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Today's News: September 23, 2019

World News

Russia formally declares alleged CIA mole missing, search underway, database shows
RT – Russia has officially declared a former Kremlin official alleged to have been a CIA informant missing and is looking for him, the Interior Ministry’s database shows.
US media reports, confirmed to Reuters by two sources, say a CIA informant in the Russian government was extracted and brought to the US in 2017. The official may have been a man called Oleg Smolenkov, who reportedly disappeared with his wife, Antonina, and three children while on holiday in Montenegro in June 2017.
The ministry’s database shows that Smolenkov has now been declared missing and that the ministry is looking for him, RIA Novosti reported.
US media reports have described the informant as a high-level CIA source. The Kremlin has confirmed that Smolenkov worked in the Russian presidential administration, but said he was fired in 2016/17 and was not senior.
Supreme Court to rule on Parliament suspension on Tuesday
BBC – A ruling on the legality of Boris Johnson’s decision to suspend Parliament will be announced by the Supreme Court on Tuesday at 10:30 BST.
Ministers say the five-week suspension – or prorogation – is not a court matter, but critics argue the PM wants to limit scrutiny of his Brexit policy.
Parliament is currently due to return on 14 October, with the UK scheduled to leave the EU on 31 October.
US may attempt to sabotage Venezuela’s parliamentary vote in 2020, Maduro says
RT – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro warned that Washington is looking to derail the nation’s parliamentary election because “they can’t win” otherwise. The parliament is currently run by the US-backed opposition.
The US may try to sabotage the nation’s general election, scheduled for 2020, Maduro told Russia’s Rossiya 24 TV in an interview, broadcasted on Monday.
I can already warn the international community that the current US government with its extremist policy and unconventional war against Venezuela is mulling disrupting the parliamentary election.
Washington wants to meddle in the upcoming vote because “they know that they can’t win” otherwise, Maduro said.
The parliament is currently controlled by a coalition of opposition parties whose leader, Juan Guaido, declared himself ‘interim president’ of the nation in January, openly challenging Maduro’s rule. Guaido has since held numerous mass anti-government protests in the nation’s capital, Caracas and urged the army and police to join his supporters in toppling the government. The military and law enforcement, however, remain loyal to Maduro.
Swedish ‘Sustainable Food’ Project Teaches Kids to Eat Insects, Garbage
Sputnik – A new Swedish project aimed at cultivating a taste for climate-friendly food among little children includes such dubious delicacies as Algae Ball, Bug Mac, and Tasty Waste.
The Swedish company WIN WIN has launched a new project aimed at paving the way for the “food of the future” in order to enable a “switch from high-carbon beef to low-carbon bugs”, the newspaper Veckans Affärer reported.
The idea of Play Food from the Future is for the kids to acquire a taste for food considered marginally edible or unsavoury by today’s standards by using 3D-printed toys.
“The toy food should accustom children and parents to the idea that the food of the future contains ingredients that many of today’s adults would reject,” the press release said.
“Each toy shows a category of sustainable food that children are probably not used to, but which we will have to start eating in the future if we are to save this planet,” Petter Swanberg, one of the creators behind the project, told Veckans Affären.
According to the company, the menu of the future includes insects, algae, waste, powder food and other nutritious and climate-friendly ingredients.
Sustainable food, project manager Lovisa Ralpher stressed, is “vital” for mankind’s survival.
The company’s ad features kids changing their attitude towards such delicacies as Algae Ball, Bug Mac, Power Powder, and Tasty Waste from “yuck!” to enthusiasm.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Former Nurse Testifies Hospital Performed ‘Born-Alive’ Abortions, Then Sent Babies to ‘Comfort Room’ To Die
Western Journal – A nurse testified before Congress on Tuesday that an Illinois hospital where she was employed had a “comfort room” where babies born alive after an attempted abortion were taken to die.
The panel was held by House Republicans on Capitol Hill to hear expert testimony concerning the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” which thus far House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has refused to allow to come to the floor for a vote.
Pelosi even denied the GOP lawmakers the use of a regular committee room for the hearing, according to The Daily Signal.
Jill Stanek — who is a registered nurse and serves as national chair for the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List — told lawmakers that she knows firsthand that what Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam described would happen to babies born alive during late-term abortion procedures was already happening years ago at the Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois where she worked.
Northam said in January, “the infant would be kept comfortable,” while a discussion ensued between the mother and her physicians about whether to keep the child alive.
Stanek told lawmakers that Northam is correct.
“I know because I cared for a dying baby on the other side of that decision,” she said. “If they were aborted alive, they were allowed to die without any medical care or intervention whatsoever.”
She wrote in an article there is a specific room born-alive babies were taken at the hospital.
“Before the Comfort Room was established, babies were taken to the Soiled Utility Room to die,” Stanek explained.
“It was not uncommon for a live aborted baby to linger for an hour or two or even longer. At Christ Hospital, one of these babies lived for almost an entire eight-hour shift,” she recounted. “Some of the babies aborted were healthy because Christ Hospital also aborted for life or ‘health’ of the mother and also for rape or incest.”
During her Tuesday testimony, Stanek related an experience with one of these living babies.
ATF Admits No Legal Authority For Bump Stock Ruling
The Firearms Blog – Show of hands, who has been paying attention to the various lawsuits dealing with the ATF’s reinterpretation of Bump Stocks? Because to be completely honest, I haven’t been paying as much attention as I clearly should have been. In their most recent court filing, the ATF has admitted some truly explosive news. Namely, they concede that they do not have the authority to reinterpret the definition of machine guns in the bump stock ruling under the National Firearms Act (NFA).
ATF Admits No Legal Authority for Bump Stock Ruling
Let’s back up and provide some context. So, on December 26th, 2018, the ATF issued a final ruling on “bump stocks”. A bump-stock is a device that allows an operator of a firearm to simulate automatic fire by muscle power. While previously the ATF had decided that bump-fire or slide-fire stocks were legal devices, they then reclassified them as illegal machineguns. All current owners were ordered to destroy them. If you did not do so, you faced up to 10 years in federal prison.
Naturally, a lot of people became somewhat ticked off that the ATF would seemingly arbitrarily change their ruling to make thousands of Americans potential felons overnight. As a result, many people filed lawsuits. One such lawsuit was filed by the New Civil Liberties Alliance on behalf of plaintiff W. Clark Aposhian.
This Case in Particular
This lawsuit rests on a fairly straightforward presumption. The complaint states that since all legislative powers lie with Congress, the ATF, as a part of the executive branch, cannot reinterpret statutes to mean something else. Since the law regarding machineguns has not changed, bump stocks can’t be reclassified as machineguns.
There are another 30 odd pages of the original complaint, but that’s about the gist of things. Mr. Aposhian is a law-abiding citizen, the ATF told him that bump stocks were legal so he bought one. The filing states that the ATF lacks the authority to reclassify bump stocks, and thus the ATF has violated Mr. Aposhian’s constitutional rights, as well as exceeding its constitutional remit as part of the executive branch.
Man Sells Junk Guns To Buy-Back Program, Buys New Gun With Cash
Law Enforcement Today – A Missouri man sold his firearms made out of scrap metal and garbage to a gun buy-back program…  and then used the money to buy a real gun.
We call that man a “patriot”.
YouTuber Royal Nonesuch made a quick $300 by taking 3 firearms that he’d built out of scrap and selling them back to the state of Missouri. He described two of the pipe guns as the ‘crappiest guns I’ve ever made’ but was still able to successfully sell them off to the program.
Watching the video that Nonesuch posted, it was immediately clear that the coordinators of the events did not plan or organize as well as they should have. You can see him walk up to a man in a car to get the cash, who relayed information by yelling to another event coordinator.
“I had 3… they’re in that guy’s car,” Nonesuch told the man, who handed over the $300 without confirming or inspecting the guns for himself. “Here you go… go away,” the man says during the transaction.
(Editor note: the video was recently removed from YouTube for violating their terms about firearms.)
Nonesuch was literally able to sell pieces of scrap metal and garbage back to the ‘no questions asked’ program with an intention to purchase a rifle or pistol from a pawn shop after the sale. He stated to his followers that he would post again when he settled on a new gun to purchase.
The ‘guns’ that he sold included a .22 zip-gun style rifle as well as a 12-gauge grappling hook gun. They were functional but by no means a practical weapon or method of defense.
During the buy-back program, the guns were bought out of the coordinator’s cars, as the building that hosted the event was a gun-free zone, which we know from history is incredibly effective at keeping areas safe and gun-free (sarcasm).
Moreover, the event cost over $4,000 but coordinators had only raised about $1,500.  I wondered if it was legit or not, but only bureaucrats could be this dumb and fiscally irresponsible.
And so I’d like to congratulate the Democrats who came up with this program.  Not only did I get some hefty police overtime, but they helped ensure that broken guns came off the street… and some sexy new pistols made it back onto them.
Florida grandmother outraged after 6-year-old arrested for ‘tantrum’
NBC – A Florida grandmother was shocked to find out her 6-year-old granddaughter had been arrested Thursday for throwing a tantrum.
Meralyn Kirkland says Kaia’s journey to the juvenile detention center by Orlando Police Officers began at Lucious and Emma Nixon Elementary charter school.
“What do you mean she was arrested, he said ‘there was an incident and she kicked somebody and she is being charged and she is on her way,’” Kirkland explained.
The disorienting chaos was too much for Kirkland to process.
“She has a medical condition that we are working on getting resolved and he says, ‘what medical condition, she has a sleep disorder, sleep apnea,’ and he says, ‘well I have sleep apnea and I don’t behave like that.”
First grader Kaia was handcuffed and carted off where Kirkland says she was fingerprinted and even had a mug shot taken.
“They told us we had to wait a few minutes because Kaia was being fingerprinted, and when she said finger printed it hit me like a ton of bricks,” Kirkland said. “No six year old child should be able to tell somebody that they had handcuffs on them and they were riding in the back of a police car and taken to a juvenile center to be fingerprinted, mug shot”
Kaia is happy to be back home.
Trump suggests he discussed Biden with Ukraine’s president, goes on offensive
The Hill – President Trump on Sunday suggested that he discussed Joe Biden during a call with his Ukrainian counterpart and went on the offensive against the Democratic presidential candidate and the whistleblower who reportedly raised concerns about the president’s interaction with the foreign leader.
Speaking to reporters outside the White House, Trump again defended his conduct during the call with Ukraine. He insisted there was no quid pro quo involved in the talks with the Ukrainian president, calling it a “perfect conversation.”
Instead, Trump sought to shift the focus to the former vice president and the whistleblower, suggesting they had been the ones in the wrong.
Trump described the nature of his July 25 talk with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “largely congratulatory” and focused on corruption before suggesting the Bidens were a point of discussion.
“It was largely the fact that we don’t want our people like Vice President Biden and his son [contributing] to the corruption already in the Ukraine,” Trump said as he left for an event in Texas.
“I’m not looking to hurt Biden … but he said a very bad thing. He said a very foolish thing,” Trump added.
He went on to criticize the whistleblower who set off the controversy, saying the official had caused a “false alarm.”
Trump has given mixed messages about the whistleblower in recent days. The president has accused the whistleblower of being “partisan” while admitting he does not know their identity, and he claimed he’s aware his calls with foreign leaders are heavily “populated” while asserting Sunday that he should be able to speak freely without others listening in.

Economy & Business

NY Fed to pump $75 bn into money markets daily through Oct 10
AFP – The New York Federal Reserve Bank said Friday it will inject billions into the US financial plumbing on a daily basis for the next three weeks in an effort to prevent a spike in short-term interest rates.
The Fed will offer up to $75 billion a day in repurchase agreements — exchanging secure assets for cash for very short periods — through October 10, it said in a statement.
In addition, it will offer three 14-day “repo” operations of at least $30 billion each.
Banks have struggled in recent days to find the cash needed to meet reserve requirements which has pushed up short-term borrowing rates, prompting the New York Fed to pump billions into US money markets with repo operations over the past four days.
However, in a sign a cash crunch could be easing, demand for liquidity on Friday did not significantly exceed the amount offered, as it had on two prior days.
After October 10, the New York Fed will “conduct operations as necessary to help maintain the federal funds rate in the target range, the amounts and timing of which have not yet been determined.”
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell this week downplayed concerns about the money market’s cash crunch, saying it was not a sign of problems in the wider economy or a concern for monetary policy.
US wants trade deal with India to put pressure on China
RT – The United States and India could sign a limited trade deal at the end of this month, sources told Reuters. The two countries’ leaders showed up together on Sunday at the ‘Howdy, Modi’ event in Houston, Texas.
According to the sources, the deal under discussion with India would lower some tariffs on US produce and restore preferential treatment for some Indian exports to the United States.
“There’s a push to get something done with India, with an eye for UNGA,” said a Washington-based source familiar with the discussions.
Chick-fil-A sales have more than doubled since LGBT boycott began
RT – The third largest US fast food restaurant chain, Chick-fil-A, has more than doubled its annual sales since the company was boycotted by gay rights activists for donating to organizations that opposed same-sex marriage in 2012.
In 2018, the chain had $10.5 billion in total sales, which amounts to a 16.7% increase in a year, according to the Journal & Courier outlet. It makes the increase in Chick-fil-A’s annual sales bigger than that of Starbucks, which is America’s second largest restaurant chain behind McDonald’s.
The exponential growth of Chick-fil-A’s profits and the chain’s expansion, by nearly 700 restaurants, remained unhindered despite the company facing a massive backlash in 2012 when sales totaled $4.6 billion. Back then CEO Dan T. Cathy, the son of founder and devout Baptist S. Truett Cathy, said that he supported traditional families.
China to send state officials to 100 private firms including Alibaba
Reuters – China’s top technology hub Hangzhou plans to assign government officials to work with 100 private companies including e-commerce giant Alibaba, according to state media reports, in a move likely to raise concerns over the growing role of the state.
The step underscores how Chinese government and party authorities are growing more deeply integrated into the private sector, as its economy sputters amid an intensifying trade war with the United States.
The directives, presented as a means to boost the local manufacturing industry, did not name the 100 companies subject to the policy, but state media reports said Alibaba and auto maker Zhejiang Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd [GEELY.UL] would be among the companies.

Energy & Environment

Climate protests bring gridlock to DC morning traffic
ABC – Climate change activists shut down traffic in the nation’s capital Monday, blocking key intersections across Washington, DC, to bring attention to their cause.
The #ShutdownDC action was part of the global climate strikes young activists have been leading since Friday, to spur government action on the climate crisis.
Meanwhile, in New York, the UN was planning to host its Climate Action Summit on Monday. Secretary-General Antnio Guterres challenged world leaders to share “concrete, realistic plans” to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
In Washington, reporter Sam Sweeney of CNN affiliate WJLA tweeted that traffic was gridlocked in the morning and police had made some arrests.
Indonesia haze causes sky to turn blood red
BBC – Skies over an Indonesian province turned red over the weekend, thanks to the widespread forest fires which have plagued huge parts of the country.
One resident in Jambi province, who captured pictures of the sky, said the haze had “hurt her eyes and throat”.
Every year, fires in Indonesia create a smoky haze that can end up blanketing the entire South East Asian region.
A meteorology expert told the BBC the unusual sky was caused by a phenomenon known as Rayleigh scattering.
Nolte: Climate ‘Experts’ Are 0-41 with Their Doomsday Predictions
Breitbart  – For more than 50 years Climate Alarmists in the scientific community and environmental movement have not gotten even one prediction correct, but they do have a perfect record of getting 41 predictions wrong.
In other words, on at least 41 occasions, these so-called experts have predicted some terrible environmental catastrophe was imminent … and it never happened.
And not once — not even once! — have these alarmists had one of their predictions come true.
Think about that… the so-called experts are 0-41 with their predictions, but those of us who are skeptical of “expert” prediction number 42, the one that says that if we don’t immediately convert to socialism and allow Alexandria Ocasio-Crazy to control and organize our lives, the planet will become uninhabitable.
Why would any sane person listen to someone with a 0-41 record?
Why would we completely restructure our economy and sacrifice our personal freedom for “experts” who are 0-41, who have never once gotten it right?
If you had an investment counselor who steered you wrong 41times, would you hang in there for number 42?
Of course not. You’d fire him after failed prediction two or three.
And if that’s not crazy enough, the latest ploy is to trot out a 16-year-old girl to spread prediction number 42, because it is so much more credible that way.
Sometimes you just have to sit back and laugh.
Anyway, I want you to have the data, so go ahead and print this out in advance of Thanksgiving dinner with your obnoxious Millennial nephew.
Here is the source for numbers 1-27. As you will see, the individual sources are not crackpots, but scientific studies and media reports on “expert” predictions. The sources for numbers 28-41 are linked individually.

  1. 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
  2. 1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
  3. 1970: Ice Age By 2000
  4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
  5. 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
  6. 1972: New Ice Age By 2070
  7. 1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
  8. 1974: Another Ice Age?
  9. 1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
  10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
  11. 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
  12. 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
  13. 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
  14. 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
  15. 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
  16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
  17. 1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
  18. 2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
  19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
  20. 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
  21. 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
  22. 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
  23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
  24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
  25. 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
  26. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
  27. 2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
  28. 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
  29. 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
  30. 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
  31. 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
  32. 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
  33. 1980: Peak Oil In 2000
  34. 1996: Peak Oil in 2020
  35. 2002: Peak Oil in 2010
  36. 2006: Super Hurricanes!
  37. 2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
  38. 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
  39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
  40. 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
  41. 1970s: Killer Bees!

Sorry, Experts… Sorry, Scientific Consensus… Only a fool comes running for the 42nd cry of wolf.
Don’t litter, be kind to animals, recycling’s for suckers (it’s all going to end up in the ground eventually), so stop feeling guilty… Go out there and embrace all the bounty that comes with being a 21st century American — you know, like Obama, who says he believes in Global Warming with his mouth but proves he doesn’t with the $15 million he just spent on oceanfront that we’re told is doomed to flooding.
Home Depot And Lowe’s Accused Of Scanning Millions Of Customers Faces
SHFTPlan – According to the Cook County Record, two recent class action lawsuits accuse Home Depot and Lowe’s of secretly using facial recognition to identify customers as soon as they enter their stores.
On Sept. 4, 2019, a group of plaintiffs simultaneously filed virtually identical class action complaints in Cook County Circuit Court in Chicago against Lowe’s and in federal court in Atlanta against Home Depot, accusing the retailers of violating the Illinois state law by “surreptitiously” scanning customers’ faces as they moved about the chains’ stores.
According to Lowe’s lawsuit, home improvement stores are secretly using facial recognition to identify everyone.
Lowe’s has augmented its in-store security cameras with software that tracks individuals’ movements throughout the store using a unique scan of face geometry. Put simply, Defendants surreptitiously attempt to collect the faceprint of every person who appears in front of one of their facial-recognition cameras. (To find out more about Home Depot tracking customers, click here.)
The Home Depot and the Lowe’s case claim that they have failed to inform customers that their biometric data is being collected, and did not obtain written consent for doing so. Home Depot and Lowe’s have also neglected to post a publicly available retention schedule detailing when the data will be destroyed.
According to Lowe’s class action, “defendants actively conceal their face printing practices from the public.”
The class action also claims that Lowe’s has been secretly using facial recognition for over 11 years. There is no mention of how long Home Depot has been using facial recognition.
Have private corporations secretly turned America into China? Since when did it become OK for private corporations to secretly surveil the public?

Science & Technology

Google Claims ‘Quantum Supremacy,’ Marking a Major Milestone in Computing
Fortune – In what may be a huge milestone in computing, Google says it has achieved “quantum supremacy,” an experimental demonstration of the superiority of a quantum computer over a traditional one.
The claim, made in a new scientific paper, is the most serious indication yet that the promise of quantum computers—an emerging but unproven type of machine—is becoming reality, including their potential to solve formerly ungraspable mathematical problems.
Essentially, Google purports to have pulled off a stunt on a quantum computer that no classical machine—not even the world’s most powerful supercomputer—can replicate.
Fortune obtained a copy of Google’s paper, which was posted to NASA.gov earlier this week before being taken down. The Financial Times first reported the news.
A Google spokesperson declined to confirm the authenticity of the paper and its results. NASA did not respond immediately to a request for comment.
BREAKING: NO MORE SECRETS – Google achieves “quantum supremacy” that will soon render all cryptocurrency breakable, all military secrets revealed
Natural News – Preliminary report. More detailed analysis coming in 24 hours at this site. According to a report published at Fortune.com, Google has achieved “quantum supremacy” with a 53-qubit quantum computer. From reading the report, it is obvious that Fortune.com editors, who should be applauded for covering this story, really have little clue about the implications of this revelation. Here’s what this means for cryptocurrency, military secrets and all secrets which are protected by cryptography.
Notably, NASA published the scientific paper at this link, then promptly removed it as soon as the implications of this technology started to become apparent to a few observers. (The link above is now dead. The cover-up begins…) However, the Financial Times reported on the paper before it was removed. Google is now refusing to verify the existence of the paper.
Here’s the upshot of what this “quantum supremacy” means for Google and the world:

  • Google’s new quantum processor took just 200 seconds to complete a computing task that would normally require 10,000 years on a supercomputer.
  • A 53-qubit quantum computer can break any 53-bit cryptography in mere seconds, or in fractions of sections in certain circumstances.
  • Bitcoin’s transactions are currently protected by 256-bit encryption. Once Google scales its quantum computing to 256 qubits, it’s over for Bitcoin (and all 256-bit crypto), since Google (or anyone with the technology) could easily break the encryption protecting all crypto transactions, then redirect all such transactions to its own wallet. See below why Google’s own scientists predict 256-qubit computing will be achieved by 2022.
  • In effect, “quantum supremacy” means the end of cryptographic secrets, which is the very basis for cryptocurrency.
  • In addition, all military-grade encryption will become pointless as Google’s quantum computers expand their qubits into the 512, 1024 or 2048 range, rendering all modern cryptography obsolete. In effect, Google’s computer could “crack” any cryptography in mere seconds.
  • The very basis of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies rests in the difficulty of factoring very large numbers. Classical computing can only compute the correct factoring answers through brute force trial-and-error, requiring massive computing power and time (in some cases, into the trillions of years, depending on the number of encryption bits). Quantum computing, it could be said, solves the factoring problem in 2^n dimensions, where n is the number of bits of encryption. Unlike traditional computing bits that can only hold a value of 0 or 1 (but not both), qubits can simultaneously hold both values, meaning an 8-qubit computer can simultaneously represent all values between 0 and 255 at the same time. A deeper discussion of quantum computing is beyond the scope of this news brief, but its best application is breaking cryptography.
  • The number of qubits in Google’s quantum computers will double at least every year, according to the science paper that has just been published. As Fortune reports, “Further, they predict that quantum computing power will ‘grow at a double exponential rate,’ besting even the exponential rate that defined Moore’s Law, a trend that observed traditional computing power to double roughly every two years.”
  • As a conservative estimate, this means Google will achieve > 100 qubits by 2020, and > 200 qubits by 2021, then > 400 qubits by the year 2022.
  • Once Google’s quantum computers exceed 256 qubits, all cryptocurrency encryption that uses 256-bit encryption will be null and void.
  • By 2024, Google will be able to break nearly all military-grade encryption, rendering military communications fully transparent to Google.
  • Over the last decade, Google has become the most evil corporation in the world, wholly dedicated to the suppression of human knowledge through censorship, demonetization and de-platforming of non-mainstream information sources. Google has blocked nearly all websites offering information on natural health and holistic medicine while blocking all videos and web pages that question the corrupt scientific establishment on topics like vaccines, pesticides and GMOs. Google has proven it is the most corrupt, evil entity in the world, and now it has the technology to break all cryptography and achieve “omniscience” in our modern technological society. Google is a front for Big Pharma and communist China. Google despises America, hates human health and has already demonstrated it is willing to steal elections to install the politicians it wants.
  • With this quantum technology, Google will be able to break all U.S. military encryption and forward all “secret” communications to the communist Chinese. (Yes, Google hates America and wants to see America destroyed while building out a Red China-style system of social control and total enslavement.)
  • Google’s quantum eavesdropping system, which might as well be called, “Setec Astronomy,” will scrape up all the secrets of all legislators, Supreme Court justices, public officials and CEOs. Nothing will be safe from the Google Eye of Sauron. Everyone will be “blackmailable” with Google’s quantum computing power.
  • Google will rapidly come to dominate the world, controlling most of the money, all speech, all politics, most science and technology, most of the news media and all public officials. Google will become the dominant controlling authoritarian force on planet Earth, and all humans will be subservient to its demands. Democracy, truth and freedom will be annihilated.

Rivals rubbish Google’s claim of quantum supremacy
Researchers take aim at tech company for declaring computing milestone
Financial Times – A significant scientific breakthrough that represents the dawn of computing’s second era? Or a head-turning piece of research with little practical application? Researchers at Google say they have built the first quantum computer that can perform a calculation far beyond the reach of even the most powerful machine built along traditional, or “classical”, lines — a long-awaited feat known as “quantum supremacy”. The company’s researchers call it a “milestone” that “heralds the advent of a much-anticipated computing paradigm”. By harnessing the quantum effects exhibited by subatomic particles, such systems have the potential — at least in theory — to leap far ahead of today’s supercomputers.
But not everyone is ready to call this a turning point for computer science. Google’s claim is “indefensible — it’s just plain wrong”, said Dario Gil, head of research at IBM, one of the competitors in the race to achieve quantum computing. While crediting some of the internet company’s technical advances, he dismisses the claim that this is a seminal moment for computing as “grandiosity”. The research is just “a laboratory experiment designed to essentially — and almost certainly exclusively — implement one very specific quantum sampling procedure with no practical applications,” he said. Others working in the field, however, are more willing to back Google’s claims. Its research is “profound”, said Chad Rigetti, a former IBM executive who now heads a quantum computing start-up. “It’s very important for the industry to hit this milestone. It’s a big moment for humans and for science.” Google claimed its breakthrough in a research paper headlined “Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor”. First reported by the FT, it was briefly posted on a Nasa website last week before being removed, and the company has not said when it will be formally published.
Secret Cameras Use AI To Catch Drivers Using Phones
Tech Times – Sending text messages or talking on the mobile phone while driving can increase risks for potentially fatal accidents.
Distracted Driving
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has long warned of the dangers of distracted driving that involves the use of cellphones.
“When you send or read a text message, you take your eyes off the road for about 5 seconds, long enough to cover the length a football field while driving at 55 mph,” the CDC said.
Special Cameras Designed To Catch Drivers Using Phones
New South Wales in Australia intends to address this problem. The New South Wales Transport revealed on Sunday that it will roll out special cameras designed to catch drivers using mobile phones.
The detection cameras use artificial intelligence to detect drivers using mobile phones 24 hours a day. They can also survive in all weather conditions.
The devices will be set up in fixed and trailer-mounted spots across New South Wales starting in December.
No Warning
Drivers will not get any warning if they are approaching any of these phone detection cameras.
“We have to unfortunately use the element of surprise to get people to think ‘well, I could get caught at any time’,” NSW Roads Minister Andrew Constance said. “I want behavior to change and I want it changed immediately.”
The program aims to progressively expand to performing 135 million vehicle checks every year by the year 2023.


Deadly Mosquito Virus Grows To 13 NJ Counties: Human Cases Triple
Human cases have tripled as the deadly mosquito virus that infects the brain has expanded to 13 counties.
Patch.com  – Human infections of a deadly virus that’s associated with horses have tripled in New Jersey in just a matter of weeks, and there’s evidence that it’s spread to 13 counties in the state (see list below).
The New Jersey Department of Health says 65 mosquito samples have tested positive for the Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus, also referred to as “EEE” or “Triple E,” according to a department release.
Last year at this time, 12 samples tested positive. Just two weeks ago, the 2019 number was 48.
The two new human cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis were confirmed this weekend in Union and Atlantic counties. The department confirmed the first human case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis in New Jersey in August, infecting a Somerset County man.
The Somerset County man was hospitalized but was eventually discharged for continued rehabilitation care.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the disease has spread nationwide, infecting 21 humans in 21 states and killing five.
From Tomb To Table: Cumin’s Health Benefits Rediscovered
GreenMedInfo – Traded along spice routes separating ancient cultures by vast distances, spices like cumin were once worth their weight in gold. Has modern science now revealed why, beyond their remarkable aesthetic value, they were so highly prized?
Many spices are perfectly happy living a charmed life as seasonings, peppering things generously with flavor, and without ever arousing the suspicion that they may be capable of profound acts of healing as well.
Meet cumin, a member of the parsley family, which is to say from a well-known family of healers native to the central Mediterranean region (southern Italy, Algeria and Tunisia).
Cumin’s traditional use stretches back into prehistory, as evidenced by its presence in Egyptian tombs.  The Greeks actually used it much like we use pepper today, keeping cumin at the dining table in its own container, which is still practiced by Moroccans to this day.  It is also been used for millennia in India as a traditional ingredient of curry.
An accumulating body of research now indicates that these ancient “culinary” uses, once considered primarily aesthetic in nature, may have served more fundamental medicinal roles in these cultures.  Modern scientific investigation has revealed that cumin has a broad range of potential healing properties that, when properly applied, could profoundly alleviate human suffering by providing natural alternatives to often highly toxic pharmaceutical interventions.
For instance, research published in the journal Food Chemistry and Toxicology demonstrated that cumin has blood sugar lowering properties comparable to the drug glibenclamide (known in the US as glyburide), with the additional benefit (not conferred by pharmaceutical intervention) that it also lowered oxidative stress and inhibited the advanced glycated end products (AGE), which are implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic microvascular complications.
Remarkably, this is only the tip of cumin’s medicinal potential. There are at least 10 other potential medicinal properties of cumin now confirmed in the experimental literature:

  • Bacterial Infections:  Cumin oil has been shown effective at killing Klebsiella penumoniae bacteria, including decreasing biofilm formation (a defense mechanism of bacteria against antibiotics), as well as enhancing the antimicrobial activity of conventional antibiotic drugs like ciprofloxacin.[ii]  Even more impressive, perhaps, cumin oil has been shown to have anti-MRSA properties.[iii]
  • Candida (Yeast) Infection: Unlike conventional antibiotics which contribute to opportunistic fungal overgrowth, cumin has been shown to have considerable inhibitory activity against 3 different Candida albicans strains of yeast.[iv] It has also been studied to be effective against a wide range of other fungi and yeasts, including Aspergilli and dermatophytes (fungi that cause skin diseases).[v]
  • Cataracts: Cumin has been shown to delay the formation of diabetes-associated cataracts primarily through its anti-glycating properties, i.e. it prevents elevated blood sugar from getting “sticky” (i.e. caramelization) and subsequently damaging tissues in the body.[vi]
  • Cancers: Cumin has been shown in preclinical research to have inhibitory activity against cervical cancer[vii] and colon cancer. [viii]
  • Dental Plaque: Cumin oil has been shown effective as an anti-gingival agent alternative to the chemical chlorhexidine commonly used in mouthwashes.[ix]
  • Diabetes: As mentioned in our opening, cumin has significant anti-diabetic properties. Another 2002 study found that the treatment of diabetic rats with cumin was more effective than the drug glibenclamide, resulting in reductions in inflammation, fatty changes, tissue cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids, blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin – all positive indicators. [x]
  • Food-borne Pathogens – Cumin oil has been found to work synergistically with other food preservation agents to inhibit the growth of food-borne pathogens.[xi]
  • Immune Function: Cumin has been found to effectively stimulate immune function in a way that may benefit immune-compromised individuals.[xii]
  • Fertility (Reversible Contraceptive): Cumin has been found to have potent contraceptive activities in male rats without apparent toxicity.[xiii]
  • Memory Disorders: Cumin has been found to reduce stress-induced oxidative changes in the brain, as well as improving cognition, as determined by acquisition, retention and recovery in rats, in a dose-dependent manner.[xiv]
  • Morphine Dependence/Tolerance: Cumin reduces morphine tolerance and dependence. [xv] [xvi]
  • Osteoporosis: Cumin extract has been shown effective at reversing bone loss associated with the loss of ovarian function at least as well as estradiol.[xvii]
  • Thrombosis (Clot): Cumin seed has been demonstrated to inhibit platelet aggregation, indicating it may prevent pathological blood clotting.[xviii]  [Note: of course this means that it could interact adversely with blood thinners].

The so-called “evidence-based” approach of modern medical science to understanding cumin’s medicinal value is relatively new. Only in the past two decades, but especially in the past ten years, scientific research on spices and culinary herbs has virtually exploded. While enlightening, we must remember that the approach is limited in a number of ways. For one, it relies on animal research, which is both inherently cruel (vivisection) and conveys only approximate data, as these substances often have very different effects in animals than humans.
>> Power Mall Product of Interest: Black Seed-plus Capsules – 90 Capsules
Research Project Takes Aim at Magnesium Deficiency
Mercola – Magnesium is required for the functioning of more than 300 enzyme systems driving a diverse array of biological reactions in your body.
Magnesium is important for healthy mitochondrial function, energy production, heart health and cognition. It’s also important for the metabolism and activation of other nutrients, including vitamin D.
An estimated 48% of Americans do not get sufficient magnesium from their diet. Among postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, the rate of magnesium deficiency is 84%, and up to 75% of diabetics are magnesium depleted.
While severe deficiency can be identified through a careful analysis of physical symptoms, mild or subclinical deficiency is far more difficult to spot, so testing is advisable.
GrassrootsHealth’s Magnesium*PLUS Focus Project aims to help identify the ideal dosage with a given compound and level, the specific health outcomes associated with magnesium deficiency and sufficiency, the dose-response relationships and much more
>>Power Mall Products of Interest: Magnesium & Amino Acid Complex – 60 CT & Magnesium Oil – 12 oz 
The Silent Tragedy Affecting Today’s Children
Faith It – There is a silent tragedy developing right now, in our homes, and it concerns our most precious jewels — our children. Through my work with hundreds of children and families as an occupational therapist, I have witnessed this tragedy unfolding right in front of my eyes. Our children are in a devastating emotional state! Talk to teachers and professionals who have been working in the field for the last 15 years. You will hear concerns similar to mine. Moreover, in the past 15 years, researchers have been releasing alarming statistics on a sharp and steady increase in mental illness in kids, which is now reaching epidemic proportions:

How much more evidence do we need for mental illness in kids before we wake up?
No, “increased diagnostics alone” is not the answer!
No, “they all are just born like this” is not the answer!
No, “it is all the school system’s fault” is not the answer!
Yes, as painful as it can be to admit, in many cases, WE, parents, are the answer to many of our kids’ struggles!
It is scientifically proven that the brain has the capacity to rewire itself through the environment. Unfortunately, with the environment and parenting styles that we are providing to our children, we are rewiring their brains in a wrong direction and contributing to their challenges in everyday life.
Yes, there are and always have been children who are born with disabilities and despite their parents’ best efforts to provide them with a well-balanced environment and parenting, their children continue to struggle. These are NOT the children I am talking about here.
What is wrong?
Today’s children are being deprived of the fundamentals of a healthy childhood, such as:

  • Emotionally available parents
  • Clearly defined limits and guidance
  • Responsibilities
  • Balanced nutrition and adequate sleep
  • Movement and outdoors
  • Creative play, social interaction, opportunities for unstructured times and boredom

Instead, children are being served with:

Could anyone imagine that it is possible to raise a healthy generation in such an unhealthy environment? Of course not! There are no shortcuts to parenting, and we can’t trick human nature. As we see, the outcomes are devastating. Our children pay for the loss of well-balanced childhood with their emotional well-being and we are making mental illness in kids worse.
How to fix it?
If we want our children to grow into happy and healthy individuals, we have to wake up and go back to the basics. It is still possible! I know this because hundreds of my clients see positive changes in their kids’ emotional state within weeks (and in some cases, even days) of implementing these recommendations:

  1. Set limits and remember that you are your child’s PARENT, not a friend. Offer kids well-balanced lifestyle filled with what kids NEED, not just what they WANT. Don’t be afraid to say “No!” to your kids if what they want is not what they need.
  • Provide nutritious food and limits snacks.
  • Spend one hour a day in green space: biking, hiking, fishing, watching birds/insects
  • Have a daily technology-free family dinner.
  • Play one board game a day. (List of family games)
  • Involve your child in one chore a day (folding laundry, tidying up toys, hanging clothes, unpacking groceries, setting the table etc)
  • Implement consistent sleep routine to ensure that your child gets lots of sleep in a technology-free bedroom
  1. Teach responsibility and independence. Don’t over-protect them from small failures. It trains them the skills needed to overcome greater life’s challenges:
  • Don’t pack your child’s backpack, don’t carry her backpack, don’t bring to school his forgotten lunch box/agenda, and don’t peel a banana for a 5-year-old child. Teach them the skills rather than do it for them.
  1. Teach delayed gratification and provide opportunities for “boredom” as boredom is the time when creativity awakens:
  • Don’t feel responsible for being your child’s entertainment crew.
  • Do not use technology as a cure for boredom.
  • Avoid using technology during meals, in cars, restaurants, malls. Use these moments as opportunities to train their brains to function under “boredom”
  • Help them create a “boredom first aid kit” with activity ideas for “I am bored” times.
  1. Be emotionally available to connect with kids and teach them self-regulation and social skills:
  • Turn off your phones until kids are in bed to avoid digital distraction.
  • Become your child’s emotional coach. Teach them to recognize and deal with frustration and anger.
  • Teach greeting, turn taking, sharing, empathy, table manners, conversation skills,
  • Connect emotionally – Smile, hug, kiss, tickle, read, dance, jump, or crawl with your child.

We must make changes in our kids’ lives before this entire generation of children end up having to deal with mental illness in kids will be medicated! It is not too late yet, but soon it will be… -Victoria Prooday

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