July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 16, 2022


Unexpected Death Rate Rising Across Europe

European countries are currently experiencing an unusually high death rate, and coronavirus deaths are not the direct reason for this increase. Known as “excess mortality,” people are dying at an unusually high rate in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain.

Since April, the death rate has risen sharply in Europe by an average of 11 percent. What is puzzling experts is that these deaths are not directly related to the coronavirus pandemic.

In the Netherlands, according to de Volkskrant, one of the top newspaper in the country, hundreds of people more are dying every week than usual. This means that since the spring, approximately 5,000 more deaths are being recorded compared to the period before coronavirus. Scientists are puzzled by the reason, but Dutch health agencies refuse to release data behind the cause of deaths due to what the agencies say is related to privacy concerns.

Some have criticized this approach, with popular Dutch commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek saying that matters of health privacy were universally suspended when the Dutch government decided to check everyone’s vaccination status before they began entering restaurants and shopping establishments.


Unvaccinated Navy Officer Restricted From Official Travel, Forced to Live Away from Husband for 1.5 Years

After a few unsuccessful attempts to meet highly competitive requirements to pursue a specialized career in the U.S. Navy Lt. Mary Smith (a pseudonym) finds herself stuck at a training installation for quite a bit longer than anticipated. An expected six-month stay, she says, has turned into a year and a half.

Smith spoke to The Epoch Times using a pseudonym, for fear of reprisal.

With a new home and property in another state, Smith has been unable to live with her husband of two years as they’ve been separated for three times the anticipated length of time she predicted. “We’re newlyweds and we’ve only lived together about four or five months,” she said.  

While there are different paths for her career to pursue away from the current training facility, including a more general assignment or a different specialization, Smith—like many others—is unable to go on official travel because of her vaccination status.

NAVADMIN 130/22, a Navy-specific administrative message, states, “Individuals who are not fully vaccinated, or who decline to provide information about their vaccination status, are limited to only mission-critical official travel, both domestic and international.”

A response to Smith’s religious accommodation request has remained unanswered since December 2021. She is concerned that the court injunction that prevents the Navy from separating those who applied for religious waivers will further delay matters as she finds herself stuck waiting. “Although I am grateful for the injunction, I still cannot be with my husband,” she said.

Because Smith is unvaccinated, the Navy has refused to allow for a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to be closer to her husband and family. “I’m able to take leave once a month to visit my husband and family, but I’m not allowed to PCS—and that simply doesn’t make any sense,” she said.

Smith submitted an exemption to policy (ETP) request to transfer in early June but the ETP “has been sitting on the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations’ desk for a few months,” she said, adding that she has “no idea what the Navy is going to do with me.” She has been asking for updates weekly with the only response being “you will hear something soon.” For Smith, “soon is not good enough.” She would like “the courtesy and respect of a timely response” since she has always been expected to provide the same.

While Smith is unable to transfer, she considers it ironic that her current position has her directly involved with readiness issues, while her religious denial letter states “a waiver of immunizations would have a predictable and detrimental effect on your readiness and the readiness of the Sailors who serve alongside you in both operational and nonoperational (including training) environments.”

And all the while, Smith said her training environment puts her in very close contact with other sailors. “Many of these individuals are vaccinated and still get sick, while I have never gotten sick,” she said.

Smith said the experience has caused “a ton of undue stress” on her marriage and has taken a toll on her mental health. Awaiting a response from the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV), she said, “the military is continuing to wrongfully discriminate against the unvaccinated based on our religious beliefs.” 

llinois Governor Issues Emergency Disaster Over Illegal Immigrants Bused From Texas

The governor of Illinois on Wednesday issued an emergency disaster proclamation after several hundred illegal immigrants were bused from the U.S.–Mexico border to Illinois.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, issued an executive order to send 75 members of the state National Guard to assist in making sure “all state resources are available to support asylum seekers arriving nearly daily to Chicago from the state of Texas.”

The order also “enables the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and other state agencies, in close coordination with the City of Chicago, Cook County, and other local governments, to ensure the individuals and families receive the assistance they need,” according to Pritzker’s order. “This includes transport, emergency shelter and housing, food, health screenings, medical assessments, treatments, and other necessary care and services.”

For months, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s administration has been sending illegal immigrants who crossed into Texas from Mexico to several Democrat-run municipalities, including New York City, Illinois, and Washington, D.C. The three cities have declared themselves “sanctuary cities” that will not cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement orders.

Pritzker—like the leaders of New York, Chicago, and D.C.—criticized Abbott rather than focusing on the porous U.S.–Mexico border. In August, federal border officials arrested 185,000 illegal aliens, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Judge Names Special Master to Review FBI Raid Documents, Rejects DOJ Criminal Probe Request

Florida-based U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon on Thursday appointed a senior Brooklyn federal judge to serve as special master to independently review documents the FBI seized from former President Donald Trump‘s Florida estate.

U.S. District Judge Raymond Dearie will serve as an independent arbiter in the case, tasked with deciding whether any of the seized documents are privileged and should be off limits to federal investigators.

Cannon, who was nominated by Trump in 2020, also rejected the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) bid to revive its criminal investigation into classified documents seized during the unprecedented raid at Mar-a-Lago last month. The matter is expected to move quickly to an appeals court, and potentially the U.S. Supreme Court.

The DOJ said in a court filing (pdf) on Monday that Dearie has “substantial judicial experience” in cases involving national security and privilege concerns to qualify him for the special master role, but that it opposed private attorney Paul Huck, the other candidate proposed by Trump’s lawyers.

Lawyers for Trump opposed Barbara S. Jones and Thomas B. Griffith, two retired federal judges whom the DOJ proposed to be the special master.

Republican President Ronald Reagan appointed Dearie to the federal bench in Brooklyn in 1986, where he was chief judge of that court from 2007 to 2011. Before that, he served as U.S. attorney there. He now serves as a semi-retired senior judge.

Dearie served on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court between 2011 and 2019. That court reviews warrant applications from the U.S. government on matters of national security.

White House Responds After Illegal Immigrants Transported to Martha’s Vineyard

The White House sharply criticized the governors of Texas and Florida for transporting illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard and outside the Washington residence of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott confirmed Thursday that he bused illegal immigrants from the border to near Harris’s home in the District of Columbia. And Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took credit for flying dozens of illegal aliens from Florida to Martha’s Vineyard, a Massachusetts island that often draws the wealthy and powerful, including the Obamas, who own an estate there.

Illegal immigrants deserve better “than being left on the streets of D.C. or the streets of Martha’s Vineyard,” said White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in response to a question about the governors’ recent actions.

Jean-Pierre then alleged the governors are “using migrants as political pawns” and described the incident as “reckless” and “shameful.”

For weeks, Abbott has sent dozens of buses filled with illegal immigrants—who he says voluntarily sign up for the trip—to New York, Washington, and Chicago. Top Democrat officials have decried the tactic and have even issued emergency declarations.

But Abbott, DeSantis, and other Republicans assert that the Biden administration’s policies on illegal immigration are deeply flawed and noted that after the White House rolled back Trump-era immigration rules, the number of illegal aliens crossing the border skyrocketed.

Gov. Greg Abbott Buses Migrants to Kamala Harris’ D.C. Home

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) sent two busloads of illegal economic migrants to Vice President Kamala Harris’ official home in D.C., just days after she insisted that “the border is secure.”

“The border is open,” one migrant told a TV reporter, adding:

Everybody believes that the border is open. It is open because we enter, we come in, free. No problem. … Illegally, yes, that’s true. We came illegally, not legal.

Texas Grade School Teacher Quits After Being Accused of Posting Disturbing Sexual Content

A Texas resident blasted Highland Park ISD school board members on Sept. 13 over hiring a teacher for 5-year-olds who had disturbing sexual content allegedly posted on social media.

Russell Fish, an activist and founder of OpenRecords.org, spoke publicly during the board meeting concerning a self-described “queer teacher” who identified with the LGBT community.

Fish, a taxpayer in the school district, told The Epoch Times he felt compelled to get involved after he was told about the situation discovered by a parent.

In an email obtained by The Epoch Times, the parent alleged the teacher’s social media account showed “violent sexual fetishes and fantasies,” among other things.

Idaho Schools Push ‘Porn Literacy’ Curriculum on Students

Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) is implementing a sex education curriculum that promotes pornography and teaches elementary school students what it calls “porn literacy.”

According to a report from the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF), the IDHW acquires sexual education curriculum from a non-profit called Education, Training, and Research (ETR). The curriculum appears to disregard state law, which IFF says “requires sex education taught in public schools to reinforce traditional family arrangements.”

https://cases.justia.com/federal/appellate-courts/ca5/21-11104/21-11104-2022-09-15.pdf?ts=1663284616  (If you owe the IRS money, they have the right to revoke your passport!) 

Biden Administration Intentionally Weakening Military: Retired General

When the United States acts, the world is always watching, and one of the loudest messages since President Joe Biden took office came from how the United States handled its withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021.

What message did that send globally to other government leaders who may see America as an adversary? That was a question asked by Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, during a panel discussion Thursday about America’s role on the world stage at the Pray Vote Stand Summit in Atlanta hosted by FRC Action, the legislative affiliate of Family Research Council.

“I think that will go down in history as the worst foreign policy failure in U.S. history. Every decision that was made was wrong,” said Lt. General (Ret.) William Boykin, executive vice president at Family Research Council. “What did that say to the rest of the world? It said that we have weak leadership. And you have to ask yourself, why did Vladimir Putin refrain from attacking Ukraine during the Trump administration? And then he went in with barrels blazing, under the Biden administration, and I will tell you, I think a lot of that goes back to the weakness that people—both our adversaries and our friends—recognized in the Biden administration.”

Other countries recognize that the Biden administration is weak and indecisive on many issues, he said, not just how the U.S. military left Afghanistan.

Boykin mentioned Biden’s approach to the Paris climate change treaty and his efforts to get the United States back into the Iran nuclear deal, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

“What’s the value to the United States? And what’s the value to our allies, to put Iran on a pathway to nuclear warheads,” Boykin said. “I think we’re going to continue to see the consequences of not only the pullout of Afghanistan, but stupid decisions that have been made by the administration, one of which is … our president shut down our pipeline, and then turned around and went to the Saudis.”

Boykin said there were several Saudi nationals flying the planes on 9/11 and that Saudi Arabia has been a major sponsor of terrorism. Despite this, Biden went to Saudi Arabia and to Russia to ask for oil after shutting down America’s oil production, Boykin said.

“Does that make sense to anybody? It’s the most foolish thing,” he said. “They see that kind of decision making, and they see us as being weak, and they see this as a time when they can take advantage of us.”

Voters Appeal Dismissal of Lawsuit Over Use of Zuckerberg Millions in Michigan Elections

A years-long legal battle alleging dereliction of duty on the part of Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has moved to the Michigan Court of Appeals.

In the early fall of 2020, four Michigan voters said they had discovered that some local election officials were allegedly using millions of dollars of private donations from the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) to pay for what they call “get-out-the-vote efforts” in urban Democrat strongholds around the state.

CTCL is a non-profit organization heavily funded by the Mark Zuckerburg family.

A 2021 report by Capital Research, a conservative think tank that studies non-profits, found that Michigan communities accepted $7.4 million from CTCL in 2020 to help the localities conduct safe and healthy elections during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The grants also encouraged voter registration drives, mail-in voting, and the use of absentee ballot drop boxes.

Data from the study shows that 92.8 percent of the funding went to 11 Michigan cities that heavily favored Democrat candidate Joe Biden.


1.3 Million Jobs Were Result of Double-Counting This Year, Heritage Economist Says

The monthly U.S. jobs reports have topped market estimates many times this year, including the July and August non-farm payrolls reports, which showed 528,000 and 315,000 new jobs, respectively, higher than what many economists and analysts had initially projected.  

White House officials have taken victory laps on the data, noting that these numbers are proof the economy is strong and that President Joe Biden’s policies are supporting post-pandemic growth.  

But economists had questions about discrepancies between Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data and the various labor-related numbers revealed throughout the month. Plus, why has the Federal Reserve’s quantitative tightening campaign failed to diminish labor demand?

Several experts may have determined what is causing better-than-expected labor numbers. The answer may have to do with double-counting.  

‘Disgraceful’: Army Tells Soldiers to Fight Inflation with Food Stamps

The Army’s top senior enlisted leader, Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston, is encouraging soldiers to apply for food stamps, among other measures, as they face difficulties fighting inflation under the Biden administration.

“With inflation affecting everything from gas prices to groceries to rent, some Soldiers and their families are finding it harder to get by on the budgets they’ve set and used before. Soldiers of all ranks can seek guidance, assistance, and advice through the Army’s Financial Readiness Program,” Grinston said in a message to soldiers posted on Army websites at least since last month.

Shipping Giant Posts Brutal Earnings, Stocks Immediately Plummet

FedEx on Thursday posted massively lowered revenue expectations in a preliminary quarterly earnings report, prompting major stock indices to drop and FedEx shares to plummet.

FedEx revised its earnings forecast down by more than $800 million off the back of global challenges, prompting the shipping giant to freeze hiring and close at least 90 FedEx Office locations, according to FedEx’s preliminary quarterly report Thursday. FedEx stock had fallen roughly 21.5% at time of writing, recovering slightly from nearly 24% earlier Friday morning, while all three major stock indices, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite, all fell at least 1.3% as the market opened, according to The Wall Street Journal. (RELATED: Yellen Says US Economy Is Stronger Than Before The Pandemic)

“Global volumes declined as macroeconomic trends significantly worsened later in the quarter, both internationally and in the U.S.,” CEO Raj Subramaniam said in the quarterly report. “While this performance is disappointing, we are aggressively accelerating cost reduction efforts and evaluating additional measures to enhance productivity, reduce variable costs, and implement structural cost-reduction initiatives.”

FedEx was hit particularly hard by “macroeconomic weakness in Asia and service challenges in Europe,” leading the company to lower expectations by $500 million on its FedEx Express service, according to the report. Revenue for FedEx Ground, meanwhile, fell by approximately $300 million from previous forecasts.

Following the weak forecast, Subramaniam spoke on CNBC Thursday and claimed that he believed the economy was entering a recession worldwide. While the company expected demand to increase as Chinese factories reopened following pandemic-related closures, it actually saw demand fall, according to Subramaniam.


Do Authoritarians ‘Care’ About You?

The basis for forcing an experimental gene therapy on everyone was that it would end the COVID pandemic by preventing infection and spread. Real-world reality has since proven this to be a false justification

Authoritarian rulers claim to act from deep concern for public health and the greater good of society. Historically, however, invoking “the greater good” principle has always been about disenfranchising citizens in order to consolidate and concentrate power

Throughout the pandemic, governments, employers, NGOs and media have argued that the social responsibility to “protect others” is so paramount that it negates all other considerations

But unless everyone has bodily autonomy, no one has bodily autonomy, and without it, everyone, including the most vulnerable, are put at risk. Hence, the rationale to “protect the vulnerable” falls apart unless everyone is allowed to make their own decisions

When everyone has to sacrifice themselves for others, then everyone’s autonomy is violated — including that of the most vulnerable. The COVID vaccination campaign is a glaring example of this. Many who got the shots are still getting sick, many have been injured or died from the side effects, while those who refused to comply lost their jobs and, in some areas, can’t even enter a store. Everyone has lost protection rather than gained it


FBI And Facebook Colluded To Spy On Americans Who Questioned 2020 Election Results

According to Department of Justice sources, Facebook has been spying on the private messages and data of Americans who questioned the 2020 election results and reporting them to the FBI.

Since the election, Facebook has worked in conjunction with the FBI to report on “subversive” private messages, sending them to the FBI’s domestic terrorism operational unit, supposedly in redacted form, a direct violation of Americans’ First and Fourth Amendment rights.

“It was done outside the legal process and without probable cause,” one of the sources told the New York Post. “Facebook provides the FBI with private conversations which are protected by the First Amendment without any subpoena.”

According to the Post, “These private messages then have been farmed out as ‘leads’ to FBI field offices around the country, which subsequently requested subpoenas from the partner US Attorney’s Office in their district to officially obtain the private conversations that Facebook already had shown them.”

However, when FBI agents in local field offices investigated the targeted Facebook users, they found nothing criminal or violent.

“It was a waste of our time,” one source said.

Everyone targeted by Facebook and reported to the FBI were “conservative right-wing individuals.”

“They were gun-toting, red-blooded Americans [who were] angry after the election and shooting off their mouths and talking about staging protests. There was nothing criminal, nothing about violence or massacring or assassinating anyone,” the source explained. “As soon as a subpoena was requested, within an hour, Facebook sent back gigabytes of data and photos. It was ready to go. They were just waiting for that legal process so they could send it.”

Facebook parent company Meta denies the allegations.

“These claims are false because they reflect a misunderstanding of how our systems protect people from harm and how we engage with law enforcement,” Erica Sackin, a Meta spokeswoman, claimed. “We carefully scrutinize all government requests for user information to make sure they’re legally valid and narrowly tailored and we often push back. We respond to legal requests for information in accordance with applicable law and our terms and we provide notice to users whenever permitted.”

But, an hour later, she added another statement, contradicting the first one.

“These claims are just wrong. The suggestion we seek out peoples’ private messages for anti-government language or questions about the validity of past elections and then proactively supply those to the FBI is plainly inaccurate and there is zero evidence to support it.”

According to the Post, Sackin is “a DC-based crisis response expert who previously worked for Planned Parenthood and ‘Obama for America’ and now leads Facebook’s communications on ‘counterterrorism and dangerous organizations and individuals.’”

The FBI neither confirmed nor denied the allegations.

How Google Threatens Your Children

More than half of American K-12 schools use Chromebooks and Google apps, allowing Google to build brand loyalty from an early age

Google’s primary business is tracking, compiling, storing and selling personal data. By capturing children at an early age, it will be able to build the most comprehensive personality profiles of the population ever conceived

By the time these children have grown into adulthood, every single preference, thought, belief and proclivity will be known about them, which will make them extremely vulnerable to manipulation

Google allows hundreds of third-party software developers to access the emails of Gmail users, and they’re not just using software to scan for keywords. In some cases, employees are actually reading the emails

By default, Google Chrome allows any and all tracker cookies to follow your every move online

FBI Whistleblower Says Bureau Labeled Veteran-Led Group ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Organization: Rep. Jordan

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) revealed Wednesday he received information from an FBI whistleblower accusing the bureau of labeling a veteran-led group and others as domestic terrorist organizations after they were found not to be a threat.

In a letter (pdf) to FBI Director Christopher Wray, Jordan wrote that a whistleblower said the FBI labeled American Contingency as a “domestic violent extremis[t]” organization despite the bureau clearing it in 2020.

The “domestic violent extremism” designation against American Contingency “is striking in light of new whistleblower disclosures that show that the FBI had concluded as recently as 2020 that the group was not a threat,” Jordan wrote.

“A background investigation and review of Glover’s social media failed to support the allegation that Glover is a threat to the United States or its citizens,” the letter continued.

The FBI, in a statement to The Epoch Times, disputed Jordan’s letter by saying the bureau “does not and cannot designate domestic terrorist organizations. The FBI can never open an investigation based solely on protected First Amendment activity.”

“We cannot and do not investigate ideology. We focus on individuals who commit or intend to commit violence and criminal activity that constitutes a federal crime or poses a threat to national security. The FBI’s mission is to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution. One does not come at the expense of the other,” the FBI statement said.


New Study Calls Geoengineering “Planetary Treason” as Earth’s Biosphere is Collapsing Due to Jet-Sprayed Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash

Comments by Brian Shilhavy

Editor, Health Impact News

James Marvin Herndon, PhD., from the Transdyne Corporation in San Diego, and Mark Whiteside, the Medical Director of the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County, have just published a study in the “Advances In Social Sciences Research Journal” titled: Collapse of Earth’s Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason.

Here is the Abstract:

Earth’s life support systems are breaking down, including the stratospheric ozone layer, which protects all higher life on the planet from deadly ultraviolet radiation. This breakdown is a direct result of human activities including the large-scale manipulation of processes that affect Earth’s climate, otherwise known as geoengineering. We present further evidence that coal fly ash, utilized in tropospheric aerosol geoengineering, is the primary cause of stratospheric ozone depletion, not chlorofluorocarbons, as “decreed” by the Montreal Protocol. The misdiagnosis was a potentially fatal mistake by mankind. Coal fly ash particles, uplifted to the stratosphere, are collected and trapped by polar stratospheric clouds. In springtime, as these clouds begin to melt/evaporate, multiple coal fly ash compounds and elements are released to react with and consume stratospheric ozone. Contrary to the prevailing narrative, the stratospheric ozone layer has already been badly damaged and now increasingly deadly ultraviolet radiation, UV-B and UV-C, penetrates to Earth’s surface. Our time is short to permanently end all geoengineering activities, and to reduce and/or eliminate all sources of aerosolized coal fly ash, including first and foremost the jet-sprayed emplacements into the troposphere that are systematically breaking down Earth’s support systems and poisoning life on this planet.

At the end of the study they conclude:

All geoengineering must cease. All sources of aerosolized coal fly ash must be reduced and eliminated. Tropospheric jet-spraying of coal fly ash and any other particulate matter must cease and desist. That is necessary to salvage what we can of Earth’s vital life support systems, including the stratospheric ozone layer.

Read the full study here.


WOMEN: The #1 Cause of Death in the USA By Lex Greene

In an effort to figure out why our government and media are so concerned with lawful and responsible gun ownership, I decided to study the leading causes of death in the USA. With all of the focus on disarming the law-abiding citizens of the USA, I expected to see that gun violence by law-abiding citizens was a leading cause of death in the USA. Why else would anyone be so damned concerned with Second Amendment protected Rights in the USA?

Imagine my surprise when I discovered the real leading cause of death in the USA, and no, it isn’t COVID19 either. My research is based upon official government issued statistics posted on government websites, including the CDC.

Since most Americans still foolishly believe everything our government tells them, the above numbers were taken directly from government official sources. That way if you disagree, you disagree with your government, rather than me.

Despite gun violence being the least of our problems in terms of causes of death, at only 0.6% of the deaths in 2020, 90% of which are gang violence, drug or theft related, mostly in every democrat run city…still, our government has convinced millions of Americans that it is the biggest threat in our country. Far from it…

COVID19 is #4 on the list at 10.2% – but remember that the CDC has admitted that 94% of the deaths labeled COVID19 actually died of something else. Only 6% of the 350,831 (21,050) were actual COVID deaths in 2020. (Note: the 2021 COVID deaths were up by 30% after vaccines)

Diseases of the heart and cancer, among others, happen largely if not entirely, beyond our control, and they are indiscriminate in nature, claiming the lives of young and old alike.

But as you can see in the grid above, the #1 cause of death in the USA is ABORTION, 100% of them at the sole discretion of women who believe they have some insane non-existent constitutionally protected right to kill their own children. Women killing their own children accounted for 26.9% of all human deaths in the USA in 2020, making it by far the leading cause of death in the USA. It’s been this way for many years now.

Yet, all public political attention is on “gun violence” at the bottom of the list, which only accounts for 0.6% of the deaths nationally in 2020. If you expect any sane person to believe that women determined to kill their own children, care anything at all about the death of your children due to gun violence, you’re wrong. They clearly have no regard for human life at all, their children or yours.

But it is largely the same women who demand a right to kill their own children, who also aim to eliminate your natural Right to keep and bear arms, in protection of your own children and families. The same group also supports defunding law enforcement and putting convicted felons back on the streets, while flooding our country with illegal aliens from every 3rd world toilet on earth.

Today’s democrat party panders to these women voters, for their own political power, and that’s why this horrific evil continues in our country. Many republican politicians now pander for votes on this issue too, all knowing how evil it is, but more concerned about their political power than the life of any child.

Before anyone brings it up, “rape” accounts for only 0.5% of all abortions. This means that 99.5% of all abortions have nothing whatsoever to do with “rape.”

Sugary Beverages Linked to Increased Risk for Fatal Cancers

New research offers yet another reason why Americans should cut back on their soda consumption: Drinking too many sugary beverages may increase the risk of death from cancer.

“Unfortunately, Americans exceed recommended limits on sugar consumption by the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, and sugar-sweetened beverages are known risk factors for weight gain, being overweight and obesity,” explained lead study author Marjorie McCullough. She is senior scientific director of epidemiology research at the American Cancer Society.

The results appear to be related to the higher body mass index (BMI) of the participants who regularly drank these sugar-sweetened beverages, according to the study.

While drinking more than two sugar-sweetened beverages per day was not associated with all-cancer deaths compared to those who drank none of these beverages, it was associated with an increased risk of obesity-related cancers. This was nullified after adjusting for BMI.

The sugar-sweetened beverages were associated with increased death rates from colon and kidney cancer, which still held true after adjusting for BMI.

Participants who consumed artificially sweetened beverages also had an increased risk of pancreatic cancer, even after BMI adjustment.


Woman Escapes COVID-19 Hospital Treatment Protocols, Says Others Not So Lucky

Over a week after Gail Seiler’s physician had given her a terminal diagnosis, her husband, Brad Seiler, wheeled her out of the back door of the hospital where she had been admitted for COVID-19 on Dec. 3, 2021.

“I’m so sorry, Mrs. Seiler, but you are going to die,” she recalled her physician telling her on Dec. 5.

On Dec. 15, despite resistance from hospital staff, Brad extracted Seiler from Medical City Plano hospital in Plano, Texas, where the couple lives.

Seiler is one of the few patients who has lived to tell her story about what she said she witnessed on the inside with COVID-19 hospital treatment protocols.

“It became clear to me that people are not dying in hospitals from COVID. They are dying from these protocols,” Seiler told The Epoch Times.

Seiler went in for a monoclonal antibody infusion with the request that she be given the early-treatment protocols prescribed through the Front Line Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), which included the use of ivermectin and budesonide.

However, when staff discovered she was unvaccinated, “the whole tone changed,” she said.

“I quickly lost the right to advocate for my own medical care,” she said.


Find Bugs On Your Houseplants? Don’t Freak Out—Do This Instead

Houseplants are living things, and they’re bound to attract other living things (ahem, bugs) at some point. While houseplant pests are inevitable, they can be managed with a little diligence and know-how.

Here, experts share how to identify and kill bugs in houseplants to keep your greenery collection looking good as new.

How bugs get into houseplants.

Pests have a knack for seeking out tasty plants, even those that are situated indoors. They can fly or blow into your home through a window, hitch a ride on your clothes, arrive on a new plant, or come in on fruit or vegetables. Stressed plants that are not getting proper care also tend to send out signals that attract pests. Many of these critters reproduce very quickly (and asexually), so before you know it, one or two bugs can become a full-blown infestation.

“There are so many ways they can come in, and my message is always that it’s normal to have pests if you have plants. It’s almost unavoidable,” Roos Kocken, a houseplant expert and sustainability advocate, tells mbg.

With that being said, getting into the habit of regularly checking your plants for signs of pests is a smart idea.

Pests can happen any time of year, but Kocken has noticed they tend to be especially active during seasonal transitions into spring and fall. Since bugs can often be trailed in on houseplants from the shop, you’ll also want to keep an eye on any new plants you buy. Once you bring it home, “it is advised that you keep that plant separate from the rest for two weeks, inspecting it regularly for pests before allowing it into the fold, so to speak,” 

How to get rid of bugs in houseplant soil.

Once you’ve determined you have a pest problem, you have a few options depending on how severe the infestation is. Here are the treatment plans the plant pros recommend, in order of least to most involved:

Option 1: Spray them off with water.

If you spot a few larger pests, like mealybugs, on your plant’s leaves, you can try to get rid of them by simply spraying them with water from a faucet or shower. Just be sure to aim away from your plant’s soil so they don’t just end up falling in there.

Option 2: Spray a gentle insecticide.

Insecticidal soaps can be very effective at killing soft-bodied insects like aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs. Made from potassium salts of fatty acids, they work by washing away pests’ protective coating and then breaking down their cells. They can damage your plant when sprayed in high amounts, so be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using them. Most will need to be sprayed on the tops and bottoms of your plant’s leaves and soil every 5-7 days while insects are present.

Bioinsecticide sprays offer another solution; these are made from bacteria that can kill pests but shouldn’t harm your plant.

It’s best to choose an insecticide that is made using organic materials instead of a synthetic that might make your plant toxic to you and your pets. Consider one of the options below or make your own natural pesticide using this how-to guide.

→ Power Mall Recommended Product: Miracle II Soap

Gardeners -To Kill Insects on Plants Miracle II Soap – Add 1/4 oz to 32 oz spray bottle of water or 1 oz per gallon. For tender plants like flowers use 7 drops Neutralizer & 7 drops soap per gallon. Spray plant. If you see insects, spray extra. When washing vegetables in sink, add 1 oz Neutralizer to water. This will cause the parasites to be removed. (Note) Now this is hilarious. Many people have called and said that they use their (Miracle II Soap) bath water to kill fire ants and all other insects in their house, yard, and garden. Never before have you been able to get so much in a product. See other ways you can use Miracle II products


Chronic Toxoplasmosis: Debilitating, Stealth, Underdiagnosed

At least one third of all people on Earth are infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, averaging from 11-20% in the United States to 50% and higher in some Western European countries

The parasite has been implicated in ocular issues, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease and various other neurological disorders, as well as in heart disease, pneumonia, recurrent headaches, even cancer; it is also known for causing psychological changes in its hosts

While the official word is that most toxoplasma infections are harmless and asymptomatic, the impact of the parasite could be much more devastating than the current mainstream medical convention presumes; it may also be cross-reacting with the spike protein and possibly contributing to the mystery of “long COVID”

According to recent research and clinical evidence, toxoplasma tissue cysts, previously considered harmless in immunocompetent patients, are capable of causing major health issues without converting to the cell-blasting form

Commonly used antibody tests can only detect antibodies for the “tachyzoite” (cell-blasting) form of the parasite but not the “bradyzoite” (tissue cyst) form

Dr Uwe Auf der Straße in Germany has done an important clinical investigation of the parasite, and his findings could shed light on “mystery” symptoms in many patients

Wild Rabbit Returns to Visit the Lady Who Rescued Her as an Orphaned Newborn and Raised Her

A wild rabbit, orphaned as a baby, got a second chance at life when she was taken in by a caring woman. Months later, she reentered the wild but has since shown up again in her rescuer’s backyard, proving that she is thriving.

Jessica Lee, 25, of Marietta, Georgia, found a baby cottontail rabbit, Honey, crawling around on pine straw in her backyard on June 28, 2020.

“I put some gloves on and cradled her in my hand, and she rubbed her head against my fingers,” Jessica told The Epoch Times. “Eastern cottontails are born blind and deaf, so she probably thought I was her mom.”

Miami native Jessica spent 10 minutes searching her yard and researching online on what to do upon finding a baby cottontail rabbit, before finding a rabbits’ nest and two additional baby bunnies, sleeping.

She placed the rabbit that was in her hands back into the nest and thought that would be the end of it. However, the following morning, all the three babies were still there, alone, looking worse than the night before. At that time, Jessica figured the mother had never returned to feed them.

The public health professional made an “X” over the nest with paper, and sprinkled flour on the ground to see if the area would be disturbed overnight. The following morning the paper and flour seemed untouched, but the baby bunnies were missing.

“I became frantic,” said Jessica. “I began searching around the perimeter and I found them on the grassy area of my backyard. All three bunnies managed to crawl out of the nest, meaning they were hungry and unfed. I decided then that the mother rabbit had abandoned them, and I took them in.”

The baby rabbit she had held in her gloved hands two days before was now frail and emaciated, said Jessica. She contacted a wildlife rehab expert, but they were located too far away and were not accepting new wild rabbits at that time, so Jessica began researching how to care for baby cottontails herself.

She started with a much-needed meal, buying kitten milk formula, mixing it with goat milk, and feeding each baby through a dropper every three to four hours.

“It was a lengthy process because I had to be very gentle and slow to avoid aspiration,” Jessica explained. “After feeding, I warmed a cotton ball with warm water and stroked each bunny’s bottom to stimulate them so they could urinate and defecate.”

This was needed to promote gut flow.

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