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Today's News: October 29, 2019

World News

Trudeau victory prompts ‘Wexit’ talk in Canada’s West
Politico – Confused by Brexit? Get ready for “Wexit.”
Political leaders representing a large chunk of Canada are talking about breaking off from the rest of the country in the wake of Justin Trudeau’s re-election victory — and this time they’re not primarily in French-speaking Quebec, long known for its independent streak.
Instead, it’s the country’s western, oil-dependent provinces fueling the breathless talk of secession, amid a perception that Trudeau and eastern urban liberals are calling the shots at their expense. And it’s emerging as one of Trudeau’s most complicated headaches as the Prime Minister moves toward the start of his second term next month.
“Is it real? Yeah. People are mad,” Randy Hoback, a Conservative Party member of Parliament in central Saskatchewan told POLITICO. “I’ve never seen it like this.”
UK set for third election in four years to try to break Brexit gridlock
AFP – Britain looked set Tuesday for a pre-Christmas election after the main opposition Labour party backed Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s push for an early vote to try to overcome the lengthening political deadlock caused by Brexit.
Conservative leader Johnson — overseeing a minority government — is trying to lead Britain out of the deep crisis engulfing its EU departure that was meant to take place this Thursday.
But unable to get parliamentary support for his divorce deal with Brussels, he was forced to abandon his “do-or-die” pledge to leave the bloc on schedule and has begrudgingly accepted another extension until the end of January.
Britain’s inability to break its half-century bond with the EU has halted costly “no-deal” exit preparations and reportedly seen freshly minted 50-pence commemorative Brexit coins melted down.
General elections have been held twice in the last four years — in 2015 and 2017. The next is not scheduled to happen until 2022.
But Johnson has been trying to secure an early vote to try to win a majority to allow him to push through legislation to enact Brexit.
His third attempt to get parliament to agree to disband early and hold a general election on December 12 ended in failure on Monday after he fell well short of the required support of two-thirds of MPs.
But he was making a fresh bid for the same date on Tuesday using a different parliamentary procedure that would only require a simple majority.
Russia’s Fancy Bear hackers conduct “significant cyberattacks” on anti-doping agencies
Ars Technica – Fancy Bear, the Russian-sponsored hacker group, recently conducted “significant cyberattacks” on 16 national and international sports and anti-doping organizations, and at least some of the offensives were successful, Microsoft said on Monday.
The attacks began on September 16, just days ahead of news reports that the World Anti-Doping Agency, often known as WADA, had opened proceedings against Russian athletes after finding inconsistencies in lab data. Those proceedings, which involve the manipulation of thousands of anti-doping tests, could lead to the ouster of the Russian athletes.
Ukraine, Russia Begin Withdrawal of Troops in Rebel East
Newsmax – Ukraine’s military said the withdrawal of government and Russian-backed rebel troops started at 12.00 local time (10.00 GMT) on Tuesday in Zolote, a town in the eastern Ukrainian region of Luhansk.
Ukrainian forces have fought rebels in the Donbass region in a conflict that has killed more than 13,000 people. Both sides have agreed to modest troop withdrawals but these have been disrupted many times by ceasefire violations.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Trump announces death of al-Baghdadi successor
The Hill – President Trump said Tuesday that U.S. forces had killed the “number one replacement” for ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, days after al-Baghdadij was killed in a U.S. military raid in Syria.
“Just confirmed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s number one replacement has been terminated by American troops,” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning.
Trump rails against impeachment inquiry as key White House witness testifies
The Hill – President Trump on Tuesday railed against the impeachment inquiry into his alleged abuse of power ahead of key testimony from a White House official that threatens to deepen the president’s problems.
Trump tweeted or retweeted dozens of messages denying wrongdoing, chastising Democrats for their handling of the impeachment proceedings thus far and questioning the credibility of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a National Security Council official who will meet behind closed doors with lawmakers on Tuesday.
“Supposedly, according to the Corrupt Media, the Ukraine call ‘concerned’ today’s Never Trumper witness,” Trump tweeted. “Was he on the same call that I was? Can’t be possible! Please ask him to read the Transcript of the call. Witch Hunt!”
Pelosi says House will vote this week on resolution formalizing impeachment inquiry
Fox – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Monday the House will vote this week on a resolution to formalize — and establish the parameters — of the Trump impeachment inquiry.
In a letter sent to Democratic House lawmakers, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the resolution “affirms the ongoing, existing investigation” and “establishes the procedure” for future investigative steps.
“We are taking this step to eliminate any doubt as to whether the Trump administration may withhold documents, prevent witness testimony, disregard duly authorized subpoenas, or continue obstructing the House of Representatives,” Pelosi said.
Fox News has learned the vote will take place Thursday on the House floor.
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church
Scnow – Former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential race, was denied Holy Communion on Sunday morning at a Florence church.
Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed Monday afternoon that he had denied the presidential candidate Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion. Biden, a lifelong Catholic, had attended the church’s 9 a.m. Mass.
Communion is one of seven sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church. The others are baptism, reconciliation, confirmation, marriage, anointing of the sick and holy orders.
Sessions strongly considering bid for old seat in Alabama
Politico – Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions is strongly considering jumping into the race for his old Senate seat in Alabama, according to multiple Republican sources familiar with the matter.
Sessions would scramble the already crowded field of Republicans seeking to take on Democratic Sen. Doug Jones, who won a 2017 special election to fill the remainder of Sessions’ term and is widely viewed as the most vulnerable senator on the ballot next year.
Survey: Number of kids watching online videos soars
AP – The number of young Americans watching online videos every day has more than doubled, according to survey findings released Tuesday. They’re glued to them for nearly an hour a day, twice as long as they were four years ago.
And often, the survey found, they’re seeing the videos on services such as YouTube that are supposedly off limits to children younger than age 13.
“It really is the air they breathe,” said Michael Robb, senior director of research for Common Sense Media , the nonprofit organization that issued the report. The group tracks young people’s tech habits and offers guidance for parents.
The survey of American youth included the responses of 1,677 young people, ages 8 to 18. Among other things, it found that 56% of 8- to 12-year-olds and 69% of 13- to 18-year-olds watch online videos every day. In 2015, the last time the survey was conducted, those figures were 24% and 34%, respectively. The margin of error was plus or minus 2.8 percentage points.
Overall screen time hasn’t changed much in those four years, the survey found. The average tween, ages 8 to 12 for the purposes of this survey, spent four hours and 44 minutes with entertainment media on digital devices each day. For teens, it was seven hours and 22 minutes. That did not include the time using devices for homework, reading books or listening to music.
But the findings on video-watching indicate just how quickly this generation is shifting from traditional television to streaming services, often viewed on smartphones, tablets and laptops. Among the teens surveyed, only a third said they enjoyed watching traditional television programming “a lot,” compared with 45% four years ago. Half of tweens said the same, compared with 61% in the last survey.
Report: De Blasio Ordered NYPD Security Team to Drive Son to College
Washington Free Beacon – New York mayor and failed presidential candidate Bill de Blasio ordered his New York police security detail to drive his son to Yale University on multiple occasions.
The New York Police Department detail transported Dante de Blasio to and from school seven or eight different times during his freshman year, and also took him to visit his uncle who lives near the school, according to the New York Daily News. A former member of the security said the decision had little to do with the younger de Blasio’s safety.
“There was no justification,” a former member of the detail told the Daily News. “If you were told to bring him home from Yale, that’s what we did.”
The son did not face any security threats at the time and decided his sophomore year he would rather take the train to school, according to the source.
Group Demands Docs Related to Qatar’s Suspected Infiltration of U.S. Public Schools
Washington Free Beacon – A legal organization has filed a series of requests to compel American universities to turn over documents that it suspects will shine light on efforts by Qatar to peddle influence and push anti-Israel bias in U.S. public schools, according to a copy of public records requests obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The Lawfare Project, a legal group that provides services to the pro-Israel community, has filed document requests to compel Middle Eastern studies departments at the University of North Carolina and Duke University to turn over documents related to the alleged promotion of curricula sponsored by Qatar Foundation International, a partially state-funded organization that has helped Doha spend an estimated $1 billion pushing the Middle Eastern nation’s priorities.
The Lawfare Project suspects these documents will reveal how Qatar has worked to spread its propaganda inside the American education system. The organization is seeking public records from UNC regarding any potential involvement by Qatar and its proxies in teacher training programs sponsored by the Duke-UNC Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
‘They barely know their biology!’ Parents protest as Texas school approves polarizing sex-ed curriculum teaching ‘gender identity’
RT – A new sex-education curriculum will teach children in Austin, Texas about sexual orientation, as well as how to use prophylactics. Parents say the initiative encourages kids to engage in unhealthy and dangerous sexual activity.
Austin Independent School District’s board unanimously approved the new course material on Tuesday. The curriculum, which spans grades three through eight, will touch upon gender identity – a first for the district. Seventh graders (12-year-olds) will also learn about how to correctly use a condom. Proponents of the new guidelines said that it’s important to foster “healthy communication” about sex and relationships, as well as to reaffirm the district’s support for the LGBTQ community.
Plenty of parents were less than thrilled about the new changes, however.
“[The curriculum] encourages minor children to engage in vaginal, oral, and anal sexual activity through the comprehensive sex ed they’re voting on,” Carol Ayala, the director of Concerned Parents of Texas, told local media.
Others expressed fears that focusing on gender identity at such a young age would be detrimental to children who barely understand their own biology.
Demonstrations both for and against the curriculum were held outside the board meeting. A group of parents opposed to the course material were countered by a trans woman who shouted “trans lives matter” as she was hauled off by police.
Long Time Clinton Advisor: ‘Hillary Is Running; Feels She Was Put On Earth To Be President’
Infowars – Rumors that Hillary Clinton will once again run for President continue to abound. The latest comes in the form of long time Clinton advisor Dick Morris insisting that Hillary will become the Democratic nominee because she believes ‘she was put on Earth to be President’.
Morris served as an advisor to Bill Clinton while he was in the White House, and has ties to both Clintons going back decades.
“She feels entitled to do it. She feels compelled to do it. She feels that God put her on the Earth to do it.” Morris said during a recent interview.
“She’s hesitant because she realizes the timing is bad. In the old issue of sexual harassment, the focus has shifted from the perpetrator to the victims…when your focus is on the predator, that’s Bill Clinton’s problem, but when you look at the victim’s…that’s her.” Morris added, arguing that Hillary’s efforts to ignore her husband’s sexual indiscretions are taking a toll.
Morris claimed that Hillary is waiting for Joe Biden to inevitably drop out.
“She’s got to wait until Biden drops out because he’s obviously next in line for it, and if he goes away, there’s an opening for her,” Morris said.
“Make no mistake. She wants it,” he added.”She’s planning on it. She’ll do everything she can to achieve it.” he added.
UN Takes Over Utah Taxpayer-Funded Venue, Claims It’s “International Territory”
Inowars – In the first United Nations conference outside New York City in the United States of America, the UN took over Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah and claimed it was “international territory.” In the process, they were shutting down a journalist’s rights to video.
On August 26, 27, 28 of 2019, the United Nations procured the venue of Salt Palace in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah for a conference.
The Utah state legislature provided $650,000 for the conference.
However, as a journalist attempted to video the conference, specifically one of the security personnel, who is clearly a foreigner, she was told she didn’t have permission to video the woman’s face and that Salt Palace was designated “international territory.”
Take a look at this report from Defending Utah.

Economy & Business

Viacom-CBS merger expected to be completed in early December
The Hill – The $30 billion between CBS and Viacom is expected to be closed in early December after being officially approved by National Amusements, the parent company owned by the Redstone family that controls each of the companies.
The approval by National Amusements “satisfies the closing conditions to the merger requiring approval of a majority of the CBS Class A shares and a majority of the Viacom Class A shares,” the company announced in a late Monday press release.
The two companies had previously been one entity before splitting in 2006.
Funding ‘Medicare-for-all’ with taxes on the rich ‘impossible,’ study says
Fox – A bipartisan budget watchdog released a report Monday detailing options for how the federal government could pay for “Medicare-for-all,” the health care plan popular with 2020 Democratic presidential contenders — and its findings show there would be no way to fund the expanded health program by simply raising taxes on the rich.
The report, published by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, examines a variety of potential ways to raise the estimated $30 trillion over 10 years necessary to fund “Medicare-for-all,” including a 32 percent payroll tax, a 25 percent income surtax and a 42 percent value-added tax. These methods could all raise $30 trillion, the report says, but there is no way for the federal government to bring in that much money simply by taxing rich people.
“There is not enough annual income available among higher earners to finance the full cost of ‘Medicare-for-All,'” it says. “On a static basis, even increasing the top two income tax rates (applying to individuals making over $204,000 per year and couples making over $408,000 per year) to 100 percent would not raise $30 trillion over a decade.”
An accompanying chart lists the tax-the-rich funding option as “IMPOSSIBLE.”

Energy & Environment

California Fire Map: Getty Fire, Kincade Fire, Calabasas Fire, Brentwood Fire Updates as Strong Winds Could Fuel Further Outbreaks
Newsweek – Dangerous fire weather conditions are expected to continue across most of the northern and southern parts of California through at least Tuesday, the National Weather Service (NWS) warned in a post on its official Twitter account.
“Portions of southern California were upgraded to an Extremely Critical risk for Day 2/Tuesday, October 29th,” the post said.
“Critical weather conditions (dry and windy) will be a threat to parts of California again on Tuesday.” stated another post by the NWS.
Frustration at utility rising as blackouts endure.
AP – Millions of Californians prepared to be in the dark — some for five days, or longer — as the nation’s largest utility said it was switching off power again Tuesday to prevent powerful winds from damaging its equipment and sparking more fires.
Pacific Gas & Electric Corp. said its latest blackout will start early Tuesday and affect 605,000 customers — about 1.5 million people —in 29 Northern California counties. The announcement came even before the last blackout had ended, which shut power to more than 2.5 million people. It wasn’t clear if power, that for many went out Saturday, would be restored before the next round of outages.
How Fast Fashion Adds to the Global Waste Problem
Mercola – Fast fashion is a major contributor to the global waste problem, as clothing is the fastest growing category of waste. Canadians are now buying 400% more clothes, and Americans 500% more, than in the 1980s, and an estimated 85% of donated clothes end up in landfills.
Many textiles don’t biodegrade well due to the synthetic fibers used. Chemicals and toxic dyes are also released, adding to our global water pollution problem.
Several major fashion brands have started take-back programs that promise to recycle your old duds. However, only 1% are actually made into new clothes.
Take-back programs also promote buying more new stuff by offering discounts on new purchases. Critics say these programs are greenwashing as they do nothing to address the root causes of our growing textile waste problem.
Fast fashion retailers make too many clothes and sell them too inexpensively. The poor quality makes the clothes disposable, and a little back-end recycling is circumventing rather than addressing these issues

Science & Technology

Amazon set to challenge loss of $10 billion Pentagon JEDI cloud computing contract
Venture Beat – If Amazon.com decides to fight the Pentagon’s decision to award a highly contested $10 billion cloud computing contract to Microsoft, it could act as early as next week.
A challenge to the Defense Department’s award announced Friday is widely expected by legal experts, analysts and consultants, especially after President Donald Trump publicly derided Amazon’s bid for the high-stakes contract.
In July, Trump said the administration was reviewing Amazon’s bid after complaints from other companies. Before then, Amazon was widely considered to be a front-runner. Trump has repeatedly taken swipes at Amazon and its founder Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post.
For over a year, the acrimonious contract-award process for the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract, set off a showdown among Amazon, Microsoft Corp, Oracle Corp and IBM Corp and involved conflict of interest allegations, legal challenges and intense lobbying.
In a statement, Amazon Web Services said it was “surprised about this conclusion.” A person familiar with the matter told Reuters the company is considering options for protesting the award. The company did not respond to requests for comment on its next steps.
Asteroid Hygiea could become the tiniest dwarf planet
Fox – As the debate rages on whether Pluto, currently a dwarf planet, should be given back its planet status, it may soon be joined by an asteroid that could wind up being the smallest dwarf planet in the solar system.
Asteroid Hygiea, the fourth largest space rock in the Asteroid Belt, was observed for the first time by astronomers in high-resolution. It’s spherical in shape and may wind up taking the crown for the smallest dwarf from Ceres, also located in the Asteroid Belt.
“Thanks to the unique capability of the SPHERE instrument on the [Very Large Telescope], which is one of the most powerful imaging systems in the world, we could resolve Hygiea’s shape, which turns out to be nearly spherical,” said the study’s lead author, Pierre Vernazza, in a statement. “Thanks to these images, Hygiea may be reclassified as a dwarf planet, so far the smallest in the Solar System.”


CDC Admits Flu Vaccine Failure Rate of 91 per cent
Free Thought Project (July 01, 2019) – Every year, the Centers for Disease Control releases its data on how effective the flu vaccine has been for the previous season, and nearly every year, the numbers are disappointing. Once again, doctors are now expressing their disappointment over the latest flu vaccine with the release of the CDC’s new data.
This year’s flu vaccine “failed miserably” according to the CDC due to a current flu strain that showed up halfway through the season.
As ABC 7 reports, in fact — the agency rated its effectiveness at just 9% against that strain and the overall effectiveness for the entire season at 29%.
And this is the case nearly every year. Despite this terrible track record of not working, every year, the CDC continues to urge everyone to get the flu shot. What’s more, according to ABC News, vaccines against most infectious diseases are not considered successful unless they are at least 90% effective. Due to the flu virus’ ability to change so quickly, vaccine effectiveness usually averages around 40%.
Since the United States has never seen a 90% effective rate, the flu vaccine has never been considered successful.
In spite of this fact, municipalities across the country enact laws to ban children and adults alike from schools and workplaces unless they receive the flu vaccine.
As TFTP reported earlier this year, Connecticut parents were told that if they cannot prove their child received the flu vaccine, they will not be allowed to return to school.
Lawmakers claim that the laws like these are necessary because every year in the US roughly 20,000 children under 5 are hospitalized because of the flu. But historically, the data shows that these numbers are largely skewed.
The CDC has been telling the public for nearly a decade that there are more than 200,000 estimated hospitalizations and 36,000 estimated deaths from influenza in the U.S. every year.
But these estimates count a lot of people hospitalized – not just with influenza but also with pneumonia, respiratory and circulatory illnesses – which they counted as probably associated with influenza.
What’s more is the fact that the flu shot is a crap shoot every year. It was no secret that like this year, last year’s vaccine was all but entirely ineffective. 
Nationwide Xanax recall
The Daily Sheeple – Mylan Pharmaceuticals is pulling one lot of Xanax from pharmacy shelves nationwide because of what the company said is “the potential presence of a foreign substance” in the popular prescription anti-anxiety drug.
The drug manufacturer cited a small chance of infection in recalling the batch of Alprazolam, the prescription drug sold under the brand name Xanax, according to a recall notice posted Saturday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
FDA Pesticide Report: 84% Fruits, 53% Vegetables, 42% Grains Contaminated in U.S.
Health Impact News – Last month the Food & Drug Administration published its latest annual analysis of the levels of pesticide residues that contaminate the fruits and veggies and other foods we Americans routinely put on our dinner plates. The fresh data adds to growing consumer concern and scientific debate over how pesticide residues in food may contribute – or not – to illness, disease and reproductive problems.
Over 55 pages of data, charts and graphs, the FDA’s “Pesticide Residue Monitoring Program” report also provides a rather unappetizing example of the degree to which U.S. farmers have come to rely on synthetic insecticides, fungicides and herbicides in growing our food.
We learn, for instance, in reading the latest report, that traces of pesticides were found in 84 percent of domestic samples of fruits, and 53 percent of vegetables, as well as 42 percent of grains and 73 percent of food samples simply listed as “other.” The samples were drawn from around the country, including from California, Texas, Kansas, New York and Wisconsin.
Roughly 94 percent of grapes, grape juice and raisins tested positive for pesticide residues as did 99 percent of strawberries, 88 percent of apples and apple juice, and 33 percent of rice products, according to the FDA data.
Imported fruits and vegetables actually showed a lower prevalence of pesticides, with 52 percent of fruits and 46 percent of vegetables from abroad testing positive for pesticides. Those samples came from more than 40 countries, including Mexico, China, India and Canada.
We also learn that for the most recently reported sampling, among the hundreds of different pesticides, the FDA found traces of the long-banned insecticide DDT in food samples, as well as chlorpyrifos, 2,4-D and glyphosate.  DDT is linked to breast cancer, infertility and miscarriage, while chlorpyrifos – another insecticide – has been scientifically shown to cause neurodevelopmental problems in young children.
Chlorpyrifos is so dangerous that the European Food Safety Authority has recommended a ban of the chemical in Europe, finding that there is no safe exposure level. The herbicides 2,4-D and glyphosate are both linked to cancers and other health problems as well.
Thailand recently said it was banning glyphosate and chlorpyrifos due to the scientifically established risks of these pesticides.
Despite the prevalence of pesticides found in U.S. foods, the FDA, along with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), assert that pesticide residues in food are really nothing to worry about. Amid heavy lobbying by the agrichemical industry the EPA has actually supported continued use of glyphosate and chlorpyrifos in food production.
The regulators echo the words of Monsanto executives and others in the chemical industry by insisting that pesticide residues pose no threat to human health as long as the levels of each type of residue falls under a “tolerance” level set by the EPA.
>> Power Mall Product of Interest: Miracle Miracle II Neutralizer & Soap for cleaning produce
From the Dilution Guide : When washing vegetables in sink, add 1 oz Neutralizer to water. This will cause the parasites to be removed. (Note) Now this is hilarious. Many people have called and said that they use their (Miracle II Soap) bath water to kill fire ants and all
other insects in their house, yard, and garden. Never before have you been able to get so much in a product.
Natural Ways to Protect Yourself From Thyroid Cancer
Newsmax – It is estimated that over 27 million Americans suffer from thyroid disease and at least half of them are undiagnosed. According to the American Thyroid Association, women are five to eight times more likely than men to have thyroid problems.
Even worse, the American Cancer Society estimates that there are 56,460 new cases of thyroid cancer a year, double the number in 1990 and triple the statistics in 1970.
Dr. Richard Shames M.D. a leading expert and author of “Thyroid Mind Power,” tells Newsmax that there is an “alarmingly greater number of thyroid patients than there has been in past years.”
“Both high and low thyroid disease, as well as thyroid cancer, are autoimmune diseases,” he says. “The underlying cause of the increase in autoimmunity across the board is the incessantly increasing pollution of our air, food and water with thousands of hormone and immune disrupting synthetic chemicals.”
Here’s how to prevent thyroid disease:

  • A monthly “neck check.” Your thyroid is located between your Adam’s apple and your sternum. Take your right hand against your neck and move downward. Aside from muscle tissue, if you feel anything unusual, check with your doctor. Next, swallow a glass of water. This moves the trachea and the esophagus in such a way that the thyroid is pushed out that would expose any lumps or bumps. If you see or feel anything unusual, ask your doctor for an ultrasound. If you have had thyroid disease, your risk of getting cancer is higher so schedule regular ultrasounds.
  • Take a multivitamin that includes 100 mcg. of iodine. Eat seafood but avoid processed food that contains too much sodium but no iodine. And don’t take in too much either, says Christianson, a world-renowned naturopathic physician. “It’s like Goldilocks, too little or too much iodine can damage the thyroid gland.”
  • Consume selenium. This mineral helps your body utilize thyroid hormones. Eat a handful of Brazil nuts each week.
  • Minimize mercury. Beware of high mercury seafood. The biggest no-no is eating tuna daily. Avoid mercury amalgams. Getting new fillings? Go for porcelain or ceramic.
  • Avoid perchlorate. This is a toxic by product from rocket and jet fuels. It usually ends up in our water supply and is absorbed through our skin and intestines. Once in our bodies, it prevents our thyroid gland from absorbing iodine. Drink purified water only, not tap water. Ideally, use a filter for your shower, too. We can also get this toxic product from dry cleaning so when you bring your clothes home, take them out of the bag ASAP and ideally let them off-gas in the sunshine before wearing.
  • Exercise. The more aerobic activity you do the lower your odds of developing thyroid disease. Keep your blood moving!
  • Get tested. If you or someone your love has possible thyroid symptoms, have a complete panel of tests done including TSH, thyroid antibodies, freeT3 and free T4. Look for your TSH to be in the optimal range of 0.3-1.5. In the case of suspected thyroid disease or any other symptoms, never assume you need to suffer. Educate yourself and see your doctor so that you can feel your best.

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