June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 10, 2021

Trudeau faces pressure in final debate before Canadian election

Al Jazeera – Polls show Trudeau’s Liberal Party could be threatened by Erin O’Toole’s Conservative Party on election day

Joe Biden Orders Vaccine Mandates: ‘This Is Not About Freedom or Personal Choice’

Bretibart – President Joe Biden ordered widespread vaccination mandates on Thursday, demanding that private businesses mandate vaccinations for their employees.

“This is not about freedom or personal choice,” Biden said during a speech from the White House. “It’s about protecting yourself and those around you.”

Biden used a sharper tone against unvaccinated Americans, lecturing them for refusing the vaccine.

“We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin,” he said.

The president said he “understood” why vaccinated Americans were angry about the continued rise in cases around the country.

“Many of us are frustrated with the 80 million Americans who are not vaccinated,” Biden said.

The plan released by the White House noted the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) would develop a rule requiring all private companies with 100 or more employees to make sure their employees were fully vaccinated or produce weekly negative test results.

“We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers,” Biden said.

He noted the “vast majority” of Americans were “doing the right thing” by getting vaccinated, but that he would make life more difficult for the unvaccinated.

Biden complained that unvaccinated were catching coronavirus and using up hospital capacity.

“We cannot allow these actions to stand in the way of protecting the large majority of Americans who’ve done their part and want to get back to life as normal,” he said.

The White House plan also orders the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to require vaccines for workers in health care facilities receiving Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement.

The president’s announcement is a sharp turnaround from his position last December, when he told reporters he did not support a widespread national vaccine mandate.

“I don’t think it should be mandatory, I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory,” he told reporters at the time.

But Biden acknowledged in his speech that the coronavirus pandemic was not going away, despite his best efforts to fight it.

“We’re in the tough stretch and it could last for a while,” he said.

Israel Pushing FDA to Approve Booster Shots For Americans; Fauci Says 3rd Jab Likely Coming Sep 20

Information LIberation – Israel, which recently gave Anthony Fauci a million dollar “award,” is planning to “brief” the FDA on why they need to approve endless booster shots for the American public.

From RT, “Israel to brief FDA on Covid-19 vaccine boosters as health experts seek data to back Biden’s 3rd jab rollout plan”:

Israeli health officials have agreed to present data from their country’s rollout of Covid-19 vaccine booster shots to the FDA, potentially providing ammunition to help the Biden administration justify such a program in the US.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked Israel’s Health Ministry to brief the agency’s advisory committee on booster-shot data at the panel’s September 17 [virtual] meeting, according to Sharon Alroy-Preis, the ministry’s head of public health.

“We have been asked to come and present Israel’s experience and our data so that we can truly help the whole world to learn,” Alroy-Preis said on Sunday in an interview with the country’s Channel 12 TV.

Israel launched its booster-shot program on August 1, citing the waning efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines over time, and has so far administered the additional jabs to about 2.6 million people, or roughly 28% of the population.

Why don’t they just email the FDA their data right now?

This meeting is clearly being timed right before the White House’s Sept 20 booster approval deadline. This seems like it’s all part of a scheme to help put down the mutiny at the FDA against rushing to approve boosters.

From the data that’s already public, it appears Israel’s mass Pfizer mRNA “vaccine” program is not working very well (if at all) and that’s why they’re telling the public to prepare for a fourth shot.

Not even one clinical trial has been completed proving the effectiveness of boosters nor detailing the side effect profile on third or fourth shots.

Regardless, Fauci — “The Million Dollar Man” — is already on board with the agenda.

Where are All the Americans Returning Home from Afghanistan?

By Brian C. Joondeph

President Joe Biden and his team of military, intelligence, and diplomatic advisors oversaw America’s most epic surrender, on the world stage, under the lights and cameras of international media recording it for posterity, spinning the news to mitigate American failure.

One of many failures was the abrupt departure of American military and security forces, necessary to evacuate thousands of Americans and Afghan allies who placed themselves and their families at great risk by helping the Great Satan against the Taliban, the latter being the new boss, replacing the old boss.

How many Americans were left behind? Official government numbers are all over the map. The military, tasked with evacuating stranded Americans, was vague on the exact number.

US defense officials in charge of evacuating Americans from Kabul claimed on Tuesday morning they would fly 5,000 a day out despite only managing to rescue 1,400 in the three days since the city fell, while as many as 40,000 may remain stranded – some in remote parts of the country.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday morning that between 5,000 and 10,000 are in Kabul, but earlier admitted he had no idea how many there were or where they were. George W. Bush’s former Assistant Secretary of State, Robert Charles, says there are between 15,000 and 40,000 ‘scattered’ across all of Afghanistan. 

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Tuesday that there were at least 11,000, including American journalists, translators, contractors, aid workers, NGO and government workers.

In other words, the U.S. government has no idea how many Americans remain in Afghanistan. The same government had no trouble rounding up hundreds of “insurrectionists” strolling the grounds of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, but in a country occupied by American forces for the past two decades, they have no idea how many Americans are in that country, most being paid in some form by the U.S. government, who they are and where they are.

France bans unvaccinated travelers from US & Israel, removes countries from ‘green’ list

RT – The French government has taken the US and Israel off its list of ‘safe’ countries in terms of Covid-19 risk, imposing restrictions on the arrival of unvaccinated tourists from both places.

The US and Israel were bumped from France’s so-called ‘green’ list of safe countries to the list of ‘orange’ states where there is substantial circulation of the virus. The move means that, starting from Saturday, France will effectively be closed for tourists from either country.

If they want to visit France, unvaccinated Americans and Israelis will have to provide an ‘essential’ reason for the trip, submit a negative Covid-19 test taken less than 72 hours before departure, and quarantine themselves for seven days on arrival. 

Mainstream Media Cares More About You Taking Ivermectin Than Biden Eviscerating Medical Freedom

The Free Thought Project – On Thursday, the United States made a giant leap forward into a despotic and fascist future in which the government owns our bodies and can force us to do whatever they please. Thanks to the massive propaganda campaign waged by the mainstream media, half of Americans likely agree with it.

“We’ve been patient but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us,” Mein Führer President Joe Biden said on Thursday as he bypassed Congress and unilaterally ordered 100 million Americans to undergo a medical procedure against their will — or become unemployable.

“My job as president is to protect all Americans,” Mr. Biden said Thursday. “So tonight, I’m announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees that together employ over 80 million workers to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week.”

“The bottom line — we’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers,” he said, completely disregarding the fact that natural immunity to the virus is exponentially more effective than the vaccine.

He also completely ignored the Constitution, the Congress, and essentially every single check and balance the government has ostensibly set up to prevent tyrants like him from making such broad and overreaching dictates.

It’s no wonder that #IwillNOTComply and #MassNonCompliance began trending immediately after the dictator on high delivered this chilling speech. In fact, they continued to trend into Friday morning highlighting the mass resistance to such tyrannical madness and the terrifying precedent that it sets.

Amazon offers to pay college fees for 750,000 US staff

BBC – Amazon has offered to cover the cost of college tuition of all 750,000 of its frontline workers in the US.

It comes as the online shopping giant struggles to attract and retain staff amid an industry wide labour shortage.

The firm said it would invest $1.2bn in the scheme, with workers able to access the annual funding for as long as they remain at Amazon.

It is the latest big firm to offer to fund workers’ education after similar moves by Walmart and Target.

In a blog post, Amazon said its college tuition offer would apply at “hundreds of education partners across the country” without stating which ones.

The shopping giant said it would also cover other types of education including high school diplomas and English language courses, as well as extending on-the-job career training to 300,000.

Media can be sued for Facebook comments, rules Australian court

CS Monitor – On Wednesday, the Australian High Court ruled that media organizations can be sued for defamatory content posted on their social media pages, including in the comments section. To avoid liability, media organizations will need to become content moderators.

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