June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 13, 2021

Covid: Single jab recommended for 12-15 year olds by UK’s top doctors

BBC – Healthy children aged 12 to 15 should be offered one dose of a Covid vaccine, the UK’s chief medical officers say.

The CMOs said it would help reduce disruption to education.

It comes after the government’s vaccine committee said there was not enough benefit to warrant it on health grounds alone – but they said ministers could take into account other factors.

The CMOs concluded this tipped the balance given the virus was going to keep spreading over winter.

And this would cause continued disruption to face-to-face education given the policy of asking people who test positive to isolate for 10 days.

Only the direct benefits to children were considered in the review rather than wider impact to society.

Israel hits Hamas targets in Gaza as hostilities escalate

Al Jazeera – Tensions between Israel and Hamas have been escalating after six Palestinian prisoners escaped from an Israeli maximum security prison.

Afghanistan: UN seeks millions in international aid

Al – The United Nations is seeking to raise more than $600m (£434m) in aid for Afghanistan, warning the country is facing a major humanitarian crisis.

The plea for global support was made at a conference in Geneva, and followed the Taliban’s takeover last month.

“After decades of war, suffering and insecurity, they [Afghans] face perhaps their most perilous hour,” Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said.

The UN says the $606m target will bring “vital relief” to millions.

Covid: More than 300,000 suspected of breaking quarantine rules

BBC – Nearly a third of people arriving in England and Northern Ireland as the coronavirus Delta variant took off may have broken quarantine rules.

More than 300,000 cases were passed to investigators between March and May, according to figures seen by the BBC.

The government was not able to say how many of these were found to have broken the rules or could not be traced.

The Home Office has said it aims to pay home visits to all travellers suspected of not following the rules.

But Labour’s shadow home secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds said the figures obtained by the BBC “confirm our worst fears” about the government’s “lax border policy”.

And he accused the Home Office of “gross negligence”.

“Excess Mortality Attributable to Suicides” in Japan Surged Due to “COVID Restrictions”

Global Research – Here’s a study that wasn’t covered at all by the media, despite it’s chilling findings, which cut against claims by American health experts that COVID lockdowns haven’t led to an increase in suicides.

A recent UK study showed 5x as many children have died via suicide since the start of the pandemic than the number who have died from COVID (almost no children – and no healthy children – have died from COVID in the US and UK). And the fact that suicides have increased in Japan over the past year has already been documented.

According to this new study, which was carried out via scientists from a Japanese university along with Japan’s Infectious Diseases Surveillance Center, 2,665 excess cases of mortality were identified between July 2020 and March 2021. The study’s methodology was similar to that from an earlier study. “Excess mortality” was defined as the difference between the actual number of deaths, and the expected epidemiological threshold (assuming the actual number exceeds the expectation).

It may take ‘many, many’ more vaccine mandates to end the pandemic, Fauci says

CNN – Millions of Americans still need to get vaccinated to slow or stop the spread of Covid-19 and getting the pandemic under control could take “many, many” more vaccine mandates, Dr. Anthony Fauci said.

Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said if more people aren’t persuaded to get vaccinated by messaging from health officials and “trusted political messengers,” additional mandates from schools and businesses may be necessary.

“I believe that’s going to turn this around because I don’t think people are going to want to not go to work or not go to college … They’re going to do it,” Fauci told CNN’s Jen Christensen during an interview at the NLGJA, the Association of LGBTQ Journalists, convention Sunday. “You’d like to have them do it on a totally voluntary basis, but if that doesn’t work, you’ve got to go to the alternatives.”

The combination of the highly contagious Delta variant and the vaccine holdouts has put the United States in a “very difficult period” of the Covid-19 pandemic, Fauci said.

Hospital no longer can deliver babies after nurses resign in protest over vaccine mandate

WND – A hospital in rural New York state has announced it will stop delivering babies — at least temporarily — due to the mass resignation of staff members who are protesting the state’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate.

Five other departments at Lewis County General Hospital in Lowville also could face a pause in services due to resignations, Lewis County Health System CEO Gerald Cayer said Friday, according to the Watertown Daily Times.

Cayer said the hospital will not deliver babies after Sept. 24.

Members of Congress exempt from Biden’s vaccine mandate, average Americans expected to comply

WND – There is one sure way to get around President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate: Be part of either the legislative or judicial branches of the federal government.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said the mandate does not apply to members of the House, according to Newsweek.

“She’s saying she cannot force Members to be vaccinated, which is true,” a statement from Pelosi’s office said.

The New York Times reported that the vaccine edict issued by Biden does not apply to the federal court system either.

The vaccine mandate has triggered howls of protest.

Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis of New York said Biden exceeded his executive authority with the mandate, which relies upon a liberal interpretation of the rule-making powers of the Department of Labor.

“Just like Mayor [Bill] de Blasio has, President Biden is inappropriately mandating businesses to serve as his vaccine police force, requiring that they mandate their employees be vaccinated, tested weekly or face hefty fines,” she said Friday, according to the New York Post.

“This mandate as a condition of employment in both the public and private sectors is wrong, infringes on the rights and freedoms of Americans and strays from the government’s role of informing, educating and encouraging.

“This overreach is a step into the dystopian future where the government bulldozes constitutional rights. It will be challenged in court by governors across the nation and I encourage ours to do the same,” Malliotakis said.

Many Republican governors said Biden’s mandate went too far.

If Biden’s Mandates Force Millions Of Americans Out Of Their Jobs, Our Supply Chain Nightmares Will Get Much Worse

Activist Post – You may have noticed that the shortages are getting worse, and thanks to Emperor Biden things are about to escalate to an entirely new level.  Right now, global supply chains are in a state of complete and utter chaos and the essential machinery of our economy is breaking down all around us.  In such an environment, it is inconceivable that the president of the United States would issue a decree which could force millions more people from their jobs, but that is precisely what he just did.  Does he not understand the effect that this is going to have on the economy?

As you will see below, polling has shown that the vast majority of the unvaccinated would rather leave their jobs rather than submit to the injections.  That means that millions of people could literally leave their jobs in the coming months, and that would cause enormous headaches in just about every corner of our society.  Either Biden and his team are so horribly incompetent that they didn’t anticipate that this could happen, or they just don’t care.

In the post-World War II era, we have never seen global supply chains gummed up this badly.  We were promised that things would be getting back to “normal” by now, but instead it seems like the shortages are intensifying with each passing week.

Jeremiah Babe has posted a new video in which he discusses the empty shelves that he is witnessing at Walmart and Home Depot.  Countless others have also taken to social media to report on the shortages in their own local areas.  In all the years that I have been writing, I have never seen it like this, and it is at this exact moment that Biden has decided to drop a nuclear bomb on the economy.

Did he really think that he could bully millions upon millions of unvaccinated workers into getting injections?

According to a Washington Post-ABC News poll that was just released, a whopping 72 percent of all unvaccinated Americans would choose to leave their jobs if the choice was either get injected or be fired

The Shortages Are Global, And We Are Being Warned That They Will Intensify

Michael Snyder – The global economy was supposed to be getting back to “normal” by now, but instead more problems are erupting with each passing day.  As I write this article, supply chains all over the planet are in a state of chaos.  The worldwide computer chip shortage is making things very difficult for thousands upon thousands of manufacturers, the process of moving products across our oceans has become insanely expensive and is often plagued by horrendous delays, and a lack of truck drivers is causing enormous headaches when it comes to transporting goods to retailers and consumers in a timely manner.  We have never seen anything like this before, and at this point even CNN is admitting that “the disruption to global supply chains is getting worse”

Republicans in SoCal Have Trouble Casting Recall Ballots – Many Told ‘They Already Voted’ – Even Though They Had Not

Gateway Pundit – The Democrats are pulling out all the stops to keep California Governor Newsom in the chair after more than 1.5 million people signed a petition to boot him out of office.

The recall election is this Tuesday, September 14, and the Democrats are cheating six ways to Sunday.

Countless Republicans in the San Fernando Valley had trouble casting their recall ballots and were told they had already voted – even though they had not.

Voters were forced to fill out provisional ballots after they were told the computers showed they already cast their ballots.

Estelle Bender, 88, a Republican, told KTLA 5 that she spoke with many others in the same polling place and they were all told incorrectly that they had already voted.

Washington High School Scraps Plans for Patriotic Attire During 9/11 Tribute, Says it Could Be Seen as ‘Racially Insensitive’

Gateway Pundit – Eastlake High School in Sammamish, Washington, canceled plans for students to wear patriotic attire on 9/11 over concerns that wearing red, white and blue could be perceived as “racially insensitive.”

Plans for students to dress in a Patriot’s Day theme for a football game at Memorial Stadium were scrapped at the last minute over complaints by an unnamed staffer.

Though some students still dressed up, it was not endorsed or supported by the school.

In an email from Principal Chris Bede obtained by KTTH, he stated that the colors could “unintentionally cause offense to some who see it differently.”

“Our leadership teachers made this decision and explained it to students,” Bede wrote. “I know tomorrow is 9/11 and understand the sacrifice and values our flag represents, but I think they just did not want to unintentionally cause offense to some who see it differently.”

Multiple students expressed dismay over the decision.

“At this point, I was fairly upset and confused as to why the theme was changed so I went around asking students in our leadership,” one student told the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “They had explained that red, white, and blue was going to be seen as racially insensitive and may affect people in a way that we will not understand and for that reason that we were to change our theme.”

Another student said, “I was instantly upset, and frustrated. If Eastlake is all about including everyone’s beliefs and being together as a ‘family,’ then why are we being told we can’t represent the country we live in? I have seen other [Lake Washington School District] football teams that held a flag or did some sort of memorial recognition towards 9/11, but apparently we weren’t allowed to even wear USA colors.”

KTTH reports that Associate Principal Darcie Breynaert shared the same statement with another parent who demanded an explanation.

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