July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: October 27, 2022


WHO Assembles Superpowers With ‘One Health Plan’

In October 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a new initiative called One Health Joint Plan of Action

The plan was launched by the Quadripartite, which, in addition to WHO, includes the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)

The World Health Organization already has too much power; this new initiative will only give it more

The One Health Joint Plan of Action combines multiple globalist organizations and synchronizes their plans, while at the same time combining their resources and power to create a global superpower

Decentralized health care and pandemic planning makes sense, as both medicine and government work best when individualized and locally oriented. As it stands, however, the opposite global agenda is being applied

Climate Activists Arrested After Disturbing Behaviors

Just Stop Oil climate activists recently sprayed paint across windows of luxury car showrooms in Berkeley Square, London, before police arrested them.

“Protestors have sprayed paint at the Ferrari and Bentley garages in Berkley Square at 08:39hrs,” stated the Metropolitan Police. “Met officers were rapidly on scene, and at 08:46hrs, arrested two people for criminal damage. They have been taken into custody to a central London police station.”

The two climate activists began spraying paint from a fire extinguisher over Ferrari and Bentley dealership premises around 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, as month-long protests in different parts of the region have caused disruptions in everyday lives of people. The activists are demanding that the British government end all new fossil fuel licenses.

Since the beginning of the month, authorities have arrested more than 585 individuals in connection with disruptions, said the group.

“In what world is it ok to buy and sell luxury cars when people can’t afford to eat or heat their homes, or when people all over the world are suffering and dying from the climate crisis … Inequality is what’s driving the climate crisis,” claimed the group in a Twitter thread.

“Why are millions of children in poverty in this country while people are buying SUVs from @BentleyMotors … It’s obscene. I’m surprised this stuff isn’t happening more. There is a reason we are so poor, and it’s because there are more and more rich people getting richer.”

22-Foot Python Swallows Woman Whole in Indonesia

Police confirmed the discovery of the body of a 54-year-old Indonesian woman inside a monster 22-foot python on Monday.

The woman, identified as Jahrah, went to work on Sunday morning at a rubber plantation in the Jambi province of Sumatra island, but she did not return home that evening, CNN Indonesia reported.

Her husband went to the plantation but was unable to find her, according to Betara Jambi Police Chief AKP S Harefa. However, the chief noted that the husband found sandals, a knife, a headscarf, and a jacket near the plantation.

Belt Und Road: Germany Agrees to Sell Stake in Largest Port to Communist Chinese Shipping Giant

The left-wing government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz has approved the controversial sale of a stake in the port of Hamburg to a Communist Chinese state-owned shipping giant, despite warnings from Germany’s intelligence community on becoming over-reliant on Beijing as it previously did with Moscow.

The German government appears intent on continuing the cosy relationship with China developed under former Chancellor Angela Merkel, with the cabinet of Olaf Scholz’s traffic-light coalition government approving the sale of a 24.9 per cent stake in Hamburg’s shipping container terminal to state-owned COSCO Shipping. The quarter stake is seen as a compromise from Scholz with other members of the coalition government, including the Greens and the FDP, which opposed the deal when it was originally set for a 35 per cent stake.

While proponents of the deal to sell off part of Germany’s largest, and Europe’s second-largest port have argued that the sale of the stake will give Germany a competitive edge in courting Chinese trade, it has caused consternation and concern among others, including cabinet members such as finance minister Robert Habeck, according to German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

Australia COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Payouts Could Reach $77 Million: Budget

The Australian government could be paying up to AU$77 million (US$49.35 million) in vaccine injury claims over the next year, according to recently released budget estimates.

In the current 2021–2022 financial year, the government has paid out just $937,000 after several hundred applications were accepted under Australia’s COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme, according to the Portfolio Budget Statement for the Department of Social Services (not the Health Department).

The final number of applications is far smaller than the original 10,000 who registered their interest in November 2021.

Yet the Department of Social Services estimates, in a table listed under “Third-party payments from and on behalf of other entities,” that total payout numbers could jump 80-fold to $76.9 million over the 2022–23 financial year.

That’s despite the difficulties with navigating the government compensation plan, which personal injury lawyer Clare Eves has previously called a challenging process.

“It’s a bit of a slow process,” Eves, national practice leader at Shine Lawyers, told The Epoch Times. “And it’s maybe a bit more involved than people were anticipating that it was going to be.

Chinese cities tighten curbs on growing COVID outbreaks

Chinese cities from Wuhan in central China to Xining in the northwest are doubling down on COVID-19 curbs, sealing up buildings and locking down districts in a scramble to halt widening outbreaks.

China on Thursday reported a third straight day of more than 1,000 new COVID cases nationwide, a modest tally compared with the tens of thousands per day that sent Shanghai into a full-blown lockdown earlier this year but enough to trigger more restrictions across the country.


mRNA 4-Eva: Detection To Injection Now Set At 100 Days

Today President Joe Biden will sign National Security Memorandum-15 (NSM-15) and launched the National Biodefense Strategy and Implementation Plan for Countering Biological Threats, Enhancing Pandemic Preparedness, and Achieving Global Health Security (the Strategy).

As the President has said, there are no walls high enough or oceans wide enough to keep out biothreats and protect our communities. The Strategy reflects the Biden-Harris Administration’s comprehensive plan to protect our nation from future pandemics and biological threats. It outlines a set of bold goals to transform the nation’s biodefenses and health security by launching a whole-of-government effort across 20 Federal Agencies to detect, prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from biological incidents, in partnership with our international, state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners. NSM-15 supports execution of the strategy by strengthening the coordination of biodefense efforts across government.

Infectious diseases that cross borders and disrupt societies are a threat to our national security and global stability. COVID-19 is the latest example of how biological threats can devastate communities across America and around the world, resulting in millions of deaths and trillions of dollars of economic losses globally. In addition to COVID-19, the global community is concurrently fighting outbreaks of monkeypox, polio, Ebola, highly pathogenic avian influenza, and other diseases, stretching thin global resources and demonstrating gaps in our current preparedness. And, the risks of weaponization of biological agents are expanding.

Investigation: Sanctuary States Dish Out Millions in Unemployment Benefits to Illegal Aliens as Americans Endure Inflation

As Americans suffer through record-high inflation with rising costs for groceries, gasoline, and public utilities, sanctuary states are transferring millions in United States tax dollars to illegal aliens via unemployment benefits, a new investigation reveals.

The investigation, conducted by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), details how sanctuary states like New York and Colorado used the Chinese coronavirus pandemic to open unemployment benefits to illegal aliens — paid for by American citizens.

Specifically, the sanctuary jurisdictions of Washington, DC; New York, and Colorado have paid out $2.7 million in unemployment benefits to illegal aliens since the statewide accounts were opened.

“This is an insult to all those who are in the United States legally and abide by our laws,” IRLI Executive Director Dale Wilcox said in a statement.

IRLI investigators estimate that if Washington, DC; New York, and Colorado grew their unemployment programs even more and the sanctuary state of California implemented its program designed to provide illegal aliens with jobless benefits, the cost to American citizens would be upwards of $4.35 million every year.

Report: Chicago Woman Gives Loaded Firearm to 9-Year-Old Son: ‘Mom Gave Me the Gun’

A Chicago woman was arrested for allegedly letting her nine-year-old son hold a loaded firearm, CWB Chicago reported.

According to prosecutors, police responded to a store in the 3900 block of West Madison at around 2:45 p.m. on Friday after receiving a report of a “person with a gun inside.”

When police arrived, they stopped a woman named Roslyn Price, 26, because she matched the description of the suspect who was holding the firearm. However, as cops tried patting Price down to find the weapon, she allegedly started taking off her pants.

Exclusive – RNC Recruits More Than 70K Poll Watchers, Workers Ahead of Midterms

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has recruited more than 70,000 poll watchers and poll workers ahead of the midterm elections to “help deliver the election transparency that voters deserve,” Breitbart News exclusively learned.

The poll watchers and poll workers are part of the RNC’s multi-tiered election integrity program and will be deployed across key states during early voting and on election day.

House Judiciary Democrats Push ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Two Weeks Ahead of Midterm Elections

House Judiciary Democrats renewed their push for an “assault weapons” ban Tuesday, exactly two weeks before the midterm elections.

House Judiciary Democrats used a tweet to condemn those firearms they describe as “high powered assault weapon[s].”

They added, “It’s time we banned these weapons of war.”

Lawmakers Want to Know Why Pennsylvania Sent Out 240,000 Unverified Ballots

Almost a quarter of a million ballots were mailed to Pennsylvania voters without verifying their identity, state lawmakers say in a letter seeking answers from the state’s top election official. 

“According to the data, as of Oct. 21, 2022, a staggering 240,000 ballots are ‘NOT VERIFIED,’” 15 Republicans in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives write Tuesday in the letter to acting Secretary of the Commonwealth Leigh Chapman. 

“That is an enormous number of ballots, which, according to the law, must be set aside and not counted for the 2022 General Election unless the voter produces lD,” the lawmakers write.

State Rep. Frank Ryan, a member of the House State Government Committee, led the letter. It cites data on unverified ballots for the Nov. 8 election produced by the Pennsylvania Department of State, which Chapman heads. 

State Grant Allows Dept of Corrections and Nonprofit to Provide VR Headsets for Kids to Visit with Incarcerated Parents

Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) systems are increasingly being promoted for use by people of all ages for a variety of purposes despite research confirming that they are harmful to our behavioral, emotional, mental, and physical health.  In fact, recently a report from the Department of Defense (DoD) confirmed that that 80% of the soldiers who used Microsoft HoloLens mixed reality headsets experienced “mission-affecting physical impairments”.  Good luck to the kids and incarcerated parents who’ll be part of this state-funded VR pilot program.

From Gov Tech:

Virtual Reality Helps Kids With Parents Behind Bars

Kids are getting a better chance to bond with parents who are serving time behind bars thanks to virtual reality, a technology that continues to have an increased number of rapidly expanding uses.

Kris B. Mamula, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

(TNS) — Kids are getting a better chance to bond with parents who are serving time behind bars thanks to virtual reality, a technology with rapidly expanding uses.

Uptown-based Amachi Pittsburgh, a nonprofit that helps incarcerated parents better connect with their children, is piloting the use of virtual reality to improve communication among family members. In a first of its kind collaboration, the state Department of Corrections and Tempe, Arizona-based Wrap Technologies Inc. are piloting use of the equipment, which allows 360-degree views of an imaginary world in two or three dimensions for shared adventures between kids and incarcerated mothers and fathers.

A state grant of $680,000 is underwriting the three-month trial which includes materials for a parenting class being offered virtually at three prisons, including SCI Fayette in Uniontown.

“This is a way to re-establish connections between parents and children,” Amachi Pittsburgh Executive Director Anna Hollis said at a news conference last week. “We really want to see this grow.”

On any given day in Allegheny County, 8,500 children have a mother or father behind bars, Ms. Hollis said. Some 200,000 children statewide have an incarcerated parent.

Public safety training, entertainment and health care are among the growing number of industries using virtual reality. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is also using virtual reality as the core of a new social platform called metaverse, his latest project.

Using virtual reality in criminal justice rehabilitation will be simpler. Ms. Hollis said incarcerated parents will meet with their child on a Zoom call to choose an imaginary adventure that both will then experience by wearing a headset that covers the eyes.

The shared, immersive experience will lead to improved communication, Ms. Hollis said. Each virtual reality experience will be guided by a lesson plan and managed by state Department of Corrections staff, who will be able to adapt and customize the situations in real time.  Penn State University researchers will assess the effectiveness of the program and children will not have to travel to a prison or jail to participate. Amachi Pittsburgh and Public Health Management Corp. in Philadelphia will facilitate the virtual reality visits. “The overwhelming majority of incarcerated parents will return to their families and communities at the conclusion of their prison sentence, state Department of Corrections Acting Secretary George Little said in a prepared statement. “Practice makes perfect and we hope role playing with the assistance of virtual avatars will help parents and children see beyond the facility walls and build stronger families and safer communities.”


Major Fuel Supplier On “Code Red” As Diesel Crisis Hits Southeast

Diesel supplies are very scarce across the Northeast and in the Southeast. Supplies are at the lowest seasonal level for this time of year, and the US only has 25 days left of the industrial fuel in storage. The crisis gripping the diesel market appears to be getting out of hand as one fuel supply logistics company initiated emergency protocols this week.

“Because conditions are rapidly devolving and market economics are changing significantly each day, Mansfield is moving to Alert Level 4 to address market volatility. Mansfield is also moving the Southeast to Code Red, requesting 72-hour notice for deliveries when possible to ensure fuel and freight can be secured at economical levels,” Mansfield Energy wrote in an update to customers on Tuesday. The trucking firm has a fleet of tankers that delivers refined fuel products to more than 8,000 customers nationwide.

Mansfield said in many areas on the East Coast, diesel fuel prices are “30-80 cents higher than the posted market average, because supply is tight.” 

“At times, carriers are having to visit multiple terminals to find supply, which delays deliveries and strains local trucking capacity,” the notice continued.

This could mean that the US diesel market is so tight that supplies are running very low in certain areas. The crisis has sent supplies of the industrial fuel that power the economy, from trucks to vans to generators to freight trains to tractors, to the lowest level ever for this time of year.

Biden Tells Voters to Choose Democrats Because Republicans Will ‘Crash the Economy’ on Purpose

President Joe Biden on Oct. 24 delivered what he dubbed his “closing arguments” to voters ahead of the November midterms, claiming that Republicans would “crash the economy” in an effort to get him to cut Social Security and Medicare.

“The Republicans have made it clear that if they win control of the Congress, they will shut down the government, refuse to pay our bills, and it’ll be the first time in our history America will default unless I yield and cut Social Security and Medicare,” Biden said.

“In order to cut Social Security and Medicare, they’re threatening to default on the federal debt,” Biden continued. “There’s nothing that will create more chaos, more inflation, and more damage to the American economy than this.”

“Either give in to their demands on Social Security and Medicare … or Republicans are going to crash the economy,” Biden said, who made the remarks in a speech at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters.

Poll: 95 Percent of Americans Concerned About Rise in Food Prices Ahead of Midterms

A Pew Research Center poll revealed that nearly all Americans are concerned about the rise in the cost of food and consumer goods due to inflation in a worrying sign for Democrats ahead of the midterm election.

Conducted last week, the poll showed that 73 percent are “very” concerned and 22 percent are “somewhat” concerned about the rise in prices, while a combined 93 percent are “very” or “somewhat” concerned by the rise in gasoline. Another 87 percent were similarly concerned about the rise in housing costs, and 70 percent were concerned about “how the stock market is doing,” the Pew poll shows.

“The survey finds that inflation remains the dominant economic concern for Americans,” Pew pollsters wrote. “In fact, the three top concerns, among seven items included, relate to prices—for food and consumer goods (73 percent are very concerned about this), gasoline and energy (69 percent), and the cost of housing (60 percent).”

Since President Joe Biden took office, inflation has been steadily rising, with the consumer price index hitting 8.2 percent year-over-year in September. While Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have often predicted inflation would level out and decrease, it hasn’t.

Gas prices, meanwhile, have dropped more than $1 on average since reaching all-time highs in June, according to AAA data, but the drop has coincided with Biden’s release of oil from the U.S. Strategic Reserve. The oil-producing nations of OPEC+ several weeks ago announced they would slash oil production in what many saw as a blow to Biden’s prospects and would create more pain at the pump in the long term.

JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon Says There’s a Much Bigger Worry Than Recession

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said on Tuesday that the prospect of a recession isn’t the biggest problem facing the global economy and that he worries “much more” about geopolitical strife like the Russia–Ukraine conflict and U.S.–China tensions.

Dimon made the remarks at a premier investment conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Oct. 25, alongside other top Wall Street bankers who discussed issues of concern to investors, including high inflation and aggressive central bank rate hikes to tame it.

Sky-high inflation and its stubborn grip caught many policymakers off guard. In their efforts to restore price stability in the face of shocks like the war in Ukraine, the Federal Reserve and many other central banks have rushed to pull back on easy money policies, embarking on aggressive rate hikes that are cooling demand. Some economists and market analysts fear this could catalyze a recession.

JPMorgan Chase Quietly Settles Whistleblower Case Involving Charges of Keeping Two Sets of Books and Improper Payments to Tony Blair

It was a lawsuit that should have made front page headlines in every major newspaper in America and on the evening television news. Instead, as we predicted, it was quietly settled on Monday, just 10 business days before a trial was scheduled to begin. The dollar amount of the settlement was not disclosed. Yesterday, Wall Street’s paper of record, the Wall Street Journal, devoted a mere 299 words to the settlement and the details of the case.

The lawsuit was filed in the federal district court for the Southern District of New York – a court system where mega Wall Street banks have a long history of evading justice.

The plaintiff in the case is Shaquala Williams, an attorney and financial crimes compliance professional with more than a decade of experience at multiple global banks. The defendant is JPMorgan Chase – the largest bank in the U.S. which has been charged with five felony counts by the U.S. Department of Justice since 2014. Despite the bank’s unprecedented crime spree, federal regulators and the Board of Directors of JPMorgan Chase have allowed the same Chairman and CEO, Jamie Dimon, to continue to run the bank.

Williams charged in her lawsuit that JPMorgan Chase was keeping two sets of books and effectively making a monkey out of the U.S. Department of Justice by brazenly flouting the non-prosecution agreement it had signed with the Justice Department in a previous case. It came out in her deposition testimony, which is part of the court record, that one of the people being paid under her allegation of the bank keeping two sets of books was Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister of the U.K. (See our report: JPMorgan Whistleblower Names Former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair in Court Documents as Receiving “Emergency” Payments from Bank.)


Battery Fail: EV Owners Face Dismal Access to Charging Points

So many new electric vehicles (EVs) on the road, so few places to charge them.

That is becoming a common cry as the Biden administration’s determined push to get people into EVs is far in advance of the infrastructure to make it possible – especially for those who rent in low income, high density inner city areas.

AP reports people who rent are also more likely to buy used EVs that have a lower range than the latest models, making reliable public charging even more critical for them, however power outlets for recharging are more conspicuous by their absence than their availability.

Cities from Portland to Los Angeles to New York City are desperate to deliver public charging solutions as drivers string power cords across sidewalks, stand up their own private charging stations on city right-of-ways and line up at public facilities, according to AP.

Even when charging points can be found, that does not necessarily mean they work.

Battery Fail: EV Owners Face Dismal Access to Charging Points

AP reports people who rent are also more likely to buy used EVs that have a lower range than the latest models, making reliable public charging even more critical for them, however power outlets for recharging are more conspicuous by their absence than their availability.

Cities from Portland to Los Angeles to New York City are desperate to deliver public charging solutions as drivers string power cords across sidewalks, stand up their own private charging stations on city right-of-ways and line up at public facilities, according to AP.

Even when charging points can be found, that does not necessarily mean they work.


Data Firm Used Sophisticated Geo-Tracking, ‘Covid Decree Violation’ Scores To Manipulate Voters

Tens of millions of US citizens were given a “COVID-19 decree violation” score as a result of a data harvesting program conducted during the first lockdown by voter analytics firm PredictWise.

“These Covid-19 decree violation scores were calculated by analyzing nearly two billion global positioning system (GPS) pings to get “real-time, ultra-granular locations patterns.” People who were “on the go more often than their neighbors” were given a high Covid-19 decree violation score while those who mostly or always stayed at home were given a low Covid-19 decree violation score,” writes Reclaim the Net’s Tom Parker.

The data collected was then used by PredictWise to help Democrats target over 350,000 “COVID concerned” Republicans with campaign ads relating to virus prevention measures.

“PredictWise understood that there were potential pockets of voters to target with Covid-19 messaging and turned high-dimensional data covering over 100 million Americans into measures of adherence to Covid-19 restrictions during deep lockdown,”the company states in its white paper.

This information was used to help identify 40,000 “persuasion targets” for Senate candidate Mark Kelly, who was subsequently elected.

As we highlighted throughout the COVID lockdowns, chilling components of the surveillance grid were weaponized against ordinary people.

At one point, a senior government minister in Australia refused to rule out citizens being forced to wear electronic ankle bracelets, even if they were fully vaccinated, to make sure they were complying with home quarantine orders.

Conservative MP Jeremy Hunt, who was recently promoted to become Chancellor of the Exchequer, called for the government to use GPS tracking technology to ensure Brits were complying with COVID quarantine measures.

“Daily contact with those asked to self-isolate – using GPS tracking to monitor compliance if necessary as happens in Taiwan and Poland,” said Hunt.

Police in the UK also used surveillance drones to monitor and threaten people who dared to go out into remote countryside to walk their dogs.

Exclusive—Michael Walsh on WEF and Great Reset: Live in a Box, Don’t Move, Be Surveilled, Shut up, Eat Bugs

Michael Walsh, author of Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order, noted on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow that the World Economic Forum’s [WEF] Great Reset program seeks to reduce the human population while restricting freedoms under the auspices of what the leftist organization describes as “climate change” and “public health” pursuits.

Walsh recalled how the WEF’s Great Reset operation was widely dismissed by leftists as a “conspiracy theory,” despite the WEF regularly promoting its Malthusian vision on its website, at its hosted discussion panels, and on its podcast titled The Great Reset.

“[The Great Reset] is a conspiracy that’s actually on the website of the people who are conspiring,” Walsh remarked. He described the WEF as “a consortium of plutocrats, fascists, and governmental apparatchiks.”

The WEF’s executives and membership share a vision of endlessly centralized control over humanity via increasingly tightening spheres of freedom around individuals, Walsh observed.

“[They] wish to basically have you live in a high-rise, drive an electric car — or preferably don’t drive the electric car, they don’t like you mobile — and eat bugs,” he said.


This Is the Top Cause of Accelerated Aging—and How to Beat It

What is the top cause of accelerated aging? Bad habits such as smoking and excessive drinking are often the first thing that comes to mind. However, perhaps surprisingly, scientists have recently found that the leading culprit behind aging is a poor psychological state. 

A Prime Culprit of Aging: Negative Psychological State

A joint experiment conducted by American and Hong Kong researchers has examined the effects of various factors on people’s biological age with data from 11,914 adults in the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) database. The data include participants’ blood tests, living conditions, psychological status, disease history, and more.

Researchers found that the mean effect of stroke, liver disease, and lung disease on biological aging doesn’t exceed 1.5 years.

They also tested healthy people and found that for people without any diseases, the primary cause of aging is the state of their mind. 

Having a poor psychological state adds up to 1.65 years to a person’s biological age. The second factor is smoking, a bad habit that affects life expectancy, accelerating aging by 1.25 years. Other factors that contribute to accelerated aging include being male, living in rural areas, being single, among others.

Statins Double Diabetes Rates

While past research has indicated statins increase your risk of diabetes, data demonstrate they double your risk of Type 2 diabetes, and when taken for more than two years may even triple your risk

Statins work by blocking a liver enzyme your body uses to make cholesterol; blocking this enzyme triggers a depletion of CoQ10 and vitamin K2, both necessary for heart health and the prevention of some cancers. Your body makes cholesterol as it is necessary for the production of hormones and cell walls, and to produce substances to digest food

While the relative risk reduction of a cardiovascular event with statin medications is between 20% and 25%, the absolute risk, or the actual difference in rates of coronary death is 2.3%

Additional risks associated with statin medications include neurodegenerative diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, cataracts and heart disease; consider using natural approaches to improve your cardiovascular health

Blood Pressure Medication Recalled Over Cancer-Causing Chemical

Aurobindo Pharma USA is voluntarily recalling two lots of blood pressure medication because of high levels of nitrosamine, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said.

The New Jersey-based company initiated the recall of quinapril and hydrochlorothiazide in 20 milligram and 12.5 milligram tablets due to the presence of the chemical, which is associated with a higher risk of cancer. The tablets are used to treat high blood pressure.

“Nitrosamines are common in water and foods, including cured and grilled meats, dairy products, and vegetables. Everyone is exposed to some level of nitrosamines,” according to the FDA. “These impurities may increase the risk of cancer if people are exposed to them above acceptable levels over long periods of time.”

But the FDA alert doesn’t say to stop taking the medication.

“Patients should contact their doctor or health care provider about whether to continue taking their medication, or whether to consider an alternative treatment prior to returning their medication,” it said, adding, “To date, Aurobindo Pharma USA Inc. has not received any reports of adverse events related to this recall.”

Meanwhile, the FDA said earlier this month on its website that bottles of drugs designed to reduce blood pressure contained medication meant for blood clots and strokes, causing a recall of each.

Glyphosate Linked to Lower Birth Weight and More Intensive Care Cases in Study on US Mothers

Indiana University School of Medicine researchers are learning more about the effects of herbicide exposure during pregnancy, finding glyphosate in 99 percent of the pregnant women they observed in the Midwest. In the study, published recently in Environmental Health, higher glyphosate levels were associated with lower 

birth weight and may also lead to higher neonatal intensive care unit admission risk.

This is the second small-scale study the researchers have conducted with significant findings. The team’s previous study, published in 2018, was the first study to confirm glyphosate in 93 percent of pregnancies which found associations with shortened pregnancies. Other recent studies have also confirmed their findings.

“Pesticide exposure in pregnancy, especially in early pregnancy, can imprint DNA and alter gene expression,” said Paul Winchester, MD, professor of clinical pediatrics and the study’s lead author. “But little is known about how these chemicals can impact fetal development in humans.”


Report: Mark Zuckerberg’s Private Jet Emits *17 Times* More Carbon Than the Average American

Mark Zuckerberg’s private jet emits 17 times more carbon emissions in two months than the average American does in a year, according to flight tracking data.

Zuckerberg, a climate change activist, owns a Gulfstream G650, which he used to take 28 different trips between August 20 and October 15, emitting 253 metric tons of carbon.

Via Fox News:

Zuckerberg’s jet, a Gulfstream G650, has burned at least $158,448 worth of jet fuel across 28 different trips between Aug. 20 and Oct. 15, according to data from flight tracking software ADS-B Exchange compiled by programmer Jack Sweeney. The jet has crisscrossed across the continental United States, traveling to Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New York, Texas and several other states often before returning to its apparent base in San Jose, California.

In that time span, Zuckerberg’s private jet emitted more than 253 metric tons of carbon, a greenhouse gas that experts say is contributing to global warming and climate change. By comparison, the average American has a total carbon footprint of 16 tons a year while the average person worldwide burns about 4 tons a year, according to The Nature Conservancy.

The Gulfstream recorded several long-distance cross-country treks over the last two months, but also made multiple short trips, the data showed. For example, the jet traveled just 18 miles between two Arizona airstrips on Oct. 15 and 28 miles from Carlsbad, California, to San Diego on Aug. 28.

Zuckerberg’s company, Facebook, is an enforcer of official orthodoxy on climate change. In 2021, the social network announced it would fact check “misinformation” about global warming, relying on academics from Yale, George Mason, and the University of Cambridge to “fact check” posts about climate change.


CRISPR Gone Wild: Fake Meat To Designer Babies

CRISPR, a recently developed gene-editing technology is promoted as a potential solution to numerous diseases, to food security and climate change — even as a way to deliver “designer babies” and bring extinct mammals back to life.

The technology has attracted significant investments and the attention of actors such as Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

But many scientists express concerns about the technology’s potential harmful effects.

In interviews with The Defender, Dr. Michael Antoniou, head of the Gene Expression and Therapy Group at King’s College London, and Claire Robinson, managing editor of GMWatch, provided insights into the flaws of this technology, its potential consequences and the risks associated with not regulating it sufficiently.


CDC Pushed for COVID-19 Boosters Without Clinical Trials: Emails

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) pressured U.S. regulators to clear COVID-19 boosters without clinical trial data, according to newly released emails.

CDC officials relayed to counterparts at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in early August 2021 that they wanted authorization for Moderna and Pfizer boosters as data began showing that the vaccines weren’t working as well as initially promoted.

The conversation took place on a call that was described by Dr. Phil Krause, a top FDA official, to several other FDA workers.

“Take a deep breath before reading this next paragraph. On that call, the CDC evidently stated that they will assemble all the data they are aware of on third dosing in this setting and send it to us in the hope that we will (very soon) authorize the third dose for immunocompromised as part of the EUA,” Krause wrote in the Aug. 5, 2021, email (pdf).

EUA stands for emergency use authorization.

All of the COVID-19 vaccines were authorized under emergency conditions at that time.

No boosters had been authorized and no clinical data were available for the boosters.

The emails show that “the CDC wanted the booster approved without a trial,” Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, wrote on Twitter.

The CDC didn’t respond to a request for comment.


Elon Musk Visits Twitter HQ With a Bathroom Sink as $44 Billion Deal Nears End

Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Wednesday posted a video of himself entering Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters with a bathroom sink amid reports he’s looking to complete the $44 billion acquisition of the social media firm by the end of this week.

“Entering Twitter HQ — let that sink in!” he wrote. Musk also changed his Twitter bio to “Chief Twit” on Wednesday.

The billionaire has until Friday to close the Twitter deal after a judge overseeing the Court of Chancery in Delaware gave Musk and Twitter until 5 p.m. ET on Oct. 28 to agree to a new deal or resume the case. Then, a trial would be scheduled for November, the judge ruled this month.

It comes as Twitter Chief Marketing Officer and Head of People Leslie Berland reportedly sent out an email to employees that Musk would come to the San Francisco headquarters.

“Elon is in the SF office this week meeting with folks, walking the halls, and continuing to dive into the important work you all do. If you’re in SF and see him around, say hi! For everyone else, this is just the beginning of many meetings and conversations with Elon, and you’ll all hear directly from him on Friday,” the message read, according to multiple news reports.

Kanye West Wax Statue Banished by Madame Tussauds

A wax statue of Kanye West that previously graced London’s famous waxwork museum Madame Tussauds was banished to a back room Wednesday, never to be seen again.


Winterizing a Dog Kennel

Keeping your furry family members warm in winter requires a common-sense approach. Some larger dogs, like Newfies, St. Bernards and Huskies enjoy colder temperatures and often have more energy and playfulness during the winter months. However, other breeds like Chihuahuas and pugs may be perfectly spending snowy days on a warm blanket inside the house.

But even dogs with heavy winter coats can suffer from harsh conditions if kept outside without proper protection. Understanding your pet’s breed, coat, overall health and preference for warm or cold temperatures can help you choose the type of winterizing best suited to your dog’s individual needs. Use the following guidelines to create a warm and safe environment for your outdoor dog in winter


Surprise surplus: Zimbabwe empowers farmers, averts food shortage

Zimbabwe could yield its largest wheat harvest yet as the world faces a food crisis in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Empowering local farmers, improving water infrastructure, and increasing private-sector participation was the key to success.

Rock ‘N Roll Icon Jerry Lee Lewis Not Dead, After TMZ Reported His Passing

Legendary rock icon Jerry Lee Lewis has not passed, Page Six reports, hours after TMZ reported that the “Great Balls of Fire” singer died at his home in Memphis on Wednesday. “He’s alive. TMZ reported erroneously off of a bullshit anonymous tip,” Page Six reported.

Page Six reports:

The beloved musician had been dealing with health issues recently, which likely lead to the speculation.

A Facebook post from his official page showed Lewis looking frail while dealing with the “flu.”

“On Sunday, Jerry Lee Lewis was finally inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. The legendary Jerry Lee was too ill with the flu to attend the ceremony. His longtime dear friend Kris Kristofferson accepted in his honor from Hank Williams Jr. and Kris and his wife Lisa were nice enough to drive down to Memphis and present it to Jerry Lee in person,” Lewis’ Facebook page said.

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