July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: September 23, 2022


Hot Mic Catches South Korea President Yoon Suk-yeol Calling Lawmakers ‘F*ckers’

A hot mic captured South Korea President Yoon Suk-yeol calling lawmakers “fuckers” during the United Nations General Assembly this week.

The incident occurred after Suk-yeol had been speaking with President Joe Biden, who had just pledged $6 billion to the Global Fund, during a photo-op on Wednesday.

Nearly 1,200 Arrested in Dozens of Russian Cities for Anti-War Protests

Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s declaration that he will double down in Ukraine by calling up 300,000 Russian reservists did not go over well with the 18-to-65-year-old men who might get called up.

One-way airline tickets out of Russia to visa-free destinations skyrocketed in price on Thursday and then sold out completely. Land traffic across Russia’s borders also picked up, although European news agencies disputed the most sensational claims of 20-mile traffic jams at Finnish checkpoints.

New UK PM Puts Off Standing Up to EU, Biden on Northern Ireland for Six Months

Liz Truss, Britain’s new Prime Minister, has put off finally standing up to the Joe Biden-backed European Union on its continued exercise of power over Northern Ireland for at least another six months.

Northern Ireland, sometimes referred to as Ulster, particularly by pro-British unionists, was left partially under EU control by Boris Johnson in the barely-altered version of Theresa May’s Brexit deal which he submitted to on becoming Prime Minister — despite pre-premiership promises that he would never do so.

Venezuela Empties Prisons and Sends Criminals to US Border: House Republicans

Venezuela is deliberately releasing prisoners, among them violent criminals, and has them travel to the U.S. southern border, a development that prompted 14 House Republicans to write to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), who is leading the Republican effort to have Mayorkas answer questions, said in the Sept. 22 letter that the decision by the Nicolas Maduro regime has put the United States “in grave danger.”

“We write you with serious concern about a recent U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) intelligence report received by Border Patrol that instructs agents to look for violent criminals from Venezuela among the migrant caravans heading towards the U.S.-Mexico border,” the letter says, citing a recent report from Breitbart.

The outlet reported on Sept. 18 that it had reviewed the DHS intelligence report from an unnamed source within the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The report warned that released prisoners—including those convicted of murder, rape, and extortion—had been seen within migrant caravans traveling from Tapachula, Mexico, to the southern border, as recently as July.

The report also said the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service, Venezuela’s intelligence agency, may have played a role in deliberately releasing prisoners.

Hours after Breitbart published the report, Nehls took to Twitter to announce that he had obtained confirmation from the DHS.

“DHS confirms that Venezuela empties prisons and sends violent criminals to our southern border,” Nehls wrote. “President Trump warned us about this years ago.”

Germany: Greens Plan to Ban Native Germans From a Third of Jobs to Promote “Diversity”

In the name of promoting “diversity,” ruling Greens in the German the city of Hanover plan to ban a third of native citizens from applying for government jobs so they can be given to migrants.

Yes, really.

“A green mayor makes the difference!” wrote Turkish-born Filiz Polat, managing director of the Greens parliamentary group.

Polat was referring to Hanover Mayor Belit Onay, who came to power in November 2019, and is also of Turkish heritage.

“By the end of 2026, a third of all newly advertised positions in the city should be filled by applicants with a migration background,” wrote Polat.

In an effort to vastly increase the number of foreign-origin migrants in positions of local authority, a draft resolution brought by the city’s integration committee will ensure that the “target figure for all new hires is 30 percent.”

As part of a program to establish Hanover’s status as an “immigration city,” the government will also launch a PR campaign to “motivate young people from immigrant families to take advantage of the wide range of training and study opportunities in the state capital.”

“The campaign will comprise a “Day of Diversity” at local schools, while further developing “anti-racist coaching” across authorities and public bodies. A prize will also be awarded for “migrant companies” in the local area,” reports ReMix News.

Critics of the proposal assert that it is completely unconstitutional and violates anti-discrimination laws.


Two Fort Hood Soldiers Sent to Prison for Migrant Smuggling

Two former U.S. Army soldiers stationed at Fort Hood were sentenced to almost two years in prison for their roles in a conspiracy to smuggle migrants past a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint. The soldiers wore their uniforms to hopefully avoid suspicion.

This week, Emmanuel Oppongagyare (22) and Ralph Gregory Saint-Joie (19) went before U.S. District Judge Diana Saldana who sentenced them to 21 and 13 months in prison, respectively, for conspiring to smuggle migrants. Both men pleaded guilty to their charges in August 2021.

Mike Lindell’s FBI Phone Seizure Warrant Reveals Why DOJ Investigating MyPillow CEO

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is being investigated by the Justice Department (DOJ) over alleged identity theft and damage to a protected computer relating to an alleged breach of voting machines in Colorado, court documents show.

Lindell filed a lawsuit earlier this week against the DOJ and the FBI after agents seized his mobile phone while he was at a Hardee’s drive-through in Mankato, Minnesota, earlier this month.

His lawyers have argued that the phone seizure violated his First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment rights.

According to the lawsuit, the search and seizure warrant was issued by Magistrate Judge Tony N. Leung on Sept. 7, 2022.

The warrant states that Lindell is being probed by the DOJ over alleged identity theft, intentional damage to a protected computer, and conspiracy to commit identity theft or intentionally damage a protected computer.

It states that all records and information on Lindell’s phone that “constitute fruits, evidence, or instrumentalities of violations” of the alleged acts should be searched.

Military’s Recruitment Shortfall a Direct Result of Vaccine Mandate: GOP Lawmakers

Forty-seven Republican lawmakers recently expressed “grave concerns” about military readiness as a result of the Pentagon’s mandate in a letter (pdf) dated Sept. 15. The Epoch Times spoke to four of the lawmakers who signed the letter, which called on Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and the Department of Defense to withdraw its COVID-19 vaccine mandate for service members.

“As a result of [the vaccine] mandate, eight percent of the Army’s approximately 1 million soldiers face expulsion” the letter stated.

The Army has only met 52 percent of its fiscal year 2022 recruiting goal, the letter added.

“While we are primarily addressing the Army’s recruitment problem,” Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) said, “this issue is a problem across the board for all our uniformed services.” With no lack of respect for the other branches of service, he said, “the Army is the cornerstone of our military presence in the world.”

Higgins and other GOP lawmakers agreed that the Army’s failure to reach its recruiting goal is directly related to the military’s vaccine mandate that was put into effect by Austin in August 2021.

“This is clearly the case because 40 percent of men aged 18 to 24 have not taken the vaccine,” Higgins explained.

Trump Special Master Reveals New Plan After Appeals Court Ruling

The judge designated as the special master in former President Donald Trump’s records case has proposed that a government official swear that the government properly listed items taken from Trump’s home in August.

U.S. District Judge Raymond Dearie, the special master, also left open the possibility of recommending the government be ordered to return some of the seized materials.

Dearie outlined the plan on Sept. 22, following an order that blocks him and Trump’s lawyers from accessing materials with classified markings that were taken from Trump’s home in Palm Beach, Florida.

Dearie, a George W. Bush appointee, was chosen by Trump attorneys and Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers and put into place by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee. Trump and the DOJ can object to components of the plan; Cannon would adjudicate any objections.

House Passes Election Bill That Makes It Harder to Decertify Presidential Results

The House of Representatives on Sept. 21 passed an election law bill designed to address President Donald Trump’s legal efforts to decertify some electoral slates in 2021.

The bill, dubbed the Presidential Election Reform Act, passed in a mostly-party line vote with a handful of GOP defections. The final vote, coming in at 229–203, included the support of 221 Democrats and nine Republicans.

During the aftermath of the 2020 election, when Trump was trying to determine how to move forward on his claims of widespread election fraud, lawyer John Eastman was among the attorneys in Trump’s inner circle who supported an effort to refuse to certify electoral slates from states where concerns of election fraud were most prevalent.

Classified documents seized from Trump can be used now in criminal investigation, 11th Circuit rules

The U.S. Department of Justice has succeeded in obtaining a partial stay of a ruling by U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon of the Southern District of Florida in litigation over documents seized from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida.

The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at Atlanta ruled Wednesday that the DOJ can use seized classified documents in its criminal investigation, and that those documents don’t have to be turned over to Senior U.S. District Judge Raymond J. Dearie, the special master reviewing documents for privilege claims.

The appeals court considered four factors to determine whether the government had a right to the partial stay pending the appeal.

On the first factor, the 11th Circuit ruled that the government had established a substantial likelihood of success on the merits of its claims concerning the classified documents.

“For our part,” the appeals court said, “we cannot discern why plaintiff would have an individual interest in or need for any of the 100 documents with classification markings.”

Trump “has not even attempted to show that he has a need to know the information contained in the classified documents. Nor has he established that the current administration has waived that requirement for these documents. … Plaintiff suggests that he may have declassified these documents when he was president. But the record contains no evidence that any of these records were declassified. And before the special master, plaintiff resisted providing any evidence that he had declassified any of these documents. … In any event, at least for these purposes, the declassification argument is a red herring because declassifying an official document would not change its content or render it personal.”

On the three other factors, the 11th Circuit found that:

  • The United States would suffer irreparable injury in the absence of a stay. The government has a compelling interest in protecting the secrecy of information important to national security, the appeals court said.
    • Trump hasn’t shown that he will suffer a substantial injury as a result of the limited stay. Trump doesn’t have a possessory interest in classified documents, and there is no reason to expect that the government’s use of the documents risks disclosure of privileged information, the 11th Circuit said.
    • The public interest favors a stay. “It is self-evident that the public has a strong interest in ensuring that the storage of the classified records did not result in ‘exceptionally grave damage to the national security,’” the appeals court said. “Ascertaining that necessarily involves reviewing the documents, determining who had access to them and when, and deciding which (if any) sources or methods are compromised.”

The Sept. 21 per curiam opinion was written by Judges Robin S. Rosenbaum, Britt C. Grant and Andrew L. Brasher.

Conservative Group Asks IRS to Deny Tax Exemptions to Zuckerberg for 2020 Election Grants

A conservative activist group has filed a complaint with the IRS asking the agency to deny personal tax exemptions for Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan arising from the couple’s funding of grant programs to help municipalities pay for the 2020 general election.

In a second complaint, the Center to Renew America (CRA) requested the removal of tax exemptions for three Zuckerberg-supported non-profits: the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), and the National Vote at Home Institute (NVAHI).

The complaints allege that the Zuckerbergs and the three organizations pumped almost $500 million into the 2020 election process in an effort to influence the outcome in favor of candidate Joe Biden and other Democrats.

CTCL alone distributed nearly $350 million in grants to local election departments with a stated mission of helping them conduct safe elections during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Powell Contradicts Biden on Inflation: ‘Running Too High’ Rather Than ‘Hardly at All’

In his much-anticipated remarks on the economy following the Fed’s policy meeting that saw another jumbo interest rate hike to tame soaring prices, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said inflation was “running too high,” contradicting President Joe Biden’s recent assertion that prices had risen “just an inch, hardly at all.”

Powell’s press conference on Sept. 21 followed a decision by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) to hike rates by another 75 basis points, bringing the benchmark lending rate to a range between 300 and 325 basis points, or 3.00–3.25 percent.

“The Committee is highly attentive to inflation risks,” the FOMC statement said, with Fed Funds futures contracts expecting the central bank to deliver another 75 basis point hike in November to further ease price pressures.

Following the rate announcement, Powell spoke to reporters, delivering a sobering message on soaring prices and that cooling red-hot inflation would not be “painless.”

Inflation must be brought down, Powell said, and that could require more than just a “relatively modest increase in unemployment.”

“I wish there was a painless way to do that. There isn’t,” he said at the press conference.

“What we hear from people when we meet with them is that they really are suffering from inflation and if we want to set ourselves up—really, really light the way to another period of very strong labor market—we have got to get inflation behind us,” Powell said.

Butter Prices Soar as Dairy Production Declines Ahead of Holiday Baking Season

A decline in dairy production is contributing to a surge in butter prices as American families prepare for the holiday baking season.

The price of butter — one of the most important ingredients for baked goods — has risen by 24.6 percent since last year, for an average price of $4.77 per unit in August, according to the Bureau of Labor statistics. Butter prices outpaced most other grocery store items in inflation except for eggs, which increased by 39.8 percent from last year.


News Blog Power Mall Blog Post: Jay’s Corner  – September 2022 Edition

Jay shares a calcium bentonite clay testimony and two important PhosphatidylCholine testimonies!

Study: A Good Night’s Sleep Boosts Immune System

If you want to stay well, make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

That’s the conclusion of a new study that found that good sleep helps regulate a key component of the body’s immune system.

Specifically, it influences the environment where white blood cells known as monocytes form, develop and get ready to support the immune function, a process called hematopoiesis.

“What we are learning is that sleep modulates the production of cells that are the protagonists – the main actors – of inflammation,” said senior study author Filip Swirski, director of the Cardiovascular Research Institute at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in New York City. “Good quality sleep reduces that inflammatory burden.”

The researchers studied the impact of sleep in a clinical trial of 14 adults. Each participant was assigned to get either 7.5 hours of sleep each night for six weeks or to get about six hours of sleep each night. Then they had six weeks of a “wash-out” period where they got their normal amount of sleep before being assigned to the opposite schedule for another six weeks.

The researchers collected morning and afternoon blood samples in the fifth and sixth weeks of both parts of the study.

What did they find? When the adults did not get enough sleep, they had higher levels of circulating monocytes in the afternoon, higher numbers of immune stem cells in the blood, and evidence of immune activation.

→ For a good night’s sleep try Herbal zzZs

Utilizing pure synergistic ingredients and a quality manufacturing process, Herbal-zzZs, is a product that you can trust.   The Five Core active ingredients are Ashwagandha, Hops, Chamomile, Magnolia Bark, and Black Seed Oil. Ashwagandha is part of a rare class of herbs called adaptogens. This water extracted root supports hormonal balance plus the body’s coping mechanism for stress and anxiety.  It also nourishes the adrenal glands, which can keep you awake when overactive. Hops behave like a mild sedative and support effective relaxation. Chamomile calms and soothes the nervous and digestive systems to prepare you for sleep.  Chamomile has been trusted and relied upon since ancient times as a primary bedtime aid.  Magnolia Bark supports a state of tranquility in the brain and nervous system.  The polyphenols in magnolia bark — honokiol and magnolol — have been found to support a healthy REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and a healthy GABA receptor response, essential for a good night’s rest. Black Seed Oil supports natural tryptophan levels in the brain, which are responsible for the synthesis of natural, not synthetic, serotonin and melatonin. The hormones that regulate sleep.

Each herb is gentle to the body and well-tolerated. Together, these ingredients work naturally and harmoniously as the ideal replacement for melatonin at night.  Try our unique Herbal zzZs sleep formula and experience a wholesome rest in the arms of mother nature’s embrace.

Beware of Rainbow Fentanyl, Other Candy Look-alike Drugs

The Drug Enforcement Administration is advising the public of an alarming emerging trend of colorful fentanyl pills available across the United States. Dubbed “rainbow fentanyl” because the pills come in a variety of bright colors, this trend appears to be a new method used by drug cartels to sell highly addictive and potential deadly drugs made to look like candy to children and young people.

According to SELF, fentanyl is a synthetic opioid up to 10 times more potent than morphine. Law enforcement have found the colorful pills in at least 18 states in August alone. Schools across the nation are now warning students and their families about the risks of rainbow fentanyl, which may be sold as a powder resembling sidewalk chalk.

The deadly drug may also be disguised as prescription medicine. Last May, two Ohio State University students died after consuming fentanyl-laced Adderall. Fentanyl is currently the deadliest drug in the U.S. Just two grams of the drug, which is equivalent to 10 to 15 grains of salt, can be deadly. Symptoms of an overdose include skin that looks pale or feels clammy, limp muscles, purple or bluish fingernails, vomiting or gurgling noses, the inability to speak or wake, a slow heartbeat or trouble breathing. Call 911 immediately if someone you know has these symptoms, say experts.


Good Luck With That: Pete Buttplug Pitches Texans on Giving Up Gas-Powered Vehicles

The Biden administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes $7.5 billion for electric vehicle charging networks

The Biden administration took its campaign for electric vehicles to the state capital of Texas on Thursday, with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg pitching Austinites on why they should ditch gas-powered cars. 

“Some of the best use cases for electric vehicles are in places like Texas, places where people spend more time in their vehicles, where you drive longer distances than in a dense coastal city, and therefore spend more money on gas and therefore would save more money, provided you can afford an electric vehicle, which is why we’re fighting to make electric vehicles cheaper,” Buttigieg told a crowd in a wide-ranging interview at the Texas Tribune Festival. 

The $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which Buttigieg helped usher through Congress last year, includes $7.5 billion for electric vehicle charging infrastructure and $7 billion for supply chains related to the minerals necessary for electric cars. 

An extensive charging station network will be necessary in Texas, the second-largest state in America with about 3,400 miles of interstate highways. 

Multifamily homes, which are common in large metro areas like Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Austin, present their own challenges due to a lack of at-home charging, but Texans in rural areas may not have the same problem. 

“In rural areas, you have a higher proportion of people living in single family homes. Remember, it’s considerably easier to solve the charging puzzle if you have the benefit of living in a single-family home,” Buttigieg said. “You just plug it in here, plug it into your garage.”

Texas’ overtaxed power grid could also be a barrier for the transition to electric vehicles, with extreme weather events in the winter and summer making the availability of electricity hit-or-miss at times. 

The Texas Department of Transportation noted that a February 2021 winter storm shut down the power grid for days in some parts of Texas. More recently, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas called on residents to conserve power in July during a heat wave that stretched the grid thin. 

Climate Change: Composting Of Humans Will Be Legal In California After 2027

  • A California law makes it legal to turn human remains into compost
  • The process involves placing the body inside a reusable container along with wood chips and aerating it to allow microbes and bacteria to do their thing
  • The law, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom this week, takes effect in 2027
  • ‘With climate change … this is an alternative method of final disposition that won’t contribute emissions into our atmosphere,’ the bill’s author said

California will begin offering the option of human composting after death thanks to a bill recently signed into law that aims to tackle climate change.

Human composting, also known as natural organic reduction (NOR), would be an option for residents who don’t want to be buried or cremated upon their death – starting in 2027.

The process involves placing the body inside a long, reusable steel container along with wood chips and flowers to aerate it – allowing microbes and bacteria to do break down the remains.

Approximately one month later, the remains will fully decompose and be turned into soil.

Advocates for the bill, which was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday, have said that NOR is a more climate-friendly option.

Cremation in the U.S. alone emits about 360,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, according to National Geographic.

The bill bans the combining of various peoples’ remains unless they are related.

But it does not make it illegal to sell the soil that results from the process or use it to grow food for human consumption.

‘AB 351 will provide an additional option for California residents that is more environmentally-friendly and gives them another choice for burial,’ Democratic Assembly member Cristina Garcia, the author of the bill, said in a statement.

‘With climate change and sea-level rise as very real threats to our environment, this is an alternative method of final disposition that won’t contribute emissions into our atmosphere.

‘I look forward to continuing my legacy to fight for clean air by using my reduced remains to plant a tree,’ she wrote, noting that she herself may choose the method when she passes away.

Micah Truman, founder and CEO of Return Home, a funeral home in the Seattle area that specializes in human composting, said there’s been growing demand for the practice in recent years.

‘With cremation, instead of sitting with our person and saying goodbye, we are very divorced from the process,’ he told The Guardian.

No, The Green Revolution Is Not A ‘Stunning Success’

One of the key myths of the twentieth century is the benign role played by international, American-led institutions after the Second World War. American liberals/progressives, fresh from imposing the New Deal in the thirties and planning and directing a world war, turned their eyes to international affairs: the United States had a world historic mission of messianic proportions: lifting developing countries into modernity by remaking them (and all other countries, for that matter) in America’s own image.

The Cold War era was rife with projects and organizations to carry out this vision, from Bretton Woods and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the area of international finance to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in military affairs to the CIA-funded Congress for Cultural Freedom used to spread progressive, US-friendly propaganda. These organizations all had mainly deleterious influences—I have previously indicated how Bretton Woods and the modern international financial system can best be described as financial imperialism—but in one area American interventionism is to this day universally acclaimed as benign: the Green Revolution.


Community Garden Benefits Little Rock Neighborhood

Searching for examples of successful community gardens? Look no further than Dunbar Garden in Little Rock, Arkansas. Find how the community garden benefits the city and its people.

Thirty years ago, Dunbar Garden took root in a historic Little Rock, Arkansas, neighborhood. Since then, it has become a successful classroom for teaching its community about gardening and self-sufficient farming.

The community garden spans a little more than 2 acres consisting of vegetables, chickens, bees, fruit trees, a greenhouse, community composting, and a 3.7-kilowatt Skystream wind turbine spinning above it all. The garden is still going strong, even after the COVID-19 pandemic slowed things down for a while, and the community strives to provide educational resources for students and families as a top priority.


Federal Judge Stops Federal School Mask, Vaccine Mandates

A federal judge ruled Wednesday that federal school mask and vaccine mandates cannot be enforced because “liberty interests of individuals … outweigh any interest generated by the mandatory administration of vaccines.”

The federal mandate affected 280,000 teachers, staff, and volunteers with the Head Start program who were met with a “job-or-jab” ultimatum.

Judge Terry A. Doughty, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, opened his 27-page opinion quoting James Madison’s Federalist No. 51, “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elected may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” Doughty wrote:

The public interest is served by maintaining the constitutional structure and maintaining the liberty of individuals who do not want to take the COVID-19 vaccine. This interest outweighs Agency Defendants’ interests. The public has a liberty interest in not being required to take a vaccine or be fired from their jobs. The public interest must be taken into account before allowing Agency Defendants to mandate vaccines.

The Biden administration required the vaccines and masks as part of its package of coronavirus-related mandates that included the vaccine mandate on private employers that was eventually blocked by the U.S. Supreme Court in NFIB v. OSHA.

In the Head Start case, staff and volunteers with the program were required to be vaccinated against the coronavirus by January 31, 2022, and all persons aged two years or older were required to wear masks.

“After initially rejecting vaccine mandates, President Joe Biden’s ‘patience’ began ‘wearing thin’ with those ‘who haven’t gotten vaccinated,’” Doughty recalled in his review of the case’s background.

After the mandates came down, Louisiana preschool teacher Sandy Brick — who serves Head Start students — filed the lawsuit to prevent her from either being vaccinated or fired from her job.

Brick is being represented by the Liberty Justice Center and the Pelican Institute for Public Policy.

Doctor Finds ‘Rectangles and Inverted Pyramids’ in Degraded mRNA Vaccines, Scientists Dispute Analysis

Dr. Daniel Nagase has been using a scanning electron microscope to analyze both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines that were exposed to room temperature for weeks or months, and has found odd objects that according to several doctors who talked to The Epoch Times, should not be in the vials—even after degradation.

Nagase took photos of crystals, spheres, fibers, and most strikingly: “rectangles and inverted pyramids.”

One of the images shows a “hexagonal crystalline structure, on top of which there is a 4-sided rectangular structure with regularly spaced dots in the form of a grid.”

“4-sided structures on top of 6-sided structures do not occur naturally,” Nagase told The Epoch Times, “neither do grid markings.”

A molecular biologist/virologist who reviewed Nagase’s findings told The Epoch Times under the condition of anonymity that the results of the scanning electron microscopy “revealed unexpected content.”

“Most notable is a distinct rectangular shape consisting primarily of carbon and oxygen,” the scientist told The Epoch Times.

Woman drops dead at pharmacy within 15 minutes of booster shot

A Canadian woman who died within 15 minutes of receiving a COVID-19 booster shot was in good health, according to her daughter, who blames the vaccine.

Carol Pearce was in a text exchange with her daughter, Stephanie Foster, when she went to a Shoppers Drug Mart in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on Sept. 14, reported the Alberta-based independent paper the Western Standard.

“My mom text me right after she got the shot to let me know she was waiting the 15 min and I text her back,” Foster posted on Facebook.

Meanwhile, Canada is lifting its requirement that anyone entering the country must be “fully vaccinated,” the Toronto Star reported. The paper said the move came after Canadians were preparing to take part in mass civil disobedience on Oct. 1.

A national survey in the United States by Zogby Strategies found 17% of adults who received at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine say they were diagnosed with a new condition within weeks to several months after getting the shot. The figure was 15% for those who had received at least one shot.

On Sept. 4, a fully vaccinated and boosted 24-year-old Canadian TV reporter, Matthew Rodrigopulle, died unexpectedly at his home of a heart problem.


Florida Asks Supreme Court to Rule on Its Power to Regulate Social Media

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has filed an appeal with the Supreme Court that asks the court to decide if states have the power to regulate how social media companies moderate content on their platforms.

Given the growing public interest in the issue of social media censorship, the Supreme Court may have difficulty refusing to hear the case.

The case pits the right of individual Americans to freely express themselves online against the right of social media platforms to make editorial decisions about content.

Republicans and conservatives have complained for years about being censored by the platforms.

They were furious when platforms banned then-President Donald Trump in January 2021, blocked a New York Post article about Hunter Biden’s laptop, and silenced dissenting opinions on the origins of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus and on treatments for the disease it causes.

Democrats and liberals say the platforms don’t do enough to suppress so-called hate speech and alleged misinformation.

The petition in the case, known as Attorney General, State of Florida v. NetChoice LLC, was filed on Sept. 21.

NetChoice is a coalition of trade associations representing social media companies and e-commerce businesses.

The filing comes as a majority of U.S. states are looking at legislation that would regulate social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook in the public interest.

Texas may enforce law banning social media from blocking users based on viewpoints, 5th Circuit says

A federal appeals court on Friday allowed Texas to enforce a law that generally bans large social media companies from restricting posts based on the viewpoint of the speaker.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at New Orleans rejected arguments that the Texas law interfered with the companies’ First Amendment rights to exercise editorial discretion. The appeals court called the argument “a rather odd inversion of the First Amendment.”

“The platforms argue that buried somewhere in the person’s enumerated right to free speech lies a corporation’s unenumerated right to muzzle speech,” the 5th Circuit said in the Sept. 16 opinion. “The implications of the platforms’ argument are staggering. On the platforms’ view, email providers, mobile phone companies and banks could cancel the accounts of anyone who sends an email, makes a phone call or spends money in support of a disfavored political party, candidate or business.”

The appeals court reversed a trial judge’s injunction blocking the law from taking effect. The decision is contrary to another decision by the 11th Circuit at Atlanta, which blocked a Florida law banning social media censorship in May. The Florida law bars social media companies from banning political candidates, deprioritizing political messages or censoring content by journalistic enterprises.

The Texas case is before the 5th Circuit for the second time. In May, the appeals court stayed a trial judge’s injunction that blocked the law from taking effect during litigation. Responding to an emergency request, the U.S. Supreme Court vacated the 5th Circuit stay May 31, which meant that the law remained blocked.

The 5th Circuit ruled again in its latest decision by Judge Andrew Stephen Oldham that was mostly joined by Judge Edith H. Jones.

“We reject the platforms’ attempt to extract a freewheeling censorship right from the Constitution’s free speech guarantee,” Oldham wrote. “The platforms are not newspapers. Their censorship is not speech. They’re not entitled to pre-enforcement facial relief. And HB 20 is constitutional because it neither compels nor obstructs the platforms’ own speech in any way. The district court erred in concluding otherwise and abused its discretion by issuing a preliminary injunction.”


My Message to the Traitors – I Will Not Comply By Andrew Wallace

We must resist this unconstitutional occupation by a private, foreign corporate entity pretending to be our National Government in every LAWFUL way! The following is what I am doing. I pray that American Citizens have the courage to emulate me. Our failure to resist will lead to destruction of all we hold dear, and will result in massive bloodshed, as History has proven.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with any Presidential Executive Orders, for they have no Constitutional authority over me.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with Common Law unless it has Constitutional compliance with my Protected Rights.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with Judicial rulings at any level that attempt to make law, as this is the role of the Legislative Branch.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with laws made by unelected bureaucrats who have no authority over me.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with a majority of Federal Laws that are unconstitutional because they are beyond the scope of the Limited and Enumerated Powers in our Constitution.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with unconstitutional edicts requiring me to submit to faux vaccine injections or other protocols.

I WILL NOT COMPLY if unconstitutionally ordered to surrender my firearms, nor will I relinquish the right to use deadly force in defense of life and property.



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