July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

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Today's News: September 30, 2020

World News

Arresting People For Not Wearing Masks Is Another Giant Step Toward Total Tyranny

Michael Snyder – If anyone doubts that the country that many of us loved so much is almost totally gone, just look at what is going on all around the U.S. right now.  People are actually being arrested and put in prison for not wearing masks.  If authorities are willing to get this extreme during a relatively minor pandemic, what are they going to do to us when a true national emergency breaks out?  I certainly don’t have anything against anyone that wants to wear a mask, and I certainly don’t have a problem with officials that want to encourage everyone to wear one.  But when it gets to a point where the police are actively hunting for “non-conformers” and are dragging them off to prison in handcuffs, that should tell all of us that we aren’t living in a free country anymore.
I am sure that by now most of you have heard what happened to a woman in Ohio that was attending a middle school football game.  She had the audacity not to wear a mask, and so a police officer used a taser on her, arrested her and dragged her away in handcuffs
An Ohio woman at a middle school football game was tasered and arrested by a police officer for not wearing a face mask in the bleachers.
Around 300 people attended a Marietta City Schools football game where Alecia Kitts, of Marietta, was filmed getting handcuffed on Wednesday in the city of Logan.
I would expect something like that to happen in China, but not in the United States.
What in the world is happening to our country?
As bad as that incident was, I was even more disturbed by the arrests that just took place in Moscow, Idaho
At least five Christians were arrested during a hymn sing in the parking lot of city hall in Moscow, Idaho. Hands up, don’t sing.
One of the individuals cited was Latah County Commission candidate Gabriel Rench.
The five individuals were cited for being in violation of Moscow’s mask/social distancing order, Moscow Police Chief James Fry told the Daily News.
How sick do you have to be to arrest Christians while they are singing hymns to God?
Literally, while hundreds of believers were singing “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”, officers were slapping handcuffs on people
“Well, it happened,” one observer wrote on Twitter. “The Moscow (Idaho) Police Department arrested my kids’ music teacher and his wife the basketball coach for singing without social distancing at a Psalm Sing protest. The music is beautiful.”
Two people were handcuffed as hundreds sang “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow.”
You can watch video of this happening right here.  I have actually been to Moscow, and it is heartbreaking to see such tyranny in such a beautiful community.
And this took place in supposedly one of the most “conservative” states in the entire country.  Idaho has a reputation for being a “deeply red state”, but for some reason it has some of the worst politicians.
Sadly, the two examples that I just shared are not isolated incidents.  People have also been arrested for not wearing masks recently in New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, Oregon, Nevada and Montana.

No jab, no movement? UK MP pushes mandatory Covid-19 vaccination for travel, suggests army should oversee rollout

RT – A British Conservative MP has urged the government to draft in the armed forces for the rollout of a mass coronavirus vaccination program, which would include mandatory certificates that allow people to travel internationally.
Speaking in the House of Commons on Monday night, Tobias Ellwood argued that the mass vaccination scheme is a challenge of the scale and complexity of “the D-day landings and Dunkirk.”
The MP for Bournemouth East told the parliament that a vaccine could be six months away and urged Prime Minister Boris Johnson to use the armed forces to oversee the process of delivering it to the UK population
“Mass vaccine rollout is an enormous responsibility, and we need to get it right,” Ellwood said. “I stress that there is huge scope for this to go wrong if we do not start to plan now,” he added.
The politician told the House that he has written to Johnson urging him to use the Ministry of Defence and the army to set up regional distribution hubs as well as to develop a “national database to track progress and issue the vaccination certificates.”
Ellwood, who is Chair of the House of Commons Defence Select Committee, said that vaccination certificates “will probably have to be internationally recognized in order to allow travel, international travel.”
In further eyebrow raising remarks, Ellwood outlined that life will return to normal for those who get the vaccine, whereas those who don’t will still be “subject to social distancing rules.”
“I believe that the biggest challenge will be in managing the transition period – potentially up to a year – when parts of our society have been liberated from the threat ​of Covid-19 and seek to return to normality, but those who have yet to be vaccinated are still subject to social distancing rules,” he said.

Israel cracks down on protests under Covid-19 ‘emergency’ pretext as country extends lockdown

RT – The Israeli Knesset has approved legislation that will ban citizens from protesting more than one kilometer away from their homes, backed by the government as a measure against Covid-19, but decried as draconian by opposition MKs.
Passed 46 to 38 in the early hours of Wednesday morning after a marathon debate in the Knesset, the bill will place sweeping restrictions on demonstrations of any kind, banning citizens from attending protests held more than 1km (0.6 miles) away from their residence. The legislation was approved along with a “special state of emergency,” which will last for only a week before the ministerial cabinet will be required to re-approve the measures.
Standing with the opposition factions, two members of the Blue and White Party – part of the ruling coalition – also voted against the bill, MKs Miki Haimovich and Ram Shefa. The duo was cheered by opposition leader Yair Lapid, who asked in a tweet ahead of the vote: “What’s the next step? Banning the opposition leader from addressing parliament?”
Lapid returned to head up the Yesh Atid Party after a brief stint as a senior Blue and White official last year. There, he worked closely with Benny Gantz, now Israel’s defense chief and “alternative prime minister” under a power-sharing deal reached with PM Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this year.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Moderator Chris Wallace Receives Blowback After Rocky Debate Performance

Breitbart – Several prominent journalists and political commentators took to social media on Tuesday to share their frustration with moderator Chris Wallace’s performance during the first of three presidential debates between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.
At one point during the debate, amid several arguments between Biden, Trump, and Wallace, President Trump said, “I guess I’m debating you, not him, but that’s OK. I’m not surprised.”

Trump tells Proud Boys to ‘STAND BACK’ from ‘left-wing’ riots as Biden calls Antifa only ‘AN IDEA’

RT – President Donald Trump made hay on issues of law and order at the Tuesday’s debate as Democratic challenger Joe Biden struggled to condemn this summer’s wave of riots when confronted with his lack of calls to end the violence.
Asked by moderator Chris Wallace whether, as leader of his party, he had called Oregon’s Democrat governor or Portland’s Democrat mayor to advise them on ending more than three months of violent protests, Biden said, “I don’t hold public office now. I’m a former vice president. I made it clear that violence should be prosecuted.”
Wallace pointed out that earlier in the debate, Biden had said “I am the Democratic Party right now,” and asked him again whether he had called leaders in Democrat-run Portland to offer guidance.
“They can, in fact, take care of it if he [Trump] just stays out of the way,” Biden said.
Wallace then turned to Trump, asking if he would condemn white-supremacist and militia groups to help discourage violence.
“Who would you like me to condemn? Proud Boys? Stand back and stand by,” Trump replied. “But I’ll tell you what. Somebody’s got to do something about Antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem. This is a left-wing problem.”

Biden distances himself from ‘far-left’ voters, rejects ‘crucial’ Green New Deal & defund the police movement

RT – Accused by Donald Trump multiple times of being controlled by a “socialist” party and the “far-left,” Joe Biden tried moving to the middle by rejecting the Green New Deal and the defund the police movement.
Biden confused many with his comments on not supporting the Green New Deal as he has spoken positively of the environmentalist plan put forward by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-New York) in the past.
Debating the topic of the environment, Trump defended rolling back EPA regulations put in place by the Obama administration and claimed Biden would hurt the economy with initiatives like the Green New Deal (which is estimated to cost trillions).
“The Green New Deal is not my plan,” Biden declared, saying he supports his own plan. Moments later, however, the former vice president said “the Green New Deal will pay for itself as we move forward.”
“Do you support the Green New Deal?” moderator Chris Wallace asked.
“No, I do not support the Green New Deal,” Biden clarified, likely previously referring to his “Biden plan,” but misspeaking

Carville: Biden Should ‘Think Long and Hard’ If He Wants the Country to Go Through Another Debate

Breitbart – Democrat strategist James Carville said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The 11th Hour” that after tonight’s presidential debate, former Vice President Joe Biden should “think long and hard whether they want to put the country through this again.”

Joe Biden: ‘Antifa Is an Idea, Not an Organization’

Breitbart – “Antifa is an idea, not an organization,” said former Vice President Joe Biden to President Donald Trump during Tuesday night’s presidential debate at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH.
Biden’s claim was made after Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace warned of “white supremacist” groups causing violence and social unrest.

FBI agent who found Hillary’s emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop says he was threatened with prosecution and told to cover it up

Dr. Leonard Coldwell – We’ve heard for years that Bill and Hillary Clinton ‘have something’ on members of the deep state — people in the military-industrial complex, in the garbage Washington press corp, inside the federal bureaucracies and in law enforcement — because they always seem to get away with what appear to be blatant violations of the law.
The reality most like is something closer to this: The Clintons are ‘deep state members’ and so the insider bunch is really just protecting their own.
Case in point: An FBI agent dropped another bombshell that the fake news propaganda media completely ignored in recent days that, had it been something negative about a Trump family member, would have made headlines for days.
The Political Insider reports
FBI agent John Robertson, the man who found Hillary Clinton’s emails on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, claims he was advised by bosses to erase his own computer.
Former FBI Director James Comey, you may recall, announced days before the 2016 presidential election that he had “learned of the existence” of the emails on Weiner’s laptop.
Weiner is the disgraced husband of Clinton aide Huma Abedin.
Robertson alleges that the manner in which his higher-ups in the FBI handled the case was “not ethically or morally right.”
Robertson made these bombshell claims in a new book, “October Surprise: How The FBI Tried to Save Itself and Crashed an Election,” in which he also claims that the Obama Justice Department threatened to prosecute him — one of their own — if he informed anyone about his discovery.
And “BTW, DOJ is still protecting Clinton,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton noted on Twitter highlighting the book.
He claims that after the discovery, the FBI sat on the information for a month, no doubt looking to simply ignore the finding. Meanwhile, as we now know, corrupt FBI and Justice Department officials, as well as Obama’s intelligence chiefs, DNI James Clapper, and CIA Director John Brennan, were plotting against then-GOP nominee Donald Trump to keep him out of the Oval Office.
Finally, the FBI was forced to take some action after Robertson says he spoke to the U.S. Attorney’s office in charge of investigating the email case.
“Robertson unearthed tens of thousands of Clinton emails in late September 2016 on the laptop belonging to Weiner, the husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, in a sex crimes case involving underage girls, but for weeks after being alerted, top FBI leaders (including fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, fired FBI agent Peter Strzok, and former FBI counterintelligence chief Bill Priestap) took little to no action to investigate,” the Washington Examiner added.
“The crickets I was hearing was really making me uncomfortable because something was going to come down,” Robertson later told Justice Department investigators, he says. (Related: Bombshell: Comey says there were “hundreds of thousands” of Hillary emails on perv Anthony Weiner’s laptop, but watchdog group was told only “72,000” existed.)
“Why isn’t anybody here? Like, if I’m the supervisor of any [counterintelligence] squad … and I hear about this, I’m getting on with headquarters and saying, ‘Hey, some agent working child porn here may have [Hillary Clinton] emails. Get your a** on the phone, call [the case agent], and get a copy of that drive,’ because that’s how it should be,” he continued. 
“And that nobody reached out to me within, like, that night, I still to this day don’t understand what the hell went wrong.”
The FBI agent composed a ‘letter to self’ following an Oct. 19, 2016 meeting with Assistant U.S. Attorney Amanda Kramer of the Southern District of New York, in which he pressed her to take a look at the thousands of emails he found.
“I have very deep misgivings about the institutional response of the FBI to the congressional investigation into the Hillary Clinton email matter. … Put simply: I don’t believe the handling of the material I have by the FBI is ethically or morally right. But my lawyer’s advice — that I simply put my SSA on notice should cover me — is that I have completed CYA [Cover Your A**], and I have done so,” Robertson wrote. “Further, I was told by [Kramer] that should I ‘whistleblow,’ I will be prosecuted.”
“I possess — the FBI possesses — 20 times more emails than Comey testified to. … While Comey did not know at the time about what I have, people in the FBI do now, and as far as I know, we are being silent,” he added.

Navy SEALs Now “Gender Neutral” Under New Mission Statement

Infowars – The U.S. Navy SEALs changed its mission statements to be more “gender neutral,” including even dropping the phrase “brotherhood.”
This despite the fact there’s no female operators in the SEALs or the related Navy Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen (SWCC).
In a recent memo, Rear Adm. Collin P. Green, the commander of the Naval Special Warfare Command, approved the changing of pronouns throughout the SEALs ethos and creed statements to be less male-oriented.
The memo was brought to light by retired SEAL Eddie Gallagher, who was cleared last year of charges alleging he murdered an ISIS fighter in Syria, charges of which were spearheaded by Green.
“What a joke,” Gallagher wrote. “Note the names that signed off at the bottom, [including] Adm. Colin Green (part of the hierarchy that tried to use the system to put me away). Let’s remove all male pronouns & BROTHERHOOD from the SEAL ethos.”
“To be honest I thought the ethos was always BS,” Gallagher added. “Now I know it is. A creed or ethos is supposed to be written in stone, obviously ours is not and will sway to whatever political agenda is being put out.”
As mentioned, the memo changes the term “brotherhood” to “group of maritime warriors.”
Additionally, the memo also modified one sentence in a creed which states “I challenge my brothers to perform, as I expect them to challenge me” to now read “I challenge them to perform, as I expect them to challenge me.”
Naval Special Warfare spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Stroup said the changes were made to conform with new rules allowing women to serve as operators in Naval Special Warfare, although the barriers of entry remain the same.
“The changes do not in any way reflect lowering standards of entry, rather they ensure that all those who meet the requirements to train to become a SEAL or SWCC are represented in the ethos or creed they live out,” he said, adding that “to date, no women completed the SEAL or SWCC qualification training pipelines.”

NYC “Mask Patrol” To “Aggressively” Enforce Face Covering Mandate

Infowars – New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced in a press briefing on Tuesday new measures intended to “aggressively” enforce his mandatory mask order throughout the city.
Addressing alleged coronavirus “hotspots” in neighborhoods across the five boroughs, de Blasio said the city is adding hundreds of “Trace Corps” members to track COVID-positive New Yorkers and hundreds of additional city agency workers who will distribute masks and issue fines.
The city workers will be “handing out masks for free, encouraging testing, getting people good information and pushing back against misinformation,” according to the mayor.

Maryland man sentenced to year-long prison sentence for hosting parties during lockdown while rioters roam free

NaturalNews – Shawn Marshall Myers, a 42-year-old Maryland man, has been sentenced to one year in prison after being convicted on two counts of failure to comply with an emergency order related to the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) lockdown in his state.
Myers reportedly hosted two parties at his home during Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s statewide lockdown order, which prohibited all gatherings – except for those deemed “protests” – of more than 10 people.
District Court Judge W. Louis Hennessy presided over the trial, determining that Myers is, in fact, guilty of having had too many people at his house at one time. One of the parties supposedly had more than 50 guests present.
Had Myers gathered with these 50 people to “protest” the death of Breonna Taylor, or whichever black person’s name was making the media rounds at that time, by burning down local businesses and torching people’s cars, he would have gotten off scot-free. But because he had people over to his house during the lockdown, Myers will now have to go to prison where, ironically, he could end up “catching” the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19).
Reports indicate that police were called to Myers’ home during the first party, which he held on March 22. Myers is said to have become argumentative with officers before ultimately agreeing to end the party at their demand.
Myers hosted a second party on March 27, during which police were called again for the same violation. Officers insist that Myers “was argumentative, claiming he and his guests had the right to congregate,” prompting them to arrest him for not complying with their orders.
Myers’ sentencing comes as the Maryland Department of Health is reporting some 123,000 confirmed “cases” of the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) throughout the state. There have supposedly been 3,780 deaths in Maryland associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19).

Governor DeSantis reopens Florida restaurants and bars at FULL CAPACITY after decline in COVID infections and ends fines for not wearing a face mask

What Really Happened – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Friday lifted all COVID-19 restrictions on businesses, including restaurants and bars, and dropped penalties for not wearing a face mask – sparking a protest among upset residents.   
DeSantis made the announcements during a noon press conference in St. Petersburg, and quickly drew ire from residents who protested the new protocols.
He argued that threat of the coronavirus pandemic – which has surpassed seven million cases and 203,000 deaths – had eased sufficiently to allow the state to enter Phase 3 of its reopening. 

Trump gets third 2020 Nobel Peace Prize nomination

Fox – President Trump received his third 2020 Nobel Peace Prize nomination in September, this time from a group of Australian law professors.
“What he has done with the Trump Doctrine is that he has decided he would no longer have America involved in endless wars, wars which achieve nothing but the killing of thousands of young Americans and enormous debts imposed on America,” Australian legal scholar David Flint told Sky News Australia on Sunday. “He’s reducing America’s tendency to get involved in any and every war.”
Flint praised the president’s role in brokering a peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
“What Trump did is he went ahead and negotiated against all advice, but he did it with common sense,” Flint told the outlet. “He negotiated directly with the Arab states concerned and Israel and brought them together.”
“He’s also been the first American president to work out how to make America energy independent of the Middle East,” Flint added.

Economy & Business

Yale Economist Warns of Looming Dollar Collapse

Schiff Gold – Peter Schiff has been warning about a looming dollar collapse. During an appearance on Fox Business in July, Peter said the dollar isn’t just going down, it’s going to crash.
“I think the dollar is going to keep drifting down until it collapses,” Peter said.  “And this is going to usher in a real economic crisis in America, unlike something we’ve ever seen.
Peter is not alone. In a recent article published on SCMP.com, Yale economist Stephen Roach said he expects the dollar to plunge by as much as 35% next year.
Roach lists three factors he thinks will ultimately doom the dollar.
This reflects three considerations: the rapid deterioration in macroeconomic imbalances in the United States, the ascendancy of the euro and renminbi as alternatives, and the end of the aura of American exceptionalism that has given the dollar Teflon-like resilience for most of the post-World War II era.”
Roach called the confluence of an erosion in domestic savings and the current account deficit “nothing short of staggering.”
The national savings rate has entered negative territory for the first time since the 2008 financial crisis, coming in at -1% in the second quarter. According to Roach, a temporary surge in personal savings due to the pandemic and government stimulus checks has been more than outweighed by a record expansion in the federal budget deficit.
With the federal budget deficit exploding towards 16% of gross domestic product this financial year, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the savings plunge is only a hint of what lies ahead. This will trigger a collapse in the US current-account deficit. Lacking savings and wanting to invest and grow, the US must import surplus savings and run massive external deficits to attract foreign capital.”
A current account deficit occurs when the value of the goods and services a country imports exceeds the value of its exports. We’re already seeing signs of that the current-account deficit is widening. It came in at 3.5% of GDP in Q2 – the worst since the 4.3% deficit in the fourth quarter of 2008. Not only that, the quarter to quarter decline charted the largest deterioration since recordkeeping began in 1960.
Roach noted that the Federal Reserve will exacerbate the rapidly destabilizing savings and current-account imbalances with its zero percent interest rate policies and its “average 2% inflation” targeting.  In simple terms, the Fed is committed to holding interest rates low, even if inflation gets hot.
This new bias towards monetary accommodation effectively closes off an important option – upwards adjustments to interest rates – that has long tempered currency declines in most economies. By default, that puts even more pressure on the falling dollar as the escape valve from America’s rapidly deteriorating macroeconomic imbalances. In short, the vice is tightening on a still-overvalued dollar. Domestic savings are plunging as never before, and the current-account balance is following suit. Don’t expect the Fed, focused more on supporting equity and bond markets than on leaning against inflation, to save the day. The dollar’s decline has only just begun.”

DISNEY to layoff 28,000

NBC – Prolonged closures at Disney’s California-based theme parks and limited attendance at its open parks has forced the company to lay off 28,000 employees across its parks, experiences and consumer products division, the company said.
In a memo sent to employees on Tuesday, Josh D’Amaro, head of parks at Disney, detailed several “difficult decisions” the company has had to make in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, including ending its furlough of thousands of employees.
Shares of the company fell less than 2% after the closing bell on Tuesday

Energy & Environment

A dose of toxic synthetic chemicals: Researchers detect “forever chemicals” in California’s drinking water

NaturalNews – Drinking water sources serving 7.5 million Californians are contaminated with toxic synthetic chemicals, according to a study from the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit organization specializing in environmental research.
These chemicals, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances or PFAS, are commonly called “forever chemicals,” as they are extremely resistant to degradation once they get released to the environment. Low doses of PFAS in the body are linked to a range of health problems, including increased cholesterol levels, low birth weight, a weakened immune system, thyroid issues and even some cancers.
PFAS can be found in firefighting foams, food packaging and water- and stain-resistant products, such as non-stick cookware, carpets, clothing and furniture.
California drinking water sources contaminated with forever chemicals
EWG researchers examined the data from water samples taken between 2013 and 2019. They found that drinking water sources for 74 community water systems across the state are contaminated with PFAS. All of the detections went above 1 part per trillion (ppt), which is the threshold amount deemed safe by previous research and endorsed by the EWG.
Meanwhile, more than 40 percent of the water systems had at least one sample that exceeded 70 ppt, which is the health advisory level set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Areas with several times the EPA advisory level included a well that supplied water to the Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, which contained seven different PFAS for a total of 820 ppt. Some water systems in Corona, Oroville, Rosemont and Sacramento each had at least 400 ppt of at least six different PFAs.
“This new data shows that PFAS pollution in California is much more widespread than we knew, with almost one in five Californians served by a utility with at least some of its drinking water supply contaminated with PFAS,” said EWG President Ken Cook.
Limiting industrial use of PFAS
The EPA does not set a legal limit for PFAS – the advisory level set by the agency is not enforceable.
PFAS pose a big threat to human health and the environment because they don’t decay until after a long time, said Susan Pinney, a professor at the Department of Environmental Health at the University of Cincinnati. Pinney, who was not part of the study, said that authorities and civilians should pay more attention to the amount of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in the environment, two of the most well-studied PFAS.
Many manufacturers and industries voluntarily phased out the production of PFOS and PFOA within the last two decades, such as companies in the PFOA industry that phased out the production of the chemical in 2015, according to the EPA.
However, there are still a lot of setbacks. A limited number of PFOA-related uses and stocks still exist today, and not all companies participated in the voluntary phaseout. Imported goods may also contain toxic chemicals. Meanwhile, over 3,000 PFAs are still widely used, according to the Water Quality Association.
Tasha Stoiber, a senior scientist at the Environmental Working Group, was concerned that they found not just PFOA and PFOS, but also a mixture of different PFAS chemicals. (Related: 63% of Americans are FINALLY concerned with the quality of their drinking water.)
Regulations on the use of the chemicals may soon come as Congress may adopt PFAS reform provisions. These are included in the House and Senate versions of a defense spending bill, the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2020. The provisions include putting an end to military uses of PFAS in firefighting foam and food packaging and reducing industrial discharges of PFAS into drinking water supplies.
As states grapple with contaminated tap water, such provisions will be greatly needed to ensure the safety of millions of Americans.
Learn more about the adverse health effects of PFAS in Chemicals.news.
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Sleep is healing: Getting fewer than 6 hours of sleep if you have chronic illness increases risk of cancer, early death

NaturalNews – Sleep is an important component of good health. It promotes healing and prepares the body for the next day, among other functions. That said, there are adverse consequences to lack of sleep, and a recent study shows just how grave they can be.
A group of researchers from Pennsylvania State University found that people with diabetes, high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease may be exposing themselves to an increased risk of early death and cancer by not getting enough sleep. The team suggests that sleeping for at least six hours is important to prevent adverse health outcomes, especially in the presence of existing illnesses.
“Our study suggests that achieving normal sleep may be protective for some people with these health conditions and risks,” said lead author Julio Fernandez-Mendoza, a sleep psychologist and an associate professor at the Pennsylvania State College of Medicine.
The findings of the study were published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.
Adverse effects of inadequate sleep on patients
The researchers examined the Penn State Adult Cohort, a general random population of more than 1,600 adults between 20 to 74 years old. The cohort was divided into two groups: one with stage 2 high blood pressure or Type 2 diabetes and another with heart disease or stroke. The participants were placed in a sleep laboratory for one night from 1991 to 1998. Then, the researchers tracked them until the end of 2016.
More than five hundred participants passed away in the entire duration of the study. The team looked at their records and came up with the following findings:

  • One-third of the fatalities died due to heart disease or stroke, while one-fourth died due to cancer.
  • People who had heart disease or stroke and slept for less than six hours had three times higher risk of dying from cancer.
  • People who had high blood pressure or diabetes and slept for less than six hours had two times higher risk of dying from heart disease or stroke.

The researchers said that a shorter sleep duration should be considered as one of the risk factors used by primary and specialized care clinicians to determine the long-term outcomes of patients, particularly those with diabetes, high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease.
“I’d like to see policy changes so that sleep consultations and sleep studies become a more integral part of our healthcare systems,” said Fernandez-Mendoza. He added that identifying people with specific sleep issues may help researchers come up with improved prevention and treatment approaches. (Related: Lack of Quality Sleep Promotes Insulin Resistance, Diabetes.)
Getting enough sleep for a longer and healthier life
The following studies also show the importance of sleep for a longer and healthier life.
One study, published in the journal Sleep, suggested that sleeping for less than six hours at night may lead to an early death. Researchers examined data from 16 separate studies across Europe, the U.S. and Asia, which had a total of 1.3 million participants.
They found that those who slept for less than six hours are 12 percent more likely to die at an early age than those who slept for six to eight hours. Oversleeping also posed an adverse effect, as participants who had consistently gotten more than nine hours of sleep displayed an increased risk of premature death.
Another study, published in the International Journal of Cancer, found higher rates of breast cancer among women who work irregular hours. Researchers looked at the records of more than 1,300 healthy women and 1,200 women who had breast cancer. They found that the rate of the disease was 30 percent higher in those who worked irregular shifts, especially those who had this work schedule for a long time.
While most people are aware that lack of sleep is not good for health, its more serious consequences remain largely obscure. These studies serve as a reminder that regularly skipping hours of sleep can be life-threatening.
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Elon Musk Says No Covid-19 Vaccine For His Family, Blasts ‘Knucklehead’ Bill Gates

RT – SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk has said that neither he nor his family will likely take future coronavirus vaccines even when they are readily available, saying the pandemic has “diminished [his] faith in humanity.”
Speaking during a podcast interview with Kara Swisher, 49-year-old Musk stated that neither he nor his children are at risk for Covid-19 and therefore would be unlikely to need the vaccine. 
“This is a no-win situation. It has diminished my faith in humanity, this whole thing… The irrationality of people in general,” Musk said
He also decried lockdowns across the globe and in the US in particular, having previously referred to them as “unethical” and “de facto house arrest.”
Musk said widespread lockdowns were a mistake and only at-risk people should quarantine “until the storm passes.”
When pressed about the risk to his own employees and their families, with Swisher asking what if someone dies, Musk pithily responded: “Everybody dies.”
“We’ve been making cars this entire time and it’s been great,” he said of Tesla keeping its factory doors open in defiance of lockdown rules, which at one point prompted an irate response from Musk and even a lawsuit against Alameda County. He added that SpaceX has been fully operational throughout the pandemic thanks to its national security clearance. 
“Through this entire thing, we didn’t skip a day. We had national security clearance because we were doing national security work. We sent astronauts to the space station and back.”
Musk also took aim at Bill Gates, highlighting that his fellow billionaire’s criticisms of lockdown skeptics are unfounded and misplaced in Musk’s case. 
“Gates said something about me not knowing what I was doing. It’s like, hey, knucklehead, we actually make the vaccine machines for CureVac, that company you’re invested in,” Musk explained, referring to the fact that Tesla manufacturers machines for CureVac. The entrepreneur also noted that he works closely with the Harvard epidemiology team which is currently working on Covid-19 antibody studies.

Corporate Media Already Pushing Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines On American Citizens

Dr. Leonard Coldwell – Functioning as the spearhead of the American Empire’s propaganda dissemination, the corporate media has already begun beating the drum for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations.
The Hegelian Dialectic goes like this: problem > reaction > solution.
The problem is obvious; the reaction is public panic; the solution is a vaccine that is not guaranteed to work but that is guaranteed to deliver dividends by the billions to pharmaceutical giants and to advance the institutional power of the social engineers under color of law.
Seizing on crises to push a pre-ordained agenda is as old as governance itself. Civil liberties proponents watched with horror as the federal government rolled out its post-9/11 control grid nearly two decades ago, complete with a newly-formed federal goon squad named Homeland Security in typical Orwellian fashion.
The post-9/11 fear and hysteria relentlessly pushed by the media provided the pretext for unprecedented power grabs by the federal authorities. 9/11, indeed, opened a Pandora’s box of opportunities for social engineers to instigate projects that they would never have been able to get away with on September 10th.
Without 9/11, the kind of wholly unethical experimentation with deeply ingrained civil liberties would have been unthinkable. The fear and hysteria that the images of the collapsing World Trade Center instilled in the mind of the public granted license to American Empire to explore the darkest recesses of the social engineers’ imaginations. And they are, indeed, dark beyond the pale.
The leadership of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) — a Washington neoconservative think tank populated by the top officers of American Empire — wrote in their 1998 report “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”:
“…The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” 
The central tenet of the report was that the US should rightly serve at the top of a “benevolent global hegemony” under which US military dominance remains unchallenged. To achieve that aim, Cheney and the other members of PNAC understood well that they would be hard-pressed to justify their planned large-scale military conquests without a “catastrophic and catalyzing” event.
On September 11, 2001, the neocons got their event. Since then, the US has become embroiled in at least 7 unending wars throughout the Middle East and Africa at a cost of $7 trillion and counting – all in the name of “fighting terror.”
Following the decades of obedience training that ensued, most Americans now passively accept invasive TSA checkpoints at airports, extrajudicial “no-fly” lists, torture (renamed “enhanced interrogation”), warrantless wiretapping a la the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act, illegal wars started without congressional approval as in Libya, and countless other transgressions by governing authorities that have gone wholly unpunished.
The Bill of Rights is all but dead. COVID-19 and the panicked submission of the population to government measures ostensibly intended to combat its spread may very well represent the Bill’s death knell.
Keen to never waste an opportunity to expand their power, the social engineers are back to their old playbook, using the Hegelian Dialectic with ruthless efficiency. Within the last couple months, mainstream publication after mainstream publication have published op-eds pushing mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for all Americans.

Heartburn Or Acid Reflux? Weirdly Enough Apple Cider Vinegar May Help

Mind Body Green – Apple cider vinegar (ACV) plays a versatile role in many people’s wellness routines. It’s a popular tool for relieving foot odor, easing dandruff, and balancing the skin’s pH, just to name a few uses.
And, while it may seem counterintuitive, some suggest apple cider vinegar may also help soothe heartburn symptoms. If so, that’s great news to the 60 million Americans who experience the gastrointestinal issue (GI) at least once a month.
However, if you’re skeptical about this tactic, you’re not alone. Putting more acid into the body when you’re suffering from reflux and heartburn can seem counterproductive (and potentially painful). We’re here to get to the bottom of this supposed natural remedy. 
Can ACV help prevent heartburn?
For a little refresher, heartburn occurs when acid from the stomach makes its way back into the esophagus. “Normally when you swallow, a band of muscle around the bottom of your esophagus called your sphincter temporarily opens to allow flow into your stomach,” naturopathic doctor Jaime Schehr N.D., R.D, says. “If the sphincter loosens or weakens, the stomach acid can flow back up into your esophagus causing a burning feeling.” In some cases, it can occur when people don’t have enough acid in the stomach
As for apple cider vinegar as a remedy, “the use of ACV to prevent heartburn depends on what the source of the heartburn is,” functional medicine doctor, Elroy Vojdani, M.D., IFMCP, says.
For example, if someone is overproducing gastric acid and has a weak esophageal sphincter, it’s likely that the acid will make its way into the throat. “So, if you introduce more acid into that environment, as comes from ACV, the heartburn is going to get worse,” Vojdani says. 
However, for the people who don’t produce enough stomach acid, “food will get into the stomach but won’t be fully broken down,” doctor of clinical nutrition Brooke Scheller, DCN, M.S., CNS, writes for mbg. “This causes fermentation and gas production that feels like too much acid but is actually due to not having enough.”  
If someone has determined, with the help of a GI doctor, their heartburn is definitely caused by too little acid, the acids in ACV could be helpful. In fact, one thesis study found “Although not statistically significant, ingestion of organic vinegar appeared to alleviate heartburn symptoms for some individuals, however, the effect seemed to last only for the first 60 to 75 minutes.” 

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