June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 27, 2021

FDA Committee Member Admits He Doesn’t Know If The Vaccine Is Safe For Kids But Approves It Anyway

The Federalist – At a meeting of the Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, a voting member admitted he wasn’t sure about the COVID shot’s long-term risk to children despite the committee voting to recommend the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11.

The committee considered a voting question that read, “Based on the totality of scientific evidence available, do the benefits of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine when administered as a 2-dose series … outweigh its risks for use in children 5-11 years of age?” 

While considering the question, one member openly admitted they couldn’t be certain the vaccine is safe while advocating for children to be injected with it, saying, “We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.”

FDA Voting Member:

“We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.”

With one member abstaining, the advisory committee voted 17-0 on Tuesday to recommend the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 shot for emergency use authorization for children aged 5-11. The FDA is set to make a final ruling in the coming days. Should the FDA approve the vaccine for that age group, children in California will be forced to get the shot in order to attend school.

CDC says immunocompromised Americans can now get a 4th COVID shot

The Blaze – Immunocompromised Americans who have had a third COVID-19 shot can now get a fourth shot, according to newly updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Affected Americans are now eligible for a fourth coronavirus vaccine, according to a report from Insider.

The CDC’s new guidance states that Americans can get a fourth dose of any FDA-approved coronavirus shots six months after receiving their third shot.

The guidance states, “Moderately and severely immunocompromised people aged ≥18 years who completed an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine primary series and received an additional mRNA vaccine dose may receive a single COVID-19 booster dose (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna or Janssen) at least 6 months after completing their third mRNA vaccine dose. In such situations, people who are moderately and severely immunocompromised may receive a total of four COVID-19 vaccine doses.”

UK Doctors Voice ‘Grave Concern’ Over Vaccine Mandate for Medics

Epoch Times – Leading British doctors have expressed “grave concern” over the government’s threat to impose vaccine mandates on healthcare staff, saying any reduction of medical staff would have a devastating impact on hospitals already under immense strain.

Thanksgiving Will Be More Expensive This Year: Farm Bureau

The Epoch Times – Americans will experience a more expensive Thanksgiving in 2021 due to higher inflation and supply chain issues, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation. “When you go to the grocery store and it feels more expensive, that’s because it is,” Veronica Nigh, senior economist at the American Farm Bureau Federation, told CBS News, adding that overall, food prices are up 3.7 percent in 2021 against the 20-year average of around 2.4 percent. Overall, a Thanksgiving dinner, including a turkey and all the different side-dishes, will cost between 4 percent and 5 percent more in 2021 than in 2020, she said. Last year, the overall cost of preparing a Thanksgiving dinner was under $47, which was the lowest since 2010, the Farm Bureau said. 

Cash For Kids, No Work Required

Real Clear Politics  – emocrats used to be the party of working people. Now, they sneer at people who work hard.

Democrats pushing to pass the Build Back Better bill want a single parent with two kids to be able to take home well over $31,000 in cash and noncash federal benefits a year, tax-free, without having to work. The handouts are even higher in states that offer generous benefits. So why get a job?

Nonworking adults are already eligible for food stamps, housing vouchers and health care. Now, Democrats want to send them monthly checks if they have kids — up to $300 per kid. The checks, nicknamed “Biden Bucks,” originated earlier this year to help tide over families who lost their jobs because of COVID. President Joe Biden’s team wants to convert them into a permanent entitlement. House Republicans mock it as “cash-for-kids.”

Everyone wants to help kids, but Republicans and one lone Democratic senator, Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia, oppose handing out cash to able-bodied parents without requiring them to work or train for a job. Democrats and their media allies bash that as cruelty. Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman attacks work requirements as a “time tax and ritual humiliation” on poor people. Really? The rest of us have to work, and there’s nothing humiliating about it.

The political battle over “Biden Bucks” is key to where we as a nation are headed.

Statues of Historical Figures Who OPPOSED Slavery Now Face Removal

Infowars –  Statues and busts of historical figures who OPPOSED slavery now face being removed in England and Scotland because such men “might now be called racist” anyway.

A statue of William Pitt, an abolitionist who once branded slavery a “curse of mankind,” could be removed by Edinburgh council.

Britain’s youngest Prime Minister and a close friend of iconic abolitionist William Wilberforce is accused of having been “involved in sustaining the slavery-based economy and preventing the abolition of the slave trade.”

Why? Because Pitt didn’t manage to completely eliminate slavery during his premiership and favored a gradual approach to abolition.

“This is what happens when Edinburgh Council hands editorial control of the city’s history to a secretive cabal of activists operating beyond public scrutiny,” said Robert Poll, founder of campaign group Save Our Statues.

“They feed mollifying words to the press, while secretly plotting to remove the city’s heritage.”

“We’re no longer talking about slave traders. We’re talking about Pitt, one of our greatest Prime Ministers and national hero who led us against Napoleon.”

ANOTHER In-N-Out Burger Shut Down For Refusing To Be ‘Vaccine Police’

Infowars –  A second chain of In-N-Out Burger has been closed down by county authorities in California after it refused to go along with enforcing proof of vaccination orders.

The Washington Times reports that the restaurant in Pleasant Hill has been indefinitely closed by Contra Costa County health officials after ignoring orders to verify vaccine status or proof of a negative COVID-19 test among diners.

The report notes that the restaurant did display mandated signage detailing the requirements, but has refused to enforce the mandate.

Other chains of the restaurant in the area have also received warnings and fines, according to the Times.

The Washington Times reports that the restaurant in Pleasant Hill has been indefinitely closed by Contra Costa County health officials after ignoring orders to verify vaccine status or proof of a negative COVID-19 test among diners.

The report notes that the restaurant did display mandated signage detailing the requirements, but has refused to enforce the mandate.

Other chains of the restaurant in the area have also received warnings and fines, according to the Times.

As we previously reported, In-N-Out Burger is rebelling against what it calls the “clear overreach” of COVID-19 mandates by insisting “we refuse to be the vaccination police.”

A San Francisco branch of the burger chain was shut down on October 14 before being reopened but only for takeout and outdoor service.

Censored ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Rapper: ‘Only One Side Has Free Speech’

The Daily Wire – Rapper Bryson Gray, whose hit song “Let’s Go, Brandon” has been banned from multiple platforms, said on Tuesday that free speech in the United States only exists for “one side.”

Gray appeared on The Blaze conservative commentator and radio host Glenn Beck’s radio show to discuss his song’s success, topping iTunes rankings for most-downloaded songs on Sunday, despite being pulled from platforms such as YouTube and Instagram. Gray’s song is named after an anti-Biden chant that gained popularity after a reporter misheard a crowd chanting “F*** Joe Biden!”

“Is there something that’s changing in America?” Beck asked the artist.

“I do think it’s changing, but I think if we actually started paying attention more, it could change faster in a positive light,” Gray said. “There’s obviously something changing in a negative way to where, if you want to be honest in this country, we like to say we’re all free, but in reality, in the public space only one side has free speech.”

“They can say whatever they want about Jesus and get away with it. They can literally do whatever they want. Meanwhile, we can’t even question, make a joke, then we’re banned on platforms if we do that,” Gray continued. “But the good side of it is, if you see what happened to this song, it shot up to number one, but I do not think it would be number one if they didn’t ban it.”

“So that’s a positive side to it. The only problem with that is we do that for, like, a week or two and then we go back to normal,” he said. “And if you actually listen to the lyrics in my ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ song, my whole point was that it’s time for us to, like, stand up and stop allowing and succumbing to what’s going on in this country.”

Gray said that conservatives are making up ground in the “culture war,” noting that multiple “Let’s Go Brandon” songs have made it into iTunes’ top rankings. Songs titled “Let’s Go Brandon” are the top and second-most downloaded songs on iTunes, according to Pop Vortex.

“It’s a culture war right now and the left has had the grip on the culture war for so long,” Gray said. “I don’t know if you saw but some website wrote an article and said, ‘I can’t believe this moronic song passed Adele’ and then at the end of the article it said ‘Adele will be back number one by the morning. This is just some MAGA cult nonsense, blah, blah, blah.’ Now that was yesterday and this is the morning currently and she has actually dropped to number three behind another ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ song.”

Julian Assange In Court For “Gamechanger” Hearing As US Seeks Overturn Of Extradition Ban

ZeroHedge – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who still languishes in London’s high security Belmarsh Prison, will appear in court on Wednesday and Thursday for a key hearing that could prove to be a potential gamechanger.

The court will decide among other things whether the US Justice Department’s assurances that he won’t face cruel confinement in the US should be extradited are convincing enough to overturn a prior ban on extraditing him. This is precisely what the US is seeking to do after gaining an appeal following the January decision of the High Court which said he’d be facing the American federal prison system’s strict, harsh confinement, likely at a place like ADX Florence supermax.

Student Athletes Get Vaccine Victory in Court

Campus Reform – The Sixth Circuit ruled this month that Western Michigan University cannot keep unvaccinated student athletes from playing on sports teams when those individuals have COVID vaccine exemptions.

One student told Campus Reform that he objected to the university forcing students to get vaccinated.

Western Michigan University can no longer force their student-athletes to take the COVID-19 vaccine in order to participate in sports after losing a federal appeal.

This appeal decision is the latest development in a suit by 16 student athletes against the university. 

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit asserted October 7 that student athletes with vaccine exemptions can play for their teams, according to MLIVE.com

WMU’s policy before had restricted players’ ability to compete, but did preserve students’ status as team members. 

Gas Stations Across Iran Crippled After Massive Cyberattack

ZeroHedge – Iran has announced that the country’s energy infrastructure was hit by a massive cyberattack on Tuesday, which left state subsidized gas stations across the country out of commission, resulting in very long lines of cars observed waiting to fill up in many towns and cities.

The timing is interesting given it happened near the two year anniversary mark of deadly nationwide protests following serious gas shortages and price hikes in the fall of 2019. The ‘activist’ nature of the hack is further revealed in that Iranian media is reporting that a message showed up in national computer systems that were hacked that addressed Ayatollah Ali Khamenei with the words, “where is the gas?”

According to The Jerusalem Post, Iranian officials are already suspecting a US or Israeli intrusion: “With the exact details still hazy, there is already rife speculation about whether the purported cyberattack came from the US, Israel or a range of local Iranian anti-regime groups.”

There’s also the possibility of well-funded Iranian opposition and dissident groups, namely the MEK, or “People’s Mujahedin of Iran” – which has itself been known to work with Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency.

Iranian state media had confirmed the hack of crucial energy systems, earlier on Tuesday, saying that some of the problems at swamped gas stations have begun to be resolved:

Local news agencies reported on Tuesday that long queues that had been formed in front of gas stations in large Iranian cities had cleared up after Oil Ministry authorities dispatched teams to the forecourts to enable offline fuel delivery.

Iran’s National Virtual Space Center also issued a statement confirming that a cyberattack had targeted the online fuel delivery system in the country.

“Related departments are working to fix the problem and fuel delivery services will return to normal within the next few hours,” the official statement said.

After Mass Firings, Washington Governor Now Eyes Shot Mandate For All Private Businesses

Activist Post – Washington State is close to going full-on Australia as Gov. Inslee now looks to mandate vaccines for all private businesses. Duly-elected state legislators who have refused the vaccine are being locked out of government buildings in Olympia. State troopers have been fired along with other first-responders. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

By: Katie Daviscourt via The Post Millennial

This package, which is an extension of current mandates, grants Inslee the ability to enforce COVID vaccine mandates.

The Washington Department or Labor and Industries (L&I) filed an emergency rulemaking package last week extending emergency powers to Democrat Governor Jay Inslee. This package, which is an extension of current mandates, grants Inslee the ability to enforce COVID vaccine mandates on all private businesses in the state of Washington, according to elected officials.

Washington state house representatives Jim Walsh (R-Aberdeen) and Jesse Young (R-Gig Harbor) released a statement on Monday condemning the actions of L&I.

District Attorney: Criminal Charges ‘On the Table’ in Alec Baldwin Shooting

Epoch Times -The shooting on the set for the film “Rust” may result in criminal charges, said a New Mexico district attorney. District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies told the New York Times that officials are still investigating and “haven’t ruled out anything” on whether charges could be filed. Last week, actor Alec Baldwin was rehearsing a scene on the set of the Western film near Santa Fe when he discharged a loaded gun, killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and wounding director Joel Souza. Baldwin, who is also the film’s executive producer, hasn’t been charged in the incident. “Everything at this point, including criminal charges, is on the table,” Carmack-Altwies told the NY Times. “There were an enormous amount of bullets on this set, and we need to find out what kinds they were,” she added. Regarding the firearm that Baldwin used, the district attorney said that “it was a legit gun … an antique, era-appropriate gun.” 

US Gasoline Prices Vault to New 7-Year High

Epoch Times – U.S. gasoline prices have notched yet another rise, with the national average hitting a fresh seven-year high. As of Oct. 27, the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline rose to $3.394 from the prior day’s $3.389 and up from the month ago average of $3.189, according to AAA. “With the U.S. economy slowly recovering from the depths of the pandemic, demand for gas is robust, but the supply is tight,” Andrew Gross, AAA spokesperson, said in a statement. “We haven’t seen prices this high since September of 2014.” The nation’s top 5 most expensive markets were, as of Oct. 27: California ($4.56), Hawaii ($4.29), Nevada ($3.93), Washington ($3.87), and Oregon ($3.78). San Francisco gasoline prices, which according to AAA on Tuesday averaged $4.73 for a gallon of regular unleaded, appear poised to hit an all-time record high. 

Krispy Kreme Begins Vaccine Mandates; Employee Prepares to be Terminated

Epoch Times – The Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation in North Carolina has joined the ranks of companies implementing vaccine mandates for its employers.

In September, the company said in a press release that “certain employees and contractors” must get the COVID-19 vaccine by Nov. 30 or be terminated.  

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