July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 06, 2022


Liz Truss to Become New UK Prime Minister, Taking Over From Boris Johnson

Foreign secretary tops former Chancellor Rishi Sunak in Conservative Party vote

The UK’s Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is to be the next prime minister after she won the Conservative leadership contest, defeating former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak by a margin of more than 20,000 votes.

She will replace current Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who resigned on July 7 after more than 50 government ministers resigned, saying they had lost confidence in him as leader. It followed Johnson admitting it was a “mistake” to keep Chris Pincher on as a government whip despite sexual misconduct allegations against him.

Sunak was one of the first to resign, along with Health Secretary Sajid Javid, but Truss remained loyal to Johnson until the end.

Truss pipped trade minister Penny Mordaunt in the final round of MPs’ voting in July to make it through to face Sunak, but she proved more popular in 12 regional hustings than the former finance minister among the 172,000 grassroots Conservative Party members.

Voting closed on Friday and Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 Committee of Conservative backbench MPs, announced the result on Monday.

Truss won 81,326 votes, compared to 60,399 for Sunak.

One Suspect in Saskatchewan Stabbing Rampage Found Dead, Brother Still at Large: RCMP

RCMP say Damien Sanderson, one of the two men wanted in connection to the stabbing rampage in Saskatchewan, has been found dead.

The body of the 31-year-old was discovered outdoors in a grassy area on the James Smith Cree Nation, the RCMP told reporters at a press conference in Regina on Sept. 5.

“We can confirm he has visible injuries. These injuries are not believed to be self-inflicted at this point,” said Rhonda Blackmore, assistant commissioner in charge of Saskatchewan RCMP.

The other suspect, Myles Sanderson, 30, is still at large. Blackmore confirmed that the two are brothers.

“Damien’s brother may have sustained injuries. This has not been confirmed, but we do want the public to know this because there is a possibility he may seek medical attention,” she said. “Even if he is injured, it does not mean he is not still dangerous.”

“Myles Sanderson is facing three counts of first degree murder and is wanted,” said Blackmore, adding that he has a history of criminal record involving persons and property crimes. “We consider him armed and dangerous.”

Protests Break Out in Wuhan, Residents Demand Lifting of Lockdowns

Residents in a locked-down region of China’s Wuhan took to the streets on Sept. 4 confronting police and security guards to protest against an ongoing closure of their communities amid a recent COVID-19 outbreak.

Wuhan, the capital city of China’s central Hubei Province where the COVID-19 pandemic first broke out, imposed this latest round of regional lockdowns upon detecting asymptomatic cases in late August.

Panlongcheng, an economic development zone on the northwestern outskirts of Wuhan, was shut down on Aug. 26, the pandemic control command of Panlongcheng said in a notice on Aug. 27.

Residents were banned from leaving their homes; all public venues were ordered closed except government-designated supermarkets and medical institutions; and public transport was suspended, according to the notice.

Panlongcheng is home to multiple large residential compounds and industrial manufacturers, and has a population of over 250,000.

Nearly ten days have passed, but the region is still in lockdown, with no information from the authorities as to when they plan to lift the restrictions.

Video footage obtained by the Chinese edition of The Epoch Times shows residents in multiple residential compounds gathering to protest, chanting: “We demand the lifting of lockdown!” and “We want to have food! We need to pay loans! We have our family to feed!”

Brazil braces for turbulence on eve of Bolsonaro’s independence day rallies

Rightwing excitement over Bolsonaro’s jamboree contrasts with progressive dread and anger that a day of national celebration has been hijacked by the Bolsonarian right. Some fear the gathering could spark scenes of turmoil reminiscent of last year’s storming of the US Capitol by followers of Donald Trump.

“I’m not saying everyone who votes [Bolsonaro] or supported him is a far-right fanatic … but the risk is precisely the fanatics. Just look at what happened in the US,” said Consuelo Dieguez, the author of a new book on Bolsonarismo and Brazil’s far-right called The Serpent’s Egg.

Dieguez played down doomsday predictions that the independence day demos – which will also be held in Brasília and São Paulo – might be used to stage a military coup in favour of Bolsonaro, an authoritarian-minded former soldier who has said only God will remove him from the presidency.

Bolsonaro reportedly plans to attend a military parade in Brasília before flying to Rio, where he built his political career, to address supporters on Copacabana beach.

Celso Rocha de Barros, the author of a recent history of Lula’s Worker’s party, said he suspected the leftist’s large – but not necessarily insurmountable – lead in the polls meant Bolsonaro was torn over his plan of action.


Judge Grants Trump Motion for Special Master to Review Records Seized by FBI

A U.S. judge on Sept. 5 agreed to insert a special master into the review process for records seized from former President Donald Trump’s Florida home.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, ordered the appointment of a special master to review the seized property for items and documents that may be covered by attorney-client or executive privilege.

“In addition to being deprived of potentially significant personal documents, which alone creates a real harm, Plaintiff faces an unquantifiable potential harm by way of improper disclosure of sensitive information to the public,” Cannon wrote in her 24-page order, released several days after a hearing in which she heard arguments from Trump’s lawyers and attorneys for the government.

“Further, Plaintiff is at risk of suffering injury from the Government’s retention and potential use of privileged materials in the course of a process that, thus far, has been closed off to Plaintiff and that has raised at least some concerns as to its efficacy, even if inadvertently so,” she added.

A special master is an independent third party who assists with sensitive cases.

FBI agents seized records, notes, and other items from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, on Aug. 8.

Cannon said she was swayed to side with Trump in part because the U.S. government’s filter team, which was supposed to identify all potentially privileged items, failed to do so.

“Those instances alone, even if entirely inadvertent, yield questions about the adequacy of the filter review process,” the judge said.

More Evidence Revealed of Biden’s Involvement in FBI Action Against Trump

As we previously reported, Judge Aileen Cannon granted the request of President Donald Trump to appoint a special master to review the material that the FBI had seized from his house to separate out the personal things, and potentially privileged material subject to claims of attorney-client and/or executive privilege. Documents seized from Mar-a-Lago included Trump’s “medical documents, correspondence related to taxes, and accounting information.”

In the order, the Court blocked the FBI from continuing to review any of the material until the special master is appointed and has reviewed the material. While it’s good that the Court blocked the FBI from continuing to review likely privileged documents, the Court didn’t stop the “classification review” of the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines. The judge likely is thinking that Haines is “objective” but as a Biden appointee and a protege of John Brennan, that’s a bit like letting the fox inside the hen house. In my opinion, it might negate the whole decision to have a special master.

The FBI raid was ridiculously broad — even going through 16-year-old Barron Trump’s bedroom according to Donald Trump, as well as Melania Trump’s closet. The order noted that the FBI seized 11,000 documents and 1,800 other items.

But I also wanted to note how the order once again revealed how Joe Biden and his team lied about not being involved in the matter against President Donald Trump.

As we previously reported, Joe Biden claimed that he didn’t have any notice of the FBI action against Trump.

“I didn’t have any advance notice. None. Zero. Not one single bit,” Biden protested far too much, also flashing the symbol that leftists wrongly think is a white power sign.

But in fact, as we previously reported, the White House Counsel’s office and Biden had been involved, according to the NARA Archivist Debra Steidel Wall’s letter.

“On April 11, 2022, the White House Counsel’s Office—affirming a request from the Department of Justice supported by an FBI letterhead memorandum—formally transmitted a request that NARA provide the FBI access to the 15 boxes for its review within seven days, with the possibility that the FBI might request copies of specific documents following its review of the boxes,” Wall wrote.

Wall said:

“The Counsel to the President has informed me that, in light of the particular circumstances presented here, President Biden defers to my determination, in consultation with the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, regarding whether or not I should uphold the former President’s purported ‘protective assertion of executive privilege,’” Wall wrote. “… I have therefore decided not to honor the former President’s ‘protective’ claim of privilege.”

Now, the Judge’s order puts an even finer point on the involvement of Joe Biden when talking about the records that Trump had already turned over to NARA.

NARA told Trump it would proceed with “providing the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as May 12, 2022,” according to the order.

Contrary to Biden’s claims, per the order, it was Biden who requested that the documents that had been turned over to NARA be provided to the FBI.

While Biden might not have known of the moment of the raid, he knew of the involvement of the FBI because he had requested the documents be turned over to them. He was directly involved in the FBI action.

It’s hard to get around this and it screams banana republic when it’s aimed at his once and possibly future opponent.

Biden Reacts to Heckler in Labor Day Speech: ‘Everybody’s Entitled to Be an Idiot’

President Joe Biden called a heckler at a rally in Milwaukee an “idiot” on Monday, after the man shouted during the president’s speech.

Biden made his Labor Day appearance in battleground state Wisconsin and delivered a speech at Milwaukee Laborfest, where labor unions and their members gather annually.

Addressing hundreds of leaders and advocates, the president expressed his support for unions and lauded administrative successes. But a lone man in the audience cut in with loud angry remarks, drawing the president’s attention.

“No, no, no, don’t—let him go,” Biden reacted to the interruption. “Look, everybody’s entitled to be an idiot,” the president continued, as the crowd applauded and cheered in approval.

Security soon escorted the man out.

The Federal Government is Beyond Redemption – Are You Expecting McConnell and McCarthy to Save America?

This is a guest editorial by Scott Winston Dragland and may not reflect our opinion.

The American people are now ruled by an immoral and illegitimate regime, whose sock-puppet figurehead claims that MAGA Republicans are extremists who pose “a threat to this country.” Meanwhile, the FBI has been weaponized against conservatives, the IRS is hiring 87,000 new agents who must be willing to use “deadly force” against you and your family, and the DOJ considers you as a potential “violent extremist” if you voice opposition to Critical Race Theory or transgender propaganda being taught to your child at school. Of course, there are many more examples of their totalitarian abuse of power.

US Government Seized Over 11,000 Non-Classified Documents From Trump’s Home

FBI agents seized over 11,000 documents and photographs without classified markings from the home of former President Donald Trump, according to an inventory released on Sept. 2.

Agents during the Aug. 8 raid at Mar-a-Lago seized 11,179 materials that were not marked classified, the inventory says.

They also took 103 documents marked classified, including some marked top secret.

The warrant, approved by U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart days earlier, enabled agents to seize any documents with classification markings, as well as containers in which the documents were located and any containers stored or found together with the documents.

It also let agents seize information regarding the retrieval, storage, or transmission of national defense information or classified material; any government and/or presidential records created between Jan. 20, 2017, and Jan. 20, 2021; and any evidence “of the knowing alteration, destruction, or concealment of any government and/or Presidential Records, or of any documents with classification markings.”

A property receipt, or inventory list, was given to a Trump lawyer as agents left, but the more detailed inventory list was submitted to a federal court on Friday on the orders of a judge.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, is considering whether to appoint a special master to review the materials the government seized and separate out those that may be privileged.

The more detailed receipt also shows that the government seized 1,673 magazines/newspapers/press articles and other printed media, some dating back to 2008; 48 empty folders with classified banners; 42 empty folders labeled “return to staff secretary/military aide”; 19 articles of clothing/gift items; and 33 books.

The original inventory listed no gifts or clothing, no folders, and no books.

It primarily listed boxes of items, miscellaneous documents, some classified, and binders of photographs.

The government later acknowledged that it seized three passports from Trump that have since been returned.

Veterans Affairs to Offer Abortions, a Move Some Say Is Illegal

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on Sept. 2 announced plans to offer abortions, despite warnings that such a move would be illegal.

The VA’s interim final rule lets the department provide abortion counseling and abortions to pregnant veterans and beneficiaries.

The abortions will be available when “the life or the health of the pregnant veteran would be endangered if the pregnancy were carried to term” or the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest, according to the rule.

A pregnant veteran saying that rape or incest occurred is sufficient evidence that it did, according to the rule.

The change brings the VA in alignment with “generally accepted standards of medical practice” and the updated policy came about due to input from VA health care providers and veterans “who sounded the alarm that abortion restrictions are creating a medical emergency for those we serve,” said Dr. Shereef Elnahal, the VA’s undersecretary for health.

The abortions may be done even if they violate restrictions in a state, the VA said.

Latest Revelations About Mar-a-Lago Raid Unlikely to Sway Midterm Voters, Strategists Say

News Analysis

The fresh controversy stoked by ongoing revelations about the FBI’s raid of the Mar-a-Lago home of former President Donald Trump, including the release on Sept. 2 of a detailed inventory of documents and items retrieved in the raid, is unlikely to have a significant effect on the outcome of the November midterm elections, political strategists have told The Epoch Times.

The issues of concern to voters still struggling with massive inflation, and a bloated national debt exacerbated by President Joe Biden’s plan to forgive some $500 billion worth of federal student loans, will be much more decisive factors in the minds of voters heading to the polls, the strategists say.

Reports on Friday that a small number of the thousands of documents seized by federal agents contained information labeled secret, confidential, or top secret, might appear to some observers to spell bad news for the former president and his anticipated 2024 reelection bid. U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has made public an inventory of the items of property taken in the raid, the vast majority of which—11,179—were not classified as in any way secret or confidential. But, according to a tally compiled by the New York Post, 54 documents were labeled “Secret,” 31 were “Confidential,” and 18 were officially “Top Secret.”

The secret and top-secret documents were found in Trump’s office and in a storage room on the property, the Post reported.

West Virginia Coal Miners Help Stranded Washingtonian With Dead Electric Car

A Washingtonian who was stranded on their way to Davis, West Virginia, found some unexpected helpers: coal miners.

The resident, who was not identified, was heading to Davis for a getaway weekend that was around 170 miles from home. However, the car broke down right in front of a Mettiki Coal mine just several miles from Davis.

Five coal miners were called to help the driver afterward.

West Virginia State Senator Randy Smith (R) documented the incident in a social media post on Friday.

“Someone called one of our foremen and told him a car was broke down in the middle of our haul road. He went to investigate and found out they had indeed run out of juice coming from DC to Davis for a getaway weekend. He then went back to the mine and got guys to push the car to the guard shack so they could plug in to charge,” he wrote.

The miners pushed the car to the guard booth because they couldn’t pull it as it was all plastic underneath and there was nothing to hook up to.

It was also impossible to find a tow truck as the place is “out in the middle of nowhere.”

“So here are five coal miners pushing a battery car to the coal mine to charge up. If you look closely you can see our coal stockpile and load out in the background. This just shows you coal miners are good people and will go out of their way to help anyone friend or foe,” Smith wrote in the social media post.

Texas Frontline Doctor Could Lose Medical License Over Anonymous Complaint

A Texas frontline doctor who has been critical of COVID-19 vaccines could lose her license following an anonymous complaint claiming she endangered a patient.

The complaint alleges Dr. Angie Farella, a pediatrician in Webster, Texas, endangered a patient who arrived at a hospital with breathing problems in 2021.

Farella must appear before the Texas Medical Board on Sept. 9.

“I think it’s a political hack job,” she told The Epoch Times. “I think someone Googled me and saw that I was outspoken and didn’t like that.”

The incident that triggered the complaint began when the patient’s parents weren’t satisfied with the care she was getting at a hospital and called Farella. Farella spoke to the ER doctor who thought the patient could have COVID-19, although the patient had tested negative three times.

Farella offered to treat the patient at her facility. The ER doctor agreed and released the patient.

Farella believes the hospital wanted to diagnose her patient as having COVID-19. However, Farella found the child, who suffered from asthma, had developed pneumonia, which she treated with antibiotics.

Under Medicare, enhanced payments are made for eligible inpatient cases that use certain new products with current FDA approval or emergency use authorization to treat COVID-19, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

“It was a hit to their pocketbook,” Farella said, adding the ER doctor would never have released the patient if they thought it was dangerous for the patient.

Farella kept her medical practice open throughout the pandemic and treated thousands of adults who sought her out.

Massachusetts Republicans See Path to Win House Seats in Blue State

With contested Republican primaries for two of the nine U.S. House seats in Massachusetts, state conservatives aren’t feeling as blue as the Democrats have historically left them feeling.

The last Republican to represent Massachusetts in Washington was Scott Brown, a state senator who was voted in to replace Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.). Kennedy died from complications stemming from brain cancer. After his special election victory, Brown lost his reelection bid to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

The last Republican elected to the U.S. House from Massachusetts was Peter Blute in 1997.

But Massachusetts Republican candidates believe 2022 could be different. They point to the possibility that the same voters who put progressives such as Barney Frank in office are exhausted by an overly woke Democratic Party, have been turned party faithless by President Joe Biden’s inflation-driving policies, and were “awakened” by a liberal government overreach during the COVID-19 shutdowns.

“This could be the year,” Jim Lyons, chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Party, told The Epoch Times. “If there has ever been a time that Massachusetts Republicans have a chance of returning to Washington, D.C., it’s this election.”

Adding to increased confidence for the GOP is a whopping 77 percent of state voters who remain unenrolled with either party.

Border Patrol Issues ‘Warning of Extreme Importance’ to Illegal Immigrants

The U.S. Border Patrol issued a warning to illegal immigrants who are trying to enter into the United States owing to severe weather conditions.

Because of increasing rainfall, portions of the Rio Grande have become increasingly dangerous and resulted in several deaths in the past week, Chief Patrol Agent Jason D. Owens said in a statement to news outlets Saturday.

“This is a warning of extreme importance; the currents of the Rio Grande have become more dangerous due to recent and continuing rainfall and more rain is forecasted for the coming week,” he said. “Despite these adverse conditions, U.S. Border Patrol, Del Rio Sector continues to encounter large groups of more than 100+, 200+ attempting to cross the Rio Grande daily.”

So far, at least nine people died over the past several days while trying to cross the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass, he said.

“In an effort to prevent further loss of life, we are asking everyone to please avoid crossing illegally,” he said.

The National Weather Service’s hydrologic monitoring website shows that several gauges along the Rio Grande suggest the river is near flood stage or in minor flood stage as of Sunday morning.

Mexican officials and the Border Patrol told The Associated Press Saturday that nine illegal immigrants drowned in the Rio Grande after they were swept downstream as the river rose rapidly owing to elevated rainfall amounts.

“Border Patrol agents are coordinating with the Eagle Pass Fire Department and Maverick County Sheriff’s Office as the search continues for other possible victims,” said Cecilia Barreda, a Border Patrol spokesperson, in a statement.

California Democrats Pass Legislation to Create Transgender Sanctuary State

California Democrats recently voted to approve legislation that will make California a sanctuary state for transgender youth and their parents fleeing prosecution for child abuse in other states.

The legislation, Senate Bill 107, passed with a 30-9 vote along party lines in the state Senate on Aug. 31, the last day of the legislative session. Sen. Bob Hertzberg (D-Los Angeles) did not vote. California Gov. Newsom has until Sept. 30 to either veto the “gender-affirming health care” bill or sign it into law.


One of biggest strikes in history brewing at UPS

Over the past year, the nascent labor movements at mighty corporations like Starbucks and Amazon have grabbed national attention. But less well-known is a looming high-stakes clash between one of America’s oldest unions and the world’s biggest package courier.

Contract negotiations are set to begin in the spring between UPS and the Teamsters Union ahead of their current contract’s expiration at the end of July, 2023. Already, before the talks have even started, labor experts are predicting that the drivers and package handlers will go on strike.

“The question is how long it will be,” said Todd Vachon, professor of Labor Relations at Rutgers. “The union’s president ran and won on taking a more militant approach. Even if they’re very close [to a deal], the rank and file will be hungry to take on the company.”

If that happens, a strike at UPS would affect nearly every household in the country. An estimated 6% of the nation’s gross domestic product is moved in UPS trucks every year. The explosive growth of online retail has made the company and its drivers more crucial than ever to the nation’s struggling supply chain. Beyond the company’s home deliveries, it also delivers many of the goods found in stores, factories and offices.

Bed Bath & Beyond CFO Plunges to Death From NYC Skyscraper Following Mass Layoffs

A man who fell to his death from the 18th floor of a Manhattan building was identified as a top executive at Bed Bath & Beyond, according to the company in a statement.

Gustavo Arnal, a 52-year-old who was the company’s chief financial officer and an executive vice president, fell from the “Jenga Tower” on Leonard Street, the New York City Police Department confirmed to news outlets.

Bed Bath & Beyond also issued a statement, confirming his death.

“I wish to extend our sincerest condolences to Gustavo’s family,” Harriet Edelman, the chair of Bath & Beyond Inc. Board of Directors, said in a statement on Sunday. “Gustavo will be remembered by all he worked with for his leadership, talent and stewardship of our Company.”

“I am proud to have been his colleague, and he will be truly missed by all of us at Bed Bath & Beyond and everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him,” Edelman added. “Our focus is on supporting his family and his team and our thoughts are with them during this sad and difficult time. Please join us in respecting the family’s privacy.”

On Friday at 12:30 p.m. ET, police responded to a 911 call and found a 52-year-old man dead near the building who appeared to suffer injuries from a fall. The individual’s identity was not immediately identified, but on Saturday, unnamed sources told the New York Post that it was the Bed Bath & Beyond CFO.

In a statement to Bloomberg, Insider, and other outlets on Sunday, the NYPD confirmed Arnal fell to his death. Other details about the incident were not provided.

Bed Bath & Beyond CFO Had Been Facing $1.2 Billion Stock Suit Before Suicide

The executive vice president and chief financial officer of Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY), who died from an apparent suicide when he reportedly jumped from a New York skyscraper on Sept. 2, had been facing a $1.2 billion stock suit since late August over allegedly inflating the company’s share value.

The New York City medical examiner’s office said CFO Gustavo Arnal died from multiple blunt trauma and that he had taken his own life.

Prior to Arnal’s death, a group of shareholders that claimed a loss of around $1.2 billion had sued him and majority shareholder Ryan Cohen, a billionaire investor and chairman of GameStop, over accusations of artificially inflating the firm’s stock price in a “pump and dump” stock fraud scheme.

The class-action suit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Aug. 23—11 days prior to Arnal’s death—claims that Cohen approached Arnal about his plan to control shares of Bed Bath & Beyond, in a scheme from which they could both profit. Arnal allegedly sold his shares at a higher price after the scheme.

The filing alleged Cohen offered to purchase a large stake in the company, including call options on more than 1.6 million BBBY shares with a strike price between $60 and $80, while in exchange, Arnal would ensure that insiders wouldn’t flood the market with the stock.

As part of the plan, Arnal “agreed to regulate all insider sales by BBBY’s officers and directors to ensure that the market would not be inundated with a large number of BBBY shares at a given time,” the lawsuit reads. It also said Arnal issued “materially misleading” statements to investors regarding the company’s strategic plans, financial condition, and so on.

The two were listed as defendants. One plaintiff, Pengcheng Si of Falls Church, Virginia, said she and her spouse bought 8,020 shares of the company between March 25 and Aug. 18 “and have suffered realized and market losses of approximately $106,480.”

The company’s shares have been highly volatile in recent months, being viewed as a “meme” stock, which trade more on social media sentiment than economic fundamentals.

Amazon discriminating against Asians, whites in grant program, class action lawsuit says

Amazon is discriminating against Asian and white applicants in a grant program for delivery start-ups, a new class action lawsuit claims.

Dubbed the “Diversity Grant,” the program awards $10,000 stipends to Black, Latinx and Native American entrepreneurs to become delivery service partners, leaving out Asian and white hopefuls to “foot the entire bill for their startup costs,” according to the suit.

Plaintiff Crystal Bolduc filed the suit at a Texas district court on July 20, as per the Washington Free Beacon, which published the suit last week. The suit claims that the program breached the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which forbids racial discrimination in contracting.

Bolduc, a White woman, “seeks to represent a class of all past and future applicants” to the program “who have been subjected to racial discrimination,” according to the suit. She wants the court to shut down the program and make Amazon pay everyone “who has suffered unlawful racial discrimination” because of it.

The suit also cited Amazon’s “Black Business Accelerator,” a separate initiative that has been granting Black-owned businesses “$500 credit to assist with start-up and operational costs” since June 2021. Bolduc called the initiative another example of “unlawful racial discrimination.”

Other major companies have been hit with similar anti-Asian and anti-white claims. In 2018, a former YouTube recruiter accused Google of excluding Asian and white male applicants, and in one hiring round, “purging” all applications by “non-diverse employees.”

Just last week, Pfizer faced backlash after announcing a nine-year fellowship program that comes with internships, a fully funded master’s degree and future employment for “Black/African American, Latino/Hispanic and Native Americans.” With the exclusion of Asian and white applicants, critics have also alleged a violation of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, as well as Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which forbids racial discrimination in employment.


NASA Scrubs Moon Rocket Launch Again; Next Try Weeks Away

NASA’s new moon rocket sprang another dangerous fuel leak Saturday, forcing launch controllers to call off their second attempt this week to send a crew capsule into lunar orbit with test dummies. The inaugural flight is now off for weeks, if not months.

The previous try on Monday at launching the 322-foot (98-meter) Space Launch System rocket, the most powerful ever built by NASA, was also troubled by hydrogen leaks, though they were smaller. That was on top of leaks detected during countdown drills earlier in the year.

After the latest setback, mission managers decided to haul the rocket off the pad and into the hangar for further repairs and system updates. Some of the work and testing may be performed at the pad before the rocket is moved. Either way, several weeks of work will be needed, according to officials.

With a two-week launch blackout period looming in just a few days, the rocket is now grounded until late September or October. NASA will work around a high-priority SpaceX astronaut flight to the International Space Station scheduled for early October.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson stressed that safety is the top priority, especially on a test flight like this where everyone wants to verify the rocket’s systems “before we put four humans up on the top of it.”

“Just remember: We’re not going to launch until it’s right,” he said.

Underwater ‘Mini Shark’ Bugs Taking Bites of Californian Beachgoers

Southern Californians who want to enjoy their time at Mission Bay are facing a tough time dealing with tiny, underwater sea creatures biting at their feet.

The creatures have been identified as a crustacean species called Excirolana chiltoni, which are also known as “mini sharks.” These crustaceans are scavengers and grow to be around 0.3 inches long. Though small, their bite can cause some pain.

Tara Sauvage, from San Diego, was walking along De Anza Cove in Mission Bay when she decided to put her feet into the water, but then experienced an unpleasant surprise. In a matter of seconds, she started feeling bites at her feet and ankles.

“It was painful! I was like uh! I jumped out of the water and this was so shocking. I had blood all over my foot and in between my toes,” Sauvage told CBS 8.

“I pulled my foot out. I had blood all over my foot. It was like small piranhas have bit me.” She soon rinsed her feet and felt okay after around 10 to 15 minutes.

These creatures can form swarms of more than a thousand and usually live in the shallow waters of the Pacific Ocean. They tend to migrate seasonally up and down the coast. Though their bite can be painful, it tends to be shallow and harmless. The bites are not known to carry diseases.

Experts recommend that people should shift around in water if they’re troubled by the crustacean swarm. If bitten, individuals should ideally get out of the water.


Bayer Paying $40 Million to Settle Lawsuits Over False Claims

Pharmaceutical manufacturer Bayer Corporation and its related entities are to pay $40 million to resolve two whistleblower lawsuits filed by a former employee.

The lawsuits were filed by Laurie Simpson who used to work in Bayer’s marketing department. They are related to false claims made by the company about three of its drugs: Trasylol, Avelox, and Baycol.

According to the terms of settlement, Bayer will pay $38,860,555 to the United States and $1,139,445 to 20 states as well as the District of Columbia.

Simpson will receive roughly $11 million from the proceeds of the settlement, according to a Sept. 2 press release from the Department of Justice.

In one lawsuit, the company is alleged to have paid kickbacks to physicians and hospitals to entice them to use the company’s drugs Avelox and Trasylol. These drugs were also marketed for off-label uses that were “not reasonable or necessary,” the release said.

Bayer ended up submitting false claims to Medicaid and Medicare programs, violating the laws of 20 states as well as the District of Columbia.

Trasylol is a drug used to control bleeding during heart surgeries. It was removed from the U.S. market after a study showed the drug increased the risk of death compared to alternatives. Avelox is an antibiotic used to treat certain bacterial strains.

Regarding Baycol, the second lawsuit claims that Bayer knew about the drug’s risks of triggering rhabdomyolysis and yet downplayed the risks. Rhabdomyolysis involves the breakdown of muscle tissues which causes the release of muscle fibers into the blood.

The company is also alleged to have misrepresented the efficacy of Baycol and fraudulently induced the Defense Logistics Agency to renew contracts related to the drug.

Baycol is used to reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol in the blood. It was withdrawn from the U.S. market in 2001.

Even With Oxygen Concentration of 99 Percent, You Can Experience Cardiac Hypoxia: 5 Types of Food to Prevent It

During the COVID-19 pandemic, some patients would be tested with an oximeter only for it to read above 99 percent. Yet, during a medical checkup, they would be found to have a “lack of oxygen in the heart,” or hypoxia. Why is this?

It has to do with the type of hypoxia one has. According to Dr. Chungpin Liu, a cardiologist and the director of Yupin Clinic in Taiwan, there are three types of hypoxia.

The first is caused by not inhaling enough oxygen. For instance, drowning, choking on food, having a COVID-19 infection, or having other lung diseases, can cause low blood oxygen.

Dr. Liu pointed out that this condition is a systemic hypoxia. Such patients can detect a lowered oxygen concentration in their blood when testing with an oximeter.

The second type is due to poor blood supply. The reason may be that the patients’ blood vessels are naturally prone to spasm, resulting in poor blood flow. Or, due to poor lifestyle habits, fat and bad cholesterol accumulate on blood vessel walls, which become thicker and thicker, causing the blood vessels to become narrower and harder. This will eventually result in atherosclerosis, which prevents blood from flowing smoothly to the tissues.

If the blood supply to the tissues and organs is poor, local hypoxia will occur. For example, when the heart gets less oxygen, it will cause cardiac hypoxia.

Dr. Liu pointed out that most types of hypoxia, including heart hypoxia, are local, which cannot be detected by an oximeter.

The New COVID Vaccines Have Only Been Tested on Mice

August 31, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent boosters, which will be available to those who have received the primary two-dose series

Pfizer is releasing a bivalent injection targeting Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5, which are the two currently in circulation. Moderna’s bivalent booster targets the already extinct Wuhan strain and Omicron subvariant BA.1

The reformulated COVID boosters will be rolled out without safety or effectiveness data from human trials. They’re being green-lighted based on antibody data from mice alone, even though antibody levels tell us nothing about effectiveness

According to the FDA, the reactogenicity profile of Pfizer’s reformulated shot is “overall similar to prototype BNT162b2 vaccine,” and VAERS data prove that’s hardly a selling point

This fall, health agencies will also push the seasonal flu shot, and all flu vaccines will be quadrivalent this year, meaning they contain antigens against four influenza strains. Seniors may be at greatest risk for vaccine injury, as they will get a high-dose quadrivalent flu vaccine

Vitamin C Lowers Mortality in Severe Sepsis

Sepsis is a last-ditch effort by your immune system to fight an infection in your body; it can lead to multiple organ failure and death unless promptly treated

While viruses, fungi and parasites all have the ability to trigger sepsis, bacterial infections are the most common cause. The most common types of infection triggering sepsis are respiratory and urinary tract infections

Each year, an estimated 1.7 million Americans get sepsis and nearly 270,000 die as a result. The reason for its high mortality rate is because sepsis is often overlooked; many are unfamiliar with its signs and symptoms. It’s also notoriously difficult to treat

In 2017, a critical care physician announced the discovery of a simple and inexpensive way to treat sepsis using an intravenous cocktail of vitamin C and thiamine in combination with hydrocortisone

A 2019 study using vitamin C only found it lowered mortality risk in patients with severe sepsis, and reduced the number of days spent in intensive care and overall hospital stay

Enzyme Fundamentals

Your body secretes enzymes to catalyze biological reactions, making them vital to good health and longevity. Each organ has its own set of enzymes, and each enzyme has a different function

Enzymes can be broadly divided into digestive enzymes, metabolic enzymes and food-based enzymes

Enzymes for supplemental use can be sourced from animal, plant and microbial or fungal sources

There are two primary ways of using an enzyme supplement: digestively or systemically. Taken with food, it will help digest the food. Taken on an empty stomach, the enzymes will pass through your digestive system and enter your blood circulation, providing systemic benefits


Flex Alert Extended: Chance of California power outages up as heat wave worsens

Californians are again being asked to conserve power as the state faces threats of rolling blackouts amid worsening grid challenges, California’s Independent System Operator announced.

Cal ISO said a Flex Alert would be in effect for the sixth day in a row on Monday. The alerts have previously been issued for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Grid operators called for significant demand reductions as California faces the highest likelihood of rotating outages on Monday due to a projected energy deficit.

“We are facing a load forecast of 48,817 megawatts and energy deficits between 2,000 and 4,000 megawatts for Monday, resulting in the highest likelihood of rotating outages we have seen so far this summer,” said Elliot Mainzer, president and CEO of Cal ISO.

The Flex Alert will be in effect from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Cal ISO said the extra hour is needed because of “projected market deficiencies.”

Flex Alerts are issued to avoid power disruptions due to the increased strain on the power grid due to more people using electricity to keep cool.

US Rancher Reveals Planned Food Shortages the Real Goal of Carbon Agenda; Bill Gates, CCP Buying Up Farmland

The Great Reset is hogwash.

So says one Nebraska rancher hailing from six generations of farmers dating to the 1830s. Hogwash—along with their global goals of “sustainability” being implemented across the United States and beyond: in Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany.

Trent Loos, 55, whose ancestors arrived on the land from Germany two centuries ago, knows what real sustainability looks like, and what makes it possible: fuel—precisely what globalist Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and their global partners want to nix by 2030 with their climate agenda. “Conservation is about producing more with less,” Loos told The Epoch Times. “In 1900, it took ten acres of land to produce enough food to feed one person per year. In 2021, it takes less than a third of an acre.”

That’s all thanks to diesel power.

And five of those ten acres went toward feeding mules and horses. Today, one gallon of diesel replaces 500 man-hours of labor. And that, says Loos, is the real reason for the attack on fossil fuels. “With fuel, we can continually get through the efficiency of producing more food with fewer inputs,” he said. “Without fuel, we go back to the horse-and-buggy days, which is a regression of 100 years.”

With every turn, governments globally—via carbon taxes, banning pipelines, making drilling impracticable, or sending tankers of fuel reserves to China—are driving fuel costs up, making sustainable farming less viable. The flipside of the burning candle is land. Biden’s Executive Order 14008—or “30 by 30” initiative—aims at removing 30 percent of land from food production by 2030. And as we watch 87,000 newly minted IRS agents roll out from the Inflation Reduction Act, we miss the $369 billion pouring into conservation programs.

“The whole concept of conservation has been hijacked by government officials who want to tell farmers how to take care of their land,” Loos said. “It’s about controlling people.” The rancher isn’t worried for his own family. Raising cattle and pigs, there’ll be food enough on their table. Worrying over the other 329.5 million Americans—especially those living in megalopolises like New York and Los Angeles—is what keeps Loos up at night.

Green agenda now demands elimination of natural gas in homes nationwide

The power these agencies want to exert over families trying to make ends meet is ridiculous’

The green agenda coalition now is demanding the elimination of natural gas furnaces and appliances in homes nationwide, a move that could trigger replacements costs of $12,000 for homeowners.

And the plan is being slammed as representing a federal government “out of control,” according to a state lawmaker.

Top Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy Leaving White House, John Podesta Joining

White House national climate adviser Gina McCarthy is leaving her position, the White House said Friday as it also confirmed reports that former Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta is joining the Biden administration.

“Gina is indeed leaving us,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said at a briefing Friday in response to questions about McCarthy’s departure. “She, as you know, has been a leader in what we have seen as one of the largest investment in dealing” with the climate, Jean-Pierre said.

It’s not clear why McCarthy is leaving the White House. She has not issued a public comment about leaving.

At the same time, President Joe Biden said in a statement that Podesta, whose emails were leaked by WikiLeaks ahead of the 2016 election and contained controversial material, will be joining the administration to serve as a senior advisor on “clean energy innovation and implementation.”

Podesta served as the White House chief of staff under President Bill Clinton and was also a senior Obama administration official before he became Clinton’s campaign manager. Podesta was most recently at the left-wing Center for American Progress think tank, which he founded.

“We are fortunate that John Podesta will lead our continued innovation and implementation,” Biden said in a statement on Friday. “His deep roots in climate and clean energy policy and his experience at senior levels of government mean we can truly hit the ground running to take advantage of the massive clean energy opportunity in front of us.”

Megadrought Threatening Millions of Americans With Loss of Water and Power

The Colorado River Basin meanders through seven U.S. states and supplies water to Lake Powell in the Upper Basin and Lake Mead in the Lower Basin. In turn, these reservoirs deliver water and power to millions of Americans.

They’re also going dry.

Indeed, on Aug. 16, 2021, the Bureau of Reclamation issued the first Level One Shortage Condition in the Lower Basin when Lake Mead fell below 1075 feet.

Then, in March 2022, the bureau reported that Lake Powell fell below the target elevation of 3,525 feet for the first time since the 1960s.

Pointedly, these drops threaten hydropower generation and municipal water needs for 40 million Americans.

And while Congress has taken steps to address the flagging water supply, a 20-year megadrought and unsustainable allotments are hampering its efforts.

In 1999, Lake Powell averaged a water elevation of almost 3,681 feet, and Lake Mead was almost near capacity at 1,220 feet near the dam.

After more than 20 years of drought, the West has officially entered a megadrought (meaning 20 or more years), and Lake Powell’s water level is down almost 150 feet. Lake Mead’s water level is down nearly 176 feet.

Indeed, the period from 2000 to 2021 was the driest on record for many states in the West.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) designated 63 out of 64 Colorado counties as natural disaster areas due to drought and declared natural disaster areas in several Wyoming counties.

Solar Rooftops at US Amazon Facilities Power Back on After Fire Safety Overhauls

Amazon.com Inc. is powering back on solar rooftops at all North American facilities after doing fire safety overhauls.

“As inspections are completed, our onsite solar systems are being powered back on. Amazon also built a team of dedicated solar experts overseeing the construction, operations, and maintenance of our systems in-house to ensure the safety of our systems,” an Amazon spokesperson told The Epoch Times in a statement.

The online retail giant halted the operation of solar rooftops at all North American facilities in 2021 after several fire incidents were reported.

“Out of an abundance of caution, following a small number of isolated incidents with onsite solar systems owned and operated by third parties, Amazon proactively powered off our onsite solar installations in North America, and took immediate steps to re-inspect each installation by a leading solar technical expert firm,” an Amazon spokesperson said in a statement.

The company said it’s still committed to powering its operations with 100 percent renewable energy by 2025.

“We have reached 85 percent renewable energy across our business,” the spokesperson told The Epoch Times.


The Surprising 13 Best Greens For Chickens

There are many greens you can feed your chickens but what are the best greens? I grow a lot of different leafy green vegetables in my garden and my chickens get to sample most of them.

In this article, I will go over some of the best greens for chickens and how each one can benefit your flock.

What are the best greens for chickens? Great green options for chickens are swiss chard, kale, broccoli, romaine lettuce, asparagus, cucumbers, turnip greens, radish tops, carrot tops, collard greens, cabbage, cauliflower leaves, brussels sprouts, and mustard greens. Any greens you give your chickens should be a small amount of their overall diet.

  1. Cabbage

Chickens can eat cabbage. My chickens love cabbage, it comes in different colors including white, purple, red, and green. This is one of the best greens for chickens full of vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients. 

  1. Broccoli

Chickens can eat broccoli. Broccoli a great green to feed your chickens. It is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Broccoli contains folate, vitamins C and K1. Vitamin K1, also known as phylloquinone is mostly found in leafy green vegetables like broccoli.

  1. Kale

Chickens can eat kale and it is perhaps the best green for your chickens. Kale is a great source of vitamin K. Vitamin K is important for the blood clotting process. The vitamin is important should your chickens experience a cut, bruising, or other injuries. 

  1. Lettuce

Chickens can eat romaine lettuce and the darker green leaf varieties. These are the best types of lettuce you can feed your chickens due to their nutritional content. 

  1. Asparagus

Chickens can eat asparagus. Asparagus has generous amounts of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers. Asparagus is not one of my flock’s personal favorites.

Giving them too much asparagus could alter the taste of your eggs so feed it to them in moderation if they like it.

  1. Turnip Greens

Chickens can eat turnip greens. Leafy greens such as turnips a great green for your chickens. Eating turnips can result in darker and richer yolks in the eggs your chickens lay.

Turnip greens contain 0.40 mg of zinc per 100 g. Zinc helps with your chicken’s immunity. Zinc will also help strengthen your older hens’ eggshells.

  1. Brussels Sprouts

Chickens can eat Brussels sprouts and the excess leafy green foliage. These nutritious sprouts contain nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber. As mentioned previously vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting should your chickens become injured.

  1. Collard Greens

Chickens can eat collard greens and it is one of the best greens to feed them. You can feed them raw or cooked. Collard greens contain vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B-6. They are also a good source of magnesium, iron, and calcium.

  1. Cauliflower leaves

Chickens can eat cauliflower leaves. Cauliflower belongs to the cruciferous family. Cauliflower leaves are a good source of fiber and vitamin C.

  1. Carrot Tops

Chickens can eat carrot tops. Not only can you feed the green carrot tops to your chickens but the carrot peel kitchen scraps as well. Carrots are an excellent source of potassium, beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, and antioxidants. This makes the green carrot tops one of the best greens for chickens. 

  1. Radish Greens

Chickens can eat radish greens as they are a part of the Brassicaceae family of vegetables. Chickens will eat the radish and the radish leaves. Radish greens are a nutritional powerhouse containing calcium, vitamin C, folic acid, Vitamin B-6, and Vitamin A.

  1. Cucumbers

Chickens can eat cucumbers. Cucumbers contain vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. Additional nutrients include vitamin A, magnesium, and vitamin K. This is healthy hydrating food for your chickens as cucumbers consist of 95% water content.

  1. Swiss Chard

Chickens can eat swiss chard. This leafy green vegetable is a part of the amaranth family it contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin E, vitamin C, and other nutrients. Swiss chard can be eaten raw or cooked. The leaves and stalks are safe to eat for chickens.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Plunges Against Omicron: CDC Data

COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness for all age groups has been much worse against the Omicron virus variants than earlier strains, particularly the currently dominant subvariants, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data presented on Sept. 1.

The data, much of which hasn’t been previously published, show that the protection against both symptomatic infection and severe disease isn’t as strong against Omicron, which emerged in December 2021, and its subvariants.

Data from the CDC’s Increasing Community Access to Testing, a no-cost testing program, showed that vaccine effectiveness for a booster compared to a primary series against symptomatic infection waned rapidly across all age groups, going under 50 percent within two months and turning negative around six months.

A fourth dose, or second booster, upped the protection, but the shielding quickly dropped to less than 40 percent, according to estimates for those 50 and older.

Estimates drawn from the CDC’s VISION Network showed that emergency department and urgent care visits rose over time for the vaccinated, with adjusted vaccine effectiveness estimates for 5- to 11-year-olds dropping to 18 percent 150 days or more after the second shot from just 51 percent 14 to 59 days after a primary series.

For 12- to 15-year-olds, effectiveness went from 60 percent to just 14 percent over the same time period since vaccination.

The patterns show the vaccine effectiveness was “waning substantially,” CDC scientist Ruth Link-Gelles said while presenting the data to the agency’s vaccine advisory panel.

Over 1,000 Reports of Adverse Events After COVID-19 Vaccination in Toddlers, Babies

Over 1,000 reports of adverse events have been lodged with U.S. authorities following COVID-19 vaccination in children aged 5 and younger.

As of Aug. 21, 998 non-serious reports have been entered into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for children 4 or younger who received a Pfizer vaccine and children 5 or younger who received a Moderna vaccine, Dr. Tom Shimabukuro said on Sept. 1.

Shimabukuro is a researcher with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which runs VAERS with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Most of the adverse event reports have been for outcomes designated non-serious, or events that did not include death, a life-threatening illness, hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization, permanent disability, congenital anomaly, or birth defect.

Of the 1,017 total reported events, 19 were designated serious, with 9 for children who received a Moderna vaccine and 10 for children who received a Pfizer vaccine.

Pfizer to Make $54 Billion Off Treating COVID Over and Over

Pfizer is expecting record-high revenue in 2022, courtesy of COVID-19

It’s predicting $32 billion in profits from its COVID-19 shots and another $22 billion from Paxlovid, for a total of $54 billion

Overall, Pfizer forecasted 2022 sales of $98 billion to $102 billion

First, Pfizer profits from the shots; next, when they don’t work to prevent infection, the company makes more money by selling pills to treat the infection

Many people experience a rebound of COVID-19 after taking Paxlovid, which means multiple courses of the drug are often necessary; this is bad news for the public but great news for Pfizer and its shareholder

Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Characteristics

Several embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, “fibrous” and rubbery clots inside the corpses they treat, and are speaking out about their findings.

Numerous embalmers from different states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they have been seeing these strange clots, starting from either 2020 or 2021.

It’s not yet known if the cause of the new clot phenomenon is COVID-19, vaccines, both, or something different.

The Epoch Times received additional videos and photos of the anomalous clots, but could not upload them due to the level of gore.

Mike Adams, who runs an ISO-17025 accredited lab in Texas, analyzed clots in August and found them to be lacking iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.

Adams’s lab uses inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, usually testing food for metals, pesticides, and glyphosate.

“We have tested one of the clots from embalmer Richard Hirschman, via ICP-MS. Also tested side by side, live human blood from an unvaccinated person,” Adams told The Epoch Times.

He found that the clots are lacking key elements present in healthy human blood, such as iron, potassium, and magnesium, suggesting that they are formed from something other than blood.

Adams is joining analytic forces with more doctors and plan to invest out of their own pocket in equipment in order to further determine their composition and probable causation.

The string-like structures differ in size, but the longest can be as long as a human leg and the thickest can be as thick as a pinky finger.

Inflammatory mRNA Nanoparticles Inhibit and Alter Immune Response: Pre-Print Study

A recent preprint study has shed light on why adverse events have been observed following a COVID-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccination.

The study, led by researchers from Thomas Jefferson University, found that the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) used to transport mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines could “inhibit” and “alter” immune responses in mice.

LNPs are shells of lipids that envelope mRNA to prevent degradation and detection by our body’s immune system.

LNPs are not mRNA, simply an envelope to transport the mRNA cargo.

Both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines use LNPs to deliver mRNA spike protein sequences into human cells. Once human cells received the mRNA sequences, the cells will then manufacture spike proteins, triggering an immune response.

It was originally intended that the LNPs discreetly deliver mRNA sequences into the cells to produce spike proteins, and in doing so, form immunity against the COVID-19 virus.

However, many studies in mice have since found that the LNPs, claimed to be non-toxic and safe, are actually highly inflammatory.

These nanoparticles are highly durable and can last for 20 to 30 days in the body. While they persist in the body, it is likely they will continue to activate the immune system, leading to immune exhaustion and non-responsiveness.

The Thomas Jefferson study also shared similar findings. The researchers investigated how LNPs affect the immune system by injecting mice with the same LNPs used in Pfizer’s vaccines, and some mice were even double-dosed.

Inflammation and immune responses in mice are not sure signs that the same will happen in humans. Nonetheless, mice have long been used to test for safety and efficacy in drugs for human use; signs of immune problems are an indication of possible health risks in humans.

Hospital Study Shows This Can Prevent COVID-19 Infection

  • A hospital study published in June 2022 revealed that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) mouthwash, gargle and nasal rinse protected against COVID-19 better than the jab
  • When food grade H2O2 is nebulized for approximately 30 minutes in normal saline it also reaches your sinuses and lungs where it can kill the virus, augment your natural defense system and may help stop an ongoing infection in the lungs and upper respiratory tract
  • Taxpayers recently spent $275 million, or $1,833 per dose, on a new monoclonal antibody drug. It is approved for people who are most vulnerable and at high risk for progression to severe disease despite the risks not being known at this time
  • Paxlovid is another drug purchased with taxpayer dollars at up to $530 per five-day course of treatment. People are requiring a second course of treatment when the infection rebounds with worse symptoms, as it did with quadruple-vaccinated Dr. Anthony Fauci
  • Although health authorities would like to keep you chained to new and not thoroughly tested drugs, you have choices including highly successful protocols that cost less and use supplements and drugs that have been sold for many years

CDC Gave Facebook Misinformation About COVID-19 Vaccines, Emails Show

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) passed misinformation to Facebook as the partners worked to combat misinformation, according to newly released emails, in the most recent example of CDC officials making false or misleading claims.

In a June 3 message, a Facebook official said the CDC had helped the company “debunk claims about COVID vaccines and children,” and asked for assistance addressing claims about the vaccines for babies and toddlers, including the claim that the vaccines were not effective.

Several weeks later, after U.S. regulators authorized the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines for young children and the CDC recommended them, a CDC official responded by offering unsupported information.

“Claims that COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective for children ages 6 months to 4 years are false and belief in such claims could lead to back vaccine hesitancy,” the CDC official wrote. The names of all of the officials mentioned in this story were redacted in the emails, which were released as part of ongoing litigation against the U.S. government.

“COVID-19 vaccines available in the United States are effective at protecting people, including children ages 6 months to 4 years, from getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, and even dying,” the CDC official added.

There’s no evidence that the vaccines are effective against severe illness and death in young children.

New Documents Show Clear Big Tech-Government Collusion: Lawyer

Newly disclosed documents showing Big Tech companies repeatedly took action after being pressured by White House and other Biden administration officials prove the U.S. government colluded with the companies, according to a lawyer with the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA).

“It’s clear that the government was telling Facebook and Twitter and other social media companies what to do and that they were responding and they were doing that, deleting accounts, taking down posts, etc., which really corroborates our state action theory,” the lawyer, Jenin Younes, told The Epoch Times.

The documents were made public this week as part of an ongoing case against the government, brought by two attorneys general, over alleged violations of the First Amendment.

They showed that officials with the White House, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Homeland Security, and other agencies were in communications with Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other companies regarding content moderation, repeatedly urging the companies to punish users who were promoting alleged COVID-19 misinformation of disinformation.

For example, Rob Flaherty, a White House official, pressured Facebook to take action against “mis- and -disinformation” as well as “hesitancy-inducing content,” one email showed.

After Facebook and White House officials met, a Facebook executive asked the White House to “partner on” plans to address “new misinformation claims” following the expected authorization of a COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 years.

Flaherty later signaled he wasn’t satisfied, sharing a link to a story about supposed misinformation on Facebook and writing, “not even sure what to say at this point.”

Another administration official, whose name was redacted, reached out to Twitter to offer an expert to brief Twitter on people “citing CDC VAERS data incorrectly,” which it said “is a major source of misinformation.”

VAERS, or the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, is a system to which people can report adverse events following vaccination.

Twitter accepted the invitation.

Country Singer Jason Aldean Dropped by Longtime PR Firm Over Wife’s Gender Comments

Country singer Jason Aldean has been dropped by his longtime PR firm, GreenRoom PR, after his wife, Brittany Aldean, criticized early interventions on gender transitioning for young children. Brittany Aldean said that she was thankful that her parents did not intervene during her “tomboy phase” because she loves being a female. Various stars and advocates denounced her and GreenRoom then dropped her husband. What is interesting is that the company had its client list displayed yesterday but just removed the list and its home page. The effort may be to protect other country stars from the backlash of staying with the company when it is effectively blacklisting an artist for the political or social views of his spouse.

Tyne Parrish, the co-owner of The Green Room called it a “difficult decision after 17 years to step away from representing Jason.”

The call for the firm to drop the artist grew after this statement last week in an Instagram post by Aldean that she would “really like to thank my parents for not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase.”

“The Bones” singer Maren Morris later commented on Pope’s post, writing, “It’s so easy to, like, not be a scumbag human? Sell your clip-ins and zip it, Insurrection Barbie.”

Aldean later responded to her critics by saying “Advocating for the genital mutilation of children under the disguise of love and calling it ‘gender affirming care’ is one of the worst evils.”

Singer and songwriter Cassadee Pope responded to Brittany Aldean’s post on Twitter, noting that Brittany Aldean’s alleged “tomboy phase” in no way compares “to someone wanting to transition.”

Pope captured the essence of many people who are angry with the comment.


FYI, Your Dog Can’t Stand When You Do These 7 Things

As much as you and your dog are in sync — you know those pouty eyes mean they want your dinner, and they know your stern looks means you won’t share — there are some things about your pup you just don’t get. You could do without the crotch sniffing, for example. And they probably think you’re a weirdo, too.

Instead of sniffing each other, humans squeeze each other “hello” in a way that dogs just don’t understand — or necessarily like. It’s not too far-fetched to say that they’d pass on many things people enjoy if given a choice.

Your dog is probably thinking, Thanks, I hate it, if you…

  1. Pat them on the head

Head pats are meant to convey affection, and many pet parents love to do it. But patting your dog on the head is not popular with them. Most dogs dislike it and will move away to avoid it. They do usually enjoy having their heads — including their ears and the sides of their faces — smoothly stroked, which is more likely to make them happy, keep them near and cause them to lean in for more.

  1. Hug them

Every time a dog trainer or canine behaviorist mentions that dogs don’t necessarily like being hugged, the pushback is incredible. Everyone is sure their dog loves to be hugged, even if most dogs don’t. Primates (the order to which humans belong) are huggers, but canids, including dogs, don’t naturally engage in that behavior. Dogs who are being hugged often display signs of stress, including tongue flicks, a tightly closed mouth, pulled-back ears, rigid facial muscles and/or a furrowed brow. Putting your arms around your dog’s neck and shoulders may feel like love to you, but to dogs, not so much.

  1. Hoard the ball during a game of fetch

You’ve probably picked up the ball and held it while praising your dog. You think you’re playing fetch, but your dog thinks you’re hoarding the ball. They want it back, and they want it back now. Many dogs lose interest in fetch — or fail to learn how fun it can be —because of this human tendency to hold onto the ball instead of immediately throwing it. What they want us to do is toss the ball the instant they drop it anywhere in our vicinity. This sounds simple, but it can be a struggle for many pet parents.

  1. Kiss them

Humans express love and affection with kisses, but kisses have no particular meaning to dogs. It is not a natural part of their repertoire. Dogs lick each other and will lick humans, too, and though we often call those “doggy kisses,” they’re different than human kisses. Putting your face right next to a dog’s face can be perceived by the dog as threatening behavior. Some dogs find it scary, while others simply find it annoying. It’s common for dogs who are being kissed to try to get away, to hold their ears back, or to exhibit signs of discomfort such as tongue-flicking, yawning, lowering the tail or displaying facial and body tension. Some dogs wrinkle their noses or even scamper off once released — another sign that they don’t love being kissed no matter how much they love you.

  1. Hold one of their paws — especially a back paw — when they’re standing

Dogs who’ve been consistently reinforced for shaking or giving a high-five may have good feelings about having you touch or hold their paws, but that usually only applies to brief contact while they’re sitting. Nothing good can come of grabbing a dog’s paw and holding on to it for a while. It may make them feel unstable, and that’s no fun, or they may associate it with nail trims (also no fun) or having their muddy paws wiped down (not awful, but not a favorite either). Holding a dog’s back paw is often particularly poorly received.

  1. Use citrus-scented products

The majority of dogs hate the smell of citrus: lemons, tangerines, and grapefruit. That’s why those scents are used in products meant to deter dogs from chewing on things we would prefer they leave alone. Because the smell repels dogs, it’s kind to avoid products with that scent, including lotion, shampoo, air fresheners, or candles. A small percentage of dogs aren’t averse to these smells. Find out if your dog is in this group by peeling a juicy orange, so your hands are covered in a sticky mess, then offer your hands to your dog. If they turn or back away, they (like most dogs) don’t care for the smell of citrus. If they lick your fingers, different story.

  1. Dress them.

The joy pet parents take in dressing up their dogs is often in direct conflict with the distaste dogs have for the experience. Yes, dogs look adorable in just about every outfit under the sun, but very few dogs enjoy the process of being put into clothes and costumes. Lots of dogs tense up, displaying facial expressions and body language that clearly indicate their discomfort. Wearing clothes, especially cumbersome and constricting costumes, is a misery for many dogs.

Through careful conditioning, dogs can be taught to accept costumes or other clothes. If you must, choose the least restrictive and most lightweight options, but dogs would really prefer you miss them with the costume. Many pet parents can’t help but love the look of dogs dressed to the nines, but mostly, it’s better not to treat dogs like dolls.

Apologies to your Halloween plans.


Entrepreneur Mitzi Perdue Shares the Wisdom Behind Her Family’s Businesses, Perdue Farms and Sheraton Hotel Chain

She reflects on the values taught by her father, who co-founded the Sheraton hotel chain, and the legacy of her late husband’s family business, Perdue Farms

Mitzi Perdue represents over 280 years of the American Dream. She’s the daughter of one business titan—her father, Ernest Henderson Sr., founded the Sheraton hotel chain—and the widow of another—her late husband was the magnate behind Perdue Farms, Frank Perdue. The Henderson Estate Company was started in 1840, while Perdue Farms was started in 1920. Mitzi is also a powerhouse businesswoman in her own right, starting her own wine grape business, Ceres Farms, that supplies some of California’s largest wineries.

She was surrounded by the world’s most successful entrepreneurs for most of her life, yet she is as unpretentious as she is charming. Mitzi credits her humble aura solely to her parents, who were instrumental in the shaping of her character. Reflecting on her childhood, Mitzi fondly recalled her parents’ desire to establish a household that valued character over commodities. Frugality was—and still remains—an undeniable value of the Henderson clan. “My parents put a lot of effort into having their children not be spoiled,” she said. “They didn’t want us to grow up in a bubble of wealth. I value that endlessly.”


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