July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s Show: Encore of Daniel Brigman w/ William Federer & Joyce Riley w/ James Tusty

Friday, December 25th: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Hour 1: Encore of Daniel Brigman interviewing William Federer on December 24, 2018

William Federer, best selling author and nationally known speaker discusses the true origin of Santa Claus and Bill of Rights Day.


American Minute: There Really is a Santa Claus

Hour 2: Encore of Joyce Riley interviewing James Tusty on October 3, 2012

The documentary film Singing Revolution by James Tusty has touched many people with its rich history detailing how the one small country of Estonia changed their world by singing together and singing their way to freedom.

Archives for today’s show:

December 25, 2020 (hour 1)

December 25, 2020 (hour 2)

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