July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s Show: Guest Host George Freund w/ guest James Haarp

Monday, November 16, 2020:

Guest hosting The Power Hour today is Canadian George Freund, host of Conspiracy Cafe.

Website: www.conspiracy-cafe.com

Joining George for today’s show is James Haarp, host of Cosmic Horizons radio.

BlogTalkRadio: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/cosmichorizonsradio

Stream the show live: http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/powerhour/player/powerhourplayer.html 

Archives for today’s show:

November 16, 2020 (hour 1): Guest host George Freund

November 16, 2020 (hour 2): Guest host George Freund w/ guest James Haarp

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