July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s Show: Guest host Alan Myers w/ guest Phillip Goodrich

Thursday, October 07, 2021:

Guest host: Alan Myers, forensic CPA, Money & Banking analyst, Member of Freedom Force Leadership Council.

Website: www.feded.us

Hour 1 & 2: Phillip Goodrich, author of Somersett: Benjamin Franklin and the Masterminding of American Independence, which reveals hidden truths behind the American Revolution

In the “Afterword”, Goodrich addresses “why [America] clings to racism as a national policy” and the miseducation of American youth with regard to the nation’s history of institutionalized racism. His writing adds to this national disputatious discussion on teaching race and history in grades K-12. Just recently, St. Louis Public Radio wrote, “St. Louis Teachers Say ‘Soul Of Education’ At Stake In Debate Over How To Teach History“.

Phillip Goodrich’s opinion piece “As Confederate Statues Come Down, It’s Worth Remembering That the Civil War Wasn’t the Only American Conflict Involving Slavery?” appeared in the Time Magazine. 

Archives for today’s show:

October 07, 2021 (hour 1)

October 07, 2021 (hour 2)

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