July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Treason: Trump, DeVos, and Their Trained Neocon Lab Rats

This Education Week article, “Students Aren’t Lab Rats. Stop Treating Them Like They Are“, prompted me to write this response.
“It’s been decades since academic psychology took behaviorism seriously, so why is education stuck in the past?” asks Alfie Kohn in the article.
I discontinued my subscription to Education Week about ten years ago since I couldn’t stand reading about the perpetual “new this”/”new that” Pavlovian/Skinnerian “rat lab” methods which weren’t “new” at all but required “name change” in order to keep parents and teachers bewildered, at best, regarding the Pavlovian/Skinnerian training outcomes/standards/performance/results/competency/mastery learning/direct instruction education (?) landscape… necessary for implementation of what all of us are looking at today.
Regarding the influence of tax-exempt foundations, see the names of the traitors who fund Education Week.
And here is what all of us are looking at today, and which the so-called “conservative” Trump Administration, Secretary of Ed Devos, and neoconservative Trotskyites, support. Note Secretary of Ed DeVos (first row, fourth in white dress) clapping over the neoconservative victory. How sad!
Is it any wonder “they” boycotted my 39-page book “Back to Basics Reform or OBE…(*) necessary for United States Participation in a One World Socialist Government Scheduled for the Early Years of the 21st Century”(1985); “Soviets in the Classroom…” America’s Latest Education Fad (1989), the original and updated version of the deliberate dumbing down of america (1999 and 2011), and the seven dvd/one cd set “Exposing the Global Road to Ruin through Education“, all available as free downloads from this website?
Note: The Trojan Horse neoconservatives very simply upon election of President Reagan continued leftist Democrats/NEA leadership (not teachers) agenda by adopting Carnegie Corporation’s close to 100-year old agenda found in “Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies“, 1934 (“we will use the schools to change United States capitalist economic system to a planned economy and, in some instances, to take our land.”).
3D, pages 140-141: NEA’s agenda, at top, was, in 1976, according to following article in Today’s Education, run by late David Rockefeller and McGeorge Bundy, the Order of Skull and Bones/Yale University. How many classroom teachers (members of the NEA) know that?
TODAY’S EDUCATION, THE JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, CARRIED an article in the September–October 1976 edition entitled “The Seven Cardinal Principles Revisited.” On page 1 this article stated that:
In 1972, the NEA established a Bicentennial Committee charged with developing a “living commemoration of the principles of the American Revolution.” This 200th anniversary celebration of the Declaration of Independence was to focus on the next 100 years of education in an interdependent global community. The initial work of the Committee culminated in the NEA Bicentennial Idea Book. Among its ideas was that of developing a definitive volume to “contain a reframing of the Cardinal Principles of Education and recommendations for a global curriculum.” After recognizing the importance of the original Cardinal Principles, which were published in 1918, the Committee made the point that “today, those policy statements about education are obsolete, education taken as a whole is not adequate to the times and too seldom anticipates the future.” A report to be issued by the NEA, proposing cardinal premises for the twenty-first century is the direct and immediate outgrowth of the Bicentennial Committee’s belief that “educators around the world are in a unique position to bring about a harmoniously interdependent global community based on the principles of peace and justice…” Early in September 1975, a 19-member Preplanning Committee began the task of recasting the seven Cardinal Principles of Education by developing 25 guidelines for the project.
[Ed. Note: Members of the Preplanning Committee read like a “Who’s Who of Leading Globalists.” It included: former Secretary of Education T.H. Bell, “Mr. Management-by-Objectives,” who was responsible for the grant to William Spady of the Far West Laboratory to pilot OBE in Utah, with plans to “put OBE in all schools of the nation”; Professor Luvern Cunningham, Ohio State University, who subsequently served as advisor to the Kentucky Department of Education during its education restructuring in the 1990s; Willis Harman, Stanford Research Institute; Robert Havighurst, University of Chicago; Theodore Hesburgh, University of Notre Dame; Ralph Tyler, Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Science; Professor Theodore Sizer, Coalition for Essential Schools, which calls for a “less is more” curriculum and removal of graduation standards (the Carnegie Unit); David Rockefeller; Professor Benjamin Bloom, father of Mastery Learning (the international learning method); the late McGeorge Bundy of the Ford Foundation; and others.
Rockefeller and McGeorge Bundy were listed at top of Preplanning Committee.]
Go back forty-two years for one leading education change agent’s plan which matches exactly what is outlined in G-20 Education meeting.
Implications for Education,” Harold Shane described his version of the “new and additional basic skills” as follows: Certainly, cross-cultural understanding and empathy have become fundamental skills, as have the skills of human relations and intercultural rapport… the arts of compromise and reconciliation, of consensus building, and of planning for interdependence become basic…
As young people mature we must help them develop… a service ethic which is geared toward the real world… the global servant concept in which we will educate our young for planetary service and eventually for some form of world citizenship… Implicit within the “global servant” concept are the moral insights that will help us live with the regulated freedom we must eventually impose upon ourselves.
Go back twenty years for cover story published by the National Alliance of Business which carries at top of page WORK + AMERICA, under which one finds following words “The Business Force on Workforce Development, Vol 15, Issue 5 – May 1998: KNOWLEDGE SUPPLY CHAIN; MANAGING K-80 LEARNING”.
Yes, grandma and grandpa, you read that right. Go figure…

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