July 21, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Upcoming Guest Schedule: May 06 -10 , 2019

Note: Daniel Brigman will be away this week on some speaking engagements and will have guest hosts George Freund & Wayne Elliott to sit in for him.  

Monday, May 06, 2019:

Guest hosting The Power Hour today is Canadian George Freund, host of Conspiracy Cafe who will be discussing events around the globe.  For 20 years George has been a talk radio junkie revealing to millions upon millions the deep dark machinations of the shadow government.

Website: www.conspiracy-cafe.com

Christopher Whalen joins to share his thoughts on market trends and what he expects to see. Mr. Whalen is an investment banker and author who lives in New York City. He is Chairman of Whalen Global Advisors LLC and works as a consultant and analyst focused on the financial services, mortgage finance and related technology companies. He contributes to Zero Hedge, American Banker, Housing Wire and The National Interest.

Website: www.rcwhalen.com

Chris’ Blog on Zero Hedge: www.zerohedge.com/blogs/rcwhalen

Archives for today’s show:

May 06, 2019 (hour 1): Guest host George Freund + News

May 06 2019 (hour 2):  Guest host George Freund + R. Christopher Whalen

Tuesday, May 07, 2019:

Guest hosting The Power Hour today is Canadian George Freund, host of Conspiracy Cafe who will be discussing events around the globe.  For 20 years George has been a talk radio junkie revealing to millions upon millions the deep dark machinations of the shadow government.

Website: www.conspiracy-cafe.com

Joining George for today’s show is guest Jack Mullen.  Jack is a native of West Virginia and continues to pursue his lifelong ambition to understand the world. Jack is voracious reader and a contributing writer for Activist Post and full time writer for thegovernmentrag.com

Archives Articles for Jack Mullen:

The Government Rag: www.thegovernmentrag.com/mullen_jack_bio.html

Activist Post:  


Archives for today’s show:

May 07, 2019 (hour 1): Guest host George Freund + Jack Mullen

May 07, 2019 (hour 2): Continued w/ guest host George Freund + Jack Mullen

Wednesday, May 08, 2019:

Sitting in for Daniel Brigman today is Wayne Elliott, lifelong herbal healthcare professional and international leader in the field of waste and resource recycling will share timely information on the heart-health benefits of Strauss Heart Drops.

Check out Wayne’s personal website at www.rawmaterials.com  

** Products mentioned on today’s show are available by visiting www.thepowermall.com  or by calling 877-817-9829.

Archives for today’s show:

May 08, 2019 (hour 1): Guest host Wayne Elliott

May 08, 2019 (hour 2): Continued w/ guest host Wayne Elliott

Thursday, May 09, 2019: Rebroadcast

Dr. Cass Ingram educates on common kitchen spices, especially oregano and it’s healing powers for your emergency medicine chest and gateway to wellness!  With the threat of drug resistant germs and allergies you will want to be sure to include this powerful spice in your emergency medicine chest.

Website: www.cassingram.com

North American Herb and Spice products are available at The Power Mall or by calling 877-817-9829

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, whistleblower, freelance writer, and former senior policy advisor to the U.S. Department of Education joins The Power Hour today to share her thoughts on how to save America at the local level. In her bestselling book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America Charlotte has exposed how changes gradually brought into the American public education system work to eliminate the influences of a child’s parents, and mold the child in preparation for a socialist-collectivist world of the future.





Archives for today’s show:

May 09, 2019 (hour 1): Replay of Dr. Cass Ingram

May 09, 2019 (hour 2): Replay of Charlotte Iserbyt

Friday, May 10, 2019:

Guest hosting The Power Hour today is Canadian George Freund, host of Conspiracy Cafe who will be discussing events around the globe.  For 20 years George has been a talk radio junkie revealing to millions upon millions the deep dark machinations of the shadow government.

Website: www.conspiracy-cafe.com

Joining George today is former Army Officer Scott Bennett.

Website: www.shellgamewhistleblower.com

Scott’s Book: “SHELL GAME” A Military Whistleblowing Report to Congress Available at: www.lulu.com/spotlight/shellgame

Archives for today’s show:

May 10, 2019 (hour 1): Guest host George Freund + Scott Bennett

May 10, 2019 (hour 2): Continued w/ guest host George Freund + Scott Bennett

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