Sirens of Create crowded out all other melodies, and they could only be killed by more beautiful music. Today, Technocrats are wrapped in a simulacrum while spreading their pipe dreams that surely will result in the death of civilization. The only remedy is Free Speech.

“Across the globe, government actors, social media companies, universities, and NGOs are increasingly working to monitor citizens and rob them of their voices. These large-scale coordinated efforts are sometimes referred to as the ‘Censorship-Industrial Complex.”

Researchers test seafloor fiber optic cable as an earthquake early warning system

One of the biggest challenges for earthquake early warning systems (EEW) is the lack of seismic stations located offshore of heavily populated coastlines, where some of the world’s most seismically active regions are located. In a new study, researchers show how unused telecommunications fiber optic cable can be transformed for offshore EEW.

Full ‘Hunter’s Moon’ Set to Grace the Autumn Night Sky in October 2023—All You Need to Know

By the light of the autumn full moon, hunters once readied their muskets, seeking game in preparation for the coming winter. This early tradition gave rise to the event known as the Hunter’s Moon, occurring every fall around this time.

Here are some moon facts—and folklore—to help you enjoy this autumn spectacle to the fullest.

How the Hunter’s Moon Got Its Name

The low-hanging Hunter’s Moon once provided light for peoples of various traditional cultures, enabling them to spot game such as deer or elk that came to feed on scraps from the harvest in the fields. Foxes or coyotes also arrived to prey on these animals. With this convenient moonlight and plentiful game, men set out to hunt to supplement their stores with meat before winter fell—hence the name Hunter’s Moon.

Millions of 23andMe User Records Exposed in Massive Data Leak

Millions of user records from DNA testing company 23andMe have been leaked online by a hacker, marking the second significant breach in recent weeks.

TechCrunch reports that a notorious hacker, identified by the pseudonym “Golem,” has struck again, unleashing a torrent of confidential user records from the popular DNA testing service, 23andMe. This alarming breach follows a previous attack by the same hacker, who has now exposed the personal data of an additional four million users on a well-known cybercrime forum, BreachForums.


The TSA wants to put a government tracking app on your smartphone

Today the Identity Project submitted our comments to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) on the TSA’s proposed rules for “mobile driver’s licenses”.

The term “mobile driver’s license” is highly misleading. The model Electronic Credential Act drafted by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) to authorize the issuance of these digital credentials and installation (“provisioning”) of government-provided identification and tracking apps on individual’s smartphones provides that, “The Electronic Credential Holder shall be required to have their Physical Credential on their person while operating a motor vehicle.”

So the purpose of “mobile driver’s licenses” isn’t actually licensing of motor vehicle operators, as one might naively assume from the name. Rather, the purpose of the “mobile drivers license” scheme is to create a national digital ID, according to standards controlled by the TSA, AAMVA, and other private parties, to be issued by state motor vehicle agencies but intended for use as an all-purpose government identifier linked to a smartphone and used for purposes unrelated to motor vehicles.

We’ve seen the ways that government-mandated tracking apps on citizens’ smartphones are used by the government of China, and that’s not an example we want the US to follow.

AAMVA’s website is more honest about the purpose and planned scope of the scheme: “The mobile driver’s license (mDL) is the future of licensing and proof of identity.”

As we note in our comments:

The fact that the TSA seeks to require the installation of a government app on a mobile device of a certain type suggests that the government has other purposes than mere “identification”, such as the ability to track devices as well as people. But we don’t know, because we haven’t been able to inspect the source code for any of these apps.

Most of the details of the TSA proposal remain secret, despite our efforts to learn them. So our comments focus on the unanswered questions about the proposal, the deficiencies in the TSA’s “notice”, and the TSA’s failure to comply with the procedural requirements for consideration of proposed regulations and for approval of collections of information from members of the public — which the TSA is already carrying out illegally, without notice or approval, with digital ID apps that state agencies are already installing on smartphones

New Dinesh D’Souza Film ‘Police State’ Is a Wakeup Call for America

A new movie by Dinesh D’Souza is exposing the threat to the American way of life posed by the rise of the police state. The film is a bold, dramatic warning.

Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza has created a feature-length documentary film he hopes will alert the public to the danger posed to all of us by the rising American police state.

In a recent phone interview with The Epoch Times, Mr. D’Souza said that, even as a teenage immigrant to the United States, he was “mesmerized not only by the economic opportunity and upward mobility of this country, but also by America’s system of individual rights.

“These rights are enshrined in the Bill of Rights as unalienable, not open for negotiation.

“The sad thing is none of these rights are safe today,” he said.

The movie, titled “Police State,” will be shown in hundreds of theaters across the nation for two days only, Oct. 23 and Oct. 25. Tickets are about $22.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 21, 2023, #428

The latest installment of Global Alert News  – Control the weather, control the world. The existence of weather warfare isn’t a conspiracy theory, it is a matter of historical record. Project Popeye in the Vietnam war is but one example. Yet, even now, the mere mention of the climate engineering subject triggers programmed knee jerk reactions of denial in far too many. For decades such operations have been used covertly to impact agricultural production and societies, available data indicates that these practices are now more widespread than ever before. How long do we have till the breaking point of total climate collapse?

Definitely a negative impact on the environment … 

Biden’s Catch and Release Network Frees over Half a Million Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 9 Months

President Joe Biden’s catch and release network at the United States-Mexico border has released more than half a million border crossers and illegal aliens into the nation’s interior in the last nine months alone, new data reveals.

From January through September, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has released more than 518,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into American communities through the agency’s migrant mobile app known as “CBP One” as well as a parole pipeline.


Family of 18 Spanning 3 Generations Lives on 15 Acres of Land, Shares How They Save Money

Eighteen members of a family, spanning three generations, are sharing how living together on a 15-acre compound has enriched their lives, strengthened their bonds, and even saved them money.

Teran Sands, 35, lives with her husband, Carson Sands, 36, and their three kids–Sailor, 8, Slate, 5, and Scotlynn, 4–in a “barndominium” on their family’s 15-acre compound in Decatur, Texas. Six years ago, the Sands family moved from their luxury self-built home in Fort Worth when they had their first child and began to crave a simpler life, leaving their large mortgage and high-stress jobs behind.

Ms. Sands’s mother had bought a piece of land in 2011 on the edge of the city of Decatur after her divorce and built a home there. When the property behind her new home was listed for sale, she bought that too.

Here’s a free webinar that teaches you how to make homemade soap! Register here:


When: Oct 23, 2023 07:00 PM Central Time


American Jews signing up in droves for gun training classes: ‘Not safe anywhere now’

In the wake of Hamas’s barbaric attack on Israel — and with social media swimming in antisemitic threats and protests — American Jews are abandoning their disdain for firearms and signing up in droves for gun training classes.

“Firearm instructors and Jewish security groups across the country say they have been flooded with new clientele since Hamas assaulted Israel on Oct. 7,” NBC News reports. “And gun shop owners in Florida say they have seen more Jews purchase firearms in recent weeks than ever before.”

David Kowalsky, who is Jewish, owns the Florida Gun Store in Hollywood, Fla. and offers training classes to customers.

Massachusetts’s New Crackdown Bill Imposes ‘Unprecedented Gun Control’

The bill would impose ‘widespread bans on commonly owned firearms,’ according to gun rights advocates.

Massachusetts House lawmakers approved a measure on Oct. 18 that would tighten the state’s firearm laws and crack down on unregistered “ghost guns,” which gun rights advocates claim is “the worst anti-gun legislation in the country.”

The bill, H. 4135, was passed by the Massachusetts House on a 120–38 vote. It would mandate that key gun components be serialized and registered with the state, it proposes an enhanced system to curtail the flow of illegal guns into the state, and it seeks to modernize the existing firearm registration system. It would also expand the state’s ban on assault weapons by prohibiting the purchase of AR-15-style weapons and would ban the conversion of a legal firearm into an illegal automatic weapon.

The proposed regulation would outlaw possession of firearms while intoxicated and prohibit firing guns near homes. It would ban carrying firearms in polling places, schools, and government buildings. It also provides for expanding the state’s “red flag” laws, which allow judges to suspend gun licenses of people deemed to be at risk of harming themselves or others.

Oregon Firearms Federation

We are getting calls from dealers that they are having trouble getting 9mm and 223 ammo.

This, no doubt, is the result of the wars in Ukraine and Israel.

Lake City Ammo is reportedly no longer selling commercially.

Hornady just suffered an explosion at one of their factories and CCI, Federal, Remington and Speer were just sold to a Czech company.

We have have been through ammo shortages before, but thanks to the bumbling ineptitude and anti-gun policies of Joe Biden’s handlers, this may be a more perilous time than in the past.

While we don’t recommend panic, checking your supplies could not hurt.

Explosion at the Hornady Ammunition Mfg Facility Results in a Tragedy

An unfortunate explosion rocked the Hornady Manufacturing facility near Grand Island, resulting in the tragic loss of one employee and injuring two others. The incident unfolded on Friday, October 13, 2023, drawing immediate attention from local authorities and stirring deep concern within the community.

The ill-fated incident occurred approximately at 9:47 a.m. within what is known as the PVE West Building. Initial responders to the site, the Cairo Fire Department, were confronted with the aftermath of an explosion that, according to investigations, took place during the mixing process of the primer compound.

The Nebraska State Fire Marshal Agency confirmed the identity of the deceased as 32-year-old Adriana Alvarez of Grand Island, an employee of Hornady Manufacturing. “One of our babies lost their momma in this accident. She leaves behind a beautiful little girl and wife,” lamented The Teaching Tree childcare facility in Grand Island, shedding light on the deep personal loss experienced by Alvarez’s family. However, amidst the sorrow, the Teaching Tree facility also underscored the cherished memories Adriana left behind, reminding everyone that she took immense pride in her family.

Two other employees were unfortunately caught in the blast. Although they sustained injuries, one managed to transport themselves to a local hospital, while the other was promptly taken by ambulance. But thankfully, both were treated and released on the same day.


COVID-19 Increases Sepsis Risk: Potential Therapeutic Benefits of Vitamin D

Recent research has found that sepsis is more common and lethal among COVID-19 patients than previously thought.

Recent research has found that sepsis is more common and lethal among COVID-19 patients than previously thought.

Sepsis is a highly severe clinical syndrome, often originating from lung infections, urinary tract, skin, or gastrointestinal tract, involving pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, viruses (including COVID-19 and influenza), and more. The immune system becomes hyperactive when combating these infections, leading to systemic inflammation and tissue necrosis. In severe cases, it can result in shock, organ failure, and even death.

A study revealed that for every one-hour delay in the administration of targeted antibiotics, antifungal, or antiviral medications after the onset of organ dysfunction or shock, the odds of a poor outcome increase by 3 percent to 7 percent. Sepsis treatment in the United States is estimated to cost $23.7 billion annually, making it the most expensive condition for inpatient care.

Serotonin Levels Drop in Long-COVID Patients, May Explain Brain Fog: New Study

An essential brain chemical responsible for carrying messages between nerve cells in the brain and throughout the body all but disappears in people with long COVID. The discovery may provide critical clues as to what causes one of the common neurological side effects of the post-COVID condition.

According to a new study published in the journal Cell, University of Pennsylvania researchers found the neurotransmitter serotonin is significantly reduced in patients with long COVID. Serotonin loss results in a slow erosion of memory, the hindered ability to concentrate, and mood changes like depression and anxiety—otherwise known as “brain fog.”

How the COVID Vaccine Could Harm Your Gut, Leading to Brain Fog and Autoimmune Disease

While gut problems are often written off as caused by poor diet and lifestyle habits, they may also be a sign of damage from infections and vaccination.

Diarrhea, constipation, and bloating are common problems that plague two-thirds of Americans.

While gut problems are often written off as caused by poor diet and lifestyle habits, they may also be a sign of damage from infections such as COVID-19 and from COVID vaccination.

Internal medicine physician Dr. Keith Berkowitz, who has treated 200 COVID-vaccine-injured patients, told The Epoch Times that he found gut problems widespread among long-COVID and post-vaccine patients. However, patients often fail to bring up these issues.


IN-DEPTH: Conservatives See Fundamental Shift Occurring as ‘Radicalized’ Universities Exposed After Students Support Hamas

Elite universities under fire for weak support of Israel while allowing students to celebrate terrorism.

Report: Dave Chappelle Goes on Pro-Palestinian Rant; Cheers of ‘Free Palestine’; Jews Leave

Comedian Dave Chappelle went on a pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel rant at a show in Boston on Thursday evening — and was cheered by the crowd, causing Jews present in the audience to walk out.

Michigan State suspends employee involved with allowing Hitler’s image to be shown on videoboards

Michigan State athletic director Alan Haller said he has suspended an employee involved in allowing Adolf Hitler’s image to be shown on videoboards before playing No. 2 Michigan.

The employee, who was not named, will be paid pending an investigation that will help to determine potential action in the future. Haller said no one in the department viewed the entire video, exposing a failure in its process.

“Antisemitism must be denounced,” Haller said in a statement Sunday Night. “The image displayed prior to Saturday night’s game is not representative of who we are and the culture we embody. Nevertheless, we must own our failures and accept responsibility.

Nolte: 11-Year-Old Transgender Kid Is Grand Marshal of Orlando Pride Festival Parade

The parents of a little 11-year-old boy are dressing him up as a girl and allowing a bunch of perverts to exploit him as the grand marshal of Orlando’s Come Out with Pride Festival Parade.

A kid. A little kid. An 11-year-old boy was put on sexual display by his own parents, cross-dressed in “pink heart-shaped sunglasses and a floral gown.”


Why Does My Dog Lick Me? The Meaning Behind Dogs Licking Us

A slobbery tongue to the face can be a jarring way to wake up — even when the cutest pup in the world is on the giving end. This might leave you wondering, “Why does my dog lick me so much?” It turns out that dogs lick humans for all sorts of reasons, beyond just trying to butter you up for treats. One of those reasons is to show affection. 

Nevertheless, not all instances of licking should be encouraged; there are also times when licking behavior in dogs might signal discomfort or become a behavioral concern. Let’s explore all the reasons why dogs lick us. We’ll also provide helpful tips for establishing personal space.


Wisconsin Dad Quits Job, Teams Up With Son to Make Awesome American Flags–and Millions of Dollars

Months before heartlanders voted to Make America Great Again in 2016, Shane Henderson, 47, quit his stable nine-to-five job and ventured to live the American Dream. It was scary tossing out his “safety net” career, he admits. Yet his patriotic gambit paid off.

The American flag—a battle-torn stars and stripes design cut with a CNC plasma table—was how it started, and their first flag was an overnight success. “It all happened by accident. I wasn’t trying to start a business,” Mr. Henderson told The Epoch Times. “But thousands, and thousands, and thousands of people bought this flag.”

The former machinery salesman for Baileigh Industrial in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, once lived paycheck to paycheck with a small house and a family. “We were not well-off by any means,” he said. “We were a typical mid-range family.” Then their pro-American flag business flew, making them into overnight millionaires.


Florida Men Plead Guilty to Charges Related to Drive-by-Shooting That Left 11 Wounded

How does our government plan to screw with the senior U.S. population?

Important Changes Coming to Medicare in 2024: What You Need to Know

Here’s #11: Don’t let your child on the internet at all! 

10 Top Rules Parents Need to Pay Attention to for Their Child’s Online Safety—Com Experts Now Tell

Don’t try this at home … LOL!

Man arrested after faking heart attacks to avoid paying the bill at 20 restaurants

… and about Obama’s chef … 

Judicial Watch Releases Report About the Death of Obama’s Chef, and I Have Questions

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