June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Tuesday, October 31, 2017: Elizabeth Whiter + Dr. David Magnano, DC + William Binney

Elizabeth Whiter, renowned animal complementary therapist joins to discuss pet health.  Elizabeth will share common health conditions with treatment options and dietary advice for our pet’s optimum health.
Book: You Can Heal Your Pet: The Practical Guide to Holistic Health and Veterinary Care  – May 4, 2015 by Elizabeth Whiter, Dr. Rohini Sathish MRCVS
Dr. David Magnano, DC will join this morning to share seven steps to taming gluten sensitivity.  Gluten intolerance is a problem that many people acquire mid-life because their pancreases have slowed the production of protease and amylase – two of the several enzymes needed for proper digestion of grains.  Insufficient enzyme supply is not only caused by excessive consumption of grains and other inappropriate dietary choices (like eating heated, processed and preservative-laden foods), enzyme depletion and the inability to digest gluten can also be affected by genetic predisposition and pancreatic weakness.  Dr. Magnano says “After a lifetime of consuming breads, cereals and baked goods, some people’s bodies become greatly depleted of protease and other essential digestive enzymes, so food molecules begin to enter the bloodstream without being digested and trigger a variety of immune responses including pain and inflammation and a variety of disease-like symptoms”.  Fortunately, gluten sensitivity can be successfully addressed with dietary and lifestyle changes.  
Former NSA intelligence official, William Binney, joins The power Hour to discuss the ongoing Russia investigation and recent indictments. Binney resigned from the agency and became a whistle blower after discovering that elements of a data-monitoring program he had helped develop — nicknamed ThinThread — were being used to spy on Americans.
Archives for today’s show:
October 31, 2017 (hour 1) – News
October 31, 2017 (hour 2) – Open lines + Guest Elizabeth Whiter
October 31, 2017 (hour 3) – Guest Dr. David Magnano, DC + William Binney


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