July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 12, 2022


Charles III Formally Proclaimed King in First Televised Accession Ceremony

The UK’s King Charles III was formally proclaimed sovereign on Saturday morning, in the first televised accession council.

The 73-year-old new monarch automatically became King when his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, died on Thursday afternoon, although it’s tradition for the Accession Council to convene, usually within 24 hours of a monarch’s death, to formally proclaim his or her successor.

The Accession Council, mainly made up of more than 200 members of the Privy Council, a group of advisers including past and present senior politicians, judges, bishops, and some senior royal family members, were present at St. Jame’s Palace to hear the accession proclamation.

The Clerk of Council read out the proclamation, proclaiming Charles III, who wasn’t present at this first part of the ceremony, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of his other realms and territories, head of the Commonwealth, and Defender of the Faith.

Tens of Millions in China Under New COVID-19 Lockdown Ahead of CCP Meeting

Schools postpone reopening. Businesses are shut down. Residents line up for a new throat swab.

Once again, dozens of Chinese cities are tightening COVID curbs in the run-up to the major Chinese Communist Party (CCP) meeting next month.

A weeklong lockdown in the metropolis of Chengdu was extended on Sept. 8 after over a hundred COVID-19 cases were reported. Officials on Sept. 1 ordered its 21 million residents to stay at home while conducting three-day citywide COVID-19 testing. The order had since been extended.

At Thursday’s briefing, authorities extended the curbs in most areas as “the risk of community transmission still exists in some regions.” Chengdu, the biggest city to be locked down since Shanghai’s two-month closure, has yet to announce an exit plan.

At least 34 Chinese cities have been placed under partial or full lockdown as of Sept. 5, including seven provincial capitals, according to the health news platform of People Daily, the CCP’s flagship newspaper. These cities range across the country, from northern oil production center Daqing city to southern tech hub Shenzhen.

The COVID curbs disrupt the lives of 291.7 million residents, accounting for 20.7 percent of China’s population, Japanese bank Nomura said in its Sept. 6 note. Nomura estimates that 49 Chinese cities had various levels of lockdowns or control measures, which contribute to 24.5 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).

The widespread shutdown came as the CCP prepares for its important 20th Party congress, which is set to open on Oct. 16 in Beijing. During the twice-a-decade party conclave, Chinese leader Xi Jinping is seeking a record-breaking third five-year term in office, and the new top leadership will be unveiled.

While Xi is expected to secure his position, “the rising infections have become the biggest variable of the party congress,” said Chinese commentator Wang He. “If the outbreak hit Beijing suddenly, could the party congress continue?”

>Related:China’s Zero-COVID Rules Stop Citizens From Evacuating During Earthquake

The strict enforcement of China‘s zero-tolerance COVID-19 policy left some residents stranded in their buildings and gated communities as they sought shelter during an earthquake, social media images showed.

>> Death toll from western China earthquake rises to 93

 The death toll from a major earthquake in western China rose to 93 as the search for survivors continued, authorities said.

A magnitude 6.8 quake hit Sichuan province last week, with much of the damage concentrated in Ganze Tibetan Autonomous Region in the province.

Another 25 people remain missing as of Sunday evening, rescuers said, according to state broadcaster CCTV. The search for survivors and recovery of bodies were complicated by heavy rains and the risks of landslides, which forced some residents to move to temporary shelters.

The earthquake also affected Chengdu, the provincial capital, where residents were under strict zero-COVID controls, meaning they were not allowed to leave their buildings. Footage online showed residents banging at metal gates at the front of apartment complexes as they sought to leave their buildings.


NIST Continues to Protect 9/11 Lies

Commentary by Devvy Kidd

America was attacked twenty-one years ago today, thousands of innocent human beings died and the cover-up began immediately.  Those who still believe the “official” narrative of what happened are those who not only have done no research, but are too afraid of the truth to acknowledge what their own eyes saw.  The truth about 9/11, who masterminded it, the players and the money to fund it is something most people in America cannot handle.

The same applies to Pearl Harbor, Ruby Ridge, WACO, TWA Flight 800, OKC and, of course, the massive lies regarding COVID-19 and those experimental gene therapy injections passed off as vaccines which they are not.

Mine:  FDR wanted the Japanese to strike first.  Ruby Ridge should never have happened by the “rank and file” in the FBI but they had other plans.  One of their snipers shot a mother, Vicky Weaver, in the forehead holding her 18-month-old baby.  She was unarmed and a threat to no one.   Their son, Sammy, age 13 and the family dog were also murdered that day.  The sniper, Lon Horiuchi, was never charged.  Shadow government craven turncoat, former AG Bill Barr, led the charge to protect killers like Horiuchi.

No question TWA Flight 800 was brought down by a missile.  My dear friend who passed away in December 2019, Brigadier General (Ret.) Ben Partin wrote about it:  TWA-800 SHOOT DOWN, Feb. 2, 2018:  “On October 4, 1996, seven weeks after the TWA incident, I sent a fax to the chief TWA-800 investigator in New York. The fax stated as follows:

Intelligence and the 9/11/2001 Events

We are approaching another anniversary of an event that transformed America: the 9/11. It justified the creation of Office of Homeland Security, an aberration typical of totalitarian regimes that, under the pretext of protecting us from terrorism, curtailed many of the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Moreover, it created the state of mind that justified the acceptance of losing even more freedoms allegedly to protect us from an invisible virus.

So, in this new anniversary of the event that changed America it is appropriate to study it from the rational, non-emotional perspective of intelligence.

According to the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, intelligence is the final product resulting from the collection, processing, integration, analysis, and interpretation of available information.[1] So, even though the term intelligence comprises something much more complex, we may safely accept the shorter definition that intelligence is just information after it has been properly evaluated.

In its advisory report to the U.S. Government, the 1955 task force on Intelligence Activities of the second Herbert Hoover Commission stated that: “Intelligence deals with all the things which should be known in advance of initiating a course of action.”[2] A true expert in the subject gave a similar definition more than 2000 years ago. According to Sun Tzu, “the reason why the enlightened prince and the wise general conquer the enemy whenever they move and their achievement surpass those of ordinary men is foreknowledge [intelligence].”[3]


By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Lest we forget, one day before the 9/11 attacks [as well as on the morning of 9/11, the dad of the sitting President of the United States of America, George Herbert Walker Bush was meeting none other than Shafiq bin Laden, the brother of the alleged terror mastermind Osama bin Laden.

It was a routine business meeting on September 10-11, no conflict of interest, no relationship to the 9/11 attacks which allegedly were carried out on the orders of Shafiq’s brother Osama, no FBI investigation into the links between the Bush and bin Laden families. 

What is presented below is a factual account. Confirmed by the Washington Post, “fellow investors” of the Carlyle Group including Osama’s brother Shafiq bin Laden and Dubya’s dad former President George H. W. Bush met in the plush surroundings of New York’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel on September 10-11, 2001.  Their business encounter under the auspices of the Carlyle Group was unfortunately interrupted on September 11 by the 9/11 attacks.

It didn’t help that as the World Trade Center burned on Sept. 11, 2001, the news interrupted a Carlyle business conference at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel here attended by a brother of Osama bin Laden [Shafiq bin Laden]. Former president Bush [senior], a fellow investor, had been with him at the conference the previous day. (Greg Schneider, Pairing the Powerful With the Rich, Washington Post, March 16, 2003)


Why MAGA Americans are Indeed Dangerous

Commentary by Lex Greene

According to the most distrusted and unpopular political organization in American history, democrats responsible for the Nazi-like Biden regime, “MAGA Americans are dangerous extremists” based upon their open agenda to “Make America Great Again.”

How dare these “extremists” work to “Make America Great Again.” How dare they rise up peacefully in objection to the utter destruction of the USA and confront a global Marxist assault on all things American. How dare they try to return America to that shining city on the hill, the beacon of hope for freedom and liberty for every American Citizen and every human on earth.

MAGA Americans are “America First” Americans, determined to make America a global leader for good again, so that America can help others to secure freedom, peace, and prosperity all over the world. The “extreme” agenda of these folks is indeed a grave threat…to evil.

DOJ Alleges More Classified Records May Be at Mar-a-Lago

Prosecutors with the Department of Justice (DOJ) claimed former President Donald Trump’s team may still be holding onto allegedly classified records following last month’s raid on his Mar-a-Lago property.

They made the allegation in a court filing Thursday in arguing against the appointment of a special master, or an independent third party, to review the documents that were taken during the unprecedented search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence last month. Earlier this week, a federal judge sided with Trump’s team in granting their request for a special master.

“The injunction against using classified records in the criminal investigation could impede efforts to identify the existence of any additional classified records that are not being properly stored—which itself presents the potential for ongoing risk to national security,” they wrote in the latest filing.

And without a stay of the injunction, “the government and the public will also suffer irreparable harm from the undue delay to the criminal investigation,” DOJ prosecutors wrote.

The federal agency did not provide specific evidence or details as to why it believes more classified records are being kept at Mar-a-Lago.

They argued that some allegedly classified records that were taken from Trump’s home should be in the possession of the DOJ and FBI for review as the two agencies continue their investigation. The former president, according to a warrant released last month, is under investigation for possible obstruction of justice charges and Espionage Act violations.

Trump said the raid targeting his home was politically motivated and designed to harm his chances if he runs for president in 2024. At the same time, the former commander-in-chef has said he had a standing declassification order while he was president, and he pointed to an executive order issued in mid-January 2021.

Trump attorneys argue Mar-a-Lago documents might be personal papers — not classified materials

Donald Trump’s attorneys conceded that he does not own his presidential records in their latest court filing, while also suggesting he declared those documents to be his personal papers.

The former president’s attorneys downplayed the national security risks of keeping top-secret government records at Mar-a-Lago and said there’s no evidence they had been improperly shared, but his legal team conceded those documents didn’t actually belong to him, reported The Guardian.

Millions Continue Flocking to Mount Rushmore In Spite of Cancel Culture

A soft wind blew across the Grand View Terrace of Mount Rushmore National Memorial, and a shiver ran up my spine.

For millions of Americans visiting for the first time, like me, this is hallowed ground—liberty and sacrifice carved into the timeless mountain.

“It gives you a tingle,” said Doug Alford of Texas, waxing proudly on the observation deck 150 feet below the monument.

“I’m inspired by what people used to do. This [monument] is as impressive as skyscrapers they built in the 20s.”

As we continued gazing at the tall sculpture, marveling at the extraordinary talent and engineering that went into building it, Alford lamented that the country he once knew is no longer the same.

Today, the people seem ready to go to war over culture and politics. We see the great American spirit fading into the ether of History across a national divide that grows wider by the day.

America’s glory days—”those days are gone,” Alford said.

Life Insurance Blowout: Adults Aged 35-44 Died At Twice The Expected Rate In 2021

Death claims for working-age adults under group life insurance policies spiked well beyond expected levels last summer and fall, according to data from 20 of the top 21 life insurance companies in the United States.

Death claims for adults aged 35 to 44 were 100 percent higher than expected in July, August, and September 2021, according to a report by the Society of Actuaries, which analyzed 2.3 million death claims submitted to life insurance firms.

The report looked at death claims filed under group life insurance policies during the 24 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, from April 2020 to March 2022. The researchers used data from the three years before the pandemic to set a baseline for the expected deaths.

While COVID-19 played some role in the majority of the excess deaths for adults over the age of 34 during the two pandemic years, the opposite was true for younger people. For people 34 and younger, the number of excess non-COVID deaths was higher than those related to COVID, the data show.

During the third quarter of last year, deaths in the 25-to-34 age bracket were 78 percent above the expected level and, for people aged 45 to 54, 80 percent higher than expected. Excess mortality was 53 percent above the baseline for adults aged 55 to 64.

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) asked all 20 of the participating life insurance companies how they determine the cause of death for the purpose of recording claims. Of the 18 that responded, 17 said they list COVID-19 as the cause of death if it’s listed anywhere on the death certificate, while eight of the 18 said they go further and communicate with relatives and the medical examiner and look at other sources to try to determine the true cause of death.

One life insurance company stated that it recorded COVID-19 as the cause of death only when it could be determined to be the primary cause of death on a death certificate.

The report also notes that white-collar workers had the highest number of excess deaths during the two years studied. The group, which includes accountants, lawyers, computer programmers, and most other jobs done in an office setting, had 23 percent more deaths than expected.

The sharp increase of deaths among working-age people was first brought to light by Scott Davison, CEO of the Indianapolis-based life insurance company OneAmerica, who said in a virtual press conference on Dec. 30, 2021, that his company and the life insurance industry as a whole was seeing a 40 percent increase in deaths among people ages 18 to 64.

DC Mayor Declares Public Emergency Over Flood of Illegal Immigrants From Texas

The mayor of the city of Washington has declared a public emergency over the influx of illegal immigrants into the nation’s capital.

Mayor Muriel Bowser announced the emergency on Sept. 8. The city has received some 9,400 illegal aliens from the states of Texas and Arizona, according to her office.

“Our response involves how can we live up to our values and make sure we have a humane, efficient process to deal with a crisis not of our making,” Bowser, a Democrat, told reporters during a briefing.

The declaration enables the mayor to establish a new office, the Office of Migrant Services, specifically to help the illegal immigrants arriving from the border states.

The office will receive an initial $10 million to establish the office, which will help nonprofits and others greet, house, and feed the illegal aliens. The city hopes to either use federal funding or be reimbursed for the spending.

The system overseen by the office will be separate from the city’s homeless response.

A new system is necessary “so that our homeless services system can continue to function in support of DC residents and so that we can properly respond to the ongoing humanitarian crisis and provide a humane assistance to migrants,” Bowser’s office said in a slide shown at the briefing.

Washington is a so-called sanctuary city, meaning it openly welcomes illegal immigrants and restricts cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

Ranae Eze, press secretary for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, told The Epoch Times in an email that Bowser is a hypocrite.

“In a city with a population over 700,000, she’s claiming an emergency for just over 7,900 migrants being bused into her sanctuary city,” Eze wrote. “That’s barely 1 percent of the population of Washington, D.C. The true emergency is on our nation’s southern border—not in our nation’s capital—where small Texas border towns are overrun and overwhelmed by hundreds of migrants every single day as the Biden Administration dumps them in their communities.

“Instead of fearmongering and complaining about a few thousand migrants in her sanctuary city, Mayor Bowser should call on President Biden to do his job and secure the border—something the President continues failing to do. Governor Abbott’s invitation is still open for Mayor Bowser to visit the border and see the actual crisis firsthand.”

Watchdog Groups Allege Election Violations in Florida’s 2022 and 2020 Elections

A grassroots group presented evidence to Florida election officials and law enforcement last week showing that almost 1,100 mail-in ballots in one county were cast from undeliverable addresses in the Aug. 23 primary election.

Florida First Freedom Alliance gave state election officials a spreadsheet containing the results of a computer crosscheck conducted by another grassroots group. That audit represents “only a small sliver” of those who requested mail-in ballots in Florida’s Orange County, according to Christopher Gleason, the group’s spokesman.

The data allegedly reveals that almost 1,100 vote-by-mail ballots were sent to and cast from undeliverable addresses.

“The resulting problem is that there are thousands of completely undeliverable vote-by-mail ballots that were later turned in to election officials as legitimately cast vote-by-mail ballots,” Gleason told The Epoch Times.

“This is what happens when dirty voter registration rolls result in massive numbers of undeliverable ballots,” he added. “The question is, who is voting them?”

The Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office did not respond to a request for comment by press time.

Gleason’s group used data obtained and analyzed by another grassroots group, the Lake County Election Integrity and Voter Protection Coalition.

“There are thousands of people across Florida listed on the voter rolls whose address is flawed with either incomplete or inaccurate information—missing a digit in the zip code, an apartment complex with inaccurate, incomplete, apartment numbers, or none at all, and misspelled words. Small errors. But just enough to render a mail-in ballot undeliverable,” Kris Jurski, the spokesman for the Lake County group, told The Epoch Times

“The whole game is to generate undeliverable ballots—a portion of which are somehow being obtained and voted by somebody else,” alleged Jurski.

Supreme Court Blocks Order Forcing Yeshiva University to Recognize LGBT Club on Campus

Yeshiva University in New York City won’t have to recognize an LGBT student club, at least not for the time being, according to an emergency ruling issued by the U.S. Supreme Court late on Sept. 9, temporarily blocking a lower court order forcing such recognition.

Founded in 1897, the Orthodox Jewish university describes itself in court documents as “the world’s premier Torah-based institution of higher education.” The word “yeshiva” itself refers to a traditional Jewish religious school. Recognizing the LGBT student organization would violate its religious teachings, the school argues.

The new ruling comes as the high court has become increasingly protective of constitutionally guaranteed religious rights in recent years.

The order was issued by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who oversees emergency applications from New York and two other states within the 2nd Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals.

Over 185,000 Illegal Immigrant Arrests Made at US–Mexico Border in August

More than 185,000 illegal immigrant arrests were made at the U.S.–Mexico border in August, according to provisional U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics obtained by The Epoch Times.

Some 186,424 apprehensions were made by border agents during the month.

Most arrests—about 53,400—took place in the Del Rio sector, an area of 55,063 square miles in Texas, including 245 miles along the Rio Grande River and Lake Amistad at the border.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘They’re Trying to Take Me out of This Election’: Bannon Responds to New Indictment

Former Trump administration strategist Steve Bannon said fresh New York state charges against him over a scheme to raise money to build border barriers on private land are an attempt to silence him ahead of the November midterms.

“They’ve got a populist revolt that’s out of control, and they’re trying to take me out of this election,” Bannon, host of the “War Room” podcast, told The Epoch Times.

“They were trying to de-platform me and shut me down. It’s not gonna happen.”

Bannon made the comments one day after he appeared in a New York state courtroom in Manhattan on Sept. 8 and pleaded not guilty to charges of money laundering, fraud, and conspiracy relating to a private crowdfunding campaign, known as “We Build the Wall” that sought to create a privately-owned section of the U.S.-Mexico border. He was released without bail.

Media Misconduct Inspired the Making of ‘My Son Hunter’: Film Director

The story surrounding the Hunter Biden laptop recently regained the spotlight after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the social platform reduced the reach of related posts in the leadup to the 2020 presidential election, following advice from the FBI.

The laptop of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, became the subject of multiple media reports in October 2020 after the New York Post first broke the story.

According to the reports, content found on the laptop showed Joe Biden’s as well as his brother James’s and son Hunter’s involvement in various overseas business ventures in countries such as Ukraine, Russia, China, and other countries—including during the time Joe Biden was vice president during the Obama administration—and showed payments received in connection with their involvement. The laptop also contains other pornographic and illicit data.

The reporting was heavily suppressed by corporate media and Big Tech.

The media misconduct prompted the production of the film “My Son Hunter,” according to its director Robert Davi.

“The American people, and myself included, are watching now this unfolding of the laptop story of Hunter Biden. And the deliberate squelching or squashing of that story by the media [and] now we find out law enforcement … that frustration of not telling the story was brewing inside me,” Davi said in an interview with the “Capitol Report” program on NTD News, The Epoch Times’ sister media.

“This film came along to me from the Unreported Story Society … and I wanted to tell the story,” he added.

As the film marks Breitbart News’s first major venture into the film distribution area, its editor-in-chief, Alex Marlow listed a number of rea

Supreme Court’s John Roberts: Politicians, Public Shouldn’t Influence Decisions

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts said Sept. 9 that the court should focus on its role of interpreting the U.S. Constitution when mentioning how some critics have questioned the court’s legitimacy after recent decisions.

“If the court doesn’t retain its legitimate function of interpreting the constitution, I’m not sure who would take up that mantle,” Roberts said while being interviewed by two judges from the Denver-based 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at its conference in Colorado Springs.

“You don’t want the political branches telling you what the law is, and you don’t want public opinion to be the guide about what the appropriate decision is,” the George W. Bush appointee added.

Roberts described the last year as an unusual and difficult one, pointing to the public not being allowed inside the court, closed in 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic, as one hardship. He also said it was “gut wrenching” to drive into the Supreme Court that was surrounded by barricades every day.

Officials installed the barricades in May after protests were sparked by the release of a draft opinion indicating the court was poised to strike down Roe v. Wade, a 1973 decision that saw the court conclude access to abortion was a constitutional right. Justices also saw protesters gather outside their homes, and one man traveled with firearms to the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a Trump appointee with the intent to kill him, according to confessions police say the man made.

The barricades are now gone and the public will be allowed back inside when the court’s new session begins in October, according to Roberts.

He did not mention the leak of the draft opinion, penned by Justice Samuel Alito, a George W. Bush appointee. Alito later wrote a final opinion that struck down Roe v. Wade.

Roberts sided with the other five Republican-appointed justices in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, but said he preferred “a more measured course” that would discard the aspect of Roe’s ruling that women must be able to get an abortion before a fetus is viable but would have left other parts intact.

Roberts had called the leak a “betrayal” in May and ordered an investigation into the source of the leak. The court has provided virtually no official updates since then.

Heritage Foundation Releases Inaugural Education Freedom Report, Florida Ranks First

The Heritage Foundation released its inaugural Education Freedom Report Card Friday, ranking Florida the highest and the District of Columbia the lowest among all states. Arizona and Idaho followed Florida as No. 2 and 3. Along with the District of Columbia, New Jersey and New York were at the bottom of the list.

Lindsey Burke, director of the Center for Education Policy at the Heritage Foundation and the lead author, told The Epoch Times that the report measured parent empowerment: “While we consider academic outcomes—particularly as a return-on-investment for taxpayer dollars measure—this report card is really about assessing the power that parents have in directing their children’s learning.”

“This report is distinct from everything else out there because we measure education freedom,” she added.

The overall ranking was measured on whether parents can choose a school to send their children to, be it a public, private, or charter school that is also public but not run by the school districts; transparency of school curriculum and programs; regulatory freedom in curriculum options; and per-pupil spending.

In the transparency category, the Foundation used the IndoctriNation Map by Parents Defending Education (PDE), a parental rights advocacy group. The map tracks the number of parent organizations and the number of reported indoctrination incidents. An incident, for example, is listed on PDE’s website as a school donating $25,000 to a teaching conference claiming all society members participate in racism and white supremacy.

The regulatory freedom category tracked the number of chief diversity officers (CDO) in school districts with 15,000 students or more and whether schools used Common Core testing requirements, which limits curriculum options.

The official CDO job description lists the prioritization of diversity, equity, and inclusion as the primary responsibility. However, Jay Greene, a senior research fellow with the Center for Education Policy at Heritage, said CDOs “may be best understood as political activists who articulate and enforce an ideological orthodoxy within school districts.”

A 2021 Heritage Foundation study identified that school districts with CDOs had more significant achievement gaps between races and student economic statuses.

Central Florida Human Trafficking Sting Operation, Sheriff’s Office Arrest Disney Employee and School Teachers

Polk County Sheriff’s Office arrested 160 people—including a police officer, a Disney employee, and school teachers—throughout central Florida as part of a seven-day multi-agency undercover prostitution investigation that began on Aug. 30, 2022.

“The online prostitution industry enables traffickers and allows for the continued victimization of those who are being trafficked,” said Sheriff Grady Judd in a press release on Friday. “Our goal is to identify victims, offer them help, and arrest those who are fueling the exploitation of human beings (Johns) and those profiting from the exploitation of human beings.”

Judd added that prostitution resulted in “exploitation, disease, dysfunction, drug and alcohol addiction, violence, and broken families.”

Two trafficking victims and another five possible victims were identified in the operation dubbed “Fall Haul 2.” Deputies said that out of the 160 arrested, 26 claimed to be married, 15 were from other states including New York and California, 16 were living in Polk County, and seven are suspected of being illegal immigrants.

Drugs like cocaine, marijuana, and heroin were seized during the operation. The age of those arrested ranged from 19 to 64 years old, and the criminal histories of all arrested included 419 previous felonies and 619 previous misdemeanors, involving charges for kidnapping, robbery, and sex offenses.

Polk County detectives have charged those arrested with a total of 52 felonies and 216 misdemeanors.

“Many of these people were already well known to the criminal justice system,” said Judd in a press conference on Friday, adding that many of the arrested were from the Orlando area. “Central Florida needs to catch a clue. If you come here to commit crime, you’re coming here to go to our jail.”

GOP Leader Says Homes of Trump Supporters May Soon Be Raided by FBI

A top former Republican leader and prominent attorney has said that the homes of more supporters of former President Donald Trump may soon be raided by FBI agents—weeks after the unprecedented Aug. 8 raid of Mar-a-Lago.

Harmeet Dhillon, who was the vice chairwoman of the California Republican Party, told Fox News that within 24 hours of a Politico reporter’s Twitter post claiming that the FBI is ready to serve warrants, “three of our clients … did either get search warrants or subpoenas. And these subpoenas are extremely broad.”

In a Twitter post, Dhillon alleged that someone Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Jan. 6 team “told a Politico reporter that 50 or so search warrants and grand jury subpoenas were being issued to Trump allies—before it happened. Clients, already being harassed by House J6 Committee investigators.”

“Our clients [Women for America First] are among those targeted for their peaceful, First-Amendment-protected, speech about 2020 election,” she wrote. “These bullying tactics are designed to target [and] intimidate Trump supporters.”

Life for Border Ranchers: Assaulted, Dogs Beaten, Fences Destroyed, Dead Bodies

Ranchers along the south Texas border are having their livelihoods crushed by the volume of illegal aliens trampling through their properties, assaulting and threatening them, beating their dogs, cutting fences, destroying water lines, and breaking into their homes.

Some have moved their families off the property for safety and ranch managers are quitting their jobs.

One rancher has found 17 dead bodies on his property this year, and on three occasions he had his young children with him.

“How am I supposed to explain to a young child what a dead body is doing there, rotting, just laying there?” rancher and wildlife biologist Ben Binnion said in front of the Texas Senate Committee on Border Security in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Aug. 10.

“My kids shouldn’t have to see that, especially on private property.”

Binnion manages about 150,000 acres of ranchland, which is mainly used for recreation hunting, 10 miles off the U.S.–Mexico border.

Texas Congressman Presents Released Jan. 6 Prisoner With Flag That Flew Over US Capitol

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) presented Dr. Simone Gold a flag that was once flown over the U.S. Capitol on Friday, following her 45 days in jail for being involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol breach and stepping inside restricted premises.

“Dr. Simone Gold is a patriot and an American hero,” Gohmert said in a Sept. 9 statement.

The in-person grant upon Gold’s release from the Miami Federal Detention Center was to honor the Los Angeles-based emergency medicine specialist’s “invaluable work and contributions to public health, medical freedom, and our God-given constitutional rights,” according to the Republican lawmaker.

Gold, the founder of non-profit America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), was sentenced on June 16 under a plea deal on one count of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, a federal misdemeanor. The sentence, meted out by U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper on June 16, included 60 days in jail, one year of supervised release, a $9,500 fine, and $500 of restitution.


New Merchant Code Approved for Card Purchases of Guns, Ammunition

An international standards body has approved the creation of a merchant category code for gun retailers to identify credit card sales of guns and ammunition.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO)—an independent non-governmental body based in Geneva, Switzerland that creates standards across various industries, including the financial services industry—has approved the new merchant category code for gun and ammunition stores, according to a Sept. 9 announcement from Amalgamated Bank, a New York-based bank that had applied to ISO for the merchant category code.

The approval took place at a meeting on Sept. 7, ISO confirmed to The Epoch Times in an email. Members of the Registration and Maintenance Management Group “were unable to reach a decision regarding this application,” which resulted to the decision being “escalated to the ISO/TC 68/SC9 leadership (as per current process) who then met on the same day.” The leadership oversees standards for retail financial services.

“Considering the application met all the criteria from ISO 18245 and no material arguments pertaining to the approval criteria outlined in the ISO 18245 standard to reject the code were made, SC9 leadership has approved this MCC application in order to comply with the standard,” the ISO told The Epoch Times.

Merchant category codes comprise four digits and are used to classify retailers across various industries.

> Related: In a win for gun control advocates, Visa, Mastercard, and American Express plan to start separately categorizing sales at gun stores

Visa, Mastercard, and American Express will separately categorize purchases at gun shops in a win for gun control advocates who say the decision will help alert law enforcement to potentially illegal firearm sales.

According to The Associated Press, the payment processors announced the change on Saturday, after the International Organization for Standardization, a Geneva-based nonprofit, approved the creation of a merchant code for gun retailers. 

Until Friday, gun store sales did not have a unique code and were considered “general merchandise,” according to a spokeswoman for the ISO. 

“Following ISO’s decision to establish a new merchant category code, Visa will proceed with next steps, while ensuring we protect all legal commerce on the Visa network in accordance with our long-standing rules,” the company said in a statement to Insider. 

AmericanExpress said it will work with its third-party processors and partners to implement the new merchant category codes.  

These US Cities Are Seeing Largest Increase in Rent Prices

While New York, California, and Boston continue to be the most expensive rental markets in the country, some unexpected locales have actually experienced the largest increases in one-bedroom apartment prices year-over-year.

Greensboro, North Carolina, sits atop the list with rent increases of 74.2 percent, followed by Newport News, Virginia, at 60.7 percent, and Tulsa, Oklahoma, at 59.8 percent, according to  Rent.com’s August report. Jon Leckie, a researcher with Rent.com, told The Epoch Times that such increases aren’t unusual, given the amount of people who have been flocking to these areas.

“We’re seeing a pattern where the markets around the larger metro areas are attracting more people because they’re less expensive, but still within an hour’s commute to a city,” he said. “People want to get out of the crowded, expensive core metros, and the trend toward more remote working means they may not have to commute every day.”

With one-bedroom apartment monthly rentals averaging $1,289, Greensboro’s rental market falls far below the national average of $1,770.

“Currently, Charlotte [North Carolina] has the most outbound migration than any other city in the county,” Leckie said. “People are leaving the bigger cities, and we’ve found that much of inbound traffic to Greensboro and the other smaller markets is from New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Raleigh, Atlanta, Nashville, and [Washington] D.C.”


Court Imprisons Man for Cyberbullying a Minor Into Suicide

A Spanish court has sentenced a man to ten years in prison after he was found guilty of encouraging a minor to end their own life by sending threatening and harassing messages on WhatsApp.

The Provincial Court of Castellón has sentenced the man to ten years in prison after he was convicted of homicide by a jury in July over his threats and harassment toward a 17-year-old in December of 2016, leading the minor to take his own life.


Google — A Dictator Unlike Anything the World Has Ever Known

Robert Epstein is a Harvard trained psychologist who has exposed how Google is manipulating public opinion through their search engine so they can change the results of elections and many other important areas

His research shows how Google is using new techniques of manipulation that have never existed before in human history. If this weren’t bad enough, these tools are ephemeral and leave no paper trail of their devious behavior

According to Epstein’s calculations in 2020, Google had the capability of shifting 15 million votes leading up to the U.S. presidential 2020 election

Because Google has become an everyday tool that’s used for more than 90% of searches worldwide, as of 2020, the company had likely determined the outcomes of 25% of the national elections in the world

Search suggestions — shown in a drop-down menu when you begin to type a search term — is another powerful manipulation tool capable of turning a 50/50 split among undecided voters into a 90/10 split, with no one having the slightest idea that they’ve been manipulated


Detransitioner Suffers Irreversible Harm, Fears Sterility

A Texas man who came out as transgender, got breast implants, and then later had them removed has joined a growing number of other “detransitioners” in a mission to share their experiences and demystify some of the popular beliefs about transgenderism and “gender-affirming care.”

When Abel Garcia was 19, he was convinced that with enough surgery and estrogen injections, he could become a woman, a theory which he now believes is impossible.

“I was sold a lie,” Abel Garcia, now 25, told The Epoch Times. “The lie was sold so well, through doctors, other medical professionals, pharmaceutical companies, surgeons, and everyone, that I believed it.”

He blames part of his mistake on his own “cognitive dissonance.”

“I was so deep into the rabbit hole, that I was not willing to accept the possibility of being wrong,” he said.

The Poorly-Understood Role of Copper in Anemia

Iron and copper are highly interdependent and need to be considered together. If you don’t have enough copper in your diet, hemoglobin production becomes impaired, along with many other aspects of iron metabolism

Being anemic does not automatically mean that you’re iron deficient. Anemia typically relates to impaired iron recycling, not deficiency, and impaired iron recycling is caused by copper and retinol deficiencyThe best way to lower excess iron is to donate blood, one to four times a year. Most adult men and postmenopausal women have high iron and could benefit from regular blood donation, as high iron is extremely toxic and destroys health. An even better strategy is to remove smaller amounts of blood every month

To raise your copper level, you could use a copper supplement, but foods like grass-fed beef liver, bee pollen and whole food vitamin C are better

If you’re a farmer or grow your own food, the best way to put copper back into the soil, to get it into the food, is to add copper sulfate. Before you plant, simply spray the soil with copper sulfate, 10 to 15 pounds per acre, or use a copper sulfate foliage spray

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Broccoli Compound May Boost Cognitive Function

After just 12 weeks of supplementing with sulforaphane, which is just one of broccoli’s claims to fame, older adults experienced better cognitive function

Sulforaphane also helps protect the heart, catalyzes a healthy balance of gut bacteria, and may be a weight management tool

A superior choice to supplements is broccoli sprouts; they contain up to 50 times the amount of chemoprotective compounds and are easily grown indoors

Does Coffee Dehydrate You?

What may have begun as a rumor, science has disproved. Drinking even a moderate amount of coffee each day will not lead to dehydration; in fact, habitual male drinkers may enjoy the same hydration from coffee as they do from water

While coffee is not dehydrating, it may help to know other beverages offer greater hydration benefits when they take longer to absorb through the stomach, such as pasture raised, organically grown raw milk and organic coconut water

Drinking coffee also stimulates your metabolism and reduces your risk for developing Type 2 diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease and premature death. One meta-analysis also found athletes benefited from improved performance and reduced post-workout soreness

Dark roast coffee beans have some of the best health benefits related to their high levels of antioxidants and low level of acrylamide. It is also crucial to choose organically or biodynamically grown coffee beans to reduce your exposure to glyphosate and other chemical residues


Air quality worsens as 94 fires burn across Western US, Kay weakens

Air quality alerts are in place across much of Washington, Oregon and Idaho as smoke from ongoing fires is leading to poor air quality in the aftermath of a record-breaking heat wave.

There are currently 94 large, active fires burning across eight states, according to the National Interagency Fire Center: Idaho (34), Montana (23), Washington (12), California (11), Oregon (11), Utah (1), Wyoming (1) and Colorado (1).

Duh: Germany Finally Realizes ‘Without Energy, No Economy Can Run’

German companies are increasingly unable to access energy supplies on the market, and as energy dries up, the German economy will simply stop running, according to the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK).

“More and more companies are telling us that they no longer have a supply contract for electricity or gas at all. The tap is turned off in the truest sense of the word,” DIHK President Peter Adrian told the RND newsroom. “But without energy, no economy can run.”

In addition, energy prices have reached a level that threatens the existence of many companies. Just this week, German toilet paper company Hakle filed for bankruptcy, with the owners citing unsustainable energy and material costs as the primary factor. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reports that Europe’s steel industry, which requires massive amounts of cheap natural gas to run, is slashing production and facing severe financial headwinds. Other sectors, such as chemical production, agriculture, and automating are all facing unprecedented hurdles as the energy crisis continues to grip Europe.

Cries for help from the once booming German economy are now coming from business leaders, associations, and consumers, with the Federation of German Industries (BDI) also warning of a wave of bankruptcies due to energy cost inflation. A new analysis by the BDI states that this is a major challenge for 58 percent of companies, and 34 percent believe the current crisis represents a matter of survival. Germany is no exception either, with warning from the United Kingdom showing that six in ten manufacturing companies face the risk of closure due to the energy crisis.

Some German companies, attempting to survive in an increasingly challenging environment, are claiming they are looking to move production overseas.

Almost every tenth company has already reduced or even interrupted production, while every fourth company is considering or is already relocating company shares or parts of production and jobs abroad where costs are often cheaper than Germany.

The situation is also coming to a head in the skilled trades.

Millions of Electric Car Batteries Retiring by 2030, Are We Ready To Deal With What Could Be Ticking Time Bombs?

The evolving landscape of lithium batteries is creating both contradictions and infrastructure hurdles that, according to some, need to be addressed sooner rather than later. A critical component of this is waste management.

More than 6 million electric vehicle (EV) battery packs will end up as scrap between now and 2030, and the recycling and reuse industries are racing to keep up. Some researchers project that recycling alone will be an over $12 billion industry by 2025.

U.S. President Joe Biden wants to make America a key player in the EV battery industry with a $3.1 billion spending package for automobile production to transition away from fossil fuels.

Much of this dream is pinned on a dusty stretch of soil in the Nevada high desert called Thacker Pass. It serves as the lynchpin in Biden’s push for increased domestic lithium production and more EV batteries. That’s because Thacker Pass is the largest hard rock lithium reserve in the United States.

Currently, China dominates the world’s EV battery production, with more than 80 percent of all units developed there.

Yet while Biden’s administration has its sights on the top spot for EV battery production, insiders are pointing out industry trapdoors.


9 Best Meat Rabbits For Raising: Taste, Weight, Meat-Bone Ratio & More

Regardless of whether you’re looking to hunt or breed, we’re here with the definitive list of the best meat rabbits for eating.

I’ll talk you through each breed’s reputation for taste, size, and growth time, as well as ease of handling. So, let’s get to it.


Data Leak Reveals Disturbing Facts About mRNA Instability

The reason health officials don’t want individual vaccine vials examined by independent scientists is because the vials are all different — and the mRNA in the shots is not intact

For an effective mRNA product, the mRNA integrity needs to be 100%, meaning all the RNA must be intact. Considering how ineffective the jabs are, it seems fair to question whether lack of mRNA integrity might be to blame

Fragmented RNA could potentially also be hazardous to health by generating incomplete spike proteins. While we do not know if incomplete spike proteins are dangerous, it’s possible they might contribute to cellular stress

The “bad batch” phenomenon may also be indicative of quality problems. Independent investigations have revealed that some lots of the shots are associated with very severe side effects and death, whereas other lots have very few or no adverse events associated with their use

However, the fact that “hot” lots are being released in a coordinated fashion suggests vaccine makers may in fact be doing intentional lethal-dose testing on the public, and that these “bad batches” are not merely the result of intermittently poor manufacturing

‘Irrefutable Proof’ That mRNA Vaccines Cause Vascular and Organ Damage: Study

A recent study claims to have found “irrefutable proof of causality” that the mRNA vaccines cause vascular and organ damage.

The study, conducted by microbiologists Dr. Michael Palmer and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, was mostly based on the findings of German pathologists Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Dr. Walter Lang.

Here is a summary of the findings:

  • mRNA vaccines don’t stay at the injection site; they instead travel throughout the body and accumulate in various organs.
  • mRNA-based COVID vaccines induce long-lasting expression of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in many organs.
  • Vaccine-induced expression of the spike protein induces autoimmune-like inflammation.
  • Vaccine-induced inflammation can cause grave organ damage, especially in vessels, sometimes with deadly outcomes.

“This study, by the type of dyes they use, shows irrefutable proof that the spike protein goes everywhere—heart, ovary, liver, spleen—and to a lesser extent, testes.” Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, an expert in vaccine damage, told The Epoch Times.

“This is what leads to multi-organ system failure. This is what leads to infertility in women.”

“There has been a lot of hypothesis about the damage these shots cause. Now, with these pathology slides and the specific types of immunochemistry staining, Bhakti and Palmer show—unequivocally—that the spike protein is quickly disseminated to every organ they examined,” Tenpenny said.

“They are both pathologists; looking at slides of tissue under a microscope and appropriately staining tissue is what they are trained to do!” she added.

“Those of us who warned of the dangers of these COVID shots were widely censored and ridiculed,” Dr. Christiane Northrup, former fellow in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, told The Epoch Times.

“I wish we had been wrong. We weren’t. And we finally have irrefutable proof,” Northrup added.

Long COVID Contributing to Disabilities by the Millions: Report

Interdisciplinary treatments aimed at both mind and body are needed for these complex conditions

From early 2021, stories emerged of people experiencing post-COVID-19 symptoms that were so debilitating they impacted their ability to work and live a normal life.

Thirty-one-year-old Rebecca Meyer spoke on CNN in January 2021 about her 11-month struggle with long COVID symptoms, having contracted symptoms from an infection.

Prior to infection, she was a healthy woman with no underlying health conditions. However, 11 months into the sickness, Meyer maintained that she was still “very much in the symptom-management phase of my sickness.”

Her bedroom looked like a pharmacy owing to the many medications she had tried.

Speaking on her health, Meyer’s voice cracked with emotion; she needs a feeding tube owing to gastroenteritis from her post-COVID symptoms, and is very much out of her four children’s lives. At the time, she reported that she had been reliant on her boyfriend, who lost his job during the pandemic, to take care of her and the children.

“I was an active mom of four. And now I don’t get out of bed. I don’t eat, I don’t spend time with my children like I need to. This can happen to you,” she said.

Despite running over two years into the pandemic, there has been little progress on our understanding of long COVID symptoms and patients affected by it have remained largely neglected. Meanwhile, the debilitating conditions that many long COVID patients are suffering from have persisted, and a new group of disabled individuals has been established.

The Courage to Face COVID-19

John Leake, a true crime author, and Dr. Peter McCullough have written a new book, “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex,” revealing the crimes perpetrated by the medical industrial complex against patients, doctors and the public at large

What we’ve seen during these COVID years is a reversion back to a pre-scientific era of immutable orthodoxy, much like the counter reformation in Europe during the Inquisition in the late 1500s and early 1600s. There was no due process then and there’s no due process now

The American Board of Internal Medicine is threatening to revoke McCullough’s certification — which essentially would shut down his ability to be employed — because in fair-balance he “made public statements that may lead to someone not taking a vaccine”

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention need to be held to account for their reckless public health decisions, but the real power base behind these COVID crimes, which must also be held to account, is the medical industrial complex — a conglomerate of international foundations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the World Economic Forum

In order for there to be a reckoning, a sufficiently large portion of the population must demand accountability, stay on-task, and not allow themselves to be distracted by the latest “emergency,” whether real or fabricated

EXCLUSIVE: FDA Refuses to Provide Key COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Analyses

U.S. drug regulators are refusing to provide key analyses of a COVID-19 vaccine safety database, claiming that the factual findings cannot be separated by internal discussions protected by law.

The Epoch Times asked the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in July for all analyses performed by the agency for the COVID-19 vaccines using a method called Empirical Bayesian data mining, which involves comparing the adverse events recorded after a specific COVID-19 vaccine with those recorded after vaccination with non-COVID-19 vaccines.

According to operating procedures laid out by the agency and its partner in January 2021 and February 2022, the FDA would perform data mining “at least biweekly” to identify adverse events “reported more frequently than expected following vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines.” The agency would perform the mining on data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

In a recent response, the FDA records office told The Epoch Times that it would not provide any of the analyses, even in redacted form

‘Unethical’ and up to 98 Times Worse Than the Disease: Top Scientists Publish Paradigm-Shifting Study About COVID-19 Vaccines

A team of nine experts from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and other top universities has published paradigm-shifting research about the efficacy and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines and why mandating vaccines for college students is unethical.

This 50-page study, which was published on The Social Science Research Network at the end of August, analyzed CDC and industry-sponsored data on vaccine adverse events, and concluded that mandates for COVID-19 boosters for young people may cause 18 to 98 actual serious adverse events for each COVID-19 infection-related hospitalization theoretically prevented.

The paper is co-authored by Dr. Stefan Baral, an epidemiology professor at Johns Hopkins University; surgeon Martin Adel Makary, M.D., a professor at Johns Hopkins known for his books exposing medical malfeasance, including “Unaccountable: What Hospitals Won’t Tell You and How Transparency Can Revolutionize Heath Care”; and Dr. Vinayak Prasad, a hematologist-oncologist, who is a professor in the UCSF Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, as well as the author of over 350 academic and peer-reviewed articles.

But among this team of high-profile international experts who authored this paper, perhaps the most notable is Salmaan Keshavjee, M.D., Ph.D., current Director of the Harvard Medical School Center for Global Health Delivery, and professor of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Keshavjee has also worked extensively with Partners In Health, a Boston-based non-profit co-founded by the late Dr. Paul Farmer, on treating drug-resistant tuberculosis, according to his online biography.


Thought Police: Twitter to Expand ‘Birdwatch’ Crowdsourced Debunking System to 50% of U.S. Users

Twitter is expanding Birdwatch, its crowdsourced “misinformation” debunking tool, to 50 percent of all U.S. Twitter users.

Gizmodo reports that Twitter is expanding Birdwatch, its community-powered “misinformation” debunking service that it  “for the people, by the people.” The service will now be expanded as Twitter prepares to include 50 percent of all U.S. users in the service, meaning that in the coming days it is likely that you will see notes added to tweets in your timeline written by Birdwatch contributors providing additional information or context.


Parvovirus Is Making Dozens of Dogs Sick in Michigan — Here’s What We Know So Far

A Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDAPD) press release stated that testing done at Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (MSU VDL) found this illness to be Parvovirus.

“Canine parvovirus is a severe and highly contagious disease in dogs, but MDARD and veterinary professionals have extensive experience with this virus,” said State Veterinarian Nora Wineland, DVM. “We have a highly effective vaccine available to help protect dogs from the virus. Dogs that are not fully vaccinated against this virus are the most at risk. Dog owners across Michigan must work closely with their veterinarians to ensure their dogs are appropriately vaccinated and given timely boosters to keep their pets safe and healthy. Protecting Michigan’s dogs is a team effort.” 


Sergeant Reunites With Woman Who Saved His Life With EpiPen After He Was Stung by Bees

A civilian came to the rescue when an Ohio police officer collapsed at a community event after being stung by two bees. The pair have since reunited, and the woman will be recognized by the city of Cleveland for the quick thinking that saved the officer’s life.

On Aug. 20, Sgt. Ray O’Connor, of the Cleveland police department’s fourth district, and Officer Brooklyn Barnes were attending a Saturday afternoon “Back to School” festival at Friendly Inn.

O’Connor was playing football with the kids when he approached Barnes and told her that he got stung by two bees.

“He further stated that he was deathly allergic to them and that he forgot his EpiPen back at the 4th District,” the department posted on Facebook. “Within minutes, Sgt. O’Connor fell to the ground and became unconscious, which turned into a life-threatening emergency.”

Barnes and a third district officer dragged O’Connor to their cruiser to administer emergency aid. In the meantime, a civilian, Tomika Johnson, noticed the commotion and sprang into action.

“[She] ran home to grab her 10-year-old son, Zaire’s, EpiPen … returning on scene within seconds,” the police said.

Johnson gave the EpiPen to Barnes, who administered the shot to her partner before transporting him to the nearest hospital.

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