July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 14, 2022


UN To EU: Don’t Dare To Return To Fossil Fuels Amid Energy Crisis

The world is grappling with the worst energy crisis in generations however the U.N. has warned Europe a return to fossil fuels in response to soaring prices and winter shortages must not be considered under any circumstances.

Russia has reduced supplies of gas to Europe since its invasion of Ukraine, sending fuel prices soaring, while supply chain issues in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic have also hit deliveries.

Despite those travails, “There is no room for backtracking in the face of the ongoing climate crisis,” deputy U.N. rights chief Nada Al Nashif told the United Nations Human Rights Council.

She claimed the devastating floods affecting ​​more than 33 million people in Pakistan are an example of what will happen to the world’s climate if there is a massed return to fossil fuels instead of seeking alternatives.

“How many more tragedies of this sort do we need before the urgency of the moment jolts us into action?” she pleaded.

EU expects to raise €140bn from windfall tax on energy firms

The EU executive plans to raise about €140bn (£121bn) by imposing windfall taxes on energy companies’ “abnormally high profits” and redirecting proceeds to households and businesses struggling with soaring bills.

Announcing long-awaited emergency measures to tackle the rising price of electricity, the EU official in charge of the green transition, Frans Timmermans, said the plans were a necessary response to energy supply shortages and high prices.

“The era of cheap fossil fuels is over. And the faster we move to cheap, clean and homegrown renewables, the sooner we will be immune to Russia’s energy blackmail,” he said.

Queen Returned to Buckingham Palace in Preparation for Lying in State, Final Journey

The late Queen Elizabeth II has returned to London and Buckingham Palace for the final time, her coffin flown from Scotland by military plane before the commencement of lying in state at Westminster Hall on Wednesday.

Driven from RAF Northolt in the state hearse, the Queen’s coffin arrived at Buckingham Palace Tuesday evening, witnessed by crowds of well-wishers. The Queen will lie in rest in the Bow Room of Buckingham Palace overnight and there will be a private service of prayers for members of the Royal family.




Federal Judge Unseals More Portions of Trump Search Warrant Affidavit

A federal judge unsealed more portions of the Department of Justice (DOJ) affidavit that was used to obtain an FBI search warrant of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago last week, revealing that the former commander-in-chief turned over Human Intelligence Control Systems and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) materials.

What the documents entailed was not disclosed by the government, according to the newly released version of the affidavit (pdf), which was uploaded Tuesday. More portions of the court document were unsealed, although much of it remained redacted.

In the copy of the document released on Friday, an FBI agent whose name was withheld said they “observed markings reflecting the following compliments/dissemination controls: HCS (Human Intelligence Control Systems), FISA, ORCON (originator controlled), NOFORN (not for release to foreign nationals), and SI (special intelligence)” earlier this year.

The DOJ investigation was triggered by a referral from the National Archives and Records Administration, which asserted it found classified records when Trump transferred records to the agency in January.

“Several of the documents also contained what appears to be [Trump’s] handwritten notes,” the newly unredacted portion of the affidavit also said.

That information was allegedly gleaned when FBI agents carried out a preliminary review of 15 boxes that were provided by Trump to the National Archives and Records Administration, identifying some documents with classification markings from May 16 to May 18 of this year. There were 184 documents bearing classification markings, including 92 documents marked as “secret” and 25 marked as “top secret.”

Trump and members of his team have said that he had a standing declassification order while he was in office, and days after the raid, he wrote that all of the documents obtained by the FBI were declassified by him.

‘The Government Is Not Our Friend’: Founder of True the Vote Discusses Being Targeted by FBI, IRS

Years before the FBI raid on President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of election monitoring organization True the Vote, already understood that federal agencies were being weaponized against political foes.

During President Barack Obama’s administration, her personal, business, and nonprofit dealings suddenly became of intense interest to the federal government. She endured more than 15 instances of audits or inquiries from the FBI, IRS, Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Engelbrecht said seeing Trump’s home raided made her sick. It reminded her of her own experience and offered proof that more than a decade after her dealings with federal law enforcement began, the United States is moving toward communism.

FBI grabs phone of MyPillow’s Mike Lindell, Trump says we’re in ‘weaponized police state’

The FBI confiscated “My Pillow Guy” Mike Lindell’s phone after agents dispatched in multiple federal vehicles surrounded him while he stopped at a fast-food restaurant in Mankato, Minnesota, prompting President Trump to condemn the continuing attacks on his supporters.

It was only days earlier that Fox News host Tucker Carlson had revealed Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice had unleashed another scheme against Trump and his allies, using dozens of “terrifying” subpoenas to demand unprecedented details about private communications.

Targeted then, among others, were a number of lawyers who have represented Trump in recent years.

“Breaking News: Mike Lindell, ‘THE Pillow Guy,’ was just raided by the FBI. We are now officially living in a Weaponized Police State, Rigged Elections, and all. Our Country is a laughing stock all over the World. The majesty of the United States is gone. Can’t let this happen. TAKE BACK AMERICA!” he said on Truth Social.

Durham: Primary Steele Dossier Source Was Paid FBI Informant

The alleged principal source of the discredited Steele dossier later became a paid FBI informant, according to a filing by special counsel John Durham.

Igor Danchenko has been charged with five counts of lying to the FBI as part of Durham’s probe into the origins of the original investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russian agents during the presidential race.

A filing unsealed Tuesday said the FBI paid Danchenko as a “confidential human source” (CHS) during the years then-President Donald Trump was under investigation. The Russian had supplied the most salacious accusations in the Steele dossier.

Executive Order: Biden Unleashes Transhuman, Genetic Modification Firestorm On America

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.  Policy.  It is the policy of my Administration to coordinate a whole-of-government approach to advance biotechnology and biomanufacturing towards innovative solutions in health, climate change, energy, food security, agriculture, supply chain resilience, and national and economic security.  Central to this policy and its outcomes are principles of equity, ethics, safety, and security that enable access to technologies, processes, and products in a manner that benefits all Americans and the global community and that maintains United States technological leadership and economic competitiveness.

Biotechnology harnesses the power of biology to create new services and products, which provide opportunities to grow the United States economy and workforce and improve the quality of our lives and the environment.  The economic activity derived from biotechnology and biomanufacturing is referred to as “the bioeconomy.”  The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the vital role of biotechnology and biomanufacturing in developing and producing life-saving diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines that protect Americans and the world.  Although the power of these technologies is most vivid at the moment in the context of human health, biotechnology and biomanufacturing can also be used to achieve our climate and energy goals, improve food security and sustainability, secure our supply chains, and grow the economy across all of America.

For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities.  We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence; and advance the science of scale-up production while reducing the obstacles for commercialization so that innovative technologies and products can reach markets faster.

22 Republican Governors Call on Biden to Withdraw Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

A group of Republican governors, led by Iowa’s Kim Reynolds, penned a letter to President Joe Biden on Sept. 12, saying his student loan forgiveness plan shifts the burden from the rich to “working Americans.”

The letter (pdf), signed by 22 governors, notes that Biden’s unprecedented debt cancellation plan means every U.S. taxpayer will bear an extra burden of $2,000. The governors said the price was unaffordable for residents in their states amid sky-high inflation.

“As governors, we support making higher education more affordable and accessible for students in our states, but we fundamentally oppose your plan to force American taxpayers to pay off the student loan debt of an elite few–a plan that is estimated to cost the American taxpayer more than $2,000 each or $600 billion total, a price the people of our states cannot afford,” the group wrote in the letter, which was first reported by Fox News.

Biden announced last month that he will forgive up to $10,000 in federal student loan debt for individual borrowers earning less than $125,000 per year, or $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients meeting the same income standards.

If the ambitious initiative is implemented, the National Taxpayers Union Foundation estimates it could cost U.S. taxpayers more than $2,500 each.

The governors said Biden’s plan forces lower-income families to take on the debt burdens from wealthy Americans.

“Only 16-17 percent of Americans have federal student loan debt, and yet, your plan will require their debts be redistributed and paid by the vast majority of taxpayers,” they wrote. “Borrowers with the most debt, such as $50,000 or more, almost exclusively have graduate degrees, meaning hourly workers will pay off the master’s and doctorate degrees of high salaried lawyers, doctors, and professors.

“What’s more, the top 20 percent of earning households hold $3 in student debt for every $1 held by the bottom quintile, generating a lopsided reality where the wealthy benefit at the expense of the working,” they wrote. “Simply put, your plan rewards the rich and punishes the poor.”

“A high-cost degree is not the key to unlocking the American Dream—hard work and personal responsibility is. For many borrowers, they worked hard, made sacrifices, and paid off their debt. For many others, they chose hard work and a paycheck rather than more school and a loan. Americans who did not choose to take out student loans themselves should certainly not be forced to pay for the student loans of others.”

The governors said Biden’s plan would lead to more borrowings, higher college tuition, and rising inflation.

Horrifying Details Emerge at Trial in Ohio’s Most Complex Murder Case

Among the eight homicide victims scattered across four rural Ohio crime scenes, two young women were nursing infants when they were gunned down.

The gunmen spared the babies’ lives. But, at one scene, a singularly sickening scenario unfolded, a prosecutor says.

While his 2-year-old daughter was safe elsewhere, Edward “Jake” Wagner entered a home under the cover of darkness in April 2016.

He approached the toddler’s mother, Hanna May Rhoden, 19, as she lay in bed with a days-old infant, fathered by another man; he was not present.

Hanna Rhoden was the main target of assassination because she and Jake Wagner were locked in a custody battle over their little girl, Special Prosecutor Angela Canepa said.

“Her ‘crime’ was not returning the love of Jake Wagner … and not submitting to the control of the Wagners,” so they executed her, Canepa told a jury Sept. 12.

Before Hanna Rhoden’s former lover opened fire on her, she looked up at him. Jake Wagner shot her twice in the head.

Then, Wagner repositioned Rhoden’s body so that her newborn daughter “could nurse if she wanted to,” Canepa said, recounting the confession of Jake Wagner during the aggravated murder trial of Wagner’s brother, George Washington Wagner IV, in Pike County Common Pleas Court.

“That’s about as bizarre and as despicable as you possibly can get,” said attorney Mike Allen, a legal analyst and former prosecutor who traveled 100 miles from Cincinnati to listen to the opening statements.

“It’s one of the strangest things I have ever heard in a courtroom.”

‘Throw Bricks,’ New York Teacher Urges Middle School Students: Undercover Video

The hard part about throwing bricks is hitting the right people, New York English teacher Ariane Franco unwittingly told undercover Project Veritas journalists.

“I was like, ‘Guys, there’s strategic ways to do this.’ … I brought up crazy organizations that have done this. Like, they chose which places to throw bricks in,” she said.

Franco made this statement while being recorded by a hidden camera, the footage from which has now been released by Project Veritas.

“They chose–and they didn’t do it in their own neighborhood. … They didn’t do it in black and brown communities. Doing it in our own community does not make sense,” she said.

Instead, students should aim their bricks at the people causing problems, according to Franco.

“Throw at people that are actually doing the things that [need to] change,” she said.

Although Franco’s LinkedIn page has recently been removed, its DuckDuckGo thumbnail shows that she teaches middle school English at The New School for Leadership and the Arts in the Bronx.

“The mission of The New School for Leadership and the Arts is to promote the principles of knowledge, leadership, and service. The New School for Leadership and the Arts is committed to creating critical readers and writers who are skilled in oral and written communication,” the school’s mission statement reads.

The Epoch Times attempted to contact the school, but it referred the newspaper to the New York City Department of Education. The Epoch Times contacted the Department of Education but didn’t receive a response by press time.

Former Independent Counsel Ken Starr Dead at 76

Former independent counsel Ken Starr, who led the investigation of former President Bill Clinton that led to his impeachment, died on Tuesday at 76, according to his family.

Starr’s family revealed he died of complications from surgery.


Fentanyl-Laced Pills Killing Teens as Pill-Popping Culture Fuels Crisis

It only takes a quick scroll through the Facebook group “Lost Voices of Fentanyl” to see the wake of devastation that illicit fentanyl is leaving behind.

The public group, which has more than 19,000 members and grows daily, is full of the faces of lost loved ones and grieving family members trying to contend with the pain.

If that’s not enough, parents are trying to understand autopsy and toxicology reports, figuring out how to obtain a copy of a 911 call, and seeking advice on how to ensure that drug dealers receive justice.

America’s pill-popping culture has fueled the crisis that’s killing more than 100,000 people a year.

Many children are dying after taking a pill that they think is a prescription painkiller such as OxyContin or Percocet. Others think they’re taking the prescription drug Adderall.

“When these kids are buying Xanax, they think, ‘Well, it’s no big deal. Mom and Dad get it prescribed, what’s the big deal?’” said April Babcock, who started “Lost Voices of Fentanyl” in 2020.

In reality, America is flooded with lookalike pills that contain deadly doses of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that was originally developed as a painkiller and anesthetic. It’s 50 to 100 times more potent than heroin, and just 2 milligrams can be fatal.


Breitbart Business Digest: In Biden’s America, Inflation Acts to Reduce You

You almost have to feel sorry for the Biden White House. After the sweepingly spendthrift climate change-Obamacare subsidy-corporate tax hike legislation Congress passed under the absurd title of the Inflation Reduction Act and the probably illegal student loan cancelation, they n0 doubt felt things were finally going their way.

August had been a good month, no doubt. The inflation figures for July that were reported in early August could at least plausibly be described as going in the right direction. The strong July and August jobs reports pushed back fears of a recession until after the midterm elections. Gas prices kept plunging week after week. Consumer sentiment was still down in the ditch, but it was slowly climbing toward the light.

So it must have seemed like an almost inevitability that the inflation numbers would come in very favorably. Wall Street analysts forecast that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) would decline by 0.1 percent, the first decline since May of 2020. Core inflation, which excludes fuel and food, was forecast at 0.3 percent compared with the prior month. That was not actually an improvement from July, but at least prices weren’t accelerating further. Sure there might still be too much foodflation, but those gasoline prices were sure down a lot.

One of our themes over the past year and a half has been the denial of inflation’s reality. Instead of seeing it as a fundamental problem of our economy, the Biden administration and its cheerleaders in the establishment media have consistently treated inflation as an aberration that was likely to fade real soon now. The White House has never been able to come to grips with the fact that throwing nearly two trillion dollars of stimulus on a growing economy last year—roughly nine percent of that year’s Gross Domestic Product—gave rise to an inflationary atmosphere that will persist until it is forcibly stamped out by a combination of restrictive monetary and fiscal policy.

Joe Biden Brings James Taylor to Celebrate ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ as Stock Market Plummets Over 1000 Points

The White House on Tuesday invited folk musician James Taylor to help Democrats kick off a celebration of the “Inflation Reduction Act” on the South Lawn.

The aging folk musician performed the song “Fire & Rain” to the flood of Democrats on the South Lawn to celebrate Biden’s multibillion-dollar green energy spending bill disguised as an “inflation reduction” law.

“This is a time when the world needs to cooperate more than ever before, perhaps more than anything since the Second World War the world needs to get together and respond to the climate crisis,” Taylor said after finishing his song.

“I think that people should look at it as a great opportunity to come together to protect our home and to recognize the uniqueness of our great good fortune of living on this planet,” he continued.

Taylor invited his wife Kim Taylor to the stage to join him to sing a lullaby they used to sing to their children as well as a rendition of “America the Beautiful.”


Robotic Art Pioneer Warns AI Is ‘Apocalyptic’ And Will Replace Humans

The creator of the first ­robot artist is warning that the rise of artificial intelligence is “apocalyptic” – and we are “hurtling” towards AI taking over from humans.

Aidan Meller, who is behind the ultra-realistic Ai-Da robot, reckons within three years we will face unimaginable changes as man merges with machine.

He also believes Elon Musk is correct when he claims nuclear war would have less impact on mankind than AI.

Aidan says: “I agree with Elon Musk that AI is a bigger threat than nuclear war – but it could also be remarkable too.

“There is every right to feel nervous about the rise of AI.

“We are hurtling towards them taking over humans so we need to have a heart of ethics.

“We are merging with ­machines – be warned, this is a changing world.”

Today, free exhibition Imagining AI explores the ­boundary between human and machine the Bodleian Library in Oxford.

Aidan will be there with Ai-Da, who had an art exhibition at Glastonbury where she painted headliner Billie Eilish.

She will meet schoolchildren and create a new piece of artwork for the event.

Aidan adds: “AI is going to show a mirror to the dark side of being human.

“Technology is not good or bad, it’s how we use it. This ­exhibition will show how it came about and where we want to go.

Twitter Was Notified at Least 1 Chinese Spy Was on Company’s Payroll, Whistleblower Testifies

The former head of security at Twitter was told earlier this year by the U.S. government that there was at least one agent of China’s top intelligence agency, the Ministry of State Security (MSS), working as an employee at the company.

This was one of the revelations made by Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, a whistleblower who served as Twitter’s head of security for about 14 months before being fired earlier this year, during testimony before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Sept. 13.

Ranking Member Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) asked Zatko: “In your disclosure, you mentioned that the FBI notified Twitter that one of their employees was suspected of being a Chinese foreign asset. Were you and others at Twitter at all surprised by that?”

Zatko replied that he was notified of this information about a week before he was dismissed.

“The corporate security physical security team had been contacted and told that there was at least one agent of the MSS, which is one of China’s intelligence services, on the payroll inside Twitter,” he said.

Zatko’s testimony expanded upon a raft of allegations of widespread security failings that could harm users of the platform, shareholders, and U.S. national security set out in a complaint to federal regulators in July. Twitter has labeled Zatko’s claims as a “false narrative.”

The whistleblower testified that when he raised his concerns about foreign agents at Twitter to an executive, they were dismissed.

“When I said, ‘I am confident that we have a foreign agent,’ [the executive’s] response was, ‘Well since we already have one, what does it matter if we have more; let’s keep growing the office,’” he recalled during the hearing.

Zatko said that Twitter would be a “goldmine” for any foreign intelligence agency that was able to place an operative inside.

“If you place somebody on Twitter … as we know has happened, it would be very difficult for Twitter to find them. They will probably be able to stay there for a long period of time, and gain significant information to provide back on either targeting people or on information as to Twitter’s decisions and discussions and … the direction of the company.”

Zatko is a respected former “white hat” hacker who’s previously worked for Google, payments firm Stripe, and the U.S. Department of Defense. He was hired in 2020 by then-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in the aftermath of a major hack that hijacked dozens of high-profile accounts to promote a bitcoin scam

Scientists develop painless tattoos that can be self-administered in minutes

Scientists in Georgia create small patch that can administer a tattoo ‘in minutes’ .  The patch is covered with ‘microneedles’ that puncture the skin without any pain.  The needles release ink and administer the tattoo, such as a number or QR code


FBI Pressured People to Give Up Their Gun Rights, Documents Show

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has pressured Americans to “voluntarily” give up their Second Amendment rights, which is potentially illegal, according to newly disclosed documents.

FBI officials had Americans fill out a form that said they want the FBI to make it illegal for them to purchase or own guns forever because of a mental health condition.

A national gun rights group, Gun Owners of America (GOA), is demanding the FBI remove the records from the background check database by Oct. 8 and that Congress enforce the removals.

“We’ve learned the FBI had no business disarming these individuals. They did not pose a threat to society. The FBI actions were wholly unlawful,” Aidan Johnston, GOA’s director of federal affairs, told The Epoch Times.


Study finds potential link between daily multivitamin and improved cognition in older adults 

Taking a daily multivitamin might be associated with improved brain function in older adults, a new study says, and the benefit appears to be greater for those with a history of cardiovascular disease.

The findings did not surprise the researchers – rather, they were shocked, said Laura Baker, an author of the study and professor of gerontology and geriatric medicine at Wake Forest University in North Carolina.

“I have to use the word ‘shocked,’ ” Baker said.

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US Life Expectancy Falls Again in ‘Historic’ Decline

According to the latest statistics, life expectancy in the United States dropped precipitously in 2020 and 2021. In 2019, the average life span of Americans of all ethnicities was nearly 79 years. By the end of 2021, life expectancy had dropped to 76 — a loss of nearly three years

Even small declines in life expectancy of a tenth or two-tenths of a year mean that on a population level, a lot more people are dying prematurely than they really should be

Native Americans and Alaska Natives have the highest rate of diabetes out of any ethnic groups — 1 in 7 — and obesity is also common. Both of these conditions have been identified as comorbidities that make you more susceptible to serious COVID-19 infection

Aside from COVID, causes of death listed as contributors to this loss of life expectancy include accidental deaths, drug overdoses, heart disease, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. However, excess deaths from all causes are wildly elevated, across age groups

That life expectancy has dropped by three years since the start of the pandemic can be explained by the simple fact that the primary “remedy” for COVID — the experimental mRNA COVID jabs — are the most lethal drugs in medical history

Case Study Shows CBD Shrinks Tumor

In a case study, one year after diagnosis with lung adenocarcinoma and having refused all other treatment, an 81-year-old man took CBD oil and experienced a remarkable reduction in tumor size

The reduction in tumor size was documented by his physicians through X-ray and CT scans. In one study using two cannabinoid compounds, data yielded impressive results, alleviating pain, restoring appetite and shrinking brain tumors

Your body has natural cannabinoid receptors, indicating you make these compounds naturally; cannabinoids are integral to supporting your optimal health when produced in appropriate amounts

You may naturally boost endogenous production of cannabinoid compounds to support your health through yoga, exercise, stress reduction, exposure to cold and fasting

Myth of ‘Moderation’: Is There No Safe Amount of Alcohol?

Mike Dyson, 33, passed away suddenly on Christmas Day after several drinks, before he even had a chance to open his presents.

Dyson went to his neighbor’s house to drink at 1:30 p.m. After drinking about four glasses of whiskey and some hot water, he lay down on a bed. Everyone thought he was sleeping. It wasn’t until around 7 p.m. that his family members and neighbors discovered to their horror that he was not breathing. So they called an ambulance and gave him CPR at the same time.

Unfortunately, he still died at around 8:20 p.m.

The coroner confirmed that he died of central nervous system depression, particularly respiratory depression, caused by acute alcohol intoxication. Toxicological analysis showed that Dyson’s blood alcohol content was very high at the time, four to five times of the legal driving limit, which is equivalent to the state of “extreme drunkenness in a normal person.”

Dyson’s story is just one example of the countless deaths caused by alcohol. The harm caused by alcohol is actually much more common than we think.

Each year, alcohol kills approximately 95,000 people (68,000 men and 27,000 women) in the United States. Alcohol is the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States (the first is tobacco, and the second is poor diet and lack of exercise).

From 2006 to 2014, alcohol-related emergency room visits increased by 47 percent. Of all emergency cases, 18.5 percent were alcohol-related. In 2019, there were 10,142 drunk driving deaths in the United States, accounting for 28 percent of all driving deaths.

Alcohol Is a Group 1 Carcinogen and Has a Safe Intake of 0

Did you know that there is no such thing as a “safe intake of alcohol”?

Alcoholic beverages have long been classified as Group I carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).


U.N. Sees Climate Disasters Everywhere: Blames ‘Fossil Fuel Addiction’ for Looming Catastrophe

The world must repent from its “fossil fuel addiction” and turn to renewable sources to scourge the earth of climate disasters,  the United Nations warned in a report Tuesday.

With weather disasters costing $200 million a day and irreversible climate catastrophe looming, the world is “heading in the wrong direction,” the report further outlines, AP reports.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres cited the floods in Pakistan, heat waves in Europe, droughts in places such as China, the Horn of Africa, and the United States – and pointed at fossil fuels as the chief culprit for climate depredation.

“There is nothing natural about the new scale of these disasters. They are the price of humanity’s fossil fuel addiction,” he warned. “This year’s United in Science report shows climate impacts heading into uncharted territories of destruction.”

“Yet each year we double-down on this fossil fuel addiction, even as the symptoms get rapidly worse,” the veteran Portuguese Socialist added.

The report comes barely 24-hours after the globalist organization warned Europe against any return to fossil fuels during the current global energy crisis.

VIDEO: Grid Down Power Up (Dennis Quaid hosts this eye-opening video about the vulnerability of our nation’s power grids!)   A MUST WATCH! 


Chevron CEO Warns Americans to Brace for Higher Natural Gas Prices This WinterThe chairman and CEO of energy company Chevron has warned Americans to brace for price increases in natural gas this winter.

CEO Mike Wirth made the comments in an interview with CNN on Sept. 13 in which he warned consumers that “there’s certainly a risk that costs will go up” when it comes to natural gas.

“Prices already are very high relative to history and relative to the rest of the world. We’re already seeing this impact being felt in the European economy and I do think it’s likely that Europe goes into a recession,” Wirth said.

Europe has been suffering from an energy squeeze in recent months, driven by its decision to wean itself off fuel from Russia in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine along with chronic shortages and a move by some EU countries to phase out coal.

The outlook for Europe this winter is now looking more strained after Russian state-owned energy corporation Gazprom scrapped plans to restart gas flows through its Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Germany earlier this month.

Following what was expected to be a temporary shutdown for routine maintenance, Gazprom said that it could not safely restart gas deliveries through the key pipeline until an oil leak in a critical turbine was fixed. Officials have not yet stated when gas supplies will resume through the pipeline.

While Worth noted that the situation in the United States would not be as bad as it is in Europe, the CEO stated that natural gas prices could still be “significantly higher” this winter in the former.

Last month, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm sent a letter to seven refiners including Valero, ExxonMobil, and Chevron, urging them not to increase exports of fuels like gasoline and diesel and instead help build domestic supplies.

Could Commiefornia’s Gas Car Ban Happen at the Federal Level? Pete Buttplug Wants it to Happen “Quickly”

Late last month, California’s Air Resources Board approved a regulation that will ban the sale of new gas-powered automobiles by 2035. No gas-powered vehicles with a model year of 2035 or beyond will be sold in the state, under the measure.

However, residents will still be allowed to purchase and drive used vehicles with gas engines under Resolution 22-12.

Naturally, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg likes the idea of an electric vehicle mandate — a lot. Buttigieg appeared on “The Issue Is” podcast Friday on KTTV-TV in Los Angeles. He expressed serious interest in rolling out a similar plan at the federal level.

“It’s interesting to see how the states are trying to go above and beyond what we’re doing at the federal level,” he told host Elex Michaelson, according to a transcript.

“I’m really interested to follow these developments, while we continue to set a national policy that’s the baseline for all of this,” he added. “We need to move in the direction of electric vehicles, and look, industry is already there — at least one major automaker says they’re not even planning to make gas cars past 2035 – but we’ve got to make sure that this happens quickly enough to help us be climate change.

He was referring to General Motors. In January 2021, the company said it hoped to “end sales of gas and diesel engine vehicles by 2035 as part of a broader pledge to become carbon neutral by 2040,” according to Forbes Wheels.

“We’ve got to make sure that it happens affordably enough, that it’s not just wealthy people, but low-income people who are the ones who most need those gas savings if they can afford the EVs in the first place,” Buttigieg said.

“And we need to make sure that this is a ‘made in America’ EV revolution, which is why our policies are designed to encourage domestic sourcing, domestic battery materials, so that we’re creating jobs on American soil.”

The problems with electric cars were made painfully obvious during last week’s brutal heat wave in the Golden State.


45 Off The Grid Hacks | Homesteading Tips, Tricks, And Ideas

Make this unconventional lifestyle more fun and effective. These off the grid hack projects, living ideas, and homesteading tips and tricks will help!

RELATED: Lessons I’ve Learned Living Off The Grid


Ron DeSantis: We Stopped Elites From Turning Florida Into ‘Biomedical Security State’

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently slammed “the elites,” who he says were “wrong about the efficacy” of COVID-19 vaccines, and who failed to create a “biomedical security state” thanks to his administration’s COVID-19 policies.

“We rejected the elites and we were right,” DeSantis said of the medical bureaucrats in Washington D.C. throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. “They’re now trying to rewrite history, acting like they wanted kids in school all along, and we shouldn’t let them get away with that.”

DeSantis went on to list a multitude of significant COVID-19 policies that the “experts” in D.C. were ultimately proven wrong on, including lockdowns, masks, natural immunity, and the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines.

CDC Director Admits Agency Gave False Information on COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring

The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has acknowledged publicly for the first time that the agency gave false information about its COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the agency’s director, said in a letter made public on Sept. 12 that the CDC did not analyze certain types of adverse event reports at all in 2021, despite the agency previously saying it started in February 2021.

“CDC performed PRR analysis between March 25, 2022, through July 31, 2022,” Walensky said. “CDC also recently addressed a previous statement made to the Epoch Times to clarify PRR were not run between February 26, 2021, to September 30, 2021.”

Walensky’s agency had promised in several documents, starting in early 2021, to perform a type of analysis called Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) on reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which it helps manage.

But the agency said in June that it did not perform PRRs. It also said that performing them was “outside th[e] agency’s purview.”

Confronted with the contradiction, Dr. John Su, a CDC official, told The Epoch Times in July that the agency started performing PRRs in February 2021 and “continues to do so to date.”

But just weeks later, the CDC said Su was wrong.

“CDC performed PRRs from March 25, 2022 through July 31, 2022,” a spokeswoman told The Epoch Times in August.

Walensky’s new letter, dated Sept. 2 and sent on Sept. 6 to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), shows that Walensky is aware that her agency gave false information.

Study Confirms Vaccine-Linked Myocarditis Deaths for First Time

A study published in late August found that 345 people in England died of myocarditis in one year, all vaccinated with one of three COVID-19 vaccines.

The study, conducted from December 2020 to December 2021, looked at deaths after a hospital stay for myocarditis or with myocarditis listed as a cause of death on a death certificate among 42.8 million vaccinated people in England age 13 and up.

The publication of the study’s findings in the American Heart Association’s journal, Circulation, marked the first time in the medical literature that researchers have confirmed that myocarditis associated with one of the COVID-19 vaccines can result in death. The article was published online on Aug. 22 and appears in the journal’s September 5, 2022, issue.

“This is really big, to talk about deaths. CDC keeps saying, ‘generally mild, generally mild,” cardiologist Sanjay Verma, who was not involved in the research, told The Epoch Times. “There’s been a concerted campaign to emphasize that people have not died from myocarditis and that it’s generally mild.”

Myocarditis is defined as inflammation of the myocardium, the middle layer of the heart muscle. Although the CDC has acknowledged since the spring of 2021 that myocarditis is a possible side effect of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, the agency has not publicly spoken about death as a possible outcome of myocarditis.

The authors of the study in Circulation looked at patient data pulled from the national health database for all those in England age 13 and up who received at least one dose of one of three vaccines available in that country: AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Moderna.

About 20 million people got the AstraZeneca vaccine, 20 million got the Pfizer vaccine, and just over 1 million got the Moderna vaccine.

The study tracked hospital admissions and deaths from myocarditis by age and gender and in relation to how many doses of each vaccine a person had received. It compared how many cases of myocarditis were associated with a recent SARS-CoV2 infection, and how many were associated with one of the vaccines.

Of the people who received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and were hospitalized for myocarditis or with myocarditis listed on their death certificates, 22 people (17 percent) died within 28 days of receiving the first dose, 14 people (12 percent) died after their second dose, and 13 people (15 percent) died after getting the Pfizer-BioNTech booster.

For the AstraZeneca vaccine, 40 people died of myocarditis after the first dose and 11 after the second dose, 28 percent and 12 percent respectively.

Among those who got the Moderna vaccine, there were no myocarditis deaths within 28 days of vaccination.

Natural Immunity Protects You More Than Three mRNA COVID Jabs

Natural COVID-19 immunity — the type earned by recovering from infection — is not only effective but lasts longer than the immunity that’s acquired from COVID-19 shots

Two doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots (BNT162b2) offered only “negligible” protection against symptomatic BA.2 (an omicron subvariant) infection

In contrast, previous infection was 46.1% effective against symptomatic BA.2 infection

Previous infection (natural immunity) was 54.9% effective against symptomatic omicron infection after more than 12 months, while three doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot was only 44.7% effective a month later

Rather than admitting defeat, health officials and Big Pharma have committed to a seemingly never-ending rollout of boosters — and now “updated boosters” coming out in Fall 2022

Vaccine mandates still exist, including for many health care workers who may be terminated form their jobs if they refuse; it’s outrageous that natural immunity is still being ignored in these cases

Long COVID-Induced Neuropsychiatric Risks Can Last for Over 2 Years; 1 Remedy to Protect From or Reverse the Situation

In this article, we examine the longest and largest study on COVID neurological sequelae and the fundamental cause of COVID-19 injury to our nervous system. Targeting the root cause, we may potentially reverse the situation and potentially live longer. 

The medical journal Lancet Psychiatry recently published a large-scale study of the neuropsychiatric sequelae of the COVID-19 infection.

This is an analysis of retrospective cohort studies by seven scientists from Cambridge University and Oxford University in the UK, who were led by Professor Paul Harrison, a psychiatrist at Oxford University.

The studies spanned four continents (taking place in the U.S., Australia, the UK, Spain, Bulgaria, India, Malaysia, and Taiwan) and 62 medical institutions. The studies were conducted over a period of two years and three months, from January 2020 to April 2022.

From the electronic medical records of approximately 89 million patients, the researchers identified more than 1.28 million cases of COVID-19 infection, and matched them to a cohort of non-COVID patients who were suffering from other respiratory infections. That is, they matched exactly to the experimental group, in terms of age, gender, occupation, risk factors for diseases, and vaccination status, during the same time period. There were more than 1.2 million patients each in the experimental and control groups.

No previous study of COVID-19 cases has achieved such effective concurrent control.


Dog ‘Hours Away From Death’ Recovers Under Loving Care of Vet Nurse Who Adopts Him

A starving, skeletal dog who rescuers feared was hours away from death if left unattended has made an amazing transformation. He is now enjoying a second chance at life with his adopter—a vet nurse who fell in love with him during his recovery.

Seb, 11, is a rough-haired collie who was rescued by the RSPCA from a property near Stockton-on-Tees, England, after a call from a member of the public. He was one of three dogs found abandoned at the property after their elderly owner passed away in February, according to an RSPCA statement.


Mark David Chapman, John Lennon’s Killer, Denied Parole for 12th Time

Mark David Chapman, the man who shot dead Beatles star John Lennon, has been denied parole for a 12th time, New York corrections officials said Monday.

Chapman, 67, was told he will remain behind bars after he appeared before a parole board at the end of August, according to the state Department of Corrections and Community Supervision.

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