July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 25, 2023


The U.N. should be more worried about its NY headquarters being eliminated by a nuke!

We’re All Doomed: U.N. Warns Planet Earth on the Eve of Destruction

Melting glaciers. Unbearable heat. Space junk. Accelerating extinctions. Population growth. Groundwater depletion. Societal decay. The United Nations warned in a report Wednesday these are just a few of the potentially irreversible impacts threatening the planet that cannot be addressed without drastic changes to “human actions.”

The report and its breathless warnings are just the latest in a long list of catastrophic predictions issued by the globalist organization.

Is THAT where the missing kids went?

W.H.O. Struggles to Keep Up with Mounting Sexual Misconduct Cases Against Its Staffers

The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) on Monday issued a report on its effort to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct against its staffers around the world.

The report grimly acknowledged that the number of allegations is still increasing, although W.H.O. officials were cautiously optimistic that the numbers are going up because victims feel more comfortable with reporting abuses

Another excuse to bomb Iran … and start WW3 … 

White House: Iran Aiding Attacks on U.S. Bases in Iraq and Syria

White House communications official John Kirby said on Monday that Iran is “actively facilitating” rocket and drone attacks by Shiite militias against bases housing American troops in Iraq and Syria.

Kirby said the White House has noted “an uptick in rocket and drone attacks by Iranian-backed proxy groups against military bases housing U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria” since Israel commenced its response to the savage Hamas attack of October 7.

If you think our Southern Borders are the only problem … 

Poll Shows Rising Worldwide Opposition to Mass Migration

Opposition to mass migration is rising even faster in Chile, Sweden, and Germany than in the United States, according to a large international survey by USNews.com released Thursday.

Voters “from Denmark to Sweden to the United States – are cooling on support for immigration amid a global migration crisis,” says the report on the survey of 17,000 people across 36 countries.

Can you believe the nerve of this guy?

Secretary of State Antony Blinken: Americans Must Accept Migrants

​​President Joe Biden’s foreign policy chief, Antony Blinken, says Americans must give foreigners the opportunity to migrate into their U.S. homeland.

“You have to give them an opportunity to do that,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at an event at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy in Texas.

Arrivederci Bill … 

Italy Becomes First Nation To Ban Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Due To ‘Serious Health Concerns’

Italy has become the first country to issue a total ban on Bill Gates’ synthetic meat products after numerous studies found the lab-grown fake meat products cause turbo cancers in humans. Meanwhile, in the US the Biden administration has fast-tracked the controversial products for approval.

“Italy is the first nation to say no to synthetic food, to so-called ‘synthetic meat’. It does so with a formal and official act,” Health Minister Orazio Schillaci announced. “The resolution calls for a commitment to ban the production, marketing and import of synthetic foods within our territory.


OMG! My school children are learning this?

Students, Teacher Reprimanded For Donald Trump Assassination Skit

Two 10th-grade students at a San Antonio high school and their teacher have been reprimanded for the performance of a skit portraying the assassination of President-elect Donald Trump.

The San Antonio Express-News reports the skit, titled “The Assassination of Donald Trump,” was performed last week at Marshall High School. One of the boys used a gunfire sound effect from a cellphone; the other boy, playing Trump, fell to the ground.

Barry Perez, spokesman for the Northside Independent School District, said the “appropriate action” had been taken against the three, and that the teacher had apologized.

Harold and Melinda Bean, parents of a student who viewed the skit, complained to district officials. They said they are dissatisfied with the district action and had hoped for harsher measures.

And yet another lib-tard class rant; now she’s out of a job! 

Teacher out of job after video of anti-Trump, left-wing rant in class released: ‘I’m deeply disturbed’

Utah teacher says she will make students’ lives ‘a living hell’ if they criticize members of LGBT community

A Utah chemistry teacher is out of a job following a viral video showing her telling a high school class, “I hate Donald Trump” at the start of the new school year. 

“I hate Donald Trump. I’m gonna say it. I don’t care what y’all think. Trump sucks,” the former Lehi High School teacher told her class on Tuesday, according to a video that has been viewed more than 700,000 times.

The teacher was identified as Leah Kinyon, according to Fox 13, which spoke to a mother of one of the students in the class. 

At least one student pushed back on Kinyon in the video, asking her why she hates the former president. 

“He’s a sexual predator,” she responded. “He’s a literal moron.”

Another student is also heard saying, “This is a chemistry class.”

“Go tattle on me to the freakin’ admin. They don’t give a crap,” she responded to that student. 

“This is my classroom and if you guys are going to put me at risk, you’re going to hear about it,” Kinyon continued in the video, referring to the coronavirus, “Because I have to be here, I don’t have to be happy about the fact that there’s kids coming in here with their variants that could possibly get me or my family sick, that’s rude.” 

“I would be super proud of you if you chose to get the vaccine,” Kinyon added. “We’ll just keep getting variants over and over until people get vaccinated … It could end in five seconds if people would get vaccinated.”

Kinyon was immediately placed on administrative leave after the video surfaced, and the Alpine School District launched an investigation. The district said in a later statement that the teacher is no longer an employee of the district

… and she didn’t plead out to the state RICO Conspiracy count! 

Jenna Ellis becomes latest Trump lawyer to plead guilty over efforts to overturn Georgia’s election

Attorney and prominent conservative media figure Jenna Ellis pleaded guilty Tuesday to a felony charge over efforts to overturn Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss in Georgia, tearfully telling the judge she looks back on that time with “deep remorse.”

Ellis, the fourth defendant in the case to enter into a plea deal with prosecutors, was a vocal part of Trump’s reelection campaign in the last presidential cycle and was charged alongside the Republican former president and 17 others with violating the state’s anti-racketeering law.

Ellis pleaded guilty to one felony count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings. She had been facing charges of violating Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, known as RICO, and soliciting the violation of oath by a public officer, both felonies.

Ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows granted immunity, tells special counsel he warned Trump about 2020 claims: Sources

Meadows said Trump was “dishonest” on election night, according to sources.

Former President Donald Trump’s final chief of staff in the White House, Mark Meadows, has spoken with special counsel Jack Smith’s team at least three times this year, including once before a federal grand jury, which came only after Smith granted Meadows immunity to testify under oath, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The sources said Meadows informed Smith’s team that he repeatedly told Trump in the weeks after the 2020 presidential election that the allegations of significant voting fraud coming to them were baseless, a striking break from Trump’s prolific rhetoric regarding the election.

According to the sources, Meadows also told the federal investigators Trump was being “dishonest” with the public when he first claimed to have won the election only hours after polls closed on Nov. 3, 2020, before final results were in.

“Obviously we didn’t win,” a source quoted Meadows as telling Smith’s team in hindsight.

Trump has called Meadows, one of the former president’s closest and highest-ranking aides in the White House, a “special friend” and “a great chief of staff — as good as it gets.”

The descriptions of what Meadows allegedly told investigators shed further light on the evidence Smith’s team has amassed as it prosecutes Trump for allegedly trying to unlawfully retain power and “spread lies” about the 2020 election. The descriptions also expose how far Trump loyalists like Meadows have gone to support and defend Trump.

Sources told ABC News that Smith’s investigators were keenly interested in questioning Meadows about election-related conversations he had with Trump during his final months in office, and whether Meadows actually believed some of the claims he included in a book he published after Trump left office — a book that promised to “correct the record” on Trump.

It didn’t work the last time … 

Trump Makes Another Presidential Immunity Defense Attempt in Defamation Case

Attorneys for former President Donald Trump made yet another attempt at arguing that the former president has a “presidential immunity,” or “absolute immunity” as a U.S. Supreme Court decision came to describe it, in the defamation case against him brought by writer E. Jean Carroll.

Michael Madaio said they had “tried to raise presidential immunity three times and … been rejected by the courts three times” already as judges heard arguments about whether presidential immunity was a defense that could be waived.

The appellate court panel of judges makes a decision on whether it’s a defense that can be waived before other issues can be addressed, such as whether President Trump can invoke this defense in his case.

Put ‘em together and what have you got? Bibbity, Bobbity, Boo!

Mike Johnson Wins GOP Speaker Nomination, Hours After Emmer Drops Out

The House GOP is set on Oct. 24 to put forth—for the fourth time—a nominee to be speaker of the House.

Earlier today, House Majority Whip Tom Emmer, the most recent speaker-designee after beating eight candidates, dropped out after not being able to cobble the needed 217 votes to succeed Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and become second in line to the presidency.

Last week, after three ballots, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) failed to win the gavel. The House GOP booted him as their speaker-designee and went home for the weekend.

Then Trump says something … 

Trump Elevates Attacks from Right Against Tom Emmer as Republicans Gather to Vote in Speaker Election

Former President Donald Trump elevated attacks against House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) on Tuesday ahead of the House Republican Conference’s ballot to decide its next Speaker nominee.

On Trump’s Truth Social social media platform he “ReTruthed” Laura Loomer, an aggressive conservative activist, who wrote:

I’ll be LIVE talking about my expose of Tom Emmer, the Trump hating Congressman who is now the Uniparty’s favored pick to become Speaker of the House even though he worked for a Soros group dedicated to getting rid of the Electoral College. Kevin McCarthy has endorsed Emmer, and tonight I’m going LIVE to expose him for who he really is.

Watch my interview LIVE tonight here to learn all you ever wanted to know about Democrat in disguise, Tom Emmer

Emmer is one of the nine House Republican candidates to fight to become the next Speaker nominee.

Then Emmer drops out! 

House Republicans ‘United’ Behind Mike Johnson, Fueling Hope Speaker Will Finally Be Elected

House Republicans named their fourth, and possibly final, speaker designate on Oct. 24—just hours after their third candidate was nominated and then withdrew for lack of support. The development capped off an extraordinary day as the chamber hit three weeks without a speaker.

Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) was elected with 128 votes in an evening session after losing to Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) that morning. Mr. Emmer had resigned within four hours having unsuccessfully tried to persuade about 25 Republican holdouts to support his candidacy, which was opposed by former President Donald Trump.

A confirming voice vote was taken following the nominating ballot. When reporters asked how many votes Mr. Johnson had received, excited conference members shouted, “All of them!” suggesting that the group had reached a consensus.

Then the Schiff Show continues with a new speaker nominee … 

Mike Johnson Wins GOP Speaker Nomination, Hours After Emmer Drops Out

The House GOP is set on Oct. 24 to put forth—for the fourth time—a nominee to be speaker of the House.

Earlier today, House Majority Whip Tom Emmer, the most recent speaker-designee after beating eight candidates, dropped out after not being able to cobble the needed 217 votes to succeed Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and become second in line to the presidency.

Last week, after three ballots, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) failed to win the gavel. The House GOP booted him as their speaker-designee and went home for the weekend.

And WHO is Mike Johnson?

Who is Mike Johnson? What to know about the GOP representative nominated for House speaker

Louisiana Republican Rep. Mike Johnson, a deputy whip and constitutional lawyer known for his fiery exchanges on the House Judiciary Committee, is the fourth nominee chosen by his GOP peers to serve as speaker.

In a crucial and legacy-defining decision, he sided with former President Donald Trump and voted to overturn the 2020 election results.

Johnson, the vice chair of the House Republican Conference, faces steep odds to get the 217 votes needed to win the gavel, especially considering he already has more than 40 votes against him. Those holdouts mostly favor ousted former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

“Democracy is messy sometimes, but it is our system,” Johnson said to reporters late Tuesday night. “This conference that you see, this House Republican majority, is united.”

The key idea in the whole scheme of things … 

Nearly one in four Americans believe political violence justified to ‘save’ US

Nearly one in four Americans believe that political violence may be justified to “save” the country, a national opinion poll has found.

The 14th annual American Values Survey, carried out by the non-profit Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) in partnership with the Brookings Institution thinktank, offers a snapshot of America’s deepening polarisation and willingness to contemplate taking up arms.

Even as Joe Biden has sought to lower the temperature, support for political violence has increased over the past two years, the survey shows. Today about 23% of Americans agree that “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country” – up from 15% in 2021.

The PRRI has asked this question in eight separate surveys since March 2021 but this is the first time that support for political violence has risen above 20% in the general population.

One in three Republicans believe that “true American patriots” may have to resort to violence to save the country, compared with 22% of independents and 13% of Democrats – all representing increases since 2021. Almost one in three white evangelical Protestants believe that patriots may have to resort to political violence to save the country, markedly higher than any other religious group.

And Trump’s message to Americans echoes the key reasons WHY …

Trump: U.S. Is ‘More Vulnerable from Inside Terror Attacks Than at Any Time in Its History’

The United States is “more vulnerable from inside terror attacks than at any time in its history,” former President Donald Trump said on Tuesday following a memo from the San Diego Field Office Intelligence Division of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) warning that members of terrorist groups — namely Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) — could be encountered at the porous southern border.

“With the millions of people that Crooked Joe Biden has allowed into the United States through his ridiculous Open Borders Policy, mostly young men, and large numbers of TERRORISTS, the U.S. is more vulnerable from inside terror attacks than at any time in its history, BY FAR!” Trump exclaimed on Truth Social, ending with, “MAGA.”

Mushrooms in the cockpit?


Fake charities?  Unless you know WHO they are, don’t contribute!


Everybody’s had at least one! 






… and on the other side of the coin … 



Panic buying or a sign of things to come?

Americans Are Buying Huge Amounts of 5.56 Ammunition as Prices Surge 39 Percent

Amid the Israel–Hamas war and fears of a wider conflict, Americans appear to be panic-buying ammunition, data show.

As the Israel–Hamas war continues, a number of Americans are purchasing more ammunition, data show.

Sales of 5.56 NATO caliber ammunition from popular brands surged 39 percent from 36 cents per round to 50 cents per round from Oct. 14 to Oct. 22, according to Ammo Prices Now, a tracking website. The 39-percent spike is much higher than in February and March 2022 after Russia invaded Ukraine, the data show.

Sales of .223 Remington ammunition have also shot up 42 percent over the past week or so, the data show.

The Safe Code: How Gun-Control Groups Pervert the Idea of “Safe Storage”

Despite all the work the NRA does to promote safe and responsible gun ownership, you’ll often see dramatic headlines accusing the NRA of being against safety—especially when the NRA-ILA files lawsuits against one-size-fits-all gun-storage laws.

“What gun safety? NRA using lawsuits to shoot down local gun-storage laws,” screeched one Salon headline.

“If the NRA [wants] to be on record fighting responsible gun ownership, that’s their choice,” said Seattle’s city attorney, Pete Holmes, after the NRA filed a lawsuit against that city for trying to pre-empt the state’s gun laws with its own mandatory-storage laws.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Two NYC Provisions for Gun Permit Issuance

Judge John P. Cronan struck down New York City gun controls that he found gave city officials unconstitutional discretion in the issuance of gun permits.

Cronan struck down NYC’s “good moral character” and “good cause” provisions, concluding that they gave city officials a degree of leeway in judgment sufficient to provide them cover in denying permits for law-abiding citizens.

He tested the two provisions in light of the Supreme Court’s Bruen (2022) decision, then wrote:

In sum, having considered Defendants’ proffered historical materials, and applying the standard set in Bruen, the Court determines that the magnitude of discretion afforded to New York City licensing officials … empowering them to evaluate an applicant’s “good moral character” and “good cause” in deciding whether to permit that applicant to exercise his or her Second Amendment rights, is not constitutionally permissible under the Second and Fourteenth Amendments.

Elsewhere, Cronan emphasized that allotting city officials the authority to judge “good moral character” and “good cause” in order to issue gun permits lacks “any grounding in our Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.”

Moreover, Cronan found that the plaintiff, Joseph Spour, “suffered irreparable harm” in being denied his Second Amendment rights.


UAW Strike: 5K Auto Workers Shutter GM’s Biggest Plant as Automaker Abandons Electric Vehicle Strategy

About 5,000 American auto workers shut down General Motors’s (GM) biggest and most profitable plant in Arlington, Texas, joining more than 40,000 fellow United Auto Workers (UAW) members in their ongoing strike against the Big Three.

On Tuesday morning, the auto workers walked out at GM’s Arlington Assembly plant and joined the UAW picket line. The plant, which produces the Chevy Tahoe, Chevy Suburban, GMC Yukon, and Cadillac Escalade, is GM’s most profitable in the United States.

The UAW timed the walkout at Arlington Assembly just hours after GM reported $3.5 billion in third-quarter earnings. Executives said that GM has lost about $800 million since the strike started more than a month ago.

“Another record quarter, another record year. As we’ve said for months: record profits equal record contracts,” UAW President Shawn Fain said in a statement. “It’s time GM workers, and the whole working class, get their fair share.”

Panera sued by family of student who died after drinking ‘dangerous’ lemonade

Lawsuit says Sarah Katz, 21, had heart condition and was not aware of stimulant content of cafe chain’s powerfully caffeinated soda

The family of a 21-year-old Ivy League student who died after consuming Panera Bread’s Charged Lemonade – a powerfully caffeinated soda – is suing the food chain, claiming that it failed to appropriately warn customers about what they claim is a “dangerous energy drink”.

According to a complaint filed on Monday in the Philadelphia court of common pleas, Sarah Katz had a heart condition and was not aware of the drink’s stimulant content. The complaint said the drink’s stimulant content exceeds that of cans of Red Bull and Monster energy drinks combined.

The wrongful death lawsuit, which NBC News first obtained, says that Katz – a University of Pennsylvania student – worked as a research assistant at a children’s hospital. She had long QT syndrome type 1, a heart condition whose sufferers are advised to avoid energy drinks.

Report: Los Angeles Hotels Replacing Union Workers with Border Crossers

Hotels in the sanctuary county of Los Angeles County, California, are reportedly replacing unionized employees, currently on strike, with newly arrived border crossers and illegal aliens. The report is credible enough that the District Attorney’s Office has opened an inquiry into the claims.

While hotel workers in Los Angeles are on strike, the union that represents them, Unite Here Local 11, is accusing hotels of replacing the striking workers with newly arrived border crossers and illegal aliens — specifically those living on Skid Row.

Most of the border crossers and illegal aliens recruited by the hotels to take low-wage work arrived in the United States — via the southern border — from Venezuela and Colombia.

Could this be the antidote for AI?

Humans Strike Back: Artists Use Tools to ‘Poison’ AI Copycats

A new data “poisoning” tool is reportedly giving artists the ability to fight back against generative AI, causing artificial intelligence training data to become  scrambled when tech giants scrape their original work. As one artist explains, “It is going to make [AI companies] think twice, because they have the possibility of destroying their entire model by taking our work without our consent.”

The tool, called Nightshade, “poisons” AI training data in ways that could cause “serious damage” to image-generating AI models, as it could harm future iterations of the technology by rendering it outputs useless, according to new research obtained by MIT Technology Review.




Abortions skyrocketed in the U.S. despite the Dobbs decision!  Our morality at large?

US abortion rates rise post-Roe amid deep divide in state-by-state access

States that still allow the procedure performed 116,790 more abortions than expected, newly released data shows

The average number of abortions performed each month in the US rose in the year after the supreme court overturned Roe v Wade and allowed more than a dozen states to ban the procedure, according to data released on Tuesday from a research group backed by the Society of Family Planning.

This stunning finding masks a deep divide in abortion access in the US. The number of abortions performed in states with near-total or six-week abortion bans plummeted, with providers in those states performing 114,590 fewer abortions than they would have if Roe had not been overturned, according to data collected by the research group, WeCount.

At the same time, abortions rose dramatically in the states that still permit the procedure. In total, those states performed 116,790 more abortions than expected.

“From a national picture, it could look like a kind of calm increase over time,” said Dr Alison Norris, a co-chair of WeCount and an associate professor at the Ohio State University’s College of Public Health. “And what actually is happening is a complete disruption in the healthcare system and in people’s lives.”

Flesh-eating parasite spread by sand flies is causing skin infections in US, CDC says

A flesh-eating parasitic disease, typically seen in people who travel to tropical or subtropical areas, is now spreading through some sand flies in parts of the U.S., according to a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysis.

The disease, known as leishmaniasis, occurs through a bite of an infected female sand fly, which consumes blood to produce eggs.

The infection is most common in parts of Africa, Brazil, and the eastern Mediterranean region, like Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen, according to the World Health Organization. 

The CDC now believes the disease may be endemic, or regularly occurring, in Texas and other states. The agency has received anecdotal reports of leishmaniasis in Florida, though the cases haven’t been confirmed, according to NBC News. Past studies have also noted occasional cases among non-travelers in southeast Oklahoma and Arizona.

Tune Up Your Immune System with the Power of Three

You may be familiar with the phrase, “Two’s company and three’s a crowd.” That may be true for people in their relationships with other people, but it’s not necessarily the case when you talk about taking care of your health. For example, when it comes to supporting and boosting your immune system health, three natural approaches can go a long way toward achieving this goal.

Among the most researched and effective immune system supplements on the market are greens, aged garlic, and probiotics.

Among the most researched and effective immune system supplements on the market are greens, aged garlic, and probiotics.

Greens for immune health

Greens have long been recognized as potent immune system supporters and among the healthiest vegetables. Dark leafy greens such as spinach, collards, beet greens, kale, mustard greens, and parsley, as well as grasses (wheat, barley), chlorella, spirulina, and kelp are among the members of this category. Their contributions to enhanced immune system function include vitamins A, C, K, and folate and the minerals calcium, zinc, potassium, and magnesium. The nutrients of dark leafy greens provide antioxidant powers from carotenoids, inflammation-fighting abilities, and plant-based nitrates, which may help fight hypertension and prevent heart disease.

In a 2022 article in Experimental and Molecular Medicine, the authors noted the significant contributions of chlorella to immune health in humans and animals. For example, scientists who gave chlorella supplements to healthy individuals found that the green significantly increased levels of certain cytokine factors, suggesting the immune-stimulating effect of chlorella.

Spirulina is another green that doesn’t always get much attention because people don’t serve it on dinner plates. However, this blue-green algae contains protein and immune system-supporting vitamins such as C, B6, and E. It also has been shown to stimulate the production of antibodies and help the immune system function more efficiently and effectively.


Optivida Basic Essentials (contains chlorella & probiotics)

Optivida Complete Essentials (contains chlorella. Spirulina & probiotics)

Aged garlic for immune health

Garlic is a well-studied and commonly used herb known for its immune-boosting abilities, antioxidant properties, and inflammation-fighting abilities. Although regular garlic has these qualities, they are enhanced in aged garlic extract (AGE). Kyolic AGE is made from a proprietary process that starts with organically grown garlic sliced and stored in stainless steel tanks at ambient temperature for up to 20 months. The chemical changes during this time enhance the antioxidants and phytochemicals in the garlic and make it more digestible while also killing off allicin, the compound in garlic responsible for its pungent smell.

Numerous studies have noted the immune system-boosting powers of aged garlic. In one clinical trial that involved 120 healthy participants, for example, the results suggested that the use of AGE enhanced the function of immune cells and reduced the severity of colds and flu. In a more recent clinical trial, the authors reported that “AGE, taken consistently, may be beneficial in preventing the development of chronic diseases associated with low-grade inflammation in adults with obesity.”

PRODUCTS TO TRY: Strauss Immune Support Drops (contains garlic) 

Strauss recommends that you consider taking with Travel Bug Drops for additional immune support*

Note: If you are already taking Strauss Heartdrops you are getting a high dose of garlic for immune support!

Probiotics for immune health

Beneficial bacteria, aka probiotics, have been studied for various health benefits, including enhancement of immune function and digestive health. It’s well known that the integrity of your gut health is critical for optimal immune function and overall health. One way to bring balance to the microbiome in your gut is by providing it with probiotics consistently.

In a 2023 article in Cell, the authors explained that probiotic bacteria interact and stimulate immune cells and microflora and have “important health-promoting and immunomodulatory properties.” These beneficial bacteria “might represent a promising approach for improving immune system activities.” Although probiotics can be obtained from foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchee, and some cheeses, probiotic supplements can supply the body with many helpful microorganisms regularly.

PRODUCTS TO TRY Latero-Flora Probiotic OR Living Streams Multi-Blend Liquid Probiotic


Dozens of states sue Instagram, Meta over harm to youth mental health

Meta is facing state-led lawsuits over allegations of knowingly designing and deploying features on its platforms that harmed young users’ mental health.

A bipartisan coalition of 33 attorneys general filed a complaint Tuesday in the Northern District of California alleging Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, used deceptive and unlawful conduct in creating platforms they say are “directly contributing” to the youth mental health crisis. The District of Columbia and eight other states filed lawsuits in their own state courts, according to the New York state attorney general’s office announcement

“Meta has profited from children’s pain by intentionally designing its platforms with manipulative features that make children addicted to their platforms while lowering their self-esteem. Social media companies, including Meta, have contributed to a national youth mental health crisis and they must be held accountable,” said New York Attorney General Letitia James (D), who is leading the joint lawsuit, in a statement. 

The complaint alleges Meta created addictive services for young users and then deployed  “harmful and psychologically manipulative product features” into the products. 

Features the complaint calls out as harmful include “dopamine-manipulating recommendation algorithms,” “likes” on posts, visual filter features “known to promote young users’ body dysmorphia,” and “infinite scroll” features that are “designed to discourage young users’ attempts to self-regulate and disengage with Meta’s Platforms.” 

The states allege Meta has “continued to deny and downplay” research about links between its platforms and psychological and physical harm, and instead published “misleading reports boasting a deceptively low incidents of user harm.” 

The states’ lawsuit also alleges Meta violated the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, or COPPA, by collecting personal data of teen users without parents’ consent. 

Technocrat Imposed Tyranny And Why We Must ‘Cut Off The Head Of The Snake’

My friend and international lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, was arrested in Germany on Oct. 14th, and his fate is still uncertain. Why? Because he exposed the crimes against humanity through hundreds of hours of video footage with top scientists, engineers, and medical professionals. Globalists must now play “whack-a-mole” as other voices arise. This is exactly why Free Speech is so important: They can shut some of the people up some of the time, but not all the people all the time. The world is crying out for the head of this snake to be removed. ⁃ TN Editor

AI-created child sexual abuse images ‘threaten to overwhelm internet’

The “worst nightmares” about artificial intelligence-generated child sexual abuse images are coming true and threaten to overwhelm the internet, a safety watchdog has warned.

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) said it had found nearly 3,000 AI-made abuse images that broke UK law.

The UK-based organisation said existing images of real-life abuse victims were being built into AI models, which then produce new depictions of them.

It added that the technology was also being used to create images of celebrities who have been “de-aged” and then depicted as children in sexual abuse scenarios. Other examples of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) included using AI tools to “nudify” pictures of clothed children found online.


Identity Management Software Giant Okta Suffers Hack

Okta, an identity and authentication management software company whose products are widely used in business and education, has fallen victim to a security breach where hackers accessed sensitive customer information through its customer support management system.

Ars Technica reports that Okta announced that hackers infiltrated its customer support management system, gaining unauthorized access to private customer information. The breach was orchestrated by obtaining valid credentials, although the specifics of how these credentials were acquired remain undisclosed.

Achtung! US Travel To Europe Will Require Prior Approval, Biometric Scanning

Traveling to most European countries is about to get more complicated and invasive for American citizens: In spring 2025, you’ll have to first request permission.  And you’ll be saying adieu to passport stamps and ciao to facial and fingerprint scans — and having your biometric data stored in an enormous government database. 

On Friday, an agency of the European Union announced the updated timing for the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS), which has first set to roll out in 2024. It applies to travelers from more than 60 countries that are currently exempt from visa requirements. Those countries have an aggregate population of 1.4 billion. 

As is the case today, Americans won’t need a visa, but they will need to apply in advance for permission to visit any of 30 EU countries for stays lasting up to 90 days. It will cost about $8 to apply, with requests submitted via the official ETIAS website or ETIAS mobile app. With activation of the process more than a year away, neither is yet configured to collect applications. ETIAS assures the public that most applications will be processed in minutes.   

The approval will be tied to your passport, and will be valid for up to three years or until your passport expires, whichever comes earlier. Once you have it, you’ll be able to visit as much as you want, so long as it’s a “short-term stay,” which generally means up to 90 days in a 180-day period. 

ETIAS recommends applying for permission “well in advance” of your trip, but doesn’t specify what that means. The agency does caution that the approval period “could be extended by up to 14 days if you are requested to provide additional information or documentation, or up to 30 days if you are invited to an interview.” There’s no indication where such interviews would be conducted or by whom. 

Explained: Quishing

Quishing is phishing using QR (Quick Response) codes. QR codes are basically two-dimensional barcodes that hold encoded data, and they can be used to work as a link. Point your phone’s camera at a QR code and it will ask you if you want to visit the link.

The use of QR codes in malicious campaigns is not new, and because they can provide contactless access to a product or service they grew in popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In August, 2023 we wrote about an email campaign that used QR codes to phish for Microsoft credentials. The links in the QR codes redirected from legitimate domains associated with Bing, Salesforce, and Cloudflare to send the targets to phishing sites that were after Microsoft credentials. Since the subject of the emails were often fake Microsoft security notifications, the Bing URLs would not have looked out of place to any victims who gave them a cursory examination.

Lately, there has been an increase in quishing emails, which either send victims to malware-infested sites or ones looking for credentials. 


Federal Agency Issues Warnings for First Winter Storm of Season

The first “significant” snow of the season is coming for the northwestern United States this week.


Outsiders Will Be Shocked to Learn These Things About the Amish Community

How well do you know the Amish beyond the traditional clothes they wear, their lifestyle, and their peaceful way of life? As it turns out, there are a lot more details that few of us know about these fascinating people. Indeed, a few of the facts included in this article are quite shocking.

How to Make Paper From Plants

Connect with an age-old process and the life cycle of plants to make fragrant, textured paper.


Pfizer lied! People died! 

Researchers Find Pfizer Excluded Clinical Trial Deaths From FDA COVID Vaccine EUA Request

An accurate reporting by Pfizer would have shown equal numbers of clinical trial deaths in the vaccine and placebo groups and thus, no benefit of vaccination.

Gee, one would wonder if he took the jab?

Massive Attack confirm death of guitarist Angelo Bruschini

Band pay tribute to ‘singularly brilliant and eccentric talent’ whose death comes months after he confirmed cancer diagnosis

Big Pharma’s always got the answer, don’t they?

Antiviral Drug May Shorten COVID-19-Induced Loss of Taste and Smell

New data suggest scientists have discovered a medication first designed to treat COVID-19 may also lessen the time it takes for two common symptoms of the disease: loss of taste and smell—to disappear.

The oral antiviral drug ensitrelvir (brand name Xocova) was granted a Fast Track designation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be investigated as a potential treatment for COVID-19 in April. Soon after, results from randomized clinical trials published in Clinical Infectious Diseases showed ensitrelvir was safe, effective, and successful in suppressing viral replication in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.

And all of this probably affected the statistics on who’s getting the jab now … 



What does beer drinking have to do with the fight club?

Bud Light Becomes UFC’s Official Beer Amid Anheuser-Busch Partnership

Bud Light, which has been embroiled in controversy in recent months, will become the official beer of UFC amid its partnership with Anheuser-Busch.

UFC revealed on Tuesday announced the deal on Tuesday, hailing Anheuser-Busch and Bud Light as the two original brands.

“Anheuser-Busch and Bud Light were UFC’s original beer sponsors more than fifteen years ago. I’m proud to announce we are back in business together,” UFC CEO Dana White said in a statement Tuesday.

Now THAT’s funny! 

Report: Only 3% of Americans Received Annual Coronavirus Shot

A report shows that only three percent of Americans have received their annual coronavirus shot despite the Biden administration’s insistence that the CDC is now “on track” to match last year’s numbers.

As noted by Politico, even if the Biden administration were to match last year’s coronavirus shot numbers, it would only equal “17 percent of the U.S. population.”


More than 1,300 people turn to Christ during crusade in one state

Even in the darkest of times, one can find reasons to rejoice.

The Christian Index reported Thursday that nearly 1,400 people committed their lives to Christ during a four-day crusade in Mississippi led by evangelist Rick Gage.

The event, which took place over the course of four days, was attended by some 17,000 people.

On Wednesday, the closing night, approximately 10,000 individuals packed into the Brandon Amphitheater near Jackson, even catching the eye of Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves.

“This isn’t a photo from a concert or a party,” the Republican wrote on X.

“This is from a revival event that happened a few nights ago right here in Mississippi,” he continued. “God is working here, and He has truly blessed us!”


20 ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Pets and Horses

Dogs, cats & horses are being exposed to potentially hazardous levels of long-lasting chemicals like PFAS, & traces are showing up in their blood. Used in pet food packaging (here are four of the worst brands) & found in everyday objects around your home, here’s how to reduce your pet’s exposure.

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