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Today's News: October 30, 2018

Top Headlines
Migrant caravan’s leaders reportedly demand ‘safe and dignified’ transport as enthusiasm erodes
Fox – Morale appears to be eroding inside the migrant caravans pushing toward the United States, with members dropping out to return home, some opting to try their luck in Mexico and others demanding “safe and dignified transport,” as the endless walking begins to take its toll.
The first of the three caravans attempting the journey is still at least 1,000 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border. A Fox News crew traveling with the leading caravan Tuesday observed migrants standing on a bridge outside of the town of Niltepec, hoping to get rides in vehicles, while others looked to get on board buses that lined up.
That caravan is estimated to contain 4,000 people — but the number is slowly shrinking as weary travelers drop out or apply for protected status in Mexico, spurring the caravan’s leaders to make the request for help with transportation to Mexico’s capital, according to the Associated Press.
ANOTHER wave storms into Mexico: Carrying BOMBS and guns?
DailyMail  -The second migrant caravan, believed to be armed with bombs and guns, crossed into Mexico on Monday despite a huge police presence.
Hundreds of migrants following in the footsteps of the first caravan heading to the U.S. border crossed a river from Guatemala.
A low-flying police helicopter hovered overhead as the migrants waded in large groups through the Suchiate River’s murky waters, apparently trying to use the downdraft from its rotors to discourage them.
Guatemala’s Noti7 channel reported that one man drowned and aired video of a man dragging a seemingly lifeless body from the river.
Once on the Mexican side the migrants were surrounded and escorted by black-uniformed officers as sirens wailed.
The second group back at the Guatemalan frontier has been more unruly than the first that crossed. Guatemala’s Interior Ministry said Guatemalan police officers were injured when the migrant group broke through border barriers on Guatemala’s side of the bridge.
Mexico authorities said migrants attacked its agents with rocks, glass bottles and fireworks when they broke through a gate on the Mexican end but were pushed back, and some allegedly carried guns and firebombs.
On Monday, Mexican Interior Secretary Alfonso Navarrete Prida lamented what he called a second ‘violent attempt’ to storm the border, accusing people of placing the elderly, pregnant women and children at the front, putting them at risk of being crushed.
‘Fortunately, that did not happen,’ he said.
Trump plans to sign order terminating birthright citizenship
Axious – President Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said yesterday in an exclusive interview for “Axios on HBO,” a new four-part documentary news series debuting on HBO this Sunday at 6:30 p.m. ET/PT.
Trump vows to use tent cities
Breitbart – President Donald Trump told Fox News that he will hold Central American asylum-seekers in detention while they wait for their asylum requests to be considered by immigration judges.
“We’re going to hold them [in detention] until such time their trial takes place,” he told Fox News host Laura Ingraham Monday night. He continued:
We’re going to build tent cities, we’re going to put tents up all over the place … The [migrants] are going to wait [in detention], and if they don’t get asylum, they get out of here.
“We’re not letting them into this country,” he said, suggesting his plan will include all Central American asylum-seekers, not just the migrants in the two approaching caravans of Honduran migrants.
World News
France is NEW BOSS OF EUROPE as ‘strongman’ Macron steps into Merkel’s power-vacuum
Express.uk – FRANCE’S President Emmanuel Macron is poised to become the “strongman” of Europe stepping into the European – and EU – power vacuum resulting from the resignation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
French Conservative Senator Jean Bizet claimed Macron had to step-up but warned the new unofficial role would be “very difficult” for Mr Macron.
Mrs Merkel’s decision to quit politics after her current term as Chancellor ends in 2021 sent shockwaves across Europe and the world yesterday.
Sen Bizet said: “Germany has been the strongman of Europe for many years but today it has become the weak man, if I may say so.
“Everything rests – and will rest more an
Mr Bizet, the chairman of the senate’s committee for European affairs, told the TV channel Public Sénat the German leader’s decision to not seek a fifth term as chancellor was “a great disappointment but sadly an expected disappointment.”
He added: “It’s bad news for the coalition, bad news for Germany, bad news for France but also bad news for Europe”.
Mrs Merkel, 64, announced her decision to retire in 2021 and also step down as leader of the Christian Democrats (CDU) after her party on Sunday suffered its second regional election setback in as many weeks.
Related: Angela Merkel begins her exit from the world stage
German chancellor Angela Merkel has begun the end of her long political career. Saying it was “time to open a new chapter,” Merkel announced today (Oct. 29) that she would not run again for leadership of the Christian Democratic Union at the party’s next congress in December.
South China Sea CRISIS: US issues chilling warning to Beijing – ‘we’ll meet more AND MORE’
Express.uk – Chief of US Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson warned the United States and China “will meet each other more and more on the high seas” after a Chinese warship came close to a US vessel in the hotly disputed waters.
The Chinese vessel came within an eye-watering 45 metres of the USS Decatur during a “freedom of navigation” sail, US Vice President Mike Pence said.
The US mission was the latest attempt to counter what Washington sees as Beijing’s efforts to limit freedom of navigation in the strategic waters, where Chinese, Japanese and some Southeast Asian navies operate.
Admiral Richardson said China’s relationship with the Russian navy should be watched “with interest” as it grows.
World War 3: US military stokes tensions with launch of Global Thunder nuclear drills
Express.uk – The annual training drills are designed to assess all US Stategic Command mission areas with a specific focus on the West’s nuclear readiness to “curb, locate and, if necessary, avert strategic attacks on the US and its allies”.
Forces personnel from the UK, Australia, Canada, Denmark and South Korea are also taking part in this year’s war games.
US Strategic Command chief General John E. Hyten said: “For Global Thunder 2019, the headquarters staff, USSTRATCOM components and subordinate units are participating in this exercise to test readiness and ensure a safe, secure, ready and reliable strategic deterrent force.
“The nuclear triad is the backbone of strategic deterrence.”
U.S. News, Politics & Government
China secretly puts military scientists in Western colleges
Defence One – Dozens of scientists and engineers linked to China’s People’s Liberation Army obscured their military connections when applying to study overseas.
Universities in the US, UK, Australia, and other countries may have been unknowingly collaborating with China’s military.
That’s according to a new study by Canberra-based think tank Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), which found that dozens of scientists and engineers linked to China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) had obscured their military connections when applying to study overseas.
Most strikingly, said ASPI, the collaboration is the highest among the “Five Eyes” countries—an intelligence alliance consisting of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US—which counts China as one of their “main intelligence adversaries.” The fear is that such scientists could be engaging in espionage or committing intellectual-property theft during their stints overseas.
About 2,500 PLA-sponsored military scientists have gone abroad since 2007, according to ASPI. Such collaborations are encouraged by cash-strapped foreign universities, some of which have increasingly turned to China for scientific funding.
Election FRAUD warning: Tech giants and fake news media conspiring to steal the mid-terms
NaturalNews – The anti-speech tech giants have combined forced with the fake news media (CNN, NYT, WashPost, etc.) to steal the mid-term elections and overthrow democracy in America. In effect, they have already carried out massive election meddling and fraud on a scale the “Russians” could even dream of.
Since President Trump won the election in 2016, there has been a concerted, highly organized and well-funded effort to overrule the American people and remove Trump from office by any means necessary. This effort has been pursued via:

  • Systematic banning of prominent pro-Trump voices by the tech giants (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google, etc.), which effectively prevents the American people from engaging in public debate and dialog about important election issues.
  • 92% anti-Trump news coverage by the so-called “media” which actually exists solely as the propaganda wing of the DNC.
  • Continued massive voter fraud that allows illegal foreign nationals to vote in U.S. elections and out-vote real American citizens. (We need national voter ID laws.)
  • Deep state leaks, lies and propaganda collusion with the fake news media to try to discredit the Trump administration, no matter how many laws have to be broken in the process.

These acts represent nothing less than massive, coordinated election meddling and election fraud, which is a felony crime under U.S. federal statutes. Why are the tech giants and anti-America left-wing media allowed to wage this war on democracy and carry out highly illegal acts that deprive the American people of their democracy?
10 new cases of the mysterious Polio-like illness
ATLANTA – There are new concerning new details about a mysterious illness that’s paralyzing children.
The Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has now confirmed another 10 AFM cases.
The latest patients bring this year’s total to 72. The illness has been reported in 24-states, including Georgia.
Economy & Business
Consumer Confidence Rises to New 18-Year High in October
Newsmax – U.S. consumer confidence rose again this month, hitting a new 18-year high.
The Conference Board says its consumer confidence index climbed to 137.9 in October from 135.3 in September. Both readings are the highest since September 2000.
The index measures consumers’ assessment of current economic conditions and their outlook for the next six months. Both improved in October.
Consumers’ spirits have been lifted by a strong labor market. Unemployment has dropped to 3.7 percent, lowest since 1969. The government reported Friday that consumer spending from July through September was the strongest in nearly four years.
US Limits Tech Exports to Chinese Firm on Security Grounds
Newsmax – The Trump administration has imposed restrictions on technology exports to a state-supported Chinese semiconductor maker, citing national security grounds amid a mounting tariff battle.
The controls imposed Monday on Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Co. reflect concern Chinese competition could drive American technology suppliers out of business, leaving the military without secure sources of components.
Beijing has spent heavily to build up Jinhua and other chip makers as part of efforts to transform China into a global leader in robotics, artificial intelligence and other technology industries.
The United States, Europe and other trading partners say Beijing’s tactics violate its market-opening obligations. American officials worry they might erode U.S. industrial leadership.
President Donald Trump has imposed tariffs of up to 25 percent on $250 billion of Chinese goods in an effort to pressure Beijing to roll back those plans.
Jinhua is completing “substantial production capacity” for integrated circuits, possibly using U.S. technology, which “threatens the long-term economic viability of U.S. suppliers of these essential components of U.S. military systems,” said a Commerce Department statement.
Home price growth cools for fifth straight month
Yahoo Finance – Home prices in the U.S. rose at a slower pace for the fifth consecutive month, yet another sign that the housing market is cooling down.
Standard & Poor’s said Tuesday that its S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller national home price index reported a 5.8% annual gain in August, down from 6% in the previous month. It is the first time in a year that annual gains fell below 6%. The 20-City Composite posted a 5.5% year-over-year increase, down from 5.9% in July — substantially lower than analysts’ expectation of 5.8%.
“Following reports that home sales are flat to down, price gains are beginning to moderate,” said David M. Blitzer, managing director and chairman of the index committee at S&P Dow Jones Indices, in a press statement. “Other housing data tell a similar story: prices and sales of new single family homes are weakening, housing starts are mixed and residential fixed investment is down in the last three quarters.”
Energy & Environment
Billionaires chase holy grail of energy
Bloomberg – Not long before he died, tech visionary Paul Allen traveled to the south of France for a personal tour of a 35-country quest to replicate the workings of the Sun. The goal is to one day produce clean, almost limitless energy by fusing atoms together rather than splitting them apart.
The Microsoft Corp. co-founder said he wanted to view the early stages of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor in Cadarache firsthand, to witness preparations “for the birth of a star on Earth.”
Allen wasn’t just a bystander in the hunt for the holy grail of nuclear power. He was among a growing number of ultra-rich clean-energy advocates pouring money into startups that are rushing to produce the first commercially viable fusion reactor long before the $23 billion ITER program’s mid-century forecast.
Science & Technology
The world’s first humanless warehouse run only by robots
CNBC  -At a recent technology show in Tokyo, a large robot arm reached into a full-sized mockup of a shipping container and began unloading boxes from it. Set on a platform that moved back and forth, the robot was doing a job usually carried out by warehouse workers and forklift operators. The goal of the company that’s developing it, Mujin, is total automation.
The system, still a prototype, doesn’t work perfectly — it accidentally damaged a box during the demo — but it’s going to be trialed in warehouses in Japan this year.                “Lifting heavy boxes is probably the most backbreaking task in warehouse logistics,” said Mujin’s American co-founder and CTO, Rosen Diankov. “A lot of companies are looking for truck unloading systems, and I believe we’re the closest to commercialization.”
Social giant hit by ANOTHER data security breach…
FN London – Another day, another data breach at Facebook, but this one really is embarrassing.
The social network giant, still reeling from the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal and a security flaw last month that affected nearly 50 million users, has suffered a data protection mishap after its guest list went missing at an event it hosted at its Euston office in London on October 17.
The privacy breach was not at any old seminar though, it happened at an event entitled “Cyber security: the next 50 years”, which was hosted by Facebook and The Fulbright Commission, the US-UK scholarship programme, at their offices in Brock Street.
Taurine reduces age-related memory loss
NaturalNews – aurine, an amino acid-like substance essential to health, is an ‘unsung hero’ within the nutritional world.  But, its importance is almost beyond belief.
So under-recognized is taurine, in fact, that scientists and researchers refer to it as “the best amino acid you’ve never heard of.”  Today, we intend to shine a light on this potent amino acid.
Exciting research reveals how taurine can help to protect the brain from cognitive changes associated with environmental toxins, thereby reducing memory loss and slowing brain aging – while helping to stimulate production of new, healthy brain cells.
Groundbreaking study looks at the regenerative potential of vitamin C for hormone health and cancer prevention
NaturalNews – When we think of vitamin C we probably think of citrus fruits, winter and preventing the flu. However, this powerhouse nutrient is so much more than an immune booster – albeit a powerful one. A groundbreaking but undervalued study published over two decades ago in the peer-reviewed journal Radiation Physics and Chemistry, found that vitamin C can provide amazing hormone balancing benefits and could potentially even prevent cancer. Unsurprisingly, the Big Pharma-led mainstream media and medical establishment have chosen for the most part to ignore the study’s findings.
Green Med Info’s Sayer Ji recently commented on that vital study, explaining that the Austrian researchers set out to explore the role that vitamin C could play in preventing steroid hormones like progesterone, estrone (a form of estrogen) and testosterone from degrading and becoming toxic, cancer-causing metabolites called “hormone transients.”
They found that vitamin C could facilitate almost total estrone regeneration, along with 52.7 percent regeneration of progesterone and 58.6 percent regeneration of testosterone.
This has profound implications for the use of vitamin C as an alternative to cancer-causing hormone replacement therapy in middle-aged women. And, since vitamin C also reduces the formation of carcinogenic hormone-transients, it is a potentially vital component of cancer prevention.

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