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Today's News: September 10, 2018

World News
UK: Police Tell Citizens to Report “Offensive” Comments Even if They’re Not “Hate Crimes”
Infowars – A police force in the UK has been on the receiving end of derision after authorities encouraged citizens to report “offensive comments” that don’t even rise to the level of hate crimes.
“In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it,” states the tweet from South Yorkshire Police.
An information page was also posted in a follow up tweet that states, “The Police can only prosecute when the law is broken, but we also want to know about non-crime hate incidents. These incidents may not be criminal offences but often can feel like a crime to those affected, and can sometimes escalate to crimes.”
The tweet prompted thousands of responses because it specifically tells people to report incidents that are not even crimes.
U.S. 2nd Fleet Re-established to Counter Russian Navy
Maritime-executive.com – In a ceremony in Norfolk on Friday, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson formally re-established U.S. 2nd Fleet. The new command is intended bolster the U.S. Navy’s capability in the North Atlantic and counterbalance the rising levels of Russian activity in the region.
“Although deeply consequential, the meaning of this establishment can be summarized simply as a dynamic response to a dynamic security environment,” said CNO Richardson. “We first need to understand this competitive security environment and why it demands every ounce of our tenacity, ingenuity and fighting spirit. Then we can focus on the mission and how best to accomplish it; 2nd Fleet will enhance our capacity to maneuver and fight in the Atlantic, and as a result, help to maintain America’s maritime superiority that will lead to security, influence and prosperity for our nation.”
Seven Wounded, Including Two British Tourists in Paris Knife Attack
Breitbart – Seven were wounded, four seriously, after an Afghan male went on a knife rampage in the 19th district of Paris late Sunday evening.
The attacker, reported in French press to be a 31-year-old Afghan national male, started attacking passers-by outside a cinema around 11-pm local time on Sunday evening. Parisian district police launched an investigation and have reassured the public they do not believe there is a terrorist motive behind the mass-stabbing, regardless the counter-terrorism office is closely watching the investigation reports Le Monde.
Moscow Accuses U.S. of Using White Phosphorous in Syria
AFP – Russia on Sunday accused the United States of carrying out bombing using white phosphorous in eastern Syria against military targets in civilian areas, which is banned under international law.
“Two American F-15 planes carried out bombings on September 8 (Saturday) targeting the area of Hajin in the Deir Ezzor region using incendiary phosphorous ammunition,” Russian general Vladimir Savtchenko said in a statement.
“These strikes resulted in fierce fires. We are clarifying the information concerning possible deaths and injuries,” he added.
Swedish Nationalist Party Surges; Socialists Still Dying
The New American – The nationalist, pro-borders, Big Government party known as the Sweden Democrats, with further restrictions on immigration as the key plank in its platform, made large gains at the expense of establishment Big Government parties, preliminary results showed. That was despite the relentless demonization of the ostensibly anti-establishment party by every organ of the government and the establishment — the state-funded press, the commentariat that depends on it, and the politicians who opened Sweden’s borders wide to hundreds of thousands of mostly Islamic migrants in recent years. Aside from the major gains by the anti-immigration party, however, there was no clear winner in Sweden’s widely watched election this weekend. In fact, no party or alliance of parties secured anything close to a majority, meaning weeks of tough negotiations are expected before a weak, minority government can be formed. A number of critics criticized the election as “undemocratic” and even cited fraud. Still, the embattled establishment breathed a sigh of relief that it did not go worse.
Another East German Town Erupts in Protests After German Citizen Dies Following a Brawl with MigrantsEdward Griffin – Anti-immigration protests continue in Chemnitz, while new protests are developing in Kothen, after a 22-year-old German man died following a brawl with two Afghan nationals.  The victim reportedly fell and hit is head during a fight when he intervened in an argument involving three Afghan men and a pregnant woman. Authorities are pushing the narrative that the 22-year old died from a heart attack due to a pre-existing condition. RT reported that two water cannons were brought into town, and the mayor advised people to remain at home. [As usual, the media reports the anti-immigrant crowds as ‘right-wing’ and ‘neo-Nazi”, but we believe the vast majority of participants do not fit those labels. Yes, there are a few in the forefront whose mission is to provide an apparent justification for the report, but It’s just a means of leading readers to think that the only people who oppose rampant immigration are unsavory. Propaganda has never before been so finely honed.]
John Bolton: U.S. to Desert ‘Outright Dangerous’ International Criminal Court
Washington Free Beacon – The United States will withdraw all support from the International Criminal Court, National Security Adviser John Bolton announced Monday, condemning the body as an “assault” on the U.S. Constitution and American sovereignty.
In his first public address since joining the Trump administration in April, Bolton called the court “antithetical to our nation’s ideals” and pledged to “use any means necessary” to protect the United States and its allies from “unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court.”
“We will not cooperate with the ICC,” Bolton said at an event Monday hosted by the conservative Federalist Society. “We will provide no assistance to the ICC. We will not join the ICC. We will let the ICC die on its own. After all, for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us.”
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Hero of Benghazi Suspended From Twitter for Criticizing Obama
Infowars – Benghazi hero Kris “Tanto” Paronto has been banned from Twitter for daring to criticize former President Obama’s handling of the 2012 Benghazi attack.
Obama had remerged into the political fray on Friday by giving a speech in Illinois taking credit for Trump’s booming economy and blaming Republicans for the political polarization.
“The politics of division and paranoia has found a home, unfortunately, in the Republican party. … they’ve embraced wild conspiracy theories by those surrounding Benghazi. Or my birth certificate,” Obama said.
Paronto, an Army Ranger who stormed the U.S. embassy compound in Benghazi, Libya, responded harshly to Obama’s claims.
“Benghazi is a conspiracy BarackObama?! How bout we do this, let’s put your cowardly ass on the top of a roof with 6 of your buddies&shoot rpg’s & Ak47’s at you while terrorists lob 81mm mortars killing 2 of your buddies all while waiting for US support that you never sent??#scum,”
Shortly after he released the scathing tweet, Twitter suspended Paronto’s account for twelve hours.
His account was reinstated Saturday morning.
“The look you make when you’re tired, sitting at the airport waiting for a flight and you see your @twitter account has been suspended for calling out a liberal hate group and their dumbass comments ?….yes boys and girls …. and leftists, we have the right to free speech but only if it fits the leftists narrative, doesn’t show their stupidity and ignorance and most importantly doesn’t hurt their fragile little egos,” Paronto tweeted Saturday.
Missouri College Volleyball Team Ditches Nike Jerseys over Kaepernick Ad
Breitbart – The College of the Ozarks announced earlier this week week, that they had decided to “choose country over company,” and do away with all athletic uniforms which display the Nike logo.
By week’s end, we can report that the private Christian college in Point Lookout, Missouri, has stayed true to its word.
Georgia College Drops Nike for ‘Reprehensible’ Kaepernick Ad
Newsmax – A small college in Georgia has dropped Nike after its use of Colin Kaepernick in its “Just Do It” ad campaign, saying the football player-turned social injustice activist “mocks our troops.”
“America has sacrificially given my family the freedoms we enjoy today,” Truett McConnell University President Dr. Emir Caner announced Friday. “My wife, who was raised under the oppression of socialistic communism, became a citizen five years ago, joyfully pledging allegiance to these United States and her flag.
“For Nike to then hire Colin Kaepernick, a person known for wearing pigs on his socks, mocking law enforcement, kneeling against our flag, and mocking our troops, is reprehensible to my family and to the Truett McConnell family.”
Truett McConnell University is a private, Christian, co-ed liberal arts college in Cleveland, Georgia, with an enrollment of less than 800 undergraduates.
The University is “discontinuing our relationship with Nike in athletics and our campus store,” Caner said. “Any profits from remaining Nike gear sold through our campus store will be directly donated to Wounded Warriors and the Fraternal Order of Police.
Louisiana Mayor Forbids Nike Gear At City’s Recreation Facilities
Newsmax – Kenner, Louisiana Mayor Ben Zahn has banned Nike gear from the city’s recreation facilities, WBRZ has reported.
“Under no circumstances will any Nike product or any product with the Nike logo be purchased or used… at any City of Kenner Recreation Facility,” the mayor’s office said in a memorandum to Parks and Recreation Department Director Chad Pitfield.
Report: Trump Expected to Declassify DOJ and FBI Documents This Week
Breitbart – President Trump will reportedly declassify Justice Department and FBI documents that are expected to reveal how the government justified spying on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page and Justice official Bruce Ohr’s “improper” role in the bureau’s investigation into the Trump campaign, according to a report.
Axios reported Sunday that the declassification of these documents could come as early as this week and that Republicans on the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees believe it will “permanently taint” the special counsel investigation by showing it was illegitimate to begin with.
Ann Coulter Says Trump Can Build the Wall Without Permission from Congress – So Why Doesn’t He?

  1. Edward Griffin – Ann Coulter says that President Trump does not need permission from Congress to build the wall because he is the Commander in Chief and has control over all of the agencies under the executive branch, including the Department of Defense and Homeland Security, and the funds available for these agencies are more than adequate for the job. She says defending US borders is the #1 job of the Commander in Chief, and that is most of what the military did for the first 100 years.  “We weren’t going around remaking the rest of the world. It was the military building forts on our border. Defending American borders is the number one job of the Commander in Chief.”

NYT Answers 9 Questions About Anonymous Op-Ed After Trump Demands DOJ Investigation
ZeroHedge – After publishing a highly controversial anonymous Op-Ed Wednesday purportedly written by a senior White House official who claims to be part of an internal “resistance” that is actively undermining the President, the New York Times has taken heat from all sides.
The author has been generally deemed a coward – with the right knocking him or her for their pre-midterm “hit-job,” while many on the left have suggested that the author should have published the piece under their real name in order to attach more credibility to a series of anonymous complaints about the President that the New York Times just doesn’t have the journalistic credibility to pull off anymore.
Indeed, the piece appears to have backfired – while President Trump has demanded that the Justice Department launch an investigation into the article for the sake of national security.
Speaking at a Thursday night campaign rally in Billings, Montana, Trump said:
for the sake of our national security, the New York Times should publish his name at once. I think their reporters should go and investigate who it is. That would actually be a good scoop.
That would be a good scoop. Unelected deep state operatives who defy the voters to push their own secret agendas are truly a threat to democracy itself. And I was so heartened when I looked
And as The Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald points out: “The irony in the op-ed from the NYT’s anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being “anti-democratic” while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency
Perhaps to try and win some points in the court of public opinion (and other possible courtrooms down the road), The Times has published answers to questions from nine readers out of 23,000 who submitted questions about the essay.  Read the questions and answers here.
Economy & Business
Harley To Set Up Silicon Valley Facility For Electric Bike Development
AP – Harley-Davidson Inc. says it plans to build a research and development facility in Silicon Valley to develop its electric motorcycles.
The Milwaukee motorcycle manufacturer said Wednesday the facility will serve as a satellite of the product development site in Wauwatosa.
Harley announced in July that it would launch a line of electric bikes as part of its growth plan. It plans to hire about 25 people with electrical, mechanical and software engineering skills for the Silicon Valley site.
Harley’s first electric motorcycle, LiveWire, is expected to be released next year.
VW Investors Seek $11 Billion in Damages Over Dieselgate Scandal
Newsmax – Investors took Volkswagen to court on Monday to seek 9.2 billion euros ($10.6 billion) in compensation for the hit to the carmaker’s share price from its diesel emissions scandal, although the judge said some claims could be time-barred.
Energy & Environment
Hurricane Florence Expected to Rapidly Intensify; Serious Rainfall Threat for U.S. East Coast
Weather Underground – Florence has re-intensified into a hurricane, and is expected to rapidly intensify into a very dangerous Category 4 hurricane by Tuesday as it heads towards the Southeast U.S. Coast. Florence is likely to make landfall on Thursday evening or Friday morning on the Southeast U.S. East Coast, or remain just offshore. The odds have increased that Florence will stall on Friday and meander near or over the coast for several days, making the hurricane a huge rainfall and coastal flooding threat.
Typhoon smashes Japan
Daily Mail – A powerful typhoon slammed into western Japan on Tuesday, killing at least nine people and injuring scores of people as more than a million people were told to evacuate amid the worst storm to hit the country in 25 years.
Trump Keeps Campaign Promise to Scale Back Size of EPA
Washington Free Beacon – President Donald Trump is keeping a campaign promise to reduce the size of the Environmental Protection Agency, according to the agency’s recent employment numbers.
On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump spoke about dismantling the EPA, saying, “We are going to get rid of it in almost every form. We’re going to have little tidbits left but we’re going to take a tremendous amount out.”
Records show that in the first 18 months of the Trump administration, over 1,600 workers left the EPA and less than 400 were hired. This is an 8 percent decrease in the agency’s employment size, the Washington Post reports.
Some agency employees cited Trump as a reason for their departure.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 8, 2018, #161
From Dane Wigington
Science & Technology
Apple just permanently banned Infowars from the App Store
The Verge – Only a day after Alex Jones was permanently banned from Twitter, the Infowars app — the final straw for Jones’ platform — has been permanently kicked off the App Store, also permanently.
Apple confirmed the removal with Buzzfeed by citing the App Store guidelines, which forbids “content that is offensive, insensitive, upsetting, intended to disgust, or in exceptionally poor taste.” Searching for the app within the App Store right now only brings up other apps unrelated to Infowars.
NYPD Surveillance Software Sorts Images by Skin Color
The New American – New York City police have given facial recognition software developers access to surveillance footage including the faces of millions of New Yorkers and vistitors, none of whom had any idea they were being recorded or that those images would be passed on to private corporations for research and development.
An investigative report conducted by The Intercept and The Investigative Fund reveals that the New York City Police Department has been using technology fine tuned by tech giants to sort through the millions of faces collected by the cameras the department has placed all over the Big Apple.
The technology developed by IBM and others enables New York law enforcement to “search camera footage for images of people by hair color, facial hair, and skin tone.”
Are New York’s Free LinkNYC Internet Kiosks Tracking Your Movements?
The New American  – LinkNYC kiosks have become a familiar eyesore to New Yorkers. Over 1,600 of these towering, nine-and-a-half-foot monoliths — their double-sided screens festooned with ads and fun facts — have been installed across the city since early 2016. Mayor Bill de Blasio has celebrated their ability to provide “the fastest and largest municipal Wi-Fi network in the world” as “a critical step toward a more equal, open, and connected city for every New Yorker, in every borough.” Anyone can use the kiosks’ Android tablets to search for directions and services; they are also equipped with charging stations, 911 buttons, and phones for free domestic calls.
But even as the kiosks have provided important services to connect New Yorkers, they may also represent a troubling expansion of the city’s surveillance network, potentially connecting every borough to a new level of invasive monitoring. Each kiosk has three cameras, 30 sensors, and heightened sight lines for viewing above crowds.
Since plans for LinkNYC were first unveiled, journalists, residents, and civil liberties experts have raised concerns that the internet kiosks might be storing sensitive data about its users and possibly tracking their movements. For the last two years, the American Civil Liberties Union, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and a small but vocal group of activists — including ReThink LinkNYC, a grassroots anti-surveillance group, and the anonymous Stop LinkNYC coalition — have highlighted the kiosk’s potential to track locations, collect personal information, and fuel mass surveillance.
Creepy Google now tracking your credit card statements and retail purchases
NaturalNews – What you don’t realize – since Mastercard’s 2 billion customers have not been informed – is that Google and Mastercard entered into a deal last year to allow Google advertisers to access a tool that tracks whether online searches translate into sales at American stores.
As has been illustrated repeatedly with all the privacy issues at Facebook, most members of the public are extremely uncomfortable about having their private information shared with or sold to third parties, especially since the tech giants never bother to ask permission before doing so.
With regard to this latest breach of trust by Google and Mastercard, Bloomberg Quint (BQ) reported that there are real concerns about the amount of information that these corporations have access to and their level of responsibility for what they choose to do with that information.
“People don’t expect what they buy physically in a store to be linked to what they are buying online,” Christine Bannan, a lawyer with the advocacy group Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), told BQ. “There’s just far too much burden that companies place on consumers and not enough responsibility being taken by companies to inform users what they’re doing and what rights they have.”
The suppressed truth about Tylenol: It’s toxic to children
NaturalNews – If you were to ask your average mainstream doctor, or investigate the issue in official scientific journals, chances are you’d discover that acetaminophen (Tylenol) is generally classified as being safe for pregnant women and developing children. But a closer look at actual science tells a much different story.
While the internet is saturated with seemingly scientific information about the alleged safety and effectiveness of Tylenol, there also exists copious evidence to the contrary, suggesting that this popular pain drug is particularly harmful for children. These damaging effects can also be passed down from mother to child during pregnancy.
Dr. William Parker, Ph.D., an associated professor at Duke University, in an analysis compiled for GreenMedInfo.com, unpacks many of the known dangers associated with Tylenol, including the drug’s neurotoxic properties that are especially problematic in young people whose brains are still in the developmental phase.
Numerous animal studies, for instance, have shown that Tylenol can cause long-term brain damage resulting in impaired social function. Additional research out of The University of Maryland affirms this, having found that the male brain is especially sensitive to the brain-damaging effects of Tylenol.
The anti-depressive effects of the chili pepper
NaturalNews – Research has found that chili pepper (Capsicum annuum) possesses anti-depressive properties, which makes it a promising treatment for depression. The study, published in the European Journal of Medicinal Plants, aimed to determine the antidepressant potential of methanol fruit extract of chili pepper in mice.
Based on the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that the reduction in behavioral despair indicates that chili pepper may help in the management of depression.
Read the full text of the study at this link[PDF].

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