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Today’s News: September 16, 2021

France says it killed ISIS leader behind deaths of U.S. soldiers, hails big victory

NBC – France killed the leader of the Islamic State group in the Greater Sahara, French officials said Thursday, calling him “enemy No. 1” in protracted anti-terrorism efforts in the region.

French President Emmanuel Macron announced the death of Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahrawi overnight.

According to Macron’s office, al-Sahrawi personally ordered the killing of six French aid workers and their Nigerien colleagues last year, and his group was behind a 2017 attack that killed U.S. and Niger military personnel.

Canada’s Alberta province brings in vaccine passport as Premier apologises

Reuters – The Canadian province of Alberta introduced a vaccine passport system on Wednesday to combat a fourth wave of COVID-19 that is close to overwhelming the healthcare system, as Premier Jason Kenney apologised for mishandling the pandemic.

Alberta will impose measures including capacity restrictions for businesses and a ban on indoor dining in restaurants unless patrons can show government-issued proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours.

Canada left out as U.S., U.K., Australia strike deal to counter China

The United States, the United Kingdom and Australia are signing a new defense pact to contain China’s military might in the Indo-Pacific.

The treaty, dubbed AUKUS after the three-nation initials, does not include Canada, raising the possibility that Ottawa may miss out on intelligence sharing among some of its closest allies.

The deal would allow countries to share more military technologies and information than they currently do, some of which pertain to artificial intelligence, quantum computing and cyber capabilities. AUKUS’s first project would be to build a fleet of nuclear-powered submarines for Australia.

Covid-19: France suspends 3,000 unvaccinated health workers

BBC – About 3,000 health workers in France have been suspended because they have not been vaccinated against Covid-19.

A new rule, which came into force on Wednesday, made vaccination mandatory for the country’s 2.7 million health, care home and fire service staff.

But French Health Minister Olivier Véran said on Thursday that “most of the suspensions are only temporary”.

Many are now agreeing to get jabbed because “they see that the vaccination mandate is a reality”, he said.

The rule applies to all doctors, nurses, office staff and volunteers.

CDC Numbers Reveal Nearly One in 500 Americans Dead from Chinese Coronavirus

Breitbart – National data reveals nearly one in every 500 Americans has died from the Chinese coronavirus accounting for roughly 0.2 percent of the population.

The newest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) figures reveal some 660,380 Americans have died from the Chinese coronavirus, while the number of cases has reached 41,262,574 individuals.

Moderna Says COVID-19 Vaccine Protection Wanes, Makes Case for Booster

Newsmax – New data from Moderna Inc’s large COVID-19 vaccine trial shows that the protection it offers wanes over time, supporting the case for booster doses, the company said in a news release on Wednesday.

“This is only one estimate, but we do believe this means as you look toward the fall and winter, at minimum we expect the estimated impact of waning immunity would be 600,000 additional cases of COVID-19,” Moderna President Stephen Hoge said on a conference call with investors.

Hoge did not project how many of the cases would be severe, but said some would require hospitalization.

COVID-1984: NHS Admits Vax Pass App is Sharing User Facial Recognition Data With Police

Breitbart – Britain’s socialised healthcare system, the National Health Service (NHS) has admitted that it is sharing facial recognition with police from the NHS app, which is now being used as the UK’s vaccine passport.

An estimated 16 million people have installed the NHS app, which can be used to book GP doctor visits as well as “NHS Covid Pass” proof of vaccination status in order to travel, and even as a domestic vaccine pass if businesses or events require it.

Los Angeles County to require vaccination proof at bars, large events

NBC – Los Angeles County will require customers and workers at indoor bars and nightclubs to be vaccinated against Covid-19 starting next month, health officials said Wednesday.

The rules for the nation’s most populous county will start Oct. 7, the county health department said about the order to be issued this week.

Customers and employees at bars, wineries, breweries, nightclubs and lounges will have to have at least one vaccine dose by Oct. 7 and both doses by Nov. 4. It does not apply to indoor restaurants but is recommended.

At outdoor events of more than 10,000 people, attendees will have to verify vaccination or a recent negative Covid-19 test, the department said.

220,000 military service members say ‘no’ to Biden’s forced Covid injections: File lawsuit claiming they already have natural immunity

The Biden administration is trying to redefine the meaning of the word “immunity” in its attempt to force the Covid injection on 220,000 U.S. military service members who have already contracted and survived the SARS COV-2 virus that originated in Wuhan, China.

This has opened the door for a federal lawsuit filed August 30 by two active-duty service members against Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Homeland Security Director Xavier Bacerra and U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Janet Woodcock.

The Navy this week gave its sailors 90 days to get the shot and the Army and Air Force were poised Thursday to enforce their own timetables, reported Military.com.

The suit, filed August 30 in U.S. District Court in Colorado, seeks immediate injunctive relief.

Biden Administration considering removing right to travel for Unvaccinated

On MSNBC Tuesday morning, Dr. Anthony Fauci — our modern day version of Josef Mengel — confirmed that the Biden administration is considering requiring Americans be vaccinated against COVID in order to legally travel throughout the United States.

Biden’s smug defense secretary refuses to testify on Afghanistan, likely will be subpoenaed

WND – Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin does not want to testify before Congress about his role in the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and if he continues to resist, even after being subpoenaed, he could face a penalty up to and including jail time.

It doesn’t appear likely things will escalate that far, but jail, among other things, is on the table for a man too smug and cowardly to face the public.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken spent his second day Tuesday getting grilled by a bipartisan group of lawmakers who want some answers about one of the biggest embarrassments in U.S. military history.

Report: John Durham Will Seek Indictment of Democratic Lawyer for Allegedly Lying to the F.B.I. During ‘Russian Collusion’ Investigation

Breitbart – Former U.S. Attorney John Durham has told the Justice Department he will ask a grand jury to indict cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann for allegedly lying to the F.B.I. during the “Russian collusion” investigation, according to the New York Times.

John Durham, who was appointed by the Trump administration to investigate the probe into Russia’s alleged election interference, will reportedly seek an indictment by a grand jury over a meeting between Michael Sussmann and the F.B.I. in 2016 when Sussmann claimed to not have been working on behalf of a client while raising suspicions about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia.

AMC cinemas to accept other cryptocurrencies in addition to bitcoin

RT – The world’s largest cinema chain AMC Entertainment has announced it is expanding the range of cryptocurrencies it will accept for online ticket and concession payments.

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