July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: September 29, 2020

World News


Oliver Cromwell puritanism returns.
Infowars – Draconian new coronavirus rules to enforce social distancing in the UK ban people from singing or dancing in pubs.
No fun allowed.
Existing laws already mandate pubs and restaurants to close at 10pm, a measure that has further crippled a hospitality industry which is already on its knees.
The move has also received a huge backlash because people are just spilling out and having street parties or going to each other’s houses after 10pm, defeating the entire purpose of the rule.
The new regulations “ban pubs and bars from playing loud music or allowing people to sing and dance,” reports the Independent.
Anecdotal reports also suggest that people who merely stand up in a pub without wearing a face mask are being reprimanded by hysterical jobsworths.
As we highlighted earlier, citizens are also being encouraged to snitch on each other as police perform home visits to check if people are self-isolating, with COVID enforcer marshals also peering through windows and letterboxes to ensure pubs and clubs follow the 10pm curfew.
The measures, which have been put in place despite a flatlining of COVID deaths and hospitalizations, bear the hallmarks of Oliver Cromwell’s puritan revolution.
Cromwell ruled the British Isles as Lord Protector from 1653 until his death in 1658. Under Cromwell’s regime, inns and theatres were closed, most sports were banned and enjoyment was frowned upon.
Has that much changed in 350 years?

‘Fake news’ punishable by years in prison under proposed Nicaraguan law

France24 – Deputies from Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega’s party on Monday proposed a law that would make spreading fake news on social media punishable by up to four years in prison, government sources said.
The draft bill would allow sentences of two to four years for “the publication or dissemination of false (or) distorted information, likely to spread anxiety, anguish or fear,” according to the text published on the National Assembly website.
Under the proposed law, people convicted of fraud or cyber espionage, identity theft or use of the internet to corrupt minors or for child pornography will be punished with two to 10 years in prison.

New Clampdowns For Montreal, Quebec City

Barron’s  – Quebec, the province hardest hit by the pandemic in Canada, on Monday reintroduced restrictions to limit the spread of the Covid-19 illness in three regions including Montreal and Quebec City.
Premier Francois Legault said the closure of bars, concert halls, cinemas and libraries in these “red zones” would take effect on October 1 and last 28 days.
Shops can remain open but restaurants will only be allowed to serve take-out meals.
Schools will also continue to operate while residents of the mostly French-speaking province are asked to restrict access to their homes.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Astonishing video: Ilhan Omar tied to ‘ballot harvesting’ in her district

WND – A Project Veritas undercover investigation released Sunday night alleges paid workers in the district of Rep. Ilhan Omar in Minneapolis are illegally gathering absentee ballots from elderly Somali immigrants.
Members of the Somali community interviewed by Project Veritas charge Omar and the state Democratic Party, the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, are behind the “ballot harvesting.”
The investigation features alleged ballot harvester Liban Mohamed in a Snapchat video with piles of ballots on his car dashboard.
Mohamed is the brother of Minneapolis City Council member Jamal Osman.
“Just today we got 300 for Jamal Osman,” Mohamed says in the video. “I have 300 ballots in my car right now.”
He boasts in his SnapChat video July 1: “Numbers don’t lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentee ballots. … Look, all these are for Jamal Osman.
“Money is the king in this world … and a campaign is driven by money.”

Report: New York City Voters Wrongly Receive Mail-in Ballots Labeled for Military Use

Breitbart – Queens, New York City, voters have received mail-in ballots marked for military use even though recipients never served in the armed forces, according to a Monday report.
Per the New York Post:
In recent days, several borough residents — including two Post journalists — have received forms reading “Official Absentee Military Ballot,” creating concern about whether their votes would be properly tallied. […]
Beyond Sunnyside, non-service members also reported receiving the ballots in neighborhoods including Richmond Hill, Forest Hills and Astoria.
Van Bramer, a Democrat, said the issue only adds to the worries in an already topsy-turvy election cycle that has seen an inordinate number of voters look to mail-in voting with the coronavirus pandemic raging on. […]
Van Bramer said he was informed by the city BOE that the issue stemmed from a typographical error, wherein a dash meant to separate the words “absentee” and “military” was dropped.
“There’s just mass confusion about these ballots and what people are supposed to do with them,” Van Bramer told the Post. “People were already not trusting this process and they were already not trusting the Board of Elections to count the ballot right.”
“This apparent typo just has everyone confused and believing these are invalid ballots,” he added. “It’s absolutely outrageous that when everyone is watching them, they still screw up the most basic thing, which is printing the ballot correctly.”
The development is the latest in a string of concerning reports about voting by mail and possible election fraud.
On Sunday evening, an undercover Project Veritas video exposed an operative allegedly linked to to freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) bragging on Instagram of numerous ballots he acquired. President Donald Trump on Monday weighed in on the video, urging state officials to launch an investigation into the alleged ballot harvesting scheme in Minneapolis.
“This is totally illegal,” the president wrote on Twitter. “Hope that the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota has this, and other of her many misdeeds, under serious review??? If not, why not???”

Police departments across US report ‘nationwide’ 911 OUTAGE, possibly caused by Microsoft cloud glitch

RT – A number of police departments around the United States have reported that their 911 services are down, a widespread outage believed to be linked to a glitch in Microsoft cloud computing platform Azure.
Police and sheriffs departments in at least Minnesota, Arizona, California, Nevada, North Carolina and Pennsylvania have noted issues with their emergency call systems on Monday, directing residents to use alternative numbers while they work to correct the issue, allegedly caused by a technical failure in Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing services.
No official explanation has yet been offered for the outages in any of the affected locations.
Public safety alerts were sent by text to some Minnesota residents, also giving another way to contact authorities if calls to 911 fail to go through.

Trump’s reported tax methods standard for super rich say experts

Al Jazeera – President Donald Trump has denied an expose by The New York Times saying he effectively paid no income tax for most of the past two decades, but experts said the methods it was reported he employed to reduce his bill are commonly used by wealthy property developers to file zero-liability tax returns.
In addition to real estate tax breaks, Trump could also benefit from a broad flexibility available to the super-rich to report personal expenses, such using their own private jets and holiday homes, as deductible business costs, they say.
“It would be very common for my wealthier clients in the world of real estate to report losses or to break even,” said Robert Keebler who runs a tax advisory firm in Green Bay, Wisconsin, which serves high-net-worth clients.
“It’s not something cooked up in some law firm, it’s something Congress devised,” he said of the tax breaks enjoyed by the real estate sector and investors with capital gains.
Real estate investors are allowed to deduct approximately 4 percent of the purchase value of their buildings from their rental income each year, even though buildings do not usually drop in value. This means they can report tax losses while earning fat profits.
Tax campaigners have long argued the tax break was a giveaway that was unnecessary to spur real estate investment and should be abolished.
Outside of the real estate sector, or in cases of real estate tycoons whose buildings no longer offer big depreciation deductions – something the Times said might apply to Trump – it is a manoeuvre that becomes more difficult to achieve.
“Wealthy people for the most part pay taxes,” said Annette Nellen, professor of tax at the College of Business, San Jose State University. She said that if Trump did not enjoy big depreciation deductions – applied against his earnings from his TV show, The Apprentice, and licensing his name to developers around the world – it would have been difficult to pay no tax whatsoever.
“You would think he had some income to pay taxes on,” she added.

Joe Biden Exploited S-Corporation Loophole to Avoid Payroll Tax

Breitbart – The establishment media is all aflutter Monday after a New York Times story over the weekend about incumbent GOP President Donald Trump’s tax records, but it turns out Democrat candidate former Vice President Joe Biden used a series of tax code loopholes to avoid paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes over the years.
Back in August, the Wall Street Journal’s Chris Jacobs exposed how the Biden family structured what is called an “S-Corp” to avoid paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes.
“How the Bidens Dodged the Payroll Tax,” was Jacobs’ headline on Aug. 10.
In it, the Journal details how the Bidens set up an S-Corporation to avoid paying more than half a million dollars in taxes they would have otherwise owed.
“Joe Biden responded to President Trump’s partial suspension of payroll-tax collections with a statement calling it the ‘first shot in a new, reckless war on Social Security,’” Jacobs wrote. He continued: “‘Our seniors and millions of Americans with disabilities are under enough stress without Trump putting their hard-earned Social Security benefits in doubt.’ Mr. Biden’s objections might be more persuasive had he and his wife, Jill, not gone out of their way to avoid funding seniors’ entitlement benefits. According to their tax returns, in 2017 and 2018 the Bidens and his wife Jill avoided payroll taxes on nearly $13.3 million in income from book royalties and speaking fees. They did so by classifying the income as S-corporation profits rather than taxable wages.”
Jacobs continued in his expose by noting the corporation the Bidens established to avoid paying the payroll taxes on millions of dollars in income amounts to more than half a million dollars in taxes that Joe and Jill Biden did not pay.
“According to the Urban Institute, a couple featuring one high earner and one average earner, retiring this year, will have paid a total of $209,000 in Medicare taxes during their working lives,” Jacobs wrote. “The Bidens avoided paying nearly twice that much in Medicare taxes during two years. The maximum payroll tax affected by Mr. Trump’s suspension is $1,984—less than 1/250th of the amount the Bidens avoided in 2017-18. The Bidens didn’t avoid any Social Security tax, which applied only to the first $127,200 of income in 2017 and $128,400 in 2018. But they would under Mr. Biden’s tax plan, which would impose the 12.4% Social Security tax on income over $400,000; the same loophole he used in 2017-18 would shield him from his own tax. And how can Mr. Biden claim to protect Medicare and ObamaCare when he avoided more than $500,000 in taxes that fund the two programs? The media have largely ignored the Bidens’ accounting legerdemain, fixating on Mr. Trump’s tax returns instead. But at least the president isn’t looking to raise taxes on everyone else.”
The Wall Street Journal is hardly the only outlet to illustrate how the Bidens used this tax code loophole of creating an S-Corporation to save themselves from paying hundreds of thousands—perhaps now millions—of dollars in taxes over the years.
CNBC’s Darla Mercado in 2019 wrote about it explaining to her readers how they can use the same loopholes Biden did to avoid paying their taxes.

Chinese State Media Outlet Throws Support Behind Black Lives Matter

Infowars – Chinese state media outlet Xinhua has thrown its support behind Black Lives Matter with a cartoon that depicts police officers armed with pitchforks and torches hunting down a black man.
“Statistics show, time and again, that some are disproportionately prejudiced against in the U.S. #FightRacism,” tweeted the official Xinhua News account.
The image shows three white police officers and a dog hunting down an African-American male to the refrain of “hunt that blackie!”
Following the death of George Floyd and the explosion of BLM riots and demonstrations that followed, Chinese media and Communist political figures threw their weight behind the movement as a means of criticizing America’s human rights record.
This is pretty rich given that China literally icarcerates dissidents in re-education gulags and harvests the organs of political prisoners.
Respondents to the tweet pointed out the revolting irony.
“So how are the Uighurs doing up in Xinjiang?” asked one.
Another respondent pointed out how China literally removes black people from promos for Hollywood movies.
China is one of the most racist countries in the world towards black people.
As this Spectator article documents, even Chinese people with darker skin are treated badly, with children being called “monkeys” if they don’t have a pale complexion.
Racism in China is “so commonplace it can seem almost cheerful,” writes Carola Binney, who spent a year in China teaching English, adding that racism is a “standard undercurrent of public debate.”

Photos of Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Maskless in DC Airport Emerge After She Called For Mandatory Airport Mask Mandate

Gateway Pundit – Rules for thee, but not for me.
Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA) was spotted in a DC airport sans mask on Friday.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson exclusively obtained the photos of 87-year-old Dianne Feinstein waltzing through a private terminal at Dulles airport without a mask on her face.
Just three months ago Feinstein called for a mandatory airport mask mandate because Covid is so dangerous.
But the mask mandate is only for the peasants.

Cognitively impaired Biden refuses to release names of his Supreme Court nominees

NaturalNews – Following the recent death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the political sphere has been abuzz with speculation about who might be nominated to replace her, either immediately by President Trump or later on with Joe Biden potentially at the helm. But Biden has indicated that he will not be releasing the names of any of his potential nominees before the election, probably because they are too radical.
While claiming that Trump replacing Ginsburg before the Nov. 3 election would represent an “abuse of power,” Biden refused to even hint at who he might choose as her replacement, insisting that it must wait until after people’s ballots are cast.
At the same time, Biden has issued a public plea for Senate Republicans to hold off on voting any nominated candidate into Ginsburg’s vacant seat. This follows an announcement by Trump that he is already compiling a list of females, one of whom will more than likely be nominated by the Senate before the election.
“We can’t ignore the cherished system of checks and balances,” Biden stated, calling the president’s plan to replace Ginsburg before the election an “exercise of raw political power.”
“That includes this whole business of releasing a list of potential nominees that I would put forward,” Biden added to a very small crowd gathered to support him in Philadelphia.
Biden says he would only nominate Supreme Court candidates with “consent” of both Democrats and Republicans
As you may recall, then-candidate Trump released the names of his potential nominees before being elected back in 2016, which is considered to have been an unprecedented move at the time. That announcement followed the death of Antonin Scalia, which occurred earlier that same year in February.
“It’s no wonder they ask that I release the list only after she passed away,” Biden stated, referring to what Trump did. “It is a game for them. It is a play to gin up emotions and anger. There’s a reason why no other candidate than President Trump has ever done such a thing.”
Biden’s rationale for not releasing the names of his potential nominees is that doing so might influence their decisions in their current roles, as well as subject them to what he described as “unrelenting political attacks.”
According to Biden, the earliest any of his potential nominees would get a hearing would be sometime in 2021 “at the earliest.”
“She would endure those attacks for months on end without being able to defend herself,” Biden stated about his potential nominee, implying that she would be a woman.
“Thirdly and finally, perhaps most importantly, if I win, I’ll make my choice for the Supreme Court not based on a partisan election campaign, but on what prior presidents have done, Republican and Democrats, and I have served with them,” Biden further added, explaining that he would only proceed “after consulting Republicans and Democrats in the United States Senate and seeking their advice and asking for their consent.”
For someone who is already widely ridiculed concerning his repeated unsolicited sexual advances on women and children without their consent, Biden sure has a lot of nerve suggesting that he will somehow follow a different set of rules with the Supreme Court should he be elected president.
If elected, Biden has suggested that he is planning to nominate a black woman to the court.

Republicans Aim for Late October Vote on Barrett

Newsmax – Senate Republicans are aiming to vote on Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination by the end of October, hoping to get her confirmed just before the 2020 elections, Fox News reports.
“More than half of the Supreme Court justices who have had hearings were done within 16 days or less, so we’ll start on Oct. 12,” Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham told “Sunday Morning Futures.”
“We’ll have a day of introduction. We’ll have two days of questioning, Tuesday and Wednesday, and on [Oct. 15] we’ll begin the markup,” he continued

Michael Flynn faces showdown before judge over Justice Dept. bid to drop prosecution

The Hour – A U.S. judge will preside over a climactic confrontation in Washington at 11 a.m. Tuesday over the Justice Department’s bid to dismiss the criminal case against Michael Flynn, the former Trump national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators.
In a case likely to define the limits of executive- and judicial-branch powers, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan set final arguments after an appeals court affirmed his authority to scrutinize Attorney General William P. Barr’s controversial request to toss the prosecution of the highest-ranking Trump adviser charged in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s Russia investigation.

Economy & Business

Cities Experiment With Remedy for Poverty: Cash, No Strings Attached

Guaranteed income comes without work requirements; some worry about work disincentive, high cost

WSJ – Last year, Stockton, Calif., embarked on a civic experiment. For 18 months the city would send $500 a month to 125 randomly selected households in low-income neighborhoods. Researchers would compare the effect on participants’ health and economic situation to that of residents who didn’t get payments.
The $3.8 million experiment is the brainchild of Stockton’s 30-year-old mayor, Michael Tubbs, made possible by the Economic Security Project—a group co-founded by Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes that funds guaranteed-income projects—and other donors. Stockton is at the forefront of a rethinking of the American safety net among some academics and public officials, particularly as the coronavirus pandemic has revealed the financial fragility of many households. They say the best way to combat poverty is to give cash to poor households, trusting them to make their own best decisions.
The idea is related to universal basic income, popularized by former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang. Whereas UBI involves regular payments to everyone regardless of income, Stockton’s experiment targets poor neighborhoods.
If implemented nationwide, guaranteed income along the Stockton model would represent a significant expansion of the safety net and one that isn’t conditional on working or looking for work. Food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, the earned-income tax credit and unemployment compensation all include some form of work requirement.

Energy & Environment

California EV Mandate Could “Lead To Disaster” For State’s Already Fragile Electric Grid

Activist Post – Now that genius California lawmakers have mandated that all cars in the state must be electric by 2035, it seems like a good time to ask what, exactly, this is going to do to the state’s already fragile power grid.
In what will likely come as a surprise to lawmakers who we can almost guarantee didn’t think about this in advance, it turns out that electrifying all of the state’s vehicles could be “an immense burden” on the state’s grid, according to Bloomberg.
In fact, this past week’s executive order could drive up power demands in the state by as much as 9.5% over the next 10 years and 25% by 2035. This could be a “nightmare” scenario for a state where power is often so tight that rolling blackouts are ordered to prevent the system from collapsing during heat waves.
Additionally, if everyone were to plug in their vehicles at the same time, at night, the problem could be concentrated and even worse.
Erica Bowman, director of resource and environmental planning and strategy at utility Southern California Edison said: “It could go either way. It really depends on planning.”
What planning means is the idea that people would have to stagger when and how they plug in their vehicles for charging, taking into account when the state’s solar energy kicks in and when wind power peaks. Ah, yes, what a wonderful quality of life California offers, where you’ll soon have to ask permission to plug in your car just to get from point A to point B. 
Everyone plugging their car in at 6PM after work could “lead to disaster”, according to the report. It’s the same time everyone also decides to turn on their air conditioning, stoves and televisions. At the same time, solar power plunges around sunset, forcing gas plants to pick up the slack. If gas plants are down or there’s no imports available, you wind up with a rolling blackout scenario, like the state had last month.

Famed Napa Valley winery is destroyed by the Glass Fire as 2,000 are ordered to evacuate

Daily Mail – Two thousand people in California‘s Napa Valley wine growing area have been ordered to evacuate their homes, and another 3,000 have been told to prepare to, amid rapidly-spreading wildfires which have destroyed at least one winery.
Chateau Boswell, a 40-year-old family-run winery near St Helena, was on fire on Sunday night, as firefighters desperately tried to put out the blaze. 
Napa County Office of Emergency Services said 64 wineries sit within the evacuation or evacuation warning areas, along with rural estates and remote, unincorporated communities.

Science & Technology

AMAZON to Offer Palm-Scanning as Option for Entry Into Stores

HT Tech – Amazon is starting to offer a palm-scanning option as a method of enabling people to enter its stores, according to a blog post.
Initially, palm-based scanners will be available as an entry option at two Amazon Go stores in Seattle, but the company said in its blog post on Tuesday that it’s in “active discussions” to introduce the technology in third-party stores.
The system, called ‘Amazon One,’ could be used for paying at a store, presenting a loyalty card, or entry into places such as offices or stadiums, just by hovering your hand over a scanner.
Amazon said palm recognition is considered “more private than some biometric alternatives because you can’t determine a person’s identity by looking at an image of their palm,” according to the blog post.


Pandemic Drives Hike in Opioid Deaths

Unfold Times – Within the six months since Covid-19 introduced the nation to a standstill, the opioid epidemic has taken a pointy flip for the more serious. Greater than 40 states have recorded will increase in opioid-related deaths because the pandemic started, according to the American Medical Association. In Arkansas, the usage of Narcan, an overdose-reversing drug, has tripled. Jacksonville, Fla., has seen a 40 percent increase in overdose-related calls. In March alone, York County in Pennsylvania recorded thrice extra overdose deaths than regular.
For Mr. Cameron, the shutdown of every day life within the spring not solely led him again to medicine, however led him to make use of alone — an particularly harmful proposition.
As soon as the pandemic started, the federal authorities tried to make it simpler for sufferers to remain on these medicines whereas medical doctors’ workplaces and clinics have been typically closed and other people have been being requested to remain house. Nik Rowley, 37, has been taking a every day dose of Suboxone — a model identify for buprenorphine — for about eight years.
Usually, Mr. Rowley has to go see a physician each two weeks to get 38 doses of Suboxone — two per day. “What they began doing was emergency exemption doses. So that you have been getting a month’s price of emergency doses,” he mentioned.

Study: Vitamin C improves sepsis survival rates

NaturalNews – A recent study published in the journal JAMA suggests that vitamin C may be beneficial for people with sepsis.
Researchers examined the effect of vitamin C on organ failure, a common complication of sepsis that often leads to death. They found that it lowered mortality rates among patients with sepsis and reduced how long they stayed in the hospital.
While more research is needed, the team said that vitamin C treatment can transform patient care. It can potentially save lives and cut hospital costs, especially as sepsis is a major contributor to healthcare expenses in the United States.
“While further research is needed, the results from our preliminary study are encouraging,” said first author Dr. Alpha A. Fowler III, a professor at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine.
Vitamin C offers promising treatment for sepsis
For the study, the researchers randomly selected 167 sepsis patients across seven sites. These patients were given either vitamin C or a placebo intravenously every six hours for four days.
After 28 days, the researchers found that the placebo group had a 46 percent mortality rate while the vitamin C group’s mortality rate was just 30 percent.
The team did not find any significant effect on sepsis-related organ failure, but the vitamin C therapy did seem to reduce the duration of hospitalization. On average, the vitamin C group spent seven days in the ICU and 15 days overall in the hospital while the placebo group spent 10 and 22 days, respectively.
“This therapy could potentially transform the way we care for sepsis patients,” said Fowler. “We may have found a lifesaving therapy.”
According to the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, sepsis is one of the leading causes of death in the country, with up to 300,000 deaths from sepsis reported each year. It’s a life-threatening condition caused by the body’s response to an infection, which may progress into septic shock. When that happens, blood pressure drops drastically, potentially leading to death.
Although a treatment for sepsis exists, some patients are not able to survive from the disease. Hospital costs from sepsis are also sky-high; sepsis accounted for 24 billion dollars of the country’s total hospital costs in 2013, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Moreover, sepsis hospitalization is 70 percent more expensive than typical hospitalization.
“Taking care of a septic patient in the ICU costs tens of thousands of dollars each day,” added Fowler. “Improving clinical outcomes for sepsis means significant cost savings for the U.S. health care industry.” 
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Study: COVID-19 weakening as death rate falls

N.Y. Times previously found 90% who tested positive had barely any virus
WND – Amid fears of a possible second wave, a new study find COVID-19’s severity may be fading as the death rate falls.
Researchers at Wayne State University in Michgan say the viral loads in patients with SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, are continuing to decrease, which they connect to the lowering death rate, reported Study Finds.
Dr. Said El Zein and his team analyzed nasal swabs of COVID-19 patients at Detroit Medical Center from April 4 to June 5 and found a downward trend in the amount of virus detected in patients.
In August, the New York Times found in an analysis of data that up to 90% of people testing positive carried barely any virus.

Coronavirus: New global test will give results ‘in minutes’

BBC – A test that can diagnose Covid-19 in minutes will dramatically expand the capacity to detect cases in low- and middle-income countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said.
The $5 (£3.80) test could transform tracking of Covid-19 in less wealthy countries, which have shortages of healthcare workers and laboratories.
A deal with manufacturers will provide 120 million tests over six months.
The WHO’s head called it a major milestone.
Lengthy gaps between taking a test and receiving a result have hampered many countries’ attempts to control the spread of coronavirus.
In some countries with high infection rates, including India and Mexico, experts have said that low testing rates are disguising the true spread of their outbreaks.
The “new, highly portable and easy-to-use test” will provide results in 15-30 minutes instead of hours or days, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a news conference on Monday.
Drugs manufacturers Abbott and SD Biosensor have agreed with the charitable Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to produce 120 million of the tests, Dr Tedros explained.
The deal covers 133 countries, including many in Latin America which is currently the region hardest-hit by the pandemic in terms of fatality and infection rates.
“This is a vital addition to their testing capacity and especially important in areas of high transmission,” Dr Tedros added.
“This will enable the expansion of testing, particularly in hard-to-reach areas that do not have laboratory facilities or enough trained health workers to carry out tests,” he said

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