July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 07, 2022


Study Found ‘Foreign Metal-Like Objects’ in 94 Percent of Sample Group of Symptomatic People Who Took mRNA Vaccines: Italian Doctors

Among a study sample of over 1,000 people who developed symptoms, researchers found ‘graphene-family super-structures’

Three Italian surgeons conducted a study analyzing blood from 1,006 people who developed symptoms after they got a Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna mRNA injection and found 94 percent of them to have “aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin,” one month after inoculation.

Erythrocytes are a type of red blood cell that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide.

“What seems plain enough is that metallic particles resembling graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds … have been included in the cocktail of whatever the manufacturers have seen fit to put in the so-called mRNA ‘vaccines,’” the authors wrote in the study’s discussion and conclusions.

Franco Giovannini, Riccardo Benzi Cipelli, and Gianpaolo Pisano, are the surgeons who authored the study (pdf), which was published on Aug. 12 in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, practice, and Research (IJVTPR).

China Creates ‘Digital Twin’ of Americans: Cybersecurity Expert

As reports have emerged that Chinese military-linked firms gather American DNA, these firms are now capable of creating digital replicas of Americans, according to John Mills, former director of cybersecurity policy, strategy, and international affairs at the Department of Defense.

“They have the capacity to create these complex models of each of us. They’re making digital twins of us,” Mills told the “China in Focus” program on NTD News, sister media outlet of The Epoch Times.

It Is Going To Take “Trillions” To Fix The Massive Derivatives Crisis That Has Erupted In Europe

News Analysis

This thing in Europe is rapidly becoming rather serious.  Vladimir Putin’s decision to end the flow of gas through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline has caused an enormous derivatives crisis to erupt in Europe, and it is going to take a giant mountain of money to fix it.  Some are already referring to this as a “Lehman Brothers moment” for the European financial system, and authorities all over the EU are really starting to freak out.  We haven’t seen anything like this since 2008, and if the Europeans are not able to contain the damage we could soon see a tsunami of financial panic sweep across the entire globe.

It is being reported that energy trading in Europe “is being strained by margin calls of at least $1.5 trillion”

European energy trading is being strained by margin calls of at least $1.5 trillion, putting pressure on governments to provide more liquidity buffers, according to Norway’s Equinor ASA.

Aside from fanning inflation, the biggest energy crisis in decades is sucking up capital to guarantee trades amid wild price swings. That’s pushing European Union officials to intervene to prevent energy markets from stalling, while governments across the region are stepping in to backstop struggling utilities. Finland has warned of a “Lehman Brothers” moment, with power companies facing sudden cash shortages.

We aren’t talking about 1.5 million dollars.

We aren’t even talking about 1.5 billion dollars.

1.5 trillion dollars is a colossal amount of cash.

To put this in perspective, if you were able to create a stack of one trillion dollar bills it would be 67,866 miles high.

So a stack of 1.5 trillion dollars would be over 100,000 miles high.

We often use the phrase “a mountain of money” rather flippantly, but this really would be a colossal mountain of money.

The problem is not with the physical markets.  Rather, we are being told that 1.5 trillion dollars in “liquidity support” will be needed because derivatives trading has gone completely haywire…

“Liquidity support is going to be needed,” Helge Haugane, Equinor’s senior vice president for gas and power, said in an interview. The issue is focused on derivatives trading, while the physical market is functioning, he said, adding that the energy company’s estimate for $1.5 trillion to prop up so-called paper trading is “conservative.”

1.5 trillion dollars is the “conservative” estimate that we are being given right now.

That means that the final bill will likely be in the “trillions”.

Where is all of that money going to come from?


Judge Orders Fauci, Other Top Officials to Produce Records for Big Tech–Government Censorship Lawsuit

Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and other top Biden administration officials who were resisting efforts to obtain their communications with Big Tech companies must hand over the records, a federal judge ruled on Sept. 6.

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee, ordered the government to quickly produce documents after it was sued by the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri over alleged collusion with Big Tech firms such as Facebook. The initial tranche of discovery, released on Aug. 31, revealed that more than 50 government officials across a dozen agencies were involved in applying pressure to social media companies to censor users.

But some of the officials refused to provide any answers, or answer all questions posed by the plaintiffs. Among them: Fauci, who serves as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden.

The government claimed that Fauci should not be required to answer all questions or provide records in his capacity as NIAID director or in his capacity as Biden’s chief medical adviser. It also attempted to withhold records and responses from Jean-Pierre.

In the new ruling on Tuesday breaking the stalemate, Doughty said both Fauci and Jean-Pierre needed to comply with the interrogatories and record requests.

“First, the requested information is obviously very relevant to Plaintiffs’ claims. Dr. Fauci’s communications would be relevant to Plaintiffs’ allegations in reference to alleged suppression of speech relating to the lab-leak theory of COVID-19’s origin, and to alleged suppression of speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns. Jean-Pierre’s communications as White House Press Secretary could be relevant to all of Plaintiffs’ examples,” Doughty said, referring to examples such as the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 presidential election and censorship of claims COVID-19 originated in a Chinese laboratory.

Doughty ordered Fauci and Jean-Pierre to comply within 21 days.

Fauci, additionally, must provide complete answers to questions regarding his role as NIAID director.

Body Found in Tennessee Confirmed as Missing Heiress Eliza Fletcher

Memphis police confirmed Tuesday that they found the remains of teacher Eliza “Liza” Fletcher, who was reportedly abducted last week.

The police department wrote on Twitter that “the deceased victim that was located yesterday in the 1600 block of Victor [street] has been identified as 34-year-old Eliza Fletcher,” a teacher who was also the heiress to the Orgill Inc. hardware fortune.

The development comes after Cleotha Abston, a 38-year-old male, was charged in connection to Fletcher’s kidnapping and with tampering with evidence. His DNA was found on a pair of sandals near her disappearance, police said.

Authorities wrote Tuesday that Abston now faces additional charges, including first-degree murder and first-degree murder in perpetration of kidnapping. Previously he was charged with aggravated kidnapping and evidence.

Trump Lawyer May Have Walked Into DOJ Perjury Trap, New Documents Suggest

News Analysis

In a late-night filing on Aug. 30 in response to former President Donald Trump’s motion for an independent party to scrutinize documents seized from his Mar-a-Lago estate, the Department of Justice (DOJ) urged a judge not to grant the motion.

Much attention has focused on a photograph attached to the DOJ’s filing. The photograph shows a number of documents marked “Top Secret” laid out on a carpet at Mar-a-Lago. The DOJ’s accompanying filing claims that the items in the photograph were recovered from the “45 office,” which it defines as “the former President’s office space at the Premises.”

Trump and his legal team have insisted that he declassified the documents in his possession and, therefore, it doesn’t matter what the markings on the papers are. The DOJ appears to have been prepared for that argument.

While the photograph was likely included in the filing for its PR value—evidenced by the fact that it’s currently on the front page of every news outlet—the DOJ’s real focus appears to be elsewhere, specifically on a grand jury subpoena dated May 11 and a certification signed by a Trump lawyer on June 3. Both of these documents are included in the new filing.

The subpoena demands that “Donald J. Trump and/or the Office of Donald J. Trump” hand over “any and all documents … bearing classification markings, including but not limited to the following.”

The subpoena goes on to specify the various classification markings used by the U.S. government.

When Trump received the subpoena in May, he had two options. Comply or challenge the subpoena. He chose to comply. One of Trump’s lawyers, whose name has been redacted in the new filings, certified in June that “any and all responsive documents” had been handed over and that none were withheld.

It now appears that the statement was untrue, as many documents marked classified were still at Mar-a-Lago.

It bears repeating that the DOJ didn’t ask for classified documents but rather for documents that bear classification markings. Thus, the actual status of the documents is moot.

The certification by Trump’s attorney appears problematic in other regards as well. While the subpoena addresses documents held by Trump and his office, the certification only mentions Trump’s office. The certification also appears to attempt to narrow the scope of what should be handed over by using word games, for instance by referring to documents in “boxes” as opposed to documents generally. The problem for Trump’s attorneys is that all efforts at trying to create wiggle room are nullified by the statement that all “responsive documents” had been handed over.

A far bigger problem is that the use of lawyerese or word games—for instance, leaving out Trump himself and only referring to his office—could have immediately raised red flags at DOJ, practically begging for the matter to be investigated further.

There was no benefit from playing word games. It only invited further scrutiny. If Trump wasn’t willing or able to hand over all documents, his legal team should have challenged the subpoena.

Instead, they attested that all documents marked classified had been returned, when that appears not to have been the case. Notwithstanding that the DOJ photograph appears to show originals, some have argued that the documents retained were merely copies and that all original documents were returned. The problem with that argument is that Trump’s attorney also attested that no copies remained at Mar-a-Lago.

It may well turn out that the lawyer’s certification was the result of incompetence, a case of poor lawyering, and of the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing. But to a DOJ that has already shown that it’s determined to get Trump, these arguments won’t hold sway.

It’s likely that the DOJ will now target Trump’s attorney to find out the details behind the certification. Who authorized the lawyer to sign the certification? Who told the lawyer to say that everything had been handed over? Did anyone tell the attorney to lie?

FBI Agents Seized Medical Documents, Financial Information From Trump

FBI agents in August seized medical documents and financial information from former President Donald Trump when they raided his Mar-a-Lago resort, a new court filing revealed on Sept. 5.

The seized materials “include medical documents, correspondence related to taxes, and accounting information,” U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, wrote in the filing, citing a document filed under seal by the U.S. government’s team in charge of shielding potentially privileged records from investigators.

That document has still not been made public.

There had been no prior indication that the seized documents included medical and financial records.

U.S. officials have acknowledged that agents took thousands of non-classified documents from Trump when serving the search warrant on Aug. 8, as well as dozens of books, clothing, gifts, magazines, and passports. Trump has said the agents rummaged through the closets of his wife, former First Lady Melania Trump.

“Certain personal effects were commingled with classified material in the Seized Evidence, and they remain in the custody of the United States because of their evidentiary value,” prosecutors wrote in an Aug. 30 filing. “Personal effects without evidentiary value will be returned.”

There are ongoing disputes as to the evidentiary value of some personal effects, according to Cannon.

Post-Roe Fallout Dulls Odds, but GOP Poised for Kansas US House Sweep

More than 900,000 Kansans voted in a special election on Aug. 2 and nearly 60 percent of them rejected a proposed amendment removing abortion access as a fundamental right from the state’s constitution.

The Kansas special election was the first public referendum on abortion following June’s U.S. Supreme Court repeal of Roe v. Wade, which returned regulation of the procedure back to states.

The Aug. 2 turnout, the largest ever for a Kansas primary, and result—a shocking red state upset—galvanized Democrat voters nationwide, brightening the party’s once-bleak prospects of retaining the U.S. House and taking the U.S. Senate in November’s midterm elections.

Suddenly, after decades of being on the defensive in shielding abortion rights, Democrats are seizing the offensive, campaigning under the mantle of individual rights, borrowing a plank from Republicans’ traditional platforms.

None are doing so more so than Kansas’ lone Democratic House member, who is hoping a post-Roe bump can overcome blue-to-purple redistricting and ambient angst with her party to win a “toss-up” rematch with a familiar opponent.

All four Kansas congressional reps are incumbents running in 2022 with three—all Republicans—projected to convincingly win new two-year terms in November.

The exception: Rep. Sharice Davids (D-Kansas), who is running for reelection in a revamped Kansas Congressional District 3 (CD 3).

Pro-Trump Candidate Wins Massachusetts Republican Gubernatorial Primary

Geoff Diehl, a pro-Trump and pro-life Republican, won the Massachusetts GOP gubernatorial primary on Sept. 6.

Diehl, a former state representative, defeated Chris Doughty, a businessman who supports abortion and has indicated that he does not align with Trump.

With 36 percent of the vote reported at 10:26 p.m. ET on Tuesday, Decision Desk HQ called the race for Diehl, who drew more than 55 percent of the vote.

Diehl will face Democrat Attorney General Maura Healey in November. Healey easily won her primary with 85 percent of the vote as of 10:28 p.m. ET on Tuesday.

Ahead of the election, Diehl touted the support of the state Republican Party. At the May party convention, he received 71 percent of the delegate votes.

Diehl also received the support of popular Boston conservative talk radio host and Washington Times columnist Jeff Kuhner along with The Boston Broadside, a small but politically-connected conservative newspaper, which has gone to bat for the candidate.

Diehl and Doughty ran heated campaigns.

Doughty put $2 million of his own money into the race. He said that Diehl would not be able to defeat Healey in Massachusetts, a blue state. He scored an endorsement from the Boston Globe, which argued that he is the one to beat Healey.

‘8 hours of torture’: Jan. 6 prisoner repeatedly maced by ‘bully guard’

There have been many reports of abuse unleashed against those arrested for something nothing more than being at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, when a few hundred people rioted, and vandalized parts of the building.

It started off with the coordinated attacks by those prosecuting – and hearing – the cases that no one would be allowed out on bail, meaning some Americans have been in jail already a year and a half for misdemeanors.

Then there are the complaints of mistreatment from those behind bars, and the newest report, documented by the Gateway Pundit, is perhaps among the worst.

In this situation, a “bully guard” assaulted a prisoner by spraying him in the face with Mace, repeatedly, for not wearing a face mask.

The victim was a sheriff’s deputy who was at the Capitol that day, and was on record trying to help Rosanne Boyland, who died at the Capitol that day.

Ronald Colton McAbee was maced repeatedly “for removing his face mask to take his medication,” the report said.

Then, the report explained, “The Tennessee man was then left in a cell covered in the spray for over eight hours of torture, unable to de-contaminate and rinse off his burning skin.”

The report charged he “was employed by the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office in Tennessee before he became a political prisoner of the Biden Regime. He has been detained for over a year as he awaits trial with a date set for September of 2023.”

Federal Government’s Bungled Census Bad News for Red States. Here’s Why.

If a politician from Florida decides to run for president in 2024, his (or her) home state will be short two votes in the Electoral College, and when the new session of the U.S. House of Representatives convenes in January 2023, Florida will be missing two congressional seats to which it is entitled.

Why? Because according to a post-2020 census survey, the U.S. Census Bureau significantly undercounted the population of Florida, as well as Arkansas, Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. At the same time, it overcounted the population of eight states, all but one of which is a blue state.

First day of school in Seattle delayed as educators go on strike

The first day for public schools students in Seattle is delayed after the teachers union became the latest in recent weeks to vote to go on strike, demanding more support for students with the greatest needs, workload balance and class size controls, along with better compensation.

Border Patrol Agents Caught Illegal Immigrant Sex Offenders, Gang Members, Murderer in 3 Days

U.S. Border Patrol agents caught 10 illegal immigrant sex offenders, four gang members, a murderer, as well as a slew of deadly drugs, according to the latest report from Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz.

Ortiz made the announcement on Twitter on Sept. 6, saying that border agents had encountered 2,690 illegal immigrants including 10 large groups in the last three days. Among them were 10 sex offenders, four gang members, and a murderer.

The chief also said that border agents seized 100 fentanyl pills and 71 pounds of methamphetamine. At the same time, border agents made 91 rescues, Ortiz added.

“The dangers are real,” Ortiz wrote. “Great work by our agents.”

Ortiz’s latest report comes as U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents are on pace to apprehend more than 2 million illegal aliens in this fiscal year, which runs from October to September. Border Patrol agents have arrested 9,381 convicted criminal aliens and stopped 627 gang members this fiscal year, and seized nearly 553,000 pounds of drugs.

In mid-August, the Federation for American Immigration Reform reported that nearly 4.9 million illegal aliens, including some 900,000 “gotaways,” have crossed the U.S. border since President Joe Biden took office.

In the face of the influx of illegal immigrants, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has been busing these new arrivals to sanctuary cities including Washington, New York, and Chicago. The first bus of illegal immigrants arrived in Chicago on Aug. 31.


The Theft of Your Wealth and Freedom Is Accelerating

Smart meters measure and record electricity usage at least every hour, if not more, and provide the data to the utility company and consumer at least once a day

The data from smart meters reveal far more than you might think — and could even be used against you to control your individual energy use or, one day, to help ensure “net zero” compliance

Smart meters do more than measure your energy usage; they’re also capable of distinguishing what type of energy you’re using, such as doing laundry or watching TV

It’s an intensely personal form of surveillance — one that could easily be used against you, including to scrutinize your energy usage and even ration your energy

Smart meters should also be avoided because they’re yet another source of electromagnetic fields, which include radio frequencies from smart meters, cellphones and Wi-Fi, and dirty electricity

If you can, opt out of receiving a smart meter; be aware that you will likely be charged an extortion fee, in the form of one-time and monthly charges, to do so


Sunscreen Recalled Due to Toxic Ingredient

Banana Boat Hair and Scalp Sunscreen Spray SPF 30 tested positive for benzene, which triggered a recall. Although benzene is in the top 20 chemicals used in the U.S., it is a known human carcinogen

The FDA recognizes benzene as a Class 1 solvent that should not be used in consumer products “because of their unacceptable toxicity”

The recall affected an aerosolized sunscreen product, which increases the risk of inhalation. This comes on the heels of a study of 294 sunscreen products by the pharmaceutical testing company Valisure, which found carcinogens in 27% of the products

Studies by the FDA found chemicals in sunscreen can build up in your body to unhealthy levels; one of the chemicals tested was oxybenzone, which also enhances the ability of other chemicals to penetrate the skin. Despite data, the FDA continues to urge sunscreen use

Lack of unprotected exposure to the sun has increased the risk of vitamin D deficiency, which created health problems during the COVID-19 outbreak. Consider choosing safer products from EWG’s Skin Deep Database, wearing clothing to cover your skin, and using astaxanthin supplement as an effective internal sunscreen to protect against UVA damage

Research Confirms Gut-Brain Connection in Autism

It’s widely known that autistic children often suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) problems, with those experiencing the worst GI problems often having the most severe cases of autism

Research confirms and further strengthens the theory that the gut plays an important role in the development of ASD. Gut dysfunction in autism may be due to mutations in genes found in both the gut and brain that affect neuronal communication and cause gut dysfunction

Even without a genetic component, the gut microbiome appears to play an important role in ASD. Previous research has shown autistic children have less diversity and reduced amounts of certain gut bacteria, which may render them more susceptible to the adverse effects of environmental toxins

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s research shows there’s a profound dynamic interaction between your gut, brain and immune system. Her GAPS protocol might be one of the most profoundly important treatment strategies for preventing autism

Establishing normal gut flora in the first 20 days or so of life plays a crucial role in the maturation of your baby’s immune system. Babies who develop abnormal gut flora are left with compromised immune systems, putting them at higher risk for suffering vaccine damage

—> Living Streams Liquid Probiotics are a wonderful option for kids!

COVID-19 Pandemic Has Brought a Life-Threatening Infection Spike in Hospitals, Raising Serious Concerns

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a life-threatening infection of a superbug spiked in hospitals, raising a big concern.

MRSA, which stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is one of the well known superbugs, which are bacterias that are resistant to most antibiotics.

Since 2010, laboratory-identified cases of MRSA infection have been significantly decreasing. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic swept through the United States, hospitals have experienced an increase in the number of MRSA infections. The hospital overload has resulted in higher health-care associated infections. During the fourth quarter of 2020, the national MRSA bacteremia standardized infection ratio was 34 percent higher than that of 2019. Several states reported even greater increases in 2020, such as Arizona with a 80 percent increase and New Jersey with a 99 percent increase.

The situation is also becoming increasingly common in nursing homes. From September to October 2021, 48.7 percent of residents in nursing homes were found to harbor MRSA at any body site.

Therefore, when the hygiene conditions deteriorated during COVID peak time, when the hospitals were overcrowded and staff overworked, patients hospitalized or visitors to hospitals also had a higher chance of cross contamination with other infections. This further created additional challenge to treat COVID patients, as opportunistic infections would worsen the diseases progress for the patients.


Widespread Power Outages Across California’s Bay Area After Emergency Is Declared

Widespread power outages were being reported on Tuesday morning across California’s Bay Area region, according to the state’s largest utility, amid high temperatures and statewide “Flex Alerts.”

Pacific Gas & Electric reported more than 20,000 customers in the North Bay, South Bay, and East Bay had lost power on Monday afternoon. That number dropped to fewer than 10,000 across the region, PG&E said on Tuesday.

Officials told KRON that on Monday, more than 5,600 people lost power in Livermore, 2,100 lost power in Cupertino, about 2,080 lost power in Pleasant Hill, 1,900 lost power in Morgan Hill, and 1,580 lost power in Santa Clara.

This week, the California Independent System Operator declared an energy emergency to prevent possible blackouts.

It came as temperatures reached over 100 degrees F on Monday in San Jose, a city of more than 1 million people, and are expected to hit 106 degrees on Tuesday afternoon. Oakland is slated to experience 93-degree temperatures on Tuesday.

Temperatures in Sacramento, the capital of California, and other parts of the Central Valley hit more than 110 degrees F on Monday and are forecast to reach 115 degrees Tuesday.

Because of the heat, California’s grid operator issued a statewide Flex Alert for Monday and extended it to Tuesday. The National Weather Service also issued an excessive heat warning for most of the Bay Area until Thursday.

“We have now entered the most intense phase of this heat wave,” Eliot Mainzer, the head of the California Independent System Operator, or Cal ISO, said on Monday. “Efforts to flex electricity demand away from those critical hours of 4 to 9 p.m. have been working well and we really appreciate it,” he also said.

EPA Petitioned For Nationwide Ban On Natural Gas For Home Heating, Cooking

More than two dozen environmental organizations petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency to ban the use of natural gas for home heating nationwide, arguing the federal agency must regulate “deadly pollution from heating appliances.”

The petition, sponsored by the Sierra Club, claims fossil fuel-fired home furnaces, water heaters, clothes dryers and stoves emit enough nitrogen dioxide (NOx) and carbon dioxide (CO2) that they must be classified as “new stationary sources” of air pollutants, placing them in the same regulatory regime as power plants and factories.

The petition resembles – but goes beyond Gov. Jared Polis’ Greenhouse Gas Roadmap for a clean heat program, a key component of efforts to transition to a natural gas-free heating economy.

“Gas heating appliances, such as water heaters, furnaces, boilers, stoves, and clothes dryers represent about 80% of fossil fuel-fired heating appliances and emit the majority of appliance pollution, including both climate-disrupting GHG emissions and pollutants that directly impact human health,” the petition says.

“The data is incontrovertible: heating appliances in residential and commercial buildings contribute significantly to pollution that endangers public health and welfare. The emissions from these sources are major drivers of the dual crises of climate change and unclean air,” the petition adds.

Some critics described the petition as a sham and excuse to go after carbon dioxide emissions, with regulation of nitrogen dioxide as the vehicle to accomplish that goal.

The petition’s reading would force the EPA to set NOx standards that would effectively ban the use of natural gas in all new construction within a year after the regulation is implemented. Even existing gas appliances would have to be replaced eventually – at the end of their life cycle or when they break down.

“Emissions from buildings have a harmful, and frankly scary, impact on human health and contribute significantly to the climate crisis,” Amneh Minkara, Sierra Club’s Building Electrification Campaign Deputy Director, said in a news release.

The petitioners said policymakers “must act at the local, state, and federal levels to ensure that marginalized communities are among the first to benefit from the transition away from fossil fuel systems in favor of electric technology.”


First Needle-free COVID Vaccines Authorized in India, China

India and China have cleared a new approach in COVID-19 vaccination — two needle-free options, one a squirt in the nose and the other inhaled through the mouth.

Regulators in India authorized Bharat Biotech’s nasal version on Tuesday as an option for people who haven’t yet been vaccinated.

“This step will further strengthen our collective fight against the pandemic,” Indian health minister Mansukh Mandaviya said on Twitter.

US Expands Monkeypox Vaccine, Drug Distribution Through AmerisourceBergen Contract

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Tuesday said it will significantly expand the number of distribution locations for monkeypox vaccines and treatments through a new $20 million contract with AmerisourceBergen Corp.

Under the new contract, HHS said it will be able to make up to 2,500 shipments per week of frozen doses of Bavarian Nordic’s Jynneos vaccine from the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS), as well as shipments of SIGA Technologies’ drug TPOXX to up to 2,500 locations.

The national stockpile had been shipping to only about five locations per state and other jurisdictions.

US Intelligence Community ‘Wasn’t Able to Speak Truthfully’ About COVID-19 Origin: Think Tank Head

The intelligence community (IC) under the Biden administration failed to tell the truth to Americans in relation to the origin of COVID-19, according to Frank Gaffney, executive chairman at the Center for Security Policy.

The IC released its report (pdf) on the origins of the Chinese coronavirus in September 2021. The investigation was made in response to President Joe Biden calling for a 90-day review into the origins of the coronavirus back in May 2021.

“We judge the virus was not developed as a biological weapon,” the report stated. Chinese officials, according to the IC, had no “foreknowledge of the virus” before the initial outbreak of COVID-19 emerged.

Yet, according to Gaffney, findings in his recent book point to different revelations.

“It’s sort of an indictment of the biases of this administration, that it wasn’t able to speak truthfully about the evidence as we did,” he told the “China in Focus” program on NTD, sister media outlet of The Epoch Times.

Gaffney explained what was reported in the book he co-authored, titled “The CCP is at War with America.”

“A lot of circumstantial evidence, nonetheless, that it came from the Wuhan Institute of virology, a biological warfare laboratory that the Chinese Communist Party is actually not supposed to have,” he said.

“We know, however, this virus got out of that laboratory, whether it was by accident or by design, the Chinese Communist Party deliberately, knowingly, and murderously unleashed it on the rest of the world, including our own country,” he added.

Gaffney stressed that his book was all based on open source material.

“We just took the time and put the energy into really assessing it and came away with conclusions that the intelligence community could have come to every bit as easily, if not more so,” he noted.

Adults Aged 35–44 Died at Twice the Expected Rate Last Summer, Life Insurance Data Suggests

Death claims for working-age adults under group life insurance policies spiked well beyond expected levels last summer and fall, according to data from 20 of the top 21 life insurance companies in the United States.

Death claims for adults aged 35 to 44 were 100 percent higher than expected in July, August, and September 2021, according to a report by the Society of Actuaries, which analyzed 2.3 million death claims submitted to life insurance firms.

The report looked at death claims filed under group life insurance policies during the 24 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, from April 2020 to March 2022. The researchers used data from the three years before the pandemic to set a baseline for the expected deaths.

While COVID-19 played some role in the majority of the excess deaths for adults over the age of 34 during the two pandemic years, the opposite was true for younger people. For people 34 and younger, the number of excess non-COVID deaths was higher than those related to COVID, the data show.

During the third quarter of last year, deaths in the 25-to-34 age bracket were 78 percent above the expected level and, for people aged 45 to 54, 80 percent higher than expected. Excess mortality was 53 percent above the baseline for adults aged 55 to 64.

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) asked all 20 of the participating life insurance companies how they determine the cause of death for the purpose of recording claims. Of the 18 that responded, 17 said they list COVID-19 as the cause of death if it’s listed anywhere on the death certificate, while eight of the 18 said they go further and communicate with relatives and the medical examiner and look at other sources to try to determine the true cause of death.

One life insurance company stated that it recorded COVID-19 as the cause of death only when it could be determined to be the primary cause of death on a death certificate.

The report also notes that white-collar workers had the highest number of excess deaths during the two years studied. The group, which includes accountants, lawyers, computer programmers, and most other jobs done in an office setting, had 23 percent more deaths than expected.

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