July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 21, 2022


US Faces Unprecedented Nuclear Threat From Allied China and Russia

News Analysis

Buried beneath the earth in the vast deserts of western China there are hundreds of new missile silos slated to hold deadly payloads. Some of them will house conventional weapons, others nuclear, and Western leaders don’t know which is which.

That is because China’s reigning communist regime co-locates its nuclear and conventional missiles, mixing them together and placing them under the same command centers.

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) rush to build these new missile silos, and to construct nuclear weapons to occupy them, corresponds to the regime’s efforts to cement its leadership over a burgeoning bloc of anti-Western states that seek an end to U.S. hegemony in world affairs.

Or, in their terms, “multipolarity.”

According to several experts, China’s nuclear expansion combined with its de facto alliance with Russia will have far-reaching consequences for U.S. nuclear strategy, and the United States is not prepared for the change.

That is because the U.S. nuclear arsenal and strategy have only ever been designed to contend with one adversary: Russia. The extension of the nuclear threat to several unique actors is therefore one of the great strategic challenges of the 21st century, and one the United States will only get one chance to respond to.

“The United States certainly faces a significant challenge ahead as nuclear threats from not just one, but several actors, advance,” said Patty-Jane Geller, a senior policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, in an email.

“It will need to ensure it has tailored deterrence strategies against each adversary, and find the most efficient way to develop a nuclear posture that can address multiple threats at once.”

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One Man Wielded the Most Powerful Weapon Against the World

America’s focus on biosecurity began in earnest during the second Bush administration. Dick Cheney, as vice president, was responsible for putting all biodefense research under the auspices of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Since 2003, Fauci has been responsible for civilian biodefence research and early development of medical countermeasures against terrorist threats from infectious diseases

There’s no meaningful administrative distinction between biodefence and scientific research in general, and Fauci has been the sole decision maker for all of it, with no oversight

Fauci has followed in Cheney’s footsteps, using the same tactics to deceive the American public into war. Cheney leaked false information to the press, and then used that press coverage to justify the invasion of Iraq. Fauci supervised the writing of a paper denouncing the lab leak theory, and then used that paper as “evidence” that SARS-CoV-2 arose naturally

COVID-19 is a war against the public, for the purpose of forcing us into a New World Order, a One World Government run by a globalist cabal, where “biosecurity” is the justification for the removal of Constitutional rights and freedoms

Ontario School Defends Male Teacher Wearing Gigantic Prosthetic Breasts to Class

An Ontario, Canada, high school is defending one of its male shop teachers’ decision to teach young students while wearing a gigantic prosthetic bust.

The male teacher, who recently began identifying as a female and calling himself Kayla Lemieux, decided to wear the unnaturally large bust with prominently protruding nipples to class in an apparent attempt to exercise his “female identity.”

Lemieux, a manufacturing technology teacher at Oakville Trafalgar High School, also wears a long blonde wig and skin-tight short-shorts.

Many critics, however, see the move as caricaturing women and fulfilling a sexual fetish in front of minors.

After pictures of the performative teacher circulated online, the school promptly came out in his defense, telling concerned parents and students that, “We would like to take this opportunity to reiterate to our community that we are committed to establishing and maintaining a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable and welcoming learning and working environment for all students and staff.”

The school also said criticism of Lemieux’s actions would constitute discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code, explaining, “We strive to promote a positive learning environment in schools consistent with the values of the HDSB and to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all students, staff and the community, regardless of race, age, ability, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, socioeconomic circumstances or body type/size.”

Russia’s Putin signs decree on partial mobilisation for citizens

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced a partial mobilisation in Russia as the war in Ukraine reaches nearly seven months.

In a televised address to the nation on Wednesday, Putin said he was defending Russian territories and that the West wanted to destroy the country.

Germany nationalises gas giant amid energy crisis

Germany is to nationalise gas giant Uniper in an effort to secure energy supplies amid the war in Ukraine.

The deal will see the German government take on a 98.5% stake in the firm at a cost of €8.5bn (£7.4bn).

Germany is Europe’s biggest importer of Russian gas, and has been particularly squeezed as Russia has reduced supplies in recent months.

Chief executive Klaus-Dieter Maubach said the deal would help Uniper’s role as “a system-critical energy supplier”.

Before Russia invaded Ukraine it supplied Europe with about 40% of its natural gas, and it has responded to Western sanctions by gradually cutting off supplies.

At the start of this month, Russia halted supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, claiming repairs were needed – but later said flow would not resume until sanctions were lifted.

Uniper, which operates gas, coal, and hydro plants across Europe and is currently controlled by Finnish state-owned energy company Fortum, is the biggest buyer of Russian gas in Germany.

In recent months it has had to replace Russian supplies with alternatives from the open market, where prices have soared.


Illegal Immigrants Flown to Martha’s Vineyard Sue Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

Illegal immigrants flown to a Massachusetts island on orders from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sued the governor on Sept. 20, claiming they were subject to a fraudulent and illegal scheme.

Florida officials, acting in concert with others, looked for immigrants by pretending to offer humanitarian aid outside a shelter in Texas and other areas, according to the lawsuit.

“To gain the Plaintiffs’ trust, and to induce unwitting cooperation with Defendants’ scheme, the Doe Defendants provided items such as $10 McDonalds gift certificates to class members suffering from chronic food insecurity. After luring Plaintiffs by exploiting their most basic needs, the Doe Defendants then made false promises and false representations that if Plaintiffs and class members were willing to board airplanes to other states, they would receive employment, housing, educational opportunities, and other like assistance upon their arrival,” the 35-page suit, filed in federal court in Massachusetts, states.

The illegal immigrants, who are not being identified by name, were given free hotel rooms away from migration facilities. They were told they’d be flown to Boston or Washington, D.C., but were instead transported to Martha’s Vineyard, an island in Massachusetts, according to the suit.

The officials who transported them “disappeared and did not answer alarmed calls from the class members to get information about what had gone wrong after they landed,” the suit said, adding: “But nothing had ‘gone wrong.’ Instead, the scheme worked exactly as the Defendants intended.”

The class-action suit alleges violations of constitutional rights and federal law, including the Civil Action for Deprivation of Rights Act. Plaintiffs are asking for a ruling declaring what DeSantis and other officials did is illegal and a prohibition against them from taking similar actions in the future. They also want damages.

White House Again Walks Back Biden Statement That US Would Defend Taiwan From Chinese Invasion

U.S. President Joe Biden once again affirmed that the United States would militarily defend Taiwan from an invasion by China’s ruling communist party.

When asked during a “60 Minutes” interview on CBS whether U.S. forces would defend Taiwan from a Chinese attack, Biden answered unambiguously.

“Yes, if, in fact, there was an unprecedented attack,” he said on the show, which aired on Sept. 18.

Asked to clarify whether he would commit U.S. troops to the defense of Taiwan, as opposed to the economic measures he has committed to Ukraine, Biden said “yes.”

The interview was the fourth time Biden said the United States would defend Taiwan. It was also the most explicit declaration. Each time, the White House has scrambled to roll back Biden’s comments, and this time was no different.

Immediately after Biden’s comment, the program ran a voiceover saying that a White House official said after the interview that “U.S. policy has not changed,” and officially, the United States won’t say whether U.S. forces would defend Taiwan.

The United States has historically maintained a policy of so-called strategic ambiguity on the issue of defending Taiwan. Under the policy, U.S. leadership will typically neither confirm nor deny whether the nation would protect Taiwan militarily.

On this occasion, a White House spokesperson also said U.S. policy toward Taiwan hasn’t changed.

“The president has said this before, including in Tokyo earlier this year,” the spokesperson said. “He also made clear then that our Taiwan policy hasn’t changed. That remains true.”

The issue of whether the United States would defend Taiwan from invasion is a contentious one and is likely the most fraught in all of the issues facing Sino–American relations.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which rules China as a single-party state, claims that Taiwan is a rogue Chinese province that must be united with the mainland and has vowed to use military force to achieve that goal if necessary.

However, Taiwan has never been controlled by the CCP and has been self-governing since 1949. Moreover, it maintains extensive trade ties with other countries, including the United States.

The United States maintains a “one China” policy, which formally recognizes—but doesn’t endorse—the CCP’s position on the matter.

House Democrats Kill Resolution to Investigate Hunter Biden

House Democrats on the Oversight Committee on Tuesday voted against a Republican resolution that would have ordered President Joe Biden’s administration to turn over documents about Hunter Biden’s business deals.

The “resolution of inquiry,” led by Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the top Republican on the Oversight Committee, would have ordered Biden’s administration to provide a plethora of documents about the Biden family’s overseas business deals, including those involving the president’s son, Hunter.

Trump Lawyers Decline Special Master Requests on Document Declassification Details

Former President Donald Trump’s legal team has rejected a request to disclose details about his claims of having declassified the documents seized by the FBI from his Mar-a-Lago residence in the upcoming proceedings.

In a court filing (pdf) on Sept. 19, Trump’s legal team told Judge Raymond Dearie—a Brooklyn-based senior judge serving as an independent arbiter to review the documents—that making such a disclosure was not a requirement of District Court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order when appointing Dearie as special master and could disadvantage the plaintiff.

“[T]he Special Master process will have forced the Plaintiff to fully and specifically disclose a defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment without such a requirement being evident in the District Court’s order,” the court filing says.

Trump’s legal team made the statement in reference to a “draft case management plan” that Dearie circulated among the two parties ahead of the Mar-a-Lago review. Dearie will hold a “preliminary conference” for the parties at his Brooklyn courthouse at 2 p.m. local time on Sept. 20.

The draft case management plan, according to the court filing, “requires that the Plaintiff disclose specific information regarding declassification to the Court and to the Government.”

Trump’s attorneys argued that their client would do better to make the disclosure together with a motion seeking the recovery of property.

“We respectfully submit that the time and place for affidavits or declarations would be in connection with a Rule 41 motion that specifically alleges declassification as a component of its argument for return of property,” the court filing says.

The FBI raid on Aug. 8 ended with FBI agents seizing a total of 11,179 documents and other materials that weren’t marked classified, along with 103 documents marked classified, including some marked as top secret, according to an inventory released earlier this month.

Body Language Experts Share Advice on How to Tell When Politicians Lie

With midterm elections looming, some voters are still undecided about candidate choices.

And when campaign claims conflict, some wonder, who’s being honest?

That doesn’t have to be a mystery anymore, body language experts told The Epoch Times.

But first, voters seeking to root out the truth must forget everything they’ve been told about how to spot a lie. Wrong are the generations-old myths, such as a liar’s inability to look into the eyes of the person he’s trying to deceive.

“Averting eyes is not a clue of deception, and not looking up to the right, and not looking up to the left—all of that science has been debunked” by at least 22 peer-reviewed studies, says expert Susan Constantine.

So what does expose a lie?

There’s no one sign for any person. But there are behaviors all liars have in

Nolte: Man Admits to Killing Teen He Claimed Was ‘Republican Extremist’

According to a local North Dakota report, early Sunday morning a man called 911 and admitted to the hit and run of an 18-year-old. His motive? A “political argument” with a Republican.

Forty-one-year-old Shannon Brandt said he was afraid 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson was “part of a Republican extremist group and that he was afraid they were ‘coming to get him.’”

So he allegedly killed Ellingson with his car.


After visiting the scene where the incident happened, deputies went to Brandt’s house in Glenfield, ND, which is about 12 minutes from the crash scene. Brandt admitted to consuming alcohol before the incident, and stated he hit Ellingson with his car because he had a political argument with him. Brandt also admitted to deputies that he initially left the crash scene, then returned to call 911, but left again before deputies could arrive.

Court documents say just before the crash, Ellingson called his mom and asked if they knew who Brandt was. She said yes, and told her son she was on her way to pick him up. A short time later, court documents say Ellingson called his mom again to say that “he” or “they” were chasing him. It was after the second call that Ellingson could not be reached again.

Brandt has been charged with vehicular homicide and drunk driving.

Assuming everything in this report is accurate, and Brandt is convicted of  “chasing” and running down Ellingson, this is almost certainly the result His Fraudulency Joe Biden and the corporate media have sought with their relentless demonization of Republicans. We’re a danger to democracy, they say. We’re evil extremists.

FBI ‘Overstates’ Domestic Violent Extremism Threat, Removes Agents From Child Abuse Cases: New Whistleblower

A new whistleblower has alleged the FBI is “manipulating” case files to make it seem like America has a bigger “domestic violent extremism” (DVE) problem than it does, while redirecting resources away from child sexual abuse investigations to prioritize Jan. 6 cases, according to Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).

The new whistleblower’s disclosures, Jordan said, indicate that the way the FBI’s field office in Washington, D.C. handles DVE cases related to Jan. 6 “diverge[s]” from established practice in such a way that it “overstates the national DVE threat.”

Instead of records reflecting a number of DVE cases “stemming from a single, black swan incident” in D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021, it appears on paper as if there has been a rise in DVE threats all around the country.

Jordan raised the allegations with FBI Director Christopher Wray in a letter on Monday, saying whistleblowers have contacted elected officials about “disturbing conduct” at the FBI, including “politicization within the Washington Field Office (WFO).”

This is not the first time Jordan has raised whistleblower allegations with Wray along these lines. In July, the Ohio congressman wrote to Wray about allegations supervisors were pressuring agents to “reclassify cases” as DVE even if they didn’t meet the criteria.

“Since then, new whistleblowers have come forward with concerning information about how the FBI is deliberately manipulating the way case files related to January 6 investigations are maintained in order to create a false and misleading narrative that domestic violent extremism is increasing around the country,” Jordan wrote.

Democrats Prepare for the Possibility of Divided Government in 2023

After two years of unilateral control of the government, Democrats are preparing for the possibility of a divided government following the results of the 2022 midterms.

Despite continued hopes that they will hold the Senate, which many observers favor them to do, Democrats are facing long odds in the House, where most projections predict a GOP majority will return after two years in the minority.

Though Republicans are far from throwing in the towel in the battle for the U.S. Senate, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has gotten flack from his party for his gloomy predictions about Republicans’ prospects.

“Flipping the Senate, what are the chances? It’s a 50–50 proposition,” McConnell told the Scott County Chamber of Commerce in August when asked about the approaching battle. “We’ve got a 50–50 Senate right now. We’ve got a 50–50 nation. And I think the outcome is likely to be very, very close either way.”

McConnell blamed “candidate quality” for the gloomy outlook, which was followed by an op-ed from National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Rick Scott (R-Fla.)—the number two Senate Republican for organizing campaign strategy and fundraising—blasting “treasonous” Republicans “trash-talking” Senate GOP candidates.

Like Scott, Senate Judiciary Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) remains optimistic about his party’s prospects, predicting a 52-48 Republican majority next year.

Still, if Republicans fail to retake the Senate, Democrats are still likely to face an end to their extended reign over the past two years. At the moment, FiveThirtyEight gives Republicans a 71 in 100 chance of retaking the House after four years in the majority.

Exclusive— Peter Navarro: ‘Everything’ Mitch McConnell ‘Did Was Designed to Screw Donald Trump’

Peter Navarro, former White House director of trade and manufacturing policy and author of Taking Back Trump’s America: Why We Lost the White House and How We’ll Win It Back, told Breitbart News on Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) subverted former President Donald Trump’s “drain the swamp” pursuit by delaying appointments for top officials at federal government agencies and departments.

“The only thing I’ll give to his credit is he helped President Trump get a lot of conservative judges appointed — okay, good for him — but everything else he did was designed to screw Donald Trump,” Navarro said on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

These 5 Senate Seats Might Flip in November

Fifty days remain until the Nov. 8 general election that will determine whether Democrats retain a majority in the House and Senate or if Republicans can gain control of one or both chambers.

A lot can change in 50 days, campaign teams and political strategists agree.

Earlier in the summer, Republicans seemed to have a significant advantage with record-high inflation and gas prices and Biden’s low approval ratings. The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in July appeared to energize Democrats.

The FBI’s raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida last month has fired up conservative Republicans.

The economy, many political pundits believe, will play a significant role in midterm elections, and Democrats are pointing to declining gas prices and Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act and student loan forgiveness plan as examples that brighter days are ahead for Americans’ bank accounts.

While multiple forecasts project that Republicans will regain control in the House, even GOP leaders are split about the future of the Senate. Nationwide, 14 seats held by Democrats and 21 filled by Republicans are on the ballot.

Last month, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told reporters that he believes Republicans have a better chance of winning the House than the Senate. The quality of the GOP’s Senate candidates could hinder the party’s ability to regain control of the Senate, he added.

“I think there’s probably a greater likelihood the House flips than the Senate. Senate races are just different—they’re statewide [and] candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome,” McConnell said.

Special Master in Trump Case Says He Doesn’t Want to See Records Marked Classified

A U.S. judge appointed as a special master in the legal battle over records held at former President Donald Trump’s home said on Sept. 20 that he prefers not to see the materials marked classified that were seized by FBI agents.

“Let’s not belittle the fact that we are dealing with at least potentially legitimately classified information. The government has a very strong obligation, as all of us, to see it to that that information doesn’t get in the wrong hands,” U.S. District Judge Raymond Dearie, a Reagan appointee, said during a hearing in federal court in New York City.

“It’s not just a matter, it seems to me, of being cleared. It is a matter of need to know. And if you need to know, you will know,” he added. “That’s the way I see it. If I can make my judgments without—I don’t want to see the material—it’s presumably sensitive material. If I can make my recommendation to Judge Cannon, right or wrong, without exposing myself or you to that material, I will do it. On the other hand, if I can’t, we have to take another alternative.”

Dearie was speaking in the first hearing held since U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, chose the judge as the special master in the Trump records case.

The U.S. government says it took 103 documents marked classified from Mar-a-Lago in August, along with over 11,000 non-classified documents. The government is trying to shield the documents from Trump’s lawyers and Dearie, while Trump’s team says it wants to see the papers.

“I believe we have a need to know, absolutely,” James Trusty, one of Trump’s attorneys, told Dearie during the hearing.

He said that issues surrounding the lawsuit Trump filed against the government cannot be fully addressed without having “some access” to the materials.

Trusty holds security clearance. He requested expedited clearance for other lawyers on Trump’s team, who do not have clearance as of now, to enable them to also see the documents marked classified, which Trump has said he declassified.

Cannon ordered Dearie to review “all of the materials” seized by the FBI and to ensure that the latest inventory disclosed by the government is accurate, among other duties.

DeSantis: Illegal Immigrant Flights to Martha’s Vineyard ‘Clearly Voluntary’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said on Monday that the flights he chartered for illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard were voluntary.

“It was clearly voluntary, and all the other nonsense you’re hearing is just not true,” DeSantis told Fox News’s Sean Hannity about last week’s flight to the exclusive Massachusetts island. “And why wouldn’t they want to go, given where they were?”

All the illegal immigrants who were transported from Florida to Martha’s Vineyard had to sign consent forms and were given maps and numbers for services in the area, DeSantis said.

Democrats have claimed that DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, also a Republican, have engaged in human trafficking by sending groups of illegal aliens to other parts of the country. For months, Abbott has been busing people who illegally entered the United States to New York City, Chicago, and Washington.

The Democrat sheriff of Bexar County, Texas, announced he opened an investigation into DeSantis’s transport of illegal immigrants. The sheriff’s office claimed that one illegal alien was paid to recruit the others, and they were allegedly promised work or other benefits.

A spokesperson for DeSantis, however, denied those allegations to news outlets and said they were “abandoned, homeless, and left to fend for themselves.”

“They were in really, really bad shape,” DeSantis also said during Monday’s Fox News interview. “There are jobs available in Martha’s Vineyard. There is lodging available in Martha’s Vineyard. Had they lived up to … what they bill themselves out as a sanctuary jurisdiction, they could have absorbed those people without a problem.”

DeSantis, who is up for reelection in November and is seen as a possible presidential contender in 2024, claimed credit for the two flights from San Antonio to Martha’s Vineyard. He also targeted President Joe Biden’s handling of a record number of crossings along the U.S.–Mexico border.

Veterans Committing Suicide At 37% Higher Rate Than VA Claims: Report

A new report by a suicide prevention group has found that veterans are committing suicide at a 37% higher rate than the Department of Veterans Affairs claims.

The “exhaustive” study which was four years in the making examined suicides and “self-injury mortality” – or deaths classified as accidental or undetermined, in those aged 18-64, over the period between 2014 and 2018, Stripes reports. The VA, meanwhile, gets its suicide figures from county authorities where the deaths occur – which fails to identify veterans around 18% of the time.

America’s Warrior Partnership, a suicide prevention group, contracted with the University of Alabama and partnered with Duke University to gather state-provided death data and coordinate with the DOD to corroborate military affiliation. It was funded by the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation.

The study identified a 37% greater suicide rate than reported by the VA. That was because “Operation Deep Dive,” as the study is called, worked to get specificity of the decedent’s demographics, military experience and death details. -Stripes

It’s not the VA’s fault. The issue is the counties,” said Air Force veteran Jim Lorraine, president of America’s Warrior Partnership.

The study looked at death data for Alabama, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana and Oregon.

If death information these eight states is applied to the rest of the country, around 24 veterans die each day by suicide, as determined by a coroner or medical examiner, vs the VA’s average of 17.7 veteran suicides per day. What’s more, around 20 former service members die each day by self-injury mortality – which is defined as accidents or an undetermined cause of death, of which over 80% were overdoses, Lorraine told Stripes.

Those most at risk of suicide are veterans who had served for under three years, had been demoted, and lived alone in a suburban or rural area.

According to Lorraine, the study will continue for anther four years in order to accumulate more data from states and drill down into the particulars of suicides, with the goal of preventing them.

“We’ve got to get those numbers down,” he said.


Elon Musk: Here Comes ‘Optimus’

Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk blamed over reliance on factory robots for sending the electric carmaker to “production hell” four years ago, saying humans were better at certain jobs.

My, how times have changed.

Musk’s Texas company now is floating ambitious plans to deploy thousands of humanoid robots, known as Tesla Bot or Optimus, within its factories, expanding eventually to millions around the world, according to job postings. Buzz is building within the company as Tesla is having more internal meetings on robots, a person familiar with the matter said.

Longer term, Musk said at a TED Talk robots could be used in homes, making dinner, mowing the lawn and caring for the elderly people, and even becoming a “buddy” or a “catgirl” sex partner.

The robot business eventually may be worth more than Tesla’s car revenue, according to Musk, who is now touting a vision for the company that goes well beyond making self-driving electric vehicles.

At its “AI Day” on Sept. 30, Musk said Tesla will unveil a prototype from its project Optimus, an allusion to the powerful and benevolent leader of the Autobots in the Transformers series. Production could start next year, he said.

Tesla faces skepticism that it can show technological advances that would justify the expense of “general purpose” robots in factories, homes and elsewhere, according to robotics experts, investors and analysts interviewed by Reuters.

Tesla already employs hundreds of robots designed for specific jobs for production of its cars.

Humanoid robots have been in development for decades by Honda Motor Co and Hyundai Motor Co’s Boston Dynamics unit. Like self-driving cars, the robots have trouble with unpredictable situations.

“Self-driving cars weren’t really proved to be as easy as anyone thought. And it’s the same way with humanoid robots to some extent,” the lead of NASA’s Dexterous Robotics Team, Shaun Azimi, told Reuters.

“If something unexpected happens, being flexible and robust to those kinds of changes is very difficult.”

At an “Autonomy” event in 2019, Musk promised 1 million robotaxis by 2020 but has yet to deliver such a car.

Musk’s robots may be able to demonstrate basic capabilities at the event, but it would be hard for them to impress public expectations of robots that are as capable as humans, experts say.

To succeed, Tesla will need to show robots doing multiple, unscripted actions, said Nancy Cooke, a professor in human systems engineering at Arizona State University. Such proof could provide a boost to Tesla stock, which is down 25% from its 2021 peak.

Here’s How Much a New Monthly Mortgage Will Cost

For the first time since the housing crash more than a decade ago, mortgage rates have exceeded 6 percent, rising alongside the Federal Reserve’s inflation-busting tightening efforts.

The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 6.02 percent for the week ending on Sept. 15, according to the new Freddie Mac Primary Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS). That’s up from 5.89 percent the previous week and 2.86 percent the same week in 2021, and represents the highest mortgage rate since the housing crash of 2008.

And, while there are signs that property prices are falling, home price levels remain significantly high compared to a year ago. Consequently, the monthly mortgage payment has increased considerably over the past year.

With these interest rates, the average monthly payment for a 30-year mortgage (principal, interest, and private mortgage insurance) is nearly $2,430, according to Redfin’s mortgage calculator. This estimate is based on a median house price of $406,890 and a 10 percent down payment.

About a year ago, the same buyer would have been paying only $1,610 per month, based on a 2.86 percent mortgage rate and a median house price of about $375,410.

Consequently, new homebuyers are paying $820 more each month on their mortgages compared to the same time a year ago.

Elon Musk Wades Into Inflation Debate as Fed Tees Up Another Jumbo Rate Hike

Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk weighed in on the inflation debate as Federal Reserve policymakers prepared to convene for a two-day meeting at which markets expect the central bank to deliver another large rate hike to cool soaring prices.

Musk took to Twitter on Sept. 19 to argue that former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers had made a “fundamental error” in viewing the current bout of inflation as similar to the 1970s and deeply entrenched.

“Yes, the fundamental error is reasoning by analogy, rather than first principles,” Musk wrote in response to a message by Ark Invest CEO and CIO Cathie Wood, who argued that Summers “seems to be leading the Biden administration astray with his conviction that inflation is intractable, with the 1970s as his guide.”

Wood added in a follow-on message that the current bout of inflation started with the pandemic and supply-chain dislocations, and was made worse by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“The Fed is solving supply-chain issues by crushing demand and, in my view, unleashing deflation, setting it up for a major pivot,” she argued, prompting Musk to respond with his concurrence.

Musk’s remarks feed into the current debate around whether the Fed is hiking too much or too little, and whether more inflation—or deflation—is in the pipeline as the economy cools.

Good Fiscal News from the States

In the past few years, the federal government has passed massive subsidy bills and damaging tax hikes. Democrats are rapidly growing the government, and Republican leaders seem incapable of articulating a pro‐​market agenda in response. It has been a nightmare for fiscal conservatism.

But there is good news on fiscal policy. A wildfire of state income‐​tax cuts is sweeping the nation. Republicans are leading the reforms, but even Democratic states are offering some taxpayer relief.

The dollar value of recent state tax cuts is the largest in at least four decades, made possible by overflowing coffers in most states. Even with the cuts, state tax revenues rose 10 percent in 2021 and will likely rise another 10 percent in 2022.

The states could have spent all the extra money, but Republicans have pressed for pro-​growth tax cuts in state after state. More than 20 states have cut individual or corporate income tax rates, with some of the reforms being phased in over time.


Tesla Bursts Into Flames, Connecticut Firefighters Need 25,000+ Gallons of Water to Extinguish

Yet another electric vehicle built by Elon Musk’s Tesla has caught fire and caused serious problems for firefighters attempting to extinguish the vehicle, this time taking over 25,000 gallons of water for firefighters in Stamford, Connecticut, to get the inferno under control.

Fox61 reports that another Tesla has caused major issues after catching fire with firefighters in Stamford, Connecticut, struggling to put out the blaze. Breitbart News recently reported that fire departments have begun recognizing that electric vehicle fires pose a significant danger and need further training to handle them appropriately.

First responders in Oklahoma recently underwent special training to handle electric vehicle (EV) crashes and fires following a growing number of incidents throughout the U.S. One training coordinate explained why special EV training is required, explaining: “They burn significantly hotter so they can throw a 2,000-degree flame out like a torch.”

Now, a Tesla that caught fire in Connecticut took three times the normal effort to extinguish, according to the Stamford Fire Department. The car’s batteries had also fallen out of the vehicle onto the ground giving firefighters better access, yet still required 600 gallons of water a minute to extinguish, totaling more than 25,000 gallons of water to quell the blaze.


Flashback: Transhumanism Is The New Religion For Postmodern Times

We are witnessing the birth of a new faith. It is not a theistic religion. Indeed, unlike Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, it replaces a personal relationship with a transcendent God in the context of a body of believers with a fervent and radically individualistic embrace of naked materialistic personal recreation.

Moreover, in contrast to the orthodox Christian, Judaic, and Islamic certainty that human beings are made up of both material body and immaterial soul – and that both matter – adherents of the new faith understand that we have a body, but what really counts is mind, which is ultimately reducible to mere chemical and electrical exchanges. Indeed, contrary to Christianity’s view of an existing Heaven or, say, Buddhism’s conception of the world as illusion, the new faith insists that the physical is all that has been, is, or ever will be.

Such thinking leads to nihilism. That’s where the new religion leaves past materialistic philosophies behind, by offering adherents hope. Where traditional theism promises personal salvation, the new faith offers the prospect of rescue via radical life-extension attained by technological applications – a postmodern twist, if you will, on faith’s promise of eternal life. This new religion is known as “transhumanism, ” and it is all the rage among the Silicon Valley nouveau riche, university philosophers, and among bioethicists and futurists seeking the comforts and benefits of faith without the concomitant responsibilities of following dogma, asking for forgiveness, or atoning for sin – a foreign concept to transhumanists. Truly, transhumanism is a religion for our postmodern times.

Transhumanist prophets anticipate a coming neo-salvific event known as the “Singularity”

Transhumanism makes two core promises. First, humans will soon acquire heightened capacities, not through deep prayer, meditation, or personal discipline, but merely by taking a pill, engineering our DNA, or otherwise harnessing medical science and technology to transcend normal physical limitations. More compellingly, transhumanism promises that adherents will soon experience, if not eternal life, then at least indefinite existence – in this world, not the next – through the wonders of applied science.

This is where transhumanism becomes truly eschatological. Transhumanist prophets anticipate a coming neo-salvific event known as the “Singularity” – a point in human history when the crescendo of scientific advances become unstoppable, enabling transhumanists to recreate themselves in their own image. Want to have the eyesight of a hawk? Edit in a few genes. Want to raise your IQ? Try a brain implant. Want to look like a walrus? Well, why not? Different strokes for different folks, don’t you know?

Most importantly, in the post-Singularity world, death itself will be defeated. Perhaps, we will repeatedly renew our bodies through cloned organ replacements or have our heads cryogenically frozen to allow eventual surgical attachment to a different body. However, transhumanists’ greatest hope is to eternally save their minds (again, as opposed to souls) via personal uploading into computer programs. Yes, transhumanists expect to ultimately live without end in cyberspace, crafting their own virtual realities, or perhaps, merging their consciousnesses with others’ to experience multi-beinghood.

Transhumanists used to repudiate any suggestion that their movement is a form of, or substitute for, religion. But in recent years, that denial has worn increasingly thin. For example, Yuval Harari, a historian and transhumanist from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, told The Telegraph, “I think it is likely in the next 200 years or so Homo sapiens will upgrade themselves into some idea of a divine being, either through biological manipulation or genetic engineering by the creation of cyborgs, part organic, part non-organic.”


Effects of curcumin on low-density lipoprotein oxidation: From experimental studies to clinical practice.

Atherosclerosis is the most frequent cause of death globally. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) has an essential role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and foamy macrophages. Ox-LDL increases the uptake of cholesterol by macrophages and is the major cause of blood flow disruption. Ox-LDL is produced during oxidative stress and treatment with antioxidants could inhibit the production and function of ox-LDL. Curcumin is a potent antioxidant and has a strong track record in the treatment of numerous diseases. Recent studies indicate that Curcumin exerts a lipid-lowering effect, and can modulate the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. The current review focuses upon the role of Curcumin in oxidation of LDL and foam cell formation in atherosclerotic lesions.

→ Power Mall Product of Recommendation: CurcuminX4000 With Fenugreek

Are Disposable Diapers Harming Children’s Health?

Babies’ health is assaulted from all sides through exposure to toxins in their limited environment including plastic particles in the water supply and baby bottles, heavy metal in store-bought baby food and diapers loaded with toxic chemicals

Although the Consumer Product Safety Commission is tasked with regulating the industry, diapers are only tested for lead. Diapers are incontinent supplies for babies, but they are not regulated under medical devices by the FDA, as are adult supplies

Babies may use up to 2,500 diapers in the first year of life and up to 4,800 by the time they are toilet trained; diaper testing has found a list of volatile organic compounds, pesticides, formaldehyde, fragrances and dioxins in multiple products, several of which exceeded the health threshold

In addition to the cognitive and physical impairment associated with exposure to environmental toxins, disposable diapers have a significant impact on the environment, including the sheer number of diapers that reach landfills and off-gassing methane as they degrade

Consider using Environmental Working Group (EWG) verified disposable diapers to lower the risk of exposure to toxins, or switch to organic cotton or hemp cloth diapers. The EWG recommends checking ingredients and avoiding fragrances and lotions on babies’ skin

How Can Dental Floss Be Dangerous?

Flossing, which reduces your risk of periodontal disease, may increase your exposure to toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemicals, used to make the floss glide easily between your teeth

PFAS are a group of industrial, man-made persistent chemicals found in food packaging, household products and cosmetics, and are associated with some cancers, thyroid disease and ulcerative colitis to name just a few

The fight against PFAS has included a legal settlement against one manufacturing company, an EPA PFAS summit during which they threw out some members of the press, and an attempt by the Trump Administration to suppress data believing it would cause a “public relations nightmare”

To reduce your exposure to these toxic chemicals, use dental floss covered in wax and not toxic chemicals; drink pure water; eliminate nonstick cookware; and avoid eating at fast food restaurants

School uniforms in N America linked to PFAS “forever chemicals”

A study of school uniforms in the US and Canada reveals high levels of so-called “forever chemicals”.

The chemicals, known as PFAS, are used to make clothing resistant to stains or water but they have been linked to asthma, obesity and fertility issues.

Researchers found that uniforms made with 100% cotton showed higher levels than synthetic materials.

Exposing children to these chemicals may increase the long-term health risk, the scientists believe.

The issue is less of a concern in the UK because almost all retailers’ own brand uniforms are PFAS free, say campaigners.

This latest study focuses on the contact with the chemicals that may occur as a result of wearing school uniforms.

It’s estimated that around 20% of children in the US and Canada wear uniforms, in public and private schools.

“All of these clothes that we targeted are polo shirts and khaki pants, the usual uniforms, but they were specifically marketed as a stain resistant,” said Dr Marta Venier from Indiana University who led the study.

“So we were selective in picking clothes that were labelled as stain resistant. And what we found was that PFAS were present in all of these items.”

The researchers looked for total fluorine levels in the products to indicate the presence of PFAS. They found that the school uniform samples had higher levels than weather-resistant outdoor wear.

Products made from 100% cotton contained more than synthetic products. The scientists believe that this is because synthetic items have a higher water and stain resistance.

Inexpensive Off-Label Drug May Offer Relief From Acute Migraine: Doctors

A beta blocker eye drop that costs less than $10 may be able to help acute migraine sufferers by stopping the acute attacks from worsening or at least lessening their intensity, according to several ophthalmologists.

The doctors find that timolol eye drops (0.5 percent) that are approved for a certain eye disorder, when used off-label, are an effective and relatively safe treatment for patients with acute migraine when used immediately after symptom onset.

Dr. John C. Hagan, an ophthalmologist with over 50 years of experience said that for some people, treating their acute migraines involves using timolol in combination with other medications.

“So most of the people that we call success, don’t use the beta blocker drops as sole therapy,” Hagan told The Epoch Times. “They use like an analgesic, Tylenol or aspirin, or they use a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory like Advil or something like that.”

Dr. Melissa Toyos, an oculofacial plastic surgeon who developed migraines in her late 20s, relies on several different medications to abort the acute migraine attacks.

“I have access to all of the migraine meds including many of the pricier ones and ironically, the triptans have caused chest pain and minimal improvements while otc [over-the-counter] Excedrin and beta blockers (along with CGRP inhibitors and anti-nausea sublingual tablets) have become my mainstay,” Toyos said in an email to The Epoch Times.

She said that the beta blocker eye drops help with “nipping the migraine in the bud before it becomes full-blown and avoiding some of the less desirable side effects of other headache medications.”

Deer Encroaching on Suburban Backyards Are Spreading Lyme Ticks

They look so cute, grazing quietly in your backyard. But the overpopulation of white-tailed deer across the Northeastern United States could help spread Lyme disease and another tick-borne illness, anaplasmosis, especially in suburban areas, a new study suggests.

The research points out that these deer, which carry ticks that transmit the two diseases, are no longer confined to wooded areas, but often live within yards of suburban homes, increasing the risk of transmission.

“Your yard is their home, and if you’re concerned about ticks or tick management, or potentially damage done, then you need to recognize that this is where they actually choose to live and either work with them or manage against them,” said lead researcher Jennifer Mullinax. She’s an assistant professor of wildlife ecology and management at the University of Maryland.

The deer themselves are not a threat to health. But the black-legged (deer ticks) and lone star ticks they carry spread Lyme and other diseases, Mullinax explained.


Experts Say Upgrading U.S. Power Grid “could cost $2 trillion between now and the year 2050”; More Rolling Blackouts Expected

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been associated with threatening power grids (see 1, 2), fires (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), health and environmental issues (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), and high costs (see 1, 2, 3, 4).  Of course, according to experts, EV mandates aren’t the only thing threatening American power grids. Utility grid operators have been warning that the rush to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources is threatening power grids as well.  More of the same was recently reported by “Full Measure”:

Power Problems

By Full Measure Staff

America’s push to move faster to green energy is compounding stress on the current system and creating a new brand of energy crisis in the U.S. Scott Thuman reports on the growing power problem.

Tesla Increases EV Charging Price AGAIN This Year

Tesla vehicles have been and continue to be associated with high maintenance costs as well as multiple security (see 1, 2, 3) and safety issues, some of which have led to fatal accidents, lawsuits, recalls, and investigations (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22).  Safety issues include battery fires and fires that are difficult to extinguish (see 1, 2).  Of course, battery fires and fires that are difficult to extinguish have also been reported with other company’s electric vehicles (EVs) as well (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).  But I digress.  In regard to high costs – Tesla recently again increased the cost to charge its vehicles in Europe.

From ZeroHedge:

Tesla Is Hiking Supercharger Prices “Significantly” Across Europe

Prices are going up at the pump…err, we mean the Tesla Superchargers. 

According to a new report from electrek, Tesla is increasing prices at its Supercharger stations “significantly” across Europe as the continent continues to deal with a sprawling energy crisis that shows no signs of slowing.

The additional price hikes come after Tesla has already increased prices throughout 2022.

“Due to an increase in energy prices, we are adjusting Supercharging pricing across Europe,” Tesla wrote in a letter to its owners in Europe this week. The rising prices not only are a burden for EV owners, but they are starting to challenge the narrative that EVs are cheaper to own and operate on a day to day basis.

The blog lamented that it used to cost no more than $5 or $10 for a full charge at a Supercharger. Now, prices are approaching $30.

One Zero Hedge contributor in Europe experienced the rise in prices firsthand this week when an Uber driver, sporting an EV other than a Tesla, remarked that electricity prices had soared over the past week, and that it now costs about $30 to charge fully at a Supercharging station.

A couple dollars more and it’ll almost cost the same as filling up with a tank of gas. Oh, the irony…

ESG Is Simply a Socialist Plot by a Group of ‘Corporate Elites,’ Disguised as Free Market: Andy Puzder

Many leftist progressive groups are pushing forward environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards on companies and investments, claiming that such standards will benefit society. Andy Puzder, a visiting fellow at The Heritage Foundation and author of “The Capitalist Comeback,” warns that ESG is simply socialist ideologies being falsely presented as the free market.

In an interview with The Epoch Times’ Crossroads program, Puzder pointed out that while capitalism is a form of “economic democracy,” with customers in charge of the economy, socialism involves the elites controlling the economy. In capitalism, people vote with their dollars while companies become profitable by meeting the needs of the people.

ESG is a form of investing whereby the focus is on “accomplishing leftist political agenda” as opposed to enhancing investor returns.

A group of “corporate elites” at financial firms like BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard—which together control more than $20 trillion worth of investments—are “imposing their will” on the managers of companies that they are invested in.

Corporate elites pushing ESG investments are not, as such, part of the government. But now under the Biden administration, “the government elites are working with them,” said Puzder. As radical leftist ideologies are not overtly popular, such ideas are being pushed onto companies via ESG investing, he stated.

The three financial firms combined are the biggest investors in 80 percent of the firms listed in the S&P 500 Index, with BlackRock alone being the second- or the third-largest shareholder in 80 percent of the S&P 500, Puzder said.

“It’s a threat to our economic freedom because they use this tremendous voting power to compel the management of these companies not only to pursue these leftist goals but also to put those leftist goals above their obligation, their traditional obligation to generate returns for shareholders,” he warned.

“And it’s a threat to our individual liberty because they figured out how to use our money to do it.” These investment companies use money that the public has invested in 401(k)s and pension funds to push forward their agenda.

Radical leftist ideas, such as critical race theory, are being indoctrinated into employees, teaching them that they are either oppressors or oppressed based on skin color.

This is basically training workers to “hate each other.” ESG also prioritizes hiring people based on their sex or race rather than individual qualifications, Puzder stated.

Rescue effort under way after some 230 whales beached in Tasmania

An estimated 230 whales have been stranded on Tasmania’s west coast, just days after 14 sperm whales were found beached on an island off the northwestern Tasmania coast.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania said on Wednesday that marine conservation experts were travelling to the site of a mass stranding of what appeared to be pilot whales on Ocean Beach near Macquarie Harbour.


How to Store Potatoes Long Term

Potatoes are one of our top storage crops. With the right varieties in good storage conditions, they’ll last from fall harvest to when the next crop comes in. We’ll share tips for harvest, curing, and how to store potatoes long term.


EXCLUSIVE: Hospital With 1st COVID Vaccine Mandate in United States Not Requiring Updated Booster

The first hospital in the United States to mandate all its health care workers get the COVID-19 vaccine has quietly decided not to require the updated booster shot after facing staffing shortages, according to an internal email obtained by The Epoch Times.

Houston Methodist Hospital in April 2021 announced it was mandating the vaccine. The hospital fired hundreds of employees who refused to get the original vaccines, and later mandated booster shots.

But in the new email, the hospital’s chief physician informed employees that they will not be made to get the newest boosters, which are produced by Pfizer and Moderna and aimed at the Omicron subvariant strains BA.4 and BA.5.

“At this time, Houston Methodist will not mandate the new booster,” Dr. Robert Phillips, the executive vice president and chief physician executive at Houston Methodist wrote in the Sept. 12 email, which was reviewed by The Epoch Times. “We will continue to follow the scientific data, the level of infections in the community and the availability of vaccines and may mandate the new booster in the future if necessary.”

Houston Methodist promoted itself as the first hospital system in the country to mandate the COVID-19 vaccines for all employees. The mandate went into effect in June 2021 and 153 health care workers were terminated for not getting the shots. In 2022, the hospital mandated all its employees get a vaccine booster shot by March 1.

Spokeswoman Stefanie Asin said the hospital hadn’t ended its vaccine mandate.

“We just aren’t mandating the new booster just yet. Waiting to see if we surge again and what the scientific data will show,” Asin told the Epoch Times.

Asked what “scientific data” was being used, Asin did not respond.

Whole-Of-Government EO Begins: FDA Embraces Transhumanist Narrative On Latest COVID Shots

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is now advertising the new COVID booster as an “antibody update” to “recharge your immunity” — as if your immune system were a battery that needs recharging, or your immunity a software system that requires gene therapy “updates.” This is transhumanist lingo that has no bearing on real-world biology or physiology, and proves the FDA is onboard with the transhumanist ideas of technocracy pushed by the globalist cabal

According to a risk-benefit analysis looking at the impact of booster mandates for university students, between 22,000 and 30,000 previously uninfected adults (aged 18 to 29) must be boosted with an mRNA vaccine to prevent one COVID-19 hospitalization

For each hospitalization prevented, the jab will cause 18 to 98 serious adverse events, including 1.7 to three booster-associated myocarditis cases in males

A small observational study led by neurology researchers at the National Institutes of Health found “a variety of neuropathic symptoms” occurring within three to four weeks of COVID injection

Naturopath Henry Ealy and two Oregon state senators, Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum, are trying to compel the state court in Oregon to order the impaneling of a special grand jury to investigate criminal data fraud by the CDC

Bombshell: Sars-Cov2, Those Responsible by Name and How it Was Done

Americans following the mystery of COVID-19, how it originated and where has been a topic of discussion since the insanity began of locking down this country, dangerous mask mandates and the rank stupidity of six feet distancing now have proof and evidence of the major players and how this criminal act was pulled off thanks to the amazing research and hard work of Tom Renz, his team and Make Americans Free Again.

Renz is an attorney involved in several lawsuits including the one I cited in my last column.  Lawsuits involving victims of those experimental gene editing technology injections being passed off as vaccines.  I also wrote at the bottom of my column:  “Will those responsible for this massive crime against humanity – SARS-CoV-2 and those injections ever be held accountable?  Will the truth finally be revealed?   Yes, and soon which is all I can say for now.”

Well, Renz just released for the public what I consider to be the BOMBSHELL document:

BREAKING: The Origins of SARS-COV2Fauci, Wuhan, EcoHealth & More – “Renz Law in collaboration with Make Americans Free Again have put together a report presentation documenting 133 Citations, Declaration of an employee of EcoHealth under penalty of perjury, months of research and consulting with experts. Below you find a copy of the presentation and the full report.”

This is a 57-page document that must be read in its entirety.  It is the story of SARS-CoV-2 from start until now.  Criminal acts by named individuals paid for by you and me.  You will be absolutely shocked regarding intelligence agencies and guess whose name pops up in that document?  Hunter Biden.

Not speculation but hard scientific facts and evidence, some of which has been provided by a whistleblower on the inside with impeccable credentials.  I suspect we’ll see more to come in the way of those wanting to do the right thing or…the old tactic of the first one who sings gets the best deal.  Better hurry up as the iceberg is dead ahead.

To read – and you must (I’ve read it twice), go here.  Scroll down to the September 12, 2022 date for the 57-page report just released.

There will be another development very soon so stay tuned.  The day of reckoning is here for the guilty and that includes unnamed individuals in the alphabet soup agencies.  They all need to be indicted, tried, convicted and sent to a federal SuperMax prison locked down for 23 hours a day until they all die.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00


Yeshiva University Suspends Club Activities After Supreme Court Says It Must Recognize LGBT Group

Yeshiva University announced it will suspend all campus club activities in its latest attempt to resist a Sept. 14 Supreme Court ruling that lifted an order that had allowed the university in New York to refuse to accept an LGBT group based on the school’s religious beliefs.

The temporary freeze came ahead of the Jewish High Holidays that start on the evening of Sept. 25, the school’s independent student newspaper The Commentator reported on Sept. 16, citing a university email to students. Founded in 1897, the Orthodox Jewish university describes itself in court documents as “the world’s premier Torah-based institution of higher education.”

“Considering the upcoming Chagim [holiday],” reads the letter that was sent via an unattributed student activities university email account. “The university will hold off on all undergraduate club activities while it immediately takes steps to follow the roadmap provided by the U.S. Supreme Court to protect [Yeshiva University’s] religious freedom.”

The move came after the Supreme Court’s 5–4 decision on Sept. 14, declining to issue the Jewish university a stay on an order to recognize the LGBT student organization on campus, known as YU Pride Alliance. It stemmed from a June court decision that ordered Yeshiva to fully recognize the group, which the religious institution rebuked, arguing it would go against its teachings.

Federal Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Against Group Involved in ‘2000 Mules’ Documentary
A federal judge has temporarily restrained a Texas organization involved in the documentary “2000 Mules” from accessing any more of Konnech computers and ordered it to provide information on how it was able to tap into the company’s network.

Konnech is a Michigan-based elections logistics company founded by Eugene Yu.

“The Temporary Restraining Order [TRO] is in the public interest because it is in the public’s interest to enjoin conduct that the United States Congress has found to be unlawful, to prevent the disclosure of personal identifying and banking information, and the TRO would, in fact, benefit the public’s expectation of integrity in the U.S. election process,” U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt wrote in his Sept. 12 order.

Konnech sued True the Vote in the Houston Division of the Southern District of Texas on the same day the TRO was issued, alleging that True the Vote president Catherine Engelbrecht and board member Gregg Phillips violated the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act while defaming Yu.

“Defendants are in business to capitalize [on] their claim that the 2020 presidential election was ‘stolen,’” wrote Yu’s attorney Constantine Pamphilis in the complaint. “Defendants most recently capitalized on their claims of election fraud through their involvement in the production of a so-called ‘documentary’ titled ‘2000 Mules’.”

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