June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s Show: Justin Nobel

Friday, June 14, 2024

Hour 1: News + Open Lines 

Hour 2: Author and activist Justin Nobel joins to discuss his new book Book-PETROLEUM-238: Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret and the Grassroots Fight to Stop It.

This is a story about worker justice. This is a story about environmental justice. This is an astonishing scientific story. We live on a radioactive planet, and oil and gas happens to bring up some of Earth’s most interesting, and notorious, radioactive elements. They can be concentrated in the formation below, and further concentrated by the industry’s processes at the surface. From day one, which in the United States was 1859, the US oil and gas industry has had no good idea what to do with this waste. And so began an extraordinary campaign to get rid of it all. Modern fracking has only worsened the problem, by tapping into even more radioactive formations, bringing drilling closer to communities, and vastly increasing the amount of waste.

Justin writes on science and environment for investigative sites, literary journals and magazines like Rolling Stone and Popular Mechanics. 

Website: www.justinnobel.com

Archives for today’s show:

June 14, 2024 (hour 1)

June 14, 2024 (hour 2)

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